
Tale of Two Views: B2C & B2EMay 2015

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The New Normal…

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Time to business value• Quick win integrations• Consistent user experience• Licensing• Operations • Continuous improvement

Business Value of IdentityTrends change over time, but seek the same outcomes

Systems integration plan to deployment shrinkage

Business process change required for IAM program success

Mind-shift for both business and IT in terms of consumption and commercials

2010 2015



Market Trends


Gotchas• Governance, program management• Change management, training

3-year relative investment

Rise of the CIDO

Punching Above Your WeightShift in level of security sophistication deployable in short timeframe

(1) Single Sign On(2) Advanced Authentication(3) Mobile Integration

Clients across industry are seeking more outputs from the investments being made

2FA for B2C Portals – used to take a year for the first factor; now both are deployed in a matter of weeks


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Market Trends

B2E Portals – high demand SSO for Cloud adoption, integration with existing IAM, quickly

catching up on mobile enablement

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Not Burger King™ IdentityAn experience in not necessarily having it your way

Standard IAM services

• Short sprint, quick wins, later integration to rest of enterprise

• OOB and app networks are critical

• Industry differentiation, social & mobile experience integration

• Mobile update model

#1 – API exposure• Single, easy to use• Common set• Developer’s dream

Existing on premise or SaaS integration opportunity (∞)



Market Trends

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Drive Identity InsightsSecurity innovation must keep pace with technology innovation to protect and enable the business

Security Results

Business Results

SOC Optimization

Security Insights to Action

Consumer / Citizen Experience

Business Insights

Security Analytics



Market Trends


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Successful organizations are able to tie identity to their business strategy, so they can better articulate impact.

Many Boards now identify identity management threats as a top risk to the business

Perceived Risk

Actual Risk

Specific Regulatory Risk

Compliance Risk

Cyber Risk

ImplicitlyAccepted Risk


• Orphaned accounts

• Privileged users

• Unmanaged service accounts

• Entitlement creep

• Toxic pairs


• Scammers

• Phishing

• Bots

• Identity theft

• Rogue apps

• Fraud

Compliance-led security programs miss the challenge of managing cyber risk

A Tangled WebMarket Trends

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Reputational RiskRisk management functions are struggling to meet organizational expectations and fulfil their required role for managing reputational risk. (Source 2013 Global Risk Management Research Study)

“critical” or “important”

“to a great extent”

No mans land




Managing reputation

Reputational risk management remains a top priority for executives. Respondents in the Chartis & Accenture research study (The Evolution of Risk Technology) cite social media as the No. 1 potential source of risks and a key enabler of reputational risk management.


Market Trends

B2E + B2C ConvergenceCustomer is king, when the customer is the Employee or the Consumer

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Employee Consumer

Primacy of the Customer



IT Business


Market Trends

Thank You!

Alexander BolanteManaging Director, AccentureGlobal IAM Practice Lead

[email protected]

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