
Tates Creek CurrentJanuary 2015

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 2

Contact Tates Creek Christian 3150 Tates Creek Road Lexington, KY 40502 (859) 266-1621 [email protected]


Worship Sunday Traditional - 8:30 am Blended - 9:50 am The Vine - 11:10 am Sunday School - 8:30, 9:50, 11:10 am Evening - 6:30 pm Wednesday Oasis Meal - 5:45 pm Oasis Classes - 6:45 pm

Staff Tommy Simpson Kim Beckwith Don Seevers Mike Allen Brad Haggard Matt Lee Lesley Tipton David Eversole Billy Bishop

Office Staff Kim Jones Jenni Gregg Rhoda Rolfes Vicki Wesley


Feature Article 10 “Is Jesus the Only Way?”

In Every Issue 3-9 Minister Articles 13 Elder/Deacon Serving Schedule16-19 Devotional thoughts each week 12 Prayer Ministry 12 Guided Prayer Topics 22 November Statistics 23 New Members 24 Calendar

Ministry News 14 Child 2 Child 15 Missions Moment - Fehl’s

Events 11 Middle School 13 20 Winter Oasis Classes

Announcements 21 “What If...” Pledge Results 21 Kroger Rewards

MissionTates Creek Christian Church exists to win

people to Christ (evangelism), build up believersin faith, knowledge, and service (encouragement),

to help those in need (benevolence), and to stand up for Christian values in the community (witness).

“What is Truth?” Pilate posed this question to Jesus during Jesus’ trial ~ John 18:38. We find Pilate’s question interesting in light of Jesus’ statement in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” Many people echo Pilate’s question today, “What is truth?” “Where do we find truth?” “Is there such a thing as absolute truth?” Jesus claimed to be truth. So, we ask, “How did Jesus verify this claim? How did He prove this declaration?” Let’s begin with His claim to be the Son of God. Did He prove that claim? Did He verify that He was the Son of God? What did He say about Himself? Jesus told the leaders of the Jews, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The word ‘temple’ here refers to Jesus’ body. When Jesus made this statement, He was speaking of His resurrection from the dead. Did Jesus raise from the dead? Jesus also made another claim concerning His resurrection from the dead in the same

verse. Jesus said, “And in three days I will raise it up.” Notice that Jesus gave His resurrection from the dead a definite time frame ~ three days. Again, the questions, “Did He rise from the dead? Did He rise from the dead in three days?” If He did not rise from the dead in three days, then Jesus is

an imposter; a fake; a phony; a pretender. But, if He did rise from the dead and He arose in three days, then He is who He claims to be. The truth is that Jesus Christ did rise from the dead in three days. Therefore, Jesus is who He claimed to be ~ He is truth. Therefore, everything that He said is true. Notice what Jesus said about the Word of God in John 17:17. Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” This means that God’s Word is truth, contains truth, represents truth, and speaks truth. This means that God’s Word can be trusted and followed. We find therefore that the Word of God is absolute truth. The Bible is completely and totally true! In light of this fact that the Bible is absolute truth, we are challenged to order our lives according to the truth found in the Bible. Will we embrace Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives? Will we maintain a continuous hunger and desire for truth? Will we employ the principles of Scripture into our lives? Will we become a champion of truth? Will we share the greatest truth ~ Jesus Christ? Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

For Grace and Truth! ~Tommy [email protected]

Tidbits from Tommy

3Lexington, KY 40502

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 4

Senior Adults As I pen this article my thoughts go to the crisis we are confronted with in our country today. It is perhaps the most threatening crisis we have or possibly could face as a nation and as citizens living in it. Now I’m old enough to remember when the Soviet threat had my neighbor across the street digging

a hole in his back yard so he could build a bomb shelter. I remember the Cuban missile crisis of the 1960’s. I remember the oil crisis of the 1970’s, the savings and loan crisis of the 1980’s, and the financial crisis of the 1990’s which followed. The Ebola crisis of recent months has frightened us all to our cores, yet this and all the rest pale in comparison to the real crisis facing us as a people today. What, then, is this crisis? It is, quite simply, a truth crisis. The recent happenings in Ferguson, Missouri, have vividly displayed what happens when people have no concern, respect, or trust for the truth. The most recent election displayed how truth suffers in the quest to paint one’s opponent in a negative light and one’s self in the positive. Our nation’s politics have caused us to become a jaded population as truth has been sacrificed for political gain, advancement, or survival. When we cannot trust that people are telling us the truth we simply cannot trust people. When we cannot trust people, division occurs. When division occurs peace is lost. We just celebrated Christmas where we recognize that it was into just such a world that God sent His Son. It was a jaded, cynical, chaotic world which saw the birth of the Prince of Peace. It should not escape our notice that the source of that peace is bound up in truth. John 18:37 records Jesus telling us, “for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the word, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is on the side of truth listens to me.” We should not be surprised that to the same degree that Christ is removed from our nation’s consciousness, truth suffers and chaos results. In the midst of that chaos, however, we should not despair or lose hope because we know that when Christ Jesus makes His next appearance every knee will bow and every tongue will confess the Truth. Until then we who have come to know the Truth need to introduce others to Him who said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” And in doing so, even in the midst of chaos, others will come to have the same peace within which comes from having the Truth living within

our lives.

