
Practice WorkbookThis workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy. The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (

This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader. It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

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Templates - Defining End ConditionsThis hands-on training teaches how

This workbook contains exercises to...

Create from scratch a simple multiple slope side slope solution.

Modify a Multi-Slope Cut and Fill Solution to include a Cut Ditch adjacent to the hinge.

Build a Constant Width/Varying Slope Clear Zone

Build a Wall End Condition

Create a Solution that ties into the terrain at the Right of Way Line.

This hands-on training teaches how to create and make major modifications to template side slopes (end conditions). This training focuses on the side slopes connecting the template hinge to the tie down point. You will learn how to create end conditions with multiple cut and fill slope solutions, cut slopes with a ditch adjacent to the hinge, walls, and forced right-of-way solutions.


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Getting Started

This course is appropriate for any of the Bentley civil software applications powered by OpenRoads Technology including...


Power InRoads or InRoads

Bentley MX ROAD

PowerCivil for {country}

Dataset Units

Both Imperial and Metric versions of the dataset are available. Throughout this practice workbook Imperial values are specified first and the metric values second. The metric values are enclosed in square brackets. For example: 12’ [3.4m]


This class assumes that you have a working understanding of templates, including Testing End Conditions. These topics are covered in the Templates - Using and Editing class.

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Build a Multi-slope End Condition

In this section, we will ….

Launch the software in the Bentley-Civil Workspace and open the class template library.

Build a Multi-slope End Condition targeting the Active Terrain.

1. Launch InRoads, GEOPAK, or MX (or their respective Power versions).

2. Open the Templates.dgn file in the appropriate workspace:

User: examples

Project: Bentley-Civil-Imperial [Bentley-Civil-Metric]

Interface: Bentley-Civil

The Bentley-Civil workspace is delivered with the software as a fully configured environment ready for immediately use in a production environment. All Bentley Civil training uses this workspace. To use this workspace, the User and Project Settings in the MicroStation File Open dialog must be selected as described above.

Note: the datafiles can be installed anywhere. This book assume the files are in C:\Bentley Training\End Conditions\.

3. Open the Create Template dialog by clicking Tasks > Civil Tools > Corridor Modeling > Corridor Creation > Create Template

The Create Template dialog opens the Template Library designated by the CIVIL_ROADWAY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY environmental variable:

1. In the Create Template dialog File menu, select Open

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2. Browse to and select the project template library in the class data folder: Defining Side Slopes.itl [Defining Side Slopes - Metric.itl].

Note: Unless the CIVIL_ROADWAY_TEMPLATE_LIBRARY workspace variable is changed, you will have to open the project template library manually every time you open the software.

The templates we create are not just about geometry. Corridor Modeling gives the components and points a longitudinal dimension; they become the permanent model which has a very long shelf life and gets passed to many people. The components and 3D linestrings need to have valid Information Modeling value. In this class we will build Templates with 1) good geometry and 2) good Information Modeling.

Create a Multiple-Slope Solution targeting the Active Terrain

1. Right-click on the template library object, click New > Template.

2. In the new template name, type Cut and Fill.

Create the Cut_1:2 End Condition Component.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut_1:2 for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

c. Set the Priority to 5.

d. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

e. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the Cut_1:2 Point

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1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Select a Point Name of HINGE.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Hinge.

c. Select the Precision Input Mode of xy=

d. Type 0,0 and click the Enter key.

The Hinge point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the cursor, awaiting the next point.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Select a Point Name of Cut.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_CutLine.

f. Edit the Point Name to Cut_1:2.

This added information allow hovering over the resulting 3D linestring and seeing the slope.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 20,50% [5,50%] and click the Enter key.

The Cut_1:2 point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

i. Fit and adjust the Current Template Window if necessary.

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j. Right-click in the Current Template Window and select Finish.

