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Teamcenter® software addresses today’s critical business challenges bymaximizing the power of your product knowledge and leveraging it todrive innovation throughout the product lifecycle.

Teamcenter overview PLM Software

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Product lifecycle management(PLM) is an enterprise, businessand information strategy thatenables companies to establishGlobal Information Networks,essential for developing anddelivering world class productsin today’s highly competitiveinternational marketplace.

As an enterprise strategy, PLMlets your extended value chaininnovate, develop, support andretire products as if it wasworking as a single company.

As a business strategy, PLMallows you to capture andleverage best practices thatdrive your speed-to-market,cost containment and revenueenhancement objectives.

As an information strategy,PLM provides globallydispersed product teamswith common access to asingle repository of productand process knowledge.

PLM lets your productand production teamscollaborate on a virtualbasis and engage in datasharing in real time.You can usePLM to integrate multiplemission-critical systems,aggregate their knowledgeand extend the useful livesof these investments.

You can take advantage ofPLM’s openAPIs and industrystandards to minimize your datatranslation costs and extendparticipation in your enterprise.You can leverage PLM toprovide total visibility into theworkflows and decision makingat all stages in the productlifecycle. PLM provides uniqueopportunities to:

Maximize innovationthroughout your productlifecycle, which translates intohigher revenues, greater marketshare, faster time-to-marketand improved portfoliosuccess rates.

Transform the decision-making processes you use todetermine what products youshould offer and how theseproducts should be broughtto market.

Increase the value of yourproduct knowledge bymanaging this informationas an intellectual asset on anenterprise basis and leveragingit across multiple programs,projects and revenue-generating initiatives.

Minimize lifecycle costby replacing time-consumingmanual processes withaccelerated fully auto-mated solutions.

To address these opportunities,Siemens PLM Software offerstheTeamcenter suite of digitallifecycle management solutions.

Today’s opportunities for product lifecycle management

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Introducing Teamcenter

Teamcenter powers innovation and improves productivity byconnecting people with the product and process knowledge theyneed to effectively function in a globally oriented product lifecycle.Teamcenter’s proven digital lifecycle management solutions are builton an open PLM foundation.

Teamcenter is the world’s most widely used PLM system. It isbacked by Siemens PLM Software’s leadership in delivering GlobalInnovation Networks that enable companies to make unified,information-driven decisions at every stage in the product lifecycle.

Driving crucial business initiativesTeamcenter solutions enable companies to meet today’s criticalbusiness challenges, including challenges addressed by the businessinitiatives described below. You can use Teamcenter solutions todrive key performance goals, including the need to increase theyield of innovation, compress time-to-market, meet business andregulatory requirements, optimize operational resources andfacilitate global collaboration.

Teamcenter solutions include best practices and standard-basedprocesses that enable your company to:• Rapidly deploy your PLM solution• Obtain a quick return on your PLM investment• Minimize your cost of ownership


Critical business initiatives targeted byTeamcenter

• New product development and introductionImprove innovation by facilitating real-time global collaboration amongall lifecycle participants and processes

• Value chain synchronizationExcel globally by optimizing the exchange of ideas and informationbetween all value chain participants

• Enterprise data managementImprove competitiveness by providing secure access to yourenterprise’s product and process knowledge

• Commonization and re-useRe-use proven parts, equipment and processes to create costefficiency and foster best practices

• Knowledge/intellectual property managementCapture the knowledge and expertise of your lifecycle participantsto continuously improve innovation

• Regulatory complianceAchieve market compliance by integrating safety, environmentaland government requirements early in your design stage

• Production efficiencyIntegrate product and process design with manufacturing bestpractices to increase production quality and performance

• Systems engineering and mechatronicsImprove your customers’ value experience by integrating mechanical,electrical and software subsystems, relationships and components

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Why Teamcenter excels

Single source of product and process knowledge.You can useTeamcenter to establish a single source of product and processknowledge drawn from disparate authoring systems. Entitledmembers in your product teams can access this common resourceto quickly find the information they need to perform their jobs.

