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Like the old same goes, you know I think its frost, like two roads diversion and I take the one last travel and its made all the difference, that’s what am speaking of, so if you want something different and you don’t want to be bad like the masses, you are going to have to rewire your brain, to not be driven by those same forces which means many ways of advertising there is no 25 biases that affects us all, I call that an evolutionary mismatch our brain that is wired for a different environment, I know you talk a lot about health and it’s that same principle that they end and we did not, you know we didn’t evolve to have pizza all day, we do involve to have sugar, a level. I think we are supposed to have 20-30 grams of sugar, one bottle of sprite is giving people in my role 70 grams or 60 grams of sugar, it’s not that sugar per say is bad, as Dr. David Ross who is a friend of mine, in his book evolutionary psychology, his textbook says in every people group in the world, honey is the number one most sort after food, because we are wired to one honey, yet in a modern evolutionary mismatch and environment where honey, sugar cane.

Sugar cane by the way is the number one crop agriculture in the world, when that is so abounding, it is not of a thing even though there is a soft being good or bad, but it’s the environmental mismatch that ends us we end up with the outcome we don’t want, which is obesity, early death, diabetes, and so on. So it is the same thing when you talking business and when you are talking food, health, you have to have it rise above your natural inclinations, the answers are not within, the answers are without, so the reason I read a book a day is just imagine what your life will be like if you can download wisdom, knowledge, experience, consciousness and the world's smartest people, the world’s most impactful people into your brain, what do you think will happen to your bank account? What do you think will happen to your body fat? What do you think will happen to your love life? Your friendship, your social circles, your happiness, I talk about the good life, this is the good life, it’s not one thing, it’s a cogeneration of things right? So that’s what is about.


So I mean in the thing you just said, you called like five different sources, I mean you are obviously retaining a lot of these stuffs so you certainly not speed reading right, I mean you really dive in it yourself.


People ask me that, I say well, let me put it in this analogy; Not too long ago I did a party, pretty one of the biggest parties in Hollywood, in my house here and I did the party, like 550 people came to my house and so I have a security guy, you know some security guards were at the door, and I had one of Kim Kadarsian's ex body guard, he’s a massive guy, 6 Ft. 6 and 305 pounds and he’s not fat, he had 22 inch biceps which by you know, put that in context, all in short, he had a 22-23 inch bicep. And his name is Rome and I was like Rome, we were talking and in a moment I said, how much do bench press, now he’s a little older, he’s in his early 40s, he said when I was

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in my peak, I used to bench about 550, now I can only bench about 480. Now if you know anything about bench pressing, that’s a lot of hell, when you reach 550, your bowel is bending, but how many pounds do you think he started benching, he started benching at 100 pounds, he started benching the bowel, but when it comes to reading, another thing that comes back to my initial premise here that we are driven by forces that don’t have our best interest at heart, the reason people never get to the place of reading a book a day is because people assume it’s a trick, I called the sculpture verses the lottery ticket, people want to be wealthy for a lottery ticket when if you study the patterns of wealth is true, take a piece of rock, and scope it down and each day going to bed with that piece of rock a little bit more scope it down in the same way if you apply this principle of something simple like reading, it does not matter whether I speed read or not, I mean in some sense, of course I speed read, because am reading faster almost more than anybody that I know, I don’t think am the fastest person that reads, there is some people who have this weigh men kind of thing, but am one of the faster readers in the world, but it’s not because I am necessary so smart or special, it’s because I started with a 100 pound weight, and I got to 101, 102, you take the rock of your life, every area you see as a sculpture you chip away, you know Peter Trucker, the great business professor, he said, 18 month tie frame, so people listening to this, my advice is, over 18 months, go from where you are now, in terms of your reading capacity and velocity and increase it in 18 months, once that 18 months is done, do it again, and the next thing you know, you are like Rome and you are benching 550 pounds. Like Charlie Monterey the self-made billionaire said; Step by step you get ahead, not necessary in fast sports, people want fast sports, but I am not a get rich quickly person and we learn how to be a beast with books, it came over many years and a lot of time, and so just start wherever you are, and I bet you, if you do this in a week, you know a month, you will be better than you are today, you might not even notice this with the body. You know my dad was a professional body builder, he was one of the first body builders in the world, he was Mr. New york, Mr. Canada, Mr. junior USA, he had the world record in bench pressing, I grew up around people that were very fit and again my dad started at 14, you know he wasn’t doing world record level bench press though, like 29, we talking 50 years. Warrant Buffet was the richest man in the world for many years, he started at age 7, reading Benjamin Gram's book on evaluation of bonds and security, that’s 7.

