
1 of 3 Accounting 816 Special Tax Topics in Federal Taxation Summer 2015 Tax Policy Student Presentation Tuesday May 26th & Wednesday May 27th In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion regarding the need for tax reform.The Joint Committee on Taxation prepared the Report to the House Committee on Ways and Means on Present Law and Suggestions for Reform Submitted to the Tax Reform Working Groups (May 6, 2013). The report can be found at ; report JCS-3-13.You are not expected to read the report; it is 558 pages.However, it may give you an idea of the some of the proposals and discussions regarding tax reform. Additionally, the House Ways and Means Committee issued a draft tax reform The Tax Reform Act of 2014 (February 2014).The Tax Reform Act of 2014 can be found at; the Executive Summary provides an overview of the proposals which may also be helpful for your presentation. Another article that may be of interest is a summary of proposals contained in Tax Reform in the 113th Congress: An Overview of Proposals, March 24, 2014 (Congressional Research Service). Additional materials posted on blackboard that may helpful are: Tax News & Views, February 6, 2015: FY 2016 budget blueprint reflects presidents call for business tax reform, infrastructure spending, middle-class tax relief (Deloitte Publication). The politics of tax reform in the 114th Congress, April 15, 2015 (Deloitte Publication). Assignment 100 points Students will prepare and present an 8 to 10 minute PowerPoint presentation addressing certain aspects of tax policyEmail your presentation to Kay Maresh at [email protected] by 1:00 PM on Tuesday, May 26th. Additionally, please bring your presentation to class on a USB drive/flash drive or your computer. Each student should ask at least two questions to presenters during the two days of presentations. There are no right or wrong answers.Presentations will be graded based on the students ability to discuss the tax provisions and provide arguments to support their position. There is no set format for the PowerPoint slides.No paper is required. BE CREATIVE and HAVE FUN! Pick a tax policy topic to discuss in your presentation. Turn in your topic sections on the attached Topic List in class on Wednesday, May 20th

2 of 3 Tax Policy Student Presentation Your presentation should include: 1)Why you chose the topic 2)Current Law briefly explain the current law 3)Why do you think the provisions were made law (encourage certain behaviors, discourage certain behaviors, other reasons) 4)Do you agree with current law why or why not? 5)Explain any proposed changes to the law that you can find 6)Would you leave the current law as is, or change the law?If you would change the law, how would you change it? (Repeal, revisions to current law, etc.) 7)Last Slide of every presentation: There have been proposals to implement a national sales tax in the United States.Do you agree with implementing a national sales tax?Why or why not? (You may consider including information on the percentage of taxpayers that claim the credit/deduction, etc. and/or dollar impact on tax revenue.This information will not be available on all topics.) Tax Topic Selection list is on Page 3 3 of 3 NAME: __________________________________ Tax Policy Student Presentation Topic List Rank five topics you would like to present from one to five with first choice indicated with a 1, through fifth choice indicated with a 5. Turn in this Topic List at the end of class on Wednesday, May 20th, and topics selections will be finalized at the end of class on Thursday, May 21st. TopicChoice Rank Research & Development Credit___________ Education Credits___________ Earned Income Credit___________ Work Opportunity Credit & other employment credits___________ Oil & Gas and Alternative Energy Credits___________ Retirement Savings credits & deductions___________ Low income housing credit___________ Child Credit and Child & dependent care credit___________ Residential Energy Credit___________ New Markets Tax Credit___________ Carried Interest___________ Limit on deduction for executive compensation___________ Home mortgage interest and real estate tax deductions___________ Charitable contribution deductions___________ Investment interest and investment fees & expenses deductions___________ Minimum tax on foreign earnings___________ Special lower rate for capital gains and dividends___________ Estate Tax___________ Flat tax versus progressive rates___________ LIFO method of accounting for inventory___________ Bonus and accelerated tax deprecation___________ Alternative Minimum Tax___________ Corporate dividends-received-deduction___________ Like-Kind Exchanges___________ Income Averaging ___________ Domestic Production Activities Deduction___________ Lower tax rate for dividends from foreign companies instead of foreign tax credit___________ Social Security & Medicare taxes on S corporation earnings and limited partners___________ Non-qualified deferred compensation plans___________ Charitable Organizations exempt from taxation (what types, if any, should be permitted)___________ Tax on Financial Institutions___________ Deduction for research and experimental expenses___________ Foreign Earned income exclusion for individuals___________ Exclusion for employer provided health, group term life, and disability insurance___________ Excise tax on medical devices___________ Other _______________________________________________________________________

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