


SEASON 1988/1 989

Michael Davies Printing Grantham 73750Affiliated to The English Tabte Tennis Association

and The Lincolnshire Table Tennis Association

Date of next Annual General Meetingwill be Wednesday, 5th July, 1989. AllClubs must send representatives (seeRule 8c). Venue Gonerby Social Club,

Great Gonerby, Grantham,7.30 p.m.

COM M ITTEE SEASON 1 988.89Presldent:

Mr B. P. J. Hunt, 36 Orchard Close, Grantham. Tel. 61319.

Vice-Presidents:Mrs B. P. J. Hunt, 36 Orchard Close, Grantham. Tel.

61319; Mr J. Mapletoft, 15 Abbeydale Crescent, Grantham.Tel. 65521.


Vice€hairman:Mr P. May,26 H i l l V iew C lose, Grantham. Te l . 71648.

Secretary:Mrs J. Strawson, 3 The Cottages, Syston, Grantham. Tel.

0400 50774.

Treasurer:Mr P. Chalk, 10 Stathern Walk, Grantham. Tel. 590012.

Malch Secretary:Mrs J. M. Eldred, 43 Melbourne Road, Grantham. Tel.

681 18.

Inter-Town Secretary:Mrs J. Gammon,47 Barrowby Gate, Grantham. Te|.68107.

Coaching Secrotary:Mr l . McDonald, 25 St. Catherine's Road, Grantham. Tel.


Umpiring Secretary:Mr C. Floyd, 9 Brookside, Ancaster. Tel. 0400 30906.

County Ropresenlaliye:Mr R. Featherstone, 15 Shankl in Drive, Grantham. Tel.


Managemenl Committee:Mrs. P. Stephens, Mr C. Pexton, Mr P. Stokes, Mr N, Lock-

ing, Mr P. Cameron, Mr M. Deaker, Mr C. Bryan.


Mrs J. Gammon, 47 Barrowby Gate, Grantham. Tel.44fuZ. , ic'"( | ,- ,1B.M.A.R.Co.

Mr N. Locking, 164 Harrowby Road, Grantham. Tel.73941. r/

CRANWELLFlt. Lt. Mike Archer, D.S.G.T., R.A.F. Cranwell ,

Sleaford. Tel. 0529 4l 3304

EARLESFIELDMr P. D. A. Stokes, 44 Stephenson Avenue, Gran-

tham. Te|.71102. _/-ELECTRIC

Mrs W. Truman, 45 New Beacon Road, Grantham.Te|.68898. _EARTESFIELD YOUTH CENTRE

Mr R. Win f ie ld ,93 Good l i f fe Road, Grantham.Tel.75182.. ,.2'

KONTAKMr R. A. Weavers, '13 Peascl i f fe Drive, Grantham. Tel

72777. r

PLAMOREMrs J. Bennett, 94 Wroxall Drive, Grantham. Tel.

66190. ,./

POST OFFICE-.. Mr C. Floyd, 9 Brookside, Ancaster. Tel. 0400 30906../

(6sxrrcrorMr F. R. Wilson, 46 Parkf ield Road, Ruskington,

.. Sleaford. Tel. 0526 833318.

SOVEREIGNSMr l . McDonald, 25 St Catherine's Road, Grantham.







Premier Division - Foster Gup"A" Diyision - R. M. Wright Trophy"8" DiYision - Multisports Gup



S. Pul lenD. BeatyP. Bryan

The Grantham and District Table Tennis Leaguewould like to thank the tollowing Companies for

their sponsorship to the League:-KEN GREASELEY (BOTTESFORD) LTD.





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I n t e rmed ia teS ing les . . . .C .MAYHand icapS ing les . . . . . C . BRYANMensCha l l engeS ing les . . . . . C . BRYANLadies Challenge Singles J. STRAWSONVeteran Singles . . . A. D. ELDREDHandicapped Doubles . C. BRYAN

C. MAYMixed Doubles . C. BRYAN

MISS C. BRYANTeam K.O.Compet i t ion . . . . . . "SOVEREIGNS"U.14 Gir ls S ingles . . . C. CHALLISU.14 Boys Singles M. KINGU.17 Gir ls S ingles . H. STEPHENSU.17 Boys Singles . . M. WARRENGi r l sDoub les . . . . . . . J .BAXTER

