  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


    Teaching English to Young


    KH Grunnsklaskor 2003

    Samuel C Lefever

  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


    Why teach English at the

    primary level?increased use of and exposure to English indaily life practical need

    exposes children to understanding of foreigncultures tolerancelinks communication to the understanding ofnew concepts

    the earlier you start the more time you get tolearn the languagestimulates language awareness benefittingboth L1 and L2

  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


    Are children better language

    learners?children are less conscious of learningEnglish as a school subject learningcomes more naturallychildren devote more time to languagelearningL2 learning differs from L1 acquisition

    Conclusion: beginning at an early age can giveadvantages; it need not do any harm giventhe availability of trained teachers and theuse of appropriate materials

  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


    Characteristics of young learners

    (8-10 years old)keen and enthusiastic motivatedcurious and inquisitive

    outspoken clear viewslearning can be closely linked to thedevelopment of ideas and concepts

    rely on spoken word as well as thephysical world to convey andunderstand meaning

  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


    Characteristics of young learnerslearn by doing/hands-on experience

    (physical movement and activity necessary tostimulate thinking understanding comes

    through hands, eyes, and ears)a sense of fairness can work with andlearn from others

    have some sort of language awarenessand readinesscapacity for indirect learning - guessing

  • 7/28/2019 Teaching Eng Young Learners


    Implications for teachingfocus on words and interactionplay with the languagedevelop the awareness of languageensure variety in the classroomroutines and repetitionscaffolding and modellingcooperation not competitiongrammar is absorbed student-directedassessment and encouragement

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