Page 1: Task 1 work sheet 2 architecture

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1) Lewis Dunn

Photographer: Brad FeiknopfPaste 6 images here include the name & date of image

Page 2: Task 1 work sheet 2 architecture

Theme or focus of images When researching architectural photographers I came across this very unusual and unique building. I presume this building is used as a person’s home as there are multiple rooms and a balcony, what really caught my eye was how the front room had no supports or beams running from the ground to keep it held up but supported by the weight of the back end of the building making it look like it’s completely floating of the floor. From my point of view it seems like the building was made as a type of futuristic cabin as there is a lot of wildlife and nature surrounding the building.

Judging by the weather and light I would presume the photo was taken during summer as the sky is clear and the trees are green. Also I noticed that one trees leaves are turning orange which also shows that the seasons are changing from summer to autumn. I don’t exactly know where the photograph would have been taken but by looking at the nature and trees surrounding the building I would say the photo was taken in a type of wood or forest. Looking up the house known as

Page 3: Task 1 work sheet 2 architecture

Waccabuc I discovered it is a private home owned and designed by an architect Rafael Vinoly and is a country home located in Upstate New York.


Looking at angles of the photo I think the photographer was close to the ground pointing it up at the building which shows the overall view off the building. To show more of the main object it self and not much of the nature which surrounds the building I think he could have either zoomed in a touch or cropped out the final shot of the photo he would do this to focus more on what he’s shooting at than what surrounds it. Also they’re could have been other buildings in the background he could have used this method to subtract any unwanted objects which could be ruining the photo.

Techniques used

Think shutter speeds, rule of thirds & depth of field

There is a lot of light already included from the time of day so considering how long the shutter speed would have been open for a limited short time because there wouldn’t have been much light needed to capture. On an estimate I would think he would have used a shutter speed of around 1/6 as there is a lot of daylight already included. Looking at depth of field he has based the camera shoot from a low angle and having the building planted bang in the centre of the shot which blends out the background focusing more on the main object. There’s not much blur at all when using the depth of field so I think he would have used a high f-stop.

Strengths & Weaknesses

What you do and don't like and how it can influence your work

What I do like about this picture especially is the building itself, what I like about it is how unusual and unique the building looks and is very clever how it’s been put together. The picture makes the building stand out how the bright colours from the trees and sky bring out the building with its smooth hazel brown colours, and at the angle the picture is taken out just pin points the building making it the main object in the picture. There isn’t much I didn’t like about this picture maybe taking it from more of a distance so you could get more pf an optical view of its surrounding might have worked well. I think the picture could possibly influence my work by showing me better angles and techniques to use when snapping my own architectural buildings.

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