C. MAYBoys Doub les . . . . . . M .WARREN

M. K INGMixedDoub les . . . . . M .WARREN

H. STEPHENSClassTwoS ing les . . . . . . . M .ROBERTS

soth ANNIVERSARY TOURNAMENT - 1988MensTop12 . . . .P .Moo reWomensTop12 . . . . H .S tephensHardbat (Lew Ranby Trophy). . A. WatsonFamily Doubles. M. & A. DurrandsFamily Doubles (Plate). . . A. & L. Watson


(C. Bryan, C. May, S. Pullen, R. Brown)BUTLIN CUP - Winner : GRANTHAM I(J. Strawson, J. Gammon, H. Stephens)

BUTLIN CUP - Runners-up: GRANTHAM l l(J. Baxter, J. Mole, H. Sims, C. May)


Wi nner: SOVEREIGNS LADI ES(S. Hunt, H. Stephens, J. Strawson)

SILVER JUBILEE TOURNAMENT 1987Premier Division . . C. MAY"A"D i v i s i on . . . . . M . DURRANDS"B"D iv i s i on . . . . .MRSV.D IXON

Sam Harrop MemorialTrophy . . . . Mrs J. Eldred

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wil l take place



MARCH sth, lgggSEN IOR 9.00 a.m.


INSTRUCTION TO TEAM CAPTAINS1. SCORE CARDS. When completing Score Cards pleaseuse BLOCK LETTEBS, give init ials of all players, and fullscores. Make sure that correct card is used.Teams are reminded to read Rule 7(h): Please mark card"home" or "Away."

2. CLAIMS. To claim a match when the opposing teamfails to appear, send to the Match Secretary a Score Cardbearing the word "Absent" in the space provided for the op-oonents names.

3. Junior teams must have adult supervision at all homematches.

4. The ball shall be white or yellow, at the discretion of thehome team, the same colour ball to be used throughout thematch.

5. INDIVIDUAL AWARDS. In the case of individual awards,forfeit rubbers wil l now count. However, forfeit rubbers wil lNOT be considered for Team league table calculations (seeRule 7h).

6. lt is requested that each team shall provide an umpirefor alternative games.

THE LAWS OF TABLE TENNISAll matches must be played in accordance withE.T.T.A. rules. Copies can be supplied free ofcharge from Match Secretary. lt is advised thata copy of this book be available at each matchin case of dispute.


Club1. Sovereigns2. Plamore "A"3. Plamore "B"4. Arbon "A"5. Post Oftice "A"6. Ruskinglon "A"7. Arbon "F"8. Ruskington "8"9. Earlsfield "A"

10. Cranwel l11. No Match12 . B .M .A .R .C . , ,A "

oCrptrlns N!mc

1 . Mr l . McDona ld2. Mr S. Brown3. Miss H. Sims4. Mrs J. Gammon5. Mr K. Bul l imore6. Mr F. Lovatt7. Mr C. BryanL Mr P. Johnson9. Mr M. Durrands

10. Fl t .Lt . M. Archer

12. Mr N. Locking

VonuoWalton Gir ls School , Ki t ty Br iggs Lane, Grantham.Hunt ingtower Road, School , Grantham.Hunt ingtower Road, School , Grantham.Walton Gir ls School , Ki t ty Br iggs Lane, Grantham.A.T.E., Inner Street, Grantham.The Pavi l ion, Northf ie ld Road, Ruskington, Sleaford.Walton Girls School, Kitty Briggs Lane, crantham.The Pavi l ion, Northf ie ld Road, Fluskington, Sleaford.Great Gonerby Social Club, Great Gonerby, Grantham.Bui ld ing 328E, R.A.F. Cranwel l , Sleaford.

B.M.A.R.C. Socia l Club, Spr ingf ie ld Road, Grantham.

25 St Catherines Road, Grantham.Arnold Avenue, Grantham.66 Longcliffe Road, Grantham.47 Barrowby Gate, Grantham15 Barrowby Gate, Grantham.13 Moor Park Road, Fuskington, Sleaford.42 Longcl i f fe Road, Grantham.39 Bishops Boad, Leasingham, Steaford.Pine Tree Cottage, Gonerby Hi l l Foot , Grantham.D.S.G.T. R.A.F. Cranwel l

164 Harrowby Road, Grantham.

Home NlghlWed.Wed.Wed.Mon.


I nurs.

Tct. tto.

