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Running head: ONE ACT PLAY: TEEN ANGEL 1

One Act Play: Teen Angel

Joleen Camacho

ENG- 495 Advance Creative Writing

October 24, 2011

Denis Nilson

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One Act Play: Teen AngelCast of Characters:

PEGGY: A teen who has found herself on a mission after her death.

GABRIELLA: The guide upon the stairway to heaven.

ALICE: Manager of a 50’s diner.

KATE: Shy teen who is in love with RICK.

DAVID: A mysterious man who offers to help PEGGY in her mission.

RICK: A teen who has lost his girlfriend in a car accident.

HEATHER: An obnoxious teen who continually picks on KATE.

Heather’s friends one or more girls play Heather’s friend but do not have any lines.

Time and Place: Early 1950s at a diner.

Note: Music is used throughout the show.

(MUSIC: “Last Kiss” by J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers. Music slowly fades as cars

racing are heard. Honking is heard and then a crash. Screams. Music builds and then


(Lights come up on PEGGY, a young teenage girl who is in white, sparkling robes. She is

standing before a white, sparkling staircase leading to a passage through a cloudy

background. GABRIELLA, a woman in white steps forward from the passage and is at

the top of the stairs. Her clothing looks similar to PEGGY but GABRIELLA has wings.)

GABRIELLA: I see you have arrived. I almost thought you were not going to make it. Modern

medicine certainly creates a lot of uncertainty in my work these days.

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PEGGY: Where am I?

GABRIELLA: You are climbing the stairway to heaven.

PEGGY: You mean that…

GABRIELLA: You have crossed over…

PEGGY: Am I dead?

GABRIELLA: You could say that.

PEGGY: But what happened? I do not remember… anything.

GABRIELLA: Souls are made to forget the pain and sorrows of life, especially the end. It is

better that way.

PEGGY: But I remember so little about my life. I remember that my name is Peggy and that I

like vanilla ice cream…

(Pauses and struggles to remember. GABRIELL comes down the stairs)

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GABRIELLA: Your memories are selected carefully. Too many earthly memories really mess

with eternal bliss.

PEGGY: But it seems like I am forgetting something. I hate that feeling. You know, as if you

know you have to do something but you cannot remember what and you know you will get in big

trouble if you do not do it…

GABRIELLA: Peace, Peggy dear. There is nothing to worry about now. All you have to do is

earn your wings.

PEGGY: Earn my wings?

GABRIELLA: You cannot enter heaven without wings. So each soul must earn them. Now

some people earn them in life with good works and good deeds

PEGGY: So I did not do anything good in my life?

GABRIELLA: Wingless souls are often wingless for a reason. Even good people make mistakes

in life. So good people are given a chance to earn their wings despite problems in life.

PEGGY: (Suddenly determined) so what do I need to do to earn my wings

GABRIELLA: There is some unfinished business in your past life that must be resolved. You

will be without memory and will appear as a stranger to those who once knew you. Discover the

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problem and help to fix it. That will earn you your wings. But you must be careful. Keep your

memories buried. If one tries to seek the past, she can become trapped in it and become a lost


PEGGY: A lost soul?

GABRIELLA: A lost soul is a person whom some people know as ghosts.

PEGGY: I could become a ghost?

GABRIELLA: (GABRIELLA goes up stairs) only if you are not careful. Remember, you are

someone else now. No one will remember you. No one will recognize you. However, if they

do… then you could be lost.

(Exits and lights fade to a spotlight. PEGGY steps into the spotlight and now is in

common street clothes [which actress wore under white robe]. PEGGY looks around into

the darkness and sounds can be heard. Faint and unrecognizable at first. Then the sounds

grow stronger. Lights come up across the stage on a 50’s style diner. 50’s music is heard

now. Waitresses, bus boys, cooks, customers are in the diner. PEGGY watches from her

spotlighted area)

SONG: “Rock Around the Clock” by Bill Haley and his Comets

ALICE: Clean up on table 7. (Looks around) Where is that girl?

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KATE: (Rushes in) Sorry. I am on it. (Lights slowly fade on PEGGY)

ALICE: Where were you anyway?

HEATHER: (In a snotty voice) Watching Rick no doubt.

(The girls with Heather laugh)

ALICE: Rick? Who is Rick?

