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set,er ~iii~a~~ji~~~~J.; PUBLISHED WlUlKLY \ ' dlcious

For the Proprietors, I ~ iice of A T WE oS TAR L Y, II. I all tend8 will .UBtaln

"G VHAMPLIN, EDITOR ASD PUBLISHING AGENT ,~ , It in beauty h. entire· .. ') == Iy set in.-The R~CORDJ<R, as the Organ of the Seventh-aay .... .e:..''''''' ..... rg~ DeaomLDatlOn, 18 devoted to Ihe exposItion THE . 9 - ........... &1'1.11 ~lpns~dlcstlon of the views and movements of that 0 R G A N 0 F THE 8 EVE NTH -DAY B APT 1ST DEN 0 MIN A T ION. I· Dr Unger, the well·known "'tt1t'aliet. o()r

"J VI (~8ImS to promote VItal piety and vlgorons ~ 'Vltlnna, has published an acooun~ bf tile p Jpk leat ."iion at tbe same time that It urgeaobe- --- sCientific result of two J·ourn,~. wl.,·"h L_

"o~vo to tbe ClJ~m.ndmeDls of God ~ the wth of Vol XVIII N 51 W 935 ~- .,.. .,.11" .... dlen,' It,oolumns are open totbe adVocaclm0falJ • .- o. . esterly, R. I., Fifth-day, December 18, 1862. Whole No. . ullderwOIt II). 1858 and 1860 :into Greece lera:motory measures whlcb seemlmlikellYd

to prlove } ; and the loman Islands. He devoted liim1letr te dltlon of 80clety, dIlfuse ow e ge, ree Illm entirely to the botany rJt the'c(IUDt~ through lhe conb I"te and enfranchise the enslaved In lis an probab 1 t d k b d f H h· I· h· h"~ .'-". I d' •• ....... lhi ID' r :nd Intelligenoe Departments, care Is tailen I I Y ma e Down y Ivme acts occasIOns 0 ellemc bfe, yet gl VlDg no precedmg narrative, and follows its inter- near "thiS It be " and putting IS IpS w IC ..., plUI ...... , me u mg an ,.11 111.,. II ..... LllerorYSb mOtler adapled to the wants and tastes of The tIme for full and formal legal IDstltutes hlDt of rebglous observances Or we may pretatlOn That the words intrmsically and c1os~ to Mr Peelis ear, he whispered: the fossil FJ.". of Eubala Tbe i.tincti". \0 rutD: s of readers was not at the begmnlDg As we have al· refer, With others, to the 811ence of the Mcessarily slgmfy no more than tbe reVival, "Chalk your bobbms I" • charllOtel'll of the moet remarkable P!I!I every r:ms of SubSCription for the Jb:OOBDJl1I Ilre: ready remarked, however, for our present SCrtptures respectlDg the rite of Clfcumci- or new and more ImpreSSive lDculcatlOn, of Tbat lDdeed was the great secret., Dick specres,p!at he found are delineated by tlii T per year, payable In advance. Subscrlp. purpose It IS not necessary that we should SlOn, from the time of the entrance of the Is- a custom previously kuown IS clear from had been m the habit of furtively chalking system Of nature-printinrt;hich i. a fOol! ,0 t p.ld wlthlll the year, wlll be hable to an ad- be bl t h t f f h b- I h d d at "'", on th 0 Lt H Iloa' no h;rge of fifty cenls Snbecrlbers wisbmg to a e 0 8 ow, as mat er 0 act, teo rae Ites mto Canaau, down to the days of Neh 9 13, 14 "rhou cam est down also his bobblD8, which simple contrivance a e us".. up e c n en. e c 0IIilI

dilional cne their P&pers, mnst pay all arreatages and servance of a primeval Sabbath; or the J eremlah-a shOi ter period, IDdeed, yet all upon mount SlDal, and madest knou,'1I unto effectually prevented the adherence of the the work with an mtereetfajr ch'jiJier ott tilt dIICfn;l~epnbhshertothatejfect Payment8recelved possessIOn by men, before the days of Mo the more strong for our purpose,lDasmuch them thy holy Sabbath" Yet the day, 10 cotton As the bobblDS were white, the question whether, from a pliysieal point of noll Ie acknowledged 10 the paper !O as to Indicate ses, of the facts he pubhshed respecting the as the records are 80 much more extensive the theory of those who quote thIS and klll- chalklDg had escaped detectIOn. view, there is in Greece Wid the eut ,. ca­~;:ldl~~I:~:~Ot~, t!fe!::::cter not mconslstent with creation All that we claim is, that a dec aud mlDute, thus IDcrell-sing, by a double dred passages, ID proof Io0f ItS exclUSIve Mr Peel was a sagacious man, and saw pacity for returning to its ancient pr08pe~i· i' cts of the paper, Will bemserted at the rate of laration hk~ that before us, IDcorporated m ratiO, the probabilities of allUSIOn Indeed, Jewish onglD, had been preVIOusly made through the affall at a glance. He at once ty. By a full comparispn of its .ancient ao­

I~e obJets per lme for the first msertlOn, and three ceuls to the creatIOn narrative, and exhlhitlDg the the case may be put more strongly, If the known patented the mventIon, had" chalking n mao counts ~Ith pr.esent facts, he arnveS at the fivef~~ for escb sllbsequenl IUserlion Legal adver- diVIDe example, IDdlCates to man the dlvme statement IS correct that no account of the The chief dlflicultIes, however, to which chmery contrived, and soon tOQk the lead m conclUSion that heen .~o essentfr.l P~~enl' at the rales fixed by law A fair discount will-tbe lesson that, m the natural and observance of thIS flte occurs from the days Sabbatarlan tenets have given rise, It IS the cottou splDnIDg department This was change In the conditions of the II ~.delothoseadvert18\DgI8rgelyorbytheyear I h h h C LIB t O,~ ,111 1>6 ~uOlcatlOn., orders, and remittances, shonld be mora economy w IC t e reator has estab- of Joshua to those of John the BaptIst A of some consequence to ohserve, have the foundatIOn of hiS princely fortune t country u a vlll'Y senOQ8 ~I' GO~e~ 10 Ihe Pnbbsblllg Agen~, E G CH,I,lIPLIN, lished, there IS a necessIty created and a yet more conclUSive reply IS, that there IS sprong from mlsconceptlOus of the Sabbath IS but rIght to add that he penSIOned off dental change. far as the mere forQ81

Iitee 1 R I provision made, for a Sabbath ' no mentIOn whatsoever m the ante-MosaiC as a religIOUS day The Sabbath of the DICk handsomely , of nature go, there is nothing to hinder Ihe Edltul"'and Pub- The Hebrew word for Sabbath 18 uot hIstory, of any stated occasions ofrehglOus fOllrth commandment has been too much re- Greece, Palestine, and ARia. Minor frotn "'" l"hlUhgO:r~e::'t:!a~o~~~I~~~~O~r~~",~~~~n&ry C~::: fonnd m the texts we have been conSIder worship Dr H refers approvmgly to garded as only a part of a system of Sab- AUTHORS AliD THEm WRITXNGS turning to their old fertility. ft'bai lIeft De!S _ mg, neIther is there any dIrect proof that It Hooker's remark that "ever. nature has baths and m ItS connectIOn WIth the CIvil Mr Sannders the author of "Mosaics," destroyed by man, and could be reetored by ~In Till LAW OJ!' NI:WSP,i,PlII8 was ever on the lips of the patriarchs As taught the heathen, first, that solemDltlesl and ~eremoDiallaw It has also been mter- Bames the foll~wmg Illustrations of the man. The wholesale 1 destrnction oC the I Subscribers who do not give expreea DOtice tolhe they may be saId not to have known the are a palt of the exerCises of religIOn, sec- pr~ted m the hght of RabbmICal and Phari- strlklDg contrast that often exists between woods has ~een th~ 80 ~ cause of Jh\l bar,

~onlrar1, ore conSIdered as wlahlng to contlnne then name of Israel's covenant God, so may they ondl'y, that praIse, hberahtYr and rest, are slUu triialtlOlIs, rather than that of holy h/. . reMe8iI • wltli WblCh~ COUUtil~ AI"ve "bICnpllODI!: "'" be said not to have had the Sabbath It 118 natural elements whereof solemmtles Scnpture It should never be forgotten t e diSPOSItion of authors and the gem!'tal beel! Stl1~ 'llh4l'va ad fire., 1Oiicn:ea

t If ,u~scrIbers order the discontinuance of their does not follow that they had not the pro- consist Does he suppose from the SIlence that our SavIOur's example IS a commentary tone of their prodnctlOns : partly by the horde of IDvaderll, wh,,:~jt p.plt8 publIshers may contlllue to send thelD until a1l mises of Jehovah; nor that they had no of Scnpture, that the patr;archs had not as on the Sabbath of the decalogue Burton, the author of the "Anatomy of the course of centuries, have follOwed e~ ,":,(~"se.~:~ri:~s neglect or refnse to take their pa- stated times of worshIp, nor that, m some clear a knowledge of religIOn as the heath- SuffiCient allowance has doubtless not Melancholy" was extremely facetious in other upon that SOil, partly by the shep~e~li. era frOID the olllce 10 which they are dlreet~d, they form, the sobstance of Moses' narrative of en 7 Does he suppose there were no days of always been made fur the phySICal necessl- company; ~nd the most ascetic poet of our to gam fresh. pastures, have. gradually ae­

:r. beld responSible until they haveJllld what Is due, the creatIOn, and of. the PardlsalC state, may praise hberahty and rest until the Jews ties of men 10 the usc of such a day Much own day Lord Byron was one of the most pIlved the chmate of ItS mOlBturc, ana tbe IDd ordered thm papers dlscontmu not have been 10 theIr possessIOn There IS gathe;ed ruanna :n the Wilderness espeClal- has been saId also contrary to Chnstlan bnlliant' aud humoro~s of assoCIates when ground of its fertility. The instrument by I If s.bsorlbers remove to olher places wltIlout In- " , h· h the b f h •. (ormIng the pnblisher, and Ihe paper Is aent to the one fact which favors an affirmative deCISion Iy when according to the common IOterpre chanty and ChristIan hberty Excesses m- he mmgled With the world W IC arrenness 0 t O8e regions 18 per-

(otmer dIrection, they are held reeponslble of such points We refer to the fact of the tatlOn, ~e are taught that, as early as the eVltably lead to reactIOns Yet the greatest That smgular writer, Robert Burton, 18 pe~uated IS still more inslgmficant than). itl 5 The law declares that any person to whom" po- early knowledge possessed by the worshlp- days of Enos, there began to be the formal danger hes at preseLt m a sundering of said by Anthony Wood to have composed onglOal cause. It IS the goat The ordlnfiP,

,,\llcal 18 senl, Is responsible for payment, If he re- ers of the true God, and by natIOns With observance of SOCIal worshIp 7 gospel from law of ..the new covenant from hIS I, Anatomy" ID orde'r to divert hIS "mel- ry operatlOn~ of nature would, in the cour~e ~:~e~8~besJ>r~:~f: ft~:~~s~rd!r~~ I~vs~:p~e:e ~~: whom they may be supposed to have "ome Further occaslOo for dlscouuectmg the the old, of Cbr;sttaDlty from prIDClples of ancholy" So great was the demand for of hme, restore the woods that have Ileen daly I" such a case IS, not to take the paper from the ID contact, of a septenary dIVISIOn of time Idea of a day of rest from that of the week- rlghteousuess whICh are the pillars of reh- thiS book when first pubhshed that the dl!stroyed, but for the large nnmbetof goa.U' , mee or person to whom the paper Is sent, but, to no- The manner 10 wblCh thiS cycle IS referred Iy cycle, D H finds m the record of the glOn It canuot be too often IDslsted, that bookseller'ls said to have acquI:ed an es- the scanty popnlation maint&IDS Tbt\88 ~(!the publIsher that he does not wish It to, mdlcat}ls that It was m familiar use long glVlOg of ruanna, 10 the SIXteenth chapter ChnstIan hberty IS freedom m law, and has tate by It In the IDtervals of hiS labors, have no pasture ~ hve ou 10 IUmJUel', fOI:

,.-_ before the days of Moses. There IS even a of Exodus Very different conclUSIOns have ItS frUit m holiness and that restrICtIOn IS he was the most facetiOus com paDIou in the the and chma~e dnes It up, and ,the" co!!!Ml' For Ill. Recorder slIght suggestIOn of It m the narrative of been denved flOm thiS narratIve by compe- still a schoolmas~r mdlspensable m the uDiverslty When he felt a depreSSIOn com- quently eat off the shoots of tree~ juet

THE SABBATH the offermgs of Cam and Ahel How far ter:t scholars, and these confllctlDg results spiritual trammg of the race lUg upon him, he used to relIeve his melan. sprmgmg out of the ground But If, by BY GJIl,i:vJ. and how early It spread over the earth IS may well suggest a less confideut statement choly by gOlDg to the foot of the brIdge the operatIOn of any causes, the wood! were

Oh, blessed Sabbath'ilay, mvolved 10 deep obscurity Some have 'as thau our author gives The facts m the LEAF BY LEAF and hstemng to tbe coarse ribaldry of th~ ever to be suffered to grow agaiu, Dr lTD-How SWiftly speed thy happy hours away I serted tbat It was In nse with every natton case are uudlsputed, their slgDlficance IS Lear by leaf the roseS fall, bargemen, whICh seldom faded to throw him ger's view IS that fertility would return, aDd

HoW qlucldy followlDg thy dawn of antlqUltv Others, that It wall restrIcted often determlllcd by preVIously adopted con- Drop by drop the .prmg rnns dry, mto a fit of laughter the old prosperity of the East would he re-~ Come noon, ani! shnd, mgbt-and thou art gone I to the Jews. and to the familIeS from whom cluslOns O~u;:;moe~ebe~lt~~~ i:cf:l!~d die, "The Comforts of H~man LIfe," by R store~aay RevieW

they claimed descent Each of these POSI- The facts upon which Hengstenberg, as But tbe bloom agam, Heron, were written in a prison, under the ' Too 8ho~t thy moments seem, tlOns IS probably equally WIde of the truth quoted and endorsed by our author, rehes m And tbe sprmg will gash anew most dlstressmg circumstances "The MIse- A Otl'BI0t78 STORY

They vamsb hke tbe pageants of a dream. The present oplDlon, WhiCh, accordmg to the attempt to deflve from tbls chapter an ac In the pleasant Apfll ram, lies of Human Life," by Beresford, were, on How many klDds of illsects are Itt eli.t-, Oh are tbere any who can Bay A [P I A And the summer sun and dew hi· ood , ' rago, opn ar stronomy, Eng Trans, count of the orlglDatlon of a weekly day of the contrary, composed m a drawmg room, ence IS a questIOn t at wou d require a If

i When Will be past thiS tiresome Sabbath day' , vol II, p ~22] "has obtamed the tl'reatest rehglOus rest, are 1 The.llsi>D1shmeut of So lD hours of deepest gloom, where the author was surrounded by all the deal of figurIDg. Whence come l11&li,1, va. Tho. preCIous day of rest, uumber of adherents," IS that, beSIdes the the elders at the double portIOn of manna A!~~~ ~:e':r:;:'Dt~~~r b~~~~eEs fall, good thlOgs of thiS world A stllkmg con- rletles IS another question to which no one

or an o.r days tbe<learest and the best, Jews, It was 10 use only among the lftlClCnt gathered on the SIxth day, 2 The dlsobe- Droop like maidens wan and pale, trast Will often b!l\ found to eXist between can pretend to: give an answer Scarce a How highly shonld we prize tby worth, Chmese, ArabIans, Chaldeaus, and 'Egyp dlence of some of the people to the commaud We shall flOO some hope that hes authors and their \\Iorks, melancholy writers species of plant eXIsts Without a distinct va-

We bnsy tOIlers on thiS weary earth I tlaus The questIOn arISes, How IS the ·on· to rest on the day which they had been told Like a sllenl gem apart, belDg usually the most Jocular and hvely In rlety of insects that grow upon It The Were wei deprIVed of thee, gTn of thlR cycle to be explamed? Several was a Sabbath, 3 The absence of any re- H1fden far from care~~yes sOCiety, and humoflsts In theory the most 1dea appears an absurdity, yet it seell\8 at

attempts have been made WIthout reference ference by Moses to an eXlstlOg SabbatICal • n the garden of t~m'art- lugubrIOUS of aDlmald In practice If ammal life waR imparted by light alone, ODe long, drear workmg'ilayour life wonld be, to the tact of whICh we have knowledge ordmance. These consideratIOns It IS clalm- Some sweet home to gltl'dneBB wed, A man of letters IS often a man with two where its germ had no existence A curi·

With neither time for rest nor thonght th h h" r ,ThaI Will spflng afresb and new II f t1i.. I ht! lOug t e luosalC cosmogony The most ed, leave "no doubt" that the Sabbath, not When gflef's wmter sball have fled, natures, one a book nature, the other a hu· ous I ustratlOn 0 IS was recent y shown

Oh shall we ever prize tbee a8 we oug I to M H bb II th II k h ~ po po ar one, at present, IS that whICh Dr. the JeWish Sabbath, but the sacred obser GIVIng peace to ram and dew; man nature These two often c1asb sadly us rue, e we nown apot • Lord of the Sabbath, Thee Hessey, we are surpnsed to see, affirms that vance of the seventh day, was then first In Some sweet hope that breathes of sprmg Homer had such an instinctive aversion eo&l'Y, was experimenting on different color-

For thiS, tby gift we praise, most gratefnlly , he acce¥ts h "wltho~th heSitatIOn" "The stltuted We Will examme them m theIr Bu~~~:~~~~ ~i:~:.~~ry time, to musIc! that It IS reported he could not be ed glass, With a vIew to Jin.dlng the dDt: While we enJoy It:e Implore course 0 t e moon,' e remarks, "and es order In the SPlnt's glo[lous clime prevaIleu npon even to walk along the that would best prevent chemical chaD" ip

Grace 10 adore and love Thee more and more peclally the appearance of the new moon or 1 The plerplexlty of the elders '1'0 ren-, ' banks of a murmurmg brook; yet traditIOn substances contained in the Jars and oo\tletl , > 'Voumema. would suggest a diVISIon, roughly der the argument from thIS fact conclUSIve, '~" cBALK YOUR BOBBINS" also assets that he sung hiS own ballads made from it ThiS was four yeM'" ~O.

