  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga




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    Advanced 2

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    - Talking Book -

    Chinese Proverb

    T eachers open thedoor,

    but youmust enter by yourself

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    SadrajAdvanced 2

    Unit 64 - Causative Verbs - get / have / let / make

    Unit 65 Future Perfect Continuous

    Unit 66 Past Perfect Continuous

    Unit 67 Past Participle

    Unit 68 Verb Tenses in Active Voice

    Unit 69 Sequence of Tenses

    Unit 70 Slaganje vremena sa infinitivima iparticipima

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.







    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

    Lista nepravilnih glagola

    Lista frazalnih glagola

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved.

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Causative (uzroni) glagoli pokazuju da je neto ili neko indirektno odgovoran za

    neku radnju. Subjekat ne vri radnju, ali ini da neto ili neko drugi uradi toumesto n jega. Na primer:

    - Yesterday I had my hair cut. (Jue sam se oiao.)Ja nisam sam oiao svoju kosu, ali sam dao drugome da to uradi umesto mene.


    Haveje najei uzroni glagol. Umesto da neto sami radimo, mi have nekogdrugog da to uradi umesto nas. Evo kako izgleda forma reenice:

    Glagol " to have" + objekat + past participle.Na primer:

    - I had my jacket cleaned yesterday.(Oistio sam jaknu jue.Odnosno: Dao sam jue da mi se oisti jakna.)

    - Did you have your computer fixed?(Da li si popravio kompjuter?Odnosno: Da li si dao da se popravi?

    Causative Verbsget / have / let / make







    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved.

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Ponekad koristimo have kao uzroni glagol kada nameravamo sami da uradimo

    neto. Na primer:

    - When will the report be ready? I'll do it by tomorrow morning. >>- When will the report be ready? I'll have it done by tomorrow morning.

    Koristei kozitiv u drugoj reenici, panja nije na vrioca radnje nego na dogadjaj koji jeuradjen. Zvui ljubaznije i profesionalnije.


    Get se esto koristi umesto have. Na primer:

    - I got my computer fixed - I had my computer fixed. Ove dve reenice znae isto.- I got my jacket cleaned. - I had my jacket cleaned. Ove dve reenice znae isto.

    Uzrone glagole koristimo i kada imamo loa iskustva. U takvim situacijama ee

    se koristi have. Na primer:

    - I had my wallet stolen.(Nisam ja izazvao nekoga da mi ukrade novanik neko ga je ukrao od mene.)

    Causative Verbsget / have / let / make







    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved.

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Causative Verbsget / have / let / make







    Postoje dve osnovne strukture kozitiva. Jedna je kao aktiv, a druga je kao pasiv.

    Ovi primeri su sa glagolom have.

    I had John fix the car.

    Ja sam sredio da kola budu popravljena od strane John-a

    odnosno, ja sam ga naterao da ih popravi.

    I had the car fixed.

    Ja sam sredio da kola budu popravljena od strane neke osobe.

    Mi ne znamo koje, tako da je ta reenica kao pasiv.

    Struktura kozitiv reenice u aktivu



    Agent Glagol Objekat

    Susan had her brother do her homework.

    The police had the suspect stop his car.

    We had the carpenter fix our window.


    VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Causative Verbsget / have / let / make







    Struktura kozitiv reenice u pasivu.



    Glagol na komese vri radnja

    We had our door fixed.

    Mina had her hair cut.

    Iva had the windows cleaned.

    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Causative Verbsget / have / let / make







    Drugi glagoli u kozitivu

    U svim primerima smo koristili causative glagol "have". Medjutim, mnogi drugi glagolimogu se upotrebljavati u kozitivu. U aktivnom obliku neki od ovih glagola zahtevaju daglagol na kome se vri radnja ima "to" ispred. Evo nekoliko primera najeih causativeglagola.

    Glagol ZnaenjeOblik glagola na

    kome se vri



    make naterati infinitivThe robbers made us

    lie on the floor.

    [Nema oblik za pasiv]

    get Isto kao i"have" "to" oblik

    I got George to pick me

    up in the car.

    She got her hair cut.


    infinitivI'll let you borrow my bike.

    [Nema oblik za pasiv]

    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Causative Verbsget / have / let / make







    Customer Service: Pacific Bell. May I help you? Pacific Bell. Mogu li Vam pomoi?

    Jefferey: I'd like to have my phone disconnected. elim da mi se iskljui telefon.

    Customer Service: May I ask why? Smem li da pitam zato?

    Jefferey: Well, I'm graduated and am moving to California for a new job there.Diplomirao sam i selim se u Kanadu zbog novog posla.

    Customer Service: Congratulations! estitam.

    Jefferey: Thanks. Hvala.

    Customer Service: All r ight . May I have your p hone number, please? U redu. Mogu li da dobijem broj Vaegtelefona?

    Jefferey: Sure. My phone number is 377-765-8769.Naravno. Moj telefonski broj je 377-765-8769.

    Customer Service: And the name on the account, please? Ime na raunu molim Vas?

    Jefferey: My name is Jefferey Schaefer. Moje ime je Jefferey Schaefer.

    Customer Service: For security purposes, Mr. Schaefer, may I have your date of birth, please?

    Iz bezbednosnih razloga, gospodine Schaefer, mogu li dobiti datum Vaeg rodjenja?Jefferey: It's June 5, 1978. Jun, 1978.

    Customer Service: Thank you. Now, when would you like it to be disconnected?Hvala. Kada biste eleli da bude isklkuen?

    Jefferey: Tomorrow by 5:00 PM. Sutra do 5 sati.

    Customer Service: Sure. The telephone will be disco nnected at 5:00 PM tomorrow.

    Naravno. Telefon e bit i iskljuen u 5 sati popodne sutra.

    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Future Perfect ContinuousSloeno trajno budue vreme

    subjekat + pomoni g. will + pomoni g. "have" + past particip od "be"+ present particip glavnog glagola

    Odrine reenice se grade stavljanjem reice not izmeu will i have,a upitne reenice inverzijom subjekta i pomonog glagola will.

    Vidi tabelu na sledeoj strani.

    Future Perfect Continuous izraava radnju koja e trajati do odreenog buduegvremena ili trenutka u budunosti, a ne u nekom odreenom trenutku u budunosti:

    At 8.00 o'clock in the evening, I will have been work ing ten hours.(Do 8.00 sati uveeja u imati za sobom ve 10 sati rada).

    Znai radnja poinje u 10 sati pre podne, traje deset sati, sve do 2.00 sati uvee kadajo traje.

    He wil l be tired when he arrives. He will have been travelling for 24 hours.(Bie umoran kada stigne. Putovae ve 24 sata.)

    Kako se gradi Future Perfect Continuous






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Future Perfect ContinuousSloeno trajno budue vreme

    I will have been calling I will not have beencalling

    will I have been calling?

    you will have been callingyou will not have been

    callingwill you have been calling?

    he, she, it will have been


    he, she, it will not have

    been calling

    will he, she, it have been


    we will have been callingwe will not have been

    callingwill we have been calling?

    you will have been callingyou will not have been

    callingwill you have been calling?

    they will have been callingthey will not have been

    callingwill they have been calling?






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Past Perfect ContinuousSloeno trajno pro lo vreme

    Kako se gradi:subjekat + simple past od "to have" + past particip od "to be"+ present particip gl. glagola

    Odrian oblik se gradi uz pomo reice not,a upitanoblik inverzijom subjekta i glagola "to have".

    Ram started wait ing at 9am. I arrived at 11am.Ram je poeo da eka u 9.pre podne. Ja sam stigao u 11 pre podne.When I arrived, Ram had been waiting for two hours.Kada sam stigao, Ram je ekao ve dva sata.