Test the Template

1. Click the Test button.

2. In the Available Targets list, click <Active>-Terrain Model.

3. Click the Draw button.

4. Move the cursor in the Current Template Window.

5. Verify the template works when in Cut.

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Create the Cut_1:4 End Condition Component.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut_1:4 for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

c. Set the Priority to 2.

d. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

e. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the Cut_1:4 Point

1. Click on the Hinge point.

This merges the starting points of the two end condition components, forming an End Condition “tree”. Solutions are sought for each “branch”, starting with the branch with the highest Priority (having the lowest number). The component “rubberbands” indicating it is ready for the next point in the component.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

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d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Type a Point Name of Cut_1:4.

f. Set the Point Style to Grade_Cutline.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 16,25% [4,25%] and click the Enter key.

The Cut_1:4 point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

i. Right-click in the Current Template Window and select Finish.

Test the Template

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1. Click the Test button.

2. In the Available Targets list, click <Active>-Terrain Model.

3. Click the Draw button.

4. Move the cursor in the Current Template Window.

5. Verify the template solves for Cut properly: the 1:4 Slope only solves up to 16 ft [4 m] wide.

Create the Fill_1:2 End Condition Component.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

j. Type Fill_1:2 for Name.

k. Set the Feature to Grade_Fill.

l. Set the Priority to 8.

m.Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

n. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place a Fill Shoulder Point

Our 50% Fill Slope will be preceded by a flat shoulder to provide a crash recovery zone.

1. Click on the Hinge point.

This merges the starting points of the two end condition components, forming an End Condition “tree”.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box - we do not want to look for the surface until the next segment.

The Place Point at Intersection box is disabled.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

d. Type a Point Name of FILL_Berm.

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e. Set the Point Style to Grade_Berm.

f. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

g. Type 12,-10% [3,-10%] and click the Enter key.

The Fill_Berm point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

Place the Fill_1:2 Point

3. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Type a Point Name of FILL_1:2.

f. Set the Point Style to Grade_FillLine.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 10,-50% [3,-50%] and click the Enter key.

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The Fill_1:2 point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

i. Right-click in the Current Template Window and select Finish.

Test the Template

1. Click the Test button.

2. In the Available Targets list, click <Active>-Terrain Model.

3. Click the Draw button.

4. Move the cursor in the Current Template Window.

5. Verify that the Fill Component does not solve during the flat shoulder/berm segment, but does solve in the -50% segment.

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Create the Fill_1:4 End Condition Component.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

j. Type Fill_1:4 for Name.

k. Set the Feature to Grade_Fill.

l. Set the Priority to 3.

m.Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

n. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the Fill_1:4 Point

1. Click on the Hinge point.

Ensure that the points merge.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Type a Point Name of Fill_1:4.

f. Set the Point Style to Grade_Fill.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 16,-25% [4,-25%] and click the Enter key.

The Fill_1:4 point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

i. Right-click in the Current Template Window and select Finish.

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Test the Template

1. Click the Test button.

2. In the Available Targets list, click <Active>-Terrain Model.

3. Click the Draw button.

4. Move the cursor in the Current Template Window.

5. Verify the template solves for Cut and Fill properly: flatter components before the steeper ones.

6. Save the Template Library.

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Create a Multi-Slope Cut and Fill Solution with a Cut Ditch adjacent to the Hinge

In this section, we will ….

Create an Cut End Condition that has a Cut Ditch adjacent to the hinge.

Add Parametric Labels so that the Ditch geometry can be changed along Corridors

Copy and Rename an otherwise-suitable End Condition template.

Delete the Incorrect Components, Merge the New Ditch Component and Verify that it works correctly.

1. Right-click on the template library object, click New > Template.

2. In the new template name, type Cut Ditch - Interior.

Create the Cut Ditch End Condition Solution.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut_1:2 for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

c. Set the Priority to 8.

d. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

e. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the Ditch Portion

Our Ditch will be preceded by a flat shoulder to provide a crash recovery zone.

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1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Select a Point Name of HINGE.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Hinge.

c. Select the Precision Input Mode of xy=

d. Type 0,0 and click the Enter key.

The Hinge point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the cursor, awaiting the next point.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box - we do not want to look for the surface until after the ditch is drawn.

The Place Point at Intersection box is disabled.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

d. Select a Point Name of DITCH_TOP.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_DitchTop

e. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

f. Type 8,-10% [2,-10%] and click the Enter key.

The Ditch Top point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

3. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, the “targeting options” will remain the same:

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box - we do not want to look for the surface until after the ditch is drawn.

