Download - tan A

Page 1: tan  A


tan A2021

= = =oppositeadjacent


tan B2120

= = =oppositeadjacent


Write the tangent ratios for A and B.

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The Tangent RatioLESSON 8-3

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Page 2: tan  A


To measure the height of a tree, Alma walked 125 ft from the tree and measured a 32° angle from the ground to the top of the tree. Estimate the height of the tree.

The tree forms a right angle with the ground, so you can use the tangent ratio to estimate the height of the tree.

tan 32° = height125 Use the tangent ratio.

height = 125 (tan 32°) Solve for height.

The tree is about 78 ft tall.

The Tangent RatioLESSON 8-3

Additional Examples

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125 32 Use a calculator.

Page 3: tan  A


Find m R to the nearest degree.

tan R =4741 Find the tangent ratio.

So m R 49.

m R tan–1 Use the inverse of the tangent.4741

The Tangent RatioLESSON 8-3

Additional Examples

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Use a calculator.4741

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