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Table of Contents

Pages 2 Introduction to Expository Writing

Pages 3-5 Steps to Complete Before Writing the Expository Essay

Student Introduction Examples Introductory Paragraph Class Practice Prompt


Page 6-7 Brainstorming Possible Reasons/Evidence for Body Paragraphs

(Graphic Organizer)

Class and Individual Practices

Page 8 Thesis Statement Class and Individual Practices

Page 9 Hook Class and Individual Practices

Pages 10 Introductory Paragraph Class and Individual Practices

Page 11 Writing an Effective Body Paragraph

Body Paragraph Examples

Pages 12 Body Paragraph Class and Individual Practices

Page 13 Conclusion Paragraph

Page 14 Rubric

Pages 15-16 Student Examples

Pages 17-19 Practice Prompt, Graphic Organizer, and Lined Paper

Pages 20-21 Notable People Information Gathering

Pages 22-24 Notable People Notes

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Introduction to Expository Writing

An expository essay is


In order to classify as expository, an essay needs:

A ____________ statement at the end of the introduction that answers the ______

To ____________ or discuss a particular _____________ matter

Strong __________________ that backs up the thesis statement (in the __________


A __________________ that makes a final thought for the audience

Let’s do a bit of comparing between the genre you’ve been reading (literary fiction) and

the genre you will learn to write (expository).

What expository isn’t… What expository is…

The expository essay will be written on 26-line paper!

o Tells a story

o Includes a setting and character

o Contains a conflict

o Includes dialogue

o Provides a resolution

o Prompt will include a photo

o Creative

o ______________/____________ a topic

o Includes a ____________ statement

o Contains _______________

o Includes ________________ (reasoning)

o Provides a __________________

o Prompt will be _____________ ___________

o _________________

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*The expository prompt page on the STAAR test typically has a lot of text.*

Think of expository in this way: it is ________________ and _________________________.

STAAR English I Writing 2013 Released

1.) Brainstorm examples that you could use in the body paragraph.

2.) Construct a thesis statement that directly answers the prompt in a single sentence (last sentence of your introduction).

3.) Create a “hook,” which is the opening sentence you will use to begin your entire essay. The “hook” should tie into the prompt in a realistic way.

Steps to Complete Before Writing the Expository Essay

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Examples of Student Introductions

Read the following examples of sample introductory paragraphs. Decide if it is a strong

paragraph or weak paragraph. List reasons to explain your answer.

1. Life is all about taking risks. If you don’t take risks, you will never find out what would have

happened or not have happened if you would have taken that risk. Taking risks can be a good thing to do

sometimes, but can also be a bad thing. You never want to take too many risks because some of them

can turn out to be real bad, but then some of them can also be real good.

Strong or Weak

Why? __________________________________________________________________________

2. A lot of people struggle with the concept of taking chances in their lives. Sometimes people think

that if they do not know what the outcome of their actions will be, then it is not worth taking the chance.

However, there will be a time in everyone’s life where taking a risk is the best choice because it could

end up making all the difference and potentially changing your future.

Strong or Weak

Why? __________________________________________________________________________

3. Everything cannot be taken with caution or safety. Everything cannot be mapped or planned out

according to one’s desire. Some things invoke taking a risk to reach the outcome, even when one

has no idea what will happen. Taking a chance is almost always a major first part in achieving


Strong or Weak

Why? __________________________________________________________________________

4. There are so many opportunities and chances people give up every day. Then later on we regret our

choices and decisions we made for not taking the risk. So how come we don’t take the risk? What

makes us hold back from taking the risk?

Strong or Weak

Why? __________________________________________________________________________

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Introductory Paragraph Class Practice

Read the following quotation:

Let’s start by brainstorming possible examples of people or

characters whose decisions shaped their future.

Where do I get detailed examples to support my thesis

for my expository essay?

Just B-HIP!

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

-William Shakespeare

People tend to want to blame others when something does not go right in their life instead of looking at their choices. Think carefully about this statement.

Write an essay explaining how decisions can shape a person’s future.

B – Books

H – History

I – Information (current events, music, movies, social media)

P – People (personal anecdote, famous people, athletes)

[Cite your source here.]

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Use the graphic organizer below to help you think of

examples in these categories.

Brainstorming Possible Evidence/Reasons for the

Body Paragraphs

Prompt: Write an essay explaining how decisions can shape a person’s future.


World Events

Books / People/



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Now practice coming up with examples for a

different prompt.

Read the following quotation:

Despite the huge dropout rate in American high schools, statistics show that the average teenager believes that their education directly impacts their likelihood of future success. Think carefully about this statement.