    Past Perfect Continous izraava prolu radnju koja je due vreme trajala pre nego tose druga prola radnja dogodila. Na primer:We had been walking for two hours before we saw the first house.Peaili smo dva sata pre nego to smo ugledali prvu kuu.

    The day before they came, it had been raining for hours.Dan pre nego to su stigli, kia je satima padala.

    John was very ti red. He had been running. John je bio veoma umoran, traoje.I could smell cigarettes. Somebody had been smoking.Osetio sam cigarete, neko je puio.






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Past Perfect ContinuousSloeno trajno pro lo vreme

    Peter said: " Some of my fr iends have playing cards all night."Peter je rekao: "Neki moji prijatelji su igrali karte cele veeri".Peter said that some of h is friends had been playing cards all night .Peter je rekao da su neki od njegovih prijatelja igrali karte cele noi.

    I had been calling I had not been calling had I been calling?

    you had been calling you had not been calling had you been calling?

    he, she, it had been


    he, she, it had not been


    had he, she, it had been


    we had been calling we had not been calling had we been calling?

    you had been calling you had not been calling had you been calling?

    they had been calling they had not been calling had they been calling?

    Past Perfect Continous se upotrebljava i u indirektnom govoru umesto trajnogoblika prolog vremena (past continous tense) u direktnom govoru.NIVO






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    The Past ParticipleProli particip

    Proli particip izraava zavrenu prolu radnju kad skrauje vremensku reenicu.

    Na srpski jezik se esto prevodi: kada je, kada se.

    Encouraged by his success, he made a further effort.(Ohrabren svojim uspehom, uinio je jo jedan napor.)

    Told what to do, he started at once.(Kada mu je reeno ta da radi, krenuo je odmah.)

    Warned of danger, he changed his decision.(Upozoren na opasnost, on je promenio svoju odluku.)

    Having + past participle, having been + past particip le

    Having + past particip le, having been + past partic iple izraavaju svrenu radnjukoja se dogodila pre neke druge radnje. Na primer:

    Having done all my work, I went for a walk.(Kada sam zavrila sav svoj posao, otila sam u etnju.)Having recovered from his surprise, he explained what the matter was.(Kada se pribrao od iznenadjenja, objasnio je u emu je stvar.)Having found all he wanted, he went home very satisfied.(Poto je saznao sve to je eleo, otiao je kui vrlo zadovoljan.)






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    The Past ParticipleProli particip

    Being + Past Participle

    Being + Past Participle izraava zavrenu pasivnu radnju koja se dogodila preneke druge radnje. Na primer:

    Being asked about the exam, he said that he did not pass it .(Kada su ga pitali o ispitu, rekao je da ga nije poloio.)

    Being sent in time, she was able to reach them.(Poto je bila poslata na vreme, mogla je da ih stigne.)

    Being given orders, we started at once.(Kada su nam izdali naredjenja, krenuli smo odmah.)

    The work being done well, everybody felt pleased.(Poto je posao bio dobro uradjen, svi su se oseali zadovoljni.)

    Being well taught, she never makes a mistake.(Poto su je dobro nauili, ona nikad ne grei.)

    Being informed of the danger, he will know what to do.(Poto je bio obaveten o opasnosti, on e znati ta da uradi.)






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Verb TensesVremena

    Jednina Mnoina

    Prosta vremenaOznaavaju da je dogadjaj u sadanjosti, prolosti ili budunosti.

    Sadanje vreme

    1st person I walk/draw we walk/draw

    2nd person you walk/draw you walk/draw

    3rd person he/she/itwalks/draws

    they walk/draw

    Prolo vreme

    1st person I walked/drew we walked/drew

    2nd person you walked/drew you walked/drew

    3rd person he/she/it


    they walked/drew

    Budue vreme

    1st person I will walk/draw we will walk/draw

    2nd person you will walk/draw you will walk/draw

    3rd person he/she/it will


    they will walk/draw






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Perfect vremenaOznaavaju da je dogadjaj bio ili e biti zavren pre nekog drugog vremena ili dogadjaja.

    Present perfect

    1st person I have walked/drawn we have walked/drawn

    2nd person you have walked/drawn you have walked/drawn

    3rd person he/she/it has


    they have walked/drawn

    Past perfect

    1st person I had walked/drawn we had walked/drawn

    2nd person you had walked/drawn you had walked/drawn

    3rd person he/she/it had


    they had walked/drawn

    Future perfect

    1st person I will have walked/drawn we will have walked/drawn

    2nd person you will have walked/drawn you will have walked/drawn

    3rd person he/she/it will have


    they will have walked/drawn

    Verb Tenses






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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Continuous TensesOznaavaju radnju koja traje.

    Present continuous

    1st person I am walking/drawing we are walking/drawing

    2nd person you are walking/drawing you are walking/drawing

    3rd person he/she/it is


    they are walking/drawing

    Past continuous

    1st person I was walking/drawing we were walking/drawing

    2nd person you were walking/drawing you were walking/drawing

    3rd person he/she/it was


    they were walking/drawing

    Future continuous

    1st person I will be walking/drawing we will be walking/drawing

    2nd person you will be walking/drawing you will be walking/drawing

    3rd person he/she/it will be


    they will be walking/drawing

    Verb Tenses






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Present perfect continuous

    1st personI have been


    we have been


    2nd personyou have been


    you have been


    3rd person he/she/it has been


    they have been


    Past perfect continuous

    1st personI had been


    we had been


    2nd personyou had been


    you had been


    3rd person he/she/it had been


    they had been


    Future perfect continuous

    1st personI will have been


    we will have been


    2nd personyou will have been


    you will have been


    3rd person he/she/it will have been


    they will have been


    Verb Tenses






    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Sequence of TensesSlaganje vremena

    Vreme u glavnoj reenici Vreme u zavisnoj reenici Primeri



    Da se izrazi istovremena radnja,

    koristite sadanje prosto vreme

    I am eager to go to the concert

    because I love the Wallflowers.

    Da se izrazi prola radnja, koristite

    prosto prolo vreme.I know that I made the right choice.

    Da se izrazi radnja koja je poela utrenu u prolosti i traje do danas,

    koristite present perfect.

    They believe that they have elected

    the right candidate.

    Da izrazite radnju koja e se desiti,

    koristite prosto budue vreme.

    The President says that he will veto

    the bill.



    Da izrazite drugu zavrenu radnju,koristite prosto prolo vrijeme.

    I wantedto go home because I

    missedmy parents.

    Da izrazite radnju koja se desila pre

    druge radnje koristite past perfect.

    She knew she had made the right


    Da izrazite opte poznatu injenicu

    koristite sadanje vreme.

    The Deists believedthat the

    universe is like a giant clock.






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Sequence of TensesSlaganje vremena






    U svakom sluaju koristite prolo


    She has grown a foot since sheturnednine.

    The crowd had turnednasty before

    the sheriff returned.


    Da izrazite istovremenu radnju koristite

    sadanje vreme.

    I will be so happy if theyfix my car

    today.Da izrazite radnju koja se desila ranije,

    koristite prolo vreme.

    You will surelypass this exam if you


    Da se izrazi radnja u budunosti

    koja e se desiti pre radnje u

    nezavisnoj reenici, koristite

    prezent perfekt.

    The college willprobably close its

    doors next summer if enrollments

    have not increased.



    U svakom sluaju koristite

    sadanje vreme ili prezent


    Most students will have taken sixty

    credits by the time they graduate.

    Most students will have taken sixty

    credits by the time they have







    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Slaganje vremena sainfinitivima i participima


    Vreme infinitivaUloga infinitiva Primeri


    (to see)

    Da se izrazi istovremenaradnja ili radnja posle


    Coach Espinoza is eager to try out hernew drills. ["eagerness" je sada; "to tryout" e se desiti posle.]

    She would have liked to see moreveterans returning. [Infinitiv prezenta"to see" je u istom trenutku kao iprolo vreme "would have liked".]


