
.. . .. -

J tu sa ic tv ffli N. Y^ .IUday, November IS, 1957 owtMnx utminMKSmBBi

P l e a s a n t s - M a l l a r d D u c k sp \

C a p o n s ' - F ry ie rs '

A K N U S n g a m e : F A R MPbMe 8-«611 DeDd. N. V.

PAMOUS ffVlllR iUICINo ariMT b n ^ p«n«tnrtM hair to •Hmulal* Hi* m atf CM •ff*criv*ly. fohancM th« wavs; brings mm springing, «hlnlng baowty. -

YovrAoriierindFifllar Brush DMter,

C H A R L E S J . H C » 1 M E L J R .

Write or Call STAMFORD, N. Y., R. D. STAMFORD 5818

T H E R O X B U R Y N E W SMonday, Nov. 12, 1957 \ Irma M. Gxiffin, Editor

a>ee BFD at Grand GorgeTfiere is a movanM it to have

ru ra l free delivery a t Grand Gorge. Roxbury has had rural free delivery since i t was iasti: tu ted in 1907.

Joanne Looise Arrives (A daughter, Joanne Louise,

five pounds 13 ounces, was bom Election day to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Jr. a t the Mar- garetville hospital

Mrs. W illiam d a r k of Cteeonta has beo i visiting Mrs. Helen K. Bates and Miss M arion Keeveny.

Mr. and Mrs. F red Haynes of Pawling w ere recent o v e in ^ t guests of th e ir cousin, Mrs. David B. Brower.

I BozlNiry Adds TwoA daughter, weighing eifSit

pounds 13% ounces, was bom F ri­day, Nov. 8 , to Mr. and Mrs. Rob­e r t J . H aggerty a t tlie M argaret- ville hospit&L "

A son, Vincent Ifoward, was bram Thursday, Nov. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. E^rerett Snyder a t the Mar- garetville hospit^.

Mr; and Mrs. E. Crosby Morse le ft Wednesday for th e ir w inter home a t DeLand, Fla.

W ent to n o rld aMrs. Leo Morse accompanied

Mrs. \^ rg in ia Kcanlos of M arga- retville to Key W est, F la., fo r a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayes of Long Valley Spent Armistice w eek ^ d w ith Mr. and lite . How­ard Cartw right.

The “Sputnik hop,” sdieduled for Friday night was cancelled^ by the school dosing b ^ u s e of the flu. \

Mrs. Carrie Finch, Mrs. Frances Finkle and Irm a M. Griffin were in Oneonta Thursday. Also in Oneonta w ere M ^ Andrew Gray, Mrs. Charles Shultis and Mrs. Charles H. Reed. r

Mrs. Robert E lndi and daugh­te r , Lois, of Sand Lake called hCTe for the funeral of Paul Jenkins, have r^natoed to spend some tim e w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jesse iln ch . Robert has returned to Sand Lake.

Lewis Higgins Jr., young son of M r. and Mrs. Lewis Higgins, is a patient a t M argaretville hos- pitjal where he is receiving trea t­m ent f<n: his leg.

Mrs. Howard Pi Gibbs is a pa­tien t a t M argaretville hospital |

Mr. ra d Mrs. F rank T. Bouton and children, Carol and Rpbert, and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Car- meli of New York city spent the wedcend w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jam es M. Bouton.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slaus(» took their son, Alan, to a spedal- i^t in Kingston last Wednesday,

because of nasal hem oniiages f<d- Ibwing the flu. Alan is m udi bet­te r now and able to be out.

The Roxbury Reading du b m et Monday evening a t the library of the central schOoL “The ' Last Angry Man,” a novd by Gerald Grtene, was reviewed by Mrs. F red W a]^le . GentleK iii^ t," a b io g ra i^ of W alter W hite, w rittra by his wife, PoK>y Cannon, was reviewed fay .M rs. Bruce Caswdl. Seme o th ^ bodts were planned bu t illness preveiit- ed their review.

liindon B. Morse was speaker a t the Rotary did> Mqnday eve­ning. He showed slides taken a t the district conference a t the Concord in Monticello, w hidt he and other R otarians had attended.