With this single source, your company can:

• Increase productivity by enabling individual users to reduce thetime they spend searching for information by up to 65 percent

• Eliminate costly errors and rework by providing decision makerswith better visibility into the product lifecycle

• Reduce product and lifecycle costs by re-using product and processinformation across multiple programs and projects

• Synchronize and accelerate your product teams’ operational executionby providing aligned and up-to-date requirements and productdefinitions

Instant collaboration.To reduce costs and pursue internationalmarketing opportunities, today’s leading companies are dispersingvarious operational functions globally.Teamcenter facilitates instantcollaboration by enabling your global teams to connect, communicateand share information on-demand in a community setting.

When Teamcenter’s community collaboration capabilities are inplace, your global teams can:

• Iterate more easily, get the right answer faster and accelerateoverall product development by up to 25 percent

• Communicate visually across multiple disciplines, enabling people towork together to make better decisions

• Engage suppliers, partners and customers in your teams by enablingthem to exchange information in a secure environment thatprotects the interests of all participants

• Automate your review and approval workflows, assess more innovativeideas and improve your change process by up to 30 percent

Powers end-to-end PLM.You cannot leverage your productlifecycle as a business asset unless you have visibility into your entirelifecycle.Teamcenter is the only PLM solution on the markettoday that addresses your product lifecycle from portfolio planningthrough product development, manufacturing, service/sustainmentand retirement.

Once your end-to-end solution is in place, you can:

• Drive revenue growth by aligning decisions with marketrequirements throughout the product lifecycle

• Squeeze time and cost from your product lifecycle by gaining totalvisibility into your lifecycle’s operational stages

• Master change by understanding the impacts it has on the rest ofthe product lifecycle

• Reach the marketplace faster by automating common processesthat cross multiple lifecycle stages

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Lower cost of ownership.Teamcenter provides an easy-to-configure service-oriented architecture (SOA) that eliminates thehigh cost of implementation. Teamcenter’s open, high performanceinterface lets you integrate the system’s capabilities with yourexisting processes so that you can:

• Reduce your integration costs by seamlessly exchanginginformation between Teamcenter and CAD, CAM, CAE, ERPand SCM applications

• Minimize your deployment costs by using applications on anout-of-the-box basis instead of incurring customization andsubsequent upgrade costs

• Reduce training costs by using Teamcenter’s familiar MicrosoftWindows-like look and feel

• Easily linkTeamcenter-managed information and status resultsinto portals and executive dashboards

Proven global leadership.Teamcenter’s market-leadingsuccess provides your company with confidence and assurancethat comes from the realization that Siemens PLM Software hasrepeatedly delivered proven results in real-world, full-productionsettings.The world’s most successful companies use Teamcenteras a mission-critical system because:

• Teamcenter delivers unsurpassed functional capabilities withproven performance

• Teamcenter clients experience substantial business results

• Teamcenter’s scalable architecture enables clients to adoptPLM at their own pace

• Siemens PLM Software is committed to its customers; our mantrais “We never let a customer fail”

Teamcenter's end-to-end PLM solutions

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Enterprise knowledge management

Teamcenter’s enterprise knowledge management capabilities letyour company bring its product, process, manufacturing andservice information into a single source of product knowledge.

By capturing, integrating and controlling this information in asingle PLM environment,Teamcenter enables you to employ thisknowledge in workflow-driven processes that automaticallysynchronize the activities of your cross-discipline teams.

Teamcenter allows you to capture product and process knowledgefrom diverse authoring applications and protect it in a scalable andopen PLM environment. Teamcenter provides the followingenterprise knowledge management capabilities.

Data management allows you to control your product andprocess information across all lifecycle states.

Document and record management lets you organize records,classify information and implement your record retention anddisposition policies.

Content management links your technical publications andengineering design groups by enabling them to share informationand re-use product content while automating processes commonto both domains.

Change management allows you to implement best-practicestandards-based change processes for planning, controlling,executing and tracking product changes and revisions.

Process automation and orchestration enables you to defineand standardize workflow-driven processes that you can useacross multiple programs and product platforms.

Product structure and configuration management letsyou coordinate work-in-progress, establish context usage andsynchronize multiple product hierarchies, options, variants andconfigurations across the entire product lifecycle.