    (to have seen)

    Da se izrazi radnja koja sedesila pre glagola.

    The fans would like to have seen someimprovement this year. ["Would like"

    opisuje stanje u sadanjosti; "to haveseen" opisuje neto pre tog vremena.]

    They consider the team to have beencoached very well. [Infinitiv perfekta tohave been coached ukazuje na radnjupre glagola consider.]






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Instit ute. All rights reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.


    Vreme participaUloga participa Primeri


    Da se izrazi radnjakoja se deava uisto vreme kada iglagol.

    Working on the fundamentals, the team slowlybegan to improve. [Unaprijeujui osnove, tim

    je poeo polako napredovati. Radnja se deavaparalelno, u isto vreme]





    Da se izrazi radnjakoja se deava preglagola.

    Prepared by last year's experience, the coachknows not to expect too much. [Radnjaizraena pomou glagola u prezentu "knows",

    je posledica glagola u prolom vremenu"prepared".]

    Having experimented with several game plans,the coaching staff devised a master strategy.[Particip prezent perfekta "havingexperimented", ukazuje na vreme pre glagolau prolom vremenu "devised".]

    Slaganje vremena sainfinitivima i participima






    Sadraj VebeAud iolekcije

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    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Elektronske vebeSadraj Vebe

    Aud iolekcije

    Elektronske vebe se nalaze u drugoj knjizi.Otvorite e-knjigu u istom folderu pod imenom Practice Book

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Najee korieni frazalni glagoli:break, bring, call, carry, come, do, fall, get, go, keep, look, make, put, run,set, take, turn


    break down otkazati

    fiziki i mentalno kolabirati

    break in Izvriti provalu



    break off prekinuti (terapiju, odnos)

    break out pobei iz zatvora, izbiti(npr.pege), izniknutibreak up raskinuti vezu


    bring about izazvati, dovesto do

    bring forth izneti, roditi

    bring forward obratiti panju na neto

    bring on izazvati neto da se desi, pojavi

    bring round ubediti


    bring up vaspitati



    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    call back zvati ponovo

    call for zahtevati, traiti

    call in pozvati

    konsultovati specijalistu

    call off otkazati

    call out itati glasno imena, dobacivati

    Narediti radnicima da trajkuju

    call on Traiti od nekoga da uradi neto

    call up telefoniratiizazvati


    carry away otkloniti

    Zaneti se, odneti

    carry off Odneti silom


    carry on nastaviti

    carry out Izvriti, sprovesti

    carry through Privesti kraju, izvriti


    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    come about Desiti se, dogoditi se

    come across Naii na nekoga

    come after slediti

    come at napad


    come back vratiti

    come by svratiti

    Kupiti, dobiti

    come down Pasti (cene)

    come down to Oznaiti, misliti

    come down with Razboleti se

    come in uiprodirati

    come in for Primiti, biti predmet kritike

    come off Nestati, odvojiti se

    come out Izai na videlo, objaviti, istupiti

    Biti otklonjen (mrlja)

    come over Doi (ako ste daleko), obuzeti

    come round Posetiti nekoga

    Povratiti svest

    come to Svoditi se na

    Doi stii

    come up Pronii, iskrsnuti

    Rasti (problem)

    come up against Suoiti se (sa problemima)

    come upon Naii na

    come up to match (a standard)

    come up with Doi do ideje

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    do away with Iskoreniti, unititi


    do up Urediti

    Zakopati, upakovati

    do with Trebati, trpeti, zadovoljiti se, podnositi

    do without moi bez neega


    fall apart Raspasti se

    fall behind zaostati

    fall for Biti zaljubljen u


    fall in with Sluajno sresti

    Sukobiti se

    fall off Smanjiti se

    Pasti od

    fall out svadja

    fall out with Svadjati se sa

    fall through propasti

    fall to Pasti, poeti eljno neku aktivnost

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    go against Protiviti se

    go along with Slagati se, imati istu taku gledita

    go away otiigo down sii

    Ii dole (cene)


    Zai (sunce)

    go for Navaliti, napasti

    go off eksplodirati

    Iskliznuti, opalitiUgasiti se

    go on nastaviti

    go out izai


    go over pregledati

    go past proi

    go round Posetiti neformalnogo through pregledati



    go up Rasti (cene)

    Skoiti, eksplodirati

    go with Slagati se sa, ii sa

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    keep away Drati se podalje

    keep back Zadravati, povui

    keep down Drati u potinjenosti, primati, spustitikeep off Izbegavati (temu)

    Drati se podalje

    keep on nastaviti

    keep up Nastaviti

    keep up with Ii u korak sa


    look after Brinuti o nekome

    look down on Gledati nekoga sa visine

    look for traiti

    look forward to Radovati se

    look into Istraivati (zloin), ispitati

    look on Gledati

    Osmatrati, smatrati

    look out Pazi, budi paljiv

    look over pregledati

    look through gledati kroz

    Ispitivati sadraj neega

    look up Navratiti, potraiti

    look up to ugledati se na

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    put across Izdejstvovati, rastumaiti

    put back Vratiti na mesto

    Sauvati novac za budunost

    Vratiti sat unazad

    put by utedeti

    put down Deponovati

    Kladiti se

    Zabeleiti, kritikovati, spustiti

    put down to Dati razlog, pripisati

    put forward Izneti

    Predloiti, pogurati

    put in for Biti kandidat na izborima

    put on izigravati


    Dobiti (teinu)

    put off odloiti

    put out Ugasiti, ispruiti, uznemiritiput through Dati vezu, obezbediti, sprovesti

    put up graditi

    Dii (ruku)


    Nuditi na prodaju

    put up with Tolerisati, prihvatiti

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli


    make for dosegnuti

    make off Pobei, uputiti se

    make out Prepoznati,protumaiti, imati uspeha

    make up nadograditi



    Naminkati se

    make up for nadoknaditiPonovo dobiti (vreme)


    set aside Staviti na stranu, ukinuti

    set back Osujetiti, pomeriti unazad

    set down Poloiti, sleteti, spustiti

    set off Aktivirati, istai, odvojiti


    set up Osnovati, zakazati, prevariti

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    run after juriti

    run away pobei

    run down Iznuriti, isprazniti se, nipodatavati

    Rezimirati, trati niz

    run in Natrati, utrati, naleteti na nekoga

    run into Naleteti na nekoga, utrati, natrati

    run off pobei

    run out istrati


    run out of Ostati bez, iscrpiti

    run over Otrati



    run up against Naii na tekoe

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga



    take after Slediti nekoga kao primer

    Liiti na

    take down Skinuti, rasklopiti, sneti, stenografisati

    take in Razumeti (znaenje)

    Prevariti, suziti (odea)

    take off Skinuti (sa sebe)


    take to Odati se, navii se

    take up Nastaviti, sprijateljiti se

    Latiti se, oduzeti, razmotriti

    take up with Udruiti se


    turn down odbiti

    Utiati, presaviti

    turn in Podneti, prijaviti

    turn off ugasiti

    turn on upaliti

    turn out Ispasti (dobro ili loe), ugasiti

    turn over Izvrnuti, prevrnuti se

    turn up pojaati

    Pojaviti se

    Phrasal Verbs frazalni glagoli

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Alight aterirati, stii alighted, alit alighted, alit

    Arise dizati se,naii arose arisen

    Awake probuditi, budan awoke, awaked awoken, awaked

    Be biti was, were been

    Bear nositi, radjati bore borne, born

    Beat pobediti, tui beat beaten, beat

    Become postati became become

    Beget zaeti,dati povoda begot begotten

    Begin poeti began begun

    Bend krivina, nagnuti bent bent

    Bereave liiti, oduzeti bereaved, bereft bereaved, bereft

    Beseech preklinjati besought, beseeched besought, beseeched

    Bet kladiti bet, betted bet, betted

    Bid narediti,ponuditi cenu bade, bid bidden, bid, badeBide ekati priliku bade, bided bided