PERl'ETUAL OBSERVAN0E\.0F THE SAlt. stated, of twenty eIght days. ThiS, perhaps, It mnst appear th'\t no other explanatlOn of Ev ry one knows that old SIr Robert Peel, Seneca wrote m praIse of poverty, on a He applied the test to African pe~eIW. BA'l'H V'ould be the first and most prevalent dlvl· the perpleXIty clln be given, save that of father 0 the late Prime Mmlster of EngTand, table formed of sohd gold, With mIllIons let These peppers are bright vermillion lB colbr,

The following IS from an artICle In the slOn It certamly was all but a universal enbre Ignorance of a sacred septenary In and grandfather of the present baronet, out at usory With a surface as belWtifnl as coral The,. Amencan TheologiCal Remew, for Apnl, one, for It IS found even where weeks were stltutlOn So far IS thiS from bemg the made hiS money by cotton Spill Ding In the Sterne was a very selfish man; yet, as a are as hot as a dozen AmeIlcan grown,M" 1862 It 18 an argumeut In favot of the Tn- unknown, and where they are stili unknown truth, that the uarratlve Itself supphes an· early part of hiS career hiS Qusmess was wrIter, excelled m pathos and chartty At pers concentrated into OBe. Ite HUiid with 8tltutlOn of the Sabbath m Eden, and Its ,among the abonglDes of the New World" other explauatlOn AstoDlshment and per· not remarkably extensive. but suddenly he one time heatmg hiS WIfe at another wast- them two jars, one of white glas~, the other'

[pp 141, 142] Havmg on the precedIDg- plexlt.r, It should be notll$-I are words a madu tremeJidous start, and'soon distanced mg hIS sympathies over a dead donk~y of blUish green, made to hiS order The pnmeval observance, in reply to Dr Hessey. pages affirmed tbat "It IS only m t~e Ea~t IitiTe hIghly colored ~r e Simple state- all hilt flvals He grew Immensely rich, u Sallust, who so eloquently decla1ms agalDst peppers in t1iii"White jar underwent. cha~ of England, who, m a recent publicatIOn, that anythmg hke a septenary dIviSIOn liS ment The rulers came ~ and told Moses we all know, bnt II e do not all know the the hcentiousness of the age was repeated- and after two years, though the,v6lJllel Wlij( baft taken Opposite ground found to prevali," and that "It IS not true They came m doubt .fHey came for mfor· lucky aCCident to which he was mdebted Iy accused I~he senate of 'pubhc and ha· hermetrically sealed, were filled with minute

The SabbatICal value of the decIMatIOns that It (a septenary dIVISion) was ever gen- matlOn ThiS theyiiight well need Ex· for all hIS enormous wealth bltual debauc rles. worms No ordlDary vermin could exist made m Gen. 2. 2, S-usmg the te~ Sab- elal m the hel\then world," our author, It phclt command had~n gIVen that a pre- In the early days of cotton splDnlDg rna Steele wrot excellently on temperance, among African peppers Opening the jar It. batlcal merely as deSCriptive of a weekly w.dl be notIced, proceeds to prove that the. sOrlhed amount of manna shoold be gather chIDery a great deal of tronble used to be when he was s ber I short time since, there was nothing left but day of hallowed rest-Is not dependent up- diVISIon of twenty eight days was all but ed, and any attempt to preserve It from day caused by filaments of cotton adherlDg to Johnson's essjlys on politeness were ad· odorless powder, utterly void of pnngency, on tbe deCISIOn of the questIOns, whether wltversal ; because found where weeks were! to day had been prohibIted. II And It came the bobblDs or tapes, whICh then formed mlrable, yet his "You he, sir I" and" You composed of the dead and dried worms aud or not the patllarchs kept a Sabbath, or unknown I But lettIDg thIS pass,. wbat does to pass on the Sixth day, they gathered portIOns of looms These filaments accumu don't understand the questIOn, sir I" were the worthless debris of the peppers. The wbether the MosaIC cosmogony was m any the eXlsteuce of the lunar diVISIon without tWICe as much bread, two omers for one lating, soon clogged the wheels aDd other the common characteristICs of hIS colloqUIes contents of the otber jar were as sound Bnd lorm disclosed to mankind before GenesIs the weekly, and that down to the present man, and all the rulels of the con grega- parts of the machlDery aud rendered It ne Young, whose gloomy fancy cast such brIght as on the day when first deposited. was written. The passage bas an mtrlDslC day, show, If not t1iIs, that the two are not tlOn came and told Moses" We may sup- cessary that they shouid be cleared, whIch sombre tmg~n hfe, was ID sOCiety a We were also shown a tin cau of 8ambilW, weight which IS sometimes lost SIght of In necessartly, not even eaSily, connected? pose them to have come either to IDqUlre If mvolved frequent stoppages and much loss brisk, lIvely man, continually pe\tmg hiS a medlClDal root, ID thick slIces, brongHt attendmg to subordmate questIOns. Expe- ThiS IS eVIdent upon other grounds The the people had done wrong, or to know what of tIme hearers With pu~de puns Mrs. Carter, fresh from Slbena. It has arrIved sound, but not lienee show8 that perIodIC seasons of rest present value of a synodIC revolutIOn IS should be done WIth the surplus, or for both The great deslderatulll was to fiud out from the stern, dark grandeur of the" Night belDg Immediately used had become full of and devotIOn are a human necesilty That more than twentY-Dlue days and a half The objects The reply of Moses favors the sup· some plan of preventlllg thIS clogglllg by Thoughts," expressed her amazement at hiS httle purple insects, unlike to anything certnln perIods are too long, and others too time between two new moo~s IS not a num positIOn that they had some knowledge of the cotton, and Sir Robert, or MI Peel as flippancy "Madame," saId he, .. there IS hereabouts to be see~ The g~r!D of 'lieS& sbort, may al80 be determmed by the light ber of days of whICh seven IS a factor The the seventh day rest .. ThiS IS that whIch he was then, spent vast sums ID experiments much dJifereuce between WrltlDg and talk- IDsects must have eXisted when ~t was. dug of nature What IS the hest cycle in the hebdomadal cycle IS not a natural cycle, like the Lord hath said, To morrow IS the rcst of He employed some of the ablest machlmsts 109" up by the RUSSIan eXIles m the high latitude absence of conclUSive natural proo'fs, may that of years, or months, or days; It IS artl· the holy Sabbath unto the Lord bake that In the kIDgdo?,!, among them James Watt, The same poet's favonte theme was the from w~1Ch It came If not, why, not? .Be­weI! be made matter of diVIDe revelation fiClal and arbitrary so far as our mere know- whICh ye Will bake,': &c There IS no record who suggested vaiioos correctIOns, but n~thmgness of worldly thlDgs , hiS favorite thiS as It mr.-y, the fact IS worth !m0wl,n~ ; We chllm that the pa$sage before us afforda ledge of natural laws carnes us "The (lb- of the commumcatlOn to Moses of these spite of all they could do the IUcouveDience pllrsUlt was rank and rIches Had Mrs that greeDlsh blue glass neutralIzeS' tlie perpetual hght lIPOA ~lilS subject; and Ject of the rlatural dWUiIOllS," says the dls- words It 18 pOSSIble the verse IS to be dl- remamed, the cotton would adhere to the Carter noticed thIS mcongru.ity, he might cliemlCal agency of hght, and en?rely pre­smce the ltgbt IS that' of tb8' dlVlne example ~,mgUlshed astronomer before referred to, vlded differently from the mauuer m which bobbms, and the eVIl appeared to be msur- have added, "Madame, there IS much dIffer· vents the emores.cence of chem~cat B~It.iI, and promise 1t has not only 11lummatlug but has been to IDdlCate WIth couveDience and It IS punctuated by our translators Moses mouutable ence between wlltmg didactiC poems, and and the detenoratlon of qnality In anlc\e8 directing po'wer It reveals to men as long preCISIon the dates of events The week then would say, "The fact you state has Of course these delays serIOusly affected hVlng didactic poems kept tn bottles of that color.-PMl. N. .dm. as the present' natural ecouomy l~sts the tndwate8 the regular IlUCceSS'JOn of days of been divmely ordered I was told there the wa~~s of the operatIves who on Satur- Bacon, thfl most comprehensi~e and for- T 1 ffi ' • 1~. path of duty and happmess The fa~t of labor and rest" ThIS IS an estabhshed dls- would be given a double PQrtlOn on the days geiffrBlly came short I~ proportIOn to ward looking of m;on mtellects, aud in rt~E ieE Sf eJlDg now h eX1s~lng. 1n ~e the dlV\ne rest npon the seventh day when- tinction, and we submit that It IS much more SIXth day. The Import of thl~tiuracle I Will the stoppages durmg the prevIOus days It feelIng one of the m st ben~vol t, was no tt 0 f ng

h ~~ amo:go t etprrati"~B l.a ever dIsclosed to mankmd and to ~hatso- philosophIcal to look for the orlgtn of the explam, and the use to be made of the was uotlCed however that one man always meanly and contempt! yamblt! of place; ilia ~r 0 IWd I~ I we now Itt a.:s J

; as ever subordmate uses *Pllloprlated must week in the bne of ItS Idea, even If It con double portIOn of the manna" We prefer, drew hiS fuli pay hiS 'work was always ac and while teachmg orals, e find him e Ilsm\ e al ~ :rethcoiceroe ed b:o't,· eTer rernam one of umversal mteI~st It strams us to fall back upon dlvm~ revelatIOn however, the common IDterpretatlOn Mo comphshed tn f~ct hiS loom never had to takmg bribes Sing e IUS ance'M a h ~ nn:rat ~ i stands m the record of the creatIOn not of It IS eVident that If, tn any form, the fact re- ses, then, IS to be understood to commuDl- stop whIle' every other tn the factory was More, in hIS "UtoPIa," declares that no b e~Ydau near h !Ionc fl.s r e say~ ~ aa Palestme but of the world. not of Jews corded tn Gen 2: 2, S, was commuDlcated cate, as by dIVIne authority, the fact that Idle' Mr Peel was lDformed of thIS ond mau ought to be pumshed for hIS religious be un·tbn ~n: ~use mne ~el'8ons: hWs but of rr:an It speaks not 'of the rest of to manklDd at the beglUl1mg, the hebdoma- the next day was to be kept as a Sabbath knew there must be a secret somewher~ It behef, yet he IS found to be among the ac- ein r d £u thre or 8e~e~ ayB, an w Jehovah, but of Elohlm It announces 'Dot dal cycle recogDlzed ID the subsequent nar ThIS Imphes a preVIOusly unsettled hfe, was Important that It should be dIscovered tlve persecutors of the oppouents of hIS ~~ ~atC;;:eatr ina~:e:. "':';:'n;:"x po~~:: merely the diVIDe cessation from creatmg, ratlve, and also the aeemmgly symholIcal eIther that, as Pbllo was. of opmlOn, the Sab- If posslhle. own. . who had li;ed a ~ oJ 90 cents .~ri' but dlstillgJ1ishes a period, gIves to It a dIS use of the number seven, are facts eaSily bath fellmto desuetude III Egypt; or that It TIie man was watch~d, but all to no pur Rosseau With the same pen we find glVlDg next house were ei ht own r~ons ~ IlUclive character, and sets apart one day aud fully explalDed was observed there as we~1 as Clfcumstances pose, ,filS fellow wOlkmen tned to" pump" versIOns of .the Psalms, and the most IDfa Wife havlD' ust roNuceftwins ~~re'wlI8 fur spoolal duties and the commumcation oC Our an thor, however, urges, "If the sep· allowed, but not WIth entJrer~st But what him, but th"y c.ouldn't; at last Mr Peel mous of epIgrams no food III f~e ho~se, one C the' t IDB had speCIal favors Though such a cycle IS be. tenary diVISIOn IS found out of Scrtp&ure, deClllve, or even probable. eVidence IS th~re Bent for the man mto hIS pnvate office And our melancholy Cowper, who passed died and tbere was ho m~n8 of bur in :lit. sond clear and certam discovery by man as Without the Sabbath, why may 1t not ooour tbat here IS an account of the a.bsolute m He was a rough LancashIre man-un .. ble so many dark days of relIgIOUS depreSSIOn, Ilha' Courth dwellin the 'CIiiYdren Wire ( • the one beRt fitted to hiS complex nature tn S&ripture WIthout It 1" Page, 41. The StitUtlO!, of a day ~f worshIp? N o.t a word to read ~r wnte-httle better mdeed thau a we find devoting the hour .. of mght to the lDg to keep them;~lves alive witli po:t and' doubly related hfe stIli expertence IS pOSSIbIlIty of thIS we concede We Me not IS said III explanatIOn of the meanlDg of a lnere am~al He entered the II presence" r.roductlOn ?f" th~ mJrt~,movlDg story of skins. Arrangementsare hbwever mm competent to Bffirm Its ~isdom and wortli anxtous to show that the orlglDal Idea of Sabbath to the Lord The term seems to pulhng hiS forelock, and shuffiIDg On the John GIIpm Truly, has It been ob- to kee u a stead s ~tem of ch itabl! As really If 110t B8 obVIOusly do mankind tl\e week was always preserved Once m' have explained Itself. New prOVISIons, ground with hIS great, clumsy, wooden served, II that chapter whICh shall have to collectl~ns Pso that r! 8~e weekly tllcome need the Sabbath rest as that ~f night Its stituted, it might contlUue, though the world strICter regulatioDs,. we~e to be enfo~ced. I!hoes. deal WIth all the oddIties and auomalIes of shall be re::eived The LOndon Dail ~New. phYBlcal benefits mo~eover which candid forgot the areator, and lost all care for tlie But tbere IS no eVidence that these were .. DICk," saId Mr Peel, II Ferguson, the hterary lIfe must be long and curIOUS, IDfi- hints tbat the wealthY noblllt of !tnc ..

• mell. umversally' admit al~ Wet secured ba.lIowed rest Dr H IS at palU~ to convey- wholly strange words to the elders-It the overlooker, tells me that your bobbins are !,ltely.varIous ID ItS dlustratlOn~1 and deep shIre bave not done as much .ithey ougbt when It IS most sacredly kept III accordance the ImpreSSIOn that; the extenSIOn, among rest of a holy Sabbath unto the Lord, eat always clean, 13 that so 7" ID ItS lDslght and ItS phIlosophy and says that while the mlll-owners are .m: With Its hi her elids As piety IS condnc- the natIOns, of the hebdomadal I!enod, was that to-day; for to day IS a Sabbath unto "Ee's master, 't be" - very persons .ielect.ed b man for 8 ~·all Ive to mor~ht 80 18 the irUual Sabbath not \!ireat He does not seem to be aware the Lord: to-day ye shall not find It ID the "Well, DICk, how do you manage It; 'rHE TURN OF LIFE. attack some' of themY have "been r I to the ph 81cJ' The be": we become &(), that m so doing, he hmlts the hkehhood of field SIX days ye shall gather It; but on have you any obJection to let me know 1" Between the years of forty and sIxty a month'b mouth to their 0 erat" II SIr-IPg/ qnlmted ~Itli human natuTe, the. more Big- this cycle's havmg had the OrtgID whICh he the seventh d~y, whICh IS a Sabbath, there .. Why, Master PilI, 't ~e a 80a~t 0' sacr~t man who bas properly regulated hImself sums thin the si'ngle 8nbsc~ tio~V!hiefii! nlficant are the words .. the Sabliath was unhesltatiugly accepts; nor that the fidelity shaH be none 100ke, ye see, and If 01 ~Id, t others d may be conSidered m the prtme of hie HIS greatest .. terrItOrial ma ~te8" thiili: • made for man" We c~n accept tbe deciar. With whICh the descendants of Shem ad. 2 The dIsobedience of the people ThiS know's moch as 01," rephed DICk, With a matured strength of constItutIOn renders suffiCient contflbutum In alfd of the dlstr itlon iu GenesIs as meaD1U no less tlian hered to thlS diVISIOn, when other natIOns does not prove that the .mstltutlOn was a cunnIDg grID him almost Impe.rvlOus to the attacks of dis- I ell. that a weekI da of hallo~ed rest enters so eaSily lost It, favors the Idea of Its reh- new one Sabbath-breakmg, we Inust be- II Of, course, DICki I'll give you somethIDg ease, and experience has given soundness ABOUT III years ago, according to the Into the plalfof :relltJon The Idelli;of such gious origin and aSSOCiatIOns The more heve, IS not yet extInct, any more than the If you'll tell me, ~d If you can make all to hiS Judgment HIS mlDd IS resolute, firm, London Times, an English country clergy- i a day IS shadowed fo;th JD: diVine aetli be succeeds In dlmmishmg the eVidence of Sabbath. NotICe, also, that some disobeyed the looms m the factory work as smoothly and equal: all hIS functIOns are in the hIgh· man, WIth a hvely conSCIen.ce, took pot_ which, no matter when revealed, th~mael"t'e~ ItS heathen use, the more dli>sely does he the.exphClt comm~nd,,, I, Let no man leave as yours" est order He assumes mastery over busl· slon of e. city parish, and founll he hlllJ ~ lIle of interest, and liuscepttble of Imk:lt With ItS scrIptural explanatIOn and of It till th~ mornlDg :: Ev'ry one 'n them, Mast~r Pill" ness, bUilds up a competeuce on the founda· splendid church, a noble bpdy of OqiClaie, a UUlVefilaiapphcatlon. character. That a day hO~1 to tbe Lord S. The sl!ence of Moses respectlDg ~IIY Well, what sliall I give you 7 Name tlOn he has formed !n early manhood, and superior orgau, and all the appointmentil of

And what meaning can naturally be: Db, should he lost by those who forgot God al· eXletmg ordlDance Tbe fact may be pomt- your price, DICk, and let me have your se- passes through a pertod of lIfe attended by a grand establishment but lie haa ito con· tallied from theee words .. God blcsl!eil the together IS no mary,,] "A hIghly spiritual ed either way ItJIS at least offset, for our cret" many gratifications Having gone a year gregation Looking ~round hitb lie ~julI ~th day aod'sanctlfied It," In the con' ordmande likt;l tlw tlabbath," }tlr G1ads~olle author's use, by Moses' e'lualiy strlkmg si· Dick grinned, scratched, and shook hIS or two past SiXty, he arrives at a stand-stili wlthlO 8.' stone's throw. of bls o~ cIlureh neCtion Iii which they stand bot thIS' tliti.t has recc\ltllOWell remarked, was one httle lence respect10g the natnre of the remarka- great head, and shuflled for a few mlUntes, Bilt athwart thiS IS a vJaduct, called II The and of each other several more churcbeB~D the diVine example teaches men all to :.vh9lll liJ«>lrto sutvive the rude shocks and neces hIe day he IS said here to IUstitute The while Mr Peel anXIOusly awaIted his reply Turn of LIfe," WhiCh, If crossed In safety, a lIke predicament The reaso~ Wli ~j~PJP.· It' Il revetied, that 80ch a ~y IS one: on ames of earthly life j whJle It could uot, most probahle explanation of both phenom· The cotton lord thought hIS servant would leads to the valley of "Old Age," round !the people had all moved away,' and' bllsi which It may be 'expeoted !&hit. Heaven's like sa~rlfice, derive a sustalIung force from ena-the silence respecting a. preVIOusly- probably ask a hundred pounds or so, whICh whIch the liver wlUds, and then beyond :ness had usurped 'the dwelling.' of men; chOicest favorl will be beew,ed, and grlite:, appear!ng to confer upon the gods an abso- existillg aBcred day; and respecting the 1m- he WQuld most williugly have gIven hIm Without a boat or causeway to affect ltli j15ut the churohes remained. 'niis'.", ful, holy worsblp will acend in return! inte gIft profitable to them, and hkely to port of the words, the rest of a holy Sab· Presently Dick said: passage The brtdge IS, however, construct· fman instead of clOling hit ohurch abd ij~ 'What leu can ~:nnder.tOodr thall:-thatit-i .. dtaw down theIr favor in return" bath-IS that the chaptet gives us an ae- II Well, Master Pill, I'll tell 'ee all about ed of fragt\e materials, and It depends upon Iffim~where pleasantly, on tlle ,alaq. ~ a day incumbent npon mB":' as. 8anctified ~But if Noah and Abraham had a Sabbath, count of the reVival of a. day whICh had it If you'll give me-a quart '0 beer a day how It is trodden whether It bend or break. gurated an effort to have the chnrQ~eB' fg'r' day 7 In wha.t lenBa can God be sBid to i II objected, they, or some of the old-world 80mewhat IostltS proper pOSitIOn, Bnd whIch as long as I'm m the mills; you'll SBve that Gout and apoplexty are also in the Vicinity, low the people' and at last after an jn~! blea tbe day, th't of bleiiing it to t1 thers, wonld have been noticed as keeping WBS to be invested With new guarantees, ten" to waylay the traveler and thrust him from ible amount of labor a fuvoralite :jm~"hi man? or to .anctify It; .ave that of settlDg I We scarcely need remark how unsafe aud entla.nced Importance If we are still Mr Peel rather thought he shonld, and the pass; but let hIm gird up his 1010S and been reiM!hed and the Lonlldll clio'" are It apart forlta.UowM and hOly obBervancesY 18 uch & process of reasonlOg. We may referred to the statement, II See, for that the qUIckly agreed to the terms. prOVide himself WI~ a fitter st&fi', and !he to De midi be lOme 8erVlce. Some of:tbe. linch of the rellgIou. 1U1tnHl\iQDI cO\Dmunir rei ip illustration of ItS 1OconaluslVeneSllj Lord ha~h given you the Sab\lath," the reply II You shall have It, DICk, and half a gal- may trudge in safety With perfect compo. are to\ be consolIdated, and o~ers, to \It ~ted to ~I1e Olilworld fathell' (lI' Dr. Fell'> ~lth1 e em,inenl scliotar and statesman jUst is easy This IS not said to the elders, but Ion every Sunaay into the bargatn" Sore To q.uit metaphor, "The Torn ofLlfir.' moved ~nd rebuUt In other lIectioqi lliUB

&1m haa shawn In: ~worlultiaractelBe4'lb, q:uote to the de8igns upon the shielit bf to:flje people, through Moses, after' the Sin "Well, tben," Bald DiCk, first looking is a tutn either mto a prolonged walk 01 glvin$' their bellefits to three or t9iit '\!io,,:1 IOnnd iearuiJls'and g~~mentJ)'1\'tIII!ill Acll1l\e intended to represent tbntalldib, ot rlhose who transgressed It refers to the cautiously round to see that no one was into the grave The system and powers Band \Dstead of balf a dOien ~1e; I ~

