Download - Teh Radness #009


Tag Heuer presents Steve McQueen VS Lewis Hamilton… ‘The Duel’. Interesting idea but I think Lewis should stick to losing to Mark Webber (oh, snap!) instead of shitty acting.

A statistical analysis of who’s using Twitter and how.

An amazing shared photo blog. No words. Just a great random picture added daily.

The most clever banner ad ever or a complete waste of time? Click away and decide for yourself…

There I Fixed It shows just how ingenious humans can be when they need to get something done. Like cooking 20+ sausages at once, or transporting a huge ladder on a bicycle. Der!!

The Michael Jackson web tributes begin… Billy Tweets generates the lyrics to Billie Jean using words pulled from Twitter feeds. Nice.

Random photos of old people. Still so full of life.

Band, Concave Scream, put together a stunning interactive site to help launch their album. ‘Soundtrack for a Book’ consists of data visualizations of the front covers of 50 all-time classic books brought to life and mashed-up with the soundtracks from the new LP.

Here is an in-depth look at the making of the Cannes Grand Prix winning film ‘Carousel’ for Philips.

The Top 250 Best Movies Of All Time Map.

Feel the Twitter love between Coke and Pepsi. Lots of love on social networks.

Impressive campaign from W+K Portland for Levi’s… Go Forth is a rally cry for the youth of America to continue changing the world just like their forefathers set out to do. Watch the ads here and here.

Nothing is as awesome as Eternal Moonwalk. You just can’t stop watching.

Inspirational idea finder. Type a word and let this site do the rest.

Understanding the popularity of Post Secret.

One proposition, over 200 headlines. Extreme copywriting. I wonder which one the client liked…?

Check out MTV’s new brand look and feel, including indents and promos.

How to make a chocolate cake in a mug in 5 minutes. Instant goodness, zero fuss. BOOM!

The Big Picture showcase a series of photos from this years Glastonbury Music Festival. Get dirty!

The 50 Greatest Movie trailers of all time. The art of selling storys in a few minutes in full effect!

A look at what cigarette packets might look like in the not to distant future…

Pittsburgh based music artist Girl Talk takes sampling to new levels. His latest album smashes over 300 samples in 50 minutes. Here is a visual chart showing the breakdown of just ONE track…

This vodka packaging is so Russian mobster kitsch but strangely, kinda badass.

Awesome awesome awesome website promoting the Jacques Tati festival . So much for film fans to see and experience and learn here.

Syfy (cable channel) launches it’s new promo called ‘House of Imagination’ featuring a heap of familiar faces and awesome visual effects. I really love this.

Clever bus stop campaign for domestic violence that detects when you’re not looking and changes. “It happens when nobody is watching”

Cute little video by Nike showing the evolution of the Air Max into their modern creation… Nike Air Maxim 1

Beautiful animated short for 42Below called Onedreamrush by Universal Everything.

INSANE. INSANE!!! Take a virtual tour through Michael Jackson's personal arcade. WOW!!!!

Dear Old Love allows you to post short notes to people you love, or lost…

SBS kills it with their Tour De France website. Follow all the action with in-depth details and track it live.

I want one of those guns.

Fancy Fast Food. Yeah, its still bad for you but see how good it can look?

A compilation of 80’s arcade posters. Sweeeeeeeet!

I dunno how the hell this thing works but it is sick!

The next time you’re sitting through a Hollywood Blockbuster wanting to kill yourself for buying the ticket in the first place… remember this article.

Robogeisha… completely nuts!

Another fantastic augmented reality app for iPhone. The future is rad.

Acquire A Cappella from UC Santa Cruz singing an a cappella cover of the Lonely Island's "I'm On A Boat". Are choirs teh nu cool? RESPECT!

Nike Livestrong. Real world thoughts expressed through digital social media converted to real world messages. Fantastic.



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