The seccmd in a series of study groups on “Raice R dations” w as h d d Sunday evoiing a t the Jay Gould M anorial Reformed diurch.

Bernard Hickey of Newburgl^ spent a few days w ith his daugh- ter^ Mrs. W illiam G r a h a m . Thomas Brady of N e w b u ^ spent the weekend w ith his unde, and aunt, Mr. land Mrs. Graham. Jam es Hickey, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Graham has returned to his home in California.

Snow was D e ^Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Taylor and

family spent Armistice weekend a t Salmtmca w ith Mr. Taylor's

A M E R I C A ' S B I G G E S T C A R V A L U E — O N S A L E T O D A Y I

N E W 1 9 5 8 M E B C U E Y


\O n ly c a r to b r in g y o u S po rJts-C ar S p ir it

. . . w i th L im o u s in e ^ d eMercuiy introduces the year’s biggest advance in car performance_a combina­tion of the superb control and handling ease of a sports car_plus the room, ride, and comfort of a limousine.4 SERIES OF MERCURYS TO CHOOSE FROM IN *58. PRICES START JUST ABOVE THE LOWEST. The M o n te r^ ae o B B ^5 m odds w ithin easy reach ^ lray ffls o f low-priced cais. For only a few doIlaiB m m , M em ny’s six M ontdairs give yoa m any additional luxury features. *niere*s a dioice of six station wagon m odds in 3 price ranges. For magnifinencB imlimitoMi, there are 3 models in the en tirdy new Park Lane aeries. And, even here, prices a ie su ip iia n (^ modest.

ANNOUNaNG AN ENTIRELY NEW FAMILY OF MARAUDER ENGINES WITH UNIQUE COOUPOWER DESIGN. The greatengineering advances of "Cool-Powar” Design in<dude n ^ . In-Uock Combustion, Water-flow Intake *Manifdid, 3-stage Cooling, imd Cool-heid Valves'. Power and fu d once lost to heat and friction are p u t to work for you. T h m are thnee new M arauder V-8 ’s w ith 312, 330 and 360 lq>. iaze aUteamed w ith a new hi^i-economy rear to p v e yoa m a n power, more mileage from Jess fu d .

ADVANCED TREND^ETTING STYUNG-WONDBIFUL HBH DRIVING AIDS. M ercury continues its leadersh9 - .n o t only iit stjiing , bob in features. For example, new Sqier-Safe sdf- adjustvis ivakes. New M u lti-D i^ Merc-O-Matic' in the Park L i ^ series. And you can get features like a % eed-lim it Safety M onitor, autom atic power lufaricatlon, maiqr othors. We invite you to attend tiie first dxowing.


T H E B I G M B B B B 1 I 9 3 S M E R C U R Y

D E L A W A R E M O T O R S C O .2 3 4 - 2 3 8 M a in S t r e ^ M a rg a re tv iU c , N . V.

m other, iSxs. Gladys Taylor, and brothec^in-law^and sister, M r. and Mrs. J a d i Button. TTiey reported deep snow a t Salmanca, v iiid inecessitated shoveling before they could get o d t n ie y w ere su r­prised a t - ;^e small am ount of snow in the Catskills.

Mr. and Mrs. Obe Zuidona N orth Haledon, N , J., spent the A im istice w e e l^ d a t their new home above Roxbury.

R obert L. Van Valkenburgh Is a p a tie n t'a t M argaretville hosi^- tal.' Mrs. Van Valkenburgh is visking h er d augh t^ , Mrs. Wil­liam Grenolds, a t VestaL

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Poli and son, Gus jr ., of Grand Gorge, Robert Hitchcock and Miss Carol Fondaof Bleidieim were Suxday eve­ning guests of M r. and Mrs. Otis Reed.