• • •

Page 2: T ~iii~a~~ji~~~~J.; · • , J ..... ___ • • ~h ~ lit t' 1ft tt 3 It tt .. having reached their nttQOIIt dPQeiOJlt .. 1/1 '" '" '" ~ .. "'" .. T begin to eIther u10se in like


t. propensity of tbe individual. And tbis is to the tlme of tbe ProclamatlOn, because most radically opposing controver~18ts- to one-tbirteeifth) may he said to have fallen tinactiy of modern missionaries-forCln

tmmediate end of government As soon the want of a disposition on the part of the entirely agree upon the definition of tbe at tbe hands of tbe enemy. The aggregate were, Christianity on tbem in theirg,;sl as personal choice becomes active, or be· President, as well as generals in the field, words tbey would nse in their discussions, as reported is larger than really eXlsts, Bome homes and temples-have resolved to ~ comes .~volition, and seeks gratificatIOn to enforce It It must be remembered tbnt would not their controversy be elided at having been dischalged and others died, nate a rival miSSionary society fnr ~

·=====:::::::=-#==~~======:I tbat lU 'nfluence would be snbverslve thiS blIl became a law, whlle the Presldent once? whom no officiril notlCe has been received, and defense of Hindo01sm A'fP;;.:~. , Tit ... BIQNS OF TO TDOIS. fr am, tbe State apprehends it Im- was lU doubt as to the necessity of strlking The article referred to III the RECORDER, and they a,re therefore reckoned 1D the nom· beheve the Bcheme 18 lU Its e:~;nt ~nts march on so rapidly, doring mediately and throngh its chosen guardJan, directly at slavelY in Older to suppless the may be, and probably 1S, a very profound ber absent Large as the loss bas been state" yo


tim.Jof excitement, tbat we can scarcely exerts its power to prevent Its gratification rebellion, I know be Signed the blll under and correct metaphysical discussion of this reglment, it is as small as any in the -keep "pace witb them. Hardly have we Satisfifld If the outward life be regular, It a certain explanatory note, which 10 due "What is thc ground of Cbristian faith 1" brigade, and though one·tentb of the present THE Cburch Record says: "The death of grasped an ¥lea, b~lt npon some great oc. exerts ita lDhereni right to restralD and by made it a law of the land, but while But that it;., and his subsequent efforts to are unfit for duty, uo other regiment in the Rev M S. Colbertson, D D, at Shanghae corrence, ere it is swept from us, and we legitimate sanctJonS to prevent the claslilng witb hIS rlgbt band he Signed lt, with his unfold the subject, may be -properly under- dlvis10n would turn out a larger an~ of Rev. S. R. Gayley and bIS yonngest land balf-bewildered by the hurrying flood. of personal wrong deSlre wlth the communi· left he sent along a note to be read 10 the stood, it IS earnestly deSIred that the writer to go on a reconnoissance, and but. few cbIld, at Tungehow, will earry deep sorrow Bot if there be one idea which stands oot ID ty of mterests Tbls is tbe ImmedJate ob- same conrt, which put the question m such may define the metaphysical terms he uses, large I tOb~lanYh hearts This Slid news reaches Us

bold relief in tbe public mind, so clear and Ject of government, but in tbIS lt bas refer· a doubtful aspect as to kIlilts force, and no or refer to the author be follows, that tbe The most tbat occupies our attention here w let e plOofs of the Record are passing distinct indeed, thllt all others group them. ence to an end more ull1mate In all the genel al was instructpd to enforce lt, and definitions may be found and studied Pray IS the completing of the fortlficabons of the through tbe press, in a Shang?ae newspaper aelve8, naturally, around it, it is the idea exercises of tbls restraiDlng, controhng those who-dally vlOlated It, recelved no re- do clearly defiue conscience; tell us whether place, whICh have already been made very of Ang. SOtb. Mr, Gayley dIed of cholera tW slavery is bastening to its doom We , lt holds constantly before it its fioal bllke How extenslvely the slaves became it be an mterchangeable term of convenience, formidable, and an occllslOnal march of from July 26th; his child, of the same dlBeas: iee the workings of tbis opmion among all object, by vutue of which it has received acquainted with saId act, I know Hot, but I or a restricted sClentific term, whether it be twenty to thirty miles m tbe dIrection 5th The death of Dr Culbert8o~ CllS8ell, from the village gathering ~be its rlgbtful powel' to rule-the securing of cORclude only, to a very hmited extent, and a simple or a compound faculty, and If com· the Black Water, the result of whICh is al- must bave occurred near the end of August Senate ch'amber. The very violence of the the public outward good or freedom. This If they bad, undel the Circumstances, it pound, wbat are its constituent elements, ways largely setforth in the New York pa· as we conclude from tbe terms of a warn: friendll of slavery+-for many of its warmest is the object, and ooly so long as this one would have been of 110 particular account; and how many functionR lt has, whethpr it pers The force bere is in fine condition, trihute paid \0 his memory by tbe mlSSlona, friends live among us-betrays their end is kept m view, can It legitimately sway for what eVldence we bave on the point, belongs to tbe intellect, or sensibihty, or and ready to take the field if necessary, or ~es 0: th~ dl erent churches in Shanghhe, Cor its Bafety, It was wilt tbe worshIpers tbe sceptre of its power over vicious mdl' goes to show that they have come just as whetber to both or to nelther. And tell us to defend tbemselves hele lf the enemy see ut t e time and other particnlars of hli of Diana feared the ov~~fi;ow of tbeir idol, vldual acts In thus seekmg the pllblIc trembhngly and cautiously to onr hnes smce when reason IS distmct from mtellect, as fit to attack ns To·day we bave had no death are no therein mentioned We deep­tbat they clamored most londly We can good, lt seeks the higbest posslble elevation its passage liS before The ldea of confis· you seem to use It. Please lise definite drill or fatlgue, and many have observed Iy deplore th r y removal of these breth. tr,llce it in tbe cbange which public opinion of humaDity in l(S ontward mllDifestations catlOD) or conlraband of wal, never was words and not leave liS so in the dark Or Thanksgiving "accordlDg to the custom of ren; and we can only say, 'Thy will ~ bas ondergone. When this war commenced, It seeks tbe bighest ClVlhzation of tbe State calculated to meet thelr notions of freedom, tell us whether you follow Kallt, Cousin, their ancestors" through the kindness of done'" he. !Who waB rash enough to predict, or to on wblCh it is founded, and fOl the promo: and the Clrcomstlluces that surrounded that Stewal t, Brown, Hamilton, HICkock, Upham, friends at home. An article appe~red 11\ the

"!'even express' a bope, tbat it would bave any tlOU of whose higk.est welfare III the out· bIll, were only calculated to cast a shade or whom ONE IN TROUDLE New York Tribune, a few dayd SlUce, in efFect upon slavery, was looked upon as a ward hie It deflve'il!'its power over thelr hearts, as dill k al least, as the which It was remarked that "where an ar· very miscbievous character, an "abolition, True government tblls aIlses flOm color 01 their skID Now we may very nat- .. MIA TON SABBATON" my COlpS had remained for a week Bcarcely ist," perbapB. Bllt abolitionists are 80 plen. people and finds its end of actlOn in the peo- orally suppose, If the PreSident had not To R" Dr Maxson a wall tent could be found that dld not cover tirol now, tbattbey bave ceased to be such pie. It was )llade for man and not man for brought Inmself up to the doctrine of the Can YOIi sallsfy the laws of the Greek ar- a bottle of whiskey" If the writer had frightfol monsters as formerly. It is no it, Thls lS the true ideal of a government, atlOn, nClther would he have en· t!Cle and the sense by any other translatIOn been here, I am confident he could have longer beresy to say tbat slilvery is a siu the natural development of society govern. forced the plOvislOns of the ConfiscatlOli of the above and simllar phrases, tban firat found a dozen that dld not, howevel gener· againat G04 an.d man, or to bo~e that it will iog itself for the sake of the whole This BIll, alld under such a state of things there day? If 80, how? Please lay all the cases ally true his assertion may be RehgouB come out of tbls war sborn of Its strengtb, is tbe course of nature and when this IS fol. would have been but lIttle ml,)re bope of side by side and try them mterest seems at a low ebb, Rnd no regular or even to wish thllt it may be utterly swept lowed we have free l~stitutlOns' when op' liberating the slaves than there was of Is not the above phrase a hteral Greek religious exerCIses ale held ill the regiment awa! by it, Me~ who, two ye~rs a!l'0' were posed: tyranny Thus goverum:nt confers croshlDg the rebelhon, WIth McClellan to translatIOn of the later Hebrew name fOl Tbe attendance at the chUl' hes in town, on horn6ed ~t tbe Idea of emanCJp~t~on, now no rlghts, but lS only designed to protect lead the almies. But now comes 111 the Sunday 1 DId not all the early translators SundaYN, is unusually large, bllt mostly advocate It all the surcst aDd speediest way men ID tbeir natural rights It cannot cou. ProclamatlOn, and With It the enfOi cement of and fathers understand it to be the name of soldiers The people are strongly in sYllIpa· to rid ourselJes, of this war. Many w~o fer that whIch It does not possess; It may the Confiscation Act, aud the whole face of the first day of the week? KRITIKOS thy wlth the enemy, though l:"enerally very hav~ a1\ theIr lives been bou~d: as wltb not curtaIl without an usurpatIOn of that tbe q uestlOn becomes changed And 8lUce respectful to oor men Cuntrabands contl1l-cbams" by party r?les .a~d opl1lJOns" no~ wbicb does not belong to it All are to be has followed the removal 'of McClellan, and ARMY OORRESPONDENCE ually flock wlthin our Imes Bnd are ready to lpeak out boldly thelr oplDlons of tbe 11IStl- protected in the enjoyment of tbmr rights the place filled by the hltherto gallant Burn· 85TH REGIMENT N Y S V,! aid UR in any way possible Freedom Icems tution they ahvays disliked, but never dared When onc assumes that whlCh IS not hls Side, wbo, III hiS present pOSItion aheady , Camp Suffolk, Va, Nov 27,1862 f to be thelr great goal, and wben a~8ured of

d M · t b .. I To the Editor of the Recorder • con emn, I1IIS ers w 0, were l?I'mer y .s~· own, he necessarlly defrauds auother. Here gives the. best of evidences that he 18 cound, , that, they are 1I1d1.ft'erent of aught else ex· lent upon the one en~roBsl~g tOpIC of pohtl' government, or the appointed agent of so. at au ea1;ly day, to grapple With the great Dear Btr,-As thiS reglmeut has been, If cept the necessitles of hfe, which to them cal CIrcles, lest theIr plalDnesB of speecb mety (which is but a fllmllv on a large levlalhan What the futureVmay leveo.l m IS not now, as ~ar~eIY composed of Sab· ale vety few The question of our duty to shoold offend some weak brotber, now" re- scale') steps In to prevent tl~e con summa· thiS connectIOn, IS, of course, uncertain, f a: any m ~ e serVlCe, alJd as many tbls unfortunate cla~s is b,commg dady more member tbose in bonds as bound with them," tion ~f the fraud but I only hope that thlS time, the rlght man 0 Its mem ers are nown to your readers, and mor~ p1omentous aud demsnds our seri-as we are all commanded to do Newspa- I is 111 tbe nght place perhaps a few facts concermng It may not tt ~!o Th t H r

h' h h f We shon d expect that buman govelD' be wholly IImnterestmg It was raised °thUS a eln 01 nb' l a] 'f·atvhen may mdl blgate perl w IC , ereto ore, have utterly ignored ment, the outgrowth of man's neceSSIties, as Now let liS see wil('ther the ProclamatIOn d h f 11 f f b e mea c~ a e eVI SOlS war an rmg the existence of this giant evil, are now it is, should reCe1ve the sanctlOn of God's lS to have any effect "outslde the lImIts urmg tea", 0 1861, ro~·t e south west· it to a1eedY and Just end shoold be the forced, by the strong current' of public ern countws of New York, hy authority of f t If' th I d

d ., , b ld I approvalm a revelation made to man after where the govel oment pos_esses power ttt en· a commiSSIOn Issued to Col U. L DaVIS, erven ra):er 0 every person m P e an :ve~~~ an O?lDl';S; mto a 0 avowa of thesd neceSSities existed ThiS expectatIOn force It'' "And wbether it Will add any Dew Allegany connty. It was or!l'amzed at EI. r , R[VATE

" oatl Ity to It e ore tbe commencement is reahzed God fully recognl'zcs the neces. fit' to tb I bl ~ f th· I tIt d b Id power (I ocomo lOn e save, \0 ena e mira, and left for Washil1gton Dec 3d, ar· BELIGIOUB AND MISSIOlll'ARY ITEMS. o lS war, s avery was 0 era e , up e , sily and the mstitutions that are based upon I t ndfi th til I f , deed b th f N tb b t 't II Jim 0 escape, a • me WI IU e lUe~ 0 rivlUg the 5th Here, with thousands of THE French Romi8h church continnes to In I '. Y e ree or , u I never WI it He shows tbat it is a part of the work· OUI arnnes" Tbm iOU there IS no latent h k d ~ be IIgalU. Tbose who sbare the blood that mgs of hiS will that human governments pOWl'1 IU the ROlli of the slave? ThlDk you ot ers, Its m~m~rs spent the wintel prepar· :a e esperate e o~: t~ ~alDtam lt~ tot· haa been poured on so many battle fields should eXIst and that man sbould yield tbat the chlef ruler of 1b1s natIOn is te ;nr,g f~r ~ ~ sp ~n ld campalgn," at a cost rm; sllremacy k e IS ~s ID t?C1r re­will tJever be the willing dupes aud servants them respect' and snbmissIOn Thus Chns. stand up IU the maiesty of hIs "'osition, and Ie, ea t an tteasUle, to wblcb the habll- spedc hIve. IOceses'b e~p np t e eXCItement,

., Ab I " '" Iments of mourning in thousands of famlhes an t e Ignorant, ut ImpreSSible peasantry, 0., '. ,e ., ave po.wer IIgam tians were directed to remal'n "sub,iect to t tb d f I d ",," 1 It i ttu t 11 h T . J say 0 e oppresse 0 our an, ",ome unto the tens of thousands of brokell constitu are urged to regard the pope as tbe corner·

I 1118 C Ive, a8 we as umllatmg, to tbe higher powers" altbougb tbey were me, all ye (hat labor and ar~, -il'eavy'laden, tions, and tbe disordered finances of an al. stone of bnman society-as, in fact and reo oor ,pride, to consider our position., The gllu pnwers Tb: Romau govemment was and I wlll give Y01I rest,' a.;"l'd t'-- '0':'/ be I't G d th d :~ftA I b b b T n, 'oa~, '.. most bankrupt nation bear melancholy WIt- a I y, a 0 upon ear esp~ .. save, aR ecome a power ,m t e more than this-it'\\- as tyrannical, still was no moving on the mass of water8 P """-ink I d U h ~ te b th d t . LU ness. Here their faithful cbaplain, Rev D all, ,poo IS a angs e es my announced tbe general princlple of 8ubmls- you the judge shaIJ say, Come, ye part and I d

tbe natton, nay, of the world j for let slave· slOn Humau autbo1;lty thlls becomes dl' parcel of the creation of the great God, who E Maxson, abo red, exten ing the band of ry, triuinph here, let the son of set vine, not only, but patriotIsm becomes a reo sympathy and rehef to the sorrowing ~d

1m d b Id tb 11 your lives long have been oppressed, bent, needy, breakmg the bread of hre to the wil· In oor 8A,)', an were cou e ml 10nB hgious duty and love of country the out· mangled, torn, bruised, butchered and li:lll· b' d b tb th' b d I k ~ I' ht 7 0 ' hng, and With IS wonte ent USlasm de-

e ear .8 on men 00, .lor Ig ur growth of love to God and man The sub· ed, and deprived of all the God·given rJO'bts freed ti t db'" feodmg and upbolding the cause of " buman , om, Imper ec as It lS, an m. e stance of the divine teachings npon thiS of mortals here below, conle, lUherit the b b 'd d d d h I I b tb I 1: hberty" by ot wor an ee ,and endearing

w I e a B a'Ve rea es on our SOl, IS, ar point seems to be this-respect to constitut· biesslllgs of liberty and freedom" prepared

REV W S Phillips, misslOnary among the contrabands at Samt Helena, South Carolina, reports the baptlsm of eighty-one of that clsss at one time lately ut that place

THE llews of the Ohurches says: II For seven 01' eight years past several American ti t tll tb t f b hImself to the men, as the manner in whlCh

more per ec an a 0 any ot er natIon ed authonty as sucb is due from man be- for you before the foundation of the world," .. d d h It has been tr""uly sald tbat I'f we would ' h, is name IS. mentlOne an. t e IUt.erest man· misslOnaries have bee~bOring in the

, -, , cause tbat authoflty aflses from the neces· and th II b ttl" th t II " oc ety --e must b t tb b tt Cle Wl e 110 ra mg 10 a va ey jfcsted 10 hiS welfare plamly testlfies cause of tbe gospel a airrn, Alexandfla, re49rm I I w egm a e 0 om. sities of man and is tbus "ordained of God" of bones? I cale not for the armies of Jeff. Tbitl we have not done, and see the conse- This is the general principle; tbe extent of dom, any mOle than Damel cared for the Wheo tbe grand army of the Potomac and otber places in tbis ancient land of cui, ,.,ue~ce. The suppressed throes of the slave its application and obligation will be seen ghttering sword and apearof Goliath God went. to the ~,en'insula, ibi~ reglmen.t was I ture and now tbeir work beglDs to be crown-

hi obaflill Have sbak t t- ! With It, and tne report§ of lts condItIon at led wlth a rich reward Their school in Cairo JU, s ". en our supers ruc from itsrvery foundation Its limitations at has set bounds to the opP'ression of tbis db' ure Of glory to Its center. Tbe. beautIful once appear The general direction I'S "be 1 d thiS an ot er tImes, may serve to show is attended by about two /lDndred and that

an , and the dellve1 ance of the oppressed wbat proportlOn of its loss has been sus· AI d' b h d d' d fif tempie, one of wbose pIllars IS marked subject" and that word is the same one that [8 near at hand, .Iud nenter tbe powers of tained at the hands of the enemy and may I m h I enn ;~a y one un re han fi ty "slavery," is marred and tottering, But is used'to denote the subordinatlon of the earth or hell or b th b d th t 'I sc 0 ars ere ale now more t an feen

, 0 com IDe , can war exhiblt some of the resllits of slow strategv ttl t II C ~ . tbere i. hope for the tree, even if it be cut soldier to his officer Tbe word is a strong the reat d d f th Al • '1 na lve agen s, a mos a opts, operatlOg II' an gran purposes 0 e - The leport of December 1 sbows 795 present I th tb Th f hid down, that it will spring again. Our coun' one The evils of constant insurrectIons mighty through the ProclamatIOn of Abra. 25 SICk 88110 aggregate wlth no presen~ I hWl em. th e govt~rnmentl 0 t eb a.n try iB young and her heart pulses with vig- Id b I I h L I "as given e~r sanc IOU aUl appro 3t1On wou e so great, that it wou d ordman y am lOCO n. Do YOIl doubt tbe dlSpusltlOn for dllty In eleven days tbe nnmber Sick t th ffi t tb .. orous1life. When she cleanses her skirts be better to " endure the Ills we bave than tI t II fbi . , 0 e e or s 0 ese mlSSlOnarled an ex· or Ie m e Igence 0 t e s ave to "lay rose from 25 to 101 wltb a dally average of I h b h b r II d b' from the stain of slavery, tben will sbe flv to those we know not of." G. down the shovel and the hoe" when the 6' A '16 . t ft I d h amp e w lC mlg t e to owe y many

DOES tbe Editor of tbe RIl.CORDER jUstify the J obu Brown rald at Harper's Ferry, as

!Dferred from some of the 1lleces _ •• '.1:"1,".1 in that paper? See one plece III

issue of October 2d, 1862, first o&e n~der "Summary of News!' J F. RANDOLPH

NEW Mu.roN, Va, Nov. 19, 1862.