Manage the complete lifecycle of a product from ideationthrough retirement

Coordinate processes across multiple disciplines in theproduct lifecycle

Ensure that your teams can access the right information atevery lifecycle phase

Provide secure global access to your product and processknowledge on an anywhere, anytime basis

Integrate systems-of-choice and their related data into yourPLM environment, thereby enabling best-in-class suppliersto work in your value chain


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Community collaboration

You can use Teamcenter’s community collaboration capabilities toestablish a secure and adaptive environment where distributedmultidisciplinary teams can work together in real time with richproduct data across the entire product lifecycle – withoutincurring any special training or learning how to use a PLM orCAD system.

Teamcenter enables your product teams to work with theirsuppliers, allied partners and trusted customers in a collaborativecommunity that facilitates concept studies, program reviews, designreviews and engineering change reviews.To support theseinitiatives,Teamcenter provides the following communitycollaboration capabilities.

Virtual teaming allows groups to quickly establish a virtualteam and easily add new contributors.

Virtual conferencing enables team members to easilyshare information from their desktops without the costs andhassles of travel.

Ad hoc knowledge capture allows teams to collectinformation from individual participants and integrate thisunstructured knowledge with the structured informationalready managed by Teamcenter.

Visual product data collaboration gives all team membersintegrated visualization allowing view, markup and analysis of datafrom any of the corporate CAD or other document formats viathe best-in-class JT™ format.

Personal portals provide individual members with product andprocess views that match their user roles, workflowresponsibilities and security entitlements.

Synchronous and asynchronous collaboration capabilitiesprovide team members with 3D product visualizations, applicationsharing, digital calendars and schedules, instant messaging,document routing/notification services, discussion boards, andshared documents, folders and libraries.


Enable team members to participate in a collaborativeenvironment that combines the advantages of PLM withthe familiarity of Microsoft’s desktop conventions

Plug Teamcenter’s community collaboration capabilities intoyour web-based business environment so you can leverageknowledge from your ERP, SCM and CRM systems alongsideyour Teamcenter-managed product knowledge

Leverage Teamcenter’s use of the CAD-neutral JT formatto enable team members to view, markup, review/approvemulti-CAD designs without requiring them to have a CADlicense or CAD authoring experience

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Lifecycle visualization

Teamcenter provides your PLM environment with a consistent andscalable visualization backbone that teams can use to view yourproducts as they evolve across their lifecycle.These lifecyclevisualization capabilities enable team members to visualize productdata in 2D and 3D formats, even when this data is created usingdiverse authoring software.These capabilities:

• Allow more stakeholders to participate in the early stages of thedesign process without incurring the cost or complexity of a CADsystem – or without having to standardize on a single CADsystem

• Improve decision making by letting product teams exchange andmark up universally accessible visualizations as part of their PLMworkflows

• Streamline innovation by allowing product teams to visuallycollaborate on new product ideas, test their validity and evaluatevirtual prototypes

Teamcenter’s visualization capabilities are powered by open andpublished JT technology, the world’s common language for 3Dcollaboration.You can extend your PLM environment at yourdiscretion by implementing capabilities that allow lifecyclestakeholders to use:

Full function 2D capabilities and basic 3D visualizationfunctionality for viewing into the product lifecycle

Enterprise 2D/3D view and markup capabilities for interactingwith advanced product data

Full function 2D/3D analysis for performing virtual designreviews of multi-CAD assemblies on a collaborative basis

Sophisticated digital mockup capabilities for assembling acomplete digital prototype and performing advanced analysis tovalidate form, fit and function issues


Enable stakeholders to clearly illustrate and understand productand process issues through visual product collaboration

Bring all stakeholders into your processes by enabling peoplewho do not have a CAD authoring system to engage in theearliest design stages

Significantly reduce time and cost spent building physicalprototypes by using digital prototypes instead

Extend your visualization backbone with process-specificadd-ons, including immersive virtual reality, automated clearanceanalysis, virtual human ergonomics, tolerance simulation,animation creation, quality validation and assembly path planning


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Reporting and analytics

Teamcenter’s capabilities for reporting and analytics provide real-time – and near real-time – tools that you can use in your PLMenvironment to establish,measure and analyze key performancemetrics across your product lifecycle.

Teamcenter provides the following reporting and analyticscapabilities to enable you to extract, aggregate, analyze anddisseminate information from multiple applications integratedinto your PLM environment.

Powerful data aggregation capabilities let you aggregateTeamcenter-managed data while leveragingTeamcenter business rulesand security models to maintain data integrity/security.You also canbring in data from virtually any application while honoring thatapplication’s security and business conventions.