The Place Point at Intersection box is disabled.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

d. Select a Point Name of DITCH_FORESLOPE.

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The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Ditch_Foreslope

e. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

f. Type 6,-1/3 [2,-1/3] and click the Enter key.

The Ditch Foreslope point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

4. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, the “targeting options” will remain the same:

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box - we do not want to look for the surface until after the ditch is drawn.

The Place Point at Intersection box is disabled.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

d. Select a Point Name of DITCH_BOT.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_DitchBottom.

e. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

f. Type 4,0 [1.5,0] and click the Enter key.

The Ditch Bottom point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

5. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, the “targeting options” will remain the same:

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box - we do not want to look for the surface until after the ditch is drawn.

The Place Point at Intersection box is disabled.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

d. Select a Point Name of DITCH_BACKSLOPE.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Ditch_Foreslope

e. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

f. Type 6,1/3 [2,1/3] and click the Enter key.

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The Ditch Backslope point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

The Ditch Bottom point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

6. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, change the interception settings to an infinite targeting point:

a. Set the Check for Intersection box - we now want to find the terrain.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Select a Point Name of CUT.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_CutLine

f. Provide a more descriptive Point Name (type Cut_1:2 or Cutline w Ditch (whichever seems more clear to you or your team)).

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 3,50% [3,50%] and click the Enter key.

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The final daylight point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point. Note that the drawn length is irrelevant to the engineering since the End Condition is Infinite box is set.

Test the Template

1. Click the Test button.

2. In the Available Targets list, click <Active>-Terrain Model.

3. Click the Draw button.

4. Move the cursor in the Current Template Window.

5. Verify the template solves only during the final 50% Cut segment

Add Parametric Constraints to the Ditch Geometry so that it might be Controlled by Corridors

Ditch geometry varies not only from project to project and from ditch to ditch within a project, but may often vary along the length of the ditch. An oversized ditch takes up a lot of width. Defining Parametric Constraints on the Ditch Points allows shrinking or expanding the ditch to meet minimum hydraulic requirements while taking up the least amount of footprint. Corridors can adjust these Parameters station by station.

1. Double-click the DITCH_FORESLOPE point.

2. In the Point Properties dialog

a. Type Ditch_Foreslope_Slope for the Slope Constraint Value.

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b. Type Ditch_Foreslope_Width for the Horizontal Constraint Value.

c. Click Apply.

d. Close the dialog.

3. Double-click the DITCH_BOT point.

4. In the Point Properties dialog

a. Type Ditch_Bottom_Slope for the Slope Constraint Value.

b. Type Ditch_Bottom_Width for the Horizontal Constraint Value.

c. Click Apply.

d. Close the dialog.

5. Double-click the DITCH_FORESLOPE point.

6. In the Point Properties dialog

a. Type Ditch_Backslope_Slope for the Slope Constraint Value.

b. Type Ditch_Backslope_Width for the Horizontal Constraint Value.

c. Click Apply.

d. Close the dialog.

We will not do so here, but if you think the interior berm might vary along the corridor, Parametric Labels may be added for the DITCH_TOP point.

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Copy, Rename and Prepare the “Full” End Treatment

1. Right-click on the Cut and Fill template, click Copy.

2. Right-click on the Cut and Fill template, click Paste.

3. Right-click on the new Cut and Fill1 template, click Rename.

4. Type Fill and Cut with Ditch.

5. Double-click it to make it the Current Template.

6. Delete the 50% Cut component (right-click on it, select Delete Component).

Drag in the Cut Ditch and Test

1. Click on the Cut Ditch Interior template, drag it into the Fill and Cut with Ditch template.

2. Make sure the hinges merge.

3. Test the template.

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Priority Conflicts

1. If the Priorities were typed in as per the workbook’s instruction, an occasional result of a merge will occur here: component having the same Priority:

If you do not get this dialog, Test normally. Verify that the template solves as intended.

2. If you get the Priority Conflict dialog, click OK to continue.

3. In the Test End Conditions dialog, click the Check Priorities button.

The End Condition Priorities dialog lists all the Points with End Condition Components with identical priorities.

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4. Click Edit.