    Bind obavezati, vezati bound bound

    Bite zagristi, ujesti bit bitten

    Bleed krvariti bled bled

    Bless - blagosloviti blessed, blest blessed, blest

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Blow duvati blew blown

    Break polomiti broke broken

    Breed gajiti,pariti bred bred

    Bring doneti brought brought

    Broadcast iriti broadcast, broadcasted broadcast, broadcasted

    Build graditi built built

    Burn goreti burnt, burned burnt, burned

    Burst puknuti burst burst

    Bust grudi, prsa bust, busted bust, busted

    Buy kupiti bought bought

    Can moi could (kein Participle)

    Cast baciti,odbaciti cast cast

    Catch uhvatiti caught caught

    Choose izabrati chose chosen

    Cleave rascepiti cleft, cleaved, clove cleft, cleaved, cloven

    Cling prilepiti se clung clung

    Clothe odenuti se clothed, clad clothed, clad

    Come doi came come

    Cost kotati cost cost

    Creep - puziti crept crept

    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Crow kukurikati,vrana crowed crew, crowed

    Cut sei, posei cut cut

    Deal dogovoriti se dealt dealt

    Dig kopati dug dug

    Do raditi did done

    Draw crtati drew drawn

    Dream sanjati dreamt, dreamed dreamt, dreamed

    Drink piti drank drunk

    Drive voziti drove driven

    Dwell stanovati,boraviti dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled

    Eat jesti ate eaten

    Fall pasti fell fallen

    Feed hraniti fed fed

    Feel oseati felt felt

    Fight boriti se fought fought

    Find nai found found

    Flee beati, izbegavati fled fled

    Fling jurnuti,bacati se flung flung

    Fly - leteti flew flown

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Forbid zabraniti forbad, forbade forbid, forbidden

    Forecast predvidjati forecast, forecasted forecast, forecasted

    Forget zaboraviti forgot forgotten

    Forsake napustiti forsook forsaken

    Freeze smrznuti (se) froze frozen

    Geld - utrojiti gelded, gelt gelded, gelt

    Get dobiti got got, gotten

    Gild - pozlatiti gilded, gilt gilded, gilt

    Give dati gave given

    Gnaw gristi gnawed gnawed, gnawn

    Go ii went gone

    Grind mleti, treti se ground ground

    Grip epati, stegnuti gripped, gript gripped, gript

    Grow rasti grew grown

    Hang obesiti, visiti hung hung

    Have imati had had

    Hear uti heard heard

    Heave izvlaiti, dizati teret heaved, hove heaved, hove

    Hew cepati, sei hewed hewed, hewn

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Hide - sakriti hid hidden, hid

    Hit udariti hit hit

    Hold drati, zagrliti held held

    Hurt povrediiti hurt hurt

    Keep uvati kept kept

    Kneel kleati knelt, kneeled knelt, kneeled

    Knit plesti knitted, knit knitted, knit

    Know znati knew known

    Lay lei laid laid

    Lead voditi led led

    Lean nagnuti se leant, leaned leant, leaned

    Leap skoiti,preskoiti leapt, leaped leapt, leaped

    Learn uiti learnt, learned learnt, learned

    Leave otii, napustiti left left

    Lend pozajmiti lent lent

    Let dopustiti, dozvoliti let let

    Lie leati,poloiti lay lain

    Light svetleti, zapaliti lit, lighted lit, lighted

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Lose izgubiti lost lost

    Make napraviti made made

    May moi, smeti might -

    Mean znaiti, misliti meant meant

    Meet sresti, upoznati met met

    Melt topiti se melted molten, melted

    Mow kositi mowed mown, mowed

    Pay platiti paid paid

    Pen zatvoriti u tor pent, penned pent, penned

    Plead braniti, zastupati pled, pleaded pled, pleaded

    Prove dokazati proved proven, proved

    Put staviti put put

    Quit odutati quit, quitted quit, quitted

    Read itati read readRid otarasiti se rid, ridded rid, ridded

    Ride jahati rode ridden

    Ring zvoniti rang rung

    Rise dii se, peti se rose risen

    Run - trati ran run

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Saw testerisati sawed sawn, sawed

    Say rei, kazati said said

    See videti saw seen

    Seek . Tragati, traiti sought sought

    Sell prodati sold sold

    Send poslati sent sent

    Set namestiti, postaviti set set

    Sew iti sewed sewn, sewedShake tresti, umutiti shook shaken

    Shall - u should -

    Shear pokositi, oiati sheared shorn, sheared

    Shed izdati, opadati,hangar shed shed

    Shine sijati se shone shone

    Shit shit, shitted, shat shit, shitted, shatShoe obuti, cipela shod, shoed shod, shoed

    Shoot ustreliti, pogoditi shot shot

    Show pokazati showed shown, showed

    Shred raspadati se,dronjak shred, shredded shred, shredded

    Shrink izbegavati,skupiti se shrank, shrunk shrunk

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Shut zatvoriti shut shut

    Sing pevati sang sungSink potonuti sank sunk

    Sit sesti sat sat

    Slay prebiti, ubiti slew slain

    Sleep spavati slept slept

    Slide okliznuti se, izmai slid slid

    Sling baciti, izbaciti, prebaciti slung slung

    Slink prikradati se slunk slunk

    Slit sei u duinu, otvor slit slit

    Smell mirisati smelt, smelled smelt, smelled

    Smite poraziti smote smitten

    Sow posejati, posuti sowed sown, sowed

    Speak govoriti spoke spoken

    Speed uriti, brzina sped, speeded sped, speeded

    Spell izgovarati, madjija spelt, spelled spelt, spelled

    Spend provesti spent spent

    Spill - prosuti spilt, spilled spilt, spilled

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Spin okretati, vrteti spun spun

    Spit pljunuti, prskati spat spat

    Split podeliti split split

    Spoil razmaziti, kvariti spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled

    Spread rairiti se spread spread

    Spring skoiti, prolee sprang, sprung sprung

    Stand stajati stood stood

    Steal ukrasti stole stolenStick gurnuti, probosti stuck stuck

    Sting opei, ubosti, aoka stung stung

    Stink zaudarati, smrdeti stank, stunk stunk

    Stride krupno koraati,korak strode stridden

    Strike izbaciti, trajkovati struck struck

    String snabdeti icom,ica strung strung

    Strive boriti se, nastojati strove striven

    Swear zaklet swore sworn

    Sweat znojiti se, znoj sweat, sweated sweat, sweated

    Sweep zamahnuti, zamah swept swept

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

    Swell - naduti se swelled swollen, swelled

    Swim plivati swam swum

    Swing ljuljati se swung swung

    Take uzeti took taken

    Teach poduavati taught taught

    Tear rascepiti, suza tore torn

    Telecast prenositi telecast, telecasted telecast, telecasted

    Tell rei, kazati told toldThink misliti thought thought

    Throw baciti threw thrown

    Thrust gurati, tiskati thrust thrust

    Tread gaziti, ii korak trod trodden

    Understand razumeti understood understood

    Wake buditi, bdeti woke, waked woken, wakedWear nositi wore worn

    Weave tkati wove woven

    Wed venati se wed, wedded wed, wedded

    Weep plakati wept wept

    Wet nakvasiti, vlaan wet, wetted wet, wetted

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

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    Win pobediti, osvojiti won won

    Wind duvati, vetar wound wound

    Wring stezati, cediti wrung wrung

    Write - pisati wrote written

    List of Irregular Verbs Lista nepravilnih glagola

    Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Listening skil ls are an essential part of anylanguage. There are several things one can dofor English l istening practice. One of the mostcommon ways to do this is to watch movies.Whether they are dubbed in your nativelanguage or not, it is useful to hear the naturalspeed in which native Engl ish speakers speak.Your English lis tening will improve in no timewith this method.

