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I knew Ted Kurze initially from thevantage point of Yale University in NewHaven, CT, where, as a resident, I sawhim as one of the iconic figures who estab-lished the operating microscope as a neu-rosurgical tool, opening a new era in thefield. Later, he offered me an opportunitythat would prove to be my longstandingand only academic position for more thana generation. That opportunity was in themagnificent setting of the immense, cathe-dral-like Los Angeles County Hospital atthe University of Southern CaliforniaMedical Center. It was there that I madethe turbulent emergence from resident toneurosurgeon in a challenging, rich, andlargely unforgiving environment. Ted wasan engaging and charismatic man, trulycomplex and eclectic—as at home at thehelm of an ocean racing sailboat or on atennis court as in the operating room orwhen engaged in intimate conversationsrelated to philosophy, metaphysics, his-tory, music, geography, psychology, reli-gion, or the assessment of human nature.He was a primary mentor to me, and forthis I will be forever grateful.

—Michael L.J. Apuzzo,Chicago, 2008

In the spirit of Ted Kurze (Fig. 1B), this articlewill touch on diverse topics with a numberof common themes. It is configured in 3 sec-

tions; in the first section, the power of ideas

and their role in initiating change and progressare assessed. This potential cascade effect willbe illustrated by an enumeration of the move-ment of Modernism in art. In the next section,the immense scope and capabilities of “mod-ern” scientific endeavors are discussed. And inthe final section, the realities and philosophiesof modern neurosurgical attitudes are definedin hopeful and theoretical terms.

Alchemy, Ideas, and ModernismIn the history of science, alchemy was a

chemical discipline and speculative philosophyaiming to achieve the transmutation of basemetals into gold, to find a universal cure for dis-eases, and to discover a means of indefinitelyprolonging life. Fundamentally, it was the




THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS an assessment of the power of ideas and their role in initiat-ing change and progress. The enormous potential cascade effect is illustrated by exam-ining the movement of Modernism in the arts. Next, the immense scope and capabili-ties of the modern scientific endeavor—with robotic space exploration at the scale of109 meters at one extreme and the wonders of nanoscience at the scale of 10�9 m atthe other—are examined. The attitudes and philosophies of neurological surgery arerelated to those involved in the Modernist movement and placed on the defined scaleof contemporary scientific activity.

KEY WORDS: Creativity, Ideas, Modernism, Nanoneurosurgery, Nanotechnology, Neurological surgery,Progress, Space, Stardust

Neurosurgery 63:1035–1044, 2008 DOI: 10.1227/01.NEU.0000335789.61773.C5

Michael L.J. Apuzzo, M.D.Department of Neurological Surgery,Keck School of Medicine,University of Southern California,Los Angeles, California

James B. Elder, M.D.Department of Neurological Surgery,Keck School of Medicine,University of Southern California,Los Angeles, California

Rodrick Faccio, B.S.Department of Neurological Surgery,Keck School of Medicine,University of Southern California,Los Angeles, California

Charles Y. Liu, M.D., Ph.D.Department of Neurological Surgery,Keck School of Medicine,University of Southern California,Los Angeles, California, andDivision of Chemistryand Chemical Engineering,California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, California

Reprint requests:Michael L.J. Apuzzo, M.D.,1420 San Pablo Street,PMB A-106,Los Angeles, CA 90033.Email: [email protected]

Received, July 16, 2008.

Accepted, August 19, 2008.

AcknowledgmentPresented in part as the TheodoreKurze Lecture at the AmericanAssociation of NeurologicalSurgeons Annual Meeting,Chicago, Illinois, April 30, 2008.

FIGURE 1. Left, Los Angeles County/University ofSouthern California Medical Center; Center, TheodoreKurze; Right, Michael L.J. Apuzzo.

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power or process of transforming something common intosomething special.

An idea can be a transforming or transmuting agent capable,in its most potent form, of initiating a cascade of influence andchange; indeed, it can be a catalyst for transmutation and changefrom the ordinary to the elevated. An example of the cascadeeffect in operation is evident in an examination of the genesisand development of the Modernist movement in the arts.