(As KATE comes near, Heather drops something on the floor in front of her so she steps in it)

HEATHER: Ooops. Better clean that up too, Kate. (Friends laugh and Kate looks upset and

slowly bends down to clean it)

(Peggy enters the scene and sees what is going on, she moves to Kate’s side)

PEGGY: Here, let me help you.

KATE: Thank you.

PEGGY: No problem. (They clean it up and stand) Hi, I am…(Realizes she needs another name)


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KATE: I am Kate.

HEATHER: And we are hungry. Where is the food, Kate?

(KATE looks flustered and rushes off)

HEATHER: (Gets up and looks at PEGGY) So who are you? I have not seen you around before.

PEGGY: I am new in town. I sort of dropped in.

HEATHER: Well, you better learn quickly who are the right people to hang out with and who

are the wrong people. (She points to KATE, who is getting food from the kitchen) That girl over

there is the wrong people. (Points to friends) We, on the other hand, are the right people. (KATE

comes with food for HEATHER and friends. HEATHER sits and looks at meal.)

PEGGY: So what makes someone the right people?

HEATHER: You know, the people with the right families, the right cars, the right friends…

(Looks at food) Kate, what is this? I ordered Cheddar cheese not Swiss. I swear this place is run

by a bunch of retards. (She starts to eat the food anyway)

KATE: I am sorry, Heather. I will get you another one.

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HEATHER: Look, I have been waiting here long enough. Now you have gone and ruined it. I

am not paying for it.

KATE: But Alice will take it out of my paycheck.

HEATHER: That is what happens when you get the order wrong.

PEGGY: (Picks up ticket) Says here on the ticket that you ordered Swiss.

KATE: I swore you said Swiss.

HEATHER: (To friends) Girls? Did I say Swiss? (Friends shake their heads no) See. I have


KATE: Fine, Heather. Okay…

(KATE exits upset. PEGGY gives HEATHER a dirty look and follows. Lights fade on

diner and come up on KATE who is crying)

PEGGY: Kate? Are you okay?

KATE: I am sorry. I should not be so upset. I should be used to it by now.

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PEGGY: Used to what? Being abused? I do not think anyone should get used to it.

KATE: Every week she comes in here and does that. She orders something, says I get it wrong

and then it comes out of my paycheck.

PEGGY: That is not fair. Does your boss do anything about it? She is right there.

KATE: Alice does not want to make Heather mad either. Heather’s family is very powerful and

no one wants to cross her.

PEGGY: That girl needs to be put in her place. She is a spoiled brat who

KATE: (Smiles) Thanks again… what did you say your name was again.

PEGGY: (Struggles to remember the name she said) Uh… Paula.

KATE: Nice to meet you, Paula. I better get back to work. (KATE exits)

(DAVID enters and is wearing a nice black outfit)

DAVID: (Speaks to Peggy) Hi, I am David. I am here to… guide you.

PEGGY: You were sent to help me?

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DAVID: You could say that. These missions can be hard, especially when you are new. A

helping hand is often appreciated.

PEGGY: It will be for sure. I have no clue what is going on. I only know I am supposed to help

someone, but how or who is a mystery.

DAVID: That is why I am here now. We would never want to leave you alone to flounder. For

example, the whole name thing. Pamela? Paula? You really need to settle on one.

PEGGY: I used two different names didn’t I? Shoot. I could not remember what I said the first

time. (Frustrated) My brain feels like scrambled eggs.

DAVID: I see the forgetfulness is really bothering you. Perhaps you should be allowed to

remember. The most important thing is that you succeed. If having your memory will help you

succeed, then I think it might be better that you know everything.

(Rick enters the diner and walks out a side door onto the patio where he sits alone at a

table near the door)

PEGGY: (Immediately noticing Rick) That guy looks so sad. Do you know why?

DAVID: He just lost his girlfriend. She was in a car accident and he was driving.

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PEGGY: How horrible. How did it happen? Was he drinking?

DAVID: It is so easy to blame it on alcohol, isn’t it? This time, no. He was drag racing.

PEGGY: Racing… some other guy. They were only playing around. Racing for fun.

DAVID: Then a truck pulled out in front of them. A Mac truck to be exact and smack. Good-

bye, girlfriend. (Smiles at PEGGY) You look as if you remember it somehow.

