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Teacher Motivation

Teopista Birungi Mayanja Commissioner,International Commission on Financing

Global education opportunity

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Presentation Outline• Introduction• Purpose• The Learning Generation-The

Commission Report• Recommendation concerning the

Teaching Force• Conclusion

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• The Commission states the world is facingan alarming education crisis.

• By 2030, more than half a generation of young people will not have the skills

needed for the changing global job market.

• That is more than 800 million out of 1.6 billion children and young people globally.

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How do we plan to fix it

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• To stimulate a discussion on the subject of Teacher Motivation and relate it to the focus of the Learning Generation

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The Learning Generation

• The Learning Generation vision is an evidence based, ambitious but achievable path of education expansion from now to 2040, from preschool through post-secondary, with an emphasis on improving quality and equity-

• The learning generation path assumes countries will make progress, reform, invest and use resources more efficiently

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The Financing Compact• The Commission calls for a Financing Compact in which countries commit to invest

and reform. The international community offers leadership and finance. Both are held

accountable for their commitment and supported by high level advocacy

• The Compact is realized through 4 transformations including reforms in

performance of education systems, innovation, inclusion and finance.

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The The compact will be realized through four transformations

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Successful education systems put results front and center

1. Set standards, track progress and make information public. (supervision and appraisal systems)

2. Invest in what has been proven to deliver the best results

3. Cut inefficiencies (Management information systems)

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INNOVATION Successful education systems

develop new and creative approaches to achieving results

• Strengthen and diversify the education workforce

• Harness technology for teaching and learning

• Improve partnerships with non-state actors

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INCLUSION:Successful education systems

reach everyone, including the most disadvantaged and marginalized

• Prioritize the poor and early years - Progressive Universalism

• Invest beyond education to tackle the factors affecting learning what

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Recommendation 4 Strengthen and diversify the Teaching Profession• Strengthen:

To professionalize both teaching and non-teaching roles, teachers, school principals and other staff. The system needs to be geared to providing effective training and support to teachers. Define required competencies, then deploy and support them accordingly


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• Teachers are overloaded due to multiple demands in non-teaching activities. Leverage the time teachers spend on teaching – reduce time on non-teaching activities .Consider others such as health practitioners, social workers, or administrative support.

• The intent is not to substitute teachers, rather to allow them harness their teaching skills to the fullest.

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An expert group on the expansion and redesign of the workforce.

• This is intended to be a year-long initiative:– Aim: to develop specific proposals for the redesign

of professional roles within education, and for addressing the recruitment, training, deployment and development needs of all levels of staff.

– Process: draw on the existing work on teacher professionalization by the Teacher Task Force and others. It will take a broad systems focus, learn from ongoing processes and critically bring in fresh perspectives - on leadership, management and organizational change.

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Representatives from fora like UNESCO Teacher Task Force, Teacher’s Unions, ILO, academia and other disciplines.

It will be a one off, to bring new thinking to a critical issue. It is aimed at complementing and be a resource to UNESCO and its relevant Task Forces.

Liaising with EI, UNESCO, WHO and others on the composition and scope, aiming to launch the expert group in early 2017.


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How the TTF, Commissioners & champion countries will mobilize financial resources • Engage with the analysis and thinking of the

Expert Group on Education Workforce• Pioneer Countries: These will be countries

that are ready to make education a top domestic priority, ready to engage in developing a reform agenda to accelerate learning, and supported by the highest levels of leadership and political commitment.

• We expect to identify 3-5 in the first wave.

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• Teachers and the education workforce will be central to all reform efforts to promote a learning generation and more effective education systems.

• We see a critical role going forward for teacher organisations to shape the reform agendas in pioneer countries and play a vital role in implementing change and new ways of working.

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New ways for additional financing to fill the critical gap.

• To establish a Multilateral Development Bank Investment mechanism in education.

• The WB and regional development banks with other donors, coordinated for a strong and effective financing system for education.

• The Banks will better leverage their capital basis and prioritize education.

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Conclusion•  Challenge!!!: how much longer will we describe the

problem? • Have we not described it enough? • What are we waiting to put in place real change?• What are we waiting for to put in place the

recommendations of the UNESCO/ILO 50 yrs old• Why are national governments refusing to engage

in a serious process of finding national solutions to national problems?

• Why are there so many ministries copying and pasting education policy dictated from abroad, when we have all the knowledge and expertise required to produce change at home? From The teachers

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Conclusion• Global actors in education , have tried all

the education reform recipes imaginable, except for one:

Engage teachers and education support staff through their unions and organisations meaningfully in the planning, implementation and evaluation of education policies.

If we are to keeping them motivated, then meaningful dialogue is of the essence. If we can’t do that, than we are not serious about reaching the  Education 2030 goals.

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