Fueled and instigated by the emergence of industrialismand the railroad, “modern” cities such as Paris and Londonbecame lodestones that attracted artists and they provided animmense picture gallery where modern artists could properlyread from the “immense dictionary of modern life” (10).For more than 100 years, Paris was “ground zero” for theModernist movement in art, architecture, music, dance,design, literature, and poetry.

Beginning around 1860, the idea of “change” began toemerge and was met with resistance, particularly from thebourgeois. However, the idea held sway, and those drawn bywhat art historian Peter Gay has termed the “lure of heresy”pressed forward, creating what was considered the birth of theModernist movement in 1910, according to Virginia Woolf. Thefundamental idiom of the idea base, as defined by Ezra Poundin 1935, was, “Make it new.”

Hallmarks of the spirit of the Modernist movement were itsgenerally utopian nature, the attitude that progress in all thingswas assumed, the acceptance of the inevitability of scientificand social process, and the premium placed on innovation anddiscovery. Those engaged felt pressure to reinvent themselves,to divest themselves from the past, and to be astonished withthe future (10). The cascade effect is readily appreciated withreflection on and recollection of the works of iconic Modernistfigures, which include, for example:

In painting:Claude Monet: the father of French Impressionism, who cham-

pioned the idea of the artist expressing his perceptions of asubject (Fig. 2).

Pablo Picasso: whose excursion into Cubism expressed decon-struction and reconstruction of the subject in geometricforms, presented in monochrome brown and neutral colors.

Wassily Kandinsky: creator of the first modern abstract workbased on geometric progressivism, color symbolism, andpsychology (Fig. 3).

Mark Rothko: who used broad patterns of monotone color forpsychological effect (Fig. 4).

Jackson Pollock: purveyor of a chaos of paint in color and disor-der over broad surfaces.In architecture:

Charles Edouard Jeanneret-Gris: who, at age 33, reinvented him-self as “Le Corbusier” to champion aesthetic spareness andthe “machine aesthetic” as an urbanist (Fig. 5).

FIGURE 2. Arrival of the Normandy Train, TheGare Saint-Lazare, 1877, by Claude Monet, NationalGallery, London.

FIGURE 3. Composition 8, July 1923, by WassilyKandinsky, Guggenheim Museum, New York.

FIGURE 4. Mark Rothko, Orange and Yellow, 1956,oil on canvas, unframed: 91 � 71� (231.14 � 180.34cm.), Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York,Gift of Seymour H. Knox, Jr., 1956. © 1998 KateRothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko/Artists RightsSociety (ARS), New York.

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Frank Lloyd Wright: the master of personal reinvention, who,over a 60-year career, introduced concepts of “organic”architecture and robust modernity through novel employ-ment of cement (Fig. 6).

Mies van der Rohe: the self-educated son of a stonecutter fromAachen, Germany, who sought to represent the modern agethrough extreme clarity, with “skin and bones” minimalistemployment of steel and glass.

Frank Gehry: the Romantic Modernist, who presents sensualgeometry in titanium “jackets” (Fig. 7).Consider the recent performance of Philip Glass’ 1979

Modernist opera Satyagraha at New York’s Metropolitan Opera(Fig. 8). Given its form and content, would this have been cre-ated or accepted 100, 75, or even 50 years ago?

Scope and Scale of Modern Science

One of the Modernist denizens of Paris was Diego Rivera, ayoung Mexican artist from Guanajuato. He had dabbled inCubism and became enamored with the concept of fresco paint-ing, traveling to Italy to study the 2000-year history of that artform. He went on to become the world’s most accomplishedmuralist. As the final stages of construction of RockefellerCenter in Manhattan were under way in 1932, he was invited tocreate a massive mural to commemorate the spirit of the times(Fig. 9). His creation, however, incorporated an image ofVladimir Ilyich Lenin and was rejected. His fresco, with somevariations, was ultimately completed at the Palace of Fine Artsin Mexico City. It was titled Man, Controller of the Universe. Thecenter of the piece depicted man at the controls of the UniverseMachine and looking into the heavens with a sense of confi-dence and power (Fig. 10). This idea of comprehension and con-trol of the environment has led to mankind’s quest for thou-sands of years, from the Egyptians to the Mayans to today, tograsp the details of the skies above. The concept of comprehen-sion of the stars has created a cascade effect of activities.