PEGGY: (Staring. A bit stunned) Poor guy. He still has not recovered from the loss, has he?

DAVID: He is the best looking guy in school. He will not be lonely for long.

PEGGY: (Brow furrowed) So who am I here to help? Kate or Rick?

DAVID: What about Heather? Maybe you are here to help her.

PEGGY: Heather is beyond my help.

DAVID: I would have to agree. You better get back in the diner. I have a feeling you will be


PEGGY: Thanks. (PEGGY exits)

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DAVID: (Pulls out notebook and mumbles as he writes) Subject appears receptive and open to

suggestions. Memories near surface. (Closes notebook) This will be an easy one.

(Exits and lights go black. Lights come up on diner. HEATHER calls over KATE)

SONG: “The Purple People Eater” by Sheb Wooley

HEATHER: Kate, you did not take the burger off my bill. I am not paying for any of this now.

KATE: Heather, you have to pay your bill. You cannot keep coming in here and getting free


HEATHER: What is this? Have a little backbone now do we? Sorry, Kate, but I am not paying!

ALICE: (Enters) What is going on out here? (PEGGY enters too as KATE and HEATHER get

into a shouting match)

KATE: Heather will not pay her bill.

HEATHER: She got my order wrong.

KATE: She keeps saying that so she does not have to pay.

HEATHER: If this retard would ever get it right, then I would pay.

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KATE: I always get it right. You are trying to cheat me.

PEGGY: (Shouts and waves arms) Everyone stop yelling! (Everyone freezes except PEGGY)

Oh, my gosh. What happened? (Looks at everyone who still are not moving) I can freeze people?

But how do I get them back? (Thinks) How about… start! (Everyone is yelling again)

HEATHER: I want this girl fired.

KATE: I want her arrested.

PEGGY: Stop! (Everyone freezes again and PEGGY smiles) I am going to like this. (Looks at

everyone) Now, how do I stop this? (Grabs a cracker off table and puts it in HEATHER’s mouth)


HEATHER: (Tries to speak but cannot because of the cracker. Spits out cracker) What the…

how did that happen?

ALICE: Heather. You and your friends go ahead and go. Lunch is on me.

HEATHER: There, now, someone is being reasonable. (Motions to friends who get up) Let us

go, girls. (HEATHER and girls exit)

KATE: Alice, I…

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ALICE: I have never seen you like that before. Yelling at Heather like that.

KATE: I am sorry. I sort of lost it.

ALICE: You do not know how many times I have wanted to yell at that girl myself.

KATE: What?

ALICE: Someone needs to take that girl out in the alley and slap her around.

KATE: So you are not mad? You are not going to fire me?

ALICE: You are the best worker I have, Kate. And I know you were not wrong. But,

unfortunately, we have a business to run and we can’t go around telling off customers…

especially ones with powerful parents.

KATE: It is so unfair.

ALICE: Welcome to adulthood. (ALICE exits. KATE sighs and sits)

PEGGY: (Goes up to KATE) That was brave of you, Kate. That was great how you stood up to


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KATE: If it was so great, then how come I feel like someone punched me in the stomach.

(DAVID enters. He sits at a table behind them and watches)

PEGGY: It is not easy standing up to people. But sometimes we need to draw a line in the sand

and refuse to budge anymore.

KATE: Thanks. Pamela right? Or was it Paula?

PEGGY: Or call me Peggy. Whatever you want?

KATE: Peggy? Hey, that was Rick’s girlfriend’s name.

PEGGY: Rick’s girlfriend?

KATE: Yeah, that guy sitting over there. (Points at Rick) They were in a car accident and Peggy

was killed. He’s so sad, I wish I could do something for him.

PEGGY: (Distant) Me too.

KATE: (Wiping her hands on her apron) Well, I have to get back to work. (She exits)

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PEGGY: (Talking to herself) I cannot believe I was not given any money. I could use something

to eat.

(David, who was standing in the shadows, enters the light and hands Peggy a few bills)

PEGGY: Thank-you!

DAVID: I live to serve.

PEGGY: Something is bothering me.

DAVID: Rick?

PEGGY: Yes, and the whole thing with his girlfriend. Her name was Peggy, just like me.

DAVID: Amazing coincidence is not?

PEGGY: I am not sure it is. What if I was that girl? What if Rick was my boyfriend?