The Fix Priorities dialog lists all the components starting from the point and their priorities.

5. Change the Priority of the Cut Ditch Interior to something other than 1, 2 or 8.

6. Click OK to accept the change and close the dialog.

7. Close the End Condition Priorities dialog.

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8. Test the template.

9. Save the Template Library.

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Build a Constant Width/Varying Slope Clear Zone

In this section, we will ….

Create an Cut End Condition that has a Cut Ditch adjacent to the hinge

Copy and Rename an otherwise-suitable End Condition template

Delete the Incorrect Components, Merge the New Ditch Component and Verify that it works correctly.

1. Right-click on the template library object, click New > Template.

2. Rename the new template to ClearZone.

3. Double-click the ClearZone template to make it active.

Create the ClearZone_Cut End Condition Component.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

e. Type ClearZone_Cut for Name.

f. Set the Feature to Grade_ClearZone.

g. Set the Priority to 5.

h. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

i. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the non-seeking Clear Zone width Point

1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

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a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Select a Point Name of HINGE.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Hinge.

c. Select the Precision Input Mode of xy=

d. Type 0,0 and click the Enter key.

The Hinge point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the cursor, awaiting the next point.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to go horizontally to the full Clear Zone width, without seeking:

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box.

This disables the Place Point at Intersection box.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Set the Do Not Construct box.

d. Select a Point Name of DNC.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Draft_DNC (DNC is old term meaning Do Not Construct).

e. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

f. Type 18,0 [6,0] and click the Enter key.

The non-constructing point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

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g. Note that the line segment is not drawn from the Hinge to the DNC. This is due to Do Not Construct setting on the DNC point.

Place the Point that Targets the Ground in Cut

1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to target the ground, but only in a limited range:

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Select a Point Name of CLEARZONE_CUT.

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The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_CutLine.

f. Select the Precision Input Mode of dl= (delta).

g. Type 0,3 [0,1] and click the Enter key.

h. Right-click in the Current Template Window and select Finish.

The “surface segment” runs directly between the HINGE and the CLEARZONE_CUT point.

i. Test the template.

The template should solve to the Clear width only between “level” and a 1:3 Cut slope.

Create the ClearZone_Fill End Condition Component.

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This is identical to the ClearZone Cut solution, with the exception of the seek direction.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

j. Type ClearZone_Fill for Name.

k. Set the Feature to Grade_ClearZone.

l. Set the Priority to 6.

m.Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

n. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the non-seeking Clear Zone width Point

1. Place a point at the Hinge point, ensuring a merge.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to go horizontally to the full Clear Zone width, without seeking:

a. Clear the Check for Intersection box.

This disables the Place Point at Intersection box.

b. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

c. Set the Do Not Construct box.

d. Select a Point Name of DNC.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Draft_DNC (DNC is old term meaning Do Not Construct).

e. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

f. Type 18,0 [6,0] and click the Enter key.

The non-constructing point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

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g. Note that the line segment is not drawn from the Hinge to the DNC. This is due to Do Not Construct setting on the DNC point.

Place the Point that Targets the Ground in Cut

1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to target the ground, but only in a limited range:

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Clear the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Select a Point Name of CLEARZONE_FILL.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_FillLine.

f. Select the Precision Input Mode of dl= (delta).

g. Type 0,-3 [0,-1] and click the Enter key.

h. Right-click in the Current Template Window and select Finish.

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The “surface segment” runs directly between the HINGE and the CLEARZONE_FILL point.

i. Test the template.

The template should solve to the Clear width only between a 1:3 Cut slope and a 1:3 Fill slope.

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Create a Solution that Adds a Cut Wall when it Encounters a 2D Wall Feature

In this section, we will ….

Create a Cut End Condition that draws a Wall when it encounters a 2D Wall Feature

Add a Wall Shape to the Wall Solution

Assemble a Template that solves for Cut with and without a wall feature

Wall, when used along a Corridor, tend to be intermittent features. We will build a cut template that ties into the active terrrain at a (maximum) slope if it does not find a 2D wall feature. If it does, it will draw the (maximum) slope to the horizontal location of the 2D wall feature and then draw a near-vertical wall face segment to the active terrain.