Rich lifecycle reporting capabilities allow you to generate reportsand dashboards based on this aggregated data into customizablehtml formats for viewing and printing.You can save these reports,email them, generate them into PDFs and export them into Excel.You can easily generate and include graphics in these reports.

You can view, report and analyzeTeamcenter data from multipleperspectives (e.g., by leveraging drill-down and drill-up data-centric andgraphical views).You can optimize this data through caching and theuse of data cubes that present views of the same data for multipletypes of analysis. This flexibility reduces system overhead in your datacollection activities.

Open data framework and advanced wizards help users rapidlydeploy and maintainTeamcenter’s reporting and analytics capabilities,thereby enabling you to minimize your total cost of ownership.


Create a basis for establishing, measuring and analyzing keyperformance metrics to drive better process performance

Rapidly and accurately aggregate data from multiple applicationsources into an enterprise information integration (EII) solution

Easily extend these capabilities to systems outside the productlifecycle by leveraging Teamcenter’s open framework, flexibledata input formats, application-specific APIs and JDBC supportfor any relational database

Reduce the total cost of ownership associated withimplementing a reporting and analytics capability

Average time spent in eachstep of ECR workflow

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Systems engineering and requirements management

You can use Teamcenter to define detailed customer and marketrequirements from a whole product perspective and thencommunicate these requirements to the functional teams thatbring your products to market.Teamcenter provides the followingsystems engineering and requirements management capabilities.

Requirements management.Teamcenter enables you to define,capture, manage and leverage product requirements.You can useTeamcenter parsing tools and content management capabilities toextract key requirements from commonly used information assets,including documents, spreadsheets, drawings and diagrams.Then,you can link these requirements and manage their disseminationfor wider use.

Traceability.You can use Teamcenter to link your productrequirements to downstream processes, providing decisionmakers with visibility to source knowledge about how orwhy each requirement was determined.You can leverageTeamcenter’s workflow and change management capabilitiesto version, track, manage and route requirements changes toyour product teams.

Systems architecture definition.You can use Teamcenter tooutline a product from a logical systems perspective anddecompose these systems to key product requirements.You canuse these connected requirements to understand how keycharacteristics (such as performance, maintainability, reliability,usability and ergonomics) are affected by given requirements.

Extended application and systems integration.Teamcenter’sopen framework enables you to link critical systems, such asMatlab/Simulink and Rhapsody, into your PLM environment.Youcan use Teamcenter’s “live” integration with Microsoft Office(Excel,Word andVisio) to interact with data in familiar formats.An open framework also enables you to leverage your existingdata and shorten your learning curve.


Mitigate the risk of new product development by understandingproduct requirements, program constraints, engineering issuesand manufacturing/supply chain issues

Combine systems level understanding with requirementsunderstanding to make better trade-off decisions

Maximize revenue potential by ensuring that you deliver theright product content at the right time to the right market

Facilitate closed loop feedback by recognizing when strategicintent is at risk and informing lifecycle stakeholders of thisimpending impact

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You can use Teamcenter to improve the performance of your newproduct development (NPD) initiatives.Teamcenter’s portfoliomanagement capabilities enable you to establish a collaborativeportfolio strategy and select the right portfolio mix for maximizingthe return on your NPD investments.

Teamcenter’s program and project management capabilities enableyou to drive the operational execution of your NPD projects sothey deliver the business results you expect. By combining thesecapabilities together, you can use Teamcenter to perform:

Collaborative portfolio management.You can use Teamcenterto define a portfolio strategy through the use of weighted strategyobjectives, scoring models and performance criteria.Teamcenterprocess templates enable you to capture and assess prospectiveNPD programs and projects. Teamcenter’s portfolio analysiscapabilities allow you to quickly evaluate project alternatives andselect a portfolio mix that matches your strategic intent.

Program and project management.Teamcenter enablesproduct teams to plan your programs in terms of their schedules,work tasks, dependencies, milestones, baselines and constraintsand then execute your NPD projects in accordance with thesetrackable expectations.

Resource, financial and business performance management.Teamcenter allows you to fully understand the workload demandson your teams and the risks that given projects face fromshortfalls.You can also associate bill rates with given teamresources to exercise both detailed and summary cost controls.