By the time Warrant Buffet was 12 he could say, the library system said you have read every single book in the Oklahoma county, Nebraska or whatever library system, there is nothing left on the subject of finance, you have read them all twice, but it wasn’t till he was 57 that he was a billionaire. Bill Gate started at 12 until he was 31 that he was a billionaire, the pattern there is that, as this long period of time, Malcolm Gadwall talked about this thing of 10,000 hours, am not sure that’s the best way to think about it, it’s good for pop culture, but, here is another concept that I think it’s a little more accurate, which is the 10 duck years. We generally have Bill gate, from 20 to age 30, and never took a day off, not even one, and that’s the ten duck years, Pablo Picasso had ten duck years where you don’t really see his art, although he’s doing art wasn’t he?

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The art that we remember him for, most people don’t have the heart, they don’t have the character and more importantly is that they don’t even have the framework given them through education, that this is the norm, once you think this is the norm, because it’s the news that media buy, the media shows you and I images of people once they succeed, they are not showing you Bill Gates when he was 21, they didn’t follow him around with the camera before he was a billionaire, or show us when he was not taking his shower for a week at a time, or whatever in his cubicle writing software, they only showed you the 45 year old bill gates that has an 85 bedroom house hold or whatever right. So media is many ways, which is why business I mean now is much more interested in investing in media, because media controls what we see without eyes, and our eyes controls the inputs into our brain and the brain then absorbs all these and dictates your behavior, so when it comes to books, it’s the same advise I give to people to making money, it’s the same advice I give them when it comes to changing their body or changing their love life, you know how many investors, largest networks and dating sites in the world I have seen you know about 1.5 million people who join, I have seen it’s the same principle happiness. I was just talking to the guy who wrote happiness for offices, the three ted talks, the NYE, professor Jonathan Hype, on happiness is the same thing. You don’t pursue happiness for filming per say, we are a set of sculpture like activities you sculpt your life down, and then eventually outcome is hopefully what you want.


That’s really very thoughtful. So I want to shake you a little bit and talk about your history and the jealous house, this stuff is really interesting to me, and I want to touch on it, but the honest stuff was sort of mind blowing, so I guess you or Josh Helton first met Tee?


Yes, I was the first, he did when I was still in high school, Josh Haltom, my family, my step dad and mum had bought that book, one of Josh's first book on pastry and poultry profits, and that we went up there because we had a little fun in North Caroline, we learned how to raise chickens and when I was up there, Jo called when I drove home, when our family went home and he said hey! Am going to start a polishing program does Tai want to be the first to be present in the program, and I just graduated in high school and I was like, should I go to college, my step dad and some other people were like, you know you can go to college later, so I went there, it was supposed to be a three year and six months in partnership, I ended up living there for two and a half years and Jo and I are still close, he was just at my house here in Hollywood where am working on various things all the time, you know business ideas and looking to do some stuffs back, I have done real estate but specifically, with buying land with stuffs like that, so lots of exciting stuffs. Yeah Jo has known many things, somewhere Jo is like a second father to me and when I look back on the things that I learn, I know I learnt many things you know for example, mentors; He was a mentor, from there through him, I met some other mentors and I have had five people that I consider mentors, for business partners, all these people contribute, no one is really

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self-made remotely, so you know, I stick 90 per cent of my success in things has come from people like that human have learn through osmosis, but yeah, Jo is a fascinating guy.


Absolutely, and I don’t want to do any injustice, I just really want to talk about the honest experience.


