  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E







  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    1.Lex Introduction The word lexical in the traditional sense means pertaining to words. In terms of programming languages, words are objects like variable names, numbers, keywords etc. Such words are traditionally called tokens. A lexical analyzer, or lexer for short, will take input as a string of individual letters and divide this string into tokens. Additionally, it will filter out whatever separates the tokens (the so-called white-space), i.e., lay-out characters (spaces,newlines etc.) and comments. The lexical analyzer is the first phase of a compiler. Its main task is to read the input characters and produce as output a sequence of tokens that the parser uses for syntax analysis. This interaction, summarized schematically in Fig-1.1, is commonly implemented by making the lexical analyzer be a subroutine or a co routine of the parser.

    Fig.1.1Interaction of lexical analyzer with parser 1.1 A LANGUAGE FOR SPECIFYING LEXICAL ANALYZER Several tools have been built for constructing lexical analyzers from special purpose notations based on regular expressions. In this section, we describe a particular tool, called Lex that has been widely used to specify lexical analyzers for a variety of languages. We refer to the tool as Lex compiler, and its input specification as the Lex language. Lex is generally used in the manner depicted in Fig 1.2.First, a specification of a lexical analyzer is prepared by creating a program lex.l in the lex language. Then, lex.l is run through the Lex compiler to produce a C program lex.yy.c.The program lex.yy.c consists of a tabular representation of a transition diagram constructed from the regular expression of lex.l, together with a standard routine that uses the table to recognize lexemes. The actions associated with regular expression in lex.l are pieces of C code and are carried over directly to lex.yy.c.Finally lex.yy.c is run through the C compiler to produce an object program a.out,which is the lexical analyzer that transforms an input stream into a sequence of tokens.



    PARSER Source Program token

    get nexttoken

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Lex source lex.yy.c Program lex.l

    Fig 1.2 Creating a lexical analyzer with Lex

    Lex specifications A Lex program consists of three parts: declarations %% translation rules %% auxiliary procedures The declarations section includes declarations of variables,constants,and regular definitions. The translation rules of a lex program are statements of the form R1 {action1} R2 {action2} .... . Rn {action n} where each Ri is regular expression and each action i, is a program fragment describing what action the lexical analyzer should take when pattern Ri matches lexeme. Typically, action i will return control to the parser. In Lex actions are written in C;in general,however,they can be in any implementation language. The third section holds whatever auxiliary procedures are needed by the actions. 1.2 THE ROLE OF PARSER The parser obtains a string of tokens from the lexical analyzer and verifies that the string can be generated by grammar for the source language. We expect the parser to report any syntax errors in an intelligible fashion. It should also recover from commonly occurring errors so that it can continue processing the remainder of its input. We know that programs can contain errors at many different levels. For example, errors can be 1.Lexical ,such as misspelling an identifier,keyword,or operator

    Lex compiler

    C Compiler


    lex.yy.c a.out

    input stream

    Sequence of tokens

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2.Syntactic,such as arithmetic expression with unbalanced parentheses 3.Sematic,such as an operator applied to an incompatible operand. 4.Logical,such as infinitely recursive call. Often much of the error detection and recovery in a compiler is centered around the syntax analysis phase. 1.3 LEXICAL CONVENTIONS The notations for specifying tokens :

    1. . Matches any single character except the newline (\n) 2. * Matches zero or more copies of the preceding expression. 3. [ ] A character class which matches any character within the brackets. 4. ^ Matches the beginning of a line as the first character of a regular expression. 5. $ Matches the end of line as the last character of a regular expression. 6. \ Used to escape metacharacter. 7. + Matches one or more occurrence of the preceding regular expression. For example [0-9]+ matches 12,9but not an empty string. 8. ? Matches zero or one occurrence 9. | Matches either the preceding regular expression or the following expression.For example are | is | because matches any three words. 10. / Matches the preceding regular expression but only if followed by the regular expression. 11. ( ) Groups of series of regular expressions together into a new regular expression . 12. Blanks between tokens are optional ,with the exception that keywords must be surrounded by blanks,newlines,the beginning of the program,or the final dot.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    PART-A LEX and YACC Programs