DAVID: It would make your task more challenging for sure.

PEGGY: Why can I not remember anything? This is so frustrating.

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DAVID: Relax. Your memories will return in time. I think they will definitely help in this


PEGGY: But no one will recognize me will they?

DAVID: No, you look totally different to them. (Pauses) But you are still very beautiful…

PEGGY: (Coyly) David? Are you flirting with me? Is that allowed?

DAVID: Probably not… so back to business. I can tell something else is on your mind… do


PEGGY: It does not seem fair…

DAVID: What is that?

PEGGY: Why did I die so young?

DAVID: I am new at this too, but this is my understanding. People are taken for three reasons:

either they have accomplished what they were made to do, or they are so bad that they cannot be

fixed and they need to start over… or they simply need more angels.

PEGGY: I guess I fall into that last category, because I obviously did not accomplish what I

needed to do. That is why I am here now. (Still distant)

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DAVID: (Gets up) Try talking to Rick. I think a guy who lost his girlfriend in a car accident

needs you a lot more than some girl who is being picked on by bullies. (He exits the stage just as

KATE re-enters with a burger for PEGGY)

PEGGY: (Looks at the burger hungrily) Wow, thanks! (Taking the burger from Kate) That girl

Heather is quite the troublemaker.

KATE: I am…(Smiles) So was that guy your boyfriend?


KATE: The guy who just left. (Gestures off stage) No, he is…(Thinks to herself) A friend. He is

here to help me.

KATE: Help you?

PEGGY: Uh… help me get settled in.

KATE: He is cute… but not as cute as Rick.

PEGGY: Rick? You like him?

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KATE: He is not like the other guys at school. He has always been so nice to me.

KATE: (Looking wistful) After his girlfriend died in the car crash, he has been so sad. I wish I

could cheer him up.

PEGGY: Maybe you can.

KATE: But I do not know how. I cannot even cheer myself up.

PEGGY: I will help you. We will make it our mission to help Rick be happy again.

KATE: Okay, let us do it.

PEGGY: But first, I need to eat my burger. I am starving.

KATE: And I need to do some dishes. But I get off soon. We can start planning Operating Help


PEGGY: Roger that.

KATE: (Laughs) Thanks. (Exits. Lights go black)

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PEGGY: What happened to the lights? (Lights come up on stairway to heaven. GABRIELLA

appears at the top)

GABRIELLA: Peggy, we need to talk.

PEGGY: Is something wrong?

GABRIELLA: You must be careful. You memories are coming back to you. You must bury

them or be lost.

PEGGY: But David said…

GABRIELLA: David… that is the other problem.

PEGGY: What is wrong with David?

GABRIELLA: He is not one of us. He has been sent to lead you astray.

PEGGY: You mean he is… a bad guy.

GABRIELLA: More like a bad spirit. You must not listen to him. He is trying to trap your soul.

You must be careful. Good luck, Peggy. (Starts to go)

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PEGGY: Wait! That is it. That is all you are going to tell me. This is too hard and now I have a

bad spirit after me. You have to help me.

(GABRIELLA is gone and lights fade to black. A spotlight comes up on PEGGY alone.

DAVID appears in the shadows behind her)

PEGGY: I cannot do this alone.

DAVID: You are not alone, Peggy.

PEGGY: (Startled) Stay away from me.

DAVID: I do not mean you any harm, Peggy.

PEGGY: I do not believe you. Go away.

DAVID: I will leave you for now. But I will be close. If you need help, do not hesitate to call.

(DAVID fades into the shadows)

PEGGY: Is this what a lost soul feels like, because I have never felt so lost before…(Lights fade

on PEGGY and come up on diner)

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SONG: “Angel Baby” by Rosie Hamlin

(Lights come up on KATE in diner with ALICE)

KATE: Goodnight, Alice.

ALICE: You sure you are okay closing up alone?

KATE: It is not a problem. (Smiles) You have a date tonight.

ALICE: (A little embarrassed) Nosey girl.

KATE: Sorry. Have fun with… whatever you are doing?

ALICE: Thanks. Goodnight. (Exits and KATE is alone cleaning up)

HEATHER: (Swaggers in with friends) So girls, who is our conquest for this week? (Looks

outside) What about that guy Rick? (Smirks toward KATE) I think Kate here has a crush on Rick

KATE: Can I get you something, Heather? We are closing soon.

