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Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of · 2020. 10. 20. · 2015 Studi Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Jurnal Administrasi

1 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management


Table of Contents 1

Foreword form 2

Head of Educational Administration of Post Graduate UPI/ICREAM Chairperson


Prof. Dr. Hj. Aan Komariah, M.Pd.

Foreword form 3

The Head of Organizing Committee 4th ICREAM 2020

Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd.

Keynote Speaker’s Biodata 4

Prof. Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, M.Ed, Ph.D

Keynote Speaker’s Biodata 9

Jason Graham .

Keynote Speaker’s Biodata 11

Bo Chankoulika

Keynote Speaker’s Biodata 19

Kolonel Dr. Hikmat Zakky Almubaroq, S.Pd., M.Si

4th ICREAM 2020 Rundown 20

4th ICREAM 2020 On Statistics 21

4th ICREAM 2020 Oral + Poster Presentation List & Schedule 22

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2 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Foreword from

Head of Educational Administration Department School of Post Graduate UPI

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb,

Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalaamiin, all thanks are due purely to God, alone, not any of the objects that

are being worshipped instead of Him, nor any of His creation. For His blessings, all of the 4th International

Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM) 2020 program could


This conference theme is “Educational Administration Innovation of Excellence

Reinforcement for Sustainable Quality to Anchorage 5.0 Era” in coherence with the “LEADING &

OUTSTANDING” vision of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 4th ICREAM 2020 is becoming one

of the representations. As this conference is aimed to provide a platform for educators,

administrators, managers, leaders, policy makers, researchers, scholars, principals, supervisors,

graduate students, practitioners, academicians, professionals and teachers from different discipline

backgrounds to present and discuss research, developments and innovations in the fields of

educational administration. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and

application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for

future collaboration. Thus, it is not merely for Indonesian context, but all around the globe.

It is our hope that through 4th ICREAM 2020, all of us could gain lots of knowledge values to shared

with one to another for a better educational practice in the innovation development. As the representation of

its main purpose which is to share the development on the study of Educational Management, Administration

and Leadership.

I am sending my highest gratitude to all Organizing Committee members who give enormous

dedication and spend lots of time, energy and efforts in making this marvelous event meaningful.

Wishing you a wonderful conference journey and pleasant activities ahead!

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb,

Head of Educational Administration

School of Post Graduate UPI

Prof. Dr. Hj. Aan Komariah, M.Pd

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3 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Foreword form

Head of Organizing Committee 4th ICREAM 2020

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.

It is my great pleasure in delivering you our program handout of the 4th International

Conference on Research of Educational Administration and Management (ICREAM) 2020.

This ICREAM 2020 is the 4th conference which targeted for educators, administrators,

managers, leaders, policy makers, researchers, academicians, principals, supervisors, graduate

students, practitioners, professionals and teachers.

Since the future of education emphasizes the need to look beyond digital areas and

strategically utilize technologies to prepare the future workforce for the challenges ahead which

called The Fourth Industrial Revolution. This urges us to think creatively for innovation and

educating future generations.

By actively participating in ICREAM, it is hoped that all participants and presenters can first,

spread knowledge and then research the results that need to be applied significantly on

administration and educational leadership in dealing with Societal Transformation 5.0; second,

optimizing the development of human resources with high competitiveness, ethics and local identity

but have global competency standards; and last but not least, increasing the quantity and quality of

scientific publications of lecturers in media publications in which are recognized and can be

accessed at the international level.

With the attendance of experts and people from different backgrounds, more beneficial ideas

and experiences can be shared in this conference.

I look forward to seeing a positive outcome from this event. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd.

The Head of Organizing Committee 4th ICREAM 2020

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4 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management


1. Prof. Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, M.Ed, Ph.D

Nama Lengkap : Prof. Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, M.Ed, Ph.D

NIP 195306121981031003

Alamat Rumah : Jalan Sinom Blok B1/10 BTN Ciheuleut Indah, Subang – 41211

Perumahan Buahbatu Regency Blok G 2 nomor 25, Jalan Terusan Buahbatu,


Telepon Rumah : (0260) 412604

Nomor HP : 08156109654

Faksimili Rumah : -

Email : [email protected]

Pangkat/Golongan Pembina Utama Madya/Ivd

Jabatan Guru Besar Administrasi Pendidikan Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan,

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Alamat Kantor : Departemen Administrasi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, SPs Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung – 40154

Telepon Kantor : (022) 2000021

Faksimili Kantor : (022) 2000021

Riwayat Pendidikan

Tahun Lulus Perguruan Tinggi Bidang Spesialisasi

SM- 1978 IKIP Bandung Administrasi&Supervisi Pendidikan

S-1- 1980 IKIP Bandung Administrasi Pendidikan

S-2 – 1988 Graduate School, the University of British,

Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Manajemen Pendidikan- Konsentrasi

Kekepala-sekolahan (Principalship)

S-3 – 1998 Graduate School, the Ohio State University,

Columbus, United States of America

Manajemen Pengembangan Pendidikan

Dasar dan Pendidikan Guru

Jabatan Dalam Organisasi Dalam 10 (sepuluh) Tahun Terakhir

Dari dan s.d. Tahun Posisi/Jabatan Institusi

2006-2010 Ketua Prodi Pendidikan Dasar SPs UPI

2010 – 2014 Ketua Prodi Administrasi Pendidikan



2014- 2016 Ketua Tim Pengembang Program

HELM (Higher Education Leadership

and Management)


2105- sekarang Wakil Ketua Bidang Pendidikan Pimpinan Wilayah Muhammadiyah

Jawa Barat

2016-sekarang Ketua Umum Pusat Asosiasi Program Studi

Manajemen/Administrasi Pendidikan se

Indonesia (APMAPI)

2016-sekarang Wakil Ketua I Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Sarjana Manajemen/Administrasi

Pendidikan Indonesia (ISMAPI)

2017-2019 Ketua Badan Akreditasi Nasional (BAN)

Sekolah/Madrasah Provinsi Jawa Barat

Page 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of · 2020. 10. 20. · 2015 Studi Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Jurnal Administrasi

5 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

2019-sekarang Ketua Lembaga Penyelenggara Diklat (LPD)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

2019-sekarang Ketua Pusat Kajian Diklat KS-PS Uiniversitas

Pendidikan Indonesia

Nama Mata Kuliah yang Diampu/Dibina

No. Nama Mata Kuliah Strata

1. Dasar-Dasar Perencanaan Pendidikan S1

2. Praktek Perencanaan Pendidikan S1

3. Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan PD S3

4. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan S1, S2, S3

5. Analisis Kebijakan dan Inovasi Pendidikan di SD S3

6. Manajemen Pengembangan Pendidikan Guru S3

7. Metodologi Penelitian Administarsi Pendidikan S3

8. Seminar Proposal Penelitian AP S2, S3

9. Proses dan Metodologi Perencanaan Pendidikan S2, S3

10. Manajemen Stratejik Pendidikan Dasar S2

11. Bahasa Inggris S1

12. Kebijakan dan Inovasi Pendidikan S1

13. Dasar-Dasar Administrasi Pendidikan S1

Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 (Lima) Tahun Terakhir

Tahun Topik/Judul Penelitian Sumber Dana

2018 Analisis Implementasi Profesional Learning Community

pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kabupaten Subang


2017 Analisis Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Akademik

Mahasiswa berbasis ISSLA/NSSE di UPI dan Indiana

University, USA


2017 Pengembangan Model Profesional Learning Community

pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kota Bandung


2016 Trends Riset Disertasi Mahasiswa Program Doktor Prodi

Administrasi Pendidikan Sps UPI Bandung tahun 2010-



2014 Efektivitas Pendampingan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap

Guru dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 pada SD

Ujicoba Kurikulum 2013 di Kota Bandung


Pengalaman Publikasi di Berkala Ilmiah 5 (Lima) Tahun Terakhir





Judul Artikel Nama Berkala Volume dan




Asep Iwa

Hidayat dan

Udin S Saud

2014 Model Pendidkan dan

Latihan Berbasis

Kompetensi bagi

WidyaIswara Muda pada

Badiklat Kemendagri






Edisi V, halaman





Asri Putri

Kartiwi & Udin

S Saud

2015 Kualitas Layanan

Akademik Sekolah




(ISSN 1412


Volume XXII

Nomor 2,

halaman 39-57


i Dikti tahun


Hery Mulyono

dan Udin S


2015 Studi Efektivitas

Kepemimpinan Kepala





(ISSN 1412


Volume XXII

nomor 2, halaman



i Dikti tahun


Badrutamam &

Udin S Saud

2016 Efektivitas

Kepemimpinan di Pondok



al Ilmu

Pendidikan dan


(ISSN 2356


Volume 3 nomor


Halaman 18-45




Page 7: TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of · 2020. 10. 20. · 2015 Studi Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Jurnal Administrasi

6 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Omar Dani

Sopandi & Udin

S Saud

2016 Implementasi Knowledge

Manajemen pada

Perguruan Tinggi




(ISSN 1412


Volume XXIII

nomor 2, halaman



i Dikti tahun


Aty Susanti &

Udin S Saud

2016 Efektivitas Pengelolaan


Profesionalitas Guru




(ISSN 1412


Volume XXIII

nomor 2, halaman



i Dikti tahun


Hety Padmawati

& Udin S Saud

2016 Strategi Pemberdayaan

Guru Militer




(ISSN 1412


Volume XXIII

nomor 2, halaman



i Dikti tahun


Sururi, Udin S

Saud, & Aseo


2016 Studi Efektivitas Kinerja

Kepala SMP Negeri




(ISSN 1412


Volume XXIII

nomor 2, halaman



i Dikti tahun


Ade Sobandi,

Udin S Saud

2016 Principal Leadership,

School Climate, and

School Productivity at

Vocational Schools in


Advances in


Business, and



Volume 15 Atlantis


Mayya, Udin S


2018 Key Factors on

Implementing Inclusion

Policy in Schools

Advances in

Social Studies,

Education, and



Volume 258 Atlantis


Cicih Sutarsih

& Udin S Saud

2019 The Implementation of

Professional Learning

Community for

Elementary Teachers

Educare, The


Journal for





Volume 11

number 2,

page 157-168


i Dikti 2019

Ridwan Yusuf,

Wahyu S, Ana

RW, Udin S


2019 Strengthening Teacher

Competence through

ICARE Approach to

Improve Literacy

Assessment of Science

Creative Thinking


Journal of


Teaching, and



Volume 18,

number 7


Pengalaman Penerbitan Buku 10 (sepuluh) tahun terakhir

Nama Judul Buku Tahun Penerbit ISBN

Udin S Saud Memahami Problematika Pendidikan

Dasar di Indonesia

2018 SPs UPI

Udin S Saud Editor) Bunga Rampai Administrasi

Pendidikan: Teori Praktek

2018 Bandung PT




Udin S. Saud Inovasi Pendidikan 2010 Bandung:




Udin S. Saud Perencanaan Pendidikan 2010 Bandung:



Udin S. Saud Pengembangan Profesi Guru 2009 Bandung:





Judul Acara Kegiatan Penyelenggaran Kegiatan Skala Kegiatan


Seminar Studi Multi Disiplin: Integrasi dan

Interkoneksi Manajamen Pendidikan Islam

Prodi MPI Universitas

Muhammadiyah Jakarta,


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7 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management


Webinar Pengembangan LPTK: Kampus

Merdeka dan World Class University di Era

Pasca Pandemi Covid 19

Kerjasama Prodi MP

Universitas Gorontalo dan

APMAPI, 2020


Seminar Internasional Pengembangan

Kompetensi Guru SD Era Globalisasi dan

Mayarakat Ekonomi Asean

Prodi PGSD Kampus

Cibiru, Universitas

Pendidikan Indonesia,



Penyusunan Modul Pelatihan Kepala Sekolah Direktorat Jendral GTK


Jakarta ,2019


Pengembangan Modul Pelatihan Pengawas


Direktorat Jendral GTK

Kemendikbud, Jakarta,



Seminar Internasional Peningkatan

Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Pendidikan di


Kerjasama ISMAPI dan

Universitas Negeri

Makasar, 2016


International Conference on Educational

Management, Administration and Leadership

Kerjasama ICEMAL dan

Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, 2016


Workshop Pengembangan Kurikulum Prodi

PGSD Berbasis KKNI Menyongsong

Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean




Palembang, 2016


Seminar Nasional Peningkatan Kompetensi

Lulusan LPTK Menyongsong Era MEA dan


FKIP Universitas

Lampung, 2016


Seminar Nasional Penyiapan Kepala Sekolah

dan Pengawas Sekolah Berbasis KKNI oleh


Kerjasama APMAPI dan

FKIP Universitas

Bengkulu, 2016


Pelatihan Instruktur Bahasa Inggris, Pusat

Bahasa, Telkom University, Bandung

Pusat Bahasa, Telkom

University, Bandung, 2015


Seminar Nasional “Peningkatan Mutu Lulusan

Pendidikan Guru dalam Menghadapi Era

Globalisasi dan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN”

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan

dan Ilmu


Subang, 2015


Seminar Nasional “Peluang dan Tantangan

Lulusan Pendidikan Tinggi di Indonesia dalam

Menghadapi Era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN”

Program Studi Manajemen

Pendidikan Islam, UIN

Bandung, 2015


Semiloka Manajemen Pendidikan untuk

Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Berkelanjutan

Jurusan Administrasi

Pendidikan, IKIP

Mataram, Nusa Tenggaras

Barat, 2015


Simposium dan Workshop Nasional Pendidikan

dan Pelayanan Kebidanan

Program Studi Magister

Kebidanan, Fakultas

Kedokateran UNPAD,

Bandung, 2015


Semiloka Peningkatan Mutu Penelitian

Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Dosen dan Mahasiswa

Program Pascasarjana UIN

Sunan Gunung Jati,

Bandung, 2014


Semiloka Pengembangan Kurikulum

Pendidikan Tinggi Dawah Berbasis KKNI

Fakultas Da’wah dan

Komunikasi, UIN Jakarta,



Semiloka Peningkatan Kemampuan Dosen

dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah untuk Artikel

Program Studi Manajemen

Pendidikan Islam, PPS

Universitas Muhamadiyah,

Surakarta, 2014


Semiloka Aplikasi KKNI dalam Pengembangan

Kurikulum Program Studi Manajemen


Program Studi Manajemen

Pendidikan PPS

Universitas SyahKuala,

Aceh, 2014


Semiloka Aplikasi TQM dan KKNI dalam

Peningkatan Mutu Lulusan Program Studi

STIA LAN, Bandung,



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8 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Semiloka Aplikasi KKNI dalam Peningkatan

Mutu Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan

Ilmu Keguruan IAIN

Surakarta, 2014


Seminar Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Dasar

dan Menengah melalaui Aplikasi TQM

Program Studi Manajemen

Pendidikan PPS

Universitas Galuh, Ciamis,



Diklat Pemuda “Berilmu, Beriman dan Beramal

untuk Kemaslahatan, Kemuliaan serta

Kebahagiaan Ummat dan Bangsa”

Jaringan Aspirasi Rakyat

Subang (JARANG),

Wisma KPRI, Subang,



Bandung, Oktober 2020.

Prof. Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, Ph.D

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9 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

2. Jason Graham, M.B.A.

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11 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management



3. BO CHANKOULIKA No. 3, Street M-20, Borey Peng Huoth,

Beung Chhouk, Sangkhat Niroth, Khan

Chbar Ampov, Phnom Penh

H/P: 095 666 916/069 666 916

Email: [email protected]

2012-2017: Doctor of Philosophy in specialized in education policy, Flinders University, Australia 2008-

2010: Master of Educational and Financial Planning, Norton University, Cambodia

2004-2006: Master of Private Law and Research of Social Law specialized in labor law - University of

Lumière Lyon 2, France

2000 - 2004: Dual Diploma - Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), Cambodia

Bachelor of Cambodian Law issued by RULE

French Bachelor In Private Law, issued by University of Lumière Lyon 2

August 2019-present: Director, Policy Department, MoEYS Roles and responsibilities:

- Lead the development and coordination process of education policies

- Lead the educational study and research based on which education policies are developed

- Lead and coordinate the M&E policies

- Lead policy dialogues

- Lead and manage the policy/knowledge management

- Develop strategic director and institutional development of the Department of Policy

- Lead and manage institutional and individual capacity building of the Department of Policy

Research activities completed by the Department of Policy under my leadership are:

1. Research on disadvantageous areas in education

2. Study on the current status of implementation of SBM in Cambodia

3. Research on Life Skill in lower secondary education

4. Research on Low completion rate at primary school and lower secondary schools

5. Feasibility study for expanding multilingual preschool program and introducing Jorai

language into multilingual program

6. Research on dropout rate at primary and secondary school level

7. Study on the impact of covid-19 on education system in Cambodia (desk

literature review)

8. Study on conditions and process of school reopening in Cambodia

Policies developed and coordinated by the Department of Policy that are enforced under my

leadership are:

1. National Policy on lifelong learning

2. National Policy on School Health Education

3. Policy on inclusion in education

4. Scholarship Framework for Primary education

Policies are under development by the Department of Policy are:

1. Teacher Career Pathway Framework and the implementation guideline of teacher Career


2. School Meal policy

3. School based management policy

Materials produced by the Department of Policy to provide research support to relevant

stakeholders are:

1. Action Research Technique

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12 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

2. Education diagnosis at school level is under development

April 2019 to August 2019: Deputy Director of Policy Department, MOEYS

July 2017- April 2019: Deputy Head of Secretariat of Education Research Council (ERC) and Member of

ERC, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. ERC is a think tank of the Ministry whose mandate is to

provide research based policy. Roles and responsibilities:

- Coordinating education research projects conducted by the members of ERC

- Developing the strategic action plan and work plan for ERC

- Supervising three units of the ERC Secretariat such as administrative and financial unit,

research and publication unit and communication unit

- Leading education research projects.

- Cooperating with international think tanks and universities to conduct joint research projects.

July 2017- Present: Member of Education Research Council, ERC, the Ministry of Education, Youth and

Sport. My expertise areas are public policy research, educational policy research, educational development and

teacher professional development using critical analysis approach. Completed research projects are below:

1- Current status of SBM implementation in Cambodia

2- Teacher Deployment and Redeployment: issues and proposed solutions

3- Teacher Professional Development at the primary education level in Cambodia

4- School Directorship: The effectiveness of school leadership practices at the primary education level in


5- Teacher education program at provincial teacher training centers

Feb 2017- Present: Lecturer at Royal University of Law and Economics teaches:

- Public Policy

- International Relation and ASEAN

- Research methodology in legal-socio research)

- Administrative Law

Oct 2009- 2012: Chief of Legislation Office, Legislation Department, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

responsible for:

- Formulating policy, laws and regulations related to education sector. The process of policy and

legislative instruments making process have been passed a number of steps of research process:

o Desk literature reviews on institutional structure, existing legal and policy frameworks,

social, economic and political context that affect the law and regulations to be drafted, and

international and regional a instruments that were ratified by Cambodia.

o As Cambodia is one of developing countries (Low-income country), I also conducted the

desk literature on the poverty and the vulnerability of Cambodia.

o Conducting consultation processes such as workshops and public forums at every level of

society to gather information and comments for drafting policy, royal decree, sub decree and

ministerial regulations (Prakas).

o Working with community through the consultation processes to collect the inputs for drafting

of the policy and legislative instruments.

o Analytical report on the desk literature review and consultation that will be used as inputs for

drafting of policy and legislative instrument.

o Drafting the policy and legislative instruments

o Conduct the consultation with relevant stakeholders on the draft of policy and legislative

instruments for producing the final draft for the endorsement from the competent jurisdiction.

- There are a number of significant education policies that I have been involved and coordinated for its

final endorsement including but not limited to:

o Law on Education has been entered into force in 2007 in order to manage the whole

education sector to ensure that all citizens can equally access to education with quality and

have knowledge, skill and highest morality and cultural advance to compete in the globalized


o Policy on the development of Early Childhood Education has been enacted to guide early

childhood education in Cambodia.

o Teacher policy was enacted for guiding teacher profession and teaching staffs under the

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

o Policy on the development of sport in education was enforced to govern the conduct and

practices of sport within educational sphere and in public sphere.

o Sub Decree on Teacher Professional Code of Conduct has been enacted in 2008 in order to

guide all teachers for better service performance in providing quality education to all


o Sub Decree on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Education, Youth and

Sport has been issued for regulating the internal functioning of the Ministry of Education,

Youth and Sport at the central level

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13 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

- Providing legal review and recommendations on the draft of policy, laws and regulations in education

sector to ensure that these polices are conformed to other policies and international and regional

conventions ratified by Cambodia.

- Disseminate policies, laws and regulations in education sector to educational staff, local authorities,

learners such as:

o Law on Education

o Educational policies such as Educational Strategic Plan

o Guideline on the legislative Instrument preparation for the MOEYS

o Teacher Professional Code of Conduct

- Evaluating and measuring the implementation of law and regulations in education sector:

o Developing the questionnaire on the law and regulations in education sector for interviewing

with different target groups

o Conducting the group discussion to get their views and comments on the implementation of

the law and regulations in education

o Developing the check list on the legal requirements on the functioning and organisation of

educational institutions

o Analyzing the data using quantitative and qualitative methods

o Producing the analytical report and recommendations for future action on the implementation

of laws and regulations in education.

- Member of D&D team of the legislation department of the MoEYS that manages the Decentralization

and Deconcentration (D&D) such as:

o Conducting field visits to collect the inputs for drafting the strategy framework for

decentralization and deconcentration in education sector.

o Conduct field visits to collect the data for the development of function mapping for the

Ministry of education, Youth and Sport and for the preparing of the educational functions to

be transferred to the sub national level.

o Conducting the consultation workshops to collect the data for developing capacity building

plan and the financial needed for the implementation of functions transferred.

o Developing the sub decree and guideline for the implementation of the functions in education

transferred to sub national levels

o Analyzing data and provide findings and recommendations for the formulation of D&D

policy in education sector in compliance with the organic law and the national plan for sub

national democratic development.

o Producing analytical report on the capacity building and finance needed for the

implementation of functions transferred by the sub national levels.

- Coordinating the development and implementation of the regulatory projects supported by UNICEF.

- Evaluating, monitoring and measuring staff performance to ensure that they perform their task to

achieve the organizational goal.

