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Tail of ObsessionAS Media: Opening SequenceJayda, Alexia, Kamron and Washe

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ProposalTail of Obsession Duration 2 mins Tail of Obsession it is a drama/thriller which looks at two students who move to their new accommodation in a quiet rural area. Both students are studying psychology at the nearby university, they are motivated and determined to do well. One of the students, Lexi has a good social life, and works part time in a bar 30 minutes away in town. Jade is frequently on her own and likes staying in to study, but things take a different turn when she is befriended by her neighbour.

Keiran, 21, is a skilled worker who specialises in construction and plumbing. He lives alone as he moved out of his parents home to be independent. Keiran is looking out his window one morning and sees his neighbour Jade sitting in the garden, he decides to go down and introduce himself. From then on he begins to develop an attraction to her. Keiran then begins to see her more and more and starts to watch her carefully, photographing her every move throughout her daily activities. Jade, oblivious to his antics, enjoys his presence and is invited into his home, on that visit Jade forgets her scarf and goes round the next day to collect it; Keiran denies all knowledge. The friendship spirals out of control where he becomes consumed by an obsession for Jade. Target audienceTail of Obsession, is directed at Teens and Young adults. It will also attract audiences that enjoy watching thrillers, these individuals ages will vary depending on their preference.

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Character profileJade is a young 19 year old, who is currently studying psychology at university and has high aspirations to become a psychology teacher. Jade grew up in London with both her parents and her 2 siblings; she moved to yorkshire with her good friend Lexi to further their education. She is very reserved and likes to sit at home and read.

Lexi is a young 18 year old, who is also studying psychology at an undergraduate degree. Lexi is a very sociable and outgoing individual; she likes to spend her spare time partying and going out with friends. She has a part-time job at a bar further in town. She has been friends with Jade for 3 years and decided to go off to uni with her to study psychology.

Keiran, a 21 year old engineer, also moved to the town a couple years ago, to pursue his engineering career. He grew up with his parents, until his parents died in a tragic accident happened when he was 13; he moved in with his aunt and uncle after their death. After his new neighbours move in, his obsession over Jade blossoms and starts to become dangerous.

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What influenced our ideas A range of productions influenced our idea, some in particular being The Perfect Guy, which is also a drama/thriller based on a lady who meets a guy at a bar and soon finds out about his dangerous obsession. As well as, The Boy Next Door, which is also based on a guy who is obsessed with his neighbour.

We decided to take certain aspects of these productions and merge them together, e.g. Mise-en-scene; characters emotions (fear/shock), lighting and sound used to have a better effect, camera shots etc.

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Location We decided to film our production in a dark room in the college. This meant that we had access to the room whenever we needed. Using the black room will emphasise the character's obsession with the girl, we will have her belongings and pictures that the obsessed character had taken, without her permission.

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