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Task 1b / Task 1c


This is when a company will publish an advertisement for a brief which a company wants

to be made. They will put up a brief of what they want from the product and all the

necessary nature and demands of the brief. This won’t be to detailed and will just be a

basic guideline. Companies will then pitch their ideas and the company will decide who will

make their project based on the ideas quality. They may require the company to make

adaptions to their ideas to make it more suitable for their use It will vary about how much

information is included but it doesn’t tend to be too detailed like a contractual brief.

Advantages include the fact that multiple companies get the chance to work for this brief

meaning that the companies have a chance to get the job based on the quality of work

rather than other aspects that may let them down. The company will also get the chance

to hear all the ideas, giving them more control so they can create a better end project as

appose to trusting the company you choose will do it how you’d like. The companies will

have a lot more input and get to be creative as they will get the chance to convince the

client of what is needed and will be able to show them all of their different ideas. However,

this may cause rivalries. It also means that people will spent time developing ideas that

won’t get a chance to be chosen. This will mean that they will waste time and therefore


Cooperative brief

A cooperative brief is when multiple companies are hired to create one final project. For

example, one might deal with the filming of a project while another one might deal with

the sound. Both companies will need to work together to make the final project appealing

to both companies and each will be responsible for making their section to a high

standard so to be as good as the rest. The main advantage is that each of the companies

will be specialised in that specific field meaning that all aspects of the project will be done

to the best of its abilities meaning the company will get the best standards for each aspect

and the final project will be to the best of hits ability. It can also work out cheaper for the

company because they can hire companies based on individual cost and maybe pay less

for aspects that are less important. However, this may open the project up to arguments

as both companies may not agree on the ideas of the other. Also because the companies

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do not know each other, they may not communicate as well which means the entire

project may not fit with each other.


A contractual brief is a legally binding agreement which both parties of the agreement will

sign. It will be previously negotiated so to get an agreement which both parties are happy

with before both sign the agreement. It will go into detail about all the requirements

including both the nature and demand of the project. The companies will then go forth

and make the project and then turn it in for the agreed payment. Since the contract is

legally binding if either party don’t live up to the expectations detailed into the brief, they

can be in trouble which can go to the extent of court where they can be fined. Some

advantages of this agreement are that the client is more in control with this brief and can

set whatever rules or regulations they would like, if it is agreed. Furthermore, no one can

be cheated out of the contract because it is all set-in stone and doing so will result in

punishment. This means that each party will be walking out of the agreement with a

definite outcome. Some disadvantages include the fact that companies get less flexibility

with the contract. This means they don’t get to be as creative as they’d like to be with

the project. They can also be faced with fines if they don’t live up to these.


A negotiated brief includes a discussion between both parties involved in the project. The

two companies will talk among themselves and come to a conclusion about any conflicting

ideas in the project. For example, if one of them want’s to change the duration, they can

put the idea out there and then the two companies can decide on what is best for the

project, hopefully resolving the conflict. The brief will then be signed before any of the

process will go forwards. It tends to be very detailed and therefore the end project will

reflect on that. This means that there will be lesser chance of conflict later on in the

production process. A advantage to this kind of a brief is that both companies will get to

be just as creative as each other because they both get the chance to agree on the

outcome. This can help make the entire project better as there are multiple views being

input into the ideas. However, this process of discussion can be very time consuming

which will be taken out of the production process. There may also be a lot of conflict in

this type of a brief as not all parties will agree with each other. This can be very stressful

and mean that the project suffers.

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A formal brief is when a production company creates a brief outline about the project and

it’s nature and demand. It will be agreed upon through both parties. This tends to be

very brief and doesn’t go into any legal or regulatory issues. Some advantages include

the fact that it is easier to understand in comparison to a contractual or other briefs as it

uses much simpler language. Also as it is not a contract, nothing is set in stone and you

will not get into trouble if things don’t go to plan. It also means that minor changes can

be made. A negative to this kind of a brief is that the fact that is doesn’t go into legal

issues means that one of the companies could be made a fool of. For example, the leading

company may decide they don’t want the project that the other company has spent time

and money producing. This can result in conflict. On top of this, as it is a formal brief you

cannot change it like you can some other briefs such as an informal brief. This can create

problems along the way.


This is basically a discussion about the project. It takes the form of an informal

conversation and since there is no official agreement, no one must follow anything agreed

in this until it is formalised. They will basically just discuss the ins and outs of the projects,

including both the nature and demand of the project. They may go over ideas and so on.

Some advantages include the fact that there is lots of flexibility because nothing is legally

set in stone which also means that if something goes wrong nobody is liable. It also allows

you to be more creative because you can make changes along the way and generally both

parties have a say in what happens. However, this means that if everything doesn’t go to

plan and someone doesn’t uphold there half of the agreement, nothing can be done

since there is no contract involved.


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A commission brief is when a company hires a second company to make the product for

them. They will be given a brief which will include important requirements which will need

to be followed. They will then make the project which will be reviewed by the company

that commissioned it. The commissioning company will need to look for a company with

lots of skills and experienced so to get a good final project. advantages include the fact

that the company being commissioned will get no only the money for the job but also get

a chance to share some of the profits. Also, the company will have free time for other

important issues because they won't have to be so invested in the project. Some

disadvantages include the fact that the company won't get much say into the project and

so they might not like the finished project. On top of this profit may also have to be split in

more directions such as with other shareholders and investors which will limit the total



The is when a company will put out an advertisement for the project they want which will

invite any one they want to make the project and enter it with the chance for winning a

sum of money. They must follow any requirements given. There are a range of advantages

such as the company advertising the competition will most probably get a good deal

because it will most probably end up cheaper. They will also have more options to choose

from, free of charge Finally, the people entering the competition will get a chance to win

money and get there work out there and since anyone can enter everyone has a chance

to win. Disadvantages include the fact that the company's entering, will put in hard work

and money only to be not chosen because there can only be one winner. Also the people

entering have all the freedom with it and the company will only get the advertisements to

set requirements which mean that most of the work won't be what they pictured.

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