- Coordinating the Working Group against the exploitation of person especially children and women of

MOEYS to the National Working Group against the exploitation and other working groups of other

ministries in order to get the information related the child exploitation and update the status of the

protection against the child exploitation.

- Reviewing monthly report sent by the Working Groups against the child exploitation at provincial

level to follow up the status of the protection against the child exploitation in the provinces and

provide the feedback and technical assistance required.

2007 - 2009: Official of the Legislation Office, Personnel Department of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports,

responsible for the legislation, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

- Formulate legislative instruments to support the implementation of the Law on Education and the

implementation of educational policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia

- Provide legal review and recommendations on the drafts of legislative instruments prepared by

technical departments of MoEYS and others government institution and any legal issues to MoEYS


- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of legislative instruments

- Facilitate the consultation process on the drafts of legislative instruments

- Developm the legal material for the dissemination of the new legislative instruments

- Implement and manage the dissemination workshop for the new legislative instruments

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14 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management


- Facilitate training on the legislative instrument preparation process to educational staff and others

trainings associated with drafting of laws and regulations.

Oct. 2007 – June 2009 and June 2014- December 2015: Legal consultant at BNG Advocates & Solicitors, Phnom

Penh, Cambodia

- Provide legal opinion and advice on the different aspects of law such as labor law, civil law, contract

law, civil procedure law, company law, land law

- Provide services to clients in the adoption process starting with providing advice to client on

condition, required documents, cost, the timeframe and process and then assist him or her to deal with

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Office of the Council of


- Provide technical advice to client in preparation, negotiation and draft of the contracts such as sale-

purchase contract, employment agreement, consultancy agreement and trust agreement.

- Provide legal review on the contracts in order to ensure its validity under Cambodian Laws

- Assist client in litigation process such as acting as the intermediary between the lawyer and the client,

write report from the court to client and provide legal recommendation to them

- Due Diligent (Company Search and Land Title Search) with relevant government institutes.

- Assist clients to deal with the government official such as on Company Set Up, certification,


- Involve in many investment projects like the project of a big tobacco firm in which I provide the legal

update and legal advice on any tobacco related laws and regulations, the project of an international

petroleum firm in which we provide the legal advice on petroleum regulations, and corruption laws.

- Contribute to the Doing Business Project of the World Bank on the legal aspect of doing business in

Cambodia for investors who want to invest in Cambodia

- Write Labor Compliance Guide as a basic for the client in the labor matter

- Coordinate between the clients and the official if the clients need my assistance

- Prepare regime of child adoption, civil procedure and regime of mine and energy for the Company’s


- Assist the legal research department of the firm to do Monthly Law Update (MLU) (analyze on the

impact of the new laws and regulations on investors and especially firm’s clients)

1- Research conducted under MoEYS

- Research on the current status of the SBM implementation in Cambodia

- Models of Teacher Professional Development in Cambodian Primary Schools: A Review of selected


- Towards Effective School Leadership and Management Practices in the Primary Education Level in

Cambodia: A Review of Selected Cases

- Pre-service Teacher Training Program at Provincial Teacher Training Centers in Cambodia: A Case Study

in Four Provinces

2- Individual consultancy projects:

1.1 Name of Assignment: Finalization of Teacher Career Pathways Framework

- Year: Feb-April 018

- Location: Cambodia

- Client: ADB

- Position: Teacher Career Pathways Policy Specialist

1.2 Name of Assignment: Expert Research Study on the Current State Situation and Needs in the education

sector in Cambodia with the focus on secondary and vocational education

- Year: October-December 2017

- Location: Cambodia

- Client: Czech Development Agency (CDA)

- Position: National Education Expert

1.3 Name of Assignment: Study on the risks and potential long-term effects of natural hazards and climate

change on children's access to quality basic education and protection

- Year: Sep-November 2017

- Location: Cambodia

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- Client: Save Children

- Position: Team member

3- Consultancy subcontracted by BNG Legal:

Name of


Project Quantum

Year: February-September 2017

Location(s): Cambodia

Client: QSR Brands (M) Holdings Sdn Bhd

Main project


Due diligence on the subsidiaries of QSR as a requirement for the listing in

Malaysian Stock Exchange

Position(s) held: Team Leader


performed: - Coordinated and communicated with the client and relevant stakeholders.

- Guided the team in doing the desk literature review of the laws and

regulations and how to effectively scan and screen all the relevant

documents keep in the data room.

- Managed and supervised the visit at the sites of the subsidiaries in

Cambodia and the interviews with management staff to check the legality

of its operation and the business situation.

- Review the Due Diligence Report drafted by the team on the findings

from the site visit and from the review of business documents.

Name of


Angkor Siem Reap Airport Project

Year: June 2017 to present

Location(s): China and Cambodia

Client: Chinese Development Bank (CDB)

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Main project features: Due Diligence on the Company (Borrower), Credit Evaluation for the loan project

to the borrower, Securitization transaction, BOT Concession project

Position(s) held: Legal Advisor

Activities performed: - Studied/reviewed the legal framework related to the loan transactions and

the security of the loan, the pledge of the rights and interests under the

Concession Agreement as a security for the loan

- Reviewed the agreements such as BOT Concession Agreement, MOUs,

Service Agreement, Tripartite Escrow Agreement

- Provided the opinion of possible scenarios (Credit Structure) on the loan

of CDB to minimize the risks of the loan.

- Provided the legal opinion on the process of registration of the pledge of

rights and interests under the Concession Agreement, the process of

mortgage of land and real estate.

- Provided the legal opinion on the insurance of the risks in favor of CDB

in accordance with Cambodian Law.

- As the project is ongoing, after the preparatory stage to study the

feasibility of the loan, we will draft the relevant agreements such as loan

agreement pledge agreement, share charge agreement and will work with

relevant authorities to acquire approvals related to the registration of the

interests and rights under the Concession Agreement and the mortgage of

the land and real estate.

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1- BO, Ch.K. (2019). Why is School-based Management (SBM) in Cambodia? Cambodia Education

Review, 3(1), 1 – 3.

2- BO, Ch.K., Seak, R., Sin, N., & Souk, S. (2019). Models of Teacher Professional Development

in Cambodian Primary Schools: A Review of Selected Cases, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Education Review, 3(1), 30 - 64.

3- Om, S., Bo, C., Lay, S., Khy, P., Souk, S., (2019). Towards effective school leadership and

management practices at the primary education level in Cambodia. A review of selected cases.

Cambodia Education Review, 3(1), 4–29.

4- PhD thesis on Foucauldian discourse analysis of Education Policy in Cambodia between 1979 and

2013, 2017 published in Flinders Digital


5- Master Thesis on Comparative Study of French and Cambodian Labor Law, 2006, stored in

Lumiere Lyon 2 University Library

6- Master I (Maitrise) Thesis on Legal Status of Spouse of Entrepreneur, 2005, stored in Lumiere

Lyon 2 University Library

7- Master Thesis on Decentralisation and Deconcentration in Education Sector, 2011, stored in

Norton University Library

8- Legal report on Commercial Arbitration published in 9- Legal report on Investment in Cambodia published


10- Doing business in Cambodia, 2014, 2015 published in

2012: Australia Leadership Award to pursue PhD in Education in

Australia Feb 2011: Outstanding student award from Norton University

(First Rank)

2009 – 2010: EU Scholarship to pursue Master Degree in Educational and Financial

Planning at Norton University, Phnom Penh, all courses are in


2004 – 2006: French government scholarship “Bourse Excellence Eiffel” to

pursue Master degree at University Lumière Lyon 2,


2004: Outstanding student award of the 9th generation of Law Class at the

Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh (3rd


2000: National Literature Silver Medal at final year of high school given by the

Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (3rd rank)

1997: National Literature Gold Medal at secondary school given by the

Ministry of Education Youth and Sport (1st rank)

Languages: English: written, spoken and read

French: written, spoken

and read Khmer: mother


Computer skills: Proficient knowledge of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Internet and E-mail.

Training and Workshop:

- Women in Leadership Program conducted by Australia Award Scholarship, the

course started in July 2017 and finish in January 2018.

- E-Learning on Teacher Transformation for Improve learning outcome

conducted by UNESCO from 29 May to 2 June 2017

- Post graduate conferences on education disciplines, education researches and

education theories conducted by Flinders University, Australia

- Higher Research Degree workshops conducted by Flinders University,



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- Conference on Leadership conducted by Flinders University, Australia

- Workshop on Educational Development in Thailand in March 2014

- Training in Singapore on “Education- Excellence in Public Schools” from 09

October 2010 to 22 October 2010

- Workshop on the Model Law on Child Protection in Singapore

- Training on the Technology Transfer in Bangkok, Thailand from 01 July

2009 to 04 July 2009 (how to protect the intellectual property of the


Created by the institution funded by the government and to commercialize this technology)

- Training on Decentralization and Deconcentration in the social sector

organized by the Ministry of Interior and GTZ from May 2008 to June 2008

- Capacity building on the Management and leadership organized by technical

assistant of MOEYS

- New Methodology of Teaching prepared by the USAID, Cambodian Mekong

University and Norton University

Aug 2013-2015: Project Management Team Member of Cambodia Student Association of

South Australia

Jan 2011: Study Visit to Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam,

Hanoi, Vietnam

Jun 2006: Study tour to International Labor Office (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland

2005 – 2006: Responsible of “Research and Studies” of Cambodian Students in France

Association (ADECF)

Travel: England, France, Italy, Monaco, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, and


Sport: Table tennis and badminton.

Other: Follow-up of national and international news, music, and picnic

- H.E Thong Borann, Undersecretary of State, MoEYS

o Tel: 012 812 115

- Dr. Dy Samsideth, Deputy General Director for Education, MoEYS

o Tel: 092 777 278

o Email: [email protected]

- Ass Prof Ben Wadham, Centre for Crime Policy and Research, Head. Social Inquiry, Faculty of

Education, Humanities and Law, Flinders University, Australia

o Email: [email protected]

o Tel: 08 82013358, (+61) 423489834

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4. Kolonel Dr. Hikmat Zakky Almubaroq, S.Pd., M.Si

Kolonel Tek. Dr. Hikmat Zakky Almubaroq, S.Pd., M.Si lulus dari Akademi Angkatan Udara Republik

Indonesia (AKABRI UDARA) pada tahun 1994. Jabatan yang saat ini diemban adalah sebagai Kepala Sub

Direktorat Pengembangan Pengkajian Lemhannas RI terhitung sejak 30 April 2018. Selain berdinas di

Lemhannas RI, Kolonel Zakky juga Pernah mendapat kepercayaan untuk menjadi anggota Tim Kajian

Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden RI berdasarkan surat Keputusan Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden RI Nomor 01

Tahun 2018 tanggal 30 April 2018.

Karya-karyanya selama menjadi tim kajian baik di Lemhannas RI maupun di Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden

RI diantaranya adalah; 1. kajian tentang optimalisasi penyalahgunaan narkoba untuk mewujudkan keamanan

yang kondusif, 2. Kajian tentang implementasi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia dihubungkan dengan

kebijakan Amerika dan China serta 3. Kajian tentang Laut Cina Selatan.

Karya lainnya dalam jenjang pendidikan akademis diantaranya adalah hasil penelitian Tesis berjudul

“Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Bidang Kewaspadaan Nasional Dalam Penanganan Konflik Sosial

Pada Pilkada Di Era Otonomi Daerah”, hasil penelitian disertasinya yang berjudul: “Model kepemimpinan

Pendidikan Era 4.0 Guna Mendukung Ketahanan Nasional” serta tulisannya dalam Jurnal Internasional

berjudul: “The Role of Education Leadership to Support National Resilience: An Overview of Era 4.0”

Beberapa penugasan terdahulu diantaranya adalah di Pusat Kerjasama Internasional Mabes TNI. Sedangkan

penugasan luar negeri yang telah dijalankan diantaranya adalah; Cakra Wahana Paksa (AUSTRALIA),

Technical Representative (TECREP) SA-330 PUMA Helicopter Aircraft (PERANCIS), Logistics

Symposium Hawaii (AMERIKA), Military Staff of Peace Keeping Operation (LEBANON), Asia Pacific

Aerospace (AUSTRALIA), Turbomeca (PERANCIS), Combined Annual Report Meeting Indonesia-

Singapore High Level Committee in Singapore (CARM INDOSIN HLC 19TH), ACDFIM 13TH (LAOS),

HLC MALINDO 13TH (MALAYSIA), serta sekolah setingkat Lemhannas yaitu Executive Development

Programme (EDP 2016) di Brunei Darussalam.

Dalam penugasannya yang sekarang dia juga beberapa kali diberi kepercayaan oleh Lemhannas RI sebagai

ketua Steering Commitee maupun sekretaris dalam kegiatan-kegiatan forum akademis, seminar, symposium,

sarasehan, baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional diantaranya adalah; Jakarta Geopolitical Forum 2018,

2019, dan 2020, Making Indonesia 4.0., Scenario Planning Indonesia 2045 dan sebagainya. Dia juga

beberapa kali diminta sebagai pembicara dalam berbagai kegiatan seminar di berbagai universitas seperti

Telkom University, Mercu Buana University, President Universirty, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, IKIP

Siliwangi, APIKES dsb.

Dia memegang gelar Doktor di bidang manajemen Pendidikan Program studi Administrasi Pendidikan dari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia dengan Nilai Cum laude 3.91 pada tanggal 8 September 2020.

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“Educational Administration Innovation of Excellence Reinforcement for Sustainable

Quality to Anchorage 5.0 Era”

Wednesday, 21 October 2020


1. 07.00 – 08.00 Registration Irvan Gunawan, S.Pd.

Zoom Meeting Main Room

2. 08.00 – 08.05 Opening Ceremony Remarks MC

(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting Main Room

3. 08.05 – 08.15 Reciting The Holy Qur’an

by Suparta Rasyid


(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

4. 08.15 – 08.20 Singing Indonesia Raya Song Irvan Gunawan, S.Pd.

Zoom Meeting Main Room

5 08.20 – 08.30 Welcoming Remarks by Head of

Organizing Committee

Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd.


(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

6. 08.30 – 08.35 Welcoming Remarks by Head of Study

Program Educational Administration

Prof. Dr. Hj. Aan Komariah, M.Pd.


(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

7. 08.35 – 08.45 Welcoming Remarks by Director School of

Postgraduate Studies UPI

Prof. Dr. H. Syihabuddin, M.Pd.


(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

8. 08.45 – 09.00 Opening Speech from Vice Rector of UPI

Prof. Dr. H. Adang Suherman, M.A.


(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

9. 09.00 – 09.05 Chanting Prayers

Lead by Suparta Rasyid


(Irma Yunita, S.Pd.)

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

10. 09.05 – 12.00 Plenary Session

1. Prof. H. Udin S. Sa’ud, Ph.D.

(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Topic: Excellence reinforcement

management for sustainable Quality to

anchorage 5.0 era)

2. Jason Graham, M.B.A.

(Murdoch University, Australia)

Topic: Technology

3. Bo Chankoulika, Ph.D.

(Policy Department, Ministry of

Education, Youth and Sports,


Topic: Policy

4. Kolonel Dr. Hikmat Zakky

Almubaroq, S.Pd., M.Si

(The National Institute of Resilence

(Lemhannas RI)

Topic: The Role of Educational

Leadership of H.E.B.A.T in

Supporting Nation’s Resiliency

Rita Anggorowati, M.Pd.

Zoom Meeting

Main Room

11. 12.00 – 13.00 Break -

12. 13.00 – 15.30 Oral Presentation and Panel Discussion Moderators & Time Keepers

Zoom Meeting Break Room

13. 15.30 - End Closing Formalities Moderators & Time Keepers

Zoom Meeting Break Room

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4th ICREAM 2020 on Statistics

No Remarks Number

1 Registrant 157

2 Participants 10

3 Presenter 147

4 Topics Presented 21

5 Accepted Abstract with Revision 132

6 Rejected Paper -

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Oral Presentation List and Schedule

Room : 1

Moderator : Fujy P. Damayanti

Time : 13.00 – 15.30 pm

No Title/ Presenter Email

1 Situational Leadership Readiness : the Impact of 4th Dimensions in elementary school Teguh Wendy Arisman

[email protected]

2 The Teaching Performances Vocational Teachers

using The Work from Home System during The Covid -19 Pandemic Devi Pramiati A

[email protected]

3 The Development of Academic Services Model in

Enhancing Better Graduates Quality

Sri Mulyani

[email protected]

4 Bazz Group: Enhancing the Role of Expert Group in Student Learning Activeness

Neni Rohaini S.Pd, M.Pd

[email protected]

5 Implementation Of Principal's Digital Leadership In Communication And Professional Development At School

Ius Rusnati

[email protected]

6 Islamic Boarding School Learning Management in New Normal Era

Ummi Fathiyatussa'adah, S.Kom

[email protected]

7 Evaluation of the Quality of Education Services (Case Study of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang)

Yayah Huliatunisa, M.Pd

[email protected]

8 The Implementation Of Public Policy Concerning Physical Special Allocation Funds In Education At Primary Schools Level In Bandung Education Sector

Sri Wulansari

[email protected]

9 How To Implement Supervision Programs At School

Raita Gina Aprilina, S. Pd. [email protected]

10 Academic Service Quality Survey in Higher


Cucun Sunaengsih

[email protected]

11 An Analysis Of Digital Leadership In The Pandemic Covid-19 Era

Fujy Puspita Damayanti

[email protected]

12 Quality Assurance in Private School Reviewed from The Effectiveness of Supervision

Imas Eka Nurfadillah, S.Hum.

[email protected]

13 Teachers as Human Resources in Educational Organization of Transitional Societies, Indonesia

[email protected]

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Dewi Wulan Sari, S. Pd.

14 Learning Management In The Pandemic Time Covid-19 In Sma Negeri 3 Pangkalpinang

Utia Rusdah,S.Pd

[email protected]

15 Transformation of Educational Quality Assurance

Concepts and Practices to Reduce the Gap in School Self-Evaluation Results with Accreditation. Evidence from Indonesia

Roni Indra

[email protected]

16 Classroom Management: Utilization of Learning Facilities and Teacher Performance on Learning Effectiveness

Fadhila Maulida Ismi, S.Pd

[email protected]

17 Management Development of Teachers' Professional Competence


[email protected]

18 Learning organizations employees of the Center for

Data and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture Muhammad Hasan chabibie

[email protected]

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Oral Presentation List and Schedule

Room : 2

Moderator : Irma Yunita

Time : 13.00 – 15.30 pm

No Title/ Presenter Email

1 Ethnopedagogical Leadership Based on Lampung's Local Wisdom in Schools Salma Faizah Amatullah, S.Pd

[email protected]

2 The Role Of The Professional Learning Community To Develop Teacher Leadership Rose Desy Nurkartika

[email protected]

3 Learning Organization Implementation Strategy For Developing Team Learning In Schools Eva Miftahul Jannah

[email protected]

4 The Influence of The Principal's Leadership Behavior and School Culture on Teacher's Performance at The Islamic Junior High School in Bandung Rizki Ulfah, S.Hum

[email protected]

5 Learning Management Tahfid Al-Quran (Analysis of Students Motivation and Achievement) Siti Nuraeni

[email protected]


[email protected]

7 Financing Aid: Active Role Of Local

Governments In Completing The compulsory

of secondary education

Dedy Achmad Kurniady

[email protected]

8 Learning Leadership and Capacity Building for Teacher Teaching Quality Ajat Sudrajat

[email protected]

9 Transformational Leadership for Improving Teacher’s Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic Erly Savitri, S.Pd.

[email protected]

10 The Influence Of Transformational Leadership On The Quality Of Early Childhood Education Institution Isrowiyah

[email protected]

11 The Increased Effectiveness Learning Through Strengthening Organizational Climate And Pedagogical Competency


[email protected]

12 Indonesian-Malaysia Elementary School Principal Participative Leadership

Aan Komariah

[email protected]

13 The impacts of innovation to lead effectively, to [email protected]

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work collaboratively, and to improve the quality of education Irma Yunita

14 The Use of the ARKAS Application in Financial Management of School Operational Assistance Funds (BOS) in SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih

Purwakarta Sakimin

[email protected]

15 Teacher Performance : Gender And Education Status In Teacher Certification Perspective Maryah Sariningsih

[email protected]

16 Strategic Planning on the School Quality Deden Pitriantini

[email protected]

17 The Influence Training Of Bpsdm (Human

Resources Education Center Ministry Of Transportation, Controlling And Work Motivation Against Competency Of Middle School Teachers In


Kurniawan abadi

[email protected]

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Oral Presentation List and Schedule

Room : 3

Moderator : Suparta Rasyid

Time : 13.00 – 15.30 pm

No Title/ Presenter Email

1 Spiritual Leadership Management In Strengthening The Character Of Students In Integrated Islamic Primary Schools Dr. Nasir Usman, M.Pd.

[email protected]

2 The Principals Spiritual Leadership In Students Strengthening Character At The Vocational Elementary School


[email protected]

3 The Analysis Of Self-Learning Management During The COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Study Investigating Students’ Perception Of Online Learning Irman Suherman

[email protected]

4 New Normal: A Vocational High School Financing Model During Covid-19 Pandemic Gema Muhammad Shidiq

[email protected]

5 Influence Of Digital Leadership Models On The Performance Of Educators And Educational Personnel In The Covid-19 Pandemic In The First

Middle School In Padalarang District West Bandung Regency Muhammad Agrian Nugrah P

[email protected]

6 Leadership Of Schools In Improving Teacher

Discipline And Motivation In Sma Negeri 16 And Sma Negeri 12 Kota Banda Aceh Feriyanti

[email protected]

7 Managerial Competency Of Principal In The Mi Bait Qurany Saleh Rahmany Banda Aceh Syarifah Munawarah

[email protected]

8 Quality Assurance of Transformational Leadership

in Education Novi Nurhayati

[email protected]

9 Supervision Improve the Professional Competence

of Cultural Arts Teachers Junita Ratnasari

[email protected]

10 Optimization Model for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations from Research Findings in

the Field of Education Management Dr. Widodo Sunaryo, S.Psi, MBA.