Portfolio, program and project management


Establish strategic goals for your product portfolio that reflectyour company’s business intent

Select a portfolio mix that matches NPD investment with yourportfolio strategy

Ensure that strategic planning consistently drives the operationof your NPD projects

Coordinate resources across your NPD projects and driveyour product teams’ interrelated activities with unified goals,gates, timelines and targets

Provide stakeholders with total visibility into your most up-to-date program information, including rolled-up performancemetrics, process metrics, custom strategy-specific KPI and riskanalysis metrics

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Engineering process management

Teamcenter’s capabilities for engineering process management1

provide a secure environment for capturing and managinginformation from multiple MCAD, CAM, CAE, ECAD, CASEand ESM systems.You can tightly integrate this information intoa single source of engineering knowledge capable of supportingmultiple initiatives, including:

Product data management.Teamcenter enables you to bringproduct data from multiple sources and sites into a single sourceof enterprise knowledge.This single source enables your teamsto easily find, modify, share and collaborate on product designwhile maximizing part, process and information re-use.You canleverage Teamcenter’s advanced security protections to implementITAR best practices for multi-national engineering projects.

Engineering structure and configuration management.Teamcenter enables you to establish hierarchical productstructures that can be decomposed into manageable designand engineering tasks.Teamcenter’s context managementcapabilities facilitate repeatable product, design and manufacturingprocesses that are faster and easier to validate.You can useTeamcenter’s lifecycle representations to support yourproduct across its various lifecycle states.

Engineering change and process management.You can useTeamcenter to establish revisions and intermediate version controlsover your engineering data.Teamcenter provides preconfiguredstandards-based processes to initiate, review/approve and executeproduct change on an enterprise basis. Teamcenter enables youto capture workflows and best practices to implement yourchange processes.

Design validation.Teamcenter accelerates your design validationprocess by enabling extended teams to visualize and quicklybuild digital mockup on the fly. This allows teams to collaborativelyreview engineering designs – as well as validate styling, quality,engineering, ergonomic and service-related issues through theuse of digital prototypes.


Provide a single source of engineering knowledge to supportyour design anywhere, build anywhere initiatives

Capture workflow and best practices to develop commonstandards and processes

Leverage Teamcenter’s open architecture to integrate existingenterprise applications

Reduce cost, error and cycle time through increased use ofproduct and process knowledge

1Siemens PLM Software also provides a Teamcenter configuration calledTeamcenter Express, which is a preconfigured, easy-to-use andeasy-to-deploy collaborative product data management solution(cPDM) designed to meet the requirements of mid-sizedmanufacturing companies.

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Today’s companies deal with increasing product complexity,including the need to support segmented markets, personalizedconsumer preferences and rapidly rising technology changes.Teamcenter’s bill of materials (BOM) management capabilities helpyou manage complexity by providing total visibility into yourproduct definition and how it evolves across the product lifecycle.

You can use the following Teamcenter capabilities to maintainthe accuracy of your BOM information.

Product configuration and enterprise BOM management.You can use Teamcenter to leverage commonality across yourproduct offerings, providing a basis for your re-use initiatives.Your teams can use Teamcenter’s BOM markup and reviewcapabilities to see the real-time effect of design changes forany applied context or configuration selection.

Process-specific data structure and data management.You can leverage Teamcenter to support traditional BOMmanagement such as releasing parts to production –as well as to extend BOM management to requirementsdefinition, simulation, manufacturing, sourcing, MRO andother lifecycle activities.

Lifecycle representation management. Teamcenter enablesyou to audit your product information and provide visual feedbackso that you can easily see what information is complete andaccounted for and what is still in progress. Teamcenter provideswhere-used/where-referenced and rollup/compare tools to helpyou ensure that design impact is fully understood.

Context management. Individual users can leverage Teamcenterto work with an appropriate scope or “view” of the productconfiguration based on time, maturity or feature-based criteriaunique to their function.


Bill of material management


Rapidly and precisely deliver the right product content tomarket by managing BOM changes across your product suite

Optimize speed-to-market by synchronizing upstream anddownstream BOMs, thereby facilitating better cross-disciplinecoordination

Improve individual and collaborative team productivity byenabling users to work in consistent contexts that providea common scope to their product data (i.e., the rightconfigurations and right working versions of the rightproduct offering)

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Compliance management

Teamcenter’s support for compliance management enables youto document, enforce and track regulatory compliance acrossthe entire product lifecycle. You can use Teamcenter to capturecompliance requirements early, incorporate these requirementsinto your development processes and track accountability forregulatory compliance.