The following is, we suppose, the Item re. ferred to in the above:

The deatb of J;;bn Brown hos furnished tbe army of the United States with its most popular Bongs, and now a medal is struck to commemorate his exploits and lii's tragi' cal end. The following description or4\iem is given: "On one side is the likeness or John BrowI\ surronnded by mneteen shlDlng stars, which represent the nineteen free States Under hIm are fifteen dIm stars which represent the fifteen slave Stat~ wltb the well·known John Brown sentlment 'Slavery lS the sum of all vlllaimes,' nnd 'John Brown marchmg on' On the other side 18 a representat10n of his execullOn WIth tbe sentiment of Patrick Henry, ' G1V~ me hberty or gIve me deatb,' and also the senl1ment of ThomBs Jefferson, 'ResIstance to tyranny is obedience to God,' wlth the qa'te of John Brown's execution"

On readmg tbe above Item again, we 1 were surpflsed to notice how elltlr~ly free from any expression of approval or proval it is We could hardly believe a paragraph of that length, With Brown'd name ln 11, could havl' been written without an expression of seul1ruent one way or the other j but we find It to be a bale statement of two incontrovervble facts­tbat "tbe death of John BrowJl'has fornlsh . ed tbe army of tbe Unite~.~ateif WIth most popular songs," whwb fact 110 one will think of disputing; and that "a me~1 bas been struck to com!l)emorate ht; expl~itB and his tragical end," wiih simply a dC8chp' tIon of it, Thougb we have never Been tho medal, we bavn't the slightest doobt that there is sucb an one in existence, hec.use we ~ no reason to doobt 80 Simple and straigbtforward a statemeut of a seeming fact As to the simple question of whether we jusbfy the Jobn Browll rald, we have no objections to saying, tbat while we plesume bis zeal carried -bim beyond tbe bounds DC

discretion, we doubt not It was one of tbose cases tbat God has used to inangurate a contest tbat sball eventuate in the abohtIOn of American slavery, At the same limp, we think that the paragl aph migbt vpry pel' tinently bave gone on to say that there II now, as there was at the time of his jUdICial murder, a power in the Simple name of John Brown more potent than 10 the hosts of the federal ~rmies under the cnml1ll11 mlsman· agement of tbeIr present leaders

IItaud forth the true apostle of liberty·, and ' '" PrJ, JUs a er an 109 00 t e pen, a ChTlStHID governDient Last year when a • trumpet blast shall be blow.n 7 Do you' I th 150 t 811 '

hangbty Entope, and caste·bound Asia, aye, d b h ' , msu a, ere were preseu, m ag member of the mIssion was insulted the '~PEAL FOB m~E FRE~DJ[EN. TO .. I, D," 011 t t e darmg and the courage of the t 78 k d 615 ~ d t Th ' ~ "'...-

and eV-lln benigbted .AJrica, will feel the I . grega e, SIC, an or u y us vlceroy gave orders that the violator of tbis By a Oommtttee annomted at the A"",ual Dear Blr,-Asl happen to be on earth, I 8 ave to lun the risk of hfe where lIberty lS It wlll be seen that the aggregate bad de·lf d f I Id biTt:'

glory of ~er uprising, And when we can will accept your invitation to reason on the at stake, With all creatlOn un IllS Side, ex. creased 10 from deaths aud discharges ree Ohm ,,0 cSohnscllenche S IOfu he sevele y Meetmg of the Amerwan MUlstOnarg A«-point triumphl/oQUy to our freed milhons, ' pums eu ort y t erea ter e presented sociation, October 16th, 1862

subject of your propositIOn as given in tbe cept a few slave holders and overseers? If tbougb not a rebel bad been seen by them to th .. b Id . . Th r 11' I b b t b how long win tbe people of tbe old world h' . ' e miSSion a government UI 109 In Calro e 10 oWlDg appea as een 8eo us 'S b "ld' h' ? RECORDER Q.Mlovember 21. Bat first to your snc are yOUl doubts, r 11\\'lte your Imagl· exc~pt lD the b~lls of Congress or the streets d h' I tid h d h 11' tbe committee, with a reqnest that we would

, e "e In c aIDs ( questIOn, "When is the Proc.llamation of nabon up hlg her "J.!~ ~ d f h an e Das II e y lssue t e or er t at a Ah I wben we consider tbe great issues ~ OI WashlDgt~~ an 0 t e lemalUlDg 817 Prutestant misslOnaries, as well as all the give it a place in ollr columns

EmanCipation to take effect 1" I answer, There lS no £ c th If!!I St t th ~ th t I bl f involved in tbis contest, we can rise above or e now III e re a es more an on IX were no aval a e or deaconesses stationed 10 Alexandria, shall In the providence of God, tenR of thOUi all Well, k repioinga and regrets; for "thoogb all the way from tbe time of Its promulga. outSIde thelr arm1eS, WIth half the power of duty. The reports for May S, 4, and 5, I always bave free passage along the railwa ands of free slaves are now waiting, 10 va odt ~dli8 baptizel in blood and tears, yet tion, to the day, and tbe hour, and tbe min· bone and muscle of the Riaves, IDd "hould show res~ectJvely, !50, 160, and 167 as the I from Calro to Suez by slmply presenti/ rious parts of the Soutb, for tne priVileges

, ute, when tbere shall be neIther slave·bolder a force leave the almy, snffille. nt to compel number slCk j and 10 all reports of the num· thelr credentials from thel'r respectl've con~ wbicb freedom confers, and ,",very has de hi¥-' j li,bt Bhllll break fortb as tbe morning, nor slave in America's land I claim no th Itt h b db' k b be d h I nied them. The number ill" constantly m "od * health Bhl.lI spring forth speedily!' e saves 0 co~ mue ID t elr on age, it er SlC It must e remem r~ t at on Y I snls This is an eVldence bow thoron bl creasing, and within a few months, or weeks,

p _. s, lively imagination above my fellows, yet I :would so mateTlally weakeu and dlsorgan, tho,e exclI~ed from duty are lDcluded, and 1 the viceroy means what he said, ben la~1 y it is probable that bnndreds of tbonsands ~ .... :.. Ii ' do cillim it is fair to presume upon some lze It, as tu expose lt to capture and utter not all ta~lDg medlClDe and. actually unwell I in London he assured, in th:l~Zt graci01;: will be looking to ns for aid. And what

,TBII BlID OJ' GOVlilBNMEli'l', questIOns, and such plesumption is made defeat, all of whlCh would come of the Pro· Yet, notblDg daunted by thmned ranks and I manner the deputations of ti?e'E~ r I class of people ever presented a better Society is the natural development of bu- weak or strong III proportion to tbe weak· clamation If III additIOn there shoul~ come long. delays, with patriotism s.till alive in Allianc~, which then waited upe onT~~!e,1 tChaat claim to charity, Indeed it bardly deserves

\ mMl1u , No persoll' in it can possess an ness or strengtb of tbe argument bronght I t th h t tli S tb th h h b d the name of charity, to supply their wants J~{J'~ s a~e IDsnrrec lOns roug ou e ou, elr earts, t ey went" marc Illg on," au all tbe subjects and straugers in his land Tbey only ask a little interest on a long ,

isomeG existence witb independence of in· to bear upon lt YOII say, "I have not told add 109 untold terr<lr, desolat1On, suft'erlDg the fig ores of Ma.y 25, the last report previ. Id' t . d tl . bl standing debt. We have all reaped tbe te~tii. but the ~el1·being of each is inter· wbether these scenes are to be enacted by and deatli, I accept It all, as forming a part oos to the fatal day of Seven Pmes shows :woo fe;Jo~ unre~ ra;ne. Ie preCJo~8 ess· fruits of their unpaid toil. WQY!!D with the Illterit of all. The vuli· human or dIVIne agencIes" Let me then of the long train of evils tbat mnst follow 50 present SICk and 170 absent sick while Irngsdo refe om 0 re IglOUdS professlOn and Their first wants are physica\. of . f 'd' 'd It' t' b t II t b b th I b t· b . ' ree om 0 conSCIence, au that he would h h d d '11 tiem 0 an In IV!. ua go g OU In ac Ion ne- ere say, I WI no e y eI er, a one, u III t e 'Wake of war, and tbrough whlcli we 496 were reaJy to meet the enemy and do I I t II II d' d t em ave escape ,an WI .e:~~:-eua 'I- tli tI tb Tb' fl b b th b d G d k8 b th d I flgorous y snppor a we· !Tecte then bondage in Ii very destitute

c n, • ec 0 ers e III oences yocom IDe. 0 wor y e use must pass to re eem tblS and from tile foul or die for their ca. use and eountry The I for tbe mental elevation of his people. The They need .clothes, and bedding, BDd 60me

oor dee '"'a are motual so that each possessel of means, to accomplish great purposes. hand of sla Tb f t f th fI t d th bib u , . very ese are some ,0 my even so at con lC , an. e part orne missionaries, whIle directing their atteution sbelter from the storm. This want wII e a!\jn~qllt ill each, .Thus in tbe natural The race of people to ~hom the Proclama- nptlOns of the ,~ffect of the Proc~matlOn by the 85t~eeds ~o mentIOn here, for.Jhey tn all tbe inhabltaots of the lanA devote temporary j they will Boon be able to BOP-

ProQ!lllS of development we find 80ciety-a tion of Emancipation apperto.lDs, IS one you have otber and better ones, band tbem too sacrei!Ty guarded m tbe memorJe~ of tbemselves WIth spec'lll t tb C ts ply themselves. Bot for a few months they community of men natorally united by like God's own creation, and he alone is respon· d WD b t 't t b ~ tte Tb 65 1 care 0 e op , most Ilave belp o ,or up, as may es SUI your can ve- 0 e lorgo n ere were who are a yet numerous re t f th Tb d ft-' • • F f h ao d.i..irel and common intereHts. The good slble for tMt creatlOu, and whde.the oblect A I' . h '11 d d d d h d 10 f b mnan 0 e an- ey nee ""ucatlon. ew 0 t em c

- J mence p easmg ~ens~tlOn was t at pro- kl e a? woun ~ on t at ay, 0 w. om cient Chri8tian Chorch of Eloypt. Last au- read, and 8till fewer can write They need the Whole becomes tbe vital interest of each. of that creation may, with Borne, be an open duced by the sool ammatmg response to the were kllled outnght and three have slUce.umu one of the A ,6 " , day scbools and evening Bchool. for chIldren

'R • tb ,. d' f . t r t t II d' d th 'd th t h P ., '" meflean mIssIonarIes ~ut SlDee e 'l!ICIOnS eSlre 0 one gomg ques lOn, 0 a y Iscar e I ea a t ey re~ldent's call for volun~eers, "We whIle seven bavp been dlscbarged on VISited the Copts liviD in U er E t. and adu!ts Every f~mJly ~bou!d at once qt iDfO actiou may conflict with the legiti- were created for the purpose of being for· commg, Father Abrabam, SIX bundred tbou· account of wounds, ;hich, wltb one mortal- His stock of some . ht gth p~ N g~p be supphed With the BIble, Bn~ tbe mBSS of mate ioterests of aU, society in its 1\atnral ever enslaved under liucb a system as they sand "d fIt I Id I 'w d d th d . h eIg oosan ewes- tbem sbould be taugbt to read It.

" more, an I were a poe won y oun e e ay prevIOUS, IS t e sum taments whi( h be took wltb bim was all They need tbe preachl'ng of tbe Gospel develonment as a unify, at once proceeds to have been subjected to, since the formation say ttl f th It f b ttl ~ h fi

I " 0 a 0 e. casua les 0 a e lor t erst speedily bougbt up, aud so esger were the many of,their own number are exhorters govern J itself, Government may thos be of oor government That they were created, ~~~fo:ro~0:h!" Bl~~~e~ stilt, year's servIce The next report after tbe people to obtain copies that he could bave Bnd preacbers j but need preachen who can Aiel to be the agent of society, or ratber and hllve thus long suffered, as a means Five times six hundred tliousaod wdl battle is for June SO, (the books baving sold doaille tjlet number Every h b "expoond unto them thil WBy of God more itl! Datural working in securiog Its own through which tbls nation is to be brongbt Accept the promise gave. E. R. o. been sent to the rear for fear of 108s,) sbows was received in the most 'friendly :a~:er ~ peTrtihectly·eed" '; . .. them'

~t beneflt. Therefore it becomes tbe low in the valley of humlhatlOn, sorrow, '7' tb ttl t J I 8 b ' ey n aSBIBtanoe lD orgaOlzlDg .. .... as e 0 a presen., 0, y ,w. en and wbenever he began to preach the Gos- selves into schoole, Sabbath Schools, COD , or goveroment to effect and secure and tlUffering, and fiually to its crowmg TO P falrly establisbed at Hamson s LandlDg, pel, large crowds gatbered aroond him. gregations and cborcbes. ADd tbey need

.·~helt welfare of the Slate, of which poiut in greatness, I wlll not here assert or Metaphysics-" a dispote between two the total present was 413. The regiment Crowds of men even followed him from vii. intelligel!t friend~ and c~uD8el!0.n, to.g!~ W •• t .. o~owth. This is its ult,mate end, deny. The slaves of our own land, wbo I persons, in wbich not ouly neither one under- was next stationed at Newport News, wbere lage to VIllage so anxious were th t b th~~ agalDBt the IDIUIls, lmPOl~tlOu8,~mbile

1 Bat tbil must necessarily refer to an out- claim are to be affected by tbe ProclamatIOn, stands tbe other, but neither one understands it remained for a few weeks, and was orde~- once more the' gopd news. But th!t 0 ear ahtlel! IInda.~:~~~:~~ea ~f;:V: ~h:t tile w.arl welfare, Iti aiiD cannot be to seek have eltber been created wltb some well·de· the terms he himself useIl." ed bere the fore part of October, where It awakelled the greatest thankfulness and lin improvident. race, uofit to ~l~g~eat moral worth of tbe indi~dual. fined,notions of fr~edom, or else tbey have This Scotch definitiou has been suggested has since remained Tbe report of October hope was the c!Fcnmstance that among bis cate oUbemlelves. t d Np.~all govellJJllent CIlA make tblB acqUIred such notIOns. The sequel of the by readmg tbe leading article in the RECOR- II, shows 48S present, 53 sick, and 134 ab hear;rs were s~veral priests who showed every tlJousand of trese eman~feB :1' qlijictl f in can litftr ian cogQizanee of the war thul! far, sbows that their hopes and ex· DER of November 27, .over tbe interrogI\tion sent. The average number sick for tbe tbe gleatest eagerness to le~rn from tber; 1tru~d ~ ~t east :ep~eacb to .,Jiit.h'W! f Ita ~llmn is too dim to penetrate pectations have been, and still are, that mark May it not ~t:. ..safely assumed as a past week" IS 57 The report of to day that, they migbt be able to preach to to te~cb 0 tom::~::!., and coullBel

t\8tiiDCtU'al'1. of the inner man. Its arm liverance is to come in consequence of fact, that a larg6,majority of all the biblical sbows 680 in aggregate, 535 present, 55 flocks the trotbs they tbemselves bad j and be ~hould be assi8te.d. by se'fd .~,;i~j':'~werleu to control.the preference rebellion. and tbeological controversies and disputes present 8'lCM and 99 absent sick Recruits been taugbt ral subord!nate teaciJers. If a mJlhO\l s~ou a of:~rt. Bnt whell the lIlward prefer- And now for tbe advantages of the Pro- in Christendom arise from a mISUse, or an bave been received from time to time, iu all be emanCipated fflt~llr ~ leYd ~°l!s~des aoel\iada to that clamation over the Confiscation Bdl of July ambiguous use of terms, or from a mison. 75, which added to the aggregate on 'first AN East India paper says: " ~ousan~ ~~a%~ ;1 hou e:e:c:~I.bouaeB' .'itIie general 17. It may bere be said with propriety, derstanding or misinterpretation of words, report makes 962, while the aggregate of from an esteemed corre$pol'l'dent b~k~~~lllfIurche:, 'Ve; {Dferior aceoIll' ~'itii pGlVer to that the Confiscation Act was a' nullity-a. from a difference in the IInderstanding to-day is 680, showing a 108s of two hundred th~t BOml) of the wealthy l!IOiationa will Batisfy. them at, first, but III "y;ilie dead letter, from the time of its passage np and use of words? Indeed, were even the eighty,two, only 21 of whom (less than city, piqued' at tlie bold 1I0me shapetbelJe'1llUlt be proVIded for,

• , / ' 0._

..., .. ...................... ------------~------~----------------~--~----~~--~~~~.-~/

Rooms of BOClatlOn, 61

New York,

Page 3: T ~iii~a~~ji~~~~J.; · • , J ..... ___ • • ~h ~ lit t' 1ft tt 3 It tt .. having reached their nttQOIIt dPQeiOJlt .. 1/1 '" '" '" ~ .. "'" .. T begin to eIther u10se in like

..-~ wants should be met at once N ev Tb~n Will they welcome so heartily ap

cr agate 80 gratefully alld Improve so sat­P eC I Iy tbese advantages as on their first sfac ~I frOID the house of! ondage Such an e6cai ng pronJ1SlDg field has rarely If ever oV open to tlJe Christian world No time ~cenld be lost already our work lags be Ibo~ the demand Tbe miSSionarieS aud b n te9cher~ Will ue found when the callIS tb:de If they can be susta1lled and to sup ~ t a thousand miSSIOnarieS and the reqUi pO: I umber of teachers wIll cost less thaD' a I e Ie regiment of cavalry ShaUll be saId l:a~ II e good people of the Umted States

ut do so m nch 111 thiS Important work \~out dlllllUlshmg their contributIOns to 'ther roporta nt obJects? We dare not ask for leB~ To Bay nothmg of our obligatIOns

II cs oppressed people we owe It to our 1~I,eB and to our country If the PreSident's i roc\alllati u IS to be carried out to see to PI tbl It does not work disastrously or fall f Is leg t mate frllIts for want of effiCIent

:o-operat Oft n the part of the cbrlstlan

coniIlUlII) Tn un lerslgned are a comlll ttee appomt

ed at the last annual meeting of the Amen Cln 1.1 sslD ary ASSOCIatIOn to pubhsh tillS


derson gave nobce of a bill to atd emanCi Resolute The firing lasted an hour and a It M A b II Iii d b If d h SPECIAL NOTICES SAUNDERs-In Pardee AtchiBon Co Kansas, March pRO S P T S FOR 1 8 6 3 pion 10 IBsonn I W\lS 0 ere to a an was very eavy and rapid Eleven _ 30 1861 Sophrona Wlfe of Lymau Sannders In the E C U

amend tbe Temtorlal Law of Utah The ~fu;e\ w~re struck and four completely rid THE next Quarterly Meeting of the Assoc ated Sev 2~th year of her age bIll relative to the appointments In the navy e t e est 10 tbe village A uotice was enth da B t t C SAUJ.'J)ERs-At Fort Scott on the 22d of October

f t t y ap 18 hurches of Berlm Dakota and Co- C I LSd d 1 C d given 0 an m en IOn to shell After the I orpora yman Bun ers age 3 years,of ompany

was 10 efimtely postponed A message was bombardment the gunboats dlOpped down oma w n be held Wlth the Church m Berlm WI' F 13th Kansas RegIment The deceased was a man Tbe Publishers of THE POST take plet\lllre In an received from the President 10 answer to the the nver some miles The people of the commencmg the evenmg before the first Sabbath in held In high esteem by hlB fnends and acquamtances nounClng that thelllltetary arrangements for the com


t I k b January next bemg tbe 2d dav for hiS many noble qualities of head and heart and ~ year are of a oharacter to wluant them in prom reso utlOn of the Senate calling for mforma own let ose of ll'rederlCksburg are all D E. L 1 k hIS untimely d ath WIll be deeply felt and smcerely g a feast of good tblngs to theIr tbousandl ofread bon and eVidence relative to the Indian u Ir scattered 111 tbe farm houses and cabms of KWIS C er mourned by a large Circle He was the only son of rs Among the contnbutors to THE POST we mat

b the adjacent conn try Su I th Y k Dennis Saunders of Pardee COM now mentIOn the ~O~loWlDg distmgulshed authors

antles m the State of MlIlnesota The res f re yean ees THE l'tEw ENOL~ND SEVENTH DAT BAI'TIST MINIS 1

1 are wagmg a war 0 extelml1l1tlOn Ab C MRS ELL EN WOO D

o utlOn m reference to arbitrary anests WIIS hllm LlIlcoln IS a fit compe t N la TERlAL O~'FERENCE Wlll bold Iti next meetmg With THE CONTINENTAL MONTHLY Autbor of THE E.lB.LS HEIRS' EAST LYN~'E""'1 debated f<lr the remamder of the seSSion hlb er 01 ena "'a Ihe church of RockVIlle R I on the 6th and 7th of fHE ClUNNlNas &c • I b H • Jannary next At the last meetmg of the Conference EDIT MAR ION H A R LAN D

n t e ouse the Secretary of W IIr was P A themes were appropnated to members present 'or Hon ROBERT J WALKER reqUiled t t t h ffi URBUlT OF THE LABAMA -The New York d " Han. FRED P STANTO~ Author or ALONE THE HIDDlilN PATBlJ

)lUll o S II e ow many 0 cers are now m: f F d sermons an essays to be presented at the next meet- AM &c EJUlUND KIRKE

Autbor of AlIONO THlC PIlIEB b f

.Hrnes 0 rI ay morn ng says a sent rom their cOlIlJJlands the number of Illg of the Conference as follows Major and BrigadIer Generals not 111 active It IS not WOl th whlie to conceal the fact Eld Henry Clark-Tbe knowledge of truth (be ba

d that a whole fleet of steamers are after the B s o( Freedom service an all about tbelr respectlve staffs Alabama The Vanderbilt sailed yesterday P' H C

h ro,. (oon The Importance of B ble

Wit a view to dlspenslDg With such aides from the Lights direct to Fayal and runs as an aid 1Q the study of the Scrlptures 88 may be dlscbarged Without mJnry to the a fair cbancp. of falhng m With the plrate{)n Eld J Clark-On the nature and durallOn of the serVICe The admiSSIOn of West Vugmla the way She IS expected to meet thm e two pnn shmen! of tbe Wicked was dlscnssed for a long time and finally U mted States men of. war detached from a Eld S S Griswold Tbe dual nature of Cbr st adopted by a vote of 96 to 55 Three mem foreign squadron and the tlllee Will tben Eld D F Beebo-Whal const tutes comlfig to

take dlffCient courses The names> of tbe Cbr at' bers elected as R .. gular Democrats voted steamers cannot tie given At the Brooklyn Eld. L M Cottrell The duty of busmess men to for tbe lIlI and mne who wele elected as Navy Yard at present thete are two splen conduct thm busme., m a manne th.t -ball promote Republicans voted agamst It Most of the did regular navy stearn frigates and one Ihe best mterests of the churcb of Cbr st so~lIed Umon men voted 1Il the negative tenknot steamer all (f whICh Will be off In Eld TRW 11 amll-The or II n and development Af a few daJs At Boston anothel fine fast of F (h

ter some calls for mformatlOn correspond steamm IS ready to leave One left Phlla 01 & th b 11 t d f P d

The exerc ses commenc ng on Tnesday tl e 6th day ellee, C e lOll: emnl y resl ent delpbla on Thursday another st I ted flom r J o anuary 1863 at 6~ 0 clock P M

L ncolr and the officers of the Govermhent Portsmouth N H II Mouday and five h L M COTTRELL &cretary

The readers of tbe CONT NE~"rA.L rb aware of tbe Important po Itlon It hS Msume of the Influence which It exerts and 0 e br t array of poUtica and 1 terary talent o~ tbe blghest order whIch supper It No publicatIon 0 tlie k nd has III thIS coun £0 successfull ned the energy and freedom f the daU ne spaper WIth the hIgher literary tone of the fi ass montbly and It 18 very certam that no maga ne haa given Wider range to tts contnbntors or pres ved Itself so completely from the narrow 1Q

fluences 0 art or of factIOn In times like the pre­Bent snch a Jonrnalls eltber a power m the land or It IS nolh ng That the CONTINENTAL IS uot the latter Is abundantly eVIdenced by what II /IQI donI-by the re­ftectlOn of Its coonsels III many Important public events and III the character aod power of those who are Its staunchest supporters


Wbole Domestic Sketches are so greatly admired.