[email protected]

11 Application of Appropriate Technology in

Household Waste Treatment in Sukajaya Village, West Bandung Regency Neris Peri Ardiansyah

[email protected]

12 Supervisors in Facilitate Principals, Teachers to

Creating Student Achievements [email protected]

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Chairul Fahmi, S.Pd.I.

13 Principal Leadership in Presenting Teacher Job

Satisfaction at SMAS Ishafuddin Adnin AS, S.Pd.

[email protected]

14 Education And Training Management In Improving Teacher Performance Education Rismiati Rahmi, S.Pd.

[email protected]

15 Leadership Style Of Principal To Increase Teacher’s Professionality Liyal Khaira

[email protected]

16 Supervisory in Islamic boarding school to created smartest students

Suparta Rasyid

[email protected]

17 Intersection of Native Characteristics Factors as a

Feasibility of Teaching Factory Collaboration Program between Companies and Vocational Schools in Extrusion material for Lighting Product

Catur Kurniawan, S.Pd.,MT.

[email protected]

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Oral Presentation List and Schedule

Room : 4

Moderator : Ikbal Opus Nurullah

Time : 13.00 – 15.30 pm

No Title/ Presenter Email

1 The Effect Of The Principal's Communication On Teacher Performance Pepi Pramahsari

[email protected]

2 Improving Teacher Teaching Performance Through

Collegial Supervision In Elementary Education Wariah

[email protected]

3 Effectiveness Of The Implementation Of Website-

Based Online Student Admissions (Study At The

Purwakarta Regency Education Office) Dede Supendi

[email protected]

4 The Leadership Of PKBM Chair And Tutor On The

Effectiveness Of The Quality Of PKBM Learning In Purwakarta Regency Rd. Moh Dadi Rosadi

[email protected]

5 Meeting Education Facilities In Improving

Education Quality In Purwakarta Regency Johny Heriyanto Utomo

[email protected]

6 Impact Of Leadership Efficacy On Teacher Teaching

Performance In Elementary Schools Apriant Cahyo Supriadi

[email protected]

7 Principal' Supervision And Teacher Performance In Fublic Elementary Schools Ai Rohartini

[email protected]

8 Implementation Of Rkjm: School Planning Effectiveness Study Yanti Juwariah

[email protected]

9 Managerial Competence: An Analytical Approach To Learning Quality Iwan Rahmat Juanda

[email protected]

10 Is Servant Leadership Influential On Teacher

Performance Lukman Saepurohman

[email protected]

11 Instructive Leadership: Contribution To Teacher Teaching Performance In Elementary Schools Totoh Fatonah

[email protected]

12 Performance Of Principal In Elementary

School For Realizing "Merdeka Belajar”


[email protected]

13 The Effect Of Principal Leadership On Student Achievement In Ciamis District Lili Abdullah Rozak

[email protected]

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14 Analysis of the Needs of Junior High School

Teachers in Purwakarta Regency

Aries Rapelianto, St.

[email protected]

15 Internet User Behavior And Social Media In Learning Aslam

[email protected]

16 Servant Leadership: Responding The Challenges For Change In Higher Education Annisa Lutfia

[email protected]

17 The Activities Of E-Learning In EFL Classroom: Study In A Private University In Cirebon Ikbal Opus Nurullah

[email protected]

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Oral Presentation List and Schedule

Room : 5

Moderator : Khalifatul Husna Asri, M. Pd

Time : 13.00 – 15.30 pm

No Title/ Presenter Email

1 Productivity Of Lecturers In International Indexed Journal Publications Abdul Azis Wahab

[email protected]

2 Postgraduate Student Readiness Entering Cloud

Class Era Eka Prihatin

[email protected]

3 Effectiveness Of Teacher Training Using Online

Media During Covid 19 Pandemic In Indonesia Dian Hidayati

[email protected]

4 The Leadership Capacity Of The Principal In Improving The Quality Of Learning During The

Covid-19 Pandemic Muthahharah Thahir

[email protected]

5 The Woman School Principals' Leadership Facing The Educational Change In The Globalization Era Kholifatul Husna Asri

[email protected]

6 Learning Leadership : Improving Academic Quality In Improving Teacher Performance Indah Anggraeni

[email protected]

7 Multiple Regression Model On Managerial Supervision Practices In Coaching And Development For School Principals Yayah Rahyasih

[email protected]

8 Comparative Analysis Of The Implementation Of Life Skill Education Management In Students With

Disability Between Public Special School And Private Special Schools Johar Permana

[email protected]

9 Impact Of Organizational Culture On Knowledge

Sharing Behavior Fransiskus Sawan

[email protected]

10 The Effect Of Understanding The Role And Position

Of Asn Agenda On Work Behavior Of Basic Training Participants Of Candidates For Civil Servants (CPNS) Ade Suhendar

[email protected]

11 Parents In The School Culture: Why Do They Become Involved? Nuphanudin

[email protected]

12 Leadership And Administrative Skills: A Panacea

For Administrative Challenges In Schools Peter Lameck Mduwile

[email protected]

13 Weindiani [email protected]

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14 Implementation Of Servant Leadership In New Normal Policies

Da'iatul Istiqomah

[email protected]

15 The Effectiveness Of Distance Learning During The COVID-19 Pandemic Period Tita Heliyani

[email protected]

16 Problem Solving For Elementary School Students In Rural Areas In Online Learning Activities During New Normal COVID Conditions 19 (Case Study At Cikembang 01 Elementary School, Cikembang

Village, Kertasari District, Regency Bandung, West Java) Luthfi Audia Pribadi

[email protected]

17 Transformation of Pesantren Persatuan Islam

A Rofik Husen

[email protected]

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Oral Presentation List and Schedule

Room : 6

Moderator : Rahmat Fadhli

Time : 13.00 – 15.30 pm

No Title/ Presenter Email

1 Antecedents Consumer Based Brand Equity Kurniawati

[email protected]

2 Analysis The Effect Of Transformational Leadership

On Student Satisfaction And Its Impact On Motivation To Learn On Higher Education Justine Tanuwijaya

[email protected]

3 Credit Risk Defining Factors Of Islamic Banking In

Indonesia And Malaysia Farah Margaretha Leon

[email protected]

4 The Presence Of Internal Quality Management

Strategies In Improving A Culture Of Quality Irawati Sabban, M.Pd

[email protected]

5 Women Leadership Power In Building Higher Education Melisa Nur Asima Sidabutar

[email protected]

6 The Role Of Indonesian School Principals’ Leading Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Yoni Nurdiansyah

[email protected]

7 The Philippine Department Of Education Program Implementation Towards Islamic Madrasah Education Development Saprolla Rollie Deporos

[email protected]

8 Analysis Of Needs Of Vocational Schools In

West Nusa Tenggara Province Taufani Kurniatun

[email protected]

9 Character Education In Home Based Learning

During COVID-19 Pandemic At SMP BPK PENABUR HOLIS Yansen,ST

[email protected]

10 Academic Supervision: Efforts To Improve Teacher

Quality In Developing The Professional Ability Of Educators In SDN 263 Rancaloa Silviany Rizkillah

[email protected]

11 Implementation of Managerial Competence Headmaster In The New Era


[email protected]

12 Implementation Of Academic Supervision With The

Empowerment Of Professional Learning Community (PLC) Evy Segarawati Ampry

[email protected]

13 Quality Culture Of Education: Commitment Of

Leaders In Building A Quality Culture Of Education [email protected]

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In Higher Tourism Education Deden Saepudin

14 The Effects of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction,

Organizational Commitment, and Workplace

Bullying To Turnover Intention

Medina Nilasari

[email protected]

15 The Implementation Of Transformational

Leadership To Improve School Quality

Milaty Septi Hasanah

[email protected]

16 Principal's Authentic Leadership

Nurdelima Waruwu

[email protected]

17 Quality System Certifications in Education Sector

Rajyashree Yadav [email protected]

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The Influence Training Of Bpsdm (Human Resources Education Center Ministry Of Transportation, Controlling And Work Motivation

Against Competency Of Middle School Teachers In Indonesia

Kurniawan abadi

Sutjipto Ivan Hanafi

This study aims to analyze the effect of coaching, supervision, and work motivation on the competence of Sailing Vocational Teachers in Indonesia. In addition to knowing whether there is a good relationship between each variable directly. This research uses a quantitative method with a path

analysis approach. The population of this study is the Vocational School teachers in Indonesia who have TOT Model Couse 6.09 certificates totaling

362 teachers with a sample of 190 teachers. The results showed the path coefficient of several variables related to teacher competence including coaching, supervision and work motivation. The novelty in this study found that the competence of overseas shipping teachers is dominated by the

training received in large numbers of 0.418 with the largest indicator which means an increase in knowledge, this is due to being a teacher. set by

IMO (International Maritime Organization).

Keywords : Competency, Controlling, Training, Work Motivation

The Influence Of Organizational Climate, Work Stress, And Work Motivation Toward Productivity Of Polytechnic Of Science Shipping Nur Rohmah

Tri Joko Raharjo


Asih Kuswardinah

The purpose of this study was to understand the influence of organizational climate, work stress, and work motivation on the productivity of

Semarang Shipping Polytechnic lecturers. The research method used is using quantitative research involving 126 lecturers. This study uses a survey method with path analysis applied in hypothesis testing. The results of this study prove: (1) there is a direct positive effect on organizational climate

on productivity (2) there is a direct negative effect of work stress on productivity (3) there is a positive direct effect of work motivation on


Keywords : Organizational Climate, Work Stress, Work Motivation, Productivity

Learning organizations employees of the Center for Data and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Muhammad Hasan chabibie

Mukhneri Mukhtar R. Madhakomala

The purpose of this study is to understand how much the impact of transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and motivation on organizational

learning of Data and Technology Employees at the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research method used is to use quantitative research

involving as many as 193 employees spread throughout Indonesia. This study uses a survey method with path analysis applied in hypothesis testing. The results of this study prove: (1) there is a direct effect of transformational leadership on organizational learning (2) there is a direct effect of self-

efficacy on organizational learning (3) there is a positive direct effect of motivation on organizational learning. Transformational leadership has the

greatest path coefficient than other variables.

Keywords : Transformational leadership, self-efficacy, motivation, Learning organization

Education And Training Management In Improving Teacher Performance Education Rismiati Rahmi

Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M.Pd. Dr. Nasir Usman, M.Pd

The purpose of this research is to find out: the formulation of the program, the implementation of the development program of Education and Training in Improving Teacher Performance, and the obstacles faced by the Department of Education and related division in carrying out Education and

Training in Improving Teacher Performance. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques:

observation, interview and documentation study. The subject of this study was the Education Office, instructors, and training participants. The results showed that: (1)The education and training program organized by the Tapaktuan District Education Office in the form of education and training such

as K13 training and PLPG held for Tapaktuan Elementary School teachers in particular, and the type of training provided has proven to be effective

and efficient in improving the performance of teachers in Tapaktuan Primary Schools. (2) Implementation of The development of education and training in improving teacher performance is carried out by the Tapaktuan Education Office by inviting Elementary School teachers to attend K13 and

PLPG training through the Education Office's decision letter which is conveyed to the school principal, then the school principal chooses the teachers

to be included to attend the training and training is usually done every six months depending on the needs of the educational situation. By way of implementation it is proven that, this program is very effective and efficient in helping teachers to improve their performance as professionals. (3)

Problems faced in the implementation of education and training to improve teacher performance found that there were still many teachers who needed

training in K13, PLPG in depth. Training on the use of technology is also one of the suggestions that must be improved in dealing with learning in the 21st century, and infrastructure must be optimized, so that programs that have been prepared to improve teacher performance can be carried out

effectively and efficiently at the South Aceh District Education Office.

Keywords : Teacher Education; Training and Management

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Quality Assurance of Transformational Leadership in Education Novi Nurhayati

Asep Sudarsyah

This research is to describe and analyze the quality assurance of transformational leadership of Head of Teachers and Educators Development

Division (P3TK) to the subordinates in an education organization at meso- (middle) dimension amid the occurring Covid-19. The method applied is that of qualitative-descriptive approach with research instruments of observation, interview and documentation. The research shows that quality

assurance of transformation leadership is crucial to be implemented at meso-dimension of education world to improve service delivery by education

staff to education personnel operating in the field so as to maximize harmonious personal interaction during Covid-19 pandemic that has been taking place for a relatively long time.

Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Quality Assurance, Education Dimension

Implementation Of Principal's Digital Leadership In Communication And Professional Development At School

Ius Rusnati

Mohammad Fakry Gaffar

This research aims to obtain information about the implementation of digital leadership in terms of communication and teacher professional

development. The method used in this research is a descriptive-analytic method with qualitative approach. The primary data was obtained from

respondents through interviews with principals in elementary, secondary, and high school of El Fitra, through observation, and documentation, While secondary was obtained from questionnaire given to 93 Elfitra's teachers. The results show that effective communication has been built to provide

relevant information to stakeholders in real time and for the benefit of social networks through various forms of socialization of programs such as

virtual parent's meeting, flyers, and viral content using various technological devices. Teacher professional development that has been carried out, namely engaging teachers in purposeful professional development, engaging in Professional Learning Networks, supporting teachers as Professional

Leaders through various trainings and workshops to develop their teaching and leadership skills by utilizing technology.

Keywords : Communication, Digital Leadership, Professional Development

The Use of the ARKAS Application in Financial Management of School Operational Assistance Funds (BOS) in SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih

Purwakarta. Sakimin Sakimin

Eka Prihatin

This study has purpose to describe how the School Boss Team at SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih, Purwakarta District in managing the School of Operational Assistance Fund. The kind of the research is a qualitative research. This research has been conducted at SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih,

Purwakarta District. The techniques of collecting data has been taken by the observation, the interviews and the documentation. The results of the

research showed that the Boss Team of SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih, Purwakarta Subdistrict in managing the boss's funds has been used several steps: First, the Boss Team of SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih, Purwakarta District has been created the activity budget planning school that involved the

development school team. Second, The Boss Teams of SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih, Purwakarta District, in the realization of using The Boss funds is

refer to the school budget activity planning that has been inputted through the Budget Activity Plan School Application (ARKAS) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Third, The Boss Teams of SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih, Purwakarta District has been purchased all of the school equipment

through the Siplah application. Fourth, The Boss Teams of SD Negeri 4 Sindangkasih, Purwakarta Subdistrict, in reporting the boss funds has been

used the preparation in advance through the School Budget Activity Plan Application (ARKAS) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Fifth, all of the accountability reporting in using of The boss funds has been discovered and signed by the school committee.

Keywords : Planning, Realization, Reporting

Effectiveness of the Implementation of Website-Based Online Student Admissions (Study at the Purwakarta Regency Education Office)

Dede Supendi

Aan Komariah Dedy Achmad Kurniady

The purpose of this research is to see the effectiveness of the implementation of web-based new student admissions (PPDB). The research method used was a mixed method which was implemented in public junior high schools in Purwakarta Regency. The results showed that the application of

web-based new student admissions has been running effectively with 4 pathways, namely the zoning quota of 60%, 15% affirmation pathway, 5%

parental / guardian shift pathway and 20% achievement pathway. The achievement pathway is divided into 2 paths, namely achievement of accumulated report scores and achievement of competition results and / or awards in the academic and non-academic fields of 10%. The advantages

of implementing Web-based online admission are time is more effective, more open and parents / the community can follow developments that occur

during PPDB. PPDB results can be conveyed to parents in a short time. Education services are developing more advanced and IT-based. While the disadvantages of implementing this website-based PPDB online are the limited internet coverage in some areas and the lack of IT support for students

who are leveraged students. The conclusion is that it is necessary to improve school services in managing this website-based PPDB online.

Recommendations for improving services are planning to fulfill the needs of the internet and ICT facilities for parents and the community.

Keywords : Effectiveness; Online New Student Admission; Online website base

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The Analysis of Self-Learning Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Study Investigating Students’ Perception of Online

Learning Irman Suherman

Muhammad Fakry Gaffar

This study aims to analyze the self-learning management of student during online learning in a program developed in Indonesia called school from

home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected through surveys and semi-structured interviews with 79 students at private universities.

Data analysis used Miles and Huberman's Model of qualitative data. The analysis result found four main themes, namely, learning preparation, learning resources, learning climate, and learning challenges. This research contributes to the literature on online self-learning that have an impact on

student success. Broadly, the success of online learning in Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic was determined by technology

readiness, learning resources, the learning atmosphere built by students in order to face change and ensure that students do not fall behind.

Keywords : COVID-19, online learning, higher education, school from home

The Leadership Capacity of the Principal in Improving the Quality of Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic Muthahharah Thahir

Aan Komariah Cucun Sunaengsih

Kholifatul Husna Asri

Widiawati Widiawati

The Covid-19 virus that is currently globalizing does not only have an impact on human health. The time of the Covid-19 pandemic which is currently

shaking the world has also had an impact on every other area of life. The education sector is not immune from this impact. The virus that is very fast spreading requires everyone to keep a distance, many jobs are closed by working from home. In the field of education, Covid-19, which has rocked so

badly, requires that education be held by implementing online learning using various media. The principal is the figure most responsible for

maintaining and improving the quality of education in schools. In the midst of a pandemic, school principals have an increasing responsibility so that they can continue to carry out quality educational practices. During this period, the leadership capacity of school principals is needed so that they are

still able to manage their educational institutions and the quality of education is maintained amid the pandemic. In this case, the principal must be able

to formulate strategic steps, be able to apply a situational leadership style, be able to apply crisis / emergency leadership, be able to make decisions responsively.

Keywords : Leadership Capacity, Quality of Education, Pandemic Covid-19

The Effectiveness of Distance Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period Tita Heliyani

Cepi Triatna

As an effort to prevent and break the chain of spread of the Corona Disease 2019 (Covid-19) virus, the Karawang Regency Government issued a

policy so that schools temporarily stop face-to-face activities at schools starting on March 16, 2020. The purpose of this study is to obtain information

about policy effectiveness about learning in Karawang Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, data was obtained from secondary data. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The

results showed that online long-distance learning system was an effective solution to replace face to face learning in the class (school). However, this

learning model needs to be evaluated according to local contextual conditions considering that not all supportive conditions for online learning are able to fulfill by parents or students' families.

Keywords : Covid-19, Distance Learning, Pandemic

Character Education In Home Based Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic at SMP BPK PENABUR HOLIS Yansen S.T.

Aan Komariah

This research aimed to describe character education, implementation of character education, and the results of character education during the COVID-

19 epidemic. The methodology used in this research is qualitative with descriptive approach. The results of the analysis show that character education

is needed both at school and home, integrating character education with home based learning, the results of character education can be seen from the willingness of students to help their parent’s works at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a positive response from parents regarding

character education provided by teachers even though online learning, collaboration between school and parents is the key to the success of this

character education.

Keywords : character, character education, COVID-19, education, home based learning, online learning

Situational Leadership Readiness : the Impact of 4th Dimensions in elementary school Teguh Wendy Arisman


Situasional leadership become the topic focus of this study. The purpose of the this study is to find out the implementation of principal's situational

leadership in elementary school based on 4 dimensions of situational leadership approach. This research used a descriptive qualitative research and to

obtain the data the researcher employed interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis used 3 stage of analysis, namely: data reduction, data display and conclucion drawing. The results showed: 1) The principal has implemented situational leadership, it can be seen from the

principal who has played a role as telling, selling, participating, and delegating, 2) The supporting factors for implementing situational leadership are

the cooperation of various side in carrying out their duties and the availability of facilities and adequate infrastructure. While the inhibiting factor is that there are some teachers who are difficult to work with, 3) The impact of the implementation of situational leadership in improving the school

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quality got an 'A' accreditation score.

Keywords : Keywords: Elementary School, Principal, Situational Leadership

Academic Supervision: Efforts to Improve Teacher Quality in Developing the Professional Ability of Educators in SDN 263 Rancaloa Silviany Rizkillah

Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun

The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of academic supervision for teachers in SDN 263 Rancaloa in developing learning and

teaching situations in class, the ability to diagnose student difficulties in learning, creativity in developing learning methods, creativity in planning, implementing, and evaluating internal learning. develop professionalism as a teacher. The research method used is a qualitative description, that is,

the researcher will describe the situation experienced by teachers after carrying out supervision activities. Research respondents were teachers in SDN

263 Rancaloa, both who have become PNS (Civil Servants) and Honorary. The techniques used were interviews, observation, and Group Discussion forums. Researchers conducted interviews with respondents with the aim of obtaining real information on the benefits of supervision activities, while

in observation the researchers conducted a survey of teachers in SDN 263 Rancaloa, and were also directly involved in discussions. The results

showed that supervision in SDN 263 Rancaloa could increase the professionalism of a teacher.

Keywords : professional teacher, supervision, teacher quality

Bazz Group: Enhancing the Role of Expert Group in Student Learning Activeness Neni Rohaeni

Prof. Dr. Hj. Aan Komariah, M.Pd

This study aims to describe and analyze student group learning activeness through the bazz group method. The method used: classroom action reserch, carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of two meetings for class IX students of SMPN Margahayu 3 Bandung Regency. Learning

using the bazz group method by including 2 groups of experts, 8 groups of origin. The results of the research in cycle one showed an increase in

student activity in group learning, especially in the expert group. The cycle of the two groups of origin shows an increase in group learning activities. The conclusion; To improve student group learning activities, a bazz group method is needed by assigning a heterogeneous group of experts.

Keywords : Bazz Group, Learning, Expert Group, Activeness

Classroom Management: Utilization of Learning Facilities and Teacher Performance on Learning Effectiveness Fadhila Maulida Ismi

Prof. Dr. Hj. Aan Komariah, M.Pd

This study aims to analyse and describe the effectiveness of learning through the use of learning facilities and teacher performance in managing the

class. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was complemented by observation techniques, interviews with a number of

student and teachers with the snowball sampling technique at SD Islamic Foundation Manba’ul Ulum. The result showed that the effectiveness of learning can be optimal along with the availabitity of learning facilities and cannot be separated from the teacher’s performance in its implementation.