In Him, ~Bro. Kim [email protected]

5Lexington, KY 40502

Don’s DynamicsWhat is Truth?

I am confident that most, if not all, of us remember being in trouble as children and our parents admonishing us, “tell me the truth”. We knew that we had better tell the truth or the consequences would be worse if they found out we lied. Yet today, we ask for the truth from those we love, from those who advertise on TV or radio, from our politicians. We become discouraged or even angry when we find out that someone has lied to us. Why do people have so much difficulty telling the truth? Sometimes, in our good intentions, we try to hide the truth so that we won’t hurt someone close to us. And yes, even as adults, sometimes we are afraid of the consequences.

Unfortunately, we find in our current culture many who do not hold anything to be absolutely true. That belief system is called relativism. Even worse is the concept of moral relativism. Space will not permit me to delve into these concepts in great detail, but they are dangerous and held by many, especially those who are of younger generations. It seems like those of us who are “older” do not struggle with truth as much as those who are “younger”,

but this statement in itself is not absolutely true! Relativism crosses the generational lines. AND, relativism is a problem in the Church today. That’s right, it is hard for us to imagine that there are some sitting in our pews on Sunday who struggle with the absolute truth of God’s Word and God’s Son, Jesus. Yet, we cannot cave to the lies of relativism. We must continue to take a stand. Some churches have given in to not preaching the truth in order to attract more attenders and members. This is a sad truth! The Bible has many things to say about truth, but I especially like the words about truth found in Psalm 119:160:

All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.

We pray: Father, as we approach this new year, please give us the courage to stand for absolute truth, the truth we find in Your Word and in Your Son, Jesus Christ. May we continue to speak Your Truth boldly and with confidence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

~ Don [email protected]

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 6

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 As Christians, we know that the very source of truth is God. And the way God chooses to communicate His truth is through His Word and through His Son Jesus Christ. Many of you

had this truth shared with you at a very young age. By the time you were in 3rd or 4th grade, you knew all the major stories in the Bible, including the gospel message, the story of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. What a great blessing! I was not introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ until I was 13 years old. My wife Lauren was not introduced to the gospel until she was a teenager as well. We often share stories about what it was like when we first heard the gospel message. Lauren often describes it as blinders being removed from her eyes. She says that when she first heard the truth of the gospel that everything about life started to make sense. It answered the questions that she had been having about her purpose, the world around her, and what life was all about. She hasn’t looked back since. The truth of God convicted her heart and she accepted Him as her Lord and Savior. I felt the same way when I first heard the truth about Jesus and what He had done for me. It was exactly what I needed and I knew it. I knew that Jesus was the only thing that could fill the hole in my heart that I had been trying to fill with so many other things. Ever since the day I responded to the gospel, gave my life to Christ, and was baptized at the age of 14, God has been revealing His truth to me day by day through His Word. His truth has motivated me to give my life to full time vocational ministry because I want to share His love and His truth with the world. There are people that we pass on the street, in the hallway at school, or at work every single day that are trying to fill the holes in their hearts with so many things. They are looking for truth in places where they will never find it and will always come up short and feeling empty. Until we introduce them to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will never find what they are looking for. It reminds me of the song by U2 “Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”. There are so many people in that boat, and it’s our responsibility to share the truth with them. Who will you share the truth

with today? In His Service, ~Mike [email protected]

College Ministry

Lexington, KY 40502


Student MinistryGod is True to Us!

There are a lot of things that are in the air for teenagers. School, work, family, friends, even the way they see themselves can change quickly. Teenagers can seem like social chameleons because they are constantly seeking something constant in their lives. Church should be that place for teenagers as they grow. That’s why being a part of a youth group is one of the most important factors in developing a lasting faith. In the Old Testament Israel sought stability, too. International powers rose and fell around them, and each time Israel faced threats to their very existence. As God led them through these times they recognized that God was “true” in a powerful and practical sense. God was true to Israel by faithfully saving them in their distress.