Okay let me keep going, Josh Haltom, it is kind of a tied together story. So then while I was at Jo's, literally I don’t know, 300 people a day on average come visiting his farm, so while I was there, often times with different honest people, I was born in Los Angeles, so from the inner city not necessary understanding, but I got to know lots of interesting people, I left the farm at Jo’s and went back to North Carolina and this is a time in my life when I felt like, you know I was in my early 20s, I felt like modern world was in sane, family was unstable, I felt all these crazy kind of feelings pointing to me in different directions and so, I picked up a book called ''Chumash Society'' by Hush Deshler, it’s a pretty interesting book if you want to know about Chumash, I think he’s a Yale professor now, but he grew up around the Chumash or what’s formally Chumash and I was like, do you know what I think, I think this is the answer, the Chumash people I saw them they had their families, there was a level of peace there and fulfillment, so I went same thing I went visiting someone for different communities rather than these kind of church districts. Chumash people, they are not mourners, sometimes, as you will confuse to mummers but they are basically just Christians, very conservative Christians, they are not that much different, almost zero difference to regular Christians in America, except they obviously believe there is some lifestyle differences and they are not even judgmental so I went in there, do you know how many people from outside that goes there, they speak different languages, like Dutch, German, and I was in there for two and a half years, I went to couple of them from communities, found one in Virginia that I really liked and so that was cool. I mean we can keep talking about what’s the, have you been around a Chumash before?


I visited Lancashire County and that’s been insensitive.


I went there first, the Chumash, I had tremendous lessons from them, in fact in many ways, if i look back in my life, the happiest most fulfilled time in my life for short, the Chumash have incredibly, the system therein is probably the best I have ever seen for accomplishing the goals

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that most people want, which is good family, good outlook on life, self-fulfillment, you know most of them are related to either the carpentry, agriculture, family oriented, master the whole community system, which is very hard for most people to do.

They have just done so much right, its beyond belief, it is very hard to explain, I really should do a package just on Chumash dorm, because the insights that the Chumash have, are really, whether you are a parent, whether you are an entrepreneur, whether you just want to live a life, that’s why before when you were asking me about the four hour work we created and I was talking with Tim Fierce on twitter not too long ago when I think Tim Fierce is a genius person in many ways, and but I think there is a flop in that system, large one, you know when you see this, I was actually reading an interesting book a Jeff Basher’s book, I think it’s called everything stores a biography about physics, and there is a great chapter in there, let me see if i can find it here, I keep these on my phone, I collect quotes and I Baser had been in a meeting, and one of the people in the meeting works for him in amazon was complaining that there wasn’t enough work life balance so to speak and so Basher stood up and said; In one memorable meeting, an employee asked about balance, when amazon don’t have sincere work life balance, and Baser said, he didn’t take that well, the reason we are here is to get stuff done, that is the top priority, that is the DNA of amazon, if you can’t excel and put everything into it, this might not be the place for you. This is the man who made 38 billion dollars, but the honest one is, it is money driven but the same thing, he obviously believe the reason we are here is to get stuffs done, so the very concept that the reason we are here is to eliminate things, right, let’s just get to a place where all we have to do is relaxing, go source for dancing and travel around the world, do nothing, it’s so anti-theatrical to their world view that they probably would, you want to hear something funny by the way I talk about this to people rightly, it’s a mind blowing hilarious concept, let me pull of this quote a friend sent to me. Its written by Thomas Edison in the late mid 1800s or late 1800, ''So I was wondering about what would have happened to me if some fluent talker had converted me to the theory of the 8 hour day and convinced me it was not fair to my fellow workers to put forth my best efforts in my work, am glad that the 8 hour day had not been invented when I was a young man, if my life had been made up of 8 hour day, I don’t put the evacuation of accomplish to great deal.

This country will not amount to as much as it has with the young man of fifty years ago had not been afraid that they might earn more than they were paid for. So he wasn’t freaked out about 8 hour a day work and we progressed or regressed to place of society were, and this is not to blame like I said one person, because people buy it, so if you are buying it, you are as guilty as the person writing the concept, its good marketing, but its anti-theatrical and again I don’t believe in right or wrong about most things. I think most of, I think most of that is okay 500 year old mine, I mean I do believe that there are some probably some absolute right or wrong shouldn’t kill puppies and stuffs like that.