The Cosmic ScaleIn 1965, Penzias and Wilson at Bell Laboratories in Murray

Hill, NJ, discovered that, beyond the simple visual apprecia-

tion of the heavens, an invisible cosmic microwave back-ground radiation could be detected. This phenomenon waslater found to have variations, called anisotropy, which could

FIGURE 8. Satyagraha, Act III Metropolitan Opera New York, com-posed by Philip Glass, April 2008.

FIGURE 5. Villa Savoie, Poissy, France, designed byCharles Edouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier), 1929. FIGURE 6. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,

New York, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, 1959.

FIGURE 7. Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles,designed by Frank Gehry, 2003.

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be measured, thus giving a calculated depiction of the after-glow of the Big Bang—the creation of our universe 13.6 billionyears ago. In 1980, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probewas launched to give a detailed rendering of the skies, and itprovided a “baby picture” of the universe (Fig. 11). This proj-ect, which is ongoing, has provided enormous insight into thecomposition and time of creation of the universe, its stars andgalaxies, and our solar system. It is estimated that our solarsystem’s age is 4.6 billion years (Fig. 12). The composition ofthe universe has been a topic of great interest. According to theperiodic table, the atoms that we comprehend comprise only

4% of the universe and are termed “ordinary matter.” Twenty-three percent of the universe is unknown “dark matter.” Theremainder, nearly 73%, is composed of a strange “darkenergy,” which is believed to be an antigravity force that is cre-ating an ongoing expansion of the universe and will cause itsdemise millions of years hence.

During the formation of the solar system, some of the prod-ucts were the comets, which course in regions beyond Neptune(1). Comets, which are comprised of a nucleus of carbon, dust,

FIGURE 9. Man at the Crossroads with Hope and High Vision to theChoosing of a New and Better Future (study for the destroyed mural atthe Radio Corporation of America Building, Rockefeller Center), New York,

by Diego Rivera, 1934. From Rochfort D: Mexican Muralists: Orozco,Rivera, Siequeros. San Francisco, Chronicle Books LLC, 1998.

FIGURE 10. Man, Controller of the Universe,Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City (detail), by DiegoRivera, 1934. Photograph by Bob Schalkwijk.

FIGURE 11. Image of the infant universe illustrating13.7 billion-year-old temperature fluctuations (colordifferences) that correspond to the cosmic materialsthat developed to become the galaxies. (Courtesy of theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]/Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe [WMAP]Science Team[].)

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and ice, develop what is called a “tail,” made of dust, ice, andwater, as they begin to change configuration on the basis oftheir proximity to the sun and the impact of solar winds. Thistail was considered by astronomers and astrophysicists to con-tain clues to the composition and formation of the planets andour universe in general. An idea was formulated to access acomet’s tail! Investigators at the California Institute of Tech-nology, Lockheed Martin, and the University of Washingtonthen conceived the elements of practicality of the project. Thecomet Wild 2 was identified as being accessible by modernspacecraft. A material called aerogel (13) was created at the JetPropulsion Laboratories by Peter Hsu. This spun silicon, theworld’s lightest solid, would be used as a catchment substanceto gently retrieve materials during the encounter. It was incor-porated into a detector grid that was deployed by the space-craft as it was carefully angulated, at a speed of 13,000 milesper hour, through the comet’s tail (Figs. 13 and 14).

On February 7, 1999, a Delta II rocket carrying the 849-pound,solar-powered spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral,FL. The successful encounter occurred on January 2, 2004, andthe capsule containing the detector grid was returned to theUtah desert on January 15, 2006, completing a 7-year journey of2.9 billion miles (500 � 109 m). More than 1000 particles meas-uring 5 to 300 μm were retrieved, and the samples are currentlyundergoing analysis in multiple laboratories throughout theworld. These were the first rock samples returned to earth fromany place beyond the moon—a fantastic achievement of mod-ern science at an extreme scale (Figs. 15 and 16).