    Execute the following programs using LEX: 1a. Program to count the number of characters, words, spaces and lines in a given input file. %{ int ch=0,sp=0,wd=0,ln=0; %} %% [\n] {ln++;} /*For counting the line*/ [^\t\n ]+ {ch+=yyleng,wd++;} /*For the character and words*/ " " {sp++;} /*For counting the space*/ %% int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { ++argv,--argc; if(argc>0) yyin=fopen(argv[0],"r"); else yyin=stdin; yylex(); printf("Number of characters:%d\n",ch); printf("Number of spaces:%d\n",sp); printf("Number of words:%d\n",wd); printf("Number of lines:%d\n",ln); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code program with .l extension. Create a file using the editor command and write the content of the file [root@localhost ~]# vi data.txt December August [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out data.txt

    OUTPUT Number of characters:14 Number of spaces:0 Number of words:2 Number of lines:2

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Theoretical Explanation The first section, the definition section, introduces any initial C program code we want copied into final program. i.e. Take a variable for representing a character, line, space and words. %{ int ch=0,ln=0,sp=0,wd=0; %} The next section is the rules section .Each rule is made of two parts: a pattern and an action, separated by white space. The lexer that lex generates will execute the action when it recognizes the pattern. 1.To count the number of line the pattern: [\n] .After lexer recognizes the [\n] pattern it should perform the action .Here the action is to increment the line value, so the action is represented by {ln++;} 2.To count the space the pattern : .After lexer recognizing the pattern it should perform the action. Here the action is to increment the space value, so the action is represented by {sp++;} 3.To count the words and characters the regular expression :[^ \t\n]+. Here ^ Matches the beginning of a line as the first character of a regular expression. The tool lex provides an internal variable yyleng which contains the length of the string our lexer recognized.+ symbol matches one or more occurrence of the preceding regular expression. So the action is represented by {ch+=yyleng,wd++ ;} The next section is procedures section, we know that when a program is invoked ,the execution starts from the function main( ). We can pass the parameters to the function main( ) whenever the program is invoked and are called command line parameters. To access the command line parameters the function main should have the following format : The function main( ) can take two arguments namely argc and argv where argc must be an integer variable whereas argv is an array of strings.argc indicates the number of parameters passed and argv represents a parameter that is passed to function main. The file should be opened before writing a file or before reading a file. A lex lexer reads its input from the standard I/O file yyin.The default value of yyin is stdin, since the default input source is standard input. If you to change the source you should mentioned it explicitly. yylex(): You call yylex ( ) to start or resume scanning. If a lex action does a return to pass a value to the calling program ,the next call to yylex( ) will continue from the point where it left off. All the code in the rules section is copied into yylex( ).

    Syntax: main(int argc , char *argv[ ]) { --------- }

    Syntax: fopen(char *filename, char *mode) Return values -file pointer if successful. -NULL if unsuccessful.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    1b. Program to count the numbers of comment lines in a given C program. Also eliminate them and copy the resulting program into separate file. %{ int comment=0; %} %% "/*"[\n]*.*[\n]*"*/" {comment++;} /*For counting the comment*/ "/*"[\"*/"]* { fprintf(yyout," "); } /*For eliminate */ %% int main() { char infile[256],outfile[256]; printf("Enter the input filename:\n"); scanf("%s",infile); printf("Enter the output filename:\n"); scanf("%s",outfile); yyin=fopen(infile,"r"); yyout=fopen(outfile,"w"); yylex(); printf("Number of comment lines in the given file: %d\n",comment); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension. Create a file using the editor command and write the content with comment line [root@localhost ~]# vi sum.c /*To find the sum of two numbers*/ #include void main() { int a=1,b=2; printf("%d",a+b); /*To display the sum*/ } [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Enter the input filename: sum.c Enter the output filename: add.c Number of comment lines in the given file: 2 Atlast see the content of add file using the command cat add.c [root@localhost ~]# cat add.c #include void main() { int a=1,b=2; printf("%d",a+b); }