In general, it’s not for our work because right or wrong in working or not is right or wrong like Jeff Bashers talks about working hundred hours, when everyone else works thirty or forty hours

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and accomplish things in three months which takes people years. So I think that just because of different outcome, things I saw at the Chumash and it was been confirmed when I was talking to, I was reading Martin Seligman, if you read Martin Seligman kind of premier, professor and doctor and PhD on the subject of human happiness, he speaks of if your outcome is happiness in the sense of fulfillment, you wouldn’t want to do a 4 hour work week, we can put your brain under a scanner, and you will be much less happy, so whatever your goal is, if your goal is literally to free up some tremendous amount of time that so you can play video games or go to the sauce and dancing across the world or something, we know what the end game of that is from a dope mean testosterone brain release, it is not what you think, so I can’t tell people what they should do or not, but I can be like depending on what your outcome is okay, you want your outcome to be, I can tell you whether you struck what I call an ''ESS'' ESS stands for evolutionary stable strategies, so it’s not a stable strategy to enrich a darken speeches on this in his book the selfish gene, you really want the ESS when you want to strike a deal, that is stable, if part of your stability in life is for you to feel a high level of happiness or then fulfillment in the sense, there is three levels in that Martin Seligman says there is the pleasurable life, that’s the lowest level there is and it doesn’t work like people thinking and the 2nd thing is that there is what’s called authentic life and then is the meaningful life. The last two are what most of us want, and those are what makes you push yourself to the extinct, so as much as you can push yourself and if you do it right, as you push yourself afterwards, as you look back you experience this tremendous sense of fulfillment.

So Michael Jordan, when he had to push himself, and play his hardest and then in the end he won, his experience literally had an enzymatic level, if you look at the enzymes releases by genes, just talking with Dr. Shlurmolem, the author of the best-selling book in heritance, he’s one of the top being experts on subjects of genes and its literally this answer that you know, your genes are releasing enzymes they are living and breathing, if you are goalless, for those to release those things that we commonly call fulfillment and happiness, then you don’t want to be in that process, am trying to cut your time, you want to be like the Chumash, they say we are here to get things done, Chumash believe like the bible said that, Men and women are here to work by the sweat of their brow and that sweat of their brow is the release that is the freedom that we seek, and again it’s a Hollywood thing. Hollywood shows you a story of this, that and the other thing because they are trying to sell you something, they don’t want to show you the truth, they want don’t care I know, this party I just had at my house, some of the biggest movie producers in the world there are friends of mine, I mean they are good guys, they are not good or bad, they are just humans like everybody else, and when they are in business, they want to make money. They are not going to show you the Chumash story, nobody wants that story, or so they think, they will just show you a story that gets them there and go inches, then sell a movie ticket and then get us our angle.

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That was a very good one, but am still kind of up on this with you, you always say we should go to a website and make an application and try and join the Chumash, how does it work, just it just show up and get to work?


Well when I knew the Chumash like I said, they don’t really take people from the outside that much or people on their tribe, they knew I knew Josh Haltom, at that point, I knew a lot about agriculture, it was one of my first businesses, things I have been in 51 countries studied you know cutting edge string wide agriculture, a lot of Chumash were interested in different forms, organic agriculture this and that and so, I had that commonality with them, and they trusted me because they trust Josh Haltom most of them and I wasn’t just a fly by knight person wondering off the street. So all those things added up and you know, I tell people, people are like, Tai, how have you been able to get different mentor, Josh Haltom, a billionaire here, a billionaire there, and am like you will be surprised what happens when you have the courage to ask, you know I think it was Alexander the great has that quote, let me see if I can find that for you, it says that ''If you have the courage to just ask'' You know, so I asked Chumash, I was so young then, I didn’t even know that was weird, they were like sure come, again it’s like a sculpture in the sense that the first time I went there, I don’t think that they were like hey! Come live here for two years.

Here, Alexander the great ''There is nothing impossible to him who would try'' I just tried and it was that simple and then it just evolved over time and I bought a little form and I showed them some things, they learned from me and I learned from them, I learned from them about having a stable social relationships, that’s the real lesson. I mean the work ethic is there, but the real I think lesson that the Chumash have for the world is how to create stable social connections, without proper social connections, you know really if you look at the pillars that I call, I did a ted talk and I talked about four pillars of the good life, health wealth running and fulfillment and happiness. That third one is if you read Matt Lieberman’s book, social of Harvard professor, and again if you listen to guys like Jonathan Height, you see very clearly that the pattern that makes us a hive animals, we must be in this hive and in order to make that critical hive, work you have to be good at social, I mean that is absolutely vital, you must be good at social, so Chumash taught me how do you take a group of people have a drivers community of a hundred families in which eight or ten people each that are thousand people there and how do you live in harmony with each other.

