Page 1: TAKE THE TRAIN! · lit euea ewgpt hdriys, and shares: with "~~utireb.n $;~rofaY tks ~dhtiacthn of making the: fastest boWm Melbourne and Sydney--of 13 hum. ft't's tm idgal grrin for

Take it Easy TAKE THE TRAIN!

af - - nger's luggage should be clearly addressed er's name and destination station on and all old labels removed. Luggage

y required whilst travelling should be forw

ssengers travelling from Adelaide may picked up from suburban areas by the

AUSTRALIA-BY RAIL Motor Service for dispatch by rail from enger's luggage for placing in the brakevan mwt

red to the Adelaide Station L u g g a ~ st 30 minu before dep

Page 2: TAKE THE TRAIN! · lit euea ewgpt hdriys, and shares: with "~~utireb.n $;~rofaY tks ~dhtiacthn of making the: fastest boWm Melbourne and Sydney--of 13 hum. ft't's tm idgal grrin for


.&& %%I@& AW EQBEWXtE 21a8 t ~ % l [email protected], reaQ 00 kc-aim+y pdhelg into

.c4twn bas ibs g%ul t* FaciI*. ,*-- tdm?wr&. ~omew pmm5 use: P I ~ W - 9' the d Of thar.c;aradg&. " .

hTdut$ traveliIdg wit! a baby in a twinette cabin, may an'an~. id& Qhe dtafi-ster at ~deldide or mncer. Sttet. tnW to

"SOUTHERN AUR.ORII" - The "Stmthwn Aurar&" is a maim C w express t~ &b $.a e t t e and Rim r ~ ~ m & i nMag+, nro&ng ~k

,J'&pp?~&.tlm for 1% p a w w . Id adifition, h e ia . P 1 g w p c r u s ctvb car 8M st&si W n g car. ''Sauthern jk,wm" mms,w&tly between k tebml : i&d J W y .

PEeds have feam %Wr mattf&a add iadi~idwl regdin ligh@ W$$k, *hen folded badc, provide :&@qrta6Je -ts For gy-tinik '

%he double befth twhettecabihs have theit' own hot anti cold slidwe&, and ~omFte traaU~a ~ B D en&y 'a @mila: amaRy at t& eJld of tlwh 6wmgs. O t b f m t m of ed3ck Catm-are t€iii&§, &fi b+§ili with hot and ?Id r d n g water, sp@bwUS w@r$ratte, ?$i @@ &r&* %wig b, pw plu for shaver or &t.afmg

rink@ W@W, shoe '?&&!%,YE ? ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ < ~ & with the mom&. : neHrswtwr. . .

iw&@ ai&~ mr witb a-la-carte service; light refreshments and:d;t&'

in club ear. Light tm breakfa$t.wiil be provkkd, on request, at nominal

ratw--g!mc to **&r.


. p x J K m w ts SYDNF,Y SYDNEY to MEZBDURNE Spencar St. ... .dap. B p.m. Sydney . . . . . . . . d ~ . 8 p.m.

. . aor. 9 am. Sr. a*< 9 am. (tiex* &Y) (next &Y)

Pa@mgtsw t f w d h g frm ney tor ABefaiB via W d x , if ENS$ &O trB)~d %" y '*211,WcC~t?! .%@

ha h m : S *F pt 7-43 a.m. ~ s a . to ~a"t3; a~ Wob4 a tuPG. n& t-&m hw9 ~ i g t i '7lic c drpptiag;dCPFer tfietit at 8.55

. am. twxtmmmp.


R&e remawwed " S p i r i t Roes.'*, w i r e primrily s tein for fitst class and economy sllttng pamengers, h a a !winelk ~trrrb@, sirnilat to tam on ' ~ u t h m Aurora", for sle@~* pasen-@$+$ a

SltSptmg tterth p ~ e n g f i r a i v e a CBJltincntal breakfast in " w s F €he mmmg newspaper, and enjay similar facilities as on the Southgrn Aurorti". I

At web end of, the oitt'. carrim:&$& mh rwmwith k1anB -m fald wafer; tlie gmts wa% mam has a pwer plug far a shaver.

e x ~ t M ~ d hostess is on tbfs train to sttend to the needs of elderly pw@Ie, pmmfs and &il*.

A eu.&t ear provides a continuous mbal setvice.

Wily 6'45 &%,a.

8.a a.m. (next day) SUB. to Fd. (m. 7.47 a , ~ . ' ,,p

to Sat. 8 s p.m.

