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The story of how Rupunsal never got captured!

Hey,hey Rapunzel get your stinky hair out of the way.Hi,hello and welcome to a hairy catastrophe about Rapunzel and her very,very,very,very,very long hair.Hey, Rapunzel I told you to get your hair out of the way or I will ship it of because you donʼt need it,it stinks cause you donʼt wash it.Ok,ok lets start talling Rapunzels tale or should I say hair haha so funny not,cool ok.

Once a hairy day Rapunzel was feeling a bit odd.So she went into town trying to find something to do.She went into a shop were two big muscled men worked.As she was looking around smelling and touching everything one of the two big muscled men came up behind her and captured her.When Rapunzel awoke the men looked at her “Hey” cried Rapunzel “let me go” she said “No we want your precious hair you will have to turn the page to get out” they said smelling her hair. “Ok then hurry up turn the page” cried Rapunzel.

Connie Morrish Today, 1:38 PM

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“Poo wee” shouted the man “Your hair stinks” he said “Yes,because I donʼt wash it”she laughed “Haha you donʼt want my hair now do you”said Rapunzel “Ok we donʼt want your hair lets go” and they ran down the street very,very,very far away from Rapunzels stinky hair.And that is Rapunzel never ever,ever,ever got captured again.I love a good tale,if you want to here more funny and serious stories turn the page.

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“Na I was just kiddying Iʼm only here to say the end so the hi Rapunzel “DONG Haha I hit you with a frying pan Iʼm the main character so I should say the end,the end.”

by:Taylor prince

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