Modern world you know we have all the amenities, but yet we are not really in harmony, most people don’t really have many friends, how do you have deep relationships with other humans and now I realized they had struck very powerful ESS ''Evolutionary Stable Strategy'' That is like rock solid, the even have methods, not everybody gets along but they have already evolved a

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way for a either one of the community don’t get along, away to move to another one, so they are multiple 500 year old tradition of how to live and I think none of us, you or I will ever be truly happy at many levels until your experience are very social kind of stable environment and its harder than you think.


Absolutely, the really specific question is, what time are you getting up usually, when you were living with the Chumash?


I will tell you this, first Chumash showed up in Kentucky, I went visiting a group actually in the middle of the night, they were like these are whole lot tonight, it’s not like you met at night, so we showed in Scott field Kentucky. So a mayor in his little community, these are the most conservative, so I was staying with this Hoover or what his last name his, he’s a grandpa, I stayed with him and his wife and they were like 70 years old, I got there in the afternoon, took a bus there, I showed up on his community and I said hey am here and they said come on in we are just having dinner, so dinner time was like 5pm. So I sat down you know there was a big tin of raw milk and I remembered going; Is this safely for me to drink and this guy Miller Hoover, he’s like 80 years old, he said well, am 80 years old and I raised 12 kids on raw milk and they are all pretty strong and I have about 80 grand kids and they all grew up on it and I was like, that’s good enough for me and I drank the raw milk, then we finished eating.


Wait, what did you have the milk with, what was the meal?

TAIYou know the nourishment was very German, it was like milk, meat and potatoes and they just had milk on the table, they drink a lot of milk and they are very pale in some certain sense, but yet they had curves and stuffs, but it’s that they are good diary oriented, I love diary and am a big diary fan in many ways, I think it’s a misunderstood food, so we finished the evening at 6pm and when it was like 6.30 pm or so, they were like it’s time for bed, I went to bed at 7pm. So I was there, there was no electricity so it’s very interesting what happens in the human body when there is no electricity, I recommend all people when I talked about something greenfield, you know I do business coaching for Ben Greenfield but I have also been on the show few times and I said try it, just go outside, turn the breakers off in your house, okay, you know what to do, do it once a month, start it early like noon turn the breakers off, get some food, read some books, spend time with your family, go out, do some stuffs outside, have a garden.

And then, just let the natural rhythm start to kick in and what will happen is you will feel yourself get tired of there is no light affecting the eyes, just get some candles, you can buy at

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different websites, you can look at our Chumash websites, you can buy an Chumash lantern, you can just buy these different lanterns, sometimes these Chumash lanterns are dangerous because they have like gas in them, so or like kerosene. But just get some kind of lamps that have a natural light which is basically the most natural light there is for humans, it’s not what people think is complicated for essence light, its flame like a candle, don’t burn yours house down, you can get these little protector, the natural fire side maybe if you have a fire place in your house, turn it on, and you find yourself getting tired around 6.30pm or 7pm depending of course where the light that you draw, the season and I remember, 7 o'clock I just went to bed and I just fell asleep and I woke up when I heard some people walking around, I looked at my watch and it was 3.30 in the morning and I went back to bed, and then it was like you slept, I don’t know if this happen when you spend a night in someone's house and you feel like you over slept and you wake up and everybody is outside already talking and walking around and I remember jumping out of bed and I was like oh no! it’s my first night and my first morning here at the Chumash town and I looked like it he’s a lazy guy and you know they value hard work and everybody is working, and I hear like kids playing outside and am like ah men, I totally ruined it, I jumped up and I found my watch and it was 4.10 in the morning, they lived where it was like daylight savings so the sun was starting to come up and I jumped out of bed and we ate at 4.30 in the morning, you have breakfast and they already done some chores before breakfast. Around 4 to 4.30, they had like prayers or read the bible or whatever, we were out working by 5 o'clock, time of noon came around for lunch, you most already work for 8 hours and then you eat lunch and then you go back to work and then you work from you know 1 to 5, basically, but I will tell you, in terms of raw the metric of this healthiness and feeling good, I can tell you this from my experience, I don’t know if it is strap latest on people’s lives but if you wake up remotely groggy, you are not sleeping either enough or in the right scallion rhythm, because when I remember, sadly I know this and I haven’t fallen through all my life, but I have done it in phases, when you go to bed at 7, you just wake up at 4, you will literally feel like you can jog 500 miles, you are like instantly no groggy, just like, am awake, you went to bed when the sun went down and you woke up when the sun rise. I tell people it’s going to be hard to recreate this in the modern world fully, you got things you got to do, I think the best night you can try this is a Friday night, Saturday night, and just go to bed super early and go to bed at 6, we charge, you know the body has tremendous capacity like can’t wait to recharge and store water like a camel does and we can store sleep so, you know catch up, you will feel them easy, so that’s my answer to that.