The conclusion of this study is that to create effective learning, it is necessary to use learning facilities and good teacher performance in classroom


Keywords : Classroom Management, Learning Facilities, Teacher Performance



Prof. Dr. Munir, M.IT

This study aims to determine the relationship between transformational leadership and the quality of early childhood education institution. The

method use is quantitative with regression techniques on 100 respondents of parents. The data collection used a Likert scale questionnaire for satisfaction of the students parent towards school leaders. Questionnaire respondents were selected with the parents of Preschool Mutiara Insani

students in Purwakarta district in the 2019-2020 school year consisting of Toddler 16 respondents, Play Group 39 respondents and Kindergarten 45

respondent. The results showed that there was appositive influence on the quality of the institution. The conclusion of this study indicates that transformational leadership applied to early childhood education institutions can improve the quality of the institution.

Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Institutional Quality, Early Childhood Education


Dr. Hj. Cicih Sutarsih. M.Pd

This study entitled "Learning Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMA Negeri 3 Pangkalpinang" This research is based on the author's curiosity about the learning process during the pandemic. The purpose of this research is to obtain 1) learning management 2) learning

implementation. The main data sources for this research are the Principal, Deputy Principal of the curriculum field, Educators and students with the addition of Kepmendikbud No. 719 / P / 2020 Regarding guidelines for implementing curriculum in educational units in special conditions and

adjusting learning policies during the Covid-19 Pandemic as recommendations from major sources. This research uses descriptive method with a

qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, documentation study, and triangulation. The results of this

study are: 1) in the implementation of learning, Kepmendikbud No. 719 / P / 2020 becomes a reference both in terms of procedures, authorities and

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forms of coordination. 2) Learning is carried out by means of PJJ (Distance Learning).

Keywords : management, learning, Covid-19

The Activities of E-Learning in EFL Classroom: Study in A Private University in Cirebon Ikbal Opus Nurullah

Asep Suryana

E-learning using Edmodo become a topic discussion in this study which aimed to find out the students’ activities during the learning process, and also

discovered the benefits and limitations that faced by them. This study was conducted under qualitative approach by using case study method, and

analyzed using coding adapted from Saldana. The research of this study was held on the second semester, at the third grade of A, B, and C class of English Education Department on Unswagati. The results showed that the implementation of e-learning was quite different with the traditional

method. E-learning method using application-platform as main supporter in learning process, which provided some benefits and limitations. Then, the

second is related to benefits and limitations of the e-learning implementation which is still very contrast. On the other hand, e-learning provides effectiveness both for the lecturer and students. However, when discipline is not accompanied by facilities and motivation from users, then the level

of work tasks through e-learning still have to be encouraged by the educators.

Keywords : E-learning activity, Edmodo, EFL classroom.

Influence Of Digital Leadership Models On The Performance Of Educators And Educational Personnel In The Covid-19 Pandemic In The

First Middle School In Padalarang District West Bandung Regency Muhammad Agrian

Dedy Achmad Kurniady

This research is entitled "Influence of Digital Model on The Performance of Educators and Education Personnel in Padalarang District of West Bandung Regency". In the current Covid-19 Pandemic, education must be conducted using digitalization using Online between Educators and

Students and Education Personnel with school committees. Research aims to address the Leadership Model influenced by the rapid development of

Technology by changing the Traditional Leadership Model to Digital Leadership. A leader especially stakeholders in education needs to know the advantages and disadvantages of the digital sphere itself and be able to have the ability to inspire its subordinates to innovate and defend ideas. The

sharpness in implementing digital leadership benchmarks demonstrates a fast, cross-hierarchical, cooperative, and team-oriented approach that often

integrates innovation. This research is aimed at looking at the role of Digital Leadership in Formal Education, especially in Public Schools. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach as the main writing approach, this research will be conducted in West Bandung Regency in The First

Middle School. This research uses descriptive methods using quantitative approaches. The population that is used as a source of data and research is

all educators and education workers of junior high schools in Padalarang district of West Bandung Regency. The respondents and the population were taken by the entire population in all schools in West Bandung Regency.

Keywords : Influence Digital Leadership Model; Educator and Education Performance

How to implement supervision programs at school Raita Gina Aprilina

Dr. Nugraha Suharto, M.Pd.

Supervision is one of the important aspects in the professional development of school management due to its abilities to visualize clearer educational

goals, adapt to rapid changes in the organizational environment, and minimize mistakes. The method used in this research is literature review. To gain best supervision programs at school, this article therefore identifies effective supervision program starting from how to set performance standards, and

ending with corrective actions taken in the implementation of supervisory management at school. The result shows that in setting performance

standards, it can be done by doing appraisal with collection of data on performance and appraisal interview. For the corrective action, it can be done by promoting teacher professional development, assisting the underperforming teachers, and linking reviews to reward and disciplinary procedures.

Keywords : Corrective actions, performance standard, supervision program

Teachers as Human Resources in Educational Organization of Transitional Societies, Indonesia Dewi Wulan Sari

Dr. Hj. Yayah Rahyasih, M. Pd.

Development efforts of education is mandatory for every country in order to develop. Indonesia is a transitional country that has tremendous human

resources. However, the distribution of them uneven. Therefore, there are a lot of gaps. In fact, Indonesia has unskilled human resources than skilled

human resources. Less education is the main factor that reduce human resources who can use their potential properly, especially teachers. teacher is the main component to raise the education goals so the quality of teacher must be improved. The research method use descriptive-analytic method

using qualitative approach and collecting data through observation, interview and documentation from teachers as a research sample. The data source

must be analyzed and identified properly so, it create a strategic design which can solve the world's challenges that is facing the revolution of industry 5.0 by observe various problems that come form everywhere.

Keywords : HRD, Education, Teachers, Technologies

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Student Management Based On Tqm In Character Building In Boarding School Endang Giri Yanti Dr. Nurdin, M.Pd

This study aims to analyze character building in boarding schools through student management based on TQM ( Total Quality Management).. The research method used is descriptive - analytic method using a qualitative approach through an ethnographic design that is limited to the principal, vice

principal, head of the boarding school, teachers, students and parents. The data were carried out by means of observation, questionnaires and

interviews. Quality requires preventive action, therefore it requires proper management, considering the many problems caused by the quality of education, especially by less qualified graduates. Efforts that can be made through the implementation of a sustainable and comprehensive character

building program in schools and dormitories ,through the formation of religious values, truth, togetherness, independence and economics. The results

showed that proper TQM-based student management has a positive and significant effect on character building in boarding schools. It takes an active role from all parties, both schools, parents and dormitories in implementing school programs in implementing TQM

Keywords : character building ,student management, TQM ( Total Quality Management)

Evaluation of the Quality of Education Services (Case Study of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang) Yayah Huliatunisa

Prof. Dr. H. Dadang Suhardan, M.Pd

Suparta Rasyid, S.Pd.,M.Pd

Irawati Sabban, M. Pd

This study aims to determine how the implementation of the quality of education services at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah

University of Tangerang, is reviewed through the evaluation component CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) compared to 8 National Education Standards, and Guidelines for the Quality Assurance System of Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang, using 5 indicators assessment of TERRA

service quality, including: (Tangibility, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance) using qualitative descriptive evaluative methods, cross

sectional case studies, through interviews, observation and document study. The results of research on the implementation of poor quality education services are reviewed through evaluation components: 1. Context (Quality

standards of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Vision, Mission, Values and Goals, Development Plan) based on indicators (Tangibility, Empathy); 2.

Input (students, teaching staff and education, financing, infrastructure) based on indicators (Tangibility, Empathy); 3. Process (decision making, learning activities) based on indicators (Responsiveness, Reliability); 4. Product (academic-performance, non-academic), based on indicators

(Assurance). The implications of research results can have a good impact on increasing the competence of graduates, and the number of students, if education

services are based on indicators of service quality assessment of TERRA Faculty of Health Sciences, in accordance with the 8 National Education

Standards, and the Quality Assurance System Guidelines of Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang

Keywords : Evaluation, Quality Education Services, Quality of TERRA Services

Women Leadership Power In Building Higher Education Melisa Nur Asima Sidabutar

Dr. Diding Nurdin, M.Pd

The quality of life for women in the last decade has improved. Indonesian women are a potential resource if given the opportunity to advance and improve their quality independently and become a driving force in the dimensions of life and national development. Everyone has the right and can

become a leader (leadership). In essence, every woman is a leader and performs leadership in their respective environment, both in the family

environment, work environment, and in society. Women are not all weak, they are like a strong building and are a strong structured foundation. A sensitive, intuitive, empathetic, caring, cooperative, and accommodating woman can make organizational processes effect. This study aims to

determine the strength of a woman leadership in building an organization. The sample of this research is the chancellor, dean, and head of study

program in higher education who are selected using the purposive sampling method. This study concluded that women have different strengths in building organizations. Women leadership has a different touch in providing a positive impact on the organization.

Keywords : Women Leadership, Building Organization, Higher Education.

Impact of Organizational Culture on Knowledge Sharing Behavior Fransiskus Sawan



Knowledge is one of the important sources in an organization. Therefore, knowledge management is needed so that knowledge can be utilized

effectively and efficiently. One dimension of knowledge management is knowledge sharing behavior. This is influenced by many factors. One of them is organizational culture. Unfortunately, the literature that comprehensively reviews the influence of organizational culture on knowledge

sharing behavior has not been widely found. This study aims to fill that gap. This research was conducted using a literature study approach. The

literature reviewed was limited to 26 Scopus indexed articles written in English and published in 2011-2020. The literature reviewed is only articles containing quantitative research results. The articles are searched using search engines. The results of the study show that organizational culture

affects knowledge sharing both directly and through 8 mediating variables, namely formal knowledge governance mechanisms, job autonomy, job

satisfaction, knowledge-sharing opportunity, organizational commitment, sense of well-being, subjective norms, and trust. The direction (positive or negative) and the level of significance of the influence of organizational culture on knowledge sharing depend on the type of organizational culture.

The development of knowledge sharing behavior can be done by creating a culture conducive to sharing knowledge or by strengthening the influence

of organizational culture through mediating variables. The results of this study enrich the theory of organizational culture and knowledge management and assist policymakers in providing interventions to develop knowledge sharing behavior.

Keywords : organizational culture, knowledge sharing, knowledge management

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40 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Managing Digital Learning Environments: Student Teachers' Perception on the Social Networking Services Use in Writing Courses in

Teacher Education Ikhsan Ikhsan


Limited studies have been conducted to examine how effective and what impacts dealing with students' learning experiences as well as the problems

faced by the students. This study focused on English student teachers' experiences on the advantages and problems faced in using Social Networking

Services (SNS) in English as Foreign Language (EFL) writing courses which is a part of larger research involving the use of SNS in two state universities in Jambi. This research was conducted in ten classes of two Indonesian universities for one year. This qualitative research involved a total

of 6 focus group discussions with 60 students. Prior to focus group discussion, demographic questionnaires were distributed to know general

information of all participants in relation to the use of SNS. A thematic analysis revealed general background of the participants in relation to the use of SNS, advantages of SNS use in writing courses, problems faced of the SNS use. The findings contribute to current understanding about how

English student teachers experience using SNS. Based on the findings, this research offers policy recommendation to expand the use of SNS in EFL


Keywords : social networking services, academic writing, advantages, problems, Indonesia

The Increased Effectiveness Learning Through Strengthening Organizational Climate And Pedagogical Competency H Hendarman

Yuyun Elizabeth Patras Virni Sahna Saefi

The policy of Freedom for Learning or the so-called “Merdeka Belajar” becomes the main reference for teaching-learning process in Indonesia. This research somehow related the idea of “Merdeka Belajar” to the increased effectiveness learning of government teachers within primary school in the

area of Tanah Sereal sub-district. The focus is on the correlation between organizational climate and pedagogical competency variables. The research

employed 107 sampled teachers using proportional random sampling and analyzed using correlation. Hypothetical testing using parametric statistical analysis in the form of simple dan multiple linear regression analysis, simple and multiple correlation analysis, and partial analysis with significant

level α = 0,01 dan α = 0,05. Three conclusions are the result of the research. Firstly, there is significant positive correlation between organizational climate and learning effectiveness with correlation coefficient Ry1= 0,841, and determinant coefficient of Ry12= 0,7068. Secondly, there is

significant positive correlation between pedagogical competency with learning effectiveness with correlation coefficient of ry2= 0,77, and

determinant coefficient of Ry22= 0,5997. Thirdly, there is highly significant positive correlation between organizational climate and pedagogical competency along with learning effectiveness with correlation coefficient of ry.12= 0,886 and determinant coefficient of Ry.122= 0,785.

Keywords : Merdeka Belajar, Organizational Climate, Pedagogical Competency

The Role of Indonesian School Principals’ Leading Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Yoni Nurdiansyah


It is generally believed that the quality of teaching and learning shall be placed as the first important effort of all those who are in leadership roles in schools. As a pedagogical leader, the school principal beliefs and attitudes in implementing the distance learning model can have a big influence on

the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. By using appropriate educational applications and learning

platforms, it would bring benefit to students in immediate and long-term results and it is widely known that school principals need to lead on board and drives that effort in order to happen. The focus of this study is to investigate how the principal leading distance learning during this pandemic.

The aims are to get a comprehensive result of how the principal aware of the concept of distance learning and what challenges they faced during the

process. A qualitative research approach was employed in this study to get a deep understanding and explanations from the participant. The participants are twenty-five school principals who came from different primary schools in Karawang district, Indonesia. It was revealed that school

principals in this study having only a limited idea about the concept of distance learning model. They were aware of how distance learning works,

even when they are having only limited knowledge and skill. School principals in this study mentioned that they faced multiple challenges during distance learning implementation. The four most common ones were their concern around the online teaching model, distance learning infrastructures,

teachers’ basic qualifications explicitly oriented to technology, and adjusting the offline curriculum materials into an online model.

Keywords : Leading distance learning, education, online learning, school principal, COVID-19 pandemic

Transformation of Pesantren Persatuan Islam Rofik Husen

Danny Meirawan

Law No. 18 of 2019 concerning Pesantren is the initial milestone in the formalization of pesantren in Indonesia, the law legalizes that pesantren or

Islamic boarding schools are part of the national education system after decades of being considered only non-formal educational institutions, and it requires many conditions for graduates to receive legality from the state. Pesantren Persatuan Islam as one of the educational institutions that was

established in Bandung since 1936 and currently has more than 300 institutions spread across several regions in Indonesia. Initially they were

pesantren like pesantren in general in Indonesia, but the presence of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the Education System National forces most of the existing Islamic boarding schools to comply with applicable regulations so that legally they become madrasah. This research aims to provide an alternative for

Pesantren Persatuan Islam to respond to the issuance of Law No. 18 of 2019 so that it can still contribute to the world of Islamic education in

Indonesia in particular and Muslims in general.

Keywords : Islamic Boarding School, Pesantren, Persatuan Islam, Madrasah, Pesantren Transformation

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41 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Management of Distance Learning in Rural Areas in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic Widia Wahyuni


The purpose of this study was to explain the management of distance learning in rural areas during the Covid-19 pandemic which consisted of (1)

long-distance learning planning in rural areas, (2) implementation of learning and (3) assessment of learning. The type of research used is qualitative

exploratory with an inductive approach. The Source of data in this study was the informer made up of the principal of the secondary school, the elementary school teacher, junior high school teacher, the secondary student up to junior high school student and guardians of students in rural areas.

The results of this study indicate three indicators. First, the learning planning for the evaluation goes according to the condition that occur. Second,

the implementation of learning in rural areas should be created between the material and the media so that the purpose of study can be achieved. Third, the learning assessment is done by continually adjusting the material with the learning evaluation (daily test) so that the analysis of learning

results can be summarized correctly.

Keywords : Management, Distance Learning, COVID 19

Analysis of the Role of Distribution Leadership on Team Innovation Ability with Spiritual Well Being Mediators with Gender Moderators

for New Elementary School Principals in Ngawi Regency ST Nurjaningsih

Prof. Dr. Baedhowi, M.Si

Prof Sunardi, M.Sc

Dr Sukarmin

The purpose of this study was to explore distributed leadership mediated by the principal's spiritual well being to improve the innovation ability of the

school principal's moderating gender variable. New SD. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design. Path analysis is used to determine the effect of distribution leadership on the ability to build team innovation through spiritual well being with the gender

moderator factor. There were 30 new primary school principals who participated in this research who attended the Training for School Principal

Candidates (PPCKS) by the Institute for Development and Empowerment of School Principals (LPPKS). At the end of the first 2 years, a questionnaire was shared online. The findings from the path analysis conducted showed that the spiritual well being variable of the new elementary

school principal was a significant mediator in the relationship between the distribution leadership variable as the independent variable and the dependent variable in increasing the team's innovation ability. where the gender factor as a moderator is just as strong. The findings from the path

analysis show that the spiritual well being variable is a significant mediator in the relationship between the independent variable of distribution

leadership and the dependent variable in increasing the ability where the gender factor as the moderator is equally strong.

Keywords: Dtribusu leadership, spiritual well being and team innovation, mediator, moderator

Analysis the effect of transformational leadership on student satisfaction and its impact on motivation to learn on higher education Justine Tanuwijaya

Dr. Deasy Aseanty, MM Dr. Andreas Wahyu Gunawan, MBA

Purpose – Pandemic has changed everything all over the world, including management system of companies. Employees don’t have to work from

office, they have to work from home with online system in order to protect the spread of pandemic. It’s also same education system. Schools and

higher educations have change the learning system from offline class to online. While academics have studied and use of online learning, the effect of transformational leadership still remains to be seen. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of transformational leadership on the student

satisfaction and motivation to learn. Design/methodology/approach – The questionnaire technique from primary data of 258 students with several

degree program of Faculty of Economic and Business, Trisakti University. The three variables in the framework were gauged utilising current scales. Data analysis was done by using simple regression through SPPS 25. Findings – The outcomes of this study: transformational leadership has a

positive effects on student satisfaction and motivation to learn; student satisfaction has a positive effects on motivation to learn.

Research limitations/implications – Because the research populace comprised students from four degrees of faculty of economic and business, it didn’t include administrative and academic staff. The sample of population from four degrees of faculty of economic not equal from one to another.

Practical implications – Online learning is preferable to be used in this pandemic situation. University need to use a learning system and a line system

with all the faculties. In order to make the learning process, students still can learn effectively while they don’t need to come to campus. This system has to support the learning process, in attaining the several purposes; for faculty, university and students purposes.

Originality/value – This study supplements the existing studies on information systems by blending overall; transformational leadership, student

satisfaction and motivation to learn. Moreover, the recommended model estimates the performance effect as against those acquired from few of the previous studies.

Keywords : Transformational leadership, student satisfaction, motivation to learn

Work Motivation: Correlation of Teacher Performance in State Vocational High Schools Devi Pramiati


This study aims to determine the effect of work motivation on teacher performance at SMK Negeri 1 Cisarua, West Bandung District. To prove the

hypothesis in this study, the data collection methods used were questionnaire and documentation techniques. The validity test used Pearson's product

moment correlation technique. While the reliability test used Alpha Cronbach technique with the help of SPSS 16. Furthermore, to determine the results of the data collected, calculations were carried out using simple linear regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that there is a

significant influence between work motivation on teacher performance at SMK NEGERI 1 CISARUA, West Bandung District.

Keywords : teacher performance, correlation, work motivation

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42 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Impact of COVID-19 on education system of Malaysia Asep Hermawan Mohsin Raza1

Jati Kasuma

The study in hand focus on the distance learning trends of students due to COVID-19. This pandemic has affected the almost every aspect of life. The

countries had to lock down their borders, suspend the operations, implementing work from home norms by closing the offices and universities. The

students are also being forced to have their classes from home. The distance learning education or online education is not a very new thing, but most students were used to have lectures in traditional ways. Although, the distance learning education was practiced in developed countries, but the

student of developing countries observed to be used to traditional ways of education. This sudden upsurge of coronavirus has shifted the students from

face to face learning to online education. Such sudden shift has brought many challenges for students. The paper in hand shed light on the challenges and problems being faced by the students. Moreover, this study also discusses the impact of shift from traditional ways of education to the modern

standards. This study also contributes to the body of knowledge by providing insightful suggestions to students to manage their online works. This

study is conceptual in nature and focused on the university students of Malaysia. Keywords: Online education, COVID-19, distance learning, traditional learning,

Keywords : Online education, COVID-19, distance learning, traditional learning

Performance Of Principal In Elementary School For Realizing "Merdeka Belajar Sururi Sururi Nani Hartini

The position of principal is very strategic in the progress and quality of a school. In order to obtain a principal who has the competence to lead and manage a school gradually the government has made various improvements in the implementation of the national education system. The new

regulation stipulated by the principal is Permendikbud No. 6/2018 which was originally regulated in permendikbud number 28/2010. The study of the

performance principalship in realizing “merdeka belajar” aims to: 1) Verify and describe the expected performance data of the principal based on the perception of the teachers and principals, 2) Verify, describe and interpret the implementation of the recruitment of prospective principals, 3) Verify

the implementation of the recruitment model of prospective principals, 4) Verify supporting factors and inhibitors in the implementation of the principal's recruitment model. This research study is using qualitative methods that depart from problems in the environment of ongoing events and

can be observed regarding Permendikbud No. 6/2018 concerning Principalship.

Keywords : Performance of Principal, Merdeka belajar

Management Development of Teachers' Professional Competence Yohamintin Yohamintin

Johar Permana

Sri Wulansari Sri Mulyani

Irawati Sabban

The study aims to reveal the desired standards of professional competence principal of MTs Negeri Batu, as well as efforts in management

development of professional competence, and teacher responses to the policies taken by the principal of MTs Negeri Batu to development the teachers

professional competence. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods of analysis with case study design. The data collection was done by using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data display, and

conclusion, checking the validity of the findings made by way of extension of the participation of researchers; triangulation techniques using a variety

of sources, theories, and methods; observation and perseverance. The informant is the principals, vice principals, and educators. The results of this study indicate that: 1) MTs Negeri Batu expected standards of professional competence: a) capable on material,structure, concepts, and scientific

mindset b ) capable standard controls and basic competencies; c)inovative; d ) develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking action

reflective; as well as the use of ICT; 2 ) The efforts undertaken MTs Negeri Batu to manage the development of professional competence of teachers is: a) comprehensive recruitment by selection ; b)education and training, c) educational supervision, d) learning task, e ) increase the motivation of

teachers to instill commitment and reward; 3) The policies taken MTs Negeri Batu cause a positive response from teachers, where teachers feel the

equal opportunities given principal in developing the professional competence of individual teachers.