The Medical Universe and Neurological SurgeryMedicine exists in a global, social, economic, political, and sci-

entific universe driven by forces of national economic vitality,popular attitudes and demands, emerging intellectual, affec-

tual, and economic buoyancy, parallel progress in transferabletechnical and biological areas, and crisis situations, real andperceived. Perhaps most importantly, the principal catalyst forprogress is the seminal idea. The innovative notion has beenparticularly operative in neurological surgery, in which, over thepast generation, the concept of progressive minimalism hasfueled a cascade of progress with new dimensions in the field.The continuum has been progressive—microsurgery, stereotaxy,navigated endoscopy, radiosurgery, endovascular techniques,and cellular and molecular adjuvants. What area of endeavorwill follow molecular biology as a seminal innovative concept?

An idea conceived at the California Institute of Technology byNobel Laureate and Professor of Theoretical Physics RichardFeynman has proved remarkably prescient. In December 1959, hedelivered a keynote lecture to the American Physical Society inwhich he described a concept of “manipulating and controllingthings on a small scale” and stated that there exists “a staggeringly

FIGURE 12. Illustration depicting the time course and evolution of eventsduring the formation of the universe. During the 13.7 billion years sincethe Big Bang, stars and planets were formed, while the universe hascontinued to expand. (Courtesy of the NASA/WMAP Science Team[].)

FIGURE 13. A, aerogel molded into individual blocksand configured into a collector grid. (Courtesy ofNASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory [JPL]-CaliforniaInstitute of Technology [CIT] [].) B, NASA’sStardust spacecraft is lowered before deploying panelsfor lighting tests. The length of the Stardust main busis 1.7 m (5.5 ft). The spacecraft weighs 385 kg (849 lb).(Courtesy of NASA/JPL-CIT [].)



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small world that is below” and “there is plenty of room at thebottom.” This was the conceptual birth of what we now term“nanotechnology.”

NanotechnologyA nanometer is a billionth of a meter (10�9) and spans ap-

proximately 10 atomic diameters. Nanotechnology encompassesthe design, fabrication, and application of nanoscale systems, ornanosystems, and is a synthesis of multiple disciplines includingelectrical engineering, biotechnology, chemistry, and physics. Inaddition, nanotechnology has been defined by the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration as “the creation of func-tional materials, devices, and systems through control of matter

on the nanometer length scale(1–100 nm) and exploitationof novel phenomena andproperties (physical, chemi-cal, biological, mechanical,electrical . . . ) at that lengthscale.” Molecular nanotech-nology is the 3-dimensionalcontrol of atoms and molecu-lar structures to create materi-als and devices with molecu-lar precision.

Since the introduction ofthe concept in 1959, there hasbeen a progressive escalationof activity, highlighted by in-novative concepts and NobelLaureate discoveries. Thou-sands of sophisticated labora-tories involved in nanotechnology research have heralded the“nanotechnology gold rush” that is changing the way man-kind approaches its everyday life on our planet. We are cur-rently involved in the definition of nanoscience, with its con-cepts and principles being defined and applied in mesoscale(1000+ nm) (17).

We now have elements and building blocks for the creation ofproducts in the nanoworld: nanoparticles, nanowires (12), nan-otubes (19), and the 60-carbon construct “fullerene” (Fig. 17),originally discovered in spectral analyses of cosmic dust byNobel Laureate and Gene and Norman Hackerman Professor ofChemistry and Professor of Physics and Astronomy RichardSmalley and his associates at Rice University in Houston. Wehave tools and methods for manipulation and investigation innanoscale dimensions. Most importantly, nanotechnology hasyielded new concepts in computer science that are essential forthe field’s development. The silicon microchip, which has beenan essential feature in the development of all modern science,has been moving toward the end of its refinement capabilities.We need to apply nanoscale manufacturing methods for furtherminimalization. Additionally, fundamental limitations of binarylogic exist. Therefore, new methods of computing, namely, quan-tum computing and molecular computing, are being developedby the use of novel methods of fabrication, such as the self-assembly principles demonstrated in Mark Reed’s laboratory atYale as part of so-called bottom-up methodology. Current large-scale microprocessor production uses top-down manufacturingmethods, which employ a technique termed electron beamlithography to fabricate objects in single-crystal silicon.