The maker of heaven and earth the sea and all that is in it the One who stays true forever. ~ Psalm 146:6

Because God is true to us through Jesus, we need to be true to Him. Our commitment to God must come above all else. This also means being true to those in the church. If our teenagers see that we are faithful to God and to them, then they will be encouraged to do the same. That is the power of the Church, that we can encourage each other to stay true to God, the one who promised to be true to us forever in Jesus.

Who is like our God, bearing our guilt and passing over the rebellion of the remnant of his inheritance?He does not hold his anger forever because He delights in being faithful.Once again He will show mercy to us and conquer our guilt.You will throw all of our sins into the depths of the sea.You will stay true to Jacob and faithful to Abraham just as you promised to our fathers from days of old. ~Micah 7:18-20

Let’s lift Him up together! ~ Brad [email protected]

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 8

“I am telling the truth…” I remember the first time I told my mom a lie as a child. I don’t remember what the lie was about, but I remember her response when she found out I had lied. She wasn’t angry, she was deeply hurt. She came to my room and asked if we

could talk. Then, with tears in her eyes she told me that we needed to start our relationship over. She went on to explain that before then we had a bond that had not been broken, but this lie changed everything. Even after I apologized to her I knew she was still hurting. It took several years to rebuild the trust again in our relationship. I remember wanting to keep the relationship strong and making sure I always told the truth. Now, nearly 25 years later, Terah and I are blessed to have four amazing children. Colten is 9, Onah and Marie are 6, and Izzy is 4. That means our house is always busy and never quiet. It also means there is typically someone getting mad at someone else over something silly. When Terah and I enter ourselves into the feud it is our goal to get to the truth… to find out what really happened. Sometimes we get more than we bargained for in truth and other times we have to prod, beg, and issue multiple disciplines to get to the bottom of the confrontation. Overall, though, I am very proud of each of our kids and their commitments to telling the truth. They really are amazing children (but I might be a little biased). This month our focus on Jesus is the Truth makes me think of the phrase Jesus said more often than any other, “I tell you the truth…”. In fact, this phrase is recorded in the gospels more than 80 times. Every time this statement is made though, you know what is following is something profound. You know it is something you can count on happening. You don’t have to ask yourself if it is really true, because it comes from Jesus. You also know that when Jesus says this phrase you better pay attention to the next part. Here’s my challenge for you… do a search on the phrase, “I tell you the truth…”. Then, write down the next thing Jesus says after it. So which one is my favorite?

“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10:15)

~ Matt [email protected]

Childrens Ministry

9Lexington, KY 40502

Preschool MinistryCritterland News

I always try to look at Jesus through a child’s eyes, so that when we talk about Him, the children can understand better. During Jesus in the Park we always ask our children “What’s in the Bible?” (God’s Word) and “What are the stories?” (True). I’m not able to use metaphors or eloquent words. I have to break things down to the simplest of terms.

• Jesus is God’s Son. • Jesus was given to us by God because He loves us. • Everything Jesus says is true. • Jesus loves you. • Jesus wants you to go to Heaven and be your friend forever.

These simple statements are great for young ones, but also for those adults that may not have learned of Him yet, or those who are struggling to reconnect. ~ Lesley [email protected]

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 10

The reason philosophical pluralism makes Christians ornery is that it would force them to abandon truth. There are at least four essential beliefs that Christianity refuses to leave behind: the unity of truth, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, the reality of sin, and the absolute necessity of the atonement.

The Only Truth Christianity rejects philosophical pluralism because Christianity accepts the Truth, with a capital T. There is only one truth, and that truth is one. As the apostle Paul explained, “We cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.” (2 Cor. 13:8). The Archbishop of Canterbury and the actress Jane Fonda once had an exchange that illustrates how Christians understand truth:The Archbishop of Canterbury: “Jesus is the Son of God, you know.”Jane Fonda: “Maybe he is for you, but he’s not for me.”The Archbishop of Canterbury: “Well, either he is or he isn’t.” Jane Fonda evidently believes in philosophical pluralism. Perhaps her view should be termed “Fonda-mentalism.” What is true for you may not be true for her, and vice versa.

As a Christian, the Archbishop of Canterbury rightly insisted that truth cannot contradict itself. Either Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world, or he is not. It is one or the other; it cannot be both. To believe that two contradictory religions are both true is like saying, “2 + 2 = 4, or 5, or 37, or whatever you like.” To believe all religions simultaneously is to become hopelessly entangled in self-contradiction. One simply cannot accept the Hindu belief that there are 3,000,000 or more gods and at the same time

accept the Muslim belief that there is only one god. Nor can one embrace either Hinduism or Islam and Buddhism because historic Buddhism does not believe in a personal God at all. Or consider religious opinions about the afterlife. Buddhists seek Nirvana, the complete absence of desire. Christianity teaches that heaven is a place where all pure desires are satisfied in Jesus Christ (Rev. 22:4).