Dnrmg the commg year THE POST will endeavor to mamtam Its hIgh repntatlon forOHOlCE STORIES SKETOHES and POETRY Special Departmenla,hlU also be devoted as heretofore to AGRICULTURE WIT AND HUMOR RECEIPTS NEWS MARKETS .to

TER!o!B- C.lIlH IN ADVANCE 1 copy one year 2 copies one year 4 copies one year

$2 00 300 6 00

8 cop es one year (and one to the getter up of tbe club) 1 12 00

20 cop cs one year (and one to the gelter np of tbe club) 25 00

By tbe access on of HON ROBERT J WALKER and HOll F P STANTON to Its edItorial corps the CO~'TI NE~'TAL acqu res as(rength aoda political Blgmficance wh ch to Ihose who are aware of Ihe abllItl and ex per ence of these gentlemen must elevate It to a po ASP LEN DID PRE M I ~ s t on far above any preViously occopled by any pub-

e~1 We have no diSpOSitIOn to dllect :P~dvIse the pubhc through what channel they shall contribute to thiS work but most earnestly do we eutreat all to aid III some way W tl out delay or wlthont waltmg to lie ailed pOl To t\ ose who bave not already chosen an

other ena el for their contfibutlOns we lec om nend the Amor ~an MI8slOary ASSOCHI \ on 8R a ~oc elJ wllCh was the first to el ter upon tbe work and which IS proseculmg It 'II th gre t ~ Igor and success and Ilsmg the

against actIOns for the suspensIOn of the ave taken their deparlme from thIS and Writ of habeas corpus aud summary arrests, other ports wilbm a few days Of tl em all

II however (lnly 01 e the Stettm prize steam was ca ed up After some diSCUSSIOn and er built expressly to run the blockade and several motIOns for delay and to defeat by subsequently captured by OUi ships 1S prob mdlrect attack the bill was adopted by a ably fa~t enough to catch the Alabal'tlll

IHE Churcbes of DeRuyter Scott Preston Otsel c Cuyler and L ncklaen N Y w II bold tbelr next Qnarterly Meetmg wltb the ehurch In Scott on the last SlXlh-day In December next at 2 0 clock P M Elder Halsey Stillman was appomted to preach tbe first sermon Elder J R Ir sb altern.te

licatIOn of Ihe kllld m Amer ca Preservlllg all the lVHO WANTS A SEWING JlAOBl To' boldness vigor and abIlIty whlcb a thousand JOur anyone sendlng tblrty subscrlpllons and'60 we w .. 11 nals have attrlbuted to It It w U at once greatly en gIve one of Wheeler & WIlson s ce1ebral<ed SewlDI \'<I ~~ ~ large Its C rele of actIOn and d BCOSS fearlessly and Machmes sucb as they sell for '4~ Tbe machine frankly every prlOClple involved m:iire great ques- will be selected new at the manu/'aCtoD In New 1:"oflti 11 tions of the day Tbe first m10ds of 'the country em boxed and forwarded free of cest tiiflh.. th;, ac<pt1l1ll <II

sou ces co I I Jltted to It for thiS purpose ~ tI g eat fidchty and eeonomv T all Chnstlan mmlsters we make OUI

appeal nrgmg them tn brmg the matter be fore II e r reapt ctlve congregatlUns Immedl ately fil d take up collectIOns for the ob J~ct (.

To the me~8 of churches we appeal n g ng them If 1\ public collectIOn IS tllken up to secure the appomtment of committees o go f om house to hOllse SOhCltlllg dona ODS of clotlllng and money To every benevolent mdlvldual we say If

loone calls for yonr eontrlbutlon seud It )ourself Do not fall to have a share III

h s mportant and pruml81Dg work Send money or boxes of elotbmg lind beddmg to Lew s Tappan Esq rreas No 61 John

reet N ew York ~l Isters alld teachers who are able and

w II g to enter thIS field of labor can for wn d tl elr Ofl'tlIS of servICe and teshmoDials o Ibe Secreranes of tbe Amencan MISS n I

vote of 90 to 45 Mr WICkliffe wanted to amend the Tax Law so that wInsky makers would not have to make returns Vanous olher amendments to the Tax law were sug gested A bl11 was mtroduced to protect and grant rehef to tho loyal States whose property and ~Iaves ha~e been wrongfully taken Seized and absll acted 1 y officers and soldiers of the U mted States The Com


The State Senate of Westem 'nglll1a passed a preamble and resolutions 011 Sat I FORM OF ~ SCUOURSHIP ORDW-urday requestmg Mr Uarllsle tu reslgll hiS (Date) ----seat ID tbe U mted States Senate for mls 1UilloB Agent of Aif. ed U. Ive",~y representlDg h s constltuents and theIr ID Th s IS to cert fy tbat I bave donated tbe u,e of my leresl8 The H usc Will doubtless IDd OIBe scholarship of--dollars for the present term to the aClI n of the Senate Gov Pierpont s the bearer who IS entirely depend message mdorseR tI e emanCipation pohcy ant upon b s (or ber) own ludu8\ry to defray h s (or of PreSident LlDcoln A resollltlUn IS he her) expense8 Interest pa d fore the House requestmg Congress to pass I S gned -- --the bill for the formatIOn of the new State --Without alteral10n or amendment I NJ!lWYOBX lIIABKETS DEC 15 IS02

We are mformod that the n groes III A.,," are 1D f.1r request and tbe m.rket IS firmer for great numbers are c<Jmmg mto Gen Grant's Pearls sales of Pots al 8 50 and Pearl, at 8 76 hnes brmgmg horses mules and wagons /I!AJur and M~Tbe market for Western and State They 1IIe set to work glDl11ng and ba1mg Flour IsleS!! active bllt pllCes for most desor pt on' cotton They reCCIve wa et! for their labor are Bustamed the declme In Exchange and Gold

d t d d hO checks the sb pplng demand and tbe mqu ry IS there an I IS sal 0 tWice t e w9rk they per fore mainly for the home and Eastern trade Trade formed ns slaves rhere IS every IDdlcatlUn brands are also less active but pnces are WI tho It es that If the masters were well disposed tbe sentlal change sales at 6 75@6 00 for Superfiue State tranSitIOn from the system of mvoluntary and Western 6 10@6 25 for Extra State 6 30@655 I u t d IbId b for Fancy do 6 20@6 50 for the low grades of West a or 0 pal a or wou e much easier ern Extra 6 75@6 85 for sb pp ng OblO 6 90@8 25

than many have supposed for trade brands and 6 90@10 00 for St Lou. Ex

bracing men most fam lIar WIth Its d plomacy and fr"flla most diBtingu shed for abihty are to become Its can lu procunng the subscribers for tbls Premium we Irlbutors and It IS no mere flattenng proml.., of a of course prefer that the SO snblcrlben &bonld be pro­prospectus to Bay that tb s magazmeforthe times cured Independently of each other at the regular WlU employ the first Illtellect 10 Amenca under aUB- terms of 12 00 for each sllbscnber Where this cln p ces which no publ callan ever enjoyed before III tbls not be done the subscnbers may be procured at any country uf our club rates and the balance of the '60 forward

CHARLES GODFREY LELL'iD the accompl shed ,cbol ed to us m cash by the person desmng the machine ar and author wbo has t II now been Ibe sole Editor Every person collectlDg Dames for the SeWlDg Ma of th. Magazme ~11l bes de hiS editorIal labors con chme PremIUm sbonld send the names wllh the lOon tmue bls bnlhant contributIOn, to Its pages and ED ey as fast as oblamed so that the subsoflbers may be­MUND KtRKE author of Among !ht Wlll con gm at once to receive tbe r papers and not become tribute to each Issue havlDg already begun a work ou diSsatisfied WIth the delay Wben the whole number Southern Life and SOClely wb cb will be found far of names (30) and wbole amount 01 money ('60) is more Wldely desonpt ve and In all respects JluperlOr received Ihe machme Will be duly forwarded to the first JJ!i!I" Sample copIes of THE POST seDt gratiS when

Wb Ie the CO~TINE~TAL wIll express deCIded opm requested Address DEAOON & PETERSON IOns on the great questIOns of tbe day It wlll not be .. No 319 Walnut Street PhIladelphia a mere pollt cal Journal much tbe larger portIon of ts columns Will be enhvened as heretofore by tales "THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE

poetry and humor In a word tb. CONoTINK~'TAL WIll SWORD be found under Its new staff of Ed tors occupymg a pos tlOn and present ng attractIOns never belore found THE GOLD PEN-THE BE,T OF ALL PENS m a. magltz ne

TERMS TO CLUBS Two copIes for one year Five dollars. Three cop es for one y~ar SIX dollars SIX copies for one year Eleven dollars Eleven copies for one year Twenty dollars Twenty cop es for one year Thirty six dollars

PAID I!i ADVANCE P"" Th Tly"" cmU a ytJl1 TO BE PAID BY THE Sun


On receipt of any of the follOWIng sums In cash or post stamps the subscrIber Wlll send by return or mall or otberwlse as dlreeted a Gold Pen or Pens IflMIlfIg Iii< .amt accordlflg to ducrlptiml VIZ


y ASsoClatl I New York Tb s 18 not to be a permanent demand III

Ife v yeal S ~I e freed slaves Will be able and wllhng to support \II a great measure the r own lOSl1tUI1 ns But their wants are mpera!1ve now and as a matter of econo my as well as humamty thei should be I speed Iy met What benevoleut pelson Will not respond to a call so reasonable and so

mlttce of Ways and Means was mstructed to mql1 re mto the expediency of modlfYlDg the Ta x law so 8S to dispense With Tax on advertlsem ents Mr Fenton proposed to det811 a slnp of war to convey any ve8se1 bear 109 prOVISIOns for the Lancashire suf ferers to pre\ ent the destructIOn )f 0111 do nat 011 by the pirate Alabama rhe bill for the reI ef of tbe French bark Jules et :!tiane was passed Leave was asked to report a Bankruptcy bill Mr Yeaman who comes Ir 11 Kentucky w1th the reputation of bemg a IT!II 11 nan (ffered resolutlOus condemmng the PreSident s proclamatIOn The resolu 110ns were l81d on tI e tllble 96 to 47

T~ e p sprcts of our onwatd 1II0H! enls seem el C uragwg 'lhe roads are m good order the pontoon br dges bave arrived and the troops are eager for actIOn Before the close of the week we shall probably have sturmg events The ImpreSSion galD8 ground that Gen Banks expedlbon IS des tmed to cooperate for the reduCllOn of Rlcb



A meetmg of New Yurk melchants was (rlII!. Canadian Flour IS firm and lQ fair request at 11 d S t d D 6 d ~ d 6 20@6 50 for the low grades of Extra and 6 60@

ca e on a ur ay ec to sen ,00 to 8 25 for trade brands do Soutbern Flour s firm and the starvmg operatl ves m Lancashire There In fait demand sales at 6 75@T 15 for m xed to good were speeches aI d resolutIOns and contn Superfine Baltimore &c and 7 25@9 00 for trade butlOns as follows 88 450 300 barrels brands do Rye Flour IS In bmlted request and IS fI 1 500 b h I h steady at 3 75@5 75 Corn Meal IS firmer but (he

our us e scorn t e preparatIOn demand IS moderate at 3 75@3 85 for Jersey Buck r sealing of a ship to cal ry the bread ~beat Flour IS saleable at S@3 30"tJ, 100 Ibs

stuffs-said to he eqUIvalent to $aOO IIgh Gram-The Wheat market IS les. act ve but pr ces tel age of 500 barrels and the car lage of generally are well mamtamed and for very handsome 1 000 barrels to Liverpool lois prices are firmer the demand IS partly specula


Tbree Dollars a year I' ADVA~Cg -P",tagt paId by Ih< Publ,her


!JIilI" As an Inducement to new subscribers the Pub­hsher offers the follow ng very I beral prenuums

pIJ- Any person remltt ng $3 m advance WIll re­ceive Ihe Magaz ne from July 1862 to J~nuary 1864 Ihus securlOg the wbole of h KIMBALL sand Mr KI.KE s new ser als wh cb are a worth the prICe of slbsor pIon Or If preferred" bscnber cau take tbe Magazllle for 18U3 and a copy of Among tlu p,"" or of Unaercurr,ril. of Wall St by R B KIMBUL bound n cloth (the book to be sent postage paId)

For 25 cents the MagIC Pen for 38 cenll, Ih' Lucky Pen for 50 cents the Always-R!lady Pen for 75 cents the Elegant Pen and for '1 the Exceialor Pen

The sizes are Nos 2 3 4 5 and 6 THE SAME PENS IN SIb VER-PLA TED EXTEN

SION-CASES WITH PENCILS For 50 cents the MagIC Pen for 75 cents the Lucky

Pen for $1 the Always-Ready Pen for'l 25 the Elegant Pen and for $1 50 \he Excelsior Pen These are well fimshed good wrltmg Gold Pens with Jrid osm n Po nts the average wear of every one 01 which WIll rar ontlast a gross of the be,t Steel Pene.

Importuuate ? E H F AIRCHlLll J B WALKER 8AML W OLOOTr

Roon R

~ CommIttee

MISSIOnary 1\8

1HEltE IS reason to believe tbat Dr Vogel lhe H Ican ttavelcr who hac\ been given np as 108t IS st\\1 alive th ugh a captive of the Sultan of IV .dlll Lieutenant Von Beur mann of the PI usslan artillery wbo went n search of the traveler s papers arrived at

Murzucl on the 20 h of June and was to Ime fOI " adla on the 22d Slllce that pe rod the rumors whICh bave reached Bengazl regaldlDjl" IIIDI have been such as to lead to Ihe fear that he was plllndered on the road f not mnrdered

CORRESPONDENTS of the Department of Ag llCulture conversant With the Iprogress of 80rghl m cultnre III thiS country Bnd quail fled to Judge accurately of tbls season s pro duct e8~lmate the quanhtv of cane syrup at 40 000 000 gallons and the area cu\tlvat d at 250 000 acres In 1850 by the show ng of the last census the product was les8

t1 an 8000000 gallons If thiS estimate 8hould prove correcl It IS suffiCient to 8Up­

ply morEl than half of the syrup and mollls ses demanded of the UDited States I

Tbe army of the Potomac has Clossed Ihe Rappahannock and are now reported to be m full possesRlOn of Fredericksburg

Tbe Men ph s papers report the occnpa t on of Grenada MISS by our forces under Gcn Hovey The expeditIOn made a land IDg at Friar s Pomt some fifteen nllles be 10\" the place A large portIOn of the Cltl zens fled at the approach of our troops and the Grenada Appeal newspaper was remov ed to Marietta Gn The rebels destroyed some fifteen or twenty locomotives Bnd burned a hundred cars The object of Gen

The trml of Gen Fltz J I Porter pro t ve bat mamly for export Ch cago Spr ng at I 25 o In @1 30 Milwaukee Club at 1 31@1 36 Amber do gresses I\IDong the eVidence IS found a all 37@1 40 Red St te at 1 45@1 46 Red West letter from Geu Porter to McClellan prom ern do 1 40@1 46 White Ind ana at 1 55 Wblte ISlDg to give Gen Pope hiS hearty support }lichlgan at 1 60@1 63 Barley 18 not so firm for whICh the latter omitted t{) ~ rward t 0 common but qUite so for prime sales at 1 25@1 40 o 0 en Prime IS firm at 1 50 Canad an cbo ce IS firm and McClellan G .. n POI e fillshed hiS testlmo beld above tbe Views of buyers Oats are III achve ny Ijtfore tue court on Saturday Col Ford demand and are finner at 67@68c for Canad an 68! has t'Jubhsbed a card strongly denollncmg @69c for State and Western and Oc for sm.lllots the proceedmgs of the Harper's Ferry eom Rye IS scarce and firm at 95@96c for pnme State Ooru IS III achve demand III part speculat ve and Ibe miSSIOn market IS firmer at 66@75c for nnsound mixed" est

'rhe "asbmgton correspondent of the ern 78c for sonnd do tn ,tore and 80c for l' ellow Philadelphia North American says that the Western III etOTe Banks and Fortress Monroe expeditions car t- Proo ... ""t-Pork IS (e firm but bardly so acbve ned Immense quantities of coal PIOVISlOllS tbe arrivals are model e bnt the stock s large 8ales Ii t d h h Id h

at 13 62l for Mess aou 11 50@1l 75 for Prime Beef or SIX y ays w IC wou Imply t at a Is III lImited demand and IS beavy under I beral arr v Gulf port was the destm\ltlOn of the squad als and B rap dly mcrea mg Btock sales at 12 25@ Ion It IS pOSSible tbat Texas IS tbe 12 75 for Repacked Western Mess and 13 37@13 75 pomt 111 VleW-111 furtherance of the project for Extra do Lard IS firm and In fa rdemand thougb

f ddt t ~ S less active at 91@10c Butter Is steady and m mod o IVI mg I up m 0 our tates erate request thougb not active Cbeese I' III 1 ghl

In a ca~e before an English cOUit lately supply and IS firm altbough the sblPP ng d mand IS 1t was shown 111 eVidence mtroduced that a les, active oWlllg to the dechne III excbange and gold

French acrobat reCeIves a salary greater -- --than the mcome of the ArchbIshop uf Can .... ETTERS RECEIVED terbury tWICe as much as tI at of the Presl A C Sp cer Eumce Denms Saunder, A R dent 01 the UUlted States aud vastly more C Richard G er Jesee Wellard B Clarke N M

tha the nco f I I Burdick J M Todd P D West J P Hunt ng N V the natlOn!!1 forces now marchmg southward n I me 0 any genera aw~er or Hull Arm nda Ell s S '" :'daxson R L Dav' D E

d G G t d Sh editor m the country LeWls.-

un er ens ran al erman I

Hovey s expeditIOn IS to obstruct the retreat of the reuel army down the MISSISSIPPI Cen tral Railroad and to compel a battle With