HEATHER: (Looks around) Hey, did Alice leave you here all alone? Just you and Ricky boy

out there all alone. Why is he always sitting out there anyway?

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KATE: This is the last place he was before he was in that car accident. It was the last time he

saw his girlfriend alive.

HEATHER: (Sarcastic) How tragic. Poor Ricky boy all dark and brooding about his loss.

Maybe he could use someone like me to cheer him up. That okay with you, Kate?

KATE: (Trying not to get angry) Do you want some sodas?

HEATHER: I know you have it bad for him. I see you out there giving him free sodas and fries.

(Knocks some cups on the floor)

KATE: I just cleaned the floor.

HEATHER: Oh, dear. Clumsy me. (Knocks some straws on the floor. Her friends laugh and do

the same)

KATE: Please stop.

HEATHER: (Starts tossing napkins) What are you going to do? Get your boyfriend to stop me?

(HEATHER and friends start trashing the place)

KATE: No, do not.

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HEATHER: Oh, look. Special order for Kate. (Throws some food on KATE) Want some

ketchup with that? (Squirts KATE with ketchup. KATE stands there and starts to cry) Night,

Heather. Been fun. (HEATHER and her friends laugh and exit)

RICK: (Enters) Kate? (Sees her) Are you okay? What happened?

KATE: (Crying) Nothing.

RICK: I could see Heather and her friends messing up the place from outside. Did they hurt



RICK: I will help you clean up.

KATE: No, it is okay.

RICK: Do you want to call the police? I am a witness.

KATE: No, we cannot. Heather’s parents will let us have it if we do that.

RICK: I am not afraid of her parents.

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KATE: But Alice is. They could have Alice shut down.

RICK: I guess they could. It is not fair is it?


RICK: (Helps KATE clean up) I have been reading Nietzsche. He says most people are the

bungled and the botched, going through life suffering. Heather and her family are the

Uberminche. The super race.

KATE: That sounds like Hitler.

RICK: Hitler studied Nietzsche too.

KATE: Well, Hitler would not be in here helping me clean up.

RICK: I never said I liked it or agreed with it. (Smiles and helps her with cleaning up food off

her face) Beside, us bungled and botched need to stick together.

KATE: Thanks, Rick… for helping.

RICK: Any time. (Pause. They look at each other a moment) I like to help nice people and you

are nice people.

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KATE: Thanks, Rick.

RICK: Can I get you anything else?

KATE: No, that is fine. I can get the rest.

RICK: See ya, Kate.

(KATE smiles and goes back to cleaning as lights fade on diner. Lights come up on


PEGGY: Poor, Kate. I wish I could do something about those girls.

DAVID: (Enters) I think it is more important to help Kate and Rick.

PEGGY: What are you doing back here?

DAVID: Have you noticed that you are stuck?

PEGGY: What do you mean?

DAVID: You are stuck… stuck between realities. Neither on heaven or earth… only watching.

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PEGGY: (Scared) how did I get stuck?

DAVID: The minute you felt lost, you were stuck. It is like the afterlife’s flypaper.

PEGGY: Why are you helping me, David? Are you here to stop me? You are the bad guy.

DAVID: It is strange, but I want to help you.

PEGGY: But you are not supposed to, are you?

DAVID: I do not know. I do not seem to be bound by any rules that I know of.

PEGGY: I cannot trust you, David. Anything you say could be a lie.

DAVID: Look. I am about as clueless as you are in all this. I have been sent here too for some

reason but I am not quite sure why. I thought maybe it was to help you. I do want to help you.

PEGGY: I want to trust you, but I have been warned not to. (Sighs) Besides, I do not even know

what I am doing here anyway.

DAVID: I think you are here to get Rick and Kate together.

PEGGY: Rick and Kate?

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DAVID: How can you not see it? Kate is madly in love with Rick. Rick needs someone…

PEGGY: I guess…

DAVID: You still love Rick, do you not?

PEGGY: I do… I am trying to bury the feelings but I cannot.

DAVID: It is okay to love Rick. But you have to decide if it’s okay to let him love someone else.

PEGGY: That is not up to me.

DAVID: Maybe it is.

PEGGY: What do you mean?