Who is right? If there is a heaven at all, does it negate or satisfy desire?

Is Jesus the Only Way?

Lexington, KY 40502 www.tatescreek.org11

Middle School Believe Conf.

Is Jesus the Only Way? continued

Opinions about judgment differ as well. Christianity teaches that “man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Heb 9:27). Hindus believe in a seemingly endless series of reincarnations. Well, which is it? Both views cannot be true. Religion is not a preference. Although people are allowed to hold their own opinions, they cannot make up their own truth. This cannot be done with religion any more than it can be done with mathematics. To insist that all religions are equally true is another way of saying that all religions are equally false. Somewhere in his Religion and Society Report, Harold O. J. Brown has observed that pluralism “purports to respect all ideas and opinions, but in the last analysis ends by denying that any idea or any conviction has validity.” If every religion is compatible with its opposite, why bother with religion at all?Taken from Is Jesus the Only Way by Philip Graham Ryken, © 1999. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,

Middle School Believe is January 23rd-24th!

Our annual “best weekend of the year” for the Middle School Ministry is coming up January 23rd and 24th. Believe is from the same group that does SuperStart and Move, and it is always one of the most important spiritual weekends of the year. The weekend only costs $55, plus three meals.

To register, contact Brad Haggard at [email protected].

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 12

A great new year is upon us and what a wonderful time to reflect on the many prayers that have been answered this past year and the many blessings we can look forward to this new year! This is also a great time to re-commit to your daily time with God in prayer. Find a quiet place to spend together….just you and God. It is a precious time to take all your needs to the Lord and meditate on how he is working in your heart. The Bible tells us to ‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalms 46:10). Let God speak to you. If you are looking to find truth, God will reveal to you the truth that he has for your life, if you listen and hear. He will reveal to you the needs of others and opportunities to serve those in need. Commit to keeping a prayer journal and writing down your prayer needs. As you pray and reflect back on those prayers, you can see the spirit of the Lord working as you pray and focus on your time with him. Encourage others by sharing the blessings of your prayers and ask others to pray with you. As you continue your prayer walk with the Lord, you will find that you look forward to your daily meeting with God and you will be amazed at how you begin to see so clearly God’s plan for your life day by day. Our prayer team is here to support your prayer journey. Our prayer room in the foyer is available for all to come to bring their needs to the Lord. There is a member of the church who prays during each of the Sunday morning worship services. If you would like someone to pray with you, please meet them in the prayer room during one of the Sunday morning services. If you have a testimony about an answered prayer and would like to share it to encourage others, we would love to add it to our message. You can contact any prayer team member or Peggy Crawford at 859-269-5902 or email at [email protected]. ~ Tates Creek Prayer Team

The Power of PrayerDaily Guided Prayer Topics

January1 Thanks for New Year2 President Obama 3 Strong Families4 A family member needing Christ5 I Thessalonians 5:16-186 Weeks in Ethiopia7 TCCC’s “What If...”8 Lesley & Preschoolers9 Assurance for Life10 Marriages in crisis11 A friend away from the church12 Psalm 2013 Fehls on furlough14 Women’s Ministry15 Kim Beckwith & Senior Adults16 Gov. Steve Beshear17 New families at TCCC18 The Lost and Hurting19 Philippians 4:4-720 Limieros in Tanzania21 TCCC - Church on Target22 Matt & Elementary Kids23 Bair Foundation24 Those with unbelieving spouses25 Give TCCC a heart for the lost26 Romans 8:31-3227 Alvarados in Mexico28 Men’s Ministry29 Don & Worship Ministry30 Kentucky Senators31 Families with multiple generations

The mission of this ministry is to pray, motivate, and train others to pray, and to provide prayer opportunities so that we might know our Lord more intimately and serve Him more fervently.