79553Business 71 704

72807681077671 6


0529 30496261 505

0529 41 3304



Club1. No Match2. Ear lsf ie ld "D"3. Ear lsf ie ld "C"4. Arbon "D"5. Kontak "A"6 . B .M .A .R .C . "B "7. No Match8. Plamore "C"9. Ear lsf ie ld "8"

10. Arbon "8"11. Arbon "C"12. Post Office "B"

Captalns Namo

2. Mr P. Stokes3 . MrA .Cook4 . MrP .Gammon5. Mr A. Chantry

- .6. Mr D. L indf ie ld- . : " , L

, t ( \ ' \ r + \ --

I j! 8. \Mrs V. Dixon9. MrC. Taylor

10. Mr P. Craik11. Mr D. Beaty12. Mr S. Mableson


Great Gonerby Social Club, Great Gonerby, Grantham.Great Gonerby Social Club, Great Gonerby, Grantham.Walton Gir ls School , Ki t ty Br iggs Lane, Grantham.Kontak Socia l Club, Barrowby Road, Grantham.B.M.A.B.C. Socia l Club, Spr ingf ie ld Road, Grantham.

Hunt ingtower Road, School , Grantham.Great Gonerby Social Club, Great Gonerby, Grantham.Walton Gir ls School , Ki t ty Br iggs Lane, Grantham.Walton Gir ls School , Ki t ty Br iggs Lane, Grantham.A.T.E. Inner Street , Grantham.


+4 Sfephenson Avenue, Grantham.2 Yarmouih Avenue, Grantham.47 Barrowby Gate, Grantham.7 Shelley Avenue, Grantham,2 Thorold Road, Barrowby, Grantham.

4 Hedgefield Road, Barrowby, Grantham.21 Lynden Avenue, Grantham.12 Sal isbury Close, Grantham.31 Low Road, Manthorpe, Grantham.1 l Bur le igh Close, Grantham.

Homo Nlght

Mon.Mon .Mon.Mon.


Wed.Mon .Mon.Mon .Mon .

Tol. No.




1 .

10 .. t1 .12.




10 .1 1 .12.

ClubNo MatchRuskington "C"Earlsfield "E"Earlsf ield Youth CentreArbon "E"ElectricNo MatchEarlsfield "F"Plamore "D"Plamore "E"Kontak "C"Kontak "B"

Caplaln3 Name

Mr F. R. Wi lsonMr A. PackhamMr C. DownMr N. RadfordMrs W. Truman

Mr P. MayMiss M. JacksonMr J. Mapletof tMr M. DavyMr P. Bryan

. . .2 v


The Pavilion, Northfield Road, Ruskington, Sleaford.Gr€at Gonerby Social Club, Great Gonerby, Grantham.Earlsfleld Youth Centre, Trent Road, Grantham.Walton Girls School, Kitty Briggs Lane, Grantham.Electric Social Club, Commercial Road, Grantham.

Great Gonerby Social Club, Great Gonerby, Granlham.Hunt ingtower Road, School , Grantham.Hunt ingtower Road, School , Grantham.Kontak Social Club, Barrowby Boad, Grantham.Kontak Social Club, Barrowby Road, Grantham.


46 Parkf ie ld Road. Ruskinoton. Sleaford.4 Arnold Avenue, brantnair .74 Earlesfield Lane, Grantham.6 Granta Crescent. Grantham.45 New Beacon Road, Grantham.

26 Hi l lv iew Close. Grantham-52 Fosemary Crescent, Grantnam.1 5 Abbeydale Crescent, Grantham.7 St . Annes Street , Grantham.42 Longcl i f fe Road, Grantham.

Nov 14 Nov 21Feb 13 Feb 20

6h 5a

5h 4a

4h 12h

3a 2h

2 a t h

Homo Nlghl


Fr i .Mon.


Mon.Wed.Wed.Mon .Tues.

Tel. No.