DAVID: Maybe he cannot love someone else until you release him.

PEGGY: You do not think he can love someone else until I let him.

DAVID: He is bound to your spirit until you release him.

PEGGY: I hate to admit it, but you sound like you know what you are talking about.

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DAVID: I read a lot of philosophy… Plato, Socrates…

PEGGY: (Remembering) Rick read stuff like that too.

DAVID: Release him, Peggy.

PEGGY: I do not know if I can.

(Lights fade and come up on KATE in diner. PEGGY enters)

PEGGY: Hi, Kate. How are you?

KATE: (Cleans) I had a hard night. Heather and her friends trashed the place.

PEGGY: How come you are not upset? I would be furious at them.

KATE: Because something good happened.

PEGGY: What?

KATE: Rick helped me clean up.

PEGGY: He did, huh?

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KATE: He is so nice. (Pauses) Do you think he…(Stops. Embarrassed)…never mind.

PEGGY: (Kindly) What? Tell me. (KATE shakes her head no) Do you think Rick could like


KATE: But I know he cannot. He still loves Peggy.

PEGGY: Peggy is dead. He needs to move on.

KATE: He loved Peggy so much. He still has all these pictures of her on his dashboard. It is like

a little shine. I do not think he will ever get over it.

PEGGY: (Encouraging) Let me help you, Kate. I will help you get Rick.

KATE: You would help me?

PEGGY: Sure.

KATE: How?

PEGGY: I knew a guy exactly like him once. I know how to get his attention. You up for it?

KATE: Yes.

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PEGGY: Then let us get to work. (Lights fade to black)

SONG: “Earth Angel” by the Crew Cuts

(Lights come up on DAVID alone and lost in thought. PEGGY enters)

PEGGY: David?

DAVID: I think I have made a big mistake.

PEGGY: What do you mean?

DAVID: I am afraid memories are as much my enemy as they are yours.

PEGGY: Are you remembering something about your life?

DAVID: I think so.

PEGGY: What are you remembering?

DAVID: I was in a car accident…

PEGGY: Anything else?

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DAVID: I was drag racing. Right out there. (Pause. PEGGY is silent) We came up on a curve. I

cut the other guy off. There was this truck. Both of us swerved into each other and then the truck

hit us…(Upset. He stops. PEGGY does not know what to say. DAVID turns angry) I should not

remember… I must stop remembering.

PEGGY: You were the guy that crashed into Rick. I remember now.

DAVID: (Upset) No, do not remember, please. We cannot or we will be trapped here.

PEGGY: That must be why you decided to help me. You feel guilty.

DAVID: Guilty is a form of memory. Why do I have to feel this way? Make it stop.

PEGGY: I think it is too late for me. I remember too much. (Turns back to diner) That is not

going to stop me from doing what I am meant to do.

(Lights come up on diner with KATE getting ready. KATE’s in a nice dress and sets up a

booth with food and candles during the following)

DAVID: I wish I could help… I do not seem to be able to do anything. My memories are like a

weight on my whole body. (Crouches down as if in pain)

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KATE: You have helped me, David. More than you know. You were sent on a mission to stop

me, but you ended up helping me instead. Thank you for your kindness. (Pats DAVID on

shoulder) Wait here. I will be back. I will not leave you alone.

(Lights fade on DAVID. PEGGY enters diner) SONG: “Sea of Love” by Phil Phillips

with the Twilights

KATE: (KATE sees PEGGY) Hey, Peggy. How does everything look?

PEGGY: Wonderful. You look great too.

KATE: I wore pink like you said. I have his favorite food, and I thought he would like this


PEGGY: He will love it.

KATE: Here he comes.

PEGGY: Good luck, Kate. (PEGGY exits and RICK enters)

RICK: Hey, Kate. (Looks at table all set up for him) What is this?

KATE: That was so nice of you to help me clean up the diner; I wanted to return the favor.

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RICK: It was no big deal.

KATE: And you bought me lunch at school yesterday.

RICK: You forgot your lunch money.

KATE: And you helped me study for my history test.

RICK: I am good at history.

KATE: I wanted to do something for you.

RICK: (Starts to cry) Nobody does anything nice for me.

KATE: Oh, Rick. I did not mean to upset you. It is okay to cry.