Keywords : management development, professional competence, policy responses, educators

Learning Management Tahfid Al-Quran (Analysis of Students Motivation and Achievement) Siti Nuraeni Eka Prihatin

The quality of education is the main mission of the Indonesian government in efforts to increase human resources. The quality of education is largely

determined by the quality of learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a case study method in junior high schools in Indonesia which examines the management of learning tahfidz al-Quran based on student motivation and achievement. The research data were collected through

interviews, observation and documentation study. Data analysis was performed by data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The

results of the study provide information that the learning management in its implementation is in accordance with existing standards, but in several aspects further improvement efforts are needed. Efforts are made through transformational leadership, built commitment and culture to create


Keywords : Keywords: leadership, learning, Management, Motivation, Tahfidz Al-Quran.

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43 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

The Leadership of PKBM Chair and Tutor on the Effectiveness of the Quality of PKBM Learning in Purwakarta Regency Rd. Moh Dadi Rosadi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran Kepemimpinan Ketua PKBM dan Tutor terhadap efektivitas Mutu Pembelajaran PKBM di Kabupaten Purwakarta . Alat pengumpulan data berupa angket skala likert. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengambilan data

Kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis SOAR sedangan data Kuantitatif menggunakan analisa Regresi Ganda dan Linier. Hasil penelitian

menunjukan peran kepemimpinan ketua PKBM dan tutor menjadi salah satu kunci dalam menentukan efektifitas mutu pembelajaran di lembaga pendidikan non formal, sedangkan Mutu Pembelajaran menjadi sub variabel setelah kepemimpinan sehingga untuk mendapatkan lembaga PKBM

yang unggul dan mandiri diperlukan Ketua PKBM dan Tutor yang memiliki Sifat Kepemimpinan yang didukung oleh Mutu pembelajaran yang kuat

secara normative.

Keywords : Effectiveness, Leadership and Quality of Learning

Teacher Performance: Managerial Competency Of School Principal And Work Motivation Of Teacher Badrud Tamam

Renniwati Wijaya Cucun Sunaengsih

This study aims to analyze the influence of managerial competencies of school principal and work motivation teacher on teacher performance either

partially or jointly. With a simple regression analysis through the SPSS version 22 for window was obtained that: (1) There is a positive and

significant influence managerial competency of school principal of the teacher's performance at state Junior High School in Sector V of Indramayu

district with the magnitude of influence of 61.3%. (2) There is a positive and significant influence of work motivation of teacher on teacher performance at state Junior High School in Sector V of Indramayu district, with the magnitude of influence of 62.5%. (3) There is a positive and

significant influence of managerial competency of school principal and work motivation of teacher together on teacher performance at state Junior

High School in Sector V of Indramayu district, with the magnitude of influence of 67.8%.

Keywords : Principal school managerial competence, teacher performance, work motivation

Intersection of Native Characteristics Factors as a Feasibility of Teaching Factory Collaboration Program between Companies and

Vocational Schools in Extrusion material for Lighting Product Catur Kurniawan


This study observes the native character factors of the company institutions hereinafter referred to as DUDI (Company) and SMK (Vocational High

School) using multivariate statistical factor analysis in the area of expertise in fabrication and assembly of extruded material products. The results

reveal that the two constructs that are formed contain seven variables of the native character factors which correlate to form the intersection of the

feasibility space as a meeting point for critical and crucial discriminants which are the basis for the Teaching Factory collaboration. First intersection

construction: Variable factors Few Amount of Variant Spare Part Type Product in the company DUDI correlates with Industrial Orientation

Management, Training Learning Patterns, and Human Resources in schools. Second intersection construction: Sufficient Profit Sharing factor variable provided by DUDI correlates with the availability of Industrial Miniature Workshop and Ready-to-Work Demands held by schools. In addition to the

two intersection constructs, there are also three additional dichotomous constructs containing six DUDI native factor variables and two SMK native

factor variables. The dichotomous construction contains the native factor variable which is an internal privacy that works to strengthen each institution and indirectly contributes to the feasibility of the intersection through its correlation to the factor variables that are members of the

intersection construction.

Keywords : native characteristics, intersection, dichotomy, factor analysis, Teaching Factory

Comparative Analysis Of The Implementation Of Life Skill Education Management In Students With Disability Between Public Special

School And Private Special Schools Johar Permana

Dr. Eka Prihatin Disas, M. Pd

Dr. Endang Rochyadi, M. Pd

Liah Siti Syarifah, S. Pd. I., M. Pd

The implementation of life skills management carried out by schools for students with disabilities has a difference between one school and another, in

this article we will analyze the comparison of the implementation of life skill management for students with disabilities in State Special Schools and private Special Schools. The study was carried out at State Special Schools and private Special Schools in Sukabumi District with 10 respondents for

each school consisting of the principal, the vice principal of the curriculum section, teacher and school committee. The approach taken was a mixed

method. The questionnaire was used to see the uniformity of opinion of the academic community in each school and to deepen the research data conducted interviews, observations and documentation studies in answering how to analyze the implementation of life skills education management in

State Special Schools and private Special Schools. . The results show that there is a disagreement of opinions among the academic community in each

school regarding life skills education management through its principles, namely planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. The recommendation put forward that all academics must have the same understanding regarding life skills education management.

Keywords : Analysis, Disability, Life Skill & Management

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44 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

New Normal: A Vocational High School Financing Model during Covid-19 Pandemic Gema Muhammad

Dr. H. Endang Herawan, M.Pd.

This research was conducted with the aim of providing an overview of the Vocational School financing model in facing the New Normal during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is qualitative through in-depth interviews with a number of Principals and Head of Sub-Division of

Administration in several Vocational High Schools in West Java Province with the Snowball Sampling Technique. Data collection is also equipped

with observation techniques at schools and documentation of data on education funding at these schools. The results show that every Vocational High School needs to change the education financing model according to the needs needed during the Covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion of this study is

that during the Covid-19 pandemic, along with the implementation of the new normal, it is necessary to develop an education financing model that is

tailored to the needs of each school during the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the profile of the school study program.

Keywords : education financing; vocational high School; covid-19; new normal; west java province

Credit Risk Defining Factors Of Islamic Banking In Indonesia And Malaysia Farah Margaretha Leon

Danang Syailendra A.P

The main problem of this research is because the rapid development of the market share of Islamic banking in Indonesia and Malaysia in the past five

years is interesting because the risks with varying complexity will always be close to the operations of Islamic banks. This study aims to determine

the effect of the variable Return On Assets, Loan Loss Provision and Loan to Asset Ratio on credit risk proxied by the NPF and to know the

differences in determinants of credit risk in Islamic banking in Indonesia and Malaysia. This study uses panel data regression analysis techniques and

different tests. The sample in this study were 11 Islamic banks in Indonesia and 11 Islamic banks in Malaysia that had complete financial reports from 2011 to 2017. The results of the study showed that there were significant effects by the ROA and LLP variables on the proxied credit risk by NPF. In

addition, there are differences in the determinants of credit risk for Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia, where Islamic banks in Malaysia are

better in terms of asset use than Islamic banks in Indonesia, Islamic banks in Indonesia are better prepared to face the risk of loss from investing in assets productive and Islamic banks in Malaysia have lower bank liquidity capabilities than Islamic banks in Indonesia. The implication for

managerial is that management is expected to be able to anticipate through enlarged reserves so that Islamic banks are better prepared to face future

credit risks. In addition to paying attention to the reserve side of losses, investors need to pay attention to the side of profitability because it also has a large influence on Credit Risk.

Keywords : Credit Risk, Islamic Bank, Loan Loss Provission, Loan to asset Ratio, Non Performing Ratio Financing, Return on asset, Credit

Coverage Ratio, Credit Risk, Islamic Bank, Problem Credit, Profitability Reserves for Impai

Analysis of Antecedents Visit Intention on Kepulauan Seribu Tourism Moderated by Travel Motivation Nico Lukito

Mohamad Surya Atmaja

This research uses explanatory type using quantitative. The sample used for this study was 118 respondents living around Jabodetabek. Data

collection used in this study is a survey that must answer the questions given by researchers. Analyze with descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results of the questionnaire were processed using a structural equation model (SEM). The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the variable

dimensions Travel Motivation does not have a positive influence on Visit Intention, Constraints have a positive influence on Visit Intention,

Perceived Travel Risk has a positive influence on Visit Intention, Travel Motivation can moderate the effect of Perceived Travel Risk on Visit Intention, Travel Motivation can moderate the influence of constraints on Visit Intention. This study uses a sample size of 118 respondents which may

not represent the total view of the community. The next researcher must emphasize post-visit evaluation to investigate the role of Travel Motivation

moderation in Risk Perception, Constraints and Behavioral Intention. The conceptual variable framework in this study adds the construct of using Travel Motivation as an independent variable on Visit Intention, Travel Motivation as a moderation of the Constraints and Perceived Travel Risk


Keywords : Travel Motivation, Constraint, Perceived Travel Risk, Visit Intention, Kepulauan Seribu

Youth Unemployment in Emerging Economies: Macroeconomic Analysis of Labour Market in Indonesia Eva Lathifah


The 1997 Asian financial crisis and the recent global financial crisis affect labour market outcomes significantly, particularly for emerging economies

such as Indonesia. However, twenty years after the crisis, with economic recovery on its way, job crisis on the vulnerable groups of the labour market has not yet fully recovered, especially young people (Choudhury et al, 2010). The occurrence of this issue is also inextricably related to other critical

concerns in social well-being and economic problems, and it is for this rationale that the analysis of youth unemployment, and the development of

relevant policies to generate productive employment, is of great importance. In regard to this, Government of Indonesia seems to be focus to a structural and supply-side view of youth unemployment derived from lack of appropriate skills as well as “wage-push” orthodoxy (Chowdhury and

Islam, 2011). There has indeed been much work done on tackling youth unemployment issue from supply-side perspective. However, there is a lot

still to be gained with respect to demand-side approach by taking macroeconomic analysis on youth labour market outcome, and it is from this angle that I aim to contribute to the Indonesian youth unemployment debate. This dissertation will attempt to develop an alternative way to understand the

youth unemployment issue in Indonesia, one that considers the current labour situation as the reflection of a demand-constrained economy

(Chowdhury and Islam, 2011). Using a Keynesian account in which aggregate demand holds back output and employment growth, this dissertation hopes to develop a more analytically persuasive understanding of the drivers of poor youth employment outcome and that proposes an alternative

framework in the macroeconomic policy within the Post Keynesian approach. Such analysis will enable governments to understand the extent to

which changes in the macroeconomic policy environment can improve job creation and employment outcomes for young people.

Keywords : Youth Unemployment, Macroeconomic Analysis, Job Creation

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45 | The 4th International Conference on Research of Educational Administration and management

Financing Aid: Active Role Of Local Governments In Completing The Compulsory Of Secondary Education Dedy Achmad Kurniady


The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of educational operational costs in accordance with the targets, coverage and direction of the regulations to be set. The method used in this study is Regulatory Impact Assessment, a method that systematically and consistently studies the effects

of government actions, communicating information to decision makers. The location that is the object of study is a public high school in the West

Java Provincial Education authorities. This location was taken because it really needs information on how much additional costs are needed for each student who must be assisted by the local government so that regulations are made immediately. The results of the study show that the SPP / IBPD

cost from the calculation of the unit cost at Senior High School is Rp. 1,740,000 s / d Rp. 1,920,000 / student / year. At Vocational High School is Rp.

1,800,000 to Rp. 2,040,000 / student / year. special education school is Rp. 6.120,000 / student / year. Financing Aid in school operation is determined based on the financing component based on the study group cluster. The key factor for success is the financial aspect of the province, so it is

necessary to project a budget for the next 5 years. In conclusion, the determination of the amount of educational operational costs is based on the

results of the cluster cluster calculation at school by considering the index of needs of each school

Keywords : Educational operational costs, study group clusters, financing components

The Strategies for Fulfillment Operational Cost Requirement of Vocational High Schools in Efforts to Enhance the Absorption Ability of

Graduates in Society Era Novrian Satria Perdana


Vocational Education is secondary education that organizes students especially for working in particular fields. Unfortunately, until August 2019, the unemployment rate in vocational schools is still 10.42 per cent. One of the reason this high number of unemployment rate is partly due to the

limitations of schools in fulfilling the operational needs of schools so that vocational students practicum activities are not optimal, and it can have

negative impact on the quality of graduates and their applicability in the business world or in the industrial world. Consequently, this study aims to: 1) enumerate the operational unit costs of implementing Vocational Schools based on the students’ expertness, and 2) Formulate strategies the fulfilment

of the cost needs in the implementation of Vocational Schools in an attempt to enhance the absorption of graduates. This study uses quantitative and

qualitative methods through the distribution of questionnaires to school treasurers related to the school financial reports in 2019, and FGDs to the Vocational School Service Division, 5 principals of Vocational High Schools (Culinary Skills Program), and representatives from the business or

industrial world in Bandung, West Java Province. Based on the results of data processing, it can be concluded: 1) The highest operational unit cost of IDR 7.5 million per student, and 2) the strategy to meet the operational cost needs is to make one SMK as an industrial centre consisting of several

SMK with the business world of special partners and society to meet the needs of practicum and marketing product results.

Keywords : Operational Costs, Vocational High School, Society

Leveraging School Culture to Improve Headmasters Performance Nuphanudin Iljas


This study aims to portray a piece of in-depth information concerning the school culture on headmasters’ performance. It was conducted in Bandung

City Administration in October 2019-January 2020 by using a survey method with path analysis applied in the testing hypothesis. There were 13 State

Vocational High School Headmasters in Bandung City Administration as samples selected randomly. The findings are: there is a direct effect of school culture toward headmasters’ performance. Then, it could be concluded that any change or variation that occurred at headmasters’ performance

might have been directly effected by school culture. While, if we want to minimize the variation which occurred in headmasters’ performance, these

factors such as school culture are necessary to be taken into account.

Keywords : vocational education, change management, desentralized control, Bandung




Mohammad Fakry Gaffar Sri Mulyani


The aim of this study is to explore the information regarding the implementation of the physical special allocation funds in education, included: 1)

communication; 2) resources; 3) disposition; and 4) bureaucracy. The qualitative method was conducted by collecting data from participant

observation, in depth interview and documentation. The participants were the Head of primary education sector, the Head of the facilities and infrastructure section, the principal and treasurer. The results showed: 1) the distribution of information had been conducted effectively targeting the

object directly through the meetings, training, workshop, discussions, technical guidance and dialogue; 2) human resources at Bandung education

sector have competent capabilities and expertise in their field; 3) the attitude in ministerial education regulations implementation concerning operasional physical special allocation funds at primary school level was response well; and 4) the implementation of physical special allocation

funds in education are in accordance with the roles, tasks and coordination among policy implementing agencies that have been determined by the

central government.


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Implementation of Servant Leadership in New Normal Policies Da'iatul Istiqomah

Nani Hartini

This study aims to analyze the role of the principal in implementing servant leadership in new normal situations at islamic junior high school 7 Ciamis. This study uses a qualitative approach to develop the competence of principal in responding to the new normal policies and this study focused

on the principal as a leader, while the data was carried out by observation and interviews. Data analysis in this study used the Miles & Huberman

model. The results of this study indicate that the principal has been able to implement ten of characteristic servant leadership by Spears work took Greenleaf’s, although it has not been able to satisfy all parties. The practical implications of the results of this study can be used as input for the

school principals and teachers to improve their competencies in order to improve the quality of services in schools.

Keywords : New Normal, Policy, Servant Leadership



Asep Suryana Mohammad Fakry Gaffar

Sri Wulansari

The success or failure in one's professional life is influenced by many factors that are closely related in daily life or profession. The State Civil

Apparatus (ASN) has duties and functions that are regulated in law so that in living their life while acting as a state servant begins with their role as a

public servant, so that their professional behavior in their work environment is influenced by the values built in themselves and their organizations. Basic Training for Candidates for Civil Servants (Latsar CPNS) is expected to be able to instill the basic values of ASN and the role of ASN's position

to be used as a basis and guidelines as well as a reference in daily work actions and behavior. This study aims to determine the influence of the agenda

of understanding the role and position of ASN on the work behavior of basic training for Candidates for Civil Servants (Latsar CPNS) graduates. The research method used is a quantitative method. The population in this study were all basic training for Candidates for Civil Servants (Latsar CPNS)

participants who took part in basci training activities at the PKASN Training Center in 2019, amounting to 280 people, while the number of samples

used was 76 people. Based on the Chi Square Test which has been carried out at a significance level of 10%, the result is that χ2hitung = 11.145 is greater than χ2table = 7.78, thus H0 states that there is no significant influence between understanding the role agenda and the position of PNS on

graduates work behavior. Civil Servans basic training was rejected. This means that understanding the role and position of PNS agenda has changed the work behavior of CPNS basic training graduates.

Keywords : mindset, training, role and position of ASN

Principal Leadership in Presenting Teacher Job Satisfaction at SMAS Ishafuddin ADNIN AS

Adnin AS. Murniati AR. Nasir Usman

This study aims to analyze the role of leaders related to policies, programs, strategies and rewards for the work of teachers at ISHAFUDDIN Banda Aceh Senior High School. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and

documented study. The results of this study indicate the existence of job satisfaction that is felt and experienced by teachers based on the impact of; 1)

policies, 2) programs, 3) strategies, and 4) awards issued by school leaders in bringing satisfaction to teacher work, so that through these four points teachers are able to work effectively and efficiently. Teachers can improve their competencies optimally. The conclusion is to present job satisfaction

to teachers in the ISHAFUDDIN SMAS organization through effective and efficient leadership of the principal.

Keywords : Leadership, Principal, Teacher Job Satisfaction

The Role Of The Professional Learning Community To Develop Teacher Leadership Rose Desy Nurkartika

Dr. Nani Hartini, M.Pd.

The Professional Learning Community (PLC) has great potential as a means of developing teacher professionalism and leadership. This study aims to

look at teachers' perceptions of teacher leadership from their involvement in the professional learning community and identify variables that encourage or hinder teacher leadership development. This type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach

through questionnaires and interviews. The results of this study indicate that teacher leadership can develop through professional learning

communities by emphasizing the process of fostering a collaborative culture with peers and also principals in achieving vision and learning, developing sustainable community programs, and improving facilities as a supporting condition for optimizing services for students.

Keywords : Teacher Leadership, Professional Learning Community

The Influence of The Principal's Leadership Behavior and School Culture on Teacher's Performance at The Islamic Junior High School in

Bandung Rizki Ulfah

Dr. Sururi, M.Pd

This Research aims to understand the influence of leadership of the school principal and school culture of teacher performance at Islamic junior high

schools in Bandung. The kind of research done is associative with the quantitative approach. Measurement techniques used is a five likert scale. Analysis data using descriptive and inferential analysis. This research did in Bandung especially in Islamic junior high schools. In the research the

samples are a head of school and teachers which consisted of 60 people. In this research, technique and an instrument the collection of the data used

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were interviews and questionnaires. The result of this research is that there a correlation or relationship which is very strong between variables

leadership the school principal and school culture, with the teacher's performance in Islamic Junior High School in Bandung.

Keywords : Leadership, School culture, Performance



The purpose of this study was to analyze the need for educational infrastructure in improving the quality of education in Purwakarta Regency. The

research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a program evaluation approach. Data collection techniques used interviews and

observations of the implementation of education in Purwakarta Regency

Keywords : Infrastructure, Quality of Education

Analysis of the Needs of Junior High School Teachers in Purwakarta Regency Aries Rapelianto


This study aims to describe the projected needs of junior high school teachers in Purwakarta Regency 2020-2024 so that a description of their needs can be found. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach method. The subjects of this study were junior high school teachers in

Purwakarta Regency. The research location is Purwakarta Regency with data collection at the Purwakarta Regency Education Office. Data collection

method is secondary data documentation study. The data analysis technique used is the projection technique. The results of the research on the ideal needs of junior high school teachers in Purwakarta Regency 2020-2024 show that there is still a large shortage

of teachers in all subjects. The result of other research is that there are still subject teachers who are not linear with their educational background


Keywords : demand, projection, teacher



This study aims to analyze the needs of vocational schools in West Nusa Tenggara province. The needs analysis is adjusted to the leading sectors in

the region. This study refers to the manpower planning education planning method with data sources in the form of primary and secondary data

available from 2005-2015. Data collection techniques in the form of documentation studies, interviews and FGD. Data processing techniques using

NVivo. The results showed that vocational schools in West Nusa Tenggara can be identified that the opportunities for vocational schools are vocational schools based on agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism.

Keywords : analysis of vocational school needs

Problem Solving For Elementary School Students In Rural Areas In Online Learning Activities During New Normal COVID Conditions 19

(Case Study at Cikembang 01 Elementary School, Cikembang Village, Kertasari District, Regency Bandung, West Java) Luthfi Pribadi

Yayah Rahyasih

Problem-Solving for Rural Students in Online Learning Activities During the New Normal COVID 19 Condition. The outbreak that we know is

called COVID 19 has made many public activities shift with the main activity center being at home. Education stakeholders and parents feel the

toughest challenge, of course, greatly affecting their economic stability. This also affects the attitudes and behavior of parents in supervising, guiding, training, and giving attention to children who have to carry out learning activities, especially elementary schools. It is very difficult for rural

conditions to be predominantly middle and lower class economic communities to adapt to conditions that require them to change their old habits to new ones. Online learning has even become a problem for rural communities with a lack of marketing facilities to support the learning process. This

research aims to find solutions to rural problems in optimally learning in the new normal era. The method used, namely using secondary data, was

interviews with discretive qualitative methods to see the level of knowledge of teachers and parents regarding learning patterns during the COVID 19 pandemic and to find out the obstacles felt by them. Hopefully, the children in their golden age as part of the nation's next-generation can continue to

grow and develop and become the nation's assets in the future development

Keywords : Problem-solving, New Normal, Elementary School

Strategic Planning on the School Quality Deden Pitriantini

Johar Permana

The quality of the school can be achieved if the strategic plan (RKJM) can be implemented properly. An organization without a plan, like a ship

without a purpose. The study on the implementation of RKJM on the quality of schools is still very limited. Therefore, researchers are trying to

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examine more about the contribution of RKJM to the quality of schools, through a survey approach to a number of public elementary schools.