13Lexington, KY 40502

Communion Serving Schedule January 4Elders: John Langley, Bill ClemDeacons: Bill Johnson, Chris LeeAshland Terrace: Cory WilsonHome Comm: David Straub, Charlie Byers, Craig MartinSat Comm Prep: Tom/Waynetta MyersSun Prep after 1st Srv: Rick LayneClean-up after 1st Srv: Carolyn NipperSun Prep after 2nd Srv: Rick LayneClean-up after 2nd Srv: Brad ByingtonJanuary 11Elders: Bill Clem, R.W. EllingtonDeacons: David Straub, Greg Wheeler,Ashland Terrace: Steve MullinsHome Comm: Steven Clem, Terry Morrison, David MartinSat Comm Prep: Brian/Sontina HogstonSun Prep after 1st Srv: Chris/Debbie DennisonClean-up after 1st Srv: Chris HinesSun Prep after 2nd Srv: David ShumanClean-up after 2nd Srv: Chris Hines

January 18Elders: R.W. Ellington, Larry BuggDeacons: Bill Poor, Bill BurkeAshland Terrace: Jonathan CliftonHome Comm: Ed Hall, Harold Butler, Bill PoorSat Comm Prep: David/Paula RankinSun Prep after 1st Srv: David/Sheila WaitsClean-up after 1st Srv: Mary RobeySun Prep after 2nd Srv: John CombsClean-up after 2nd Srv: Wanda JohnsonJanuary 25Elders: Larry Bugg, Kent MasonDeacons: Harold Butler, Henry EvansAshland Terrace: Stuart KearnsHome Comm: Lucas Moore, Bill Johnson, Charlie ByersSat Comm Prep: Kathy HicksSun Prep after 1st Srv: Marvis/Pam WhiteClean-up after 1st Srv: Shannon/Jenni GreggSun Prep after 2nd Srv: Marvis/Pam WhiteClean-up after 2nd Srv: Randall Young

Senior Adult EventsAdult Bible Study

Wednesdays ~ 10:30 am Room 200A

Better With Age Club Thursday, January 15

10:30 am ~ Fellowship HallBring side dishes, salad, or

dessert to share.

Bluegrass Christian Men’s Fellowship

January 19, 2015Tates Creek Christian Church

Brad Walden will be presenting a report on the history and future of

the Men’s Fellowship.

Meal ~ 5:45 pm, Program ~ 6:45 pm

January Oasis MealsJanuary 14 ~ Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Cooked Carrots, RollsJanuary 21 ~ Baked Ham, Augratin Potatoes, Green Beans, Rolls, DessertJanuary 28 ~ Sloppy Joes, Potato Wedges, Cole Slaw, DessertSalad is available as an alternate meal when it is not a part of the meal being served.

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 14

In late September, I was going through my grandson’s Sunday clothes that he had outgrown, starting a pile for Goodwill. Looking at the pile, I noticed those clothes looked nearly new, and I thought, “Wouldn’t it be better if these clothes could be made available to the children at Julius Marks Elementary?” I sent Matt Lee an email requesting his input on an idea I had for donating clothes. I asked him “What If ” a bin could be placed in Uptown for gently-used clothing. As the children that attend TCCC outgrow their clothes, they could be placed in the bin and taken to JME to be used for the children that attend the school. Well, my little “What If ” idea took on its own life form. Not only did Matt think it was a wonderful idea, he also thought it should be a new ministry. Matt said he would provide the room if I could get a team together to go through the clothes and organize them in the room.All the team members are from my Sunday School class (In The Word). They are Patty Powell, Charlcie Seekford, Kathy and Orville Taylor, Diane Carmichael, and Tanny Bishop. Child 2 Child was the name chosen by the team members for this ministry. Children of TCCC giving to children of JME was the idea behind the name. The plan is to hold a month-long clothing drive in the spring for spring/summer clothes and in the fall for fall/winter clothes. At the end of the clothing drive, we will hold an open house for the children of JME and their parents to come to the church to pick out free clothing. Our first clothing drive was during the month of November, which netted us a room full of clothes. Our first open house was held December 10. The clothes are there to be used as needed at any other time. A little boy who had no coat has already been supplied one. Also, a little girl who came to school in pajamas received some clothes. We are off to a good start!