Page 3: TAKE THE TRAIN! · lit euea ewgpt hdriys, and shares: with "~~utireb.n $;~rofaY tks ~dhtiacthn of making the: fastest boWm Melbourne and Sydney--of 13 hum. ft't's tm idgal grrin for

lit e u e a ewgpt hdr iys , and shares: with "~~utireb.n $;~rofaY tks ~dhtiacthn of making the: fastest

. boWm Melbourne and Sydney--of 13 hum.

ft't's tm idgal grrin for tb trffveikr ,who I& t~ @lax h -+air. mmfost clmi enrenroy the wried and intwst*m$ s w n q &@@I d@ f a a & ~ wimtow. .De6&ptivee ~ a r n ~ I s - r ; ~ ~ ' SOUW* ib tP-6 B v t ~ l h b b f b ' k w $8~@g013 IT&@ i@6irt the &trig fdar@u& whi& fhey pass,

An ex@erkne& 4 m . k ~ is iPn ikg m@i ta aftcad ta t k uer;ets 0f1&%%'iy peppk. P&dzt8 arhb &&&I. 0th htmS%ne,&epq&e tp!, wash $JXW 6 t h h t and cold Wsr, in&\.idual reading Imta, an& @hilled drinking wstkr.


Wamtiw road uaEh for GaWm laves Yasi 31uwt. §.as O.p., 4m. 4.1; bm., 'd+b laavei i.m.. 8,rt. Y@s d t l ~ t . 11 -45 Tnt&ets @dm, d & ~ . 3j.h each why.

*C@wcts Bt SuMifle f ~ r piwengem fram "The Ory&@" h 6 m G &p#,i@q fbr .saw &y. Ptissengen for Adehde jam "The OverIan rat Spaice? S t m .

"BRISBAHE LIMITED EXPRESS" This fim train has "Southern Aurora" tvoe luxurv twinette and

roomette steeping carriages, as well as salob;l-type shing carriages like those on "Intercapital Daylight". "Brisbane Limited ExpressE' is completely air-conditioned, and has a buffet-diner car that provides a continuous service for meals and light refreshments.

SCHEDULES Daify Da'i SYDNEY to BRWBILNE mw to WNEY Sydney . . . . . . dep. 6.30 p.m. Eth* &hWs &p, 3A pd& St?. Brisbane arr. 9.50 a.m -* ..m: 7.32 i p p

(next day J ~~P,*#@

mt ~Iaqg twkette irid~dl pri.wte shoyer,.tdkt, wash Ida, iBdi&lwl * g kghts, m& rated webr d ~ w w q , easy M4r fiW k m w&r-sattq&e. Fhat c* rwmmes with amlar fadbq [except i d ~ ~ d m J . s b ~ ~ . & ? p m~i%ble fm rraveflmg &XI@ and t%bta$ eome_hfe m. &~w-t1cs rr. pmihd at both roomette :&em. ~~~m will .mm yify ma* tea or CO* and ~-taPtsD.


Drihb wiii bs aepecfin f h e k m p car where-bt a l a s paswnw te m@f &nd-snjcay mu%, @the:l. a h n d the piano, ,or- PW &Ms. T h &in$ wir (wiih t a b h set ffds fdui wit) &rwe @ne foods

PI^ liquo~s. -

Tua., Thurs. and Sat.

- k i ~ an. 3 3 0 pm. 'Fmid

I ' bt&omugh dep. 4.06 p.m.

b h n Hill . .caw. 7.Sg ,rl-m. ' .4lrakm Hill . dep , 8-49 09-m I


Dlffercnt timc zones ap& in South Awtmlia and Eastern States. After passing !%%viceton w b n travelling fram Ad4ai& tp W1- &ma; put y6w watch 'faward 3Q rn*utes. w c n tFawjlSng Rsrm h W b ~ u m to Ad&lai&, put yaur kck- 3 miautes.

+ smw a p p k t~ pmsengsr6 tr%wt@ ta .or &am &d&p via b k m I%@. ,Walkdm !&odd Prig p u y ' f ~ , r d - or Wk 30 m@u@ '

H$I. .. . .

Page 4: TAKE THE TRAIN! · lit euea ewgpt hdriys, and shares: with "~~utireb.n $;~rofaY tks ~dhtiacthn of making the: fastest boWm Melbourne and Sydney--of 13 hum. ft't's tm idgal grrin for

@cats all tIy:wyy. ...........................

ArJmdqXE m ,!wmlEY gvip mOIEEI?I HILL$

- % e e @ ~ " T f X r j I n @ i r 3 1 & W v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A Q B W TO m A N E (v ia ~BRfXUiB &EEL)

tSmyas Bfl the.wak ''ljrbe Indian-ME*' and "~~ LimitEd"

51-a ie&la-ick::- '7 Tw.diw-PW', seats *dew to: .................... . hsa&i~* wta W&& I A&l&*.

?Wms Sl t?e ,w, 'The E n $ j n - w , '%- LimiW, 9Xfmkhem Auroram and *-gm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .a.

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