Mrs. Dorothy Stone of Stam ­ford was a Sunday guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reed, on Spruce* stree t and Mr. and Mrs. Sam ud Moscotti of M ar­garetville were also guests. Mr.' and Mrs. H arold Stone of Stam ­ford called Monday a t the Reed home.

' Deer Damaged OarRev. Gerald B Bostodc accom­

panied several young pe<^le: Misses Arlene and Patric ia How­ard, Elizabeth W eber and IJoyd Procter, to a youth rally a t Pou^ikeepsie on A nnistice day. On returning, a deer ran into Mr. Bostock’s car between P ra tts- ville and Grand Gorge, damaging i t su b tly .

WIU E lect DeaconsDue to the school senior play

date being moved frran the 15th to the 2 2 nd, the annual congrega­tional meeting of the Reformed church will be held this Friday a t 7:45 a t the church. Elders to succeed Howard P. Gibbs and Don­ald More, deacons to succeed George Raeder and Harold Hink- ley and to fill out Don Kelley’s term s will be elected. The 1958 budget will be subm itted for adoption.

The Roxbury American Legion post m et Thursday night, Nov. 7, w ith William Frever^, , commander, presiding a t the meeting. I t was dedded to cancd the annual Vet- erans’ day services because of the flu epidemic in Roxbury. Twelve memliers were present. Refresh­ments were served after the m eet­ing. W illiam M attice was in charge of the re fresh m ^ t com­m ittee. The county Legion m eet­ing will be held in M argaretville Wednesday, the 20th. Junior Legionl b ^ eb a ll w ill be discussed then.

,A new garage is being built a t the Reformed church manse. So far, 23 men have ^ven 144 |iours of work. All is done except paint­ing and puttm g in the floor.

1&. and Mrs. Addison. Laslie^ of Selkirk w ere SatuM ay guests of Mrs. V an -Vfoeri^^

K ^ e t h Shaver of Pou^ikeep^ sie spent Sunday w ith Mr. and W&rs. Henry Van Vladk.

W illiam Donovan of Philadel­phia, Pa., and Ray Lenn of P a t­erson, N. J., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce German.

Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Caswell and ch ild r^ , Roxanne and Jeffrey, of. Plainville, Conn., spent the weekend w ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pebler. Mrs. Dewey E. Caswell of Plainville accom pany them and spent the weekend w ith Mr. and Mrs. JamesB. Ploutz. Mrs. Adelbert Caswell and children remained for a two- week visit.

Mr. and Mrs. M arshall and chil­dren, ^ th y , Rose and Patrick, and Mrs. Zayda C H ^ and daughter, Phyllis, of Grand Gorge were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Osborn.

Mr. and Mrs. Granson Slater and Mrs. B. H. B ennett spent Sun­day w ith Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B ennett a t Stamford.

Mr. and Mrs. H arry Freden- burgh and children, Frederick and Gary, of Rcmie w ere weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Teischmann.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCune and daughter, Donna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jam es J . Andrews a t Andes last Sunday.

Miss Anna E. Gockel of Grand Gorge spent from *niursday to Sunday w ith her grandparents, Mr. and rMs. H arry Godcd.

M r.'an d Mrs. Omar J . Griffin are spending a few days w ith Mr. and Mrs. D o u s ^ K. Griffin a t Packanadc Lake, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. R o b o l Bradley of Westwood, N. J., spent Sunday w ith Mr. and M is. Jam es Bradley. Mr; and M rs, Jam es Bradley Jr. of Edgewater) N. J., w ere guests la s t w eekdid of Mr. Bradley’s par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es B rad l^ . l i was th e ir firs t visit to R(»cbury since th d r m arriage S e p t 28 a t a B aptist d iu rd i a t L ancast^ , S. C. Mrs. Bradley is the form er SQss B arbara Straw n at Lan­caster. Mr. Bradley w rate t<a Lever Brothers in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Casper Bellows of M argaretville called Saturday on Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Bradley.