    In addi tion, there are many sites you can findaround the Internet to help. Segments for f reelistening English can easily be found onYouTube or any other video si te, such as

    Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4Lesson 5Lesson 6Lesson 7Lesson 8Lesson 9Lesson 10Lesson 11Lesson 12Lesson 13Lesson 14Lesson 15



  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - Hi, I havent seen you for a few weeks. Have you moved toa different department?- No, I havent, but our department has moved to a di fferent

    part of the building. We used to be on the second floor, butnow we are on the third floor.- What is your new office like?- Its bigger than the last one, but that is because ourdepartment has expanded.

    Situation: Two colleagues, Amanda and Sam, meet in the corridor at work.She tells Sam about her new office.Style: friendly and quite informal. .Notes:

    1.I havent seen you for a few weeks = it is a few weeks since I last saw you2.a different department = a different section of the company3.I havent, ( using only the auxiliary verb) = I have not moved to a newdepartment4.We used to be = In the past we were

    5.on the second floor = located on the 2nd

    level of the building. (n o t e : Theground floor is at the same level as the ground, in other words, the samelevel as the street. The first floor is up one level of stairs, and The secondfloor is up 2 levels of stairs. Be careful because in many countries thesystem is different, so The first floor is at ground level!)6.on the third floor = located on the 3rd level of the building.7.What is your new office like? = Please describe your new office8.the last one = the last office / the office that I was in before9.has expanded. (more formal) = has grown / has got bigger (informal)

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - Which part of the third floor is your new office on?- Its quite near the lift. Coming out of the lift, you need to turnright, then go to the end of the corridor. Its the last door on

    the left.- So you have a lot of natural light there, dont you? I thinkthat is the office with the huge windows.- Yes, thats right.

    Situation: Amanda tells Sam where her office is, and how to get there.Style: general. .Notes:

    1.Which part of the third floor is you new office on? = On which part of the 3rd

    floor is your new office? (much more formal)2.quite near = fairly close to3.the lift (British English) = the elevator (American English)4.Coming out of (phrasal verb) the lift, = When you come out of the lift, /When you leave the lift turn right = to turn in a right hand direction6.So you have a lot of natural l ight there, dont you? (n o t e : a negativequestion tag (...dont you?) expects a positive answer and is therefore oftenused as a way of checking or confirming information.) = So, I believe youhave a lot of natural light in there7.natural light = daylight / light from the sun8.huge = very big / enormous9.thats right. = you are correct (much more formal)

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - How many people are there in your department?- There were five people until a couple of months ago, butsince then four new ones have joined, so in total there arenine of us.- What are the new people like?- They are nice except for one of them, who is quite bad-tempered.

    Situation: Sam asks Amanda about the colleagues who work in herdepartment.Style: general. .Notes:

    1.How many people are there in your department? = How many people workin the same department as you?2.a couple of months = two months3.since then = since that time4.four new ones = four new people5.four new ones have joined = four new people have entered the total = altogether7.there are nine of us = there are nine people in our group8.What are the new people like? = Please describe the new people9.except for = apart from10.bad-tempered = unpleasant / sometimes angry

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - If you were to believe what we see on the TV and in thenewspapers you would think that crime was worse than ever.- Yes, well, peoples perception of crime is often much worse

    than the reality. Fear of crime is often heightened by what wesee and read in the papers, but as I said crime rates areactually falling!- What about fraud? Surely that must be rising?- Well according to the figures, even fraud and forgery aredown but Im not sure if that includes online fraud.


    If you were to believe = If you accepted as correct (more formal)perception of = image ofheightened by = accentuated by / made worse bycrime rates are actually falling = levels of crime are at this moment getting

    lowerfraud = obtaining money by deception (e.g. making people believe that theyare buying a product, then accepting payment but not providing a product.)Surely that must be rising? = Surely that must be becoming more frequent?according to the figures (more formal) = The statistics say thatforgery = falsification (of documents and products)are down (phrasal verb) = have been reducedonline fraud = fraud that is committed on the internet

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - There is usually a cause and effect between high joblessnessand rising crime levels but in th is recession this link seems to

    have been broken.- So, we can all feel a li ttle bit safer walking the streets?- Well, according to the statistics, offences are down in allareas.- How about violent crime?- Thats down by six percent (6%). Apparently, there were sixhundred and fifteen murders in England and Wales, which isthe lowest figure for 12 years. Although, that said, its sti ll fif typercent higher than it was in the nineteen sixties.


    a cause and effect between (more formal) = a causal connection betweenhigh joblessness = high levels of unemploymentrising crime levels = increasing amounts of recorded crimerecession = economic downturn

    link = connectionaccording to = as stated bythe statistics = figures (collected by an official body)offences = crimesare down (phrasal verb) in all areas = are reduced in all areasmurders = deliberate, premeditated killingsthe lowest figure = the lowest amountAlthough, that said = But, having said that

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - The government has justreleased the crime figuresfor the last year and on thesurface, it appears to begood news.- What? So, youre tellingme crime levels havedropped?- Well, look at this headlinein the paper. It says Bigdrop in cr ime as recessionoutlaws fail to materialise.It seems that thegovernment was expectingthe economic downturnwould br ing a crime wavewith it as more and more

    people becameunemployed.- Its nice to see that thegovernment has so littlefaith in its people that itthinks that bad times wouldturn us all into law breakersovernight!

    Notes:just released = recently published (more formal)

    the crime figures = the statistics relating to the levels of crime

    that has been committed (more formal)on the surface (idiom) = at first appearance / when you first lookat it

    crime levels have dropped = the amount of crime committed hasfallen

    headline = leading phrase (in a newspaper which is normallyhighlighted in bold black letters)in the paper = in the newspaper

    Big drop in crime as recession outlaws fail to materialise =large reduction in crime as the expected appearance of newcriminals provoked by the recession does not happen

    recession = economic downturn where negative national growthis recordedoutlaws = criminals / people who break the lawfail to materialise (more formal) = do not appearthe economic downturn = recessionwould bring a crime wave with it = would provoke a crime wave

    a crime wave (idiom) = a sudden explosion of crimeunemployed = jobless

    Its nice to see that the government has so little faith in itspeople (here the speaker is using sarcasm) = It is unpleasant tosee that the government trusts its people so littlelaw breakers = criminalsovernight = very quickly / suddenly

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level

    Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Student: You wanted to see me?Advisor: That's right. We need to have a serious talk.Student: About what?

    Advisor: Your attendance--or rather, lack of it.Student: OK, so I've ditched class a few times . . .

    Advisor: A few times? I've been told you've missed six out of eighttimes in two different classes! That's really setting yourself up tofail.Student: Oh, come on. Those classes are really boring!

    Advisor: But they're also required, so that doesn't matter. You'reabout to be in big trouble.Student: What's the big deal about missing some classes?

    Advisor: The big deal is that you're here on a student visa.Student: So?

    Advisor: So if you don't attend class regularly, you won't be a full-time student--which your visa requires. You'll be out of status.

    Student: What are you gonna do? Turn me in to the ImmigrationPolice?Advisor: Oh, of course I'll have to report you if you continuemissing your class, but I'm going to do something else first.Student: Like what?

    Advisor: Like faxing your father.


    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Anna: Hi Masahiro! How's it going?Masahiro: Fine, I guess. How about you?

    Anna: Busy. Guess who's coming our way?Will: Hi guys! What's up?

    Anna: Nothing much. We just ran into each other.Will: That's nice. So Masahiro, how's the coffee maker working?Masahiro:Actually, it doesn't work well. It was a waste of money.I guess I should have shopped around for a good one.

    Anna: Why don't you take it back?