New technologies in imaging allow nanoscale observationsand have the advantage of compatibility with living tissue. Theseinstruments are part of the scanning probe microscope group,which includes the scanning tunneling microscope, the scanningcapacitance microscope, and the atomic force microscope. Withthe use of these nanowire probe-oriented devices, both visualiza-tion and manipulation at the atomic level have been realized(Fig. 18). Another tool for manipulation is termed optical tweez-ers (4), which use a stream of photons to effect movement and

FIGURE 14. Illustration depicting the rendezvous of Stardust with Wild2. As the spacecraft flies through Wild 2’s coma, it deploys its tennisracket-shaped collector grid to capture cometary particles. Traveling at 13 000 miles per hour, the solar-powered spacecraft makes its way safelythrough the coma as its bumper shields protect the spacecraft from damageby larger pieces of the comet. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL-CIT [].)

FIGURE 16. Photograph of thecomet Wild 2 taken by the approach-ing Stardust spacecraft before col-lection of comet debris. (Courtesyof NASA/JPL-CIT [].)

FIGURE 15. A, side view of the aerogel collector grid, showing particlesfrom the comet’s tail as well as the tracks left by these particles as theyentered the aerogel. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL-CIT [].) B, microscopic image of cometary particlein compressed aerogel. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL-CIT [].)


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desired fabrication at the atomic level (17). Amazingly, a bio-molecular motor powered by F1-adenosine triphosphatase hasbeen created as a nanoelectromechanical device (Fig. 19).

Nanomedicine TodayNanomedicine encompasses medical diagnosis, monitoring,

or treatment at the atomic and single-molecule level. It is cur-rently being applied to areas of imaging, diagnosis, and ther-apy (6, 7, 13).

In imaging, quantum dots (9, 11), magnetic nanoparticles, andcross-linked iron oxide nanoparticles are elements of activeresearch, the latter two as contrast agents, and quantum dots as flu-orescent labels for live cells, receptors, and neoplasms (Fig. 20) (9,11). Quantum dots are particularly interesting. They fluoresce with-out quenching throughout the usual visual spectrum and offerstriking markers of cellular components and cell constructs in vivo(Fig. 21). They also offer the capability for delineating the extent

and location of neoplastic bur-den (Fig. 22).

Nanoconstructs are currentlyvaluable in the detection ofdeoxyribonucleic acid and pro-teins—a boon to medical diag-nostics (5). These constructsinclude gold nanoparticles, sil-ica nanoparticles, gold nano-shells, nanotubes, nanowires,nanoarrays, nanofluidics, nano-electromechanical systems, andnanocantilevers (Fig. 23).

Nanoconstructs have beenused therapeutically for drugdelivery and gene therapy; theseinclude nanoshells, liposomes,hydrogels, fullerenes, polymericnanoparticles, polymeric mi-celles, dendrimers, implantableconstructs, and “smart” sur-faces. A major advantage ofnanoscale delivery appears to beenhanced membrane penetra-tion. Additionally, targeted nan-otherapy offers improved safetyand compliance, increased effi-cacy, reduction of secondaryeffects, and, importantly, target-specific drug release.

Potential nanosurgery devicesinclude the ultra-efficient fem-tosecond laser system, nanonee-dles, nanotube nanotweezers,and optical tweezers (Fig. 24) (4).Quantum dot localization (9, 11)and hemostatic effects of self-assembled nanoparticles (12)

have also been demonstrated.Nanoneurosurgery is the application of nanotechnology to

the spectrum of nervous system disease. It will ultimatelyemploy elements, principles, and capabilities of nanotechnol-ogy to diagnose and treat potential or existing central andperipheral nervous system diseases.

The Future

Molecular nanotechnology is the 3-dimensional positionalcontrol of atomic and molecular structures to create materialsand devices with molecular precision (16). Ultimately, nanomed-icine will involve designing and fabricating molecular devicesand then using them in patients to establish and maintain health.Mature nanomedicine will require the ability to build thesedevices with atomic precision. Molecular nanotechnology andmolecular manufacturing will be the key to enabling technolo-gies for nanomedicine.

