
Teen Succeed

Project By: Erin Fleming


TIME: Spring 2014

TEEN SUBJECT: Amanda Benson


Introduction For my teen succeed project, I took pictures of

Amanda Benson working out at the YMCA.

Amanda goes through her exercises that are

given to her by her physical therapist to help

strengthen her shoulder. It is Amanda’s

responsibility to do these exercises in order to

completely recover from her injury. Amanda is

very active in school and sports teams, so these

exercises are very important for her to


Ex. Of Arm Exercise This is Amanda’s first

exercise. She keeps

her elbow to the side

of her stomach and

moves her forearm

while pulling a

resistance band. This

helps improve and

strengthen the motion

of just her shoulder.

She does three sets of

fifteen on each arm.

Push-up Amanda can only do a small

amount of push-ups because

her shoulder can only handle

so much. As she keeps

working out, the amount she is

doing is increasing every time.

She is improving her strength

while she does push-ups.

Ex. Of Medicine Ball Exercise Amanda is moving her arms

up and down with a 8lb

medicine ball. She has her

legs at a 45° and her back

flat on the ground. This

exercise strengthens your

abs, arms, and shoulders

while also improving

motion in your shoulders.

Amanda does three sets of

ten for this exercise.


The cherry-picker is when you

move you legs like you are

riding a bike and move the

weighted ball you see in the

picture side to side. This

exercise strengthens the core

and also your arms if you have a

weight, like Amanda. Amanda

does two sets of forty-five

seconds of this exercise.

Single Leg Dead Lifts Amanda does this

exercise with both

arms. She has a 10lb

dumbbell in one

hand, and the other

arm and knee on the

bench. She lifts the

weight up and down

for three sets of

fifteen on each arm.


Amanda is doing

three sets of fifteen

lunges with a fifteen

pound dumbbell. This

exercises helps

strengthen her arms,

legs, and core.

Lat pull downs These pictures show

Amanda doing lat pull

downs. She pulls the

bar down and slowly

brings lets it back up.

Amanda usually has

the weight of this

machine between 20-

30lbs. She does two

sets of fifteen. This

works Amanda’s arms

and shoulders.

Ex. Of Leg


This exercise strengthens Amanda’s

legs and core. Amanda pushes her

foot back with resistance of about a

30-40lbs, and then slowly brings her

foot back to a 45° angle. She does

three sets of ten of this exercise.

Ex. Of Arm Exercise Amanda does this

exercise to strengthen

her shoulders and

arms. She pushes the

bar up till her arms are

straight, and then

down till her arms are

at a 90° angle. She

puts the bar at a weight

between 20-30lbs.

Amanda does three

sets of fifteen.

Ex. Of Abs Exercise This is one of

Amanda’s last

exercises she does

during her workout.

This exercise

strengthens her core.

She moves her legs up

to a 90° angle (shown

on the picture to the

left) and then back

down. She does two

sets of ten.

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