Write an essay explaining the importance of education.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

-Nelson Mandela


World Events

Books / People/



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Thesis Statement Class Practice

Now you have some good ideas to support the prompt, but you need some focus. That’s where the thesis statement comes into play. The thesis explains to your audience what you’re going to prove. Anything you write in your thesis must be proved, so keep it focused!

Prompt: Write an essay explaining how decisions can shape a person’s future. Possible Thesis Statements:

Thesis Statement Individual Practice

Prompt: Write an essay explaining the importance of education. Work with a partner to create your own thesis statement that directly addresses this prompt. Write your thesis on the lines below. _______________________________________________________________________________________



Men and women sometimes need to make choices to improve not only their lives but their community

as well.

Even though outcomes are uncertain, making good decisions can make a person be successful and

positively influence the world around them.

A person’s life is influenced by not only their circumstances, but by the choices they make.

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Hook Class Practice

Once you’ve brainstormed possible examples and created a thesis statement, it’s time to create a hook. This is the opening sentence in your essay. Its purpose is to immediately make them interested in reading what you have to say about the topic. Hook sentences can take many forms, including:


Quotes (This is a quotation you have memorized, NOT one from the prompt!)

Definition of a big idea from the prompt

General statements The most effective and sophisticated way to start your essay is with a general statement about the big idea in the prompt. For example, in our class practice, the big idea is “decisions.” With that in mind, what are some possible hook sentences we could use to write an essay about how decisions can shape a person’s future?

Possible hook sentences: ______________________________________________________________________________





Hook Individual Practice

Read the following quotation:

What is the big idea in this prompt? ________________________________________________ Possible hook sentences: 1.)____________________________________________________________________


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

-Nelson Mandela

Despite the huge dropout rate in American high schools, statistics show that the average teenager believes that their education directly impacts their likelihood of future success. Think carefully about this statement.

Write an essay explaining the importance of education.

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Putting It All Together

Introduction Paragraph:

Hook statement

Transition statement

Thesis statement

Introduction Class Practice

Prompt: Write an essay explaining how decisions can shape a person’s future.

Introduction Individual Practice

Write an essay explaining the importance of education.











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Writing An Effective Body Paragraph

Begin your body paragraphs with a _________ _________.

Give a ___________ ___________ that helps explain your thesis in each body paragraph.

Body paragraphs develop one clear, specific ______________ or example for believing your thesis statement to be true.

Convince your reader to see things as you see them.

Body Paragraph Examples

Madame Curie took the risk of exposing herself to radiation for the chance to further our knowledge of nuclear radiation. She took the risk without knowing the outcome, resulting in her losing her life after many years of being exposed. It is because of her studies that society has a profound awareness of the matter in order to better protect ourselves. Had she not put herself in harm’s way for the sake of research, the medical world would have suffered greatly.

Some people have a phobia of bugs, so they never go outside or camping. Those

people have not taken the chance to be near one and realize that most of them will not harm one unless one bothers them. Of course with the help of bug spray, people can keep off the hungry parasitic ones. But, this will only happen if people take risks and chances.

It is good to take chances. You will never know if you don’t try. Taking chances will keep you open minded about different actions. There are good choices and bad choices.

Furthermore, another example would be Atticus Finch from the book, To Kill a Mockingbird. In this novel, Atticus is a white lawyer from the 1930’s who is defending an African American in court. He does this without knowing whether he is guilty or not. He also took this case at the risk of losing his credibility and honor in a racist society. It is because of this risk that everyone in the court and his kids learned about the injustice happening in society.

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Body Paragraph Class Practice

Prompt: Write an essay explaining how decisions can shape a person’s future.

Body Paragraph Individual Practice

Write an essay explaining the importance of education.

For more practice prompts, turn to page 26 of this notebook.





















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Conclusion Paragraph

Some ideas to consider for conclusions:

*a thought provoking _________________

*_____________ a powerful image

*talking about the ___________________ or _________________

*ending on an interesting ________ of thought

*explaining why the topic is ______________

*making a _________________

Conclusion Class Practice

Prompt: Write an essay explaining how decisions can shape a person’s future.

Conclusion Individual Practice

Write an essay explaining the importance of education.











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Expository Essay Rubric




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-The organization of the essay is appropriate to the purpose and is responsive to the prompt. -All ideas are related to the thesis statement and are on topic. -The writer’s progression of ideas is logical and well controlled. Meaningful transitions and strong connections are used throughout the essay.

-The organization of the essay is appropriate to the purpose and is mostly responsive to the prompt. -Most ideas are related to the thesis statement and are on topic. -The writer’s progression of ideas is generally controlled. For the most part, transitions and connections are logical through the essay.

-The organization of the essay is clear but may not always be appropriate to the prompt. -Most ideas are generally related to the topic, but the thesis may be a bit weak or unclear. -The writer’s progression of ideas is inconsistent due to weak transition.