FIGURE 17. A, images of nanopar-ticles. Left, transmission electronmicroscopy of indium metal oxidenanoparticles; center, photomicro-graph of multiple polymeric nanopar-ticles loaded with deoxyribonucleic

acid; right, individual polymeric nanoparticle. B, scanning electron micrographs demonstrating variations in crystalline SiCnanowire structure and stages of synthesis using principles of self-assembly. a, numerous grain boundaries on copper foilfilm; b, faceted nanocrystals deposited on the film; c, nanocrystals coalescing along the grain boundaries; d, array of verti-cally aligned nanowires; e, multitude of nanowires growing radially with bush-like structure; f, flat nanowire tips; g and h,close view of tips with various diameters shows numerous nanowires contained within hollow wires; i, nanowires after beingcut with a “scalpel”; inset, cross sectional view. C, scanning electron microscopic image of highly ordered carbon nanotubearrays. D, illustration of a C60 Buckminster-fullerene (buckyball) molecule made up of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a seriesof interlocking hexagonal shapes. (Image copyright � Dr. Robert C. Wagner, University of Delaware.)





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Consider that we have now entered the early stages of creatingnovel drug delivery devices, bioprosthetics, new biomaterials,engineered tissues, engineered “organs,” and robotic devices (8).Later, we will see an ever-decreasing scale of operation and theability to recapitulate every function. Through process engineer-ing, we will create genetic content, gene expression, protein prod-ucts, cell structure and function, and thus, organ structure andfunction. Largely, these capabilities will offer the re-creation of thehuman being. There is, indeed, “plenty of room at the bottom” inmedicine and for us in neurological surgery as we consider theseconcepts to be realities and future capabilities (7, 14, 15).

Neurosurgical ModernismOver the past generation, we have reinvented neurological

surgery through a culmination of scientific, social, and economic

events (2, 3). We all want to be modern; however, at times, thereis a feeling of insecurity related to this movement and the rushof new ideas and methods. Consider the statement in 1927 from

FIGURE 18. Atomic force microscopy used to manip-ulate single selected silicon atoms. A–C, sequentialmechanical extraction of 2 single silicon atoms (markedwith circles in A and B) from a silicon surface. D,removal of the silicon atom circled in A; E, the createdcavity; F, the atom was then replaced.

FIGURE 19. Series of images demonstrating nanopropellers being rotatedanticlockwise at 8.3 rps (A) and 7.7 rps (B) by an F1-adenosine triphos-phatase biomolecular motor. From Soong RK, Backand GD, Neves HP,Olkhovets AG, Craighead HG, Montemagno CD: Powering an inorganicnanodevice with a biomolecular motor. Science 290: 1555–1558, 2000.

FIGURE 21. Illustration showing potential targets for quantum dots ofvarying dimensions within a cell. Varying the composition and physicaldimensions of quantum dots allows control over the color of light emitted.





FIGURE 20. Illustration showing that quantum dots fluoresce at differentwavelengths depending on their physical properties and composition. FromIlic B, Yang Y, Craighead HG: Virus detection using nanodectromechani-cal devices. Appl Phys Lett 85:2604–2606, 2004; Rasi NR, Markin CA:Nanostructures in biodiagnostics. Chem Rev 105:1547–1562, 2005.

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the foreward by Le Corbusier (Fig. 25) to his classic, im-passioned “manifesto of the modern,” Towards a New Architecture:

“Man’s stock of tools marks out the stages of civilization,the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age. Tools are theresult of successive improvement; the effort of all generationsis embodied in them. The tool is the direct and immediateexpression of progress; it gives man essential assistance andessential freedom, also. We throw the out-of-date tool on thescrap-heap; the carbine, the culverin, the growler and the oldlocomotive.

This action is a manifestation of health, of moral health,of morale also; it is not right that we should produce badthings because of a bad tool; nor is it right that we shouldwaste our energy, our health, and our courage because of abad tool; it must be thrown away and replaced.”

We, during our time, havethe scope and capability ofactivity that span a realmfrom 109 to 10�9 meters—anincredible thought! Withthe reinvention of neurolog-ical surgery, we, in manyways, will and must rein-vent ourselves both in spiritand in practical realities.Consider the hallmarks ofthe Modernist movement inthe arts and literature andthe attitudes of those whotruly participated in givings o c i e t y t h e f a b u l o u sprogress and fresh ideasthat attended the concept of Modernism.

The passion for progress, the premium placed on innova-tion and discovery, the pressure to reinvent, and the need toastonish ourselves with the new, the future, are things to whichwe should all adapt to move neurological surgery forward.The quest for modernity should be an inveterate passion for allof us who would call ourselves neurosurgeons!