~ Phyllis Giles

Child 2 Child

15Lexington, KY 40502

Missions Moment We have to start this article by saying, “THANK YOU!” As we are “home” in America this year, yet displaced from our “home” in Ethiopia, you have blessed us. Thank you for the mission house that you have extended to us during the month of December. Thank you for the warm welcome and feast you brought to us our first night in town. Thank you for the Christmas tree and ornaments that were waiting for us so we could decorate and get into the holiday spirit! Thank you for the Christmas parties, meals, and extension of friendship that you offered. Thank you for the attention you gave us as we shared with you about Ethiopia, our teammates, and the ministry happening there. We have been back in America for four months now. During the fall, we’ve been traveling to report to our supporting churches in Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. During our travels, we’ve had lots of medical, dental, and various appointments. It’s been a very busy season, but we’re looking forward to some stability soon. Starting in January, we’ll be the missionaries in residence at Cincinnati Christian University (CCU) for six months. We’ll resume our family home schooling, Adrian will teach a college class on World Religions, and we’ll spend some time with college students. It will be exciting for us to unpack and be settled (for the most part) for the remaining of our furlough time. Our plan is to return to Ethiopia at the beginning of August. Our family will experience a huge change as we leave Addison here for college. Please pray for his college decision and this upcoming change for all of us. Please pray for all of our kids: Addison (17), Mallory (15), Darby (12), and Ethan (10) to make some friends while we are in Ohio for these months. We pray to find a good church for our family, where we can be involved with active youth groups and small groups. The focus when we return to Ethiopia will be to build a church and an office complex in Addis Ababa, the capital city. Also, as our team continues to grow, we’ll have 3-4 new families to help orient and get established with language learning and ministry. Thank you for your continued and faithful support of us and the whole team in Ethiopia. It’s great to know we have partners like you who pray, encourage, and support us in this work.

God bless you! ~Adrian and Jennifer Fehl

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 16

Devotional Thought Week 1JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD ~ John 1:1-18

Fathers and sons often have similarities in their appearance, mannerisms, and vocabulary. Many times you will hear someone say, “I see your father in you”, when they are introduced to the son for the first time. We should not

be surprised that God sent His Son to the world to communicate His love for us. What better way could there be for us to get to know God than to know His Son?

This is part of what John means when he opens his gospel by describing Jesus as the Word of God. Jesus was not like His Father in physical form, He was fully human after all, but He was sent to be like Him in word. Jesus used words He heard from the Father to communicate with us. (John 12:49) But being the Word of God, was about more than words.

Jesus also enacted the Father’s words with His actions. He displayed for us how to love and be gracious to all kinds of people, even those who hurt us. He modeled for us how to stand up for the truth and what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular. Jesus did this so that we could see and get to know God.

In words and actions, Jesus showed us His Father. Even beyond this, He embodied what it meant to be the Word of God in the flesh in all his attitudes throughout His time on the earth. In fact, Hebrews 1:3 says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.”

Jesus succeeded in showing us that He was the culmination of all God is, even though He was also a man. He was like God in every way. Jesus knew He had succeeded in this aspect because He later told his apostles “Anyone who has seen me, has seen the Father.” (John 14:9) It is a privilege to be able to rest in our knowledge of God because of Jesus.

~ David Eversole Administrator FOB Class Teacher

17Lexington, KY 40502

Devotional Thought Week 2JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD ~ John 3

In the third chapter of John’s gospel, he tells of a Pharisee named Nicodemus, who came to Jesus by night to consult with him as a teacher with Godly wisdom. Jesus responded to his question by telling him that in order to enter the kingdom of God, he must be born again--a spiritual rebirth. He also

foretold of his coming sacrifice for the sins of the world, by His death on the cross. God gave Jesus, His only Son, to bring salvation to all who believe in Him as Messiah and Lord. The fact of Jesus’ divinity is the central truth of the gospel, and whether one accepts this truth or not is the measure of judgment for all mankind. Jesus is the Truth, the Word of God which became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Jesus is the Light which came into the world, but the world has rejected Him, because those who practice evil

love darkness rather than light. All who make this choice are condemned by their choice, by their rejection of the means of their salvation--belief in Jesus as the Christ, the only begotten Son of God. As baptized Christians who believe in Jesus as our Savior, we have the spiritual rebirth of which Jesus told Nicodemus. We belong to Him, and have the promise of eternal life.

In this chapter, John also gives the witness of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus as the Christ. When John’s disciples came to him to tell him of Jesus’ ministry, he reminded them that he had said that he (John) was not the Christ, but rather the forerunner (herald) of the Christ. Jesus is the bridegroom, who has the bride (the church), and John is the friend of the bridegroom (the best man) who rejoices in the union of the bride and groom. John concludes the chapter by saying that God loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. All who believe in the Son will have eternal life, and all who do not obey the Son will not see life, but will suffer the wrath of God. As Christians, we rejoice that we belong to Him, that His sacrifice covers our sins, and that when he returns to claim His bride, the church, we will be with Him in heaven, eternally. ~ Terry Morrison Deacon Upper Room Class Teacher

JESUS IS THE MESSIAH ~ John 4:1-38 For the Christian, the term Messiah refers to Jesus’ role as a spiritual deliverer, setting His people free from sin and death.In the years between Eden and Calvary certain men and women lived in a manner pleasing to God, none of them

though lived without sin. The Messiah was required. In Genesis 3:15 we read the first of all the great prophesies recorded in the Old Testament regarding the coming of the Messiah and the great work he was to accomplish on earth. With the birth of Jesus still fresh in our minds, Luke 2:11 reminds us through the angel’s announcement, “For there is born to (YOU) this day in the city of David a savior who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 15:10 says the angels of God rejoice over one sinner who repents. The angels, and the Messiah, are all for the Christian. What a blessed people we are! In John 4:7-42 we see Jesus and the Samaritan woman. When Jesus informs her that He is the Messiah, she leaves her pitcher, and goes to tell the good news to her town.39 many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified “he told me all that I ever did”.41 and many more believed because of His own word.42 Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the savior of the world.