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Theoretical Explanation The first section, the definition section, introduces any initial C program code we want copied into final program. i.e. Take a variable for representing comment line. %{ int comment=0; %} The next section is the rules section .Each rule is made of two parts: a pattern and an action, separated by white space. The lexer that lex generates will execute the action when it recognizes the pattern. 1. C style comment line is enclosed with /* and */ characters. To count the numbers of comment line the pattern: "/*"[\n]*.*[\n]*"*/".After lexer recognizes the "/*"[\n]*.*[\n]*"*/" pattern it should perform the action .Here the action is to increment the comment value , so the action is represented by {comment++;}.As you know . (dot) doesnt match the newline character ,it matches the character. 2.Now to eliminate the comment line and then to copy the remaining content in file the pattern : /*"[\"*/"]* . Here the metacharacter \ is to suppress the character *. After lexer recognizes the pattern it inserts whitespace in the place of comment line and copies the remaining content of the file. fprintf()function The function is similar to that of printf( ) except the syntax .The Prototype of fprintf is:

    Syntax : fprintf(fp, control string ,list) fp : file pointer associated with the file.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2a. Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression and to recognize the identifiers and operators present. Print them separately. %{ int count=0,ids=0,bracket=0; %} %% [+] {printf("+");count++;} [-] {printf("-");count++;} [*] {printf("*");count++;} [/] {printf("/");count++;} [a-zA-Z0-9]+ {ids++;} /*For recognizing the identifiers*/ [(] {bracket++;} [)] {bracket--;} %% int main() { printf("Enter the Arithmetic expression:\n"); yylex(); printf("Number of Operators=%d\n",count); printf("Number of Identifiers=%d\n",ids); if(count>=ids||bracket!=0||ids==1) printf("Invalid expression\n"); else printf("Valid expression\n"); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension

    [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Enter the Arithmetic expression: Enter the Arithmetic expression: 2+3*4 2+3*4- +* (Press Ctrl d) +*- (Press ctrl d) Number of Operators=2 Number of Operators=3 Number of Identifiers=3 Number of Identifiers=3 Valid expression Invalid expression

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Theoretical Explanation

    The first section, the definition section, introduces any initial C program code we want copied into final program. i.e. Take variables for representing the operators, identifiers and for brackets. %{ int count=0,ids=0,bracket=0; %}

    The next section is the rules section .Each rule is made of two parts: a pattern and an action, separated by white space. The lexer that lex generates will execute the action when it recognizes the pattern. 1. To recognize the operators the pattern is : [ + ] ,[ - ],[ * ],[ / ]. After lexer recognizes the pattern it should perform the action .Here the action is to display the operator and to count the operator, so the action is represented by {printf("operator");count++;}

    2.To recognize the identifiers the pattern is :[a-zA-Z0-9]+ . After lexer recognizes the pattern it should perform the action .Here the action is to increments the identifier value. 3. To recognize the brackets the pattern is [ ( ] and [ )].After lexer recognizes the pattern it should perform the action. Here the action is to increment brackets and decrement the bracket values respectively.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2b. Program to recognize whether a given sentence is simple or compound. %{ int flag=0; %} %% " and " | " or " | " but " | /*Words which leads to the compound statement*/ " because " | " than " | " nevertheless " {flag=1;} %% int main() { printf("Enter the sentence:\n"); yylex(); if(flag==1) printf("Given sentence is compound statement\n"); else printf("Given sentence is simple statement\n"); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Enter the sentence: abc is alphabet abc is alphabet (Press Ctrl d) Given sentence is simple statement [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out Enter the sentence: abc or 123 are not equal abc123 are not equal (Press Ctrl d) Given sentence is compound statement Theoretical Explanation The first section, the definition section, introduces any initial C program code we want copied into final program. i.e. Take variables for representing the words which leads to a compound statement. %{ int flag=0; %}

    The next section is the rules section .Each rule is made of two parts: a pattern and an action, separated by white space. The lexer that lex generates will execute the action when it recognizes the pattern.