Teamcenter’s configuration management, record keeping andaudit tracking capabilities support your compliance mandates,including your archiving, financial/product records managementand document/records retention needs. Teamcenter providestailored add-ons for the following compliance processes.

Environmental compliance.Teamcenter’s environmentalcompliance solution enables you to comply with Registration,Evaluation,Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH),End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV), Restriction on the Use of HazardousSubstances (RoHS) andWaste Electrical and ElectronicEquipment (WEEE) directives.This solution facilitates theend-to-end collection, management and reporting ofenvironmental compliance and material content information.

Medical compliance.Teamcenter’s medical compliance solutionmanages digital product information in accordance with theregulatory requirements for the medical devices industry andU.S. Food and Drug Administration 21 CFR Part 11 (ElectronicRecords and Electronic Signatures) and 21 CFR Part 820 (QualitySystem) regulations.

Export control.Teamcenter’s authorized data accesscapabilities control the export of regulated information,including requirements specified by the International Trafficin Arms Regulations (ITAR) enforced by the US Departmentof State (Office of Defense Trade Controls).

Document and records management.You can use Teamcenter’sdocument and records management capabilities to establish acompliance-related data lifecycle management solution that meetsthe requirements of the U.S. Department of Defense 5015.2standard. Teamcenter enables you to define what data you needfor regulatory compliance, what format this information musttake and how long the information has to be retained.


Approach compliance as a strategic initiative rather than simplyas a reporting activity

Reduce compliance risk by establishing regulatory controlacross your entire product lifecycle

Enforce regulatory control by fully documenting yourcompliance requirements, establishing ownership, trackingaccountability and auditing compliance

Ensure executive awareness by integrating compliance-relatedstatus into dashboard summaries, system audits, worst-caseanalyses and/or risk assessment reports

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Teamcenter’s capabilities for supplier relationship managementdrive your supplier management and strategic sourcing initiatives bytransforming the way suppliers work with your product developmentand procurement teams.Teamcenter addresses classical sourcingneeds, including improving your supplier identification, supplierassessment and sourcing negotiations activities.

Teamcenter’s supplier management capabilities provide a keycomponent for driving your product cost management initiatives.You can useTeamcenter’s extended processes to manage supplierrelationships, including quality monitoring, supplier score carding,engineering change, inter-company teaming, supplier training, jointproject management, issue tracking and performance monitoring.Teamcenter provides the following strategic sourcing solutions.

Supplier management captures, collects and manages informationabout individual suppliers, including performance data and capabilitydescriptions that let you quickly find, select and monitorprospective supply sources.

Spend management and analysis consolidate purchasing data intocommon spend categories that let you track enterprise spendand compliance.

Collaborative RFP management streamlines the processesassociated with RFP, RFI and RFQ data collection and analyses.Decision support and scenario modeling is simplified throughdetailed optimization capabilities.

Internet negotiations bring the negotiation process online forvirtually any kind of good or service, enabling you to plan, track andcategorize individual auction events.

Sourcing community collaboration enables procurement teamsto work in a collaborative real-time environment where they canuse sourcing tools to “market” deals, educate people about newagreements, capture/share sourcing knowledge and managesourcing projects.

Supplier relationship management


Provide your procurement teams with a single informationsource they can use to quickly find, qualify, select and monitoryour supply sources

More closely monitor and manage your procurement andsupplier spending

Enable on-board suppliers to fully understand and activelyparticipate in your product requirements, definition anddevelopment processes

Streamline and standardize your RFP, RFI and RFQ processes byestablishing a consistent bidding framework – providing a basisfor supplier response comparisons and implementing scenariomodeling and optimization techniques

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Teamcenter’s capabilities for mechatronics process managementenable you to establish a rich environment where multipledisciplines can work together to develop electro-mechanicalproducts comprised of multiple mechanical, electric, electronicand embedded software components.