DisclosureThe authors have no personal financial or institutional interest in any of the

drugs, materials, or devices described in this article.

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In this wonderful tribute to Ted Kurze, Apuzzo et al. provide thereader with several unique insights into the way new ideas bring

about change and progress in our civilization. They accomplish this byfocusing on the broad effect that the Modernist movement has had onEuropean thought and the specific role that individual Modernists havehad on developing our society’s acceptance of the inevitability of inno-vation and discovery. As the field of neurosurgery and individual neu-rosurgeons move to reinvent themselves in response to today’s scien-tific, social, and economic events, it is particularly useful to be aware ofour Modernist roots. Understanding the roots of the passion we sharefor bettering the lives of our patients will undoubtedly allow us tomove more gracefully, with fewer missteps.

E. Sander Connolly, Jr.New York, New York

It is often instructive to step back and reflect on the realm of sciencein our lives. This article explores the subject, ranging from the

immensity of a universe beyond comprehension to the nanometerworld beyond perception. It is inspirational as well as humbling. Oneof the major attractions of neurosurgery is the capacity to use thesame concepts that help us understand the laws of physics, biochem-istry, and molecular biology to devise novel methods for treating neu-rological disease. In some ways, a career in neurosurgery also is themost inspiring and humbling of any career I can imagine. The futureof our discipline will depend on incorporating some of the concepts

and themes in this article into new treatment methods. Our willing-ness to collaborate with other disciplines in science is necessary tomake this happen.

Joseph M. PiepmeierNew Haven, Connecticut

This special article was presented at the 2008 meeting of theAmerican Association of Neurological Surgeons in Chicago, IL, as

part of the Theodore Kurze Lecture. Dr. Michael L.J. Apuzzo, formercolleague of Ted Kurze, delivered the original presentation. The seniorauthor is a well-known master surgeon, teacher, and innovator ofnumerous technologies in both surgery and radiation oncology. In hischaracteristic style, he skillfully examines the power of ideas, the move-ment of Modernism in the arts, and their role in sculpting the future ofneurosurgical practice. This all-embracing essay is organized into 3parts: an assessment of the power of ideas in initiating change andprogress, the capabilities of “modern” scientific endeavors, and therealities of modern neurosurgical attitudes.

In the first part, “Alchemy, Ideas, and Modernism,” the authors illus-trate, through art, architecture, and music, how an idea is capable ofinfluencing both scientific and humanistic thought. Provocative andinfluential works of Modernist figures are cited: Wassily Kandinsky’sComposition 8, 1923; Villa Savoie, designed by Charles EdouardJeanneret-Gris, “Le Corbusier”; Frank Gehry’s “jackets” at the WaltDisney Concert Hall. These works reflect the cascade effect and howartistic thought eventually progresses to innovative diagnostic tech-niques and surgical approaches.

The authors begin the second part, “Scope and Scale of ModernScience,” with Diego Rivera’s 1934 mural Man, Controller of the Universe,which depicts man in control of the universe machine (resembling a sur-geon behind a DaVinci robotic apparatus). The image serves as a sym-bol of where neurosurgery has ventured in the past (microsurgery,stereotaxy, endoscopy, radiosurgery, endovascular techniques) and per-haps will go in the future: nanotechnology. The authors assert that nan-otechnology, the 3-dimensional control of atomic structures, mayexpand the field of neurosurgery to include anatomic engineering withnanoneedles, nanotubes, nanotweezers, and femtosecond laser systems.

The third part, “Neurosurgical Modernism,” summarizes the scopeof neurosurgery and spans from the cosmos (a scale of 109 m) tonanoscience (a scale of 10–9 m). Parallels are drawn between theModernist movement in arts and architecture with true practitioners ofmedicine today. The ultimate outcome of this push for “the new” willinevitably result in improved neurosurgical capabilities.

Traditionally, the goal of the Theodore Kurze Lecture has been theintegration of neurosurgical scientific endeavors with those of thehumanities. Dr. Kurze’s legacy and intellectual spirit are proudly dis-played in this exceptional essay.

John J. GuarnaschelliLouisville, Kentucky


1044 | VOLUME 63 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2008

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