Keywords : RKJM, strategic plan, school quality

Improving Teacher Teaching Performance Through Collegial Supervision in Elementary Education wariah wariah

Udin Syaefudin Saud,Prof,M.Ed,Ph.D

This research focuses on the implementation of collegial supervision of teachers and their impact on teaching performance. Specifically, this study is

for: 1) knowing the description of the implementation of collegial supervision, 2) exploring a number of factors that support and inhibition in the

collegiate supervision of teachers, as well as 3) the impact of collegial supervision on teacher teaching performance. The results of this study are expected to provide a comprehensive overview in implementing effective collegiate supervision activities, and be informed for the principal in

improving teacher teaching performance through collegial supervision programs implemented in schools

Keywords : Collegial supervision, teaching performance, supervision


Taufani C Kurniatun

This research tries to examine what are the supporting factors and inhibition of the effectiveness of strategic plan implementation (RKJM) as well as

the solutions used by schools in annotating these barriers. This study is expected to be a reference to improvements to the implementation of RKJM

that is more effective and adequate.

Keywords : Strategic Plan, RKJM, Effectiveness of

Managerial Competence: An Analytical Approach to Learning Quality Iwan Rahmat Juanda

Nugraha Suharto

This research contrasts with the limited study of the influence of the principal's managerial competencies on the quality of learning services. Whereas these two variables have a close relationship in the implementation of Education in schools. The quality of learning is present through the attack of the

process and the influence of a number of factors, including the managerial competence of the principal who is authorized in managing the existing

resources. Through correlation analysis, researchers sought to obtain the relationship size of the two variables, so that it can be information for the principal in improving the quality of learning services so far

Keywords : Leaderships, Managerial, principal, quality of learning.

Impact of Leadership Efficacy on Teacher Teaching Performance in Elementary Schools Apriant Cahyo Supriadi

Asep Suryana

The contribution of leadership efficacy has been extensively researched, and the results have contributed positively to teacher performance. This

research aims to complete the previous research by reviewing the specific scope that is in elementary school. Through this research, it is illustrated the

extent of the impact of leadership efficacy on teacher teaching performance so that feedback can be obtained in the development of leadership effectiveness

Keywords : Leadership efficacy, teaching performance, leadership

Teacher Performance : Gender And Education Status In Teacher Certification Perspective Maryah Sariningsih

Aan Komariah

A number of studies have shown that teacher professional allowance (certification) does not have a positive impact on the teacher's own performance. This research seeks to dig deeper into this by looking at teacher gender and Education level. Through the analysis of Multiple Classification Analysis

(MCA) is expected to be described on the aspect where the professional allowance does not have a significant impact on the improvement of teacher


Keywords : Teacher certification, teacher performance

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Cicih Sutarsih

Supervision has an important role in building teacher professionalism that is realized in the form of improving teacher teaching performance in schools. This research tries to dig deeper into the contribution of supervision by the principal to the teaching performance of teachers in elementary

schools. With the survey approach and regression calculation, it is expected that a comprehensive picture of this can be obtained and become included

for the improvement of supervision that is already running today.

Keywords : Supervise, principal, teaching performance

Instructive Leadership: Contribution to Teacher Teaching Performance in Elementary Schools Totoh Fatonah


Efforts to improve teacher teaching skills can be made through the implementation of principal's instructional leadership. This research was

commissioned to complement previous studies that examined the contribution of head leadership to teacher teaching skills. Through a survey approach analyzed with linear regression, it is expected to be described the magnitude of the contribution of instructional leadership to the teaching


Keywords : Instructional Leadership, teaching skills, leadership

Is Servant Leadership Influential on Teacher Performance Lukman Saepurohman

Diding Nurdin

One way to increase teacher productivity is to provide adequate facilities by the principal. Teachers led by principals who apply servant leadership

styles tend to be more productive because they have more opportunities to develop self-capacity. Through survey approaches and regression analysis, this study aims to test the influence of servant leadership on teacher productivity in elementary schools. Thus, it will be illustrated the extent to which

this leadership style contributes to the improvement of teacher productivity, as well as being an input material for school stakeholders in improving

the implementation of principal leadership.

Keywords : Leadership, Servant Leadership, Teacher Productivity

The Effect of The Principal's Communication on Teacher Performance Pepi Pramahsari

Cepi Triatna

The essence of leadership is communication, as the results of existing research contribute to the performance of individuals in the organization. The study of communication developed by researchers is more about the application of leader communication (principal) in elementary schools, as well as

its impact on teacher performance. Whether of the five styles of communication (dynamic, structuring, relinquishing, controlling, equalitarian, and

withdrawal) provides a complete contusion to the performance of the teacher or vice versa. From the results of this study is expected to be a reference to the application of the most appropriate communication style in improving the teaching performance of teachers in elementary schools

Keywords : Communication, principal, teacher performance

The Development of Academic Services Model in Enhancing Better Graduates Quality Sri Mulyani

Muhammad Fakhry Gaffar


Sri Wulansari


A good and integrated academic system service is one of the factors that can determine the quality of graduates of higher education institutions. The research focuses on the analysis and exploration of an integrated academic service system implemented by the Pertiwi School of Economics, which

consists of a new student admissions process, an academic service information process, a teaching and learning process, an assessment system and an

overall service process. This research is a preliminary study to examine students ' perceptions of the current integrated services. Research data were collected from students in semesters 4, 6 and 8 through a survey conducted. The results showed that, in general, students were not satisfied with the

academic system services currently being run at a dissatisfaction rate of 47.7%. Of course, this figure is very large and needs better handling. This

figure clearly illustrates the overall results, which are focused on the assumption that the admission process for new students is not ideal at a rate of 53.3 per cent, while the satisfaction with the academic information process is 73.3 per cent, while the satisfaction rate with the services provided by

lecturers in the preparation for learning is 66.7 per cent, and the innovation and creativity of the learning process is 66.7 per cent. The novelty of this study is the discovery of a more integrated service model. The results of this study are also preliminary studies for further research using the Design

By Research (DBR) research model.

Keywords : Design Based Research (DBR), Academic quality services, graduates’ quality

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Implementation Of Managerial Competence Headmaster In The New Era Karinawati

Diding Nurdin

The study aims to describe the implementation of managerial competence in the new normal era at Tsanawiyah Riyadhul Huda nagreg, using a qualitative approach with a type of case study. Research subjects are principals and teachers. Research data is collected through interviews,

observation and documentation and qualitative analysis. Research show the implementation of the managerial competence of the headmaster of the

new normal era has not been well accomplished, there is some factor affecting between them; a) the headmaster did not yet have the appropriate competence standards; b) the teacher's minimum experience; c) school tools and infrastructure were inadequate in the new normal era; d) when the

school principal had not done the optimal division of duty, authority and responsibility with each area before carrying out the activity; and e) the

principal's studies are limited because of his lack of training.

Keywords : Implementation, Headmaster Managerial Competence, New Normal

Analyze Entrepreneurial University Implementation: Study from Private Higher Education Institution Cut Irna Setiawati

Ropiatu Jaliah

Telkom University is one of the universities in Bandung that has transformed to become a Research and Entrepreneurial University in 2023. Telkom

University has prepared to face the demands of entrepreneurial universities. The purpose of this study is to find out the gap between performance and

expectations of leaders and lecturers on the application of entrepreneurial universities at Telkom University. This research was conducted using a gap

analysis. To find out the aspects and variables that need to be repaired and maintained then reprocessed using the Importance Performance Analysis

(IPA). Respondents in this study were 35 people consist of lecturers and leaders. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The results showed that the percentage of respondents' ratings of the average performance level was 73% and the average expected rate was 92%. If viewed per

item based on gap analysis is 3.5 for performance and 4.6 for expectations with a gap every dimension of -1.1. Based on the descriptive analysis and

gap analysis, it is known that almost all aspects have gaps in the implementation of entrepreneurial universities. The Cartesian diagram on IPA shows that there are 4 aspects that should be the focus to improve, such as (1) Measuring the impact of the entrepreneurial university; (2) Organizational

Capacity, People and Incentives; (3) Pathways for entrepreneurs; and (4) Entrepreneurship development in teaching and learning.

Keywords : entrepreneurial university; higher education institution; gap and IPA analysis

HIgher Education Students' Response to Fake News Rino Nugroho


Social media provides easiness in connecting people and gaining information. Some people use social media as the tools for spreading fake news

(hoax) for various reasons. This pilot study analyzes the possible factors that predicts response on hoax. Considering very limited studies had been

conducted in the area, this study will propose a model regarding predictors of response to hoax. As this is a pilot study instrument validation will be

conducted using SEM-PLS approach. Higher degree students were used as the sample for this pilot study as they tend to have information literacy.

The results indicated that some instruments were proven to be valid and reliable in predicting user’s response on hoax in social media. Further discussion and findings including the role of leadership are presented in the article.

Keywords : HIgher Education Leadership, Fake News, Factors, Model

An Analysis Of Digital Leadership In The Pandemic Covid-19 Era Fujy Puspita Damayanti

Dr. H. Aceng Muhtaram Mirfani M.Pd

This research was conducted to identify the process of digital leadership during pandemic covid19 and its reflection in Management of Education.

Accordingly, qualitative research design by using items of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were employed to collect the data in this

research. Close-ended questionnaire was administered to the teachers, staff, and students of MA Nurul Falah to identify their opinion about the implementation of digital leadership and how it's reflected in the new education system during pandemic covid-19. Furthermore, semi-structured

interview was also conducted to look in deep the data in this research. This research showed that the most of participants size up that digital

leadership in MA Nurul Falah was lower. In conclusion, based on the questionnaire and interviews, the role of leader and the implementation of digital leadership gave a significant effect towards management and learning activities in MA Nurul Falah.

Keywords : Digital Leadership, Management, Pandemic Covid-19

Academic Service Quality Survey in Higher Education Cucun Sunaengsih

Aan Komariah

Dedy Achmad Kurniady Muthahharah Thahir

Badrud Tamam

This study aims to identify the implementation of the quality of academic services in Indonesian universities. Academic services are the main product

(core product) of higher education, so that the perceived quality of academic services will form a positive image of the university. However, the

inequality of the academic service process has a negative impact on the image of academic services offered by universities. Based on this, researchers conducted a descriptive study with a survey method of students at universities in Indonesia. The results of the study, seen from the dimensions of

reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles, show mixed results. With this description, it is hoped that universities will be able to

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make the flow of academic services more streamlined, flexible and in accordance with student needs.

Keywords : Quality, Academic Services, Higher Education

Servant Leadership: Responding The Challenges for Change in Higher Education Annisa Lutfia

Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud

This study aims to describe servant leadership characteristics possessed by leaders of higher education institutions. This is important because higher

education institutions as the center of excellence are required to answer the challenges for change demanded by the market, and servant leadership is

the most suitable leadership characteristics to do so. The present study employed qualitative method. The primary data was collected through in-depth interview with the head of tarbiyah faculty of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung, as well as via observation and documentation.

In addition, questionnaires were administered to 11 heads of programs at tarbiyah faculty of the university to collect secondary data. The findings of

this study show that servant leadership should possess the characteristics of organizational stewardship, wisdom, service, humility, vision, persuasive mapping, altruistic, and emotional healing.

Keywords : Challenges, Change, Higher Education, Responding, Servant Leadership

The Influence of Parents' Exemplary and Communication Patterns on the Character Building of Youth Elih Sudiapermana


yana Nursita

This article presents the results of research on the effect of parental modeling and communication patterns on the character building of adolescents.

The research was conducted in a remote village with no internet access, so that communication between family members is still face-to-face. The sample of the study was 48 families who have teenage children aged 12-18 years. As for the respondents and the source of the research data were

adolescents in the 48 families.The data was collected by means of an observation questionnaire, questionnaire and documentation that measures

adolescents' perceptions of exemplary, parental interaction patterns in their families and character development. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. The data in this study were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The results of this study

indicate that the patterns of interactional communication and parental exemplary need to be improved and improved, especially in terms of parent-

child interaction as well as exemplary in worship and behavior so that children's character can be increased. The recommendations of this research are for public education providers in the community to be able to make parenting programs to increase children's knowledge and abilities in shaping

better character. For parents in order to improve communication and modeling towards children. As for future researchers, it is necessary to deepen in

other aspects which researchers have not examined in this study.

Keywords : Parents, Exemplary, Communication Patterns, Character, Adolescents

Effectiveness Of Teacher Training Using Online Media During Covid 19 Pandemic In Indonesia Dian Hidayati


During the COVID 19 pandemic, the Indonesian government implemented an online learning system. Teachers and students forced to be ready to do online learning. Teachers expected to improve their ability to adapt to online teaching and learning patterns. The training programs and seminars for

teachers from March (the first case found in Indonesia) to September 2020 was carried out online by the government and the private sector. The

purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of teacher training using online media during the COVID 19 pandemic. The method used in this study was descriptive research with a survey method. Respondents were 743 teachers from various regions in Indonesia who taught from

elementary to high school levels. The instrument used was a Likert scale questionnaire distributed via a google form. Based on the data, it shows that

64% of teachers feel significantly helped by relevant and useful training for their work, 24% helped and 9% feel that they did not help by the training carried out. 60% of teachers felt the level of knowledge after training given, 32% felt increased knowledge, and 7% felt doubtful. The use of online

media such as zoom, google meet, and WhatsApp felt by 58% of the teachers very helpful, 32% felt helped while 14% of teachers felt that online

media did not help. The teacher felt that the interaction with the presenters during online training to be 38% perfect, 37% good, 22% doubtful, and 2% felt there was no interaction with the presenters. The obstacles from this online training felt because the internet network was still high as many as

31%, 28% felt constrained, 27% were doubtful, and only 14% felt there were no problems with the internet network. From the data, it shows that the

implementation of teacher training through online media has been carried out effectively in terms of being relevant to work, increasing knowledge, obtaining benefits from training, and interacting with the presenters.

Keywords : Effectiveness of Teacher Training, Covid-19, Online Training

Application of Appropriate Technology in Household Waste Treatment in Sukajaya Village, West Bandung Regency Neris Peri Ardiansyah

Elih Mulyana

I Wayan Ratnata Wasimudin Surya Saputra

Household waste is an inseparable part of the problems that exist around the community, by utilizing waste in public dumps to be utilized, a touch of technology is needed so that any processed waste can have added value and benefit in improving the economy of the surrounding community. This

community service activity is in the form of counseling related to household waste treatment, as a form of awareness of the environment and health.

The participation of housewives and non-governmental organizations in this activity is part of increasing sensitivity to the environment to overcome

the problem of household waste. The application of appropriate technology in processing household waste is a major part of the PKM activities of the

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Assisted Village, the technology of organic and inorganic waste chopping machines is used to produce semi-finished materials for compost and

paving blocks, at that stage the technology is appropriate to provide added value in the process household waste treatment. The utilization of organic waste powder that is processed with EM4 produces solid compost, and inorganic waste can be processed as a base material for paving blocks. The

results of the PKM in the Assisted Village have added value both in improving the quality of environmental cleanliness and increasing employment

for the surrounding community in utilizing appropriate technology as a household waste processor.

Keywords : Household Waste, Organic Waste, Inorganic Waste, Appropriate Technology, Human Resource Development

The Effects of Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Workplace Bullying To Turnover Intention Medina Nilasari

Zainul Bahri Dalimunthe Riska Sari Dewi

The problem of this research was turnover intention in managing human resources where the intensity of employee turnover is increasing. In the suspected cause of the problem occurs in the variable job stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and workplace bullying. The purpose of

this research was to investigate the effects of job stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and workplace bullying to turnover intention.The

object includes was PT Prudential's sales agent employees located on K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav 126 Central Jakarta. This study was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 107 people and a 102 return questionnaire with a 90% response rate.The methodology of this research was Regression

Analysis. However, before the method is applied there is validity test, realibility test, and classic assumed test first. The measurement scale on

questionaire use Likert Scale Method. Findings as follows: (1) There is influence significant between variable job stress to turnover intention; (2) There is influence significant between variable job satisfaction to turnover intention; (3) There is influence significant between variable organizational

commitment to turnover intention; (4) There is influence significant between variable workplace bullying to turnover intention; (5) There is influence

significant between variable job stress, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, workplace bullying both in simultaneous to turnover intention. Companies must be able to reduce job stress and workplace bullying, and increase job satisfaction, organizational commitment to employees to

reduce the level of employee turnover intention.

Keywords : Keywords : Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Workplace Bullying, and Turnover

Productivity Of Lecturers In International Indexed Journal Publications Abdul Azis Wahab

Dedy Achmad Kurniady Aan Komariah

Amelia Nurusysyifa

Abdul Muhyi

This study measures the productivity of lecturers at the University of Education of Indonesia in publishing scientific papers or international indexed

journals, by calculating the number of publications in reputable international journals, namely Scopus index and WoS/Thomson Reuters index. The

method used is qualitative approach, where the research subjects are lecturers at the University of Education of Indonesia. The results of data

collection show that the degree of productivity of lecturers at the University of Education of Indonesia in publishing in reputable international journals

indexed by Scopus is classified as productive, but for indexation of WoS/Thomson Reuters it is in the less productive category. One of the reasons is because most of the lecturers feel burdened by the high cost of publication.

Keywords : Lecturer Productivity, Journal Publications

Internet User Behavior And Social Media In Learning Aslam Aslam

Abdul Azis Wahab

Purnama Syae Purrohman Zulherman

Evy Segarawati Ampry

The development of information and communication technology is increasingly sophisticated, plays a role in everyday life, and is in the world of

education. Social media is one of the new things that change the patterns of acquiring information for students. This study aims to obtain an overview of the behavior of the internet and social media users in learning. The research was conducted by surveying 99 students, students, and teachers in

Muhammadiyah charities in East Jakarta. The survey results show that most respondents use it for pleasure-seeking activities, and the second is

learning. Internet security and skills are generally well mastered. Therefore, the behavior in learning using social media and the internet is quite positive in the younger generation's perceptions. Social media and the internet can be a means of learning, sharing, and are not believed to hurt their


Keywords : Keyword: user behavior, internet, social media, learning

Managing Digital Learning Environments: Student Teachers' Perception on the Social Networking Services Use in Writing Courses in

Teacher Education Ikhsan Ikhsan


Limited studies have been conducted to examine how effective and what impacts dealing with students' learning experiences as well as the problems faced by the students. This study focused on English student teachers' experiences on the advantages and problems faced in using Social Networking

Services (SNS) in English as Foreign Language (EFL) writing courses which is a part of larger research involving the use of SNS in two state

universities in Jambi. This research was conducted in ten classes of two Indonesian universities for one year. This qualitative research involved a total

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of 6 focus group discussions with 60 students. Prior to focus group discussion, demographic questionnaires were distributed to know general

information of all participants in relation to the use of SNS. A thematic analysis revealed general background of the participants in relation to the use of SNS, advantages of SNS use in writing courses, problems faced of the SNS use. The findings contribute to current understanding about how

English student teachers experience using SNS. Based on the findings, this research offers policy recommendation to expand the use of SNS in EFL


Keywords : social networking services, academic writing, advantages, problems, Indonesia

Implementation Of Performance Accountability Systems Of Government Institutions (SAKIP) In Strengthening Bureaucratic Reform Of

PPPPTK TK And PLB Bandung Dearni Dewi Hasiany

Eeng Ahman


Budi Santoso

The urgency to mainstream bureaucratic reform at the work unit level needs to be supported by all the pillars of the embodiment of good governance,

including the evaluation of bureaucratic reforms that are evaluative in measuring the implementation of the Government Agencies Performance Accountability System (SAKIP), especially in PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung. As a form of the strategic plan of an accountable work unit, PPPPTK

TK and PLB Bandung need to evaluate the extent to which this has been implemented. Measurement of SAKIP implementation refers to six

components in the strategic plan, namely performance planning, performance measurement, performance data management, performance reporting, review and performance evaluation. This study will use a cross-sectional method using a quantitative approach. This research was carried out through

participation from the internal scope of the PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung human resources with 115 people or 89.1% of the population who were

willing to participate through filling out online questionnaires due to the Covid-19 pandemic on Google form and analyzed through a semantic differential scale. using two models, descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Model (SEM) using SmartPLS software. Various results of

participants' answers were analyzed descriptively and led to findings to prove the significance value of the implementation of SAKIP that occurred in

PPPPTK TK and PLB Bandung. In order to strengthen bureaucratic reform that prioritizes the implementation of good governance in the public sector, of course it must continue to be evaluated to what extent its implementation can be accounted for properly.

Keywords : Implementation of SAKIP, Good Governance, Bureaucratic Reform, Strategic Plans; PPPPTK TK and PLB Ba

Supervisors in Facilitate Principals, Teachers to Creating Student Achievements Chairul Fahmi



This study aims to analyze the role of supervisors' commitment to facilitate school principals and teachers in improving student achievement at MTsN

2 Tungkop Aceh Besar. The research method used was a descriptive qualitative which was carried out for six months of the study so that the results of

the study obtained very in-depth information on MTsN 2 Tungkop Aceh Besar. Supervision uses methods in accordance with Government regulations

concerning supervisors, namely facilitating, increasing the competence of school principals, teachers in creating high-achieving students. The results

of this study indicate an increase related to performance, teacher competence facilitated by supervisors, and likewise with student achievement there is a creation of achievement in students due to competent principals and teachers. The conclusion is that creating achievement in students must be

through competent principals and teachers and of course this must be facilitated by supervisors, then supervision must be oriented towards increasing


Keywords : Supervisors, Teachers, Principals, Student Achievements

Implementation of Academic Supervision with the Empowerment of Professional Learning Community (PLC) Evy Segarawati Ampry

Aan Komariah

Lili Abdullah Rozak Aslam

Nadir G

This research aims to: To find out how to implement academic supervision empowerment professional learning community (PLC) by the Principal in

Enrekang District. The data collection technique is done through observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of the study were teachers,

principals and school superintendents in Enrekang district. Data is analyzed with data reduction, data presentation, data verification and conclusion

drawing. Where the results of the study, show that academic supervision empowerment Professional Learning Community (PLC) in Enrekang District

has not run to the maximum because there are several factors such as the principal's lack of understanding of academic supervision empowerment Professional Learning Community (PLC) and teachers who tend to feel frightened when supervised because always think supervision is an evaluation.