    1. List few words which lead to compound statement. After lexer recognizes the pattern it should perform the action .Here the action is to set the value as it recognizes the words in the given statement.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    3. Program to recognize and count the number of identifiers in a given input file. %{ int ids=0; %} %% (([0-9]+[a-zA-Z]*)|([_][0-9]*)|([`!@#$%^&*-+=][a-zA-Z]+)) {;} ([a-zA-Z]|[_])(([0-9]|[a-zA-Z]|[_])*) {printf("%s\t",yytext);ids++;} %% int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { --argc,++argv; if(argc>0) yyin=fopen(argv[0],"r"); printf("Identifiers in the given file are\n"); yylex(); printf("Number of identifiers are %d",ids); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension Create a file using editor command and write the content [root@localhost ~]#vi data.txt bangalore _bangalore 12bangalore +bangalore banga_lore [root@localhost root]# lex filename.l [root@localhost root]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost root]# ./a.out data.txt

    OUTPUT Identifiers in the given file are bangalore _bangalore banga_lore Number of identifiers are 3

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Theoretical Explanation The first section, the definition section, introduces any initial C program code we want copied into final program. i.e. Take variables for representing the identifiers. %{ int ids=0; %} The next section is the rules section .Each rule is made of two parts: a pattern and an action, separated by white space. The lexer that lex generates will execute the action when it recognizes the pattern. 1. Invalid identifiers start with number and symbols . To recognize an invalid identifiers that start with number the pattern is ([0-9]+[a-zA-Z]*).To recognize an invalid identifiers that start with underscore then followed by the number the pattern is ([_][0-9]*).Then recognize an invalid identifiers that start with symbols the pattern is ([`!@#$%^&*-+=][a-zA-Z]+).

    So the combined the regular pattern is (([0-9]+[a-zA-Z]*)|([_][0-9]*)|([`!@#$%^&*-+=][a-zA-Z]+)).

    After lexer recognizes the pattern it should perform the action Here the action is eliminated in those in the output. So the action is just { ; }. 2.A valid identifiers start with an alphabet or underscore followed alphabet , number or underscore. To recognize valid identifiers the pattern is : ([a-zA-Z]|[_])(([0-9]|[a-zA-Z]|[_])*). After lexer recognizes the pattern it should perform the action Here the action is to display the valid identifiers and to count that identifiers. yytext( ) Whenever a lexer matches a token , the text of the token is stored in the null terminated string yytext . In some implementations of lex , yytext is a character array declared by : extern char yytext[ ] The contents of yytext are e replaced each time a new token is matched. If yytext[ ] is an array ,any token which is longer than yytext will overflow the end of the array and cause the lexer to fail in some hard to predict way. In AT&T lex ,the standard size for yytext [ ] is 200 character.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2.YACC Introduction