Each engineering discipline works in its own developmentenvironment using tools-of-choice to design their components.Once these components are ready, team members release theirdefinitions to Teamcenter – where cross-discipline teams can usethe PLM environment’s integrated data and product structuremanagement capabilities to get the electro-mechanical product’scomponents to work together.

Teamcenter provides the following capabilities to facilitatemechatronics process management.

Integrated data and product structure management.Teamcenter’s data, document, record and content managementcapabilities enable you to integrate all critical mechatronicsinformation.

Integrated change and process management.You can useTeamcenter’s change management capabilities to implementbest-practice workflows that enable cross-discipline teams tounderstand change impact, manage review/approval processesand execute approved product changes.

Systems engineering and requirements management.You canuse Teamcenter to functionally and logically diagram your electro-mechanical product as a whole system subject to numerous cost,scheduling and quality constraints.You can use Teamcenter’srequirements management capabilities to collaboratively define,capture, manage and leverage the whole system’s customer andproduct requirements.

Visualization and collaboration.Teamcenter’s digital mockupand markup capabilities let cross-discipline teams collaborativelyvalidate a wide range of performance and quality issues at theintegrated product level.


Mechatronics process management


Manage your mechatronics development processes in onecohesive and integrated environment, thereby improvingproductivity and enabling otherwise disparate disciplines towork together more effectively

Facilitate earlier and better decision making by enabling teamsto understand the entire electro-mechanical product and howcustomer and product requirements relate to theircomponent designs

Enable individual disciplines to more clearly understand howtheir development efforts impact the product’s roadmap and itsrelated cost, scheduling and quality constraints

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Teamcenter’s capabilities for simulation process management enableyou to assess product performance and quality early in the productlifecycle and embed these simulation processes and their related datawith the rest of your product lifecycle.Teamcenter provides thefollowing capabilities to support simulation process management.

Simulation data management. Teamcenter’s rich suite of simulation-specific data, document, record and content management capabilitieslet you manage your simulation data on a centralized basis.Teamcenter’s open service-oriented architecture enables youto integrate data from your CAE systems-of-choice into yourPLM environment. Teamcenter is tightly integrated with the NX®

software suite of digital simulation solutions.

Simulation change and process management.Teamcenter providespreconfigured, best-practice processes to automate your simulationactivities.You can use these workflow-driven processes to initiate,administer, review/approve and execute product changes anddetermine how these changes impact your product simulations.Teamcenter supports batch meshing for automating key steps inyour simulation processes.

Advanced simulation structure management.You can useTeamcenter’s context management capabilities to establish workingcontexts that define how your teams perform their simulation tasks.Teamcenter’s automatic simulation mapping capabilities enable youto deliver the right product structure and geometry data in the rightcontext for individual analysis projects.

Simulation visualization.Teamcenter’s visualization capabilities forFEA,CFD and motion simulation enable your teams to dynamicallyview, interrogate,mark up and collaborate on simulation projects whilebringing in detailed information from the rest of the product lifecycle.

Simulation process management


Start your simulation processes upstream in the productlifecycle, enabling your teams to arrive at a good design earlierwhile minimizing uncoordinated verification and testing

Integrate your simulation processes into the rest of yourproduct lifecycle so that product decisions can be understood interms of their testing and verification impact

Visualize your simulation data and integrate it into cross-discipline team reviews so that team members can more clearlyunderstand this data without using a costly CAE seat

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Manufacturing process management

Teamcenter’s capabilities for manufacturing process managementenable you to manage your manufacturing data, process, resourceand plant knowledge in the same PLM environment that you usefor product development.Your engineering and manufacturingteams can use these capabilities to collaborate across theproduct lifecycle.

Teamcenter provides the following capabilities to facilitatemanufacturing process management.

Advanced BOM/BOP management.You can use Teamcenterto associatively relate essential bill of material (BOM) informationwith your manufacturing bill of process (BOP).You can leveragethis associativity and Teamcenter’s configuration managementcapabilities to represent the physical decompositions of allactivities related to manufacturing assembly.This approach makescertain that your teams are using the right product configurationsin the right working context.

Manufacturing change management.You can use Teamcenter’seffectivity management capabilities to track product change orvariance over time and across multiple processes.

Resource management.You can use Teamcenter to classifymultiple manufacturing assets (tooling, fixtures, machinery,robotics) and to establish best-practice processes to managetheir use.Teamcenter tools enable you to mock up, visualize,analyze and optimize plant layout and material flow.