The expense sheet for the New Orleans Delta RECEIPTS Gen RoseClans has orgaUized a tram of for the week endmg July 28 1860 has an JJ!i!I" All payments for the R~CORDER are acknowl

five thousand mules for the transportation Item of general expense namely whip edged from week to week III the paper Persons of hiS army BUll IS now advancmg towards pwg Wade $2 'Vade IS the cololed pOI send ng n oney the receipt ofwhlCh IS not dnly ac

f h I h h knowledged should g ve us early not ce of the

Murfreesboro The enemy are reported to ter 0 t e estab IS ment and the w Ippmg omiSSIon be well fort1fied between Murfreesuoro and reward of hiS servICes IS oue of the peclI St Bman Coon W MIlton WIS $2 00tovol18No 52

D h d II liar mstltutlOns R chard Geer Hamsonv lle 2 00 19 33

ec ar m a natura y stlOng posItion At the exhibItIOn of pumpkm. lately held Vivace D ke DIana N Y 2 00 19 50 M CI d

dt II t b d Jesse Wellard MlDa N Y 2 00 19 52 c ernan s expe I IOn WI no e rea y at the office of the AmerICan AgrICultUrist B F Burdick We,terly 2 00 18 52

to start till about ChnstmllB Gen Grang- W m D Hall of CllnnectlCut presented Ephraim St Uman Potter HII 2 00 18 52

F Any person rem ttlDg $4 50 w II receive tbe Magnz nc from ItS commencemeut January 1862 to January 1864 thus secnr ng Mr KIMBALL a W ... H, Succ<&.ful ? and Mr KIBU S Among ~Ii< P'TIl1l and

Merchant ,S~ory and nearly 3 000 octavo pages of the best hterature m the world Prem um subBCrlbers to pay the r own postage

Tbe name A. Morton Number and Quabty are stamped on tbe follow ng Pens and the Pomta are warranted for SIX months except agaIn!t accident The numbers mdlcate s ze only No 1 being thelman est No 6 the largest adapted for the pocket No 4. the smallest and No 10 the largesl Jlalllmoth Gold Pen for the desk. Ltlng and medium Nibs of all sIze. and qual tIes Sbort Nibs of Nos 4 5 6 and 7 and made only of first quality The engravings are faO BIlnIles of the BlZes aud styles ~

GOLD PENS WITHOUT CASES For 75 cenls a No 1 Pen 1st quality, or a No 3

Pen 3d quabty For'1 a No 2 Pen 1st qnabty or a No S Pen

IN~EPENDE ~ T 2d quality or a No 4 Pen 3d quallt:J

For 51 25 B No 3 Pen ht qoalfty.! IIr a No , Pen 2d qnalltY.l or a No. 5 Pen 3d quallt, EDITED BY

For 51 50 a L'jO 4 Pen lsi qualIty, or a No 5 Pen 18 2d qualIty or" No 6 Pen 3d quabty

RELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER AND A REAL For $1 75 a No 5 Pen IstqnalIty or 1\ No 6 Pen


I'i E W SPA PER 2d qualIty IT AFFORDS ITS READERS For $2 25 a No 6 Pen 1st qunbty

Fa r and thoughtful ed tonal dlscuBBlons of the TH~AME GOLD PENS IN SIL VEa EXTEN most Important facts and occurrences and mteresta of SION-CASFS WITH PENCILS th s natIOn and of the world. F r $ 50 a No l!5:n 1st quality, ora No 11 Pen

A compreherliilve record of racts men and move 3d qnallty ments of the ReligiOUS World For.1 75 a No 2 Pen I t qnallty or a liIo S Pen A full and careful weekly history 01 the progress of 2d qualIty or a No 4 Pen 3d quahty the Rebellion For ,2 a No S Pen lst quality or .. No 4. Pen 2d Ample chron cles of tbe Important general news quality or l\ No 5 Pen 3d qualIty

home and fore gn For $2 50 a No 4 Pen lst quality I. or .. No 6 FaIr and careful accounts of new books made on Pen 2d qualIty or a No 6 Pen 3d quallt1

tbe express prlDc pie of serv ll,li as a safe gUIde to For t3 a No 5 Pen 1st quality or a No i Pen.M buyers qualIty

Interest ng correspondence from Washmgton from For $3 50 a No 6 Pen 1st quallty tbe West from the Army from Abroad. GOLD PENS ALL 1ST QUALITY IN SILVER

S x columns a week of carefully selected matter for MOUNTED DESK HOLDERS Fam ly Read ng bemg prose and poetry sUlted to For $2 a No 4 Pen for $2 25 a No 6 Pen for mterest both tbe Old People and the Young People $2 75 "No 6 Pen for $3 50 a No 7 Pen

A full chromcle of tbe progress of bUBlness and of E or,i a No 8 Pen for $5 a No 9 Pen, Ind for the current pr aes of merchand se produce anJ hve $6 a No 10 Pen stccklnNewYorkCty Tbe 1st QualIty are pointed ~iththeverybelt

ONE SERM01{ EVERY WEEK Irldo·mm Pomts carefully selected and none Orthll BY REV HENRY WARD BEECHER quality are sold WIth the shghcst Imperfection wblob

rhe foUowlOg Em nent WrIters are SpecIal Contrlb­ntors to ItS Columns MRS HARRIET BEECHER STOWE

sklll alld tbe cloBest scrutmy can detect The fd QualIty are supenor to any Pens mad.

by hIm preVIous to tlie year 1860 A MEETING bas been held III New YOlk 10

adupt measnres ~)r sendlDg rehef 1'1 money proYlSlons &c, to tbe suffertng operatives of Englaud The subscription already amonnts to One Hundred Thousand Dollars !:Io we heap coals c f fire on tl e head of

er s army IS on the move to carrv out 1m three wellrhmg respectively 208 221 and N M Bnrd ck WasloJa M nn 1 00 19 24

portant plano 270 pounds He also exhibited forty two Mrs Jobn Ell s Sebenectady 2 00 18 52

D Sewell S Maxson Onarga III 2 00 18 52 A sBecla\ Washmgton dispatch to the grown on one vme the aggregate of whICh R L Dav s Westfield Pa 2 00 18 52




The 3d QualIty' he Intends shall equal In reepec( to Durability ElastICIty and Good Wnlll1g QlI&lltiel (tbe only trlle CODBIderatlon') any Gold Pens m&cl. elsewhere

In regard to the Obeap Gold Pens he begsieaTs to say tbat previous to operatmg hiS New andPlitentea YachlDes he could not have made al Good 'WriUntt and Durable Pens for the prIce had the Gold been fur mshed gratuitously

perfid ous Albl II


Philadelphia Press of the 12th says pflvate was 1 259 pounds -------:--==~---==-----dispatches receIved tu-n ght from Fred An Albany restaurallt Issued $4 000 of MARlUED

RANDOLPH LUSK-In Dansv lie N Y by Rev I R. GIbbard December 2 1862 Mr S las F Randol1>h formerly of Green Br er Runn Doddr dge Co Va bnt recently of Alfred N Y and MISB Em ly A Lusk of DanSVille

TER!o!B -$2 per annnm paId In advance Specl men numbers sent grat s

JOSEPH II RICHARDS Publisher No 5 Beekman :street New York

For sale by News Agents

erlcksburg state that a large portIOn of shm plasters and has already redeemed $~ Gen Frankhn s grand diVISIOn erossed the 000 worth' The proprietor don t sce tbe river III safety and threw out pickets to profit In such bankmg Per contra a New those of Gen Hooker s grand diVISIOn at York I um ellel who was nevel worth a Fredericksburg Our pickets are advanclDg penny ha~ Issued $50000 worth of shm plas cautlOu81y down ihe river and south toward terti and redeems as few as he can The proceedmgs of tbe week have consld

erable lnterest III consequence of the nllm ber of Important measnres and IlDes of ac­tion IUltlated about the rebelhon the

the enemy S pOSItIOn The city IS on fire Tbe necessary mater18ls have bee'1 bought but It IS thought that most of the bmldmgs and forwarded tor the pnblicatlOn of a news

army Will escape destrnctlOn The enemy bas paper whICh 18 to be Issued at Port Royal navy emanclpatIOD and finances been sklrmlshmg all day With ollr advanc- and as IS by some expected shortly after

SPENcIR-GREEN-In Alfred N Y December 6 1862 by Eld N V Hull Mr Albert H Spencer and MI8I Prudence 0 Green all of Alfred



... Partla ortkring mlUl In aU .nltanta 'ItIfCifti tAl Nu")htr and Qualify of Iii< PtrIIlDallttd a;l/l6i paf"

tleular to ducribtlht kind of PtrII IheyP"f,,-tdl1M6l1jf or LIS T hm~er co"," or jim. !JIilI" All remittances by mallm RegIstered LeUen

are at my r sk Address A MORTON No 25 Malden Lane New York (

BABCOCK-In Brookfield N Y November 28 1862 WE DON T RUSE OUR PRICE MRS WINSLOW AN EXPERlEI:iOED very suddenly of orgamc d .. QS() of the heart Mr NURSE and Female Ph:rBlCllIl prellellla to th, Hezeklah Babcock m the 79th year or bi. ago Bro TERMS atten\lon of mothers her


In the Senate after several resu- mg troops but are gradually falhng back at Cbarleston S C It IS to be called The lutlOns aakmg for lDformatlOD on thiS alid Figbtmg CCIISCil. at sundown but Will be re Southern Gross and Will not be a pro slave-that, among other thmga calling for tbe newed to morrow morDlng Our IOS8 18 lD ry sheet slgDlficant so f81 Gen Parke telegraphs There 18 fine slmghmg m the northern correspondence relatlDg to the Army of the tbat we are 111 full posseSSion of FrederiCks parts aud II rth eastern parta of 1'1 ew Eng l' tomac SlUM Its first movemCi t; a bill was burg To \light the whole army Will be land In upper New Hampshire tbere 18 offered provldlDg for the development of the across and be ready to engage tl e enelllY BilOW eno Igh f r operatl n~ III Ih wood~ mlDeral resources oftbe country Mr Sauls liy 8 0 clOCK to morrow FrIday morDlng and the sleigh ng 1D the roa I I~ ~~ry sa bury wanted to get through hiS resolutIOn Intelligence from the army of tbe Poto- perlOr as the sn W IS not deep and tl e

I mac to the time of gOlDg to pres8 shows surface IS Ice

re attve to arrests 111 Delaware, but the Sen severe fightlDg 18 yet gOlDg on On Satur It IS stated that the value of tbe estate Jay the fig t-WlDg 0 t e ,e era ,orces was left by Mandarlll Ward and III tbe hands ate did not come to a vote A bill concern h f h ~ d 1 r'

IDg Judgments m certalD 8U1tS agalDst the successful while the left WlDg was repulsed of hiS execntors IS some $300000 No suc­Umted States was amended and pas8ed With very beavy loss Among ollr killed cessor has been named by the Chlllese an The Bankrupt bill was mllde the speCial was SlX generals thorltles Ward as has already been stated order for tlie 18th.wet Mr Garret DaVIS The poSitIOn of the rebels was as follows was a native of Salem Mass proposed a new mode of electing PreSident Gen :<t.:ongstreet on the left and headmg the One Moss now deceased clerk o' the

mam works Gens ~P Hill and Stonewall court of Fairfax connty Va stole the Orlgl and Vice-PreSident, caJ(:ulated to remove J k r. th J k ' bt ac son were m 'co WI ac son s rIg nal of Geu WashlDgton S WIll from the the matter shll Jllrther from the people" restlllg on tbe Rappahannock aud HilI's archives of tbe court about the beglDDlng HI! Idea seelOS"W be, that each State shall forces actlllg as a reserve of tbe rebellion It has been bought by the nommate or elect one person and out of A dispatch from Washlllgton says It IS Bn!1sb Museum theae State candidates Congress shall elect thought that abo lit 40,000 of our troops Old paper and rags have fallen two cents tbe two officers A blil was ieported to es were engaged m the battle while It IS a8 Wlthm a week Spcnlators 111 these articles tab11 h certallled beyond donbt that tbe rebel force Will probably be well pUDlshed Those who

s an arsenal and ordnance depot on is nearly 200 000 Jackson commands the tb have tbese artICles on hand Will consult

Babcock professed faith 10 Cbr st many years ago-a $2 ill advanee All part es subsorlb ngnow Will re SOOTHING SYRI1P FOR CHILDRENTEE"rHlNG fa th tb.t mamlested Itself m cOllform ng ItS possessor CClve the paper till Jannary 1S6! wh ch.peatly faclbtates the prooes!! or teething by to the d v ne WIll He embraced the Sabbath and sof emng the gums reducing all Inftammatlon-wlll uUlted Wlth Ihe 2d Seventh-day Baptist Church of PRE M I U M S allay ALL PAL'i and spasmodlo action and i. Brookfield a8 one of the early fru ts of Eld E S We have a fiDe hst of attract ve Premium. pnnted SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Bailey s mluistry Our departed brother was a living on a slip which we w U send to anyone on appllca Depeud upon It motbers It will give rest to , our

cons stent Christ an HIS death was Budden yet we tlOn FREE. We offer selves and doubt not It found blm prepared He leaves a numer MEWDEONS SEWIliG-JlAOUINES RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS ous famIly or children and grandch Idren yet tbey MISSIONARY MAPS FOR SUNDAY-SaHOOLS We have put up and sold thiS article for ov~ are comforted With (he hope that their loss IS hiS eter BOOKS PENS ~ 1lc 1lc years and can .ay In conji4enu and ~nd" of ~~! •. nal ga n In hIS death tbe church bas sustamed the The have never been able to say of any other ~ loBS of one of It, firm supporters-oue of ItS bngbtest SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPARTMENT .....,.11h it faikrl In a MIIIJt. .mtana to"'«1 II ~ wllea ornameuts. We doubt no& the Master bas wven blm tImely used Never did we know an lli.ItiJIIlcIi of Il.II au abundant entrance Into the general assembly aud IS espeCIally attract ve satlsfllCtlon by any oue who used It On the eqntrary church or the first born HIS funeral was numerous- Send for the all are debghted wltb Ita operations and speu. In Iy attended and after upproprlate religiOUS serv ces PRE M I U M S L 1 P terms of commendatIOn of ItS magical efteclil aM hisremaIDs were commItted to tbclr last rest ng place We offer medical virtue, We .peak In this matter '.'" ""

Bebold tho we,tern even ng ghl a A S BOO M M 1 S S ION S do /motD after ten year. experience and pili,. bUr N-1\ mells In deepen ng gloom to any who des re them We show also m tbe putatWn for Ih< fulfillmtrll of IDhat 1ft htr4 ~ 11l

so calmly Christians sink away almost every lIlstanoe where the IDC"- 18 soIfering froQl Descending 10 the lomb I " T PRE M 1 U M S LIP pain and exhaustion, rebef Will be found in aneen or

CRANDALIr--'Iu Alfred N Y December 2 1862 of bow anyone can obtam THE METHODIST fr.., by a twenty mmules after the syrup IS administered rhenmatic fever WIth typbOld at the olose III the 44tb bttle effort Tbls valuable preparation IS the pret!CnptlOD or one year of hiS agtl Mr Wm S Orandall The subject of Send for the or the most ~.ud and ·kiJJfulnurm In New~, thIS notice was born III Brookfield Madlsou Co N Y PRE Jl 1 U M S LIP land and hu been used WIth _fail.,,, _In but while a child hiS parents moved to Alfred wbere Jjii!r Agents wauted In every place to canvass Ihe THOUSANDS OF CASES he remaIned until the tIme of hIB death. Although COllntry It not only relieves the child from pam, but inTI,. while In health he neglected the Interests of b s so II Address THE METHODIST orates tbe stomach and bowels coneela acidlty aud yet In b18 sickness he was led to hope he had obtaIned 114 NaSl!au slreet New York gives tone and energy to the whole Il)'Item II will througb grace the forgIveneS!! of hiS Sm" and so d ed almosllnstantly reUevo -truslmg m the merits of Christ He was a worthy .A. L B ION A CAD E 111 Y GRIPING IN THE BOWELS A.ND WIND OOLI0 c t,zen and IS mourned by a large c rcle of friends. and overcome convol.lons which, If nol lpeedll,re He leaves a Wlfe a small ChIld a Wldowed mother a edied d In d th W U Ii Board and furn18bed rooms can be bad at,l 50 ner m en ea e be evelt I e 6aC anclllll'tll e tide waters of New York hBrbo~ A rebel right extendlDg from GUlllrey's sta- their own lllterests by receiving a VISit flOm

JOlDt resolution was proposed to forfeIt the tlOn to Port Royal Longstreet bll8 the the pedler at once lands and annUItIes of the SIOUX and to re- centre extendmg from Gumtey s station to It IS reported that James Gordon Bennett DlOve the Indians far away from the white !~:I~::ltr:ph road Lee and Stewart are on Will retire from bUSllleS8 on tl e let of Jan settlements A resolution was adopted ID The Richmond Enqutrer of the 12th bas uary leavIDg the New York Herald to hiS ~tructlng tbe J01r.t Committee on ~be COD tbe followlllg Heavy fightlllg IS gOlDg 80n James G Bennett Jr

uct of the War to report as Bnon as p0881 on at Fredeflcksburg Longstreet's troops Nearly the entire busmess portIOn of Lock

brolher s sters and other relatives who deeply feel week by students Ilpply10g prevIous (0 the openfnrr rtmlJiy In lire -ld, In all CB8eI or dyNlilfryan41io1w_ their loss. N v H of each term. • In childrm whether It arise! from teething or &0. an,.

Students and Teacbers to qu ta lin exteat hoard In other cause. We w~uld say to every mother who bu tbe same han where board IS furUlsbed at S1 00 per a child sutrerIng frc>m any of the foregolng OO\llplAbi\, week to those wbo prOVide themselves With rooms. -do "'" Itt YOII!" prflwdku nor Ih< 1"JJil.ttM iif'·/Mr·,

BURDICK-At West Edmeston N Y November 80 1862, or d pthena Wm Hamson BurdiCk, son of Wll ham and Martha BurdIck 10 the 2Sd year or hiS age He was of a religIOUS conscleuce Death came not nnexpeclt d SInce abont the time of tbe death of hiS older brother Amenzo nIne weeks before he hid an tlClpated hIS own and when attacked quietly accept-

TUlllon from ,4 50 to 6 50 Bland between )'on and ),our Idumg cIdh1 W Ole Rent 2 25 i 75 reUer that,nll hoI .... -ye~ I. '1It1l,\'...-,.k1 fo1\A)1lr

the use of Ihls mediCIne If IIQl81,. 1liJe4. i'!Ill;~

ble The l5!l1 for the rehef of tlie owners or Bre engaged The ea,llnOnadlllg IS severe Haven Pa was destroYAd lily fire on Sator tbe Fr h b On Thursday liI~t the batteries statIOned day Loss about '400 000 al80 t:nc 8 Ip Jules e~ Marie was passed, above and below the town opened lire on the If tbe State of Massachusetts were equal

e bill mcrea81Dg the bonds of the SO" gUlllioats anchored III the stream conslstmg ly diVided among Its Illbabltants, each would ]lenntendento(4'f1iIiP $~rpg 1fr ~' of the Freeborn, Ancosta, Live Yankee and be entitled to about 33 feet square of land

- .

ed thlus bls last 8lckneS!! J P If SAUNDERS-February 15 1861 Casbus J,I Saunder.

son of Lyman and Sophron. Saunders agC!\ S months and 11 days.

The location of AlbIOn Academy mt.kea II a deelra tiOIl8 fOr ulli1lg win aocODlpllllf;_each \)Otlle Noaa hie place for all lovers of good habtts. genuine nnleBB thc rac-elmlle 01 CURTIS .t PIRKINS

Ten Teachers are constantly employed. The win New York, Is on the oul8lde Wr&\I\I8r. ter lerm opens December 9 For partlculal'8 addre.. Sold by Druggists IbrouKhout tb.1I'I'r14.