    The unix utility yacc (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) parses a stream of token, typically generated by lex, according to a user-specied grammar. 2.1 Structure of a yacc file A yacc le looks much like a lex le: definitions %% rules %% code Denition: All code between %{ and %} is copied to the beginning of the resulting C le. Rules: A number of combinations of pattern and action: if the action is more than a single command it needs to be in braces. Code: This can be very elaborate, but the main ingredient is the call to yylex, the lexical analyzer. If the code segment is left out, a default main is used which only calls yylex. Definition section There are three things that can go in the denitions section: C code: Any code between %{ and %} is copied to the C le. This is typically used for dening le variables, and for prototypes of routines that are dened in the code segment. Denitions: The denition section of a lex le was concerned with characters; in yacc this is tokens. Example : %token NUMBER. These token denitions are written to a .h le when yacc compiles this le. Associativity rules These handles associativity and priority of operators. 2.2 Lex Yacc interaction Conceptually, lex parses a le of characters and outputs a stream of tokens; yacc accepts a stream of tokens and parses it, performing actions as appropriate. In practice, they are more tightly coupled. If your lex program is supplying a tokenizer, the yacc program will repeatedly call the yylex routine. The lex rules will probably function by calling return everytime they have parsed a token. If lex is to return tokens that yacc will process, they have to agree on what tokens there are. This is done as follows : For Example 1.The yacc le will have token denition %token NUMBER in the denitions section.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2. When the yacc le is translated with yacc d , a header le is created that has denitions like #define NUMBER 258. . 3. The lex le can then call return NUMBER, and the yacc program can match on this token. 2.3 Rules section The rules section contains the grammar of the language you want to parse. This looks like statement : INTEGER = expression | expression ; expression : NUMBER + NUMBER | NUMBER - NUMBER ;

    This is the general form of context-free grammars, with a set of actions associated with each matching right-hand side. It is a good convention to keep non-terminals (names that can be expanded further) in lower case and terminals (the symbols that are nally matched) in upper case. The terminal symbols get matched with return codes from the lex tokenizer. They are typ- ically denes coming from %token denitions in the yacc program or character values. 2.4 Compiling and running a simple parser On a UNIX system ,yacc takes your grammar and creates ,the C Language parser, and, the include file with the token number definitions. Lex creates lex.yy.c,the C language lexer .You need only compile them together with the yacc and lex libraries. The Libraries contain usable default versions of all of the supporting routines ,including main( ) that calls the parser yyparse( ) and exits. [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l #makes lex.yy.c [root@localhost ~]# yacc -d filename.y #makes and [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c ll #compile and link C files [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Execute the following programs using YACC: 4a. Program to recognize a valid arithmetic expression that uses operators +, -, * and /.

    Lex part

    %{ #include "" %} %% [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* {return ID;} [0-9]+ {return NUMBER;} . {return yytext[0];} \n {return 0;} /*Logical EOF*/ %%

    Yacc part %token NUMBER ID /*token definition*/ %left '+''-' /*Operator precedences*/ %left '*''/' /*Operator precedences*/ %% expr:expr '+' expr; |expr '-' expr; /*Grammar*/ |expr '*' expr; |expr '/' expr; |'('expr')' |NUMBER |ID ; %% int main() { printf("Enter the Expression\n"); yyparse(); printf("Valid Expression\n"); } int yyerror() { printf("Expression is invalid\n"); exit(0); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension Save the yacc code Program with .y extension [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# yacc -d filename.y [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out OUTPUT Enter the Expression Enter the Expression +23 2+3-4 Expression is invalid Valid Expression

    Theoretical Explanation

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    LEXER(lex code) We need a lexer to feed it tokens. The yyparse( ) parser is the high level routine, and calls the lexer whenever it needs a token from the input .As soon as the lexer finds token of interest to the parser ,it return to the parser ,returning the token code as value. Yacc defines the token names in the parser as C preprocessor names in so the lexer can use them. 1. Strings of digits are number ,To match the string of digit the pattern is : [0-9]+. Action is to return the token NUMBER value. 2. Strings of alphabets are identifiers. To match an identifiers the pattern [a-zA-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*. Action is to return the token ID value.

    3. . (dot) matches a character. Whenever a lexer matches a token , the text of the token is stored in the null terminated string yytext . This rule says to return any character otherwise not handled as a single character token to the parser. Character token are usually punctuation such as parentheses ,semicolons and single-character operator. If the parser receives a token that it doesnt know about ,it generates a syntax error ,so this rule lets you handle all of the single-character tokens