Production and shop floor management.Teamcenter’s tightintegration with Tecnomatix® software enables your PLMenvironment to leverage manufacturing and production data froma complete suite of digital manufacturing solutions.You can useTeamcenter’s open service-oriented architecture to integrateCAM, ERP and MES systems-of-choice into your PLM environment.Teamcenter provides standardized process templates andautomated work instructions to simplify the transfer ofplanning information to your shop floor.


Provide downstream teams with a single source ofmanufacturing and production knowledge they can use toexecute your lean manufacturing and design-for-manufacturinginitiatives.

Leverage integrated product and manufacturing knowledge inyour PLM environment to enable product development andmanufacturing teams to work in parallel lifecycle processes,thereby speeding time-to-market

Better synchronize BOM information with your manufacturingBOP to enable your teams to better understand product change

Page 19: teamcenter overview brochure...3 Lower cost of ownership.Teamcenterprovidesaneasy-to- configureservice-orientedarchitecture(SOA)thateliminatesthe highcostofimplementation. Teamcenter’sopen

You can useTeamcenter’s comprehensive suite of MRO solutionsto establish service data management capabilities for your PLMenvironment.These capabilities provide total visibility into complexproducts that function as capital assets.

OEMs can useTeamcenter to manage product knowledge throughoutthe service life of their products. Service organizations can useTeamcenter’s configuration-driven MRO to plan their operations,optimize service execution and better utilize assets and part, tooland equipment inventories. The followingTeamcenter solutions enableyou to perform a variety of MRO and support functions.

Service data management.Teamcenter provides total visibility intolong-life assets including current and historical configuration knowledgeand status, captures service event activities and delivers a servicesdashboard to support PBL/SLA contracts through metrics.

Maintenance planning.Teamcenter enables service organizationsto define and plan maintenance activities for complex componentsand assets.

Service event management.Teamcenter enables you to captureresults from service activities performed anywhere in the servicevalue chain.

Maintenance execution. Service organizations useTeamcenter toexecute auditable maintenance procedures, retain event histories andcapture asset performance/readiness status.

Materials management.Teamcenter enables your organization totrack and manage all part, tool and equipment inventories used torepair,maintain or overhaul its assets.

Logistics records management. Integrates the creation andmanagement of logistics support data into the product engineering,manufacturing and support knowledge environment to reduce thelogistics effort and improve accuracy of data.

Reporting and analytics.Teamcenter allows examination ofoperational information to identify trends in asset performance andreliability, and track asset and organizational KPIs.

Maintenance, repair and overhaul


Enable your service organization to plan and deliver MROservices more efficiently

Maximize the operational availability and reliability of yourmanaged assets

Provide up-to-date asset knowledge to service teams at theirpoint of need so they can understand an asset’s ongoingrequirements

Establish feedback loops to bring service concerns of fieldtechnicians to the attention of product developers andservice engineers

Facilitate performance-based contracts by enablingservice organizations to measure asset availability/reliabilityand organization performance metrics, modeling andoptimization techniques


Page 20: teamcenter overview brochure...3 Lower cost of ownership.Teamcenterprovidesaneasy-to- configureservice-orientedarchitecture(SOA)thateliminatesthe highcostofimplementation. Teamcenter’sopen

Siemens PLM Software


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Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the SiemensIndustry Automation Division, is a leading global provider ofproduct lifecycle management (PLM) software and serviceswith 5.5 million licensed seats and 51,000 customersworldwide. Headquartered in Plano,Texas, Siemens PLMSoftware’s open enterprise solutions enable a world whereorganizations and their partners collaborate through GlobalInnovation Networks to deliver world-class products andservices. For more information on Siemens PLM Softwareproducts and services, visit

About Siemens PLM Software

© 2008 Siemens Product Lifecycle ManagementSoftware Inc.All rights reserved. Siemens and theSiemens logo are registered trademarks of SiemensAG.Teamcenter, NX, Solid Edge,Tecnomatix, Parasolid,Femap, I-deas,Velocity Series and Geolus aretrademarks or registered trademarks of SiemensProduct Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or itssubsidiaries in the United States and in other countries.All other logos, trademarks, registered trademarksor service marks used herein are the property oftheir respective holders.

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