    Masahiro: I'd like to, but I've misplaced the receipt.Will: Well, if it's any consolation, my shopping wasn't all that greateither. I wish I'd never bought Stephanie a necklace. Just lastnight she was telling me how she wished she had Liz Taylor's newperfume.

    Anna: That makes three displeased shoppers. Guess what? Thecamera I bought and shipped to Mike just this morning is now on

    sale! It's a pity that I bought it then. Then again, I guess I shouldn'tcomplain. It was a good buy, even though I didn't get the best dealon it. Anyway, Masahiro, I suggest you look for that receipt and

    just go to the Complaints Department and say "I'd like to exchangethis, please." It's as simple as that. And Will, it's not too late foryou to ask for a refund.

    Shopping in America

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Store Clerk: Hi. Welcome toAngie's. Can I help you f ind something or are you just looking?

    Marianne: I'm not sure. Aren't you having a sale right now?

    Store Clerk: Everything on these two racks over here is on sale.

    Marianne: Thanks. Oooo. This sweater is nice. But it looks a little big. Do you have this in a smaller size?

    Store Clerk: I think so. Let me look. Oh, here's one. Would you like to use the fitting room to try it on?

    Marianne: Sure. Thanks.

    ...a little later...

    Store Clerk: How did it fit?

    Marianne: Not too bad. I think I'll take it.

    Store Clerk: Great. (She takes it of f the hanger) How would you like to pay?

    Marianne: Well, I'm almost maxed out on my credit card, so I think I'll pay with a check.

    Store Clerk: Okay, with tax it comes to $24.93.*

    Marianne: Who should I make the check out to?

    Store Clerk:Angie's.

    Marianne: Here you are.

    Store Clerk: Can I see some I.D. too, please?

    Marianne: Sure, here is my driver's license.

    Store Clerk: Thanks. Here you go. Enjoy your sweater. And have a nice day.

    Marianne: Thanks. You too.* You pronounce this - twenty-four dollars and ninety-three cents, OR you can say twenty-four ninety-three ifeveryone already knows you are talking about money.

    are you just looking? = do you wantto look alone?to have a sale = a store will havemany things at a discount (The store ishaving a sale.)to be on sale = one or more items ata discount (This shirt is on sale.)hanger= holds the clothes (a pictureof it is on the left)rack = a metal (or other kind) bar thatholds clothes. You put your clothes ona hanger and then put the hanger on arack.fitting room = the place where you tryon clothesmax out a credit card = (this is slang)It means you have reached your limit.If you cannot spend more money onyour credit card, you have maxed would you like to pay? = do youwant to pay with cash, a credit card, ora check?

    how does it fit? = is it a good size foryou?I'll take it = I'll buy itwho shou ld I make the check outto? = what name should I write on thecheck?tax = the extra money a store charges.It goes to the government.I.D. = identification (card)

    Pre-intermediate & Intermediate Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Sarah: Hey Lisa, wait up! I've wanted to have a chance to talk to you.

    Lisa: Hi! What's up?

    Sarah: This weekend I'm having a birthday party for Ted. I'd like you to come.

    Lisa: I'd love to. When is it?

    Sarah: We're having it this Saturday at 8:00 at my house. We're going toorder a pizza and play some games. Then whoever wants to stay longer canhang out and watch a video.

    Lisa: It sounds like a lot of fun. But now that I think about it, I promised Iwould do something with Nathan Saturday night.

    Sarah: Well why don't you bring him along? It would be fun. Ted would reallylike that. I'm sure.

    Lisa: Really? That would be great. Okay, I'll ask Nathan to come along.*What can I bring?

    Sarah: Nothing. Just bring yourselves. No presents are necessary andeverything else has been planned.

    *It is polite to offer to bring something to a party.

    wait up- wait, wait for mewhat's up- what ishappening? what do youwant to talk about?hang out (slang)- be withfriends doing nothing

    specialbring (someone) along-invite someone, havesomeone join youcome along- follow, joinyou

    The Birthday Party

    Klikni na lekcijuPre-intermediate & Intermediate Level

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Diana: It's a gorgeous day today! What do you say we take a picnic and godown to the park?

    Doug: Sounds great! Should we pack some sandwiches or pick upsomething along the way?

    Diana: Why don't we stop and get some fried chicken at KFC and headdown to Murray Park? Let's bring a few games, too.

    Doug: Okay, I'll get the Frisbee and a softball so we can toss them around.And... what do you think? Should we bring the dog?

    Diana: Definitely. He'll love it down there.

    Doug: I'll get his leash and dog dish. I'm grabbing a tablecloth, too, so wedon't have to eat on a dirty picnic table.

    Diana: Good idea. I'll bring some napkins. I always get so dirty when I eatfried chicken.

    Doug: Wait a minute...

    Diana: What is it?

    Doug: Did you hear that? I heard thunder. A storm is coming.

    Diana: Oh no, you've got to be kidding...

    gorgeous- beautifulWhat do you say...- (slang) What doyou think pack- make and taketo pick something up- buyto head down- to go toto toss around- to throwleash- a rope or chain for holding ananimaldog dish- plate for dogs to eat out ofto grab- to get quickly, to takesuddenlytablecloth- fabric or material we puton a table to keep it cleanthunder- loud noise in the sky whena storm comes. The light in the sky iscalled lightning. You can see apicture below.You've got to be kidding- It's hardto believe. Something you say whenyou are surprised.

    The Weather's Great!

    Klikni na lekcijuPre-intermediate & Intermediate Level

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Ms. Ballard: I see on your resume that you worked as a manager at Computer Country. Couldyou tell me a little more about your responsibilities there?

    Carey Cornwall: Sure. I was responsible for overseeing about 30 employees, I did all of theordering for the store, and I kept track of the inventory.

    Ms. Ballard: What was the most difficult part of your job?

    Carey Cornwall: Probably handling angry customers. We didn't have them very often, but whenwe did, I needed to make sure they were well taken care of . After all, the customer is alwaysright.

    Ms. Ballard: That's how we feel here, too. How long did you work there?

    Carey Cornwall: I was there for 3 1/2 years. I left the company last month.

    Ms. Ballard: And why did you leave?

    Casey Cornwall: My husband has been transferred to Emoryville and I understand yourcompany has an opening there, too.

    Ms. Ballard: Yes, that's right, we do. But the position won't start until the middle of next month.Would that be a problem for you?

    Carey Cornwall: No, not at all. My husband's new job doesn't begin for a few weeks, so wethought we would spend some time driving to Emoryville and stop to see my parents.

    Ms. Ballard: That sounds nice. So tell me, why are you interested in this particular position?

    Carey Cornwall: I know that your company has a great reputation and a wonderful product. Ihave thought many times that I would like to be a part of it. When I heard about the opening inEmoryville, I jumped on the opportunity.

    Ms. Ballard: Well, I'm glad you did. Now, please tell me about...

    resume- a summary of aperson's work andeducationresponsibilities- thingsthat must be doneto oversee- to be the bossof, to make sure somethingis done, to supervise

    to keep track of- to beaware of or noticesomethinginventory- the number ofitems a store hasto handle- to take care of,to deal withto be t ransferred- to bemoved from one place toanother

    an opening- an availablejoba position- a jobreputation- how otherpeople feel aboutsomething, the opinion ofother peopleto jump on something- todo something immediately

    The Job Interview

    Klikni na lekcijuPre-intermediate & Intermediate Level

    Ad d L l Klik i l k ij

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - Hi Sarah, Im glad Ive bumped into you because I really needto have a word with you about Mr Simpson, the fellow thats

    recently been taken on to re-organize the PR department.- Oh, yes. How are you getting on with him?- Well, I dont really li ke having to say it and believe me itsnothing personal but I just dont think hes up to the job. To befrank, I think hes way out of his depth and as you knowyourself from experience, running the PR department is a tallorder even for someone with years of experience in the field -

    but restructur ing one is a different ball game altogether.- Do you not think that youre being just a little bit hasty injudging him? Because after all hes only just sett ling in. Hehasnt had time to find his feet yet, has he? - I suppose not.- Im of the opinion that we give him a little bit longer to seehow he shapes up before we jump to any conclusions, youknow, give him a chance to prove himself.- Um, well, maybe youre right. Lets give it a week or two andthen re-convene.