It sounds like an amazing experience honestly, but it’s like that it sure did take us to a new level, anyway, I want to have respect for your time, the last question that I always ask people on this podcast is, what are the top three tips that you can share for being more effective and in my world, that means getting more done and enjoying it, but you know, what are your kind of top three things for being more effective?

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Well number one, am going to fall back to somebody who is smarter than me on this subject, there is a great book, I don’t know if I am allowed to plug my website, which is I have this book review, I review what I think are the top hundred or two hundred most important books from number one down, I put them in order and one of the top ten or twenty books is a little book by Gary Keller, it’s called the one thing and in there he talks about the power of getting things done and his opinion, what makes you get things to be done is having focus on less things, so there is this concept that we are just going to optimize our life perfectly and probably not is the good news and the bad news. I think the first thing you really have to be ego oriented and the ergo has to be, maybe this is number two, that ergo must be simple and just one thing, so one of my best friends, he makes a million dollars a day, so he’s one of the top businessman in the world, he’s in his early thirties, he’s going to sell his company for billion dollars, and he has a PhD and something called motile objective optimization, which means trying to optimize our many goals at once, you know I have a PhD in it from Barkley.

I think it’s basically BS, I don’t think you can do it. So I think single handedness, and then in other to do that, Gary Keller says; be willing to embrace the chaos, because as you focus on one thing, there will be moments when you feel like oh man! I'm letting things slip, but you are, and there is no alternative to letting something slip, because the other alternative for not letting something slip right is ending up doing nothing, you don’t want that either, so you have really a choice, really accomplishing nothing well, or embracing some of the chaos, and single mindedly focusing on one thing at a time. So I am a massive believer in this, I talked about this, if you go on my site, if you have this book a day cover, you can join it for free, its, I think the biggest book club in the world besides Oprah's book club and I read a book a day and I write, I don’t always write an email every day, but I write the summary and as you are going through this process of focus, you need to come up, maybe this is number three, you need to have a once sentence destiny plan for each area in your life.

Let’s say you are very focused on, I don’t know, health, like you want to cut away, you want to run a marathon, or what it is you need to be able to tell people in one sentence and that one sentence, I read an article it’s on my site, it’s called the balancer of the brain. This idea that you have, the simplicity that you add to your life, you must pass what I called my 96 year old grandma's test, my grandma is 96, she’s very smart still, but she doesn’t like a lot of superficially, so if you say to her, my goal in life is optimizing and leveraging technology so that I can.... She will be like, I don’t know what you are saying, just say it simple, be like I want to run fifty miles without stopping, I want to make a million dollars, I want to find the love of my life and get married in the next eighteen months, just a simple goal even my 96 year old grandma would understand, and then, maybe this is the fourth, I don’t know if am allowed the fourth.

You need to follow the seven steps, process, sciences uses, effective people use it so it’s, instead of thinking about right or wrong, which I was talking about the 500 year old cave mine,

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use these seven step scientific methodology which is ask yourself a question. So the question is what do I want to change about my body, what do I want to change about my bank account, then do a little research on you have got a hunch, you know I want to make money, or I want to cut seven per cent body fat, do some research and make a hyper offices, an hyper offices is that one single sentence goal that my 96 year old grandma won’t understand, so it might be. You know I want to like cutting bread out of my diet am going to get to 7 per cent body fat, then you go out and you simply test it. Now there is no right or wrong, you are not thinking this is right or wrong, you saying let me put this to the test, as you test, you absorb with an open changeable mind, like they say about Charles Darwin, a professor Megerson wrote about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, he says it’s not the smartest, it’s not the most intelligent, but it’s the most adaptable and changeable to the changing environment that we find ourselves in, so as you are doing this and going alright am doing no bread, trying to cut the 7 percent.