Whereas ideally supervision is a learning process not a teacher evaluation process by the principal.

Keywords : Keywords ; Academic supervision, Professional Learning Community

Supervisory in Islamic boarding school to created smartest students Suparta Rasyid

Dadang Suhardan Yayah Huliatunisa

This study aims to describe and analyze in depth the supervision of Islamic boarding school towards the creation of smartest students and good character. The method used is Research and Development (R & D) where the products of this research will produce products related to effective and

efficiency surveillance methods. supervision here uses a 24-hour supervision model as long as students are still in Islamic boarding school . The

results showed that there was a significant intellectual increase in students, there was an improvement in the good character of the students in a better

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direction. The conclusion is to create students who are intelligent and have character, education is needed in which there is supervision for 24 hours.

Keywords : supervisory. islamic boarding school education. smart students

Learning Leadership : Improving Academic Quality in Improving Teacher Performance Indah Anggraeni, S. Pd

Dr. Taufani Chusnul Kurniatun, M. Si

This study aims to determine the activities of the principal in influencing people who carry out busy academic activities at school, related to learning

as an effort to improve academic quality in improving teacher performance. This study used a survey method through a quantitative approach.

Respondents in this study were educators (teachers, and educational staff). The findings and test of simple and multiple regression correlation analysis are expected to prove the hypothesis of this study. Partial research results regarding simple learning leadership, learning leadership in improving

academic quality to improve teacher performance require the existence of school supervisors as part of the management system to provide clarity of

task mapping for educators and control the implementation of learning by teachers. Learning leadership requires professional assistance in improving teacher performance to improve academic quality in schools.

Keywords : Academic Quality, Learning Leadership, Teacher Performance

Quality Assurance in Private School Reviewed from The Effectiveness of Supervision Imas Eka Nurfadillah

Dr. Nugraha Suharto, M. Pd.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of quality assurance in private school through supervision. Researcher study the

relationship and effect of supervision toward the level of implementation in quality assurance. This research is a quantitative where A Five Likert-

scale questionnaire was used to analyze data using descriptive and inferential analysis. The respondent selected by simple random sampling. This research involved respondents from private school in Kota Bandung which consists of 50 teachers. This research findings the effectiveness of

supervision in private school having an effect on quality assurance where encourage private school to do supervision appropriately and make

innovation for capacity building.

Keywords : Private School, Quality Assurance, Supervision

Multiple Regression Model on Managerial Supervision Practices in Coaching and Development for School Principals Yayah Rahyasih Johar Permana

Liah Siti Syarifah

This research-based paper was carried out to figure out the impact of inspection, control and school supervision in coaching and development for

school principals. The present study adopted a quantitative approach through surveys. The population in this study were all school principals in

Bandung, whereas the sample was a member of the population taken through a saturation sampling technique of 39 people. Assessed through multiple linear regression analysis, the current research also examined primary sources of data collected through fulfilling the interviews and questionnaires

covering three spectrums of surveillance activities (aspects of inspection, control, supervision) as well as coaching and development for school

principals. The results of analysis demonstrated that Fcount is 51.7 with a significance level of 0.000 ≤ 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that the managerial supervision carried out by supervisors with inspection, control and supervision delivers a positive and significant impact in the coaching

and development activities of school principals. This report presented the findings of research that supervisory must be proportionate, planned,

directed and sustainable.

Keywords : Control, Educational Supervisor, Inspection, School Principal, Supervision

Supervision Improve the Professional Competence of Cultural Arts Teachers junita ratnasari

Cut Zahri Harun


The research objectives were to determine the program, program implementation, and follow-up of the academic supervision program at SMPN 1 Peureulak. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the supervisor made the program to determine a schedule for

the implementation of supervision at the beginning of each new academic year with a frequency of once per semester, indicating that it could improve

the competence and performance of cultural arts teachers in planning and implementing meaningful and quality teaching and learning activities. The conclusion is that supervision by supervisors of teachers can create competent and professional teachers. This can be done by compiling a program

one semester once, implementing the program that has been planned and communicating to teachers about the implementation of supervision, and

following up on the implementation of supervision such as holding discussions with teachers regarding problems, obstacles faced in order to provide solutions or solving problems faced by teachers, including the problem of increasing the professional competence of teachers.

Keywords : Professional Competence, School Supervisor and Supervision.

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The Presence Of Internal Quality Management Strategies In Improving A Culture Of Quality Irawati Sabban

Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Azis Wahab, M.A

Yayah Huliatunisa, M.Pd

Deden Saepudin Yohamintin, M.Pd

The present study aims to find out the effects of internal quality management strategies in the culture of quality of Pasifik Morotai University using sequential mixed method. Multiple regression analysis was implemented to analyze quantitative data, while qualitative data was analyzed using

Miles-Huberman analysis. Data was gathered using questionnaires, interviews, field observations, and documentation. The findings of this study

indicated that internal quality management strategies did not have significant effect, separately or simultaneously, on the culture of quality in Pasifik Morotai University. Improving the culture of quality in Pasifik Morotai University will require the involvement of professional organizations,

employers of graduates (to determine the standard of quality), and structured, planned, and regular training for lecturers and staff. To implement

quality management model appropriately, quality management strategies need to be updated in accordance with the existing operational procedure.

Keywords : culture of quality, management, internal quality management

Transformation of Educational Quality Assurance Concepts and Practices to Reduce the Gap in School Self-Evaluation Results with

Accreditation. Evidence from Indonesia Roni Indra

Aan Komariah

Taufani C. Kurniatun

This study aims to describe the concepts and practices of quality assurance of primary and secondary education in Indonesia. It uses a self-evaluation

and school accreditation approach. The method used is qualitative through in-depth interviews in schools that implement an internal quality assurance

system. Data collection is also complemented by secondary data and documents of school quality achievement. The results showed that there is a reciprocal and integral relationship between internal and external evaluation in meeting national education standards

Keywords : accreditation, national education standards, quality assurance system, school self-evaluation

Quality System Certifications in Education Sector Rajyashree Yadav

Neeraj Yadav

Jaishree Yadav

Different quality system certifications, accreditations, and awards are available for education sector. The paper compares some of these choices so

that educational institutes can decide which option suits them more. Literature review and expert opinion of three experts are used for this purpose.

Strategies to make these certifications more popular among users are also suggested.

Keywords : ISO 9001, ISO 21001, Quality Certification and Accreditation, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awar

The Policy of the Higher Education’s Internal Quality Assurance System Toward Global Competitiveness Asep Suryana


Internal quality assurance is a necessity for higher education to remain able to provide quality assurance to customers amid global competition. The

quality policy is the main foundation in realizing quality assurance. Without a standard policy, the direction and guidelines for implementing quality

assurance will not be clear. Therefore, this study focuses on the policies of the higher education 's internal quality assurance system. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a case study method in one faculty. The research data was collected through interviews, observation and

documentation. The results showed that 1) quality assurance policies became guidelines in the implementation of internal quality assurance as

outlined in the form of quality manuals that referred to the national standards of higher education which included academic and non-academic activities, 2) policies formulated together through coordination and decision-making, 3) to support the implementastion of the policy, a Team is

formed which is in charge of coordinating the implementation of quality assurance. 4) the quality assurance model applied is the PDCA Model (plan,

do, check and action).

Keywords : Higher Education, Internal Quality Assurance System, Global Competitiveness, Policy

Quality Assurance of Transformational Leadership in Education Novi Nurhayati

Asep Sudarsyah

This research is to describe and analyze the quality assurance of transformational leadership of Head of Teachers and Educators Development Division (P3TK) to the subordinates in an education organization at meso- (middle) dimension amid the occurring Covid-19. The method applied is

that of qualitative-descriptive approach with research instruments of observation, interview and documentation. The research shows that quality

assurance of transformation leadership is crucial to be implemented at meso-dimension of education world to improve service delivery by education staff to education personnel operating in the field so as to maximize harmonious personal interaction during Covid-19 pandemic that has been taking

place for a relatively long time.

Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Quality Assurance, Education Dimension

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The impacts of innovation to lead effectively, to work collaboratively, and to improve the quality of education Irma yunita


The impacts of innovation to lead effectively, to work collaboratively, and to improve the quality of education endeavors to make sustainable education improvements. It can be done if there is a readiness to change, because of the innovation itself. The expectations of education are rapidly

changing so leadership is playing a significant role in creating the innovation process, motivating people, and setting the vision and mission for the

future to achieve the specific goals. Innovative leadership in education principles and processes creates long-lasting advantages and produces dramatic shifts in a competitive situation. This article is based on a literature review that will lead to a thesis research project entitled ‘The impacts of

innovation to lead effectively, to work collaboratively, and to improve the quality of education’. Qualitative research methods will be used to explore

effective and innovative leadership and also how to improve the quality of education.

Keywords : Keywords: innovation, leadership, innovative leadership, creative, quality of education

Stakeholder Views on Energy Literacy in Islamic Boarding School Rohmatulloh Rohmatulloh


Energy literacy is part of the environmental education (EE) material that involves three domains of psychology, namely cognitive, attitudes, and

behavior to form awareness in using energy wisely. The purpose of this preliminary study is to explore the views of stakeholders on the application of

energy literacy in Islamic boarding school educational institutions in Bandung Regency, West Java Province. The method of this exploratory case

study research uses structured interviews (individual and group), participant from government, community, parent, student, and teacher. The result

shows that the literation energy policy is an agenda of government stakeholders and community which is reflected in their programs and policy. Energy

literation becomes a part of the subject in the 2013 curriculum which emphasizes character strengthening. The teaching material of energy-saving has

been integrated with religious knowledge, although it has not been structured and systematic. In the cognitive achievement aspect, the student’s understanding of energy-saving is quite good. However, there is not much character improvement in the attitude and behavior aspect. Character

building through habituation needs to get attention from the stakeholder. This stakeholder views serve as input for the energy literacy program

development that emphasizes on habituation and exemplary of energy-saving, as well as the development of energy-saving ethics material.

Keywords : Energy literacy, character education, stakeholder, Islamic boarding school

Character Education Of Food Local Culture Values In The People Of Kampung Adat Cirendeu Through Exemplary Rohmatulloh Rohmatulloh


Customary village is small group of people who still survive and consistently preserve the culture and belief of their ancestors. Local cultural values

deserve to be promoted to the application of character education in school. Qualitative research understanding the life and local cultural values is

carried out in the people of Kampung Adat Cirendeu in West Java. The local culture of the Kampung Adat Cirendeu people holds the principle of

ngindung ka waktu and mibapa ka jaman which has the meaning of maintaining identity but still keeping abreast of the times. One of the local cultural values that still preserves until today is the culture of cassava-based food as a substitute for rice. This culture has been going on for a century

and become an inspiration for the national food diversification program. One of the preservation efforts is through the example of their ancestors.

Promotion and granting food culture values to the character education in schools involve various educational stakeholders (teachers, educators, governments, people, and customary peoples) that should give an example to the students. The most effective method is to form students with

character and in the end they will be familiar with local food culture and does not depend on rice.

Keywords : Character education, Kampung Adat, value, exemplary

Optimization Model for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations from Research Findings in the Field of Education Management Widodo Sunaryo

Prof. Dr. Ing. H. Soewarto Hardhienata Dr. Herfina, M.Kom, M.Pd

Many research findings in the field of Education Management cannot be implemented effectively. The problem derived from the fact that many research findings generated recommendation which still focus on normative and theoretical orientation. In spite of that, the organizations, where

researches took place, mostly had limited resources that became constraints for implementing too many recommendations from research findings.

This paper elaborated the development of an optimization model for effective implementation of the recommendations from research findings. The basic idea of this model coming from the core-concept of optimization that is starting and focusing to analyze the recommendations from research

findings, more specially to identify indicators of research variables which have priority to be improved or to be maintained. The identification process

of those indicators using the concept of “Scientific Identification Theory to Conduct Operation Research in Education Management (SITOREM)”. The concept of SITOREM consist of assessment process using some criteria to rank indicators of the variables from the highest to the lowest level in

term of priority. The criteria used are in terms of Costs, Benefits, Urgent and Importance (CBUI Criteria). It means that indicators which met the

criteria of Cost, Benefits, Urgent and Important will have high priority to be optimized when they were implemented in organizational setting.

Keywords : Optimization Model, Priority Rank of Indicators, SITOREM Concept, CBUI Criteria

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The Effect Of Organizational Structure, Leadership Power, Personality And Decision Making Towards State School Organization

Commitments To The State In Dki Jakarta Province Ratna Budiarti

Mukhneri Mukhtar

Bedjo Sujanto

The principal is considered to be the main force that is important for school success. Through the leadership of the principal can create optimal

conditions to support student learning by fostering positive social interactions and stimulating intellectual development. The role of the principal is considered very vital because the power he has can lead to success or vice versa. This all depends on the organizational commitment of the principal

to the school he leads. This study aims to describe the organizational structure, power of the leader, personality, decision making, and organizational

commitment of the head of a high school in the DKI Jakarta Province. In addition, to find out whether there is a relationship between each variable both the relationship directly and indirectly. The approach used in this study is quantitative with a survey research design that uses the path analysis

approach. The population of this study was all public high school principals with a sample of 89 school principals. The data collection technique uses

an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results showed that the organizational commitment of principals was influenced more dominantly by personality variables and followed by decision making and organizational structure. Based on data found in the field, it can be concluded that the

current organizational commitment of principals is not yet optimal, not all principals have a strong commitment to their schools.

Keywords : organizational structure, power, personality, decision making, organizational commitment

Antecedents Consumer Based Brand Equity Kurniawati Kurniawati

Irlan Bundi Setiawan

The objective of the empirical study is to analyse antecedents from consumer based brand equity. Data collection method that used was questionnaire

with purposive sampling technique to 317 respondent who had experience consuming fast food restaurant products and had the frequency of

purchasing fast food restaurant products for McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and A&W in the last 6 months and minima l purchases 2 times at selected fast food restaurants and using social media such as youtube, whatsapp, facebook, instagram, line and twitter. The data analysis tool

that used was Structural Equation Model (SEM) via AMOS and SPSS program, while the reliability test was cronbach’s alpha. The result shows that

emotional brand attachment has a positive effect on brand credibility, emotional brand attachment has a positive effect on consumer satisfaction, emotional brand attachment has a negative effect on consumer based brand equity, brand credibility has a positive effect on consumer based brand

equity, and consumer satisfaction has a positive effect on consumer based brand equity. Managerial implication in this research make product development innovations, provide a new products, provide a honest product, provide a new menu.

Keywords : Emotional Brand Attachment, Brand Credibility, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Based Brand Equity

Parents in the school culture: Why do they become involved? Nuphanudin Iljas

Nuphanudin, Aan Komariah, Dedy Achmad Kurniady

This study aims to portray an in-depth understanding of the parents' involvement in a quality culture system in SMK Negeri 7 Bandung. It was a case study method. The result showed: interpersonal communication in SMK Negeri 7 Bandung is the result of a good engagement between teachers and

parents. Parents understand the procedures on how to make contact with teachers. Parents are also free to choose the communication channel that they

desired. Schools encourage the use of technology in communication between home-school. Several forms of written communication have been considered including handbooks, newsletters, and progress reports and home-school diaries. Guidelines have been also provided for the use of

telephone contacts with parents and for the use of new technological options such as school websites, e-mail, and text messaging. Therefore, it is

considered that making a range of strategies used by the school will mostly be dependent on teachers’ knowledge and skills for effectively implementing the various strategies. The wide range of activities is also used by the school to bring about high levels of parental involvement also

uses a wide range of activities.

Keywords : school that learn, leadership, management skills, Bandung

Leadership and Administrative skills: A panacea for Administrative challenges in schools. Peter Lameck Mduwile

Aan Komariah

This paper examined leadership and administrative skills as a panacea for administrative challenges in schools. The paper is emphasized on the

meaning of leadership, leadership skills, the concept of efficiency, and administration for improving leadership and management in educational institutions. The topic under discussion suggests the need for leadership and administrative skills for every leader in educational institutions for

effective leadership and management in educational institutions like secondary schools and universities. This insinuates that for the educational

institutions to discern its aims and objectives, leadership and administrative skills must be put in. It further examined different leadership and administrative skills and the principle of leadership that can be a solution for any administrative challenges in school. Leadership and administrative

skills differ according to leadership styles that are employed in schools. A qualitative approach was used by reviewing different literature. Literature

that exits examines leadership and administrative challenges in schools. Most of Principals and teachers lack administrative and leadership skills. If Principals and teachers had those skills, schools could produce good leaders and citizens. The results of the study show that teachers and principals

are the ones who must have leadership and administrative skills to solve different administrative challenges which rose in the schools. Principals can

influence teachers and teachers can influence students and other non-staff members to bring positive changes in schools. To improve the academic quality of the school, student's performance in the class is highly influenced by the administrative and leadership skills of teachers and school


Keywords : Keywords: Educational leadership, Leadership styles, Moral decay, School leadership

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The Effect of Principal Leadership on Student Achievement in Ciamis District Lili Abdullah Rozak


Aan Komariah

Evy Segarawati Ampry

This research was motivated by the result of the 2019 National Exam scores in Ciamis District. The average of national exam scores obtained were

below the provincial and national average scores. The average score for the 2019 National Exam (UN) in Ciamis District was 50.30, while for the Provincial Level was 53.57 and for the National Level was 52.82. The average test score provides an overview of the student achievement that has

been achieved from the West Java provincial average and even nationally. In general, the results of the study state that the principal's leadership does

not have a direct influence on student achievement. This research was conducted to understand the extent of the principal's leadership in improving student achievement in Ciamis Regency. To get the data and information collected, researchers conducted literature studies from the results of other

people's research to obtain supporting and unsupporting theories for the research. As another material, researchers conducted interviews with several

school principals. The school principals interviewed were doing their position in state junior high schools in Ciamis District. The choice of the school is based on the number of students, whether they are large, medium and small sum. Because based on former observation, the more students a school

has, the more achievement they get. And also the less student a school has , the less achievement they get. This is done to see the variations of each

school on the acquisition of UN scores. From several samples of school principals who have been interviewed said that student achievement can be obtained on the competence of students and teachers. The principal has competence in managing the resources that are owned in his/her school, one of

them are the teacher and education staff as well as facilities and infrastructure. But in general, the principal stated that the principal's leadership

competence had an effect on improving student achievement. Because there are many school principals who have the competence to provide achievements for their students both academic and non-academic achievements

Keywords : Leadership, Principals, Principals, Teachers, Students, Learning Achievements

The Woman School Principals' Leadership Facing The Educational Change In The Globalization Era Kholifatul Husna Asri

Dedy Achmad Kurniady

Kaniati Amalia Muthahharah Thahir

The globalization era has an impact on educational change. In facing the educational changes in the globalization era, a school institution needs a

quality leader who able and brave to face a variety of problems and challenges. This study uses a qualitative research method and the data taken at

SMAN 70 Jakarta. The results of the study show that in facing the educational changes in the globalization era and the complexity of the development in the educational world. The role of the woman school principals' leadership at SMAN 70 Jakarta acts as a guide and instructor toward the change,

supplying the knowledge and skills to the school residents they lead.

Keywords : Leadership, Educational change, globalization

The Implementation of Transformational Leadership to Improve School Quality Milaty Septi Hasanah

Dr. Sururi, M.Pd.

This study purposes to find out the implementation of transformational leadership behaviors that school principals demonstrate at schools during their

administrative practices on a daily basis to quality of school improvement. This study was conducted in Ibadurrohman Islamic Junior High School

Tasikmalaya and used qualitative research with a descriptive case study as a research method. To obtain the data, the researcher employed in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation to the school principal as a method of data collection. The results showed that the principal’s

transformational leadership approach is able to create a change and to improve the quality of a school. The conclusion of this research is for

improving school quality transformational leadership is needed.

Keywords : Principal, School Quality, Transformational Leadership

Ethnopedagogical Leadership Based on Lampung's Local Wisdom in Schools

Salma Faizah Amatullah Aan Komariah

This study aims to describe and to analyze the ethnopedagogical leadership based on local wisdom in Lampung schools in strengthening national identity to actualize leadership values in responding to the demands of globalization. The method used is qualitative method using snowball sampling

technique. Data were collected through interviews. Based on the findings of the study, it is shown that the principal and teachers are the main

components in the implementation of the transfer of local wisdom knowledge through educational institutions. The results showed that in using ethnopedagogical leadership based on local wisdom in Lampung, it is necessary to have harmony between the development of 21st century science

and the philosophy of life of piil pesenggiri (the principle of honor) to preserve local wisdom and to achieve national education goals.

Keywords : Ethnopedagogical Leadership, Local Wisdom, Piil Pesenggiri, School.

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The Principals Spiritual Leadership In Students Strengthening Character At The Vocational Elementary School Mutiah -

Dr. Cepi Triatna, M.Pd

The research to determine: 1) sources that build value student character values, 2) the principal's spiritual leadership program for strengthening character of SDN MARGASARI students, 3) implementation strategy the spiritual leadership of the principal in strengthening the character of the

applied students at SDN MARGASARI Integrated elementary School. This study uses an approach qualitative research with the type of case study,

research to describe, and reveal circumstances, events as they are and reveal facts in the field in depth. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the head spiritual leadership schools in strengthening the character of students,

which can be seen from 1) sources building student character values consisting of religion, culture, Pancasila, goals national education and spiritual

leadership, 2) spiritual leadership program the principal for strengthening the character of students consists of habituations students do that is habitual scheduled, spontaneous and incidental, 3) strategy the implementation of the principal's spiritual leadership in strengthening student character, namely

seen from the exemplary and vision and mission in school.

Keywords : Keywords: Spiritual leadership, character strengthening

Transformational Leadership for Improving Teacher’s Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic Erly Savitri

Asep Sudarsyah

This study aims to analyze the effect of transformational leadership for improving teacher’s performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method

used in this research is quantitative with regression techniques on 50 teachers in the city of Bandung. The data collection tool was in the form of a

Likert scale questionnaire. The results showed that there was a positive and significant effect of transformational leadership on teacher’s performance, and there was a positive and significant effect of transformational leadership on teacher’s performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. The higher the

transformational leadership, the higher the teacher's performance. The conclusion of this study is that transformational leadership is needed during the

Covid-19 pandemic to improve teacher’s performance so that the learning process can be carried out effectively, efficiently and qualified.