    Objanjenje se nalazi na sledeoj strani

    Advanced Level Klikni na lekciju

    Ad d L l

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.


    Im glad that Ive bumped into you (phrasal verb: to bump into someone = to meetsomeone by chance or without prior arrangement) = Im happy to have met you bychanceI really need to have a word with you about (idiom) = I really want to speak to you

    aboutthe fellow = the manthats recently been taken on (phrasal verb: to take somebody on = to employ orcontract someone) to re-organize the PR department = that has recently beenemployed to rearrange the Public Relations departmentHow are you getting on with (phrasal verb: to get on with somebody = to have agood social or working relationship with someone) him? = Are you having a good or abad working relationship with him?its nothing personal (idiom) = I dont dislike him on a personal basisI just dont think hes up to (phrasal verb: to be up to something = to be capable ofdoing something) the job = I dont believe that he is capable of doing his job

    To be frank = Speaking honestly / to be honesthes way out of his depth (idiom: to be out of your depth = to be in a situation thatyou cannot cope with) = hes doing a job that is far too complicated for himrunning the PR department = managing the Public Relations departmenta tall order (idiom) = an extremely difficult task that may be difficult to complete orperformin the field (idiom) = in that line of worka different ball game (idiom) altogether = a completely different situation / taskyoure being a little bit hasty in judging him = you are judging him too soonhes only just settling in (phrasal verb: to settle in = to become used to a situation

    or position) = hes only just getting used to the jobHe hasnt had time to find his feet yet (idiom: to find your feet = to adapt to asituation or position) = He hasnt had time to adapt to the job yetto see how he shapes up (phrasal verb: to shape up = to develop or improveperformance) = to see how well he improves after getting used to the jobto prove himself = to show that he is good enough / to show that he is up to(phrasal verb) the jobbefore we jump to any conclusions (idiom) = before we judge too quickly andwithout the sufficient evidencere-convene (more formal) = meet again / get together (phrasal verb) again

    Advanced Level

    Ad d L l Klikni na lekcij

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - Oh, John remember you had a quiet word in my ear theother week about Mr Simpsons performance? Hows he

    getting on?- Oh, yes. Well, Im sorry to tell you noth ing has changed - infact Id even say that the situations deteriorated since we lastspoke.- So, I take it that youre stil l unimpressed with hisperformance, then? - Im afraid so!- You two really havent hit it off, have you?- No, its not that. We get on fine. As I said the other day, itsnot a clash of personalit ies. I like the man but I think hesstruggling and not coping well with the pressures.- What about the other people working under him? Have youmade enquiries as to their opinions? Maybe that would be awise move in this s ituation?- As far as I know, the others in the department are all havingdifficul ties with the changes that he seems hell bent on

    implementing. The department was running like clockworkbefore he came along. If its not broken don t fix it, I say.

    Objanjenje se nalazi na sledeoj strani

    Advanced Level Klikni na lekciju

    Ad d L l

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Notes:1. you had a quiet word in my ear about (idiom) = you spoke to mediscreetly about (more formal)2. about Mr Simpsons performance (more formal) = about how well MrSimpson was doing3. You two really havent hit it off (phrasal verb: to hit it off with someone = toget on well with someone) = You two really havent started your relationshipvery harmoniously4. We get on (phrasal verb) fine = we have a good relationship5. a clash of personalities = a situation in which the difference between twopeoples personalities causes friction and discord6. hes struggling and not coping well with the pressures = hes having

    problems and not dealing well with the demands of the job7. the other people working under him = the other people that he ismanaging8. have you made enquiries as to their opinions? (more formal) = have youasked them what they think?9. a wise move = a good course of action10. As far as I know = To the best of my knowledge (more formal)11. the department = the section within the company

    12. the changes that he seems hell bent on (idiom) implementing = thechanges that he appears to be very determined to make13. running like clockwork (idiom) = functioning perfectly14. before he came along (phrasal verb) = before he appeared15. If its not broken dont fix it (idiom) = If there is not a problem, dont try tomake any changes

    Advanced Level

    Advanced Level Klikni na lekciju

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    - One thing that you shouldn t forget is that Simpson cameto this company with g lowing references and a CV thatspoke volumes about his management abil ities. He was

    actively head hunted by our company and the ManagingDirector reckons we were lucky to get him.- Yes, Im aware of his past record at Johnsons Ltd.- Apparently, he was instrumental in turn ing the companyround and hes spoken of there very highly, so he musthave been doing something right. Hes got a realreputation as a business trouble shooter.

    - Im not disputing the mans abilities and I know all abouthis reputation but it's my view that his management styleis just totally unsuited to this company.- I know what you mean to an extent - he can be a bitbrusque and overbearing at times but Im afraid to say thatthats just something youll just have to get used to andtry not to take it personally. His remit is to re-shape the

    department so hes bound to tread on a few toes whilstdoing so.

    Objanjenje se nalazi na sledeoj strani

    Advanced Level Klikni na lekciju

    Advanced Level

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Notes:1. glowing references = very good recommendations from previous employers2. a CV that spoke volumes about his management abilities = a Curriculum Vitae that showed thathe had a lot of experience in management and praised his management abilities highly3. He was actively head hunted (idiom) by our company = Our company deliberately sought himout (phrasal verb: to seek someone out = to deliberately find someone, perhaps with effort) in

    order to offer him a job4. reckons = thinks5. his past record at Johnsons Ltd = his past performance at Johnsons Ltd6. Apparently = By all accounts / Judging from what people have said / I have heard that7. he was instrumental in = he played an important role in8. turning the company round (phrasal verb: to turn something around = to take something thatwas failing and make it succeed ) = changing the economic fortunes of the company from bad togood9. hes spoken of there very highly = the people there have a lot of respect for him10. Hes got a real reputation as = He is known by many as11. a business trouble shooter (idiom) = a person who looks at the problems of a business andgives recommendations that might help to resolve these problems12. Im not disputing the mans abilities (more formal) = Im not saying that the man does not knowwhat he is doing13. is just totally unsuited to this company (more formal) = is simply not right for this company14. I know what you mean to an extent = I agree partially with what you are saying15. brusque = rude and harsh (in manner of speaking)16. overbearing = dominating / bossy17. to get used to = to become accustomed to (more formal)18. try not to take it personally (Idiom: to take something personally = to be upset or offended bythe way another person has behaved towards you) = try not to be too sensitive and try not to get

    upset about it19. His remit is = The task that he has been given is20. to re-shape the department = to make structural changes within that particular part of thecompany21. hes bound to tread on a few toes (idiom: to tread on someones toes = to offend or upsetsomeone, especially by making changes in a situation where that person has some control or has

    their own way of doing things.) = it would be impossible for him to avoid upsetting a few people22. whilst doing so = in the process

    Advanced Level

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

    Cat and the li ver -After the Hodja got a liver recipe from his friend, hebought some liver. Nasreddin loved liver and he wanted to eat it very often.But everytime he brought livers, he couldn't eat it because his wife said thatthe cat took the liver and fled away.

    One day the Hodja became very angry and said: Woman, I brought liver!Where is it? Oh, said his wife. The silly cat took it and fled away. At thissame time the cat was in the room.The Hodja caught it, brought a steelyard and weighted the cat. Then hesaid: That is exactly two kilos. And the liver which I brought was also twokilos. Now tell me: If that is the liver where is my cat, if that is the cat, then Iwant my liver.