Miss Joan Dugan spent last week w ith Iifr. and Mrs. H a iry Pebler and sc»i, Ralirii, a t Linden- h u r ^ R a l^ Pd>ler accranpanled lifiss Jocm Dugan, his fiancee, home and spent th e weekm d with

R o xb m y

P in e G ro«besdks

V is it R o sd b u iyRoxbury, Nov. 6 .— A number

of pine grosbeaks have been fly­ing about the vicinity th is fall. Some years these birds were nu­merous and sa n e years none is seen. T h^r are beautiful birds. The nudes a re rose-cdor as to head and breast and the females have a ydlow head.

Miss Brenda German celebrat­ed h er 10th birthday Wednesday a fte r sd io d by a party a t her home a t which six girls were present: Ldnda Hinkley, Joan W heeler, K athleen Rhyner, Ldnda* G ^gory and Rose PurchdL

Dtivid Munsell has a position in the office of the Ddawfu^e and Hudson railroad company a t Al­bany. H e graduated last Jime fh»n Delhi A gricultural school.

Mrs. Carrie H. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. G e o i^ Hoag and Mrs. K ath­erine Scudder w w e a t Middle- burgh Friday n i^ t , where they attended the reception for Mrs. Johnson, E astern S ta r commis­sioner o fAPPeals.

R a li^ Morse of Sussex, N. J., spent the weekend w ith his moth­er, Mrs. C arrie H. Morse.

Sam ud G. Lutz, Andrew F. Lutz and Thomas A. P orter a t­tended the funeral of Dr. CharlesH. Snow a t the Havey funeral home in Yonkers Thursday.

Miss Virginia Gaines was a del­egate fnnn Ithaca college, where she is a student, to a M o ^ Con­stitutional convention a t Syra­cuse university on Oct. 30 and 31.

'The Roxbury Democratic dub will m eet a t 8 p. m. Nov. 13 a t the Grand Gorge fire house.

L isten V eterans!Government checks for pension,

compensation, in s u r a ^ a n d other benefits paid by the VA may now be forwarded to a persra’s new address when he or she nioves, providing a regular postoffice change of address- form ,is filed w ith the Post Office D epart­m en t Until tliis law was passed by the 85th Congress such checks could no t be forwarded by the post office but had to be returned to the VA. Persons who change their addresses, neverthdess, are urged to file a form al change of address w ith the VA. These forms and assistance in ccnnplet- ing them may be obtained from th is office.

Christm as parcels should be nuuled between November 1 and November 20 to members of the U. S. arm ed forces serving over­seas. A 70-pound ceiling W£is se t by officials as the maximum w e ^ t for m ost packages sent overseas w ith the exception of cer­ta in areas serviced through New York. The weight of th e pack­ages fo r those {iteas m ay not » - «:eed^5p poudd& -.In additi<m to ^ ' u ^ a l normally, pro­hibited m a t te s "and l i f t e r fluid m ay ' not be m ailed to overseas m ilitary addresses.

Questions about .th e ^ ri^ ts and benefits of veterans, serviconen or th e ir departm ents m ay be sub­m itted for individual attention to the Delaware County Veterans’ Service Agency o r the New York S tate Division of Veterans’ Af­fair, Court House, DelhL

his u n d e and aunt, Mp. and Mrs. George Pebler.

Several students from Roxbury attended tiie Ncnr York State

BiisiiiesslNiiectoryArkville MobOgds

Sdrvke Stati<« jromrHU<mKS

Urea TnbosWm Mok OreMlac

Jester’s Funeral HmaeAndea. ST. Y.

Phone Andes « m AMBULANCE siatVlCB


CHIROMtACTORIS Tm au m i S t, Waltoa

VbooB ft-S54« VtsnStfO Monday thra Fridays faO->!Oa Mon., Wed..FtLBwB


ALVA MOORE Murgan«vin& N. Y.