0526 83331 I671 31


71 64861 258655217105766608

Nov28 DocS Doc12Feb27 MarO Mar13

4h 3a 2h

3h 12h 1a

2 a t h 1 1 a

1 a 1 l h 1 0 a

l 1 a 1 0 h 9 a

10a th 8a

9a th' 12a

12a 7a 6h

7h 6a 5h

6h 5a 4h

5h 4a 3h

8h 2a 7h


Please follow own number across - home or away (reversed on second date)


week oct 3 oct 10 oct 17 oct 24 oct 31Ccmm. Jan 2 Jan g Jan 16 Jan 23 Jan 30

1 12h 1 ' ta 10h 9a 8h

2 1 1 h 1 0 a t h 8 a 7 h

3 10h 9a th 7a 6h

4 9 h 8 a 7 h 6 a 5 h

5 8h 7a 6h 12h 4a

6 7h 12a 5a 4h 3a

7 6 a 5 h 4 a 3 h 2 a

8 5 a 4 h 3 a 2 h 1 a

9 4 a 3 h 2 a t h 1 1 a

1 0 3 a 2 h 1 a 1 1 h 1 2 a

11 2a th 12a 10a th

1 2 1 a 6 h 1 1 h S a 1 0 h

Nov 7Feb 6







t h

1 1 h

1 0 h




1 a 1 1 h

1 1 a 1 0 h

10a th

12a 8a

8h 7a

7h 6a

th 3a


1. TITLE: The League shall be called the Grantham andDistrict Table Tennis League.

2. OBJECTS: The objects of the league shall be to con-duct competit ions between affi l iated clubs, to arrange andconduct such other competit ions as are deemed desirable,to assist and encourage the formation of Table TennisClubs in Grantham and District and to further the interestsof the game in every way.

3. EXTENT: The area of Administration of the Granthamand District Table Tennis League shall be within the areacovered by a circle of 15 miles radius with Grantham MarketPlace as its centre.Should it be found that at any time this area of Administra-tion conflicts with the area of any other League of Body,such matter shall be referred to arbitration between the Ex.ecutive Committees of the organisations concerned.

4. ADMINISTRATION:(a) The League shall appoint the following officers:-President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon.Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Match Secretary, Inter-Town Secretary, Coaching Secretary and UmpiringSecretary.

(b) The number of Honorary Auditors appointed shall bedetermined by the Executive Committee, who shall not beOff icers of the League.

(c) Allthe Officers and Committee shall be elected annual-ly at the Annual General Meeting of the League.Nominations of names of officers and general committeefor the following season shall be proposed and secondedand in the hands of the Secretary, in writ ing, no less thanseven days prior to the A.G.M. Nominations can also be ac-cepted at the A.G.M. prior to the vote.

(d) The management of the League affairs shall be vestedin an Executive Committee together with eight represen-tatives from the League.

(e) The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt two other members from affi l iated clubs and to appointsub{ommittees.

(t) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fi l lvacancies in the Officers of the League should they occurduring.the qggs91.They shalI also be empowered to ippointany other Official should it be considered appropriat6 butappointments so made shall only be held unti l the next An-nual General Meeting.

G) The Hon. Treasurer shall be responsible for all moniesbelonging to the League from whatsoever source derivedand shall bank all such monies in the name of ,The Gran-tham and District Table Tennis League.,(h) All cheques for the withdrawal of monies from theBank shall be signed by the Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon.Treasurer, or any two of the above named.(i) The working year lor the League affairs and financeshall be from 1st June to 31st May.0) Rule cancelled AGM July 1973.(k) Any Committee member fail ing to attend two con-secutive meetings without any apology may be automatical-ly replaced by cooption of the standing committee.

5. MEETINGS:(a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held not laterthan 7th July, in each year.

Q) At least seven clear days notice shall be given of eachGeneral or Special Meeting of the League.


(c) A Special General Meeting may be convened by the Ex-ecutive Gommittee or by a request signed by not less thanfour Affi l iated Clubs and forwarded to the Hon. Secretary.(d) The Executive Committee shall meet as deemednecessary.(e) The quorum at any Executive Committee shall be five.

6. A copy of audited statement of accounts and notice ofall resolutions received shall be given to each member clubat the A.G.M.

1 4 1 5

7. COMPOSITION OFTHE LEAGUE:(a) The League shall be composed ol as many divisions asdetermined by the Executive Committee.(b) At the end of each season the two leading teams ineach division, other than the Premier, shall be promoted tothe next higher division, and the two botttom teams in eachdivision other than the lowest division, shall be relegated tothe next tower division. All other teams shall remain in thesame division as the previous season, irrespective ofplayers standard. Should a vacancy arise in any division, anew team of known players or the next eligible team(s) inthe next lower division shall f i l l these vacancies, at thediscretion of the Executive Committee.

(c) Should a team withdraw or be expelled from theLeague during the Season, then the results of such mat-ches shall be deleted from the League Tables. A new teamshall be one that consists of 2/3 unknown players. All newteams wil l be placed in the lowest senior or junior division.All divisions ol the League shall consist of a maximum of 12teams.