The Jews believed that one essential characteristic of the Messiah would be that he should be able to tell the secrets of all hearts, this they believed was predicted in Isaiah 11:2-3. In Genesis 3:15 He is called the seed of woman (virgin). At His birth He is called a savior. The Samaritan woman said, “I know that Messiah is coming’’ (who is called Christ). Today after Calvary, we Christians can say MY Messiah, MY Savior, MY Lord. Like the Samaritan woman we should say, “Come see MY Messiah, come and know MY Savior.” What a story we have to share!

~ Nathan Young Elder

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 18

Devotional thought Week 3

JESUS IS GOD ~ John 5:17-47 As I begin the New Year, I face an old familiar foe. Getting those Christmas songs out of my head! For me however, there is one Christmas song that remains in my head throughout the year. Not because of a catchy tune or famous singer, but because of the words and message composed by the song’s writer, Mark Lowry. In 1984, Mark Lowry was given the task of organizing the Christmas program for his church. As he began putting together a piece to use between songs, Mark decided to base this monologue on a series of questions that he would ask Mary, mother of Jesus, if she were alive today. Years later, those questions became the lyrics for the popular Christmas song, “Mary, Did You Know?” But what excites me most about the song’s lyrics is its assertion to the deity of Christ!

Mary did you know that your baby boyIs Lord of all creation?

Mary did you know that your baby boyWill one day rule the nations?

Did you know that your Baby BoyIs Heaven’s perfect Lamb?

This sleeping child you’re holdingIs the great I Am

Jesus Christ is the great I Am! We read of this in John 8:56-59.56 Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” 57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” 58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” By making this proclamation, Jesus revealed himself to both the Jews and the world. The Jews took what Jesus said as blasphemy and as a result, wanted to stone him. They neither understood nor knew who he was.Mark Lowry wanted to ask Mary, “Did you know”? Someday he will get his answer. But for those who do not know, the question might come too late. As I meditate upon the words recorded by John at the beginning of this new year, I want to ask Mark Lowry’s question to those who do not believe while there is still time. World…do you know? ~ David Martin Deacon Good News Class Teacher 19

Lexington, KY 40502

Devotional thought Week 4

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road

Winter Oasis 2015

January 14 - March 25 “The Amazing Collection” The Major Prophets

Women’s Study Led by Phyllis Eversole Beginning with the book of Isaiah then continuing through to the book of Daniel, this study will help participants discover the overview, key players, and timeless principles of each book. Whether you are new to studying the Bible or are a seasoned student, this study’s DVD teachings, workbook lessons, and discussions will give you a bigger picture of God and His word. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the workbook. If you have any questions, please see or email Phyllis Eversole at [email protected].

“The Holy Spirit”Led by Tommy Simpson

This study will examine the many roles of the Holy Spirit, beginning with the Holy Spirit as a person. We will also be covering the Holy Spirit’s work in the Old and New Testament, His work before, during, and after conversion, and His work through the believer’s spiritual gifts.

“Hands and Feet Ministry” Matthew 25:35-40Led by Danny Branham

What does it mean to be the hands and feet of Jesus? During these eleven weeks, participants will invest themselves in a choice of community outreach ministries demonstrating their love for God by pouring themselves into the lives of others.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

Class RegistrationRegister online at, follow the link on our website at, mark the class of your choice on a Communication

Card, or scan the QR code to the right.

Be sure to register early so materials are available!


21Lexington, KY 40502

SHOPPING AT KROGER CAN NOW BENEFIT TCCC! Tates Creek has recently been approved to participate in Kroger’s Community Rewards Program. Through this program, Kroger distributes funds back into the community. To help Tates Creek receive a larger portion of these funds, just sign up with your Kroger Card and identify Tates Creek Christian Church as the charity you would like to support with your purchases. Simply visit and click on SIGN UP TODAY. This will lead you through the process of creating an online Kroger Rewards account. Once this is set up, you can edit your ‘Kroger Community Rewards’ information to input your Kroger Plus card number and then name Tates Creek Christian Church (NPO #28849) as the organization you would like to support. To verify you are enrolled as you wish, the church’s name should appear on the right side of your information page. Once this is complete, you are supporting TCCC with each Kroger purchase you make – as long as you swipe your Kroger Plus card at checkout! (If you do not already have a Kroger Plus card, you may obtain one at the customer service desk at any Kroger store.)