. Pkone Klngrton S74S

MICHAELOaipenter and Calrinet _

General Contractor AltoraHcnu Bepalrs

Cabinet Work neiaotamaana S82

Ceramic Tile SettingOld and New Work

Hree Eatfanates Domeatle or Conmieielal



Wednesdays Fk«u 1 P. M. Aeademy S t, Blaq;aretvllle

Phone 0175


F A R M & H C ^




D u g a n & T a b e rbcorporated

MABOABETVnXE. N. Y.rnrnimiimmiimmmmmm

School Music Assodation area All­sta te in Oneonta Nov. 8 and 9, Friday and Saturday.. Present for thechprus were Judy E tts, Nancy M oi^ , Sylvia Lutz, Jam es Ross and liloyd Procter. F or the band were Joan R ettm der and Patric ia Numann. H ieir music teacher. Miss Beatrice Hinman, attended and the parents took turns in driving. Saturday eve­ning those who attended the om - cert a t Oneonta were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F . Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Ross, Mrs. S tan­ley E tts, Me. and Mrs. Kenneth Rickard and A. Wesley Lee, Ru­dolph Gorsch' Jr. Miss Susan Ives, and Mr.« and Mrs. Reginald Fow­ler. .

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tyler of Roscoe were Sunday guests of Mrs. Tyler’s mother, Mrs. Andrew Schuman.

0Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corsi of

New York spent the Armistice weekend a t their Roxbury home. Supreme Court Judge and Mrs. Sidney Foster of L iberty spent the weekend a t the Corsi home.

Mrs. Jolm ^Minton spent Thurs­day in Albany.

Cynthia German, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce German, was a patient a t St. P eter’s hospital, Albany, for 10 days w ith a kidney ailm ent She has re tu rn ^ and is a t the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Sqphie R e s tc h a ^ because her brothers, Raymond and Joaepb, have the flu a t p resen t

Mr.^ and Mrs. Robert Keyser and son, L arry, of F<»da, Mrs. Bradley Case of Conesville and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wood o£ Cobleskill were weekend guests of Mrs. John VanWcamer and son Peter.

Clint<Hr H unter, in the M a r in i stationed a t Camp LeJeune, N. C., came home Wednesday frar a 15- day furlough w ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B ert Hunter.

Mr. and Mrs. R idiard Y. Todd d Youngsville were wedcend guests of Mrs. Charles H. Morse.

Mrs. H erbert Happerd>erg left fo r New Yoric d ty Monday to re- cdve trea tm ra t for a onu^ed bone in her anbJe.



In tiie Tradition Of Yotff Own Faitb

O ur services 4re conducted in com­plete accord with the church of your faith and in ter­m ent arranged in any cem etery of your choice. Our service is pers(»ial- ized.

Herrick’s Funoal Home

Phone OSSlCor. Chureh and

W alnut M argaretville


Notice is hereby ^ to provisions of sectimi l^ V tf the h i^ w a y law th a t Omar J/G riffin has recommended to the Town Board ot the Town of Roxbury,the purdiase of one used podthw 4-wheel drive truck, G.V .wT^,000 lbs., eq^pped witii V58 SP F rink Show P l ^ and 12-foot levdine wing, idow and v ^ g to be foil power hydraulic' cm troiled from cab. The cost no t to exceed $4,000.00. The Town Board wiHm eet a t th e Town Cleric’s Office in the Village of Roxbury woy. 2 ^ 1967, a t 7:00 P . M. and ludd a public hearing to crasider su d i purdiase.

The Town Board of th e Town (rf Dxbury invites sealed bids for the

sal6 and delivery to th e Tow n of Roxbury of the above described

; specification m ay be firwn O m ar J. Cmffin,

S 1 > » in ta ld « lt of Highways, of tlie Town of Roadwry.

Bids w ill be received by the Town Clerk, a t his < ^ c e in th e village of Roxbury until time., of H earing Nov. 22, 1957, a t 7:00 P . M. a t which tim e said bids will be publidy opened as provided by seetkm 103 of th e General M unid- pel law.

‘By O rder of th e Town Board i £UISHALL J . SLAUS(»r Town CleriE, Town of Rogd>ury-

n l5c

the VUlai

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