Observe, that’s the next thing, people textbook forget to observe, and then as you observe with an open mind, that means no outcome wanted, you just want to say, I don’t care, am not attached, this is not a pride ego thing, then you step to the next stage which is analysis, which is logical analysis, in this case of 7 per cent, you will like to measure your body fat, did I go down, okay I have been doing this for 6 weeks, I don’t seem to have much of a dent. Then after analysis, this becomes the hard part, you must make world with the multitude of counsels, so one of the things this my long winded way of getting to this fourth one is, you have to submit these things and make more with the multitude of counsels, that’s an ancient saying, download the wisest, smartest people's mentality and consciousness living and dead into your brain so that you can then use there framework and experience to analyze your test and as you do, that’s what I believe I read a book a day, that’s why if you can’t read a book a day, read a book a week, if you can’t read a book a week, then read a book every three days, just move forward with momentum, time is an illusion as Stephen Hawkins says you know, three levels of time, thermodynamic, custom logical and psychological.

And he says unfortunately for all of us, they all move forward, so just make sure you are moving forward towards an angle, and once you go through that and you submit your analysis, and observations of your test and your hypothesis in your research, then adapt and start over with maybe it’s not really bread, maybe its white bread, or maybe if you need a little bread, you actually feel better, so you at a one slice a day is the place, and then test that, and continue to iterate and do it over and over again single minded focus once we set getting the 7 per cent. Peter Rafter, set eighteen month goal for this, if you do this and you live long enough, you will accomplish a tremendous amount, this is a framework, but it’s not mine, I do not purport to be, you know people see me as a mentor often, but I try to move away to that because as I said in my ted talk, my grandpa told, just prying out one mentor, the world is too complex you need a multitude of counsels, don’t listen to everybody, draw out the noise to 99, one of my mentors said Tai, secret of life is ignore 99 of 100 people, but when you find that one person, listen to everything they say, so simplify the testing framework, remove black and white you know I can’t

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thinking from your mind of going, oh I failed on, there is no failure in this sense, to me the only failure is not moving forward cosmologically, thermodynamically and psychologically through time towards some outcome that you want, and then modifying, not being the strongest, or the most intelligent, but being the most adaptable to the changing environment that you find yourself, if you can master that general concept that I just said, I know it’s a lot of words, you will get much closer and be more accurate in terms of forecasting and building up what you want to be, or what you choose to be.


That’s alright, its pure like golden nugget, thank you very much Tai for sharing all that, you mentioned it a couple of times. Where is the best place for people to find more about you? What’s the best place?


The best thing, I do lots of things that are in different places, social media and podcast, but I just tell people to go to my website, am not related to Jennifer Lopez but, it’s a good way to remember my name Tai, on the middle of the page, you can enter your email and you will get my book in a day thing, it’s free and its good stuff in the sense if you like, I mean some people might not like what I talk about, but if you like what I just talked about here, its similar, I read a book a day and usually three to four time, to try and get things out. From there you can see my podcast on iTunes or you can see on twitter, I do a lot on twitter, if you want to talk to me, the two best places a lot of people want to ask me questions one on one, either @tailopez on twitter, I have a pretty big 160,000 twitter followers, its short, so it’s easy for me to respond from there, you can also email me, but the other way that’s really effective is when you join, it will give you a free account, and my site has a little inbox, private inbox.

So email me on the private inbox, I usually get to you, I get thousands of email, but I usually am able to get to people within 5 days, so give me a little time, am also on Facebook and am starting to do a lot of stuffs on YouTube, so its tailopez official on Facebook, Instagram if you want to see some of my lifestyle, some books, its @/tailopez1, there you go. You will see links for my website.


Awesome, thank you Tai, and again we are going to put that on the show. So Tai, thank you so much for your time, that was really fun listening to and that all the best.


Thank you, I hope it was helpful.

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