Keywords : Covid-19 pandemic, Teacher’s Performance, Transformational Leadership

Learning Leadership and Capacity Building for Teacher Teaching Quality Ajat Sudrajat


School is a place where the teaching and learning process takes place. However, in the midst of the corona pandemic or covi-19, the teaching and learning process between educators and students, which was originally carried out through direct interaction, is no longer possible. This study aims to

describe how the influence of the principal's learning leadership role and capacity building on the teaching quality of elementary school teachers in

Cikampek sub-district, Karawang district. This research belongs to the type of quantitative research, with the data collection tool in the form of a

Likert scale questionnaire. The results of this research are partially related to learning leadership and capacity building, each of which has a high and

unidirectional relationship with the quality of teacher teaching. Simultaneously, learning leadership and capacity building have a high effect on the

quality of teacher teaching.

Keywords : Capacity building, Kepemimpinan pembelajaran, Mutu mengajar Guru.

The Impact of CPD in Teaching, and the Role of Principal in Promoting CPD: A Literature Review Cecep Somantri


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has increasingly been seen as a fundamental element of learning, teaching and education worldwide. However, the concept of CPD lacks clarity in terms of how it is defined, as well as in its goals. This paper focuses specifically on the role of school

principals in developing school and learning amongst teachers; discussing and outlining the principals’ duties with regards to teachers’ development;

the way in which the principals’ work is influenced, teachers’ expansion and development, and the outcomes within the school setting. Carried out as a desk-based research that reviews extensive literature and empirical research from the last three decades, this paper concludes that CPD is not simply

a form of teacher training, but a more holistic type of lifelong learning. CPD is an ongoing duty, embedded in the roles of both principals and teachers

as educators, rather than a standalone programme or activity. Teachers are to be held accountable for their own development, and must look to principals for guidance without depending on them completely.+

Keywords : Continuing Professional Development, CPD, school leadership

Spiritual Leadership Management in Strengthening the Character of Students in Integrated Islamic Primary Schools Nasir Usman

Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M.Pd.

Ulfah Irani

Spiritual leadership management is a leadership management model that prioritizes ethical and spiritual values in achieving self-leadership success

which influences on increasing the productivity and commitment of school members. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The instruments used are observation, interview, and documentation. Through this paper, we describe the sources that build student character values, the principal's

spiritual leadership programs in strengthening the character of students, and the spiritual leadership strategies of principals. The results show that the

sources that build student character values are from religion, nation, education, culture and norms. The principal's spiritual leadership program is integrated into curricular and extracullicular activities, habitution, and behaviour models; and the spiritual leadership strategy is carried out through

exemplary, vision, mission and school goals, school distinctiveness icons, simulation and character building workshop, school activities and

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programs, and school management structure in charge of school culture and character.

Keywords : Character Education, Educational Management, Integrated Islamic Primary School, Spiritual Leadership

Learning Leadership and Capacity Building for Teacher Teaching Quality Ajat Sudrajat


This research is based on the decline in the quality of SD Negeri teachers in Cikampek District, Karawang Regency due to the lack of intensity of

communication between teachers and students, e-learning-based curriculum management has not been maximized. The purpose of this study was to

find a relationship between learning leadership and capacity building with improving the quality of teacher teaching, either individually or collectively. The study used a survey method of 170 teachers using proportional random sampling, 119 respondents were selected as the research

sample. The data analysis used simple regression, multiple regression, simple correlation, multiple correlation, and partial correlation. This study

resulted in three conclusions, namely: First, this study found a positive and very significant relationship between learning leadership and teacher satisfaction improvement expressed in the form of a correlation coefficient: ry1 = 0.5074 regression equation Ŷ = 52.495 + 0.631X1, and the

coefficient of determination r2y1 = 0.2574. Second, this study found a positive and very significant relationship between the development of teacher

capacity and an increase in the quality of teacher teaching expressed in the form of a correlation coefficient: ry2 = 0.5800, regression equation Ŷ = 50.953 + 0.606X2, and the coefficient of determination r2y2 = 0.3364. Third, this study found a positive and very significant relationship between

learning leadership and capacity building together with an increase in the quality of teacher teaching expressed in the form of the correlation

coefficient ry1.2 = 0.6695, the regression equation Ŷ = 12.9487 + 0.4405X1 + 0.4834X2, and the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.4482. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the strength of learning leadership on improving the quality of teacher teaching is lower than the

strength of the relationship between capacity development and improving the quality of teachers.

Keywords : Learning Leadership, Capacity Building, Teacher Teaching Quality Improvement

Indonesian-Malaysia Elementary School Principal Participative Leadership Aan Komariah

Dedy Achmad Kurniady Zuraidah Abdullah

Cucun Sunaengsih

Participative leadership manages active participative from various parties to disseminate or deliver ideas and recommendations in decision making

process in order to achieve education goals in each school where they lead. There are a number of studied in Indonesia concerning participative

leadership however there is no any more comprehensive study on participative leadership involving Malaysia. Based on this issue, the main goal of this research is to describe elementary school principal participative leadership in Indonesia and Malaysia in the implementation of character

education. Thus, this research used survey method by using questionnaires distributed to elementary school principals in Indonesia and Malaysia. The

participative leadership assessed by teachers show various effects and descriptions among the dimensions consisting of coordination, motivating, communication, conflict resolution and decision making skill dimensions. By this research, it is expected to create a new participative leadership

model which can be used as a guidance by principals in leading their schools.

Keywords : Teachers, Principals, Participative Leadership, Leadership Model, Elementary Schools

Leadership Style Of Principal To Increase Teacher’s Professionality LIYAL kHAIRA

Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M.Pd. Dr. Nasir Usman, M.Pd

The leadership style of the principal plays a beneficial role to increase the professional competence of teacher. Goal of this research is to examine the leadership style of the principal in improving the professional competence of MI teachers in UPTD East Peurelak region, East Aceh Regency. This

study applied a qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this study was determined by using purposive sampling. It included fifteen informants

for completing this research. In order to collect data, researcher conducted interviews, observation, and documentation. The result showed: 1) principal applied situational leadership method, indicator acts as telling the division of assignment based on academic qualification, participating

teachers in discussion forum, selling to give reward for the competent teachers, delegating to make decision for importance in the school; 2) principal

acts to give chance for teachers for self-development by attending a training, seminar, KKG, permitting for continuing study; 3) as a strategy, principal oblige teachers to attend a computer course and supervision program, to evaluate students’ learning outcomes, and take part in training of

usage in online report submission; 4) while, the principal faces some obstacles to apply this method, such as, teachers’ difficulty to communicate, lack

of IT mastery, deficiency of teachers’ awareness to make an effective learning environment

Keywords : Leadership Style, Principal, Professional Competency

Leadership Of Schools In Improving Teacher Discipline And Motivation In Sma Negeri 16 And Sma Negeri 12 Kota Banda Aceh Feriyanti Feriyanti

Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M.Pd.

Dr. Nasir Usman, M.Pd

The leadership of the principal as the top manager has a strategic role in increasing teacher discipline and motivation. The purpose of this study was to

determine the policies, programs, strategies, supporting and inhibiting factors of the principal's program in improving the discipline and motivation of

teachers at 16 Public Senior High Schools and 12 Public Senior High Schools in Banda Aceh City. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data is interview, observation, and documentation study. The research subjects were school principals, vice principals and

teachers. The results showed (1) the principal's policies in increasing discipline and motivation in making school rules and order involved school

elements including the vice principal and teachers. (2) preparation of school principal programs in improving teacher professionalism, including

compiling annual programs, semester programs, learning planning steps; (3) strategies to improve teacher discipline and motivation by dividing tasks,

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holding trainings and attending MGMP and providing understanding (4) supporting factors in increasing discipline and motivation of teachers, most

of whom already have teacher certificates, while the inhibiting factor is teachers who live far away. from schools, there are still teachers who are less active, and the results of the training have not been able to be disseminated to their friends, the level of awareness differs between teachers.

Keywords : Policies, Programs, Principal Strategy, Inhibiting and Supporting Factors

Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Through Interactive Digital Storytelling Video Game: The Walking Dead First Season Maman Suryaman

Luthfi Nicola Sereni

An examination of literature reviews has proven that EFL students should acquire vocabulary incidentally through leisure activities e.g playing an interactive digital storytelling video game, which demands its player to control the protagonist’s dialogues and decisions. The study aims to probe the

impact of playing interactive digital storytelling video games (The Walking Dead First Season, Telltale Games) on students’ incidental vocabulary

acquisition through the researchers’ empiricism. A narrative inquiry design has been selected which probed researchers’ empiricism on to what extent the player is going to acquire vocabulary incidentally from playing the game. Researchers explained of their empiricism on playing Interactive Digital

Storytelling Video Game (IDSAVG) and the researchers described which part of the game that provides students with incidental vocabulary

acquisition. The findings show that the researchers perceived the students were able to gain new vocabulary through puzzles, quests, decisions making, throughout the game results. It means learning English vocabulary with playing an IDS Game The Walking Dead First Season had a positive

impact on the researchers' incidental vocabulary acquisition. The suggestion are the result of this study can be an alternative form numerous teaching

method for English teacher education to teach vocabulary.

Keywords : Interactive digital storytelling, incidental vocabulary, digital game-based language learning.

The Teaching Performances Vocational Teachers using The Work from Home System during The Covid -19 Pandemic Devi Pramiati


ABSTRACT This article tries to identify the teaching performance of teachers at SMK N 1 Cisarua Kabupaten Bandung Barat using the Work from Home system

during the Covid-19 pandemic. The population of this study is teachers at SMKN 1 Cisarua which is 40 teachers. The method used mixture of

Explanation Sequential, which is qualitative data can explain further more or strengthen the initial quantitative data. The results of this study used descriptive statistical analysis with quantitative descriptive forms that are collaborated with descriptive qualitative data analysis. Data collection

techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation in the form of school data. The results of this study showed the average performance

of teachers in teaching using work from home system.

Keywords : Keywords: Teacher, The Teaching Performances, Work from Home System, Covid-19 pandemic



In responding to any changes, ideas, creativity, and organizational resilience, learning is needed in the organization. Sensitive and responsive to stimuli from the outside environment give rise to a learning organization. The purpose of this study was to explore how the application of learning

organizations in educational services in schools to develop team learning which has implications for reliable teamwork in schools. The approach used

in this research is a qualitative approach with observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out in steps, namely: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions or verification obtained through notes on observations and interviews. The research results are as follows: the

learning application strategy can be carried out in three stages, namely: learning skills, learning levels, and types of learning. Schools need to

implement a learning organization to develop the ability of teachers and employees to form team learning in schools. The success of a school in developing team learning will create teachers and employees who can work more effectively in the future or produce innovative solutions to

challenges that would be difficult if faced individually.

Keywords : Learning Organization, Team Learning, Team Work

Quality Culture of Education: Commitment of Leaders in Building a Quality Culture of Education in Higher Tourism Education DEDEN SAEPUDIN

Prof. Dr. H. Udin Syaefudin Sa’ud, M.A.

Annisa Lutfia Ira Sabban

This study aims to analyze and get an overview of the form of commitment of leaders in building a quality culture of education in tourism education

institution (a case study at the Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung). The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation study. The measurement of commitment uses three

indicators of commitment, namely affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. The results showed that leaders with

affective commitment have the greatest score in building a quality culture of education at STP Bandung, namely leadership commitment based on a strong desire to continue to maintain and develop the quality of education so that it can become a habit or daily attitude of the school academics they

lead. not just a normative obligation to meet the requirements demanded by the government or the accreditation or certification institution.

Keywords : Higher Tourism Education, Leader’s Commitment, Quality Culture

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Postgraduate Student Readiness Entering Cloud Class Era Eka Prihatin

Danny Meirawan

Enjang Alinurdin

Ratu Dintha IZFS

Covid 19 is to trigger any learning organizations to change academic service strategy in various education aspects both formal and informal. Cloud

class is a choice for almost all higher education in order to still implement the learning process. UPI Postgraduate School as well uses this strategy and is mixed by other strategies; the priority is that it can still implement the learning process and it can still achieve learning goals. But, student

readiness to use this strategy is seen as an interesting issue; this research aims to determine student perception in using cloud class. This research used

quantitative approach by open questionnaire to all magister and doctoral postgraduate program students in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Results of the research stated that 63% of the respondents stated that the learning process through online learning is ineffective with the reasons and its

obstacles and 37% of the respondents state that it is effective but it must be completed by facility supports and though this strategy is perceived to be

ineffective by greater obstacles than its benefits, but it is reliable to be tested in a trial by improving facility and infrastructure as well as it must optimize quality of teaching.

Keywords : cloud class, postgraduate students, teaching and learning process, strategy

Muhammadiyah as a Modern Educational Institution Jeanne Francoise

Mohammad Suryadi Syarif

Prof. Abd. Rahman A. Ghani

Ontologically, Muhammadiyah is not just a foundation, but an idea of a modern Islamic movement and a respected Islamic community in Indonesia.

Epistemologically, the idea of Muhammadiyah's modern Islamic thought was realized in the field of education, by including a national curriculum.

Then axiologically, Muhammadiyah does not only educate Muslims, but also internalize aspects of peace and progress for the entire Indonesian nation, so that a Muhammadiyah cadre is expected to be a form of peace itself.

Therefore, this scientific paper will describe more deeply Muhammadiyah as a modern educational institution. To analyze this, this paper uses Shaykh

Muhammad Abduh's modern Islamic thought and distinctive values in Muhammadiyah. It is hoped that this paper will add to the horizon of insights about Muhammadiyah and can be a reference for further research for cadres of teachers

and lecturers in the academic environment of the University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA (Uhamka).

Keywords : Muhammadiyah, Indonesia, Pancasila, Uhamka, Abduh

The Philippine Department of Education Program Implementation towards Islamic Madrasah Education Development SAPROLLA ROLLIE DEPOROS


The research aims to describe the program of the Department of Education (DepEd) Philippines, towards Madrasah Education specifically in

Elementary level in the public and private schools/madrasah, in terms of its implementation. Descriptive qualitative method will be used in this study in which through documents guide available will be used as an instrument to meet the desired information. The result of the study will be essential as

a standard guideline of Traditional Madrasah in the country where only takes place every Saturday and Sunday. It will give them adequate reference

to be followed the basic steps in order to attain a good parameter for their improvement in implementing their program. The determination of having a quality Islamic Education for Muslim Filipinos in the Philippines is one of the purposes of this study.

Key Words: Islamic Education, Madrasah Education

Islamic Boarding School Education Management Using ICT in Pandemic Era Ummi Fathiyatussa'adah

Suryadi, S.Pd, M.Pd

The pandemic period continues to impact all educational institutions in Indonesia, including the Darul Ulum Pekalongan Islamic boarding school. The

most significant impact is the change in Education Management and the disruption of the learning system. In general, memorizing Al-Qur'an and

studying ‘kitab’ is done using the Talaqi or face-to-face method, but now these activities must be done online, by using M-learning platforms such as WhatsApp or Zoom. However, this still cannot run optimally because there are still some senior teachers who are not ready for using of such

technology and require a longer adaptation period. With a descriptive method and a qualitative approach, this study will explain the phenomenon of

changes in educational management that occurred in Darul Ulum Islamic boarding schools due to this pandemic era. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and interviews. The result of this research is education management development strategy using ICT.

Keywords : Development strategy, Education management, Islamic boarding schools, M-Learning, ICT

The Charasteristic of Islamic Religious Education Policies at Higher Education in Indonesia based on Value Education Perspective Agus Fakhruddin


Among the measures the Indonesian government made in cultivating the nation's character is by issuing policies related to Islamic Religious

Education (IRE) in Higher Education. Being character-oriented policies, they must be values-driven. This paper seeks to analyze the characteristic of Islamic Religious Education at higher education in Indonesia based on Value Education Perspective. This research uses a qualitative approach with

literature study method. Data come from a variety of Indonesian government policies documents related to Islamic Religious Education. Data were

analyzed based on values education theories. Findings reveal that Islamic Religious Education policies at Higher Education in Indonesia has values characteristic.

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Keywords : nation character, student development, Islamic Education

Managerial Competency Of Principal In The Mi Bait Qurany Saleh Rahmany Banda Aceh Syarifah Munawarah

Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M.Pd.

Dr. Niswanto, M.Pd.

Managerial competence is a skill that includes planning, implementing, organizing and monitoring . The purpose of this study was to determine how

the principal managerial, including: Program planning; program implementation; supervision; and supporting factors that support the smooth running of school programs. Through a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, data collection techniques are carried out through interviews,

observation, and documentation study. The research subjects were the principal, deputy head of curriculum, teachers and school committees at MI

Bait Qurany Saleh Rahmany Banda Aceh. The results found: program planning is well prepared and efficient referring to the curriculum established by the Ministry of Religion with superior school programs including the takfiz class program, calligraphy extracurricular activities, speech, Arabic,

archery and teacher quality improvement programs; Teachers, school staff and parents responded very well to the program implementation;

Supervision is carried out through the principal directly in the field and a monitoring team that coordinates with the principal through the WA group; Supporting factors for the running of school programs, namely the existence of complete and adequate facilities in schools, qualified human resources

such as classroom teachers, takfiz teachers and qualified staff as well as good support from the government and foundations for school programs

Keywords : Managerial Competence, Principal

A Curriculum Development of Coffee Barista Education Adi Prehanto

Haryono Tri Joko Raharjo

The aims of the study were to analyse the existing barista-Areas of Semarang, develop ideal curriculum of barista Education, test product validity and feasibility. Curriculum that has been designed, and analyse the effectiveness of education curriculum Barista generated. To develop barista curriculum

focused on main components, comprised objectives, learning experiences, organizing learning experience, and evaluation or achievement of the

curriculum. Research methodology based on research and development methods of Sugiyono. Data collection techniques applied structured interviews and direct observation. The subjects were participants of barista training that never participated in barista training before. The results of

this study found that the Barista education curriculum was effectively Implemented. Through this research, would have been create a guideline or

authentic script the Barista Education Curriculum. This research would also strengthen theory of curriculum development, where the legitimacy of curriculum development need to be completed continuously.

Keywords : Education, curriculum development, barista, coffee industry

Principal's Authentic Leadership

Nurdelima Waruwu

Mukhneri Mukhtar1, Sukro Muhab

Principal leadership is one of the factors that affect the excellence and competitiveness of schools. Previous studies have described various types of leadership that affect the excellence and competitiveness of schools, however, studies of authentic leadership types in schools, especially in madrasah

aliyah, have not been widely studied. This study aims to explain the dimensions of authentic leadership of the principal of madrasah aliyah schools that have been implemented by these school principals. The research method used was a survey by distributing questionnaires via google form which

was then analyzed descriptively. This questionnaire was distributed to all private madrasah aliyah teachers in West Java, Indonesia. The results

showed that the dimensions of authentic leadership consisting of self-awareness, transparent relationships, balanced processing, moral perspective, empathy, critical thinking and self-thinking have been implemented with different presentations. With this research, it is hoped that there will be a

description of the implementation of the type of principal leadership that can be used as a reference for leading schools so that they can make schools

superior and have competitiveness.

Keywords: Leadership, authentic leadership, principal, madrasah aliyah

Transformation of Pesantren Persatuan Islam

A. Rofik Husen, Danny Meirawan

Departement Education Administration

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Email: [email protected]

Law No 18 of 2019 on Pesantren becomes initial milestones for the institutional formulation of Islamic boarding school education in Indonesia. This law ratifies a boarding school as a part of national education systems after several decades as a non-formal educational institution. Conse-quently, it

needs many requirements for graduation to have legality from the government. "Pesantren Persatuan Islam" as one of an educational institution

established in Bandung since 1936 which currently has more than 300 institutions spreading to several regions in Indonesia. Initially, "Pesantren Persatuan Islam" was a general Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia. However, the enactment Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System

compels most of the established Islamic Boarding School to adapt the implemented regulation. Subsequently, it trans-forms an Islamic School and

Formal School having formal legislation. This writing aims to give an alternative solution for Persatuan Islam Organisation responding the enactment Law No. 18 of 2019 on Pesantren to continually contribute on Islamic Educational Realm in Indonesia in particular and Muslim in general.

Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Pesantren, Persatuan Islam, Islamic School, Islamic Boarding School Transformation

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The Influence Training Of Bpsdm (Human Resources Education Center Ministry Of Transportation, Controlling And Work Motivation

Against Competency Of Middle School Teachers

In Indonesia

Kurniawan Abadi, Sutipto, Ivan Hanafi Educational Management Departement

University State Of Jakarta

This study aims to analyze the effect of coaching, supervision, and work motivation on the competence of Sailing Vocational Teachers in Indonesia.

In addition to knowing whether there is a good relationship between each variable directly. This research uses a quantitative method with a path

analysis approach. The population of this study is the Vocational School teachers in Indonesia who have TOT Model Couse 6.09 certificates totaling 362 teachers with a sample of 190 teachers. The results showed the path coefficient of several variables related to teacher competence including

coaching, supervision and work motivation. The novelty in this study found that the competence of overseas shipping teachers is dominated by the

training received in large numbers of 0.418 with the largest indicator which means an increase in knowledge, this is due to being a teacher. set by IMO (International Maritime Organization).

Keywords: Competency, Controlling, Training, Work Motivation

Learning Organizations Employees of the Center for Data and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture

Muhammad Hasan Chabibie, Mukhneri Muktar, R. Madhakomala.

Educational Management Departement University State Of Jakarta

The purpose of this study is to understand how much the impact of transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and motivation on organizational learning of Data and Technology Employees at the Ministry of Education and Culture. The research method used is to use quantitative research

involving as many as 193 employees spread throughout Indonesia. This study uses a survey method with path analysis applied in hypothesis testing.

The results of this study prove: (1) there is a direct effect of transformational leadership on organizational learning (2) there is a direct effect of self-efficacy on organizational learning (3) there is a positive direct effect of motivation on organizational learning. Transformational leadership has the

greatest path coefficient than other variables.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Self-efficacy, Motivation, Learning organization

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