  • 7/29/2019 Tanebbadt n Libya Tatrart-English


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    Tanebba n Libya tatrart

    The New State of Libya

    i libya ... tugdut ... tamagut ... tametrit

    Tudert i libya ... libya tadreft

    amussu n tadelsant n tmazivt12 vuct 2011

    Long live Libya - Libya free

    Amazigh Cultural Movement,On August 12, 2011.

  • 7/29/2019 Tanebbadt n Libya Tatrart-English


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    Il useci Libya tatrart , imira wakud-nnes bac ad-nsec tawlaft n tanebbat tatrart

    tadreft, ixsay n takti d tugdut elli nexs as-nawwe ad-yased seg tadwenni d ixsay il

    ien d tilit n wales s anamek-nnes n wales n umeal. D mammek ixsay I useci n tanebbat n

    tilelli, tugdut, d irray n wemkan n izerfan wefggan, ayed kra seg turdin-nnev f ametri il

    useci Libya tadreft tatrart.

    Asulef (1)

    Tamazivt d tabawit ( tutlayet n yal ilebiyyen war uslid) d tarabt nitentin tutlayin

    tunibt g Libya, d ver-snet yal izerfan-nnsent ammesmad g isteomal-nnesnt g yal tisetna n

    tanebbat talibit. D tanebbat fellast tamzavt d asili-nnesnet, d ula tivri n tutlayin n

    umaal elli tutlayen sisnet guda g umdal maver yidhet allalen iqqan iden timettin n umadal d

    irray I yal tidliain timelin d f taverma n wassa tatrart.

    Asulef (2)

    yal izumal n tanebbat talibit tatrart lemmi tmura ad-tperrer d texwa azarug-nnes, d

    ayeqqim vresen talviwin n tmagit, umezruy d tidlest d taktit talibit (n Libya).

    Asulef (3)

    Libya tanebbat tugdut s tazrugt-nnes, anagraw n anba anegraw ametri, tugdi, berlmani. D

    tigawt n anagraw n amutri f tamal a jar n anba yemsuddus f tuddsa mi tlemmast, mani

    itesekna assav jar inebba elli netnin (tinezref, tinna, tinselkm).

    Asulef (4)

    Mi tsara aseci n ikabaren n tsertit f tamal n ujjid, tamnat, aar ven taqbilt, f umata f

    tamal elli dis tmussu izerfan wefggan mmesnen fellas umadal d timnain.

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    Asulef (5)

    yal ilibiyyen (argaz d tmeut) versen izerfan d tilellin n tsertit ,tudmist, tamettit,

    tidlest. D tanebbat ad-tsec asennti tugdut d azref n tmeddurt I yal afeggan saddu

    tamzavt n asaf.

    Asulef (6)

    tilelli n tilit takti, turda, wawal s yal talviwin-nnest jar tilelli n tafelsit,asvud,askan

    d ifsar.


    It is time to build the new modern Libyan state and free. Intellectual consciousness that

    aspires to democracy and respect for diversity must come from the universal human

    values such as recognition and respect for others, dialogue and tolerance so that we

    can build a national consensus and work for the interest of all.

    In order to build a future democratic state that respects freedom, dignity and equality,

    we believe that respect for human rights is essential. To contribute to the debate on this

    project, we propose our design for the next creation of a new Libyan state democratic,

    unified and free.

    1 - The Amazigh language as a heritage of all Libyans without exception, and Arabic

    are both official languages of Libya. They have equal rights and equal privileges as to

    their use at all state institutions. The state will work to protect, to enhance and ensure its

    use in all areas. The state will also seek to teach foreign languages most commonly

    used worldwide to access science and modernity, open to other cultures and


    2 - After the release and stability in Libya, the state symbols must conform to the

    dimensions of identity, historical, cultural and intellectual Libya.

    3 - Libya is a civils democratic and sovereign, with a constitutional and parliamentary-

    based flexible and balanced separation of powers (legislative, judicial and executive)and decentralization.

    4 - It is forbidden to form political parties on religious, regional, ethnic or tribal. And in

    general, on any basis other discriminatory or contrary to human rights as universally


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    5 - To ensure equal freedoms and political rights, civil, economic, social and cultural

    rights for all Libyan (male and female). The State shall guarantee and protect equal

    opportunity and the right to life as the first right of every human being. Provide and

    ensure equal opportunities for individuals, coalitions and political movements to express

    their ideas and designs through a peaceful dialogue, peaceful, democratic and lawful

    in terms of both rights obligations.

    6 - Ensure freedom of existence in all its forms-intellectual, opinion, expression, through

    all forms of creation, dissemination and publication.

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