-The organization of the essay is either inappropriate or not evident. -Most ideas are generally related to the topic, but the thesis statement may be missing, unclear, or illogical. -Lack of meaningful transitions and connections makes parts of the essay unclear or illogical.





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-The development of ideas is effective because the details and examples are specific and appropriate and enhance the essay. -The essay is thoughtful/engaging. The writer may approach the topic from an unusual perspective, may use his/her unique experiences or view of the world as a basis for writing, or may connect ideas in interesting ways.

-The development of ideas is sufficient because the details and examples are specific and appropriate and add substance to the essay. -The essay reflects some depth of thought. The writer’s approach to the topic is original rather than formulaic and shows a good understanding of the expository task.

-The development of ideas is minimal and remains at surface level because the details and examples are somewhat inappropriate or are too briefly or generally presented. -The essay reflects little or no depth of thought.

-The writer’s development of ideas is weak because the details/examples are inappropriate, vague, or insufficient. -The essay is insubstantial. The writer’s response to the prompt may be vague or confused, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the expository writing task.





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-The writer’s word choice is very effective and shows a keen awareness of purpose and uses an appropriate tone. -Word choice is strong. -Sentences are varied, enhancing the essay.

-The writer demonstrates a consistent command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

-The writer’s word choice is, for the most part, effective. It reflects a general awareness of purpose and establishes an appropriate tone. -Sentences are varied, contributing for the most part to the effectiveness of the essay. -The writer demonstrates a general command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

-The writer’s word choice may be vague/weak and does not contribute to the clarity of the essay. -Sentences may be awkward, weakening the effectiveness of the essay. -The writer demonstrates a partial command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

-The writer’s word choice may be imprecise or unsuitable for purpose, impeding the clarity of the essay. -The writer has little or no command of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.

Score Point 1 Score Point 2 Score Point 3 Score Point 4

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Student Expository Essay Examples

Example #1



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Example #2



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Some individuals show remarkable strength and resolve when faced with hardships and obstacles in life. Think carefully about this statement. Write an essay explaining how determination can help an individual in the pursuit of a dream. Be sure to –

• clearly state your thesis • organize and develop your ideas effectively • choose your words carefully • edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling

Kevin Pearce suffered a violent crash that shattered his dream of

participating in the Olympics and left him with a severe brain injury,

facing long odds of a successful recovery. He worked tirelessly at

rehabilitation, ultimately regaining his speech and vision, while trying

to reclaim enough balance to one day ride his snowboard again. “There

are bigger things in life than snowboarding,” he said during a recent

interview. “What’s so cool, though, is that I’ve been able to deal with

it.” Kevin currently continues to snowboard.

Sample Prompt for Expository Writing

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1.) Brainstorm examples that you could use in the body paragraph.

Prompt: Write an essay explaining how determination can help an individual in the pursuit of a dream.

2.) Construct a thesis statement that directly answers the prompt in a single sentence (last

sentence of your introduction).



3.) Hook Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________


Follow the Steps to Writing an Effective Essay

Expository Essay


World Events

Books / People/



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Use the lined paper on the next page to write your practice essay.


























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Notable People Information Gathering

Person’s upbringing

Profession or expertise

Notable traits or characteristics

Interesting facts

Obstacle or hardships overcome

Other important information for the class

Citation(s) ______________________________________________________________________________________



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Useful websites to search for information: Katy ISD Databases: EBSCO Gale Group Encyclopedia Britannica

Helpful Tips:

Be sure to plan out what you intend to say to the class when you present on Thursday and Friday!

Only give “need to know” morsels of info so that if a student chose to use your information in a body

paragraph in their expository writing, they would be able to include parts of your presentation!

Your presentation will be around 2 minutes long.

When you are speaking, a photograph of your person will be on the Smartboard so that other students

may see an image of them.

If you search and find a short, interesting video that would be helpful in addition to your presentation,

write down the URL or search information so that we could possibly show it if there is extra time.

Remember that you are the teacher in this lesson, so be appropriate, but teach your peers in a manner

that is interesting so they are more likely to use your information!

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Notable People Content Frame

Use this chart to record information about other students’ research subjects. These notes will be helpful to you as you are trying to come up with examples for expository body paragraphs. Write 5 facts that you learned about each person.

1. Name:

2. Name:

3. Name:

4. Name:

5. Name:

6. Name:

7. Name:

8. Name:

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9. Name:

10. Name:

11. Name:

12. Name:

13. Name:

14. Name:

15. Name:

16. Name:

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17. Name:

18. Name:

19. Name:

20. Name:

21. Name:

22. Name:

23. Name:

24. Name:

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