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March 4, 2014

Charles SayersExperience Innovation

[email protected]

2014 Analytics with PurposeBehavioral Insight to AdvantageSan Diego, California


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what we’ll look at

challenges in data volume and velocity

how we’re wired for sight

creating visual stories

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we’re generating a LOT of data


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%of the data in the world today was created in

the last 2 years alone.- IBM -

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This is the volume of photos uploaded to Flikrin a single day

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we’re generating too much, too fast


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we’re accumulating data faster than our ability to understand it


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innovations in wearablesand biometrics will drive a surge in physiological data

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a new wave of data is on the horizon

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190,000people with deep analytic sills as well as

1.5 millionmanagers and analysts will be needed by

2018 to fill jobs in Big Data

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we don’t think in numbers


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this is your brain on drugs,

Any questions?

this is your brain,This is your brain,

an egg a pan a shift

this famous public service campaign signaled a shift in data story telling from numbers and statistics to emotional metaphor

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our brains process visual information

times faster than text


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%of our brains are involved in

visual processing

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%sensory receptors

are in our eyes

of all of our

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visualizationTHE SOLUTION

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helps make data clearer and more engaging

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visualizationFOR PEOPLE

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helps make data actionable and easier to manage

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visualizationFOR BUSINESS

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is about asking

an intriguing questionvisualization

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visualizationis answered with

contextual data

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visualizationis expressed in

an engaging way

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are created from one of two perspectives

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rational literal quantifiable pragmatic

creative metaphorical relatable emotional


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are created when you combine the two


visual storyscapes

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“Stories are just data with a soul”

Dr. BreneBrownResearch Storyteller

University of Houston

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what’s an intriguing question?

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do these jeans make me look fat?


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do you know why I stopped



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how is the moon like an Oreo cookie?


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where do you find contextual data?

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who you arewhat you’re


what you’ve done

who you do it with

retail© 2014 SapientNitro

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how much you deposit

how much you withdraw

what ‘s your lifestyle?

how much do you need?

why are you here?

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what changed?

why did it change?

what did the change change?

what was?

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how can data stories engage?

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1. collective

2. descriptive

3. adaptive

4. predictive

visual engagement

four types of

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payment patents

collectivevisualizations summarize data

interactive timelinethe rei 1440

modern historyhow search works

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consumer intelligencethe consumer barometer

relative timehere is today

retail dwell timehow retailers track you when you shop

descriptivevisualizations share data-driven snapshots

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fitness monitoringtictrac

spatial awarenessbritish airways

social mappinggoogle maps

adaptivevisualizations adapt to real time data feeds

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life coach financial managercareer advisorthe existential calculator Reporter app for iPhone MoneyWiz personal finance

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predictivevisualizations offer the ability to

future-cast and explore conditional scenarios

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type of visualization


y co



complexity of the data will point to the best option for visualization

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following a single strand of hairA VISUAL STORYSCAPE

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In a world full of mobile savvy shoppers and aisles bursting with hair care products,

how can one box of hair color rule them all?

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84% of guests use their smartphone while in a store…but what are they actually doing? Is ‘showrooming’ something to worry about?

data considerations

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data divedeploy device activity loggers onto the smartphones of a community of Shoppers to obtain detailed data on use both in-store and out of store

Smartphone use and behavior tracking

Location-based, interactive phone questionnaire

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passive infrared sensors and sound collectors

heat sensors collect data on paths, dwell times, entry and exit points, fixture interactions

sound data is collected as a means to understand human interactions

learning environment

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smartphone questionnaire

Unobtrusive widget runs in OS background Logs what people do on their phones 24/7 Data pushed to data warehouse for analysis

Helps us understand context and drivers of a trip; ultimately match trip types of to phone behavior and use

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contextual continuity

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snackable moments

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believing what we see isn’t always a good thing


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this visualization overemphasizes the impact of non-communicable diseases

© 2014 SapientNitro graphic lumps together pneumonia deaths at age 1 with car accidents at age 20, and cancer deaths at 50 with heart disease deaths at 80.

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developerhow do we enable

our story?

visualization is a collaborative sport

strategistwhat are the primary and supporting data points to our story?

designerhow do we convey that

story visually?

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ask an intriguing question

gather the right contextual data

make sure your data is clean, accurate and complete

choose the best type of visual engagement

visualize truthfully

collaborate from start to finish

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a parting visualization

the life you have in jelly beans

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thank youCharles Sayers

Experience InnovationSapientNitro

[email protected] 4, 2014


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