(d) The positions in the League shall be determined on thebasis of : A result ot 10-0,9-1, 8-2 winner 4 points, loser nil; 7-3. 6-4, 5-l winner 3 points, loset 1 point; 5-5, 2 points eachteam.(e) In the event of a tie on points for the position in theLeague Tables, the placing shall be determined by the rub-bers difference. Where there are two or more teams in aleague table at the end of the season with the same numberof points and where match cancellations resulting in theloss of rubbers are found not to be the fault of the teams inquestion and would have affected the positions of the saidteams for promotion or relegation a playoff be staged.

(f) All matches must be played in accordance with the fix-ture l ist as issued, unless by mutual agreement betweenboth Captains and the Match Secretary. Any change invenue or home night, after the handbook has been printed,must be notif ied in writ ing, by the Secretary of the club con-cerned to all the teams in the relevant division. Failure to dothis wil l result in the loss of the points for the match againstany club not so informed.

(S) Al l matches must commence not later than 7.30 p.m.other than by mutual agreement between the team cap-tains. Matches played in Educational Premises to com-mence at 7 p.m. Juniors 6.30 p.m. Two players must beready to start at t ime stated.(h) Results of al l matches played under the auspices ofthe League shal l be recorded on the off icial prescribed formby the Home and Away teams. These cards shal l be receiv-ed by the Match Secretary bearing a postmark not later thanthe Saturday fol lowing the match. Cards del ivered by handshall reach the Match Secretary not later than the Mondayfo l low ing the match . Fa i lu re to do th is w i l l resu l t in the o f -fending team losing both points and rubbers gained in thatmatch. In the case of forfeit matches only points wil l beawarded.( i) Al l protests and disputes shal l be forwarded to theLeague Secretary for consideration at the next ExecutiveCommi l tee Meet ing .

U) "Present rules concerning size of league or pointsawarded may be suspended for the 1988/89 season for theJun ior D iv is ion . "

8. AFFILIATION:(a) All clubs as prescribed in Rule 3 shall be eligible formembership to the League.(b) The Executive Committee reserve the right to refusethe entry of any Club into the League, and shall be em.powered to suspend any Club, Team or person for non-observance of the Rules of the League, or for any othermisdemeahour.(c) Application for League membership for exisit ing clubsmust be made in person at the A.G.M. Clubs wil l only beallowed to register if two or more representatives are pre-sent throughout the A.G.M. New Clubs wil l be accepted upto the last day of July. At least 3 players names per teammust be registered with the Match Secretary by 3'lstAugust .(d) The Affi l iation Fees for the Grantham League for Cluband/or Team accepted into the League, shall be the amountas determined at the Annual General Meeting.(e) Individual affi l iation on the part of interested players orhelpers may be allowed at the discretion of the LeagueManagement Committee.

1 6 1 7


(a) Each team shall be composed of three players. Eachplayer playing one set ol three games against each memberol the opposing team. A set shall be won by the player winn-ing two games of the set.

(b) Before the commencement of each match the respec-tive Captains shall insert their teams order of play on the Of -f icial Result Form. The'Home'team Caolain shall insert hisorder of play first.

(c) That teams which do nol turn up for their match fixtureand do not notify the opposing team captain and the Matchsecretary shall be fined t2 for a senior team and t1 for ajunior. Teams fail ing to do so twice during one season wil lbe expelled from the Grantham and District Table TennisLeague for that current season.

(d) That a team reserve registered player can take part inthe Doubles event of a league match.

(e) "Present rules concerning the composition of teamsmay be suspended for the 1988/89 season for the JuniorDiv is ion."


(a) The Executive Committee reserve the right to refuseany registration.(b) No player can be registered for more than one Club inthe League.(c) The registration fee for each player shall be an amountdetermined annually at the Annual General Meeting.(d) Rule cancelled A.G.M, 1983.(e) ln the event of a Club having more than one team com-peting in the same Division of the League at any one time,each team of the particular Club so concerned shall for thepurpose of registration of players be considered as aseparate entry, and no transference of players betweensuch teams shall be allowed.

(f) No player shall be allowed to play in a lower Division ofthe League than that for which he or she has once played inthe current season, only at the discretion of the ExecutiveCommittee, but may be allowed to play for a team of theGlub for which he or she is registered competing in a higherDivision, but he or she shall only be permitted to assist oneteam of the same Club in a higher Division in accordancewith the provisions of Rule 10, paragraph (g). No senior Divi-sion player may play in a Junior Division.

