
style: HAPPY DAY

product: iPAD 2 CASE SET

item no: T C

upc code:6 0 9 7 2 2 6 5 6 4 4 3vendor part no:

included in each set:Grape Inner Wrap

Sunflower/Cloud/Poppy Tie-Dyed Inner Wrap

White Outer Shell

materials:Fine Cashmere Silicone inner wraps

Space-Age Polycarbonate outer shell

easy care:Wash with Suds and H2O

wholesale $23/SET

Grape Tie Dye

The Hipster Collection: New Product!

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H A P P Y D AYP I E C E i PA D 2 C A S E S E T

each set contains: 1 O U T E R S H E L L

2 I N N E R W R A P S

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