REV A R CORNWALL A.)( Pnnclpa,IOllce IS Cedat' SUetI Nn Yorl!; Alblou Dane cO Wis '2 6111 Price 011\y26 ceo .. per bot\!., •


Page 4: T ~iii~a~~ji~~~~J.; · • , J ..... ___ • • ~h ~ lit t' 1ft tt 3 It tt .. having reached their nttQOIIt dPQeiOJlt .. 1/1 '" '" '" ~ .. "'" .. T begin to eIther u10se in like


IJistellattt GUS. From \he Even10g POSI

OUR AVTUJlllf LE8801f o Is It IlPt r.lIOiler, lender JOY II When pai1Ui l1'If cmpy and ibe aIr !B chi With tlili lltet ibongbt or sometblng tbat must come To wlltch the Summer dylDg m the &rIDS Of her more vigorous otIipriog? How ber eyes Glow With tbe kindling raplure 01 disease While hectIc flusbes tIoge the maple cheeks Wllh that !lad Ionelble88 wblch ever bodes Approaching cfusolutlon 1

Soon the form That latel,led us tbrough her lIowery meads With langitld illlpiration Will he cold And the deaib ratlle of these rnstlll1g leaves In 811 b~r thfoated valleys sound uo more Then f(om the rugged North shall polar dames WaIlllielr wIldugUlBh O'er her and dispose The seUmg suow shroud till It leaves deflned The iIl&rp ead outlinft or departed JOY Tbiil!l!,\ Liblill!like Bhallilentle summer Ite lIoUmed by Jhe busy lIarthu of the world A.IIi1 dftper.bitlna Karys until He ~:r;otil>of aU ibe !etlBons paueth hy To weep soft April tears UPOD the tomb And hid the dead come forib '-with a loud vOice Like. breaking np of watef1j. Then shall rise In ibe slll1 grace of th~ awakened spnng RenewlDg Dature and the deat1;l damps Yield Unto tile verdure of ibe rounded .J:ear And uuloOl!ed Bummer walk the )'!;orld Bgatn 1 o my sad couutry 1-0 er whose summer paths FloW!ngfiO late with peace the lIutumu Winds Shrill WIth dlseordant walltngs keenly blow WhOle tnee of promlBe redden With the blood

tor ibe lITengIng waf>fool and whose vales BUltle wUh dylDg moaolng&'-O fair laud 1 THeatened Wilb dlMOlullou and the snoWy blank Of! wone thin buned greatne88 Sban It be 'l'II.VIG 1Iil fall no promlae beams beyond l'regll~hrith .reitoratlon! .Amwer 2110" Immortal Dature whose diVIDe decrees FaBhloD II1d fill With chanle revolviDg years ADd Willi the I18mblllDCe of recurring dealQ Revive restore redeem lIDd glOTlfy I ,


._ :::U:::::£i

(Here 18 mmary of Number of postage stamps Issued dutmg and 1tJ,,"own was found wlthlll, she toullI\ll!d Bles8 yonr httle ones With a patlent care tlOn be the modlfymg the pa8t yeat,; 7 078 188 Total v~lue of a lD the crown and wltllln It of theIr chlldhood, and they wlil eertamly

I d diaruOllo Th I a congecrate the glory and grace of their man naval rank) stamps enve ps an newspaper wrappers marriage rmg ere 8 The Naval Academy was left With many sold $6910181 89 Number of dead let- to the story hood to your service Sow lD theIr hesrts

d 2 282 01 b ~ 00 I the seeds of a pereumal blessednes8 Its vacancies through failureS' to nom mate ters receive 9 emg 26, 0 ess ---_o_____ ripened frmt WIll afford you a perpetuai JOY from the rebel and other d,strlCts It now tban the year before Valuable dead letters JAOK801f AliID OALHOtTlf -Frwnd rf Youth

d1 Q



F.,. Family and llan"'adun"l UII 495 BROADWAY NEW YORK

has 376 puplls and 189 vacanCies, which It sent home 51 289 Out of 21 493 non dehv A scene at the White Honse III 18B8 at 18 proposed to fill up although there IS enes of letters only 225 were by fanlts of h Agenclesw all the prinCipal CII,es and Towns I i' dIfficulty .lbout the words of the law postmasters 822 letters were mailed WIth the lodglOgS of John C Calhoun t e same USE TliE BOLLER Umted Statee n o. Academy IS Important and nseful , and W address whatever P st offices on 80th mght and a death bed scene at the Herml A writer III the Farmer and I P BURDlCi: ~GSNT MYSTIC BRIDQI CON~

well cared for .1une 1862 28 785-of which III loyal regIOn tage were thus graphICally pOi trayed I y It t th _ I 1. f 199' b I presses upon agncu UriS s e merlls THE GROVER & BAKER S .. Co Last year s report gave tie numuer 0 18 re e 8,902 Senator Cowan of PennsylvaIlla III the de- ..

t th bl k d d 153 A tIt f d I t f thiS Implement III the folloWlOg manner NOW OFFIR IN ~DDlTION TO TIlIm pnzes 0 e oc a 109 squa rons as pos a conven IOn 0 e ega es rom bate on the ConfiscatIOn Bill It IS a very S nce that time 890 more have been taken thIS and foreIgn countnes has been propos Why don t our farmers use the roller SPLENDID STOCK OIl' IlACHINES lD all 548 Only 45 of the whole nUlbber ed by our Department to foreIgn countries strlklOg pIcture more frequently? Is It because they IIUING THI CKLEBR.l.TED have been got through the courts, and and agreed to It IS to slmphfy the very MR PRESIDENT -If Calhonn had been ex not wtlhng to lDcur tI e expenses of the pur GROVER & BAKER STITCH the nnmber of mtlhou8 of doUals to be diS complex state of foreIgn post arrangements ecuted for hIS treason III 1888 there would chase 1 Is It because they are not NEW.lND8UPBRIOR tnbuted only abont half a mtlhon 18 so or Whole cost of mternal mall s~rvlce 80th have been no rehelhon now, and perhaps tu bestow the extra amount of labor lDvolv SHUTTLE OR LOCK STITCH lIACBINES dered June 1862 was $6 814 464 92 he came nearer hiS executIOn than most pe l ed ID rollIng theIr fieldH or IS It because Adapted to all varieties of IeWlng Much more 8

The manoe corps should be IDcreased by The postal laws should I e codified pIe are aware You well know the con they do 11 t understand Its uses and bene- pl. Ourabk NoUW.u andPerftd. than any lock II ;k" 500 ano:\ should be made eIther entIrely a The use of thll malls to send money IS III splfators lD South CMohna proceeded to the fits? Do they not kllow that a roller IS al maohlnes heretofore In Ulle

I I I d ~ It th d tit d d te"'- bl I h All who use thiS olass of m~s will ft a Ih nava or eutue v a an 10Ice IS el er expe len a Iml e money or er sya m IS comUlISSlOn of the overt act most lDdlspensa e on Ig t SOIls becau8e new lock slltoh machine !oJ rover & nB


now accordlDg to the place of the men on recommended and return receIpts under Calhoun was thA chIef adVlsel General It presses tbe eartb closer around small great advance upon all lock Itch machlne:\er, land or at sea Its commander should be the present reg Htly H)8\Cm II III the leClpI Jackson knew It well and deter milled seeds-that It 18 equally useful on heavy lofore In the market eft made a brIgadIer ent of registered lettels tbe law should be put III executIOn agalDst SOlis because It crushes the clods aDd ...,The Grover & Baker machines have taken Iht

I b t 28 000 Th b f t t I Id b d d ' , ftrst premlUIlll! over aU competition al ever 8 The navy emp oys a ou meu on e num er 0 pas age I a es 810U e hIm, not agalDst the porr mlsgUl e men blllJl:\s tbe pulverized earth lU direct contact where they have been exblbited thiS season' ."F." board ihlPB and about 12000 mechamcs deCieased and CIty dehverles and collectIOns that followed but against the chIef conspl With seed-that It IS good on grass field8, and laborers at the navy yards and statIOns should be Improved rator He had resolved on hIS prosecutIOn because It presses small stones bones etc (&0111 IA. N ... York ["d'l'ena..t) these numbers do not lUclude those at work Our postal offiCIals should be appulUted and tnal and If conVICted hIS executIOn fOI -whICh would otberwlse lDJure the kDlves Flfleen years ago Mr Elias Howe Jr demoDstr.t uuder private contracts and lU pflvate yards more as the English are for honesty and ca treason He said that If he had an A ttor of the mower-lUto the earth, and out of the ed to the world the practIcability of sewing by machln

b f ~ h d t d I th d \I d d ery and patented the lirst practical eeWlDg macbln! (Here follow rte re,erences to t e Ie paClty an re ame as ong as ey 0 we ney General that would uot raw an m ICt way and that It also levels ant and mole evcr made SlOoe that time there hal been more ports and operatIOns of the several Bureaus lUstead of the present pohtlCal modc· of ap ment he wonld find one tbat would Thmgs hIlls, that It IS useful upon wheat fields lD tents granted for Improvements on and devices c: espeCially of Yards and Docks Construc pomtment were approachmg the crIsIs Calhonn be tbe sprmg presslDg the plauts whICh have nected With the SewlOg machine than for any other bon and Orduance ) REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 0] WAR came aware of Jackson s determInatIOn been thrown out by..the frost, lDtO the earth ~~;e~t~~310~!;~~~~rdT~~ ~~~e~~~~~~:~n~~: :t:

The expenditures ()f the year endmg June TillS report IS mamly a summary of tt e and sent Letcher of Kentucky to confer agalD that It exercises a most hllppy mflu arlll the product of the brain of Kr LODII Boliman 80 1862 were $42200529 96, leavlDg course of the mlhtalY operatIOns of the war WIth blm on the subject and to learn hIS euce upon oats If used after the plauts have an Ingenious young German for many yeare ao em the appropriatIOn for the same $1 41() 021 81 It 18 not yet prmted m full realmteuhons He ",ent to the PreSident 8 attamed a helgbt of tbree or four lDcI)f~s, ployee 01 tbe Grorer & Barer SewlOg Machme Cam lD hand The appropriatIon for the next It asserts that tbe armIes of the Umted house It was already late at mght III a word Mr Editor that It IS good almost puy thewelllnoltD manufacturers In whose .h~~

"'5a 814 859 O~ d tl t t d I h I I Ibe invention was perfected Bnd to whom It haa been year Iii oj> '" ,an Ie es Ima eStates n w contain over 800 000 officer~ ani! PreSident receIve 11m Wit usua courtesy everywhere and ranks very pruper y With a,slgoed Th,slDventlOu Introduces matenal modi" for the year endll1g June 80 1864, 16 $68 mell flllly armed and e'illlpped uut s r that mild blue eye whICh at times the most Important Implemellt~ ou the farm? oatlOns 10 the cOl\8tructlon oflhe ,hulile or look-slll,h 251 255 01 IV uld fill WIth tears and overflow lIke that It IS astoUlshlng that willie we are making machines d~ellllDgWlth pa~tswhlch have heretofore

And the message concludes WIth a brief of a woman was kll1dled up that mght With progress m almost every other dllectlOn we been coosldered e,seDtlal reduclDg the amonnt 01 DEPARTXEIfT BEl'ORTS and generous acknowledgment of the mer MANAGEMEIfT OF PASTURES unwonted fire He reasoned WIth blm for a h d I ttl t d tl I friction mcreaslDg tbe speed and doing away WI ~

"T th ave one so I e owar Ie genera m the nece88lty of take-ups and oompllcaled tenal" We gIve below summarIes of the depart Its of tbe offiCIals of the Department and n e are not aware al any experiments whIle then paced the floor HIS Indlgna t d t f Ih II M •• h I b d h ro uc Ion 0 e ro er y own ex perl sprlngB and consequently rendenng It much mora ment repOits for whIch we had not room last of the~officers and men of the navy ave recent y een ma e m t IS regIOn to tlOn became fully aroused At tImes be ence WIth It has been 80 entlIely satlsfac Simple thau the old lock stitch macblnes test the practIcahlhty of the system we are d t d The Grover L B ke S "h C W "ek REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE IlITERIOR storme IU passIOn owermg lI,U tory that I cannot forbear urgmg ItS Impor "" a r eWing mac we ompanyall

C to recommend but we nevertheless II t t f II h ht b f d I t- h h h ~ now mannfacturlng and have on exhibition at th.! I\EI'QRT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE NA.VY (Many Items of minor mterest are entIre fully pelsnaded m our own [lIInd tbat tl r1s.~ng 0 IS U elg , ItS ramel la tance npon every farmer w ) as t U6 ,ar different sales-rooms these Improved machine. of tbt Iy omitted) f 11 mg anu qmverlllg every ,ea Ule g OWlOg not tiled It same patterns and at the same prices as their weli

Smce 1he commencement of our natIOnal The Cherokees Choctaws Chickasaws cannot I systematlCa y and rIg dly car WIth tbe hvmg fire wltblU With that oath known Grover & Baker stitch machines so tbat all In dIDloultll!S, fonl' powertul squadron8 have d S I I th b II on fled out be followed by other than the best whICh III hIm never seemed profane but the lerested may now see 'Blt\e by Side the latest Improve ooen collected orgaDlzed and statIOned for an emma es were eal y IlL e re e I results Every farmer IS aware that a suc struggle of a great soul to take hold of tbe The gov#rnmellt crop of Sea I.laud cot- ments for making Ihe til:o great rival stitches the duty on our m~rltlme fronller WIth a rapId I 0\ erawed by ~ rebel force sent among tbem cessful process m the labor of enrlchmg Almighty for tbe strength of hIS purpose ton raIsed by tbe coutrabands at Port Royal, Grover & Baker stitch and the lock Btitch-lUld decid. ty and suddermess wbICh finds no approach mto renouncmg theIr allegIance to tbe Umt SOlIs IS that of turmng them out to pas hp. declaled to Letcher that If anotber step 1""8 .. e_st .. ' .. m .. a~te_d_at .. 8"",,,,5 .. 00..,;...b .. al .. e .. s .. w=or .. t=h$ .. 1 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 ..... 0 !~iv!:xed questIOn Which IS the best! fo~~~;m to iii. parallelm prevIOus naval history and ed States and treatmg WIth tbe rebels ture and that Salls wh ch have been thus was taken by the Eternal ' he would try wblch It 19 beheved no other country but Some 1 000 souls that part of them who re treated and allClwed to recuperate durmg a Calhoun for treason and If conVIcted he our own could hav~ achieved Thesesquad fused were drtven mto Kansas and tmffer series of years are found on bemg agam Id h h II h h rons have been meessantly mamtammg a ed much before belDg reheverl> by the IndIan plowed and subjected to cultivatIOn to 1e H~~ansang 1m on a ga ows as Ig as


atrlct blockade of such gIgantic proportIOns Bmeau Three regIments were orgaDlzed endued With prinCiples of fertility some d d d h f th I t nd are now Letcher coul not mlsun erstan IS pur

that eminent foreign statesmen 1D tbe hIgh rom among em as spring a tImes equal to those whIch they lossessed pose He saw that he was tembly m ear Are prepared to do every kind or est !lcenes of leg slatlOn did not heSItate In service f fbI d In theIr primItIve or vlrgm state ThIS we nest From that mtervlew he hastened to JOB P R I N TIN G at Its commencement, pUblicly to denounce (After a brlc summary 0 ten Ian war conjecture would be the common result of Ihe lodgmgs of Calhoun He had retued It BS a material ImpoSSlhlhty, and yet 1D MlDnesota the repOi t says ) I am satls the system when thOl oughly earned out, to hIS bed He knocked at hIS bed chamber after thIS most ImposlDg naval undertakmg fied that the chIef cause of thIS outbreak IS we know of no mstance m whICh lands and was admItted Calhoun received him had been for a period of eIghteen months lD to be found m the lIJSlInectlOn of the South that have been depastured for a selles of Blttmg up m bed With hIS cloak around hIm operatton, and after Its reach had been effee ern States years-no matter how carelessly they Dlay Letcher detaJled all that occurred glvmg


FROM ~ C~"D TO ~ BOOlt Their Type and Preeses are nef and lo..perfect or­

der and theIr motto III • Neat QUIck, and Oheapc'

tlvely..extended along tbe enbre sweep The Mmnesotlans leqUIre mdeDlmty and have been Clopped-have been IDJured by It the entire conveIsatlOn between hIm and THE NARRAGANSETT WEEKLY our Atlantic and Gulf coasts, from the out- alslo guarantees for thle ~uture by the remo On tbe contrary many exhausted fields from Jackson and descrIbed the old hero as he Publlshed at W~sterly R I by G B & J HUtter let of the Chesapeake to the mouth of tne va of the IndIans t as been an error to which all tbe lIJdustry and sktll of the cuI took tbat oath a thirty two colll1lll1 paper devoted to News of the RIO Grandel tbe liame emment authorItIes treat the Indians as natIOns They should livator were madequate to secure a remu There sat Calhoun drmkmg 111 eagerly Day and MbcelianeoW! ReadlDg stoeolalprOlnlOenCe WJth a lIst 1n theIr hands of all the vessels be placed wlthm hmlts kept under control neratmg crop have been restored to pro- every word and as Letcher proceeded he IS gtven to New Eogland news aud espeCially to such 1fllicb'ite.d ev,.ded or escaped the VIgilance and taught to earn a hvmg hy agnculture ductlveness III a few seasons Simply by became pale as death and tJembled hke an as Rhode Islanders reBldent lit home or abroad oj ollr ~l.9ctadlllg forces could not refuse m Tbe number of app1ICatlOns for patents turnlllg them out' aspen leaf Yes sir Calhoun great as he would be likely 10 feel an mterest m As an adver tlieJr o\iiQJal statements to admit With reluc durmg tbe year endmg Sept 80 1862 was Tbls was ollce a very common opmlOn lD was III mtellect quaked III hiS bed I And IISlDg medIUm It 18 admitted to be the best In South tant candOl\. tblit the proof of the effiCiency 5 802 of whIch 8 522 were granted some of our oldest agricultural dIstrICts for what 1 Was It from fear or cowaldlce? ern Rhode Island Terms $1 50 per year in ad of thitliJookade was conspIcuous and whol The census repol t for 1860 IS III great No sooner dId a field that had been robbed Ah no It was the consCiousness of gudt vance :;:<;;; ly conctusl've and that JD. no preTlOuR war part ready for pubhcatlOn and IS proceedmg of Its fertlhty by a long course of severe He was the arch traItor who hke Satan lD MISCELLANEOU::; i):'UBLlCATlONS had tlIii port; of II1l enemy's country been so lapldly Congress must direct the manner and IDJndlClOus cropp111g fall to produce hb Paradise brought death mto the world G B & J HUtter bavlDg purcbased the B~8

NEW YORK and ERIE RAILROAD_ Tralnslesve plcr foot of Duaue-st

DUNKIRK EXPRFSS at 7 &. m for Dunkirk Buf falo Canandaiguaj and prinCipal Stations,

MAILat815 a,m forDunklrkaudlntermedlnteSl1 tlon.