    Blanket is gone -At midnight the Hodja heard a noise. Two men werestruggling outside. The Hodja got out of his bed with a blanket over him andwent to the front of his house. He asked them why they were fighting.Without answering, one of them took the blanket that covered the Hodja andthey both fled. So the poor Hodja returned to his bed again. What were theyfighting about?, asked his wife. About our blanket, said the Hodja. Nowthe blanket is gone, so the struggle is over.

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

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    BeginnerElementaryPre-intermediate 1Pre-intermediate 2Upper-intermediate 1

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    Konverzacijski 1Konverzacijski 2

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja ale od Nasreddin Hodja za naprednije

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    An easy Birth Method -A woman was giving a difficult birth to a child in avillage. As her relatives were waiting for many hours, they decided to callNasreddin Hodja. He came, listened to their story and went away.He returned in a few moments with a toy that made a squeaking sound.

    They asked him why and he said: Because the child will hear the voice ofthe toy and will very quickly come out to play.

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja ale od Nasreddin Hodja za naprednije

    Darkness - One day the Hodja lost his ring. He searched and searched, buthe couldn't find it. Then he got out of the house and began to search the ringon the road. People passing by asked him: Hodja, what are you doing?I've lost my ring at home, and now I'm searching it. Why don't you searchit inside? The house is too dark. I can't see anything, so I'm searching myring outside!

    Credit -A man wanted money from the Hodja on credit, but the Hodja said:I have no money, but I can give you credit. How much do you want?

    Cow and the donkey - The Hodja had a little stable and a nice donkey. Hedid not want to buy a cow, because his donkey would be disturbed and alsohe did not have much money. But his wife wanted to have a cow and sheconvinced him at last. The Hodja couldn't stand against his wife, so he

    bought a cow and put it in the stable.But the stable was small and the animals couldn't stay quiet. Hodja got tiredof the situation and said: Dear God, kill this cow and save my donkey. Afew days later Hodja entered the stable and saw the dead donkey and theliving cow. Dear God, he said. You have been God for so many years butstill, you cannot distinguish a cow from a donkey!

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Jokes from Nasreddin HodjaEat my fur coat - The Hodja was invited out to dinner. He went in his oldclothes and nobody would even talk to him. When he found a few minutes tospare, he rushed home and collected his fur coat. When he came back, hewas treated with great respect.Everybody wanted to speak to him. When they sat down for dinner he said:Eat, fur coat, eat! And he explained to the curious people: If this regard isfor my coat, it must eat also.

    Duck Soup - The Hodja had nothing to eat in his house. So he went for awalk. Ducks were swimming in the lake. Then he began to drink the water ofthe lake. Hodja, what are you doing there? asked a man. I am drinkingduck soup, he replied.

    Everything is possible - One day Hodja's friends came to his house andcalled him. But Hodja, who didn't want them in his house, told his wife to saythat he wasn't at home. But we saw that he entered the house, said hisfriends.Hodja listening to them got very angry. He opened the window and shouted:You silly men! Isn't it possible, that this house has two doors? Couldn't thispoor man have gone throughout the backdoor?

    A immigrant - One day, a thief came to the house of Hodja and tookeverything he had except the blanket which covered him. When Hodja sawthe thief carrying all his things away, he put his blanket over his shouldersand followed him. When the thief arrived at his own house, he turned backand saw Hodja. What are you doing here? he asked. What am I doinghere, said Hodja, you ask a thing like that? Didn't we move to this house?

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Jokes from Nasreddin HodjaA very good Rider- At a dinner everyone was telling riding stories. Whatare you going to tell us? said the people to Hodja. Hodja who hadn't a realstory, invented one: When I was at the farm of my friend Mehmet, theybrought out a mustang. It was a beautiful horse, but no one could ride it.First, one man tried, but he was unsuccessful. Then the other, then another,but nobody could ride it. The son of Mehmet tried but he was unsuccessfultoo. It was my turn at least. I caught the horse and of course... At thatmoment the son of Mehmet entered the room and the Hodja finished hisstory: Of course I couldn't either.

    Gratitude - One day, when Hodja was working on his farm, a thornpenetrated his foot. Dear God, he said thank you so much, what a blessingI didn't wear my new shoes.

    Having a Child - The people asked the Hodja: Hodja, can a hundred yearold man have a child?and the answer came straight away: If he hasneighbors, 20-30 years old! He can!A heavy Coat - One night the people heard a frightful noise from the Hodja'shouse. They asked in the morning: What was that noise? Oh, my coat felldownstairs. Can a coat make such a noise? If you were in it, like me, yes!

    Hodja's Dream - In his dream some people gave Hodja nine gold coins.

    Hodja wanted ten, so he refused them. Suddenly he woke up and saw thathis hands were empty. He quickly closed his eyes again and said: It's okay,I'll take nine coins.Hodja's Writing - One day a man asked Hodja to write a letter for him.Where will the letter go? Hodja asked. To Baghdad, said the man. Icannot go there, Hodja told him. But you don't have to go. The letter will gothere, said the man and Hodja explained: Nobody can read what I write.Therefore I must go there to read it.

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

    If I knew - One day Hodja's donkey got stolen. Hodja began to search it.While searching, he shouted a lot. The judge who heard that, asked himWho has stolen your donkey, and how? The Hodja became very angry andsaid: If I knew the answer, my donkey wouldn't have been stolen!

    If it is a lie - One day a friend of Hodja asked him to count as a witness andsaid to him: If the judge asks you 'did this man give away all the gold coins'you can tell him that I did. They appeared before the judge and Hodja gaveevidence that the man had indeed given away all the 'silver' coins. The judgeaccepted this and they were dismissed. Outside the friend said to Hodja:Hodja, why did you say 'silver' instead of 'gold'? If it is a lie, answeredHodja, Does it matter, what it is?

    Mistakes in the book -At the time of Temur no one was allowed to carry aknife or a gun. One day the soldiers caught Hodja with a big knife. The headof the soldiers shouted: Don't you know, that you are not allowed to carry aknife!, But, I use it to scratch out mistakes in the books. But why is yourknife so big? Because the mistakes are big!

    A forty year old wine - One day, a neighbor said to the Hodja: "Do youhave a wine that is forty years old ?". "Yes I have", replied the Hodja."Can

    you give me a little ", asked the neighbor. "If I gave a little to everybodyasking for it ", said the Hodja,"It would not be forty years old !"Balance of the World - Someone asked: "Hodja, why do people go todifferent directions, when they leave their houses in the morning? " TheHodja answered without hesitation: "If all of them would go to the samedirection, this would throw off the balance of the world !"

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


    Jokes from Nasreddin Hodja

    Cat and the li ver -After the Hodja got a liver recipe from his friend, hebought some liver. Nasreddin loved liver and he wanted to eat it very often.But everytime he brought livers, he couldn't eat it because his wife said thatthe cat took the liver and fled away.

    One day the Hodja became very angry and said: Woman, I brought liver!Where is it? Oh, said his wife. The silly cat took it and fled away. At thissame time the cat was in the room.The Hodja caught it, brought a steelyard and weighted the cat. Then hesaid: That is exactly two kilos. And the liver which I brought was also twokilos. Now tell me: If that is the liver where is my cat, if that is the cat, then Iwant my liver.

    Blanket is gone -At midnight the Hodja heard a noise. Two men werestruggling outside. The Hodja got out of his bed with a blanket over him andwent to the front of his house. He asked them why they were fighting.Without answering, one of them took the blanket that covered the Hodja andthey both fled. So the poor Hodja returned to his bed again. What were theyfighting about?, asked his wife. About our blanket, said the Hodja. Nowthe blanket is gone, so the struggle is over.

    2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved. 2009 Educational Institut e. All ri ghts reserved.

  • 7/21/2019 TALKING BOOK Advanced 2 Stampana Knjiga


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