We are pleased to announce the total of plegdes for the elimination of our debt, at

the time of this printing, is $1,409,296. Thank you to all those who have made this

commitment! Praise God!

“What If...”

Kroger rewards

Sunday School Average Attendance

November 2014YouthInfants 8Walkers 62 - 5 Year Old 16 Elementary 67Middle & High School 57

AdultAlpha/Omega 7Ashland Terrace 8Christians in Action 23Crusaders 58Early Bird 8:30 am 4Faith 15Fellowship of Believers 16FOCUS 19Generations of Faith 22Good News 29Grace & Truth 66Grass Roots 16Heaven Bound 12In The Word 20Open Bible 62Psalm 34:3 6Reach 19Seekers 8Servants for Christ 24Upper Room 13Willing Workers 35

Miscellaneous 5Officers 3

Total 640

November Worship Attendance & Giving

Total General Fund 2nd 832 $34,149.9th 815 $29,850.16th 777 $24,213.23rd 784 $18,797.30th 704 $20,788.

IndebtednessMortgage Balance, Nov. 30 $1,514,261.

Monthly Payment (Dec. 1) $112,888. Principal $8,786. Interest $4,101. Add’l Principal $100,000.

To give online anytime or setup a recurring online gift, visit our website at and click on “Giving”.

% of Dollars Given Online11%

General Fund Report2014 Budgeted Need per week $29,407.2014 Average per week $27,379.

November Total Income $127,797.November Total Expenses $126,561.Net Excess $1,236.

Tates Creek Christian Church 3150 Tates Creek Road 22

Funds Totals for Nov.

Deacons’ Fund $1,459.“What If...” $96,599.

23Lexington, KY 40502

New MembersWe rejoice with Roy on his recent baptism. He was raised in a Christian home but had put off being baptized. Roy is very active in the college group and with encourgement from them and Tommy, he knew it was time to be baptized. Roy has lived in Lexington for many years and has been attending Tates Creek for 2 years. He currently works for UPS. Let us continue to help him on his new journey with Jesus Christ.

We want to warmly welcome Carolyn to Tates Creek. After visiting various churches, she has been worshipping with us since 2009. “I knew that Tates Creek was the right place to be when I started attending.” Carolyn came to Lexington from Senora, Kentucky, and now works here as a billing specialist. She stated that Ephesians 2:8-9 has been effective in her life. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast.” Help us continue to encourage Carolyn.

Roy CampbellBaptized on November 9

Carolyn JaggersTransfer, November 9

Picture not available

Fred & Emma GoodeTransfer, November 9

Fred and Emma have lived in Lexington for many years and have been worshipping with us for almost a year now. They were invited to Tates Creek by their neighbors, Ed and Marilyn Hall, and are active in the Crusaders Sunday School Class. Emma’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13 which says “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Be sure to welcome Fred and Emma as they continue to serve with us.



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Calendar ~ January 20151 Happy New Year, office closed

3 & 17 Card Ministry, 8:30 am, 102

4 Monthly Ministry Teams

5 Elders’ Meeting, 6pm, 200D

8 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH8 Deborah Circle, 7 pm, Fh

12 Faith Circle, 6:30 pm, 104 12 J.O.Y. Circle, 6:30 pm, Fh

13 MOPS, 9 am, FH13 Tabitha Circle, 7 pm

14 Winter Oasis begins

15 BWAC, 10:30 am, FH

16 Crusaders Fellowship, 6 pm, FH

19 BCMF, 5:45 pm, Tates Creek CC

22 Room in the Inn, 5 pm, FH

23-24 Middle School Believe Conf.

27 MOPS, 9 am, FH

Weekly ActivitiesSunday Evening:Rejoicing Ringers, 4:30 pm, CREvening Worship, 6:30 pm, WCAdult Small Groups, various times and locations

Monday Evening: Orchestra rehearsal, 6:15 pm, WC

Tuesday Evening:Victory for Life, 6:00 pm, FH

Wednesday:Adult Bible Study, 10:30 am, 200AWorship Team, 5:30 pm, WCOasis Meal, 5:45 pm, MMCOasis Classes, 6:45 pm, various roomsHigh School Worship, 6:45 pm, 303Middle School Worship, 6:45 pm, 303Worship Choir, 6:45 pm, WC






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