(S) lf a player has played twice for a team in a higher Divi-sion than that for which he was regisiered, he shall on thethird appearance for the team in the higher Division becomeautomatically registered lor that team, and shall not beallowed to take part in any further matches played by theteam in the lower Division, except as provided for in Rule 10paragraph (f).

(h) The penalty of playing an ineligible player shall be thelorfeiture.of all rubbers won by the ineligible player.

(i) Transference of players shall be allowed only to a teamin the same or higher division.

0) That there shall be no registration of players after 1stJanuary in each season except at the discretion of the Ex-ecutive Committee.

(k) That the definit ion of a Junior shall be according to theE.T.T.A. The qualif ication for all official junior competit ionis : -l f a p layer is under 17 on 1st Ju ly in any year , he is e l ig isb lefor junior events for the whole of the next season, i.e. unti l3Oth June following his' l7th birthday.

Intermedlelo: Under 21 years of age on the 1st July in thepreceding year.Velcran: 40th birthday on or before the 30th June in thepreceding year.

0) "Registration or reregistration of Junior Division teamsmay be allowed other than at the A.G.M. for an appropriateperiod for the 1988/89 season."

1 81 9


(a) Motions affect ing the Consti tut ion or the Rules of theGrantham and Distr ict Table Tennis League may be propos-ed only by the Executive Committee, accredited represen-tat ives of Teams, or Clubs, or by members of the League af-f i l iated during the previous season. Such motions may besubiect to Block Voting as provided in Rule (see below).

(b) On a motion specif ied by the above rule the Chairmanshall accept a demand for a Block Vote f rom any accreditedclub representative or he may decide himself to proceed toa Block Vote. In the absence of demands for a Block Vote, i fthe Chairman is satisf ied that a show of hands indicates aclear decision he may dispense with the Block Vote anddeclare the decision on the basis of the hands shown.(Block Vote - In a Block Vote each accredited represen-tat ive shal l exercise one vote for each registered team in hisc lub) .

(c) A majori ty in excess of opposit ion of one third of thevotes cast shall be necessary to carry any resolution inrespect of the rules of the League. Other resolut ions shal lbe decided by a simple majori ty vote and in the event of a t ieexcept on f inancial questions the meeting shal l proceed tothe next business. ln the matter of f inance the Chairmanshall have the casting vote.

(d) No person attending the A.G.M. may vote unless he orshe is aff i l iated to the Grantham and Distr ict Table TennisLeague e i ther th rough a C lub or ind iv idua l l y dur ing theseason preceding the A.G.M.


(a) The Rules ol the game as laid down by the EnglishTable Tennis Association shall apply to this League.(b) All holders of Trophies which are the property of thel-eague shall be responsible for their safe custody, andshall be l iable for the cost of replacement of making goodany damage sustained by the Trophy whilst in their posses-sion. They shall also be required to keep such Trophies in aclean condition.

(c) Trophies shal l normally be held for a period of oneyear, but they shal l be l iable for recal l at anv t ime asdirected by the Executive Committee

(d) Any matter not provided for in these Rules shal l bereferred to the Executive Committee, whose decisionthereon shal l be f inal.

(e) Any doubtful interpretat ion of these Flules shal l bereferred to the Executive Committee, whose decision shal lbe f ina l .

(f) (i) The rules ol the League shall not be attered nor add-ed to except at an Annual General Meeting or a SpecialGeneral Meeting convened lot the purpose other than forJunior division teams during the 1988/89 season.(ii) Any amendments ot additions to tf,ese rules must be inthe hands of the secretary 28 days prior to the A.G.M.

(S) Any use of unbecoming language and unsportsmanlikeconduct by a registered member of the League at anyleague function to be reported to the committee in orderthat discipl inary action may be taken.

(h) The individual award shal l be presented to lhe oersonwho has the most rubbers at the end of the season, withintheir division. In the evenl of a t ie on rubbers the award wil lbe shared. .

( i) "Junior Division team rules may be the concern of aworking party from the Executive Committee for the 19gg/99season."







I t is hereby cert i f led


is a Registered Member of the Grantham & Distr ict Table Tennis

League for the. . Club

for the 1988/89 Season

Signed J. STRAWSONSecretarY



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This handbook is a receipt for the player's Registration Fee.

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