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TeleMedIS - A Success Story

”A short resume from the project Telemedicin Israel Sweden”

SIBED II Kick-Off Meeting

Telecom Israel 2006

TelAviv, Israel

6th of November 2006

Sven Jonsson, R&D Engineer, Karolinska University hospital

Ofer Atzmon, Business Development Manager, Tadiran LifeCare

Project co-financed by:

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TeleMedIS – Project Partners


Tadiran Spectralink (LifeCare Div.) – Wireless monitoring

solutions provider


Karolinska University Hospital – Largest hospital in Sweden

TeliaSonera - Largest telecom operator in Scandinavia

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(SEK billion per year)300

2005 2015



Care of the elderly

We are getting



Number of people 65+


2005 2015





– and more


Medical care

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TeleMedISAnytime, anywhere monitoring of vital signs:

Pulse, Pulse Oximetry, ECG

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Engineering trials

• Communication tests

• Reliability tests

• Security and safety tests

• Interoperability tests

Usability tests

Clinical trials

Market Study


TeleMedIS – Project Goals

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TeleMedIS history

• 15-17/9-2003, Face to face meeting at TTeC 2003 in Tromsö

• 15/3-2004, First SIBED Application project Meeting

• 22/3-2004, Applied for first round of the SIBED program

• 11/6-2004, Applied for final round of the SIBED program

• 21/6-2004, Vinnova Hearing of project TeleMedIS-Swedish side

• 3/9-2004, Decision for launching TeleMedIS project.

• 1/1-2005, Start of activities of the TeleMedIS project.

15 Sept -03 15 March -04

22 March -04

11 June -04

21 June -04

3 Sept -04 1 Jan -05 25 Oct -06

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Figure 5: Project Work Plan

2004 2005 2006

Partner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

WP1 Adjustment & Engineering Trials

WP1.1 Requirements Specifications KUS, SPL, TS

WP1.2 TMW adjustment for testbed & testing SPL, KUS,TS

WP1.3 TP adjustment for test bed& testing KUS, SPL,TS

WP1.4 System Integration KUS, SPL, TS

WP1.5 System Testing and Verification KUS, SPL, TS

WP1.6 Engineering Trials KUS, SPL, TS

WP2 Clinical Trials and Evaluation

WP2.1 Clinical trials Preparation KUS, SPL

WP2.2 Training KUS, SPL

WP2.3 Clinical Trials in Hospital KUS, SPL

WP2.4 Clinical Trials at outside hospital KUS, SPL

WP2.5 Evaluation of the result KUS, SPL

WP3 Commercialization

WP3.1 User Needs Analysis KUS, SPL, TS

WP3.2 Market Analysis KUS, SPL, TS

WP3.3 Commercialization planning KUS, SPL, TS

WP4 Project Management

WP4.1 Project Planning KUS, SPL,TS

WP4.2 Agreement KUS, SPL,TS

WP4.3 TeleMedIS Website KUS, SPL,TS

WP4.4 Project Monitoring KUS, SPL,TS

TeleMedIS Timeplan

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Start up Meeting, TeleMedISTelAviv, Israel, 050117

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Facts about TeleMedIS

• 18 (22) month of project duration

• 24 Deliverables to Vinnova/Matimop

• 38 Persons involved in activities

• 21 Karolinska, 9 Tadiran, 8 TeliaSonera

• Co-financed from Matimop and Vinnova

• Tadiran Spectralink 292 500 Euro.

• Karolinska University hospital 272 367 Euro

• TeliaSonera 50 000 Euro

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Main Accomplishments

Successful cross-country system integration

Successful testbed trials:

• engineering trials

• usability trials

• clinical trials

Market awareness to our solution

System ready for commercialization

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Outcomes of TeleMedIS

Triple Helix cooperation was strenghened through

participation in scientific congresses / conferences:

• Universities,

• Business world,

• Public sector

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Scientific presentations TeleMedIS (1)

• International Conference NBC 2005,Nordic Baltic Conference in BioMedical Engineering, in Umeå,13-15/6 2005.

• Sven Jonsson presented ”Wearable Mobile Technology for Healthcare: The Evolution of TeleMedIS A Cellular-Based Mobile-Health System in Sweden”.

• Rustam Nabiev presented ”TeleMed HC -Gap Analysis Business Impact of MDA on Telemedicine Healthcare Solution”.

• Naveed Ahsan Tariq presented ”Comparison of Model Driven Architecture (MDA) based tools using TeleMedicine Healthcare System”.

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Scientific presentations TeleMedIS (2)

• Annual meeting for the Swedish Society of Medicine, in the section for biomedical engineering and medical physics, 30/11 2005.

• Heikki Teriö presented: ”TeleMedIS eHealth system for distance monitoring of heart patients in Swedish healthcare”.

• ATA 2006 conference in San Diego California USA, 4-10 May.

• The project presented ”TeleMedIS- A Cellular Based Mobile-Health System in Sweden”.

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Scientific presentations TeleMedIS (3)

•TTeC 2006 in Trömsö, Norway,12-14 june

• Sven Jonsson presented ”TeleMedIS: A Novel Mobile-Health System in Sweden”

• World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 in Seoul, Korea, 27 august until 1 september.

• Sven Jonsson presented ”Technology for Wireless Remote Monitoring of COPD Patients Is it reliable?”

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Outcomes of TeleMedIS

• The project alignment, design and results have stimulated the

business world and the biomedical industry for further

cooperation with Karolinska and the public sector.

• In product development

• In research

• In commercialization.

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Outcomes of TeleMedIS – Testbed role (1)

By using testbed environment at Karolinska, project partners have jointly improved:

• Development phase• Evaluation phase• Commercialization phase

for a new product and service within the area of telemedicine/e-Health.

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Outcomes of TeleMedIS – Testbed role (2)

• Testbed environment at Karolinska

has enabled project partners to get

broader and more in-depth scientific

expirience and knowledge within the

area of telemedicine and clinical trials

of telemedicine solutions.

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TeleMedIS A Success Story

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Sven JonssonR&D EngineerKarolinska University HospitalTel: +46-70-4848722

Mail: [email protected]

Ofer AtzmonBusiness Development Manager Tadiran LifeCare Div.

Tel: +972-52-2451771Mail: [email protected]

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