RICK: Not for a guy. We always have to be tough. But when you hurt inside…

KATE: I think it is brave to cry. Most guys would not dare cry. It takes a lot of courage.

RICK: I try to hold it back, but the tears hit me all of the sudden. I guess it is the pink dress, the

perfume, the music. Peggy would have done something like this for me.

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KATE: I am sorry. I did not mean to upset you.

RICK: No, it is fine, Kate. Thank you. (Dries his tears) Peggy and I loved this song. We

dreamed of going to the sea together. We said we would get a boat, maybe even a houseboat and

live off the sea. (Smiles at KATE) Thank you for all this, Kate. You are sweet. (Gives her a kiss

on the cheek. KATE is thrilled) I should not have done that. Sorry.

KATE: It is okay. I did not mind.

RICK: But Peggy… I still love her.

KATE: It is okay to love her still.

RICK: It has been almost a year since the accident and I cannot stop thinking about her. Will the

pain ever stop?

KATE: I lost my mom. It hurt for the longest time. I did not think I would be able to stand it… I

did not think I would be able to go on without her. When you lose somebody you love, it is like

you lose a part of yourself.

RICK: Yeah. It is so hard. Does it ever get better?

KATE: A little…

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RICK: Sorry to be a wet blanket.

KATE: No, you are fine. I do not mind. I like talking like this. (They smile) I have dessert too.

Chocolate malts.

RICK: Once again… my favorite. It is as if you can read my mind.

KATE: I will be right back.

PEGGY: (Enters. Watches RICK a moment as he picks at his food) Stop. (Time freezes along

with RICK. PEGGY goes up to him) Rick… this is so hard, but I have to let you go. (Goes up to

him) I love you so much and I know you love me, but there is not a perfect girl than Kate for

you. Take good care of her. (Touches his cheek) I release you, Rick. You are free.

(Backs away. Struggles with tears) start.

(RICK goes back into motion. Gets a strange look on his face and touches his cheek

where PEGGY had touched it)

KATE: (Enters) Here is a chocolate malt, extra thick.

(Music plays. Blueberry Hill)

RICK: Do you want to dance?

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KATE: Now?

RICK: Sure. Why not?

KATE: Okay.

(She goes up to him shyly. He takes her in his arms and they dance. Lights come up on

PEGGY and she watches a moment. Lights fade on diner. DAVID enters)

DAVID: You did it.

PEGGY: I did. (Turns to DAVID and takes his hand) How are you?

DAVID: It was weird. I was overwhelmed at first by all the memories and then suddenly I was


PEGGY: The same thing happened to me.

DAVID: The only problem is that I do not know how to leave here now. I cannot find the

doorways to the other side.

PEGGY: I think we are trapped, David. We are lost souls now.

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DAVID: Looks like we both accomplished our missions. You helped Rick and Kate and I made

you into a lost soul. But we are still stuck here.

PEGGY: At least we are not stuck here alone.

DAVID: I cannot think of a nicer person to be stuck with.

GABRIELLA: (Appears on Stairway to Heaven and watching PEGGY and DAVID) I hate to

interrupt you but…

PEGGY: You are back? But I thought I become a lost soul. I broke the rules. I have my


GABRIELLA: Yes, you did break the rules. And David, they are not too happy with you down

below either.

DAVID: Are they ever happy down there?

GABRIELLA: Hardly ever.

DAVID: Did you come tell us that we have become lost souls? Because I think it is obvious.

PEGGY: I cannot think of a better person to be lost with though.

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GABRIELLA: I have come to tell you that you have found a loop hole in the rules.

PEGGY: A loop hole?

GABRIELLA: Lost souls are trapped by their memories, but they also have unfinished business.

The two of you took care of your unfinished business. You, Peggy, not only let Rick go, but you

helped him to find happiness in the process. And you, David, helped resolve a problem you

caused for Rick… taking his true love away.

DAVID: It is the least I could do.

GABRIELLA: The people downstairs are not too happy about it. (Rumbling from below) Quiet

you. (Rumbling stops) But you have made the people upstairs very happy. So, Peggy. You have

accomplished your mission. You have earned your wings. (Heavenly lights and sounds.

GABRIELLA or other ANGELS can put wings on PEGGY) You too David.

(Lights fade, as PEGGY and DAVID leave with wings to the Pearly Gates of Heaven.)

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