WAY at 9 30 P m for Middletown lofell.burgb and termed,ate Stations

NIGHT EXPRESS d4i/y aU p m for~ Dunldrk Buffalo Canandatgua and prinCipal SI~hool Thl traw of Saturday run. only to ElmU'll "

CHM MINOT General Sup t NUH L H.uIsH Receiver Tralnsl.ave the follOWing statlOne at the time. tu

dlcated H~ GoIng East Gowg West

1.52 &. Dl Clnclnuatl Exj)r B. 6 24 B m QIgbl Ex 649a m,New York Expr s. 1211 p m Alrul

1233 P m Mall 7 I' Dunk kEJ 8 26 Night ExpreSl

A/trw 7 sa p m Way Freight

1208 Mall W.u....lI.

103 &. m Cmolnnatl Expr s. 6 50 a m N Y E~rea,

11 28 lI:all

1235p m )[&11 535 • m Way Fn t

722 .. m mghtEx I 18 P m )[011 811 Drmk Iii

eft'ectn.Uy closed by a naval force But of pubhcatJon erally tban It was tnlned out to pasture" 'lnd all ~ur woe Within one week he Sheet.s Stereotype Plates Eugravip~ and even II'nclf testimony was not needed The fhe pubhc prlntmg of the past year has What the preCise operatIOn of naturallaw9 came mto the Senate and voted for every of the Seventh-day BapllSt Pubhshlng 1042 a m Mall 209 P m lIa I proof of the fact abounds 10 the current been much greater than for any prevIOus upon the land IS left m tll16 c3nditlOU we secbon of Mr Clay s bIll and Gen Jackson SOCIety offer them for sale at low pncea for cash. 322 P m Way Frelgbt It 20 W., prIce of our Southern staples m the great year oWlDg to the number of war navy ale not able to Eay With certamty but have was prevalled upon not to prosecute hIm THE SEVElITH DU BAPTIST M£I(ORUJ. ______ .,.-_______ _

7 25 P m Night Express. Jlriendllup

commerCial marts of the world add more and revenue blanks and the large quantity no doubt tbllt It may be fairly Imputed to for hIS cnme We have from fifty to one hundred complete seta of THE AMERICAN SABBATH TRACT SO espeCially In the whole mdnstnal and com reqUIred by the last session of Congress three causes-the annual decay of tbe veg I have been told upon authority UpOIl the Memorial three volnmes, Includmg hlographles for ~~~I f~bg::!I~~::OI{V::~ITry R~~d~bl*.:~' merClal condItion of the msurgent regIOn Tbe Government prmtmg office has proved etable matter whICh glows upon the surface wInch I relv tbat durmg the last days of well execuled portraits of Elders Wm Bliss Tho!. va Ilshould not be forgotten, that no cIrcum very economICal savmg all the large profits which serves as top dressmg though It may Geu Jackson at the HermItage, whlle he HISCOX John DaVIS Wm.Satterlee Ell S Batley Wm No l-RellllODs for introducing the", bt Btance 18 wantIng to attest the magmtnde of the pubhc prmter under the old system be very slight-the effect 01 the solar rays was slowly slDkmg under the ravages of B MaxsoD Solomon Carpent~r N Wardner James Fourth Commandment to the conslderallob ot Ih of tbi& greatest of all naval tr1l1mphs The LANn COMMISSIONER S REPORT In attractmg mmeral matters from below. 'il<lnsnmptlOn _ that mysterIOUS dIsease H Cochran and Damel Coon t<lgether with engrav Clniltian Publlo 1 28 pp lDdnstrlal nl!cessltles and the commerCial 011 Sept 30 1862 the pubhc lands sur upward nearer tbe surface where tbe roots whIch whde It wastes the body leaves If lOgs of the old meetmg houses "I Newport and Hop- N~h:S!~~h ~~~;p and Scnptural Observance 01 cupIdIty of all the pf1l1C1pal maratlme na I ve)ed ant! unsold '\Iere 185142 999 acre~ of plants may readily find them, and the fer pOSSIble the mind more clear and nearer to kmton R I and the modern meeting hOl\llellat Paw No S-Authority for the Change of the Day of lb. tlOns armed and empowered as they are by DUling a year and a quarter to slime date tlhzlng Influences of the atmosphere that IDSplratlOn-he had a conversatIOn WIth hIS catuck R I and Berlin N Y These volumes were Sabbath, 28 pp the r~sourees of modern lDventlOn ale kept wele sold 202452943 acres, and tbe cash gleat ocean of light mOIsture and qUIcken famIly phySICIan aud fnend published at one dollar each and Are boundae a large No i-The Sabbath and Lama Day a history 01 at bay A multItude of Island harbors un recClved m that perIOd was $181 476 26 109 gase8 ever spread over the SOlI and de Wblle lylOg upon hiS bed one day and attracllvebook at the CQst ofano\her dollar We their ohservance in tbe Christian Church 62 pp der fon!lgn JnrlsdlctlOn lookmg Dearly upon About 4 1 2 million acres ID Oregon and scendmg up hm 11 to feedb and f:Perfect thhe speaking of hIS past AdmlOlstratlOn be III propose to send the complete work neatly bound WIth :~ L~~::tRe'as~:~e~~r' ~!e~lng holy In ele~ OUf aboreli ana afi'ordl'lg the most conveDlent over 34 of a mllhon III WiSCOnSin, were vegetatIOn t at covers t e sur ace of t e qmred postage or express charges paid to anyone who will week the SeveDth Day Instead of the Flr.l-d~y , lurjung-places from whICh llhClt (ommerce proclaImed COl sale 10 October About 2 8 4 earth We are lOchned to thlOk tbat the What act III my AdmlIllstrahon 10 yonr remit us three dollars. A copy oughl to be In ibe ma1Jeap forth to ItS prohIbIted destmatJon mllhon acres 1n WasblOgton territory IS prlDClpal advantage receIved by land 10 a opinIOn will posterIty condemn With the family of every Seveuth-day BapllBtwho I, Interelted and purpose are so closely watched as to ready to be proclaImed fOI sale state of exhaust n IS froOl tbe latter source grealest seventy? In the literature of ibe denominatlOo render tbe perll of all such ventures far Ril.i1road lands have been conveyed as fol When laud IS tbus partmlly or wholly re Tbe phYSICIan replied that he was unable THE SABBATH RECORDKR gre_ter than even their enormons gaIDs lows durmg the year ending June 80 1862 stored to a state of fertlhty, we too often to answer-that It might be tbe removal of Several tiles of the Sabbath Recorder from Itseom No the True Issue, 4pp when BUIlCCSS(ul And finally, a vast hne of under act of Aug 3 1854 to Iowa and find httle m subsequent detaIls to recom the depOSIts No COlDlDandment False Exp081UOD

Questions prelentmg lb. main Oontroversy, • Dialogue he

Gospel aDd a Sabb.tarllD

d M h 598 12910 5 tith f t t d Af h d h If f meDcement seventeen year. ago are on hand and 4, pp sea-coaat nearly three thousan mlies III ex IC Igan aCles SOl 0 men ter avmg repossesse Imse 0 'Oh no I Rilld the General Id tit t d II I No 10-Th. Sobbotl "-bracod Oftd O"-erved 16pp h d I M h U d th I d t f 1856 f I bl I I h fi will bc so en Ire or n par s a one 0 ar per vo ¥ • • cow ,_ om tent muoo of It WIth a double s ore an a IC n er e ral roa gran S 0 a portIOn 0 va ua e SOl a most t erst Then It may be the speCIe CIrcular? (In Engll'h Frenel ~ud German) most honeycombed wltb 10Iets and harbors and 1857 have been certIfied to tbe States step of the proprIetor IS to re adopt tbe pre Not at an I' Dme TRIO SABB.l.TH SCHOOL VISITOR _ No ll-ReligionaLlberty Endangered b) Loplltl" has Wen so belp=rnred and locked up that of Iowa W IS MlOn MlCh Fla Ala M,ss ClSP. system of management m croppmg hy '" bat 18 It then? EnllCimenta, 16 PI'

~.,. d L ttl t f 1118289669 h II d I In, The first three volumes of the VlBltor bound Ie>- No 12-lolIsuse of the term Babuath 8 pp the whole lInmense furelgu commerce whICh an II a 0 a amoun 0, whlc It was onglna y ma e poor n I can tell you aald he TlSlng up III hIS N' 1 h d d T t I f I d t th dry t d f f II h b d h gether In mW!itn can be had at 75 cents Subse- ° IS-The BlbleSahbath 24 pp was the veMl' Ife of t e III ustry an opu acres 0 II 0 swamp an s 0 e sun s ea 0 care u y us an 109 18 re-attaln hed hIS eyes kindling up I can tell you No I4-Dela"'"80bedienoe 4 pp

-. h h b d t te t k g der the t of 18'9 50 d I hid tel d bl dl quent volume8 In sbeels are on haud and Will be ,- L' lence of the vast regIOn w IC It or ers s a s II In un gran s ,. e wea t Ie goes Imme la y an In y Posterity win condemn me mOle because I No 100An Apl'e .. 1 for lb. KeatoratloD 01 th. Blbl. t S t 30 1862 44 498 851 02 acres k d d d sent In answer to orders covering 20 ceDlBpervolume. S bhalh I .,,-- t Ih B .. t r th h~ractlca\ly ceased to eXIst 0 ep to wor to Isslpate an estroy It was persuaded not to hang John C Calhoun a nan ........ <ss 0 • ..p .. ss rom I

L~.tlte Iollow~ a long and clearly wfltten The probable locatIOn of the easteru end 'I he plan we have to suggest IS thIS as a traitor than for any other act of my .l. Tal: CJ,ROL 8eTenib-dal Br,ptist Geller .. 1 Conference, '0 pp IIlawy. of the dIstrIbutIOn of the navy and of the PaCIfic R R from Lawrence, Kansas Let tbe poor fields be at once turned out" hfe' A Oollection ot onglnal and selected Music aud The Society hu silO }lubll.!hed the fO:r;g work. of Its operatIOns during tbe past year) to the 100th degree west longItude and of let tbem he two four or SIX years as tbe Sir does not thiS seem inspiratIOn now? Hymns for the use of Sabhath-8chools SOCII" Rell to which attention Ie blVlted

Tbe Alabama was bmlt and fitted;. out 10 It3 western end from the Sacramento to the case may seem to demand and until the SOIl If Calhooll the orlglOator of thIS glOW! Meet ngs and Famlhes. 128 pages octavo A fo'tru: Ctm':lW= IB;~r;: io~ OD FlI~: B.rltitP pott8J In flagrant VIOlatIOn of Blltlsh Truckee RIver In Nevada has been filed ac has re acqUIred ItS former vIgorous and to dissolve the UnIOn and to bUild up pnce 25 cent. single or $2 50 per dozen printed In Loodolliu 1724, repnnted .. I StonlDgl~n

IloaWl• Of the royal proclamatIon of neu cOldmg to law and the pubhc lands on healthy tone and tben Without the lIIter Southern Confederacy had been MANUAL OF THIO S&V&NTH~Y B.l.PTISTS lu 1802, now republilihed In a revised form 16~ pp ~1ity, Bbd I have reason to beheve that tbese routes have been Withdrawn from sale ventlOn of any grlllIl crop or If the object for hIS treason we would have had no re This hltle volume contains an Istoncal f'Iw Royd lAw ~ for By Edward 8tm' ~eflw 18 composed almost exclusively of accordlllgly The whole grants of land (on IS grass exclUSively Without any crop what- bellion now the Seventh dRy Baptists ahow g the origin lind Ie>- FirA prwled In LondoD w 1658, 64 pp lrd' sqbJects a belt 80 miles WIde along the route) wIn ever let them be laid down to gl ass The catlOu of theIr Churehe. IQ iugland Ind V'lItdiocRillll of 1Ac.nw ~ Byl W 1oI0rtoo lal.

It thiS piratICal crUIser left Great amount to about 15 500000 acres penod for plowhmg should be that 1ll whIch liE PATmN'l' WITH TliE LITTLE ONES with a list of preachers andithe statIStiCS of the ~:n&l1 of the Reformed Prelbyterlan«Jhorob Blitli1D~ tbe authorItIes of that couotry were Coal IS found 1ll Dakota Kansas Nebras vegetatIOn IS m Its greatest vigor although B t t th th I ttl L t churches, to which 18 appended a hrlef statement of .l1Jo a periodical Bheet quarto TIo.sabbalh Vi...,.' ilDfornJed by the recogDlzed offiCial agents ka Colorado, Utah, Nevada Cahforma Ore we should if tbe land 18 naturally thm and ~ e pa len WI del de ones he nel Ryns for emphaBlzlDg I~' Day of ibe Sabbath Prioe t1 per hundred of uu.. Govetnment of her character and gon and WashlOgton. provldmg well for weak prefel suwmg the seed the subsequent X:~o~~~I~:!~:e~no~~~~::go~;o~;~: ~he It Is neatly bound In muslin, '1fud sold al 25 cents per The aeries of lIl\een &raots togetber With EdwarO Puqaoees The BrItish Government, thus In that regIOn and eXIstmg to an aggregate sprlDg "R Ii h d copy Law Cont~Dded for ana J W lIa~ voked came too late to prevent her saJ\lllg extent far beyond that of tbe fields east of If thorough Improvement IS contemplated arp reproo" emem er t e wor IS new HYIIN ~oo of The true Sabbath mlY- be ha.

I , d th t th MISSIS I pi h b d J d to them and they have no shgbt tusk to volume To wbat ~,ent, un er ese mrcums ances e s Pte grass may e turne III III une an a grasp With their unrtpened mtellects the Copies of Chrlstiau Paa; y the Hymu Booi: tracte of ibe above lenes Will be furnlBhed 10 the Wiv..e\'nment of Great Btltalll IS bound Tbe Umted States gold and Silver reglOll crop of peas mIllet or buckwheat sown, to mass of facts and truths that crowd npon uMd by the Seventh-day Baptist churchet are sup- wlBhlng them tor distribution or sale at tb. nil In honor and JU8tule to oliiie mdemnlficatlon IS of more tban a mllhon square mJ\eB III be tnrned down as a green dressmg and pi ed at the follow'/'- rates ~~or $1 Pe-nl deslrong them oanhalt

I d I f II bIt t tUelf ittentlon Yon are grown to matuflty I,~ " .- ~ I for tbed~tructlOn of prIvate property whIch c u mg mOle or ess 0 ate coa em 0- a few bushels of ashes and gypsum sown and strengtb througb years of ext:enence Bound In roan pfaln edges forw ded bymailorotherwl8e on send ogtlei .hlllll~I-"lIIeB8el may perpetrate, IS a ques nes and states and New MeXICO and An either before or after plowlllg -lit edges linen With a remittance 10 GIIO B UrrlR Genert .... D" "D'" b k and It III hecomes you t'" fret at t e cliild gt paper f th S '--ib T So II "'11 tJO)l that may present Itself for dIsposal zona In no case should a ripe crop e ta en, v pJorocco 0 e Amencln Ih"" ract c e y • ~n l)bei:ame Secretary oC the Navy, A propel lease or tax anangement would nor should the young grass be fed by cattle that fllds to keep pace With your thought R I

only 42 ve_ls were III commiSSion and out give the Government an Immense lucome unttllt has thoroughly radlcated or taken reach him patiently as God teaches you """"L!!'O!!'O .. A!!'L......!A~G~E!!N~T .. 8~JI!ioO"!'R~T!!'IIll~!!U~OO"'!!"!B"!'D!!!J]I~ of 7 000 leamen only 207 were at band on fhls regIOn wlll furmsh at least $100 000 strong root hne upon hne precept up,0n precept, here March 10 1861 to aId usagamst the r$els 000 of gold aud SIlver thIS year which In plowlllg care should be taken to let a httle and therl! a I~tle Cheer hIm G B & J H UTTER Westerly It I NKW YOU We hav~ now' meludlllg those bulldlDg ought to gIve Ii revenue of $10,000,000 the plow run a httle deeper, If pOSSible thlln lD thIS conflICt uf mIn ,lD after years 1#.:=8 J> L~*~ribY ::~w! RfJrMa04alf l:~i::~ ve88~IB and 323 salhng vessels' Referrmg to tbe paramount claims; of ell; plowmgs m order to turn up [we, nch thought shall nse up and call you £TENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JE&:. Alfred o,-Kanon Green Polan4--Abel8tlillDlII il 34,0036 tuns, carrymg 8 268 plorers and actual mlnerSln advance of Bur some of tbe subsoll lind completely to m blt:Bss:Id t tl th dl t f V BEY-From foot of Cortland-tlt -Connecting at ' N V Hull P~g-H Clatke

veys etc the Land Office cannot recommend hume whatever of solnble matter of a vege- I e pa len y e en ess ques IOnlngs 0 Hampton Junotion wlib the Delaware LacbWlUlna ..tkrOIl-Samuelliunt. RicMu,gh-1. B aOtlrt~1 ~lrtt;~l~iol1o"rs a statement of the steps auy measure for the sale of the mmeral table nature there may be on the surface as your children Do not roughly crush the and Westem Railroad and at Easton W;:th the Lehl,h Brookjitld-B. Stillman 8t4hJl'~Onr w

Iron clad navy, and an lands but would adVIse the retentIOn of the well as to furmsh a deep and gemal med:nm springing spmt of free inquIry WIth an 1m VaUeYlBailroad and llll CClDllectiODl! forming a direct g:!7eoBs "Ohl~~r:il ~ar~E. ~ the of the Memmac and fee 111 the Umted States and that they be for the expansIOn and sustenance of the plltlent word or frown nor attempt on the line 10 Pitlll\)urg and the West wlthont change ofc~rs. DtR.yttr-B G~tllIlIWI :8cdl-J: B Clute 1\

held open to the free occupatIOn of all our young roots cOlltrary a long and mstructlve reply to Le!';:I{:wA.;~a:~ommeuclI1INOV 17, 62 DII1'"-jUo-,,A.A..Lewis Ba.B~_JLA;B' League Island and New LOll people subject only to a nommal annnal J.ands managed m thiS way we have no every shght and casual questIOn Seek ll<mi&burglJrprm lit 6 A..ll for (hwandlJ-J) C Burdick ~:~1L;le~~1111

for a navy yard for Iron ves- hcense and sucb montbly quarterly or an doubt would produce bountif~J1y for four rather to deepell t1l{nr curIOSity Convert PottsVille.lIarr1sburg Mauch Chunk Gmu«-: iag~:a~y W~L B BlbelMik «IDl· ... '.UIl.", IS best, because safest from nual moderate per centage upon the product or five years when they should agam.}5e If po&slble the careless queHtlOn mto a pro port G ~ -cJ P J Iverlllore Wat.o-.D ~ WdUalDt

fresh water, which 18 mdls- as shall be preSCribed by law A limitatIOn plowed and laid down as before Four yeats found and earnest lDqUlry, and aim rather to:-~~~m :::l P¥ttitO:D»m~:b~~a:: s~~= ~t'dIo'ilIt-A: II 'Wes' If'uI !lm.UtOll_EJbsIOD Iron navy yard, and bemg as to the quantIty whICh may be held by any IS suffiCiently long to crop any land latd to duect and aId than to answer thIS m Wilkea\Jlne ooliJlJiortOllt "

BUII'pliE!Sof Iron and coal one person IS also adVised down to grass unless It be copIOusly man qOlry Let your reply send tbe httle qnes .I~ Betblellem, Ailea- Ilrt Bridgt-S.8GrlIwl\d 11I'aUrford-O)[UIOll should have estabhsh POST}!ASTER GENERAL S REPORT ured or It IS mOIst swale land that receIves tloner forth not so much proud of what he L~bB!th:::::~~~ IdB ~ ~~U.llB&-U)( cotlrtll

for bnlldlDg Iron ShIP8, Comparison of years 1861 and 1862 gIves the annual wash of snrronndlDg hIgher has lellrned as anxlOns to know more Hap Chunk 2"~~F Beebe P_:CllIl ~ P SIUlJlJll nlll;nlt(l for wooden ones Revenue Expendllure lands Long cropplDg and short feedlDg lD py thon If m glvmg thy chtld the molecule 6 WfIY ft>IiII for Somemll, and iutennedI- ow lQB~'"

~]~la~~I<~;~; of keeplllg a large snp- 1861 $9 849296 $IS 606760 the fall and sprmg and no d.res8m~ wIll ov truth he asks for, thou canst whet hl8 lite No MIlf'lut-cJ R TltBwath 8Ailo1J-Isaao lbipb!lMliPg materIal, has gone out 1862 9012649 11125364 mfalhbly ensure sbort crops an mad;quate curIOsIty With a ghmpse of the monntalll of 1 All~~~wn f>ldi~lIaac S DUu'n W' B

of temporary economy Tbe Department has not beeu for many return for the cost and tro~ble of cnltlva. truth Iylllg beyond, so wilt thou send forth eep- JIM 0 Bowen .;~Ki~~~~Wme;;~flr:ht It dUring the rebel years so nearly selfBustamlDg ThIS result tlOn, and poverty In the end I-New England a philosopher, and not a SIlly pedant, mto Cr B Stefl:liN8i~-G w StlllJllI'

shiJiuld be restored IS largely oWlDg to the suspenslOu of postal Farmer the world ~ ~~Ioi.lilipnld BOOn be estabhshed expenditures m tbe ~th which were great- Bear patlOntly tbe childIsh humors of Ke ::dIQ~~WFRaDd~pn

',''l,,&lP.l'.\I,I, tn the MIISISBIPPI Val Iy ID excess of post pts but not alone AN IRON EGG -In Dresden there IS an 1ron those httle ones They are but the untulor F Rar:lto~ ~'SIort-Zebnloo I' to tbat A reVISIOn of discretIOnary ex egg the hIstory of whIch IS somethmg like ed pleadmg of tbe young spmt for care and ORIO" ~.'J

i'fl:lr,,(ato;nl harbors were butlt to de- penscs 1'3S I een made and large reductIOns thiS A young prmce sent tbls Iron egg to cultivatIOn Imtated mto strength, aOO J,..t.",. ~lIloli Hi Babcock ordered The pay of agent8 has been re a lady to whom he was betrothed She re- hardened wto hablts, they will the garded and eql1allzed Economy hilS been celved It m her hand, and looked at It WIth whole of hfe hke fiendd of ,.nd re-estabhshed III the largel offices where dlsdam In herJndlgnatlon tbat he sbould make thy Irttle onea the

;li1iOlllreedlry-cl:>c]\[s, al1 too small waste was found Incompetenoy, wherever send her such a gift she cas~ It to the eatth born, but corrected kin,dly We should found m offiCIal pOSition hus been removed When It touched the ground a sprmg, cnu they become the elements haj>J)1IIeS8

!a~:~;:~i~j::~:~~~~ once and an effort made to adppt II staudard of Dlngly hIdden lD the egg, opened and a stl usefnlness PassIOns afe ~, of tbe Navy Depart-; merIt and adminIstrative effiCIency III lieu vet yolk rolled ont She touched a secret lI\ay eIther scorch us WIth theIr un'~ontroliled

uoder the law of last seS810n lS work of other and mferlOr motIves for appomt- sprmg in the yolk and a golden chIcken; re fqry, or may Yield us _ gemal and neeidfil,ll well ment vealed, she touched a sprlllg III the chicken warmth


t wave jind nevermOM brel'tbe~

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