1. Right-click on the template library object, click New > Template.

2. Rename the new template Cut Wall.

Create the End Condition Component that Seeks the Wall Feature.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut Wall for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

c. Set the Priority to 3.

d. Set the Target Type to Feature Definition Horizontal.

e. Set the Feature Definition to Struc_WallPerch.

We have just instructed our component to target the horizontal location of any feature with a Feature Definition of Struc_WallPerch.

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Place the Hinge and Wall Perch Points

1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Select a Point Name of HINGE.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Hinge.

c. Select the Precision Input Mode of xy=

d. Type 0,0 and click the Enter key.

The Hinge point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the cursor, awaiting the next point.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to infinitely seek and place a point if we find the wall feature:

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

e. Select a Point Name of WALL_PERCH.

f. Set the Point Style to Struc_WallPerch.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 5,50% [2,50%] and click the Enter key.

i. Right-click to Finish adding to the component.

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3. Test the component.

a. In the Available Targets list, click Struc_WallHoriz-Feature.

b. Click Draw.

c. Move the cursor and observe that the slope ends at the horizontal location of the feature.

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Create the End Condition Component that Seeks the Active Terrain.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut Wall Face for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Structure_Wall

c. Set the Priority to 3.

d. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

e. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

We have just instructed our component to target the Active Terrain.

3. Place a point at the Hinge point, ensuring a merge.

4. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to infinitely seek and place a point at the active terrain:

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

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e. Select a Point Name of WALL_TOP.

f. Set the Point Style to Struc_WallTop.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of dl=

h. Type 0.01,5 [0.01,3] and click the Enter key.

Note that vertical delta of 0.01. Exact Vertical faces cause challenges in terrain triangulation routines and should be avoided.

i. Right-click to Finish adding to the component.

5. Test the template.

6. Save the Template Library.

Add a Wall Shape to the Wall Solution

End Condition Components cannot be closed shapes, but closed shapes must be used for volumes purposes. In this next section we will add a previously-created wall shape to the Wall End Condition.

1. Review the Wall Shape template in the Components folder.

2. Move the WALL_TOP point and observe the results.

3. Double-click the Cut Wall template to make it Current and Editable.

4. Click on the Wall Shape template and drag it into the Cut Wall template.

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5. Make sure the WALL_PERCH points merge.

Next we need to have the Wall Structure top be controlled by the End Condition point.

6. Right-click the top front point of the wall shape, WALL_TOP1. Click Add Constraint > Vertical.

Note: any point dragged in that has a name duplicated in the Current Template will have a suffix added to maintain unique point names.

7. At the “DB: Select Parent Point, RST: Exit” prompt, click the Wall_Top point.

8. Set the Vertical Offset to 0.

9. Click OK.

10. Test the template.

The wall shape should adjust with wall face component. Note that the shape is always showing when it should be dependent on the end condition success.

We need to make the Wall Shape component a child of the Wall Face End Condition. This way the wall shape will not show unless a cut wall is needed.

1. Double-click on the Struc_Wall component (the wall shape).

2. In the Component Properties dialog,

a. select Cut Wall Face as the Parent Component.

b. Click Apply.

c. Close the dialog.

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3. Test the template.

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Create a Solution that ties into the terrain at the Right of Way Line

In this section, we will ….

Create a Cut End Condition that ties into the active Terrain at the Right of Way Line

Create a Cut End Condition component that ties into the active Terrain at 50%

Provide a Cut solution that ties in at 50% or at the Right of Way line if the ROW lines is inside the 1:2 Cut Daylight line.

Sometimes the allowable limits of construction lie within the steepest standard allowable slope. For example, tying in directly to the Right of Way line may be required when the 50% slope solution is exceeded. In this section we will build a template that

solves for a 50% cut slope, unless

the 50% cut slope lies outside the ROW line, then

it will solve directly from the Hinge to the surface at the Right of Way line

The way to solve for this, in End Condition logic, is:

Seek a solution where the ROW feature exists and the surface lies above the 50% cut line

If that fails, solve with a regular 50% cut solution.

1. Right-click on the template library object, click New > Template.

2. Rename the new template Forced ROW.

Create the ROW Solution. First, add the End Condition Component seeking the ROW horizontal location.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

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2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Check_for_ROW for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

Note that this Component will not show up in the final model: choose Names and Feature Definitions that “self-document” their purpose.

c. Set the Priority to 2.

d. Set the Target Type to Feature Definition Horizontal.

e. Set the Feature Definition to Geom_ROW.

We have just instructed our component to target the horizontal location of any feature with a Feature Definition of Geom_ROW. If the component fails to find a ROW line, there is no right of way line, the component and the component “branch” fail.

Place the Hinge and ROW_Horiz Points

1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Select a Point Name of HINGE.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_Hinge.

c. Select the Precision Input Mode of xy=

d. Type 0,0 and click the Enter key.

The Hinge point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the cursor, awaiting the next point.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog, we want to infinitely seek and place a point if we find the wall feature:

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Set the Do Not Construct box.

e. Select a Point Name of ROW_at 1:2.

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f. Set the Point Style to Grade_Cutline.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

h. Type 5,50% [2,50%] and click the Enter key.

i. Right-click to Finish adding to the component.

Now add the End Condition Component seeking the Active Terrain above the 50% line at the ROW location. If this component is activated it means that the ROW line was found. If this component fails to find the existing ground, then it means the surface is below the 50% slope threshold.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut_At_ROW for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

c. Set the Priority to 2.

d. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

e. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

We have just instructed our component to target the active terrain above the 50% slope (= steeper than 50%).

Place the Hinge and Cut_ROW Points

1. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Place a Point at the ROW_at 1:2 point.

2. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Set the Check for Intersection box.

b. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

c. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

d. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

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e. Select a Point Name of Cut_ROW.

f. Set the Point Style to Grade_Cutline.

g. Select the Precision Input Mode of dl=

h. Type 0,2 [0,2] and click the Enter key.

i. Right-click to Finish adding to the component.

Add a Component between the Hinge and the CUT_ROW Point.

Because the ROW_HORIZ point is set to Do Not Construct, neither End Condition will display because only one point in each is drawn. We will add a Component between the Hinge and CUT_ROW point.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > Unconstrained.

2. In the Current Component frame:

a. Type Cut_to_ROW for Name.

b. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

3. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Place a Point at the HINGE point.

c. Place a Point at the CUT_ROW point.

d. Right-click to Finish adding to the component.

4. Double-click on the Cut_to_ROW component.

5. For Parent Component, select the Cut_at_ROW component.

We want to make the display of the Grading component conditional on the success of the ROW solutions.

6. Test the template.

Create the Cut_1:2 End Condition Component.

1. Right-click in the Current Template window or click the Add menu and select Add New Component > End Condition.

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2. In the Current Component frame:

e. Type Cut_1:2 for Name.

f. Set the Feature to Grade_Cut.

g. Set the Priority to 5.

h. Set the Target Type to Terrain Model.

i. Set the Terrain Model to <Active>.

Place the Cut_1:2 Point

3. In the Dynamic Settings dialog,

a. Ensure that the Apply Affixes box is clear.

b. Place a Point at the HINGE point.

The component is “drawn” from the Hinge to the cursor, awaiting the next point.

c. Set the Check for Intersection box.

d. Set the Place Point at Intersection box.

e. Set the End Condition is Infinite box.

f. Clear the Do Not Construct box.

g. Select a Point Name of Cut.

The Point Style should automatically be set to Grade_CutLine.

h. Edit the Point Name to Cut_1:2.

i. Select the Precision Input Mode of hs=

j. Type 8,50% [3,50%] and click the Enter key.

The Cut_1:2 point is placed and the component is “drawn” to the new cursor position, awaiting the next point.

k. Right-click to Finish adding to the component.

4. Test the template. Verify that it solves in all cut situations:

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Cut - No ROW Feature

Cut at 50% with ROW to the outside of the daylight

Cut at the Surface at the ROW feature, inside the 50% daylight point.

Optional: to make this template more easily used at other “Maximum” Slopes (such as 1:1):

1. Edit the CUT Point and ROW_HORIZ points: Type Max_Slope for the Slope Constraint Label.

2. Verify by changing the value of the Max_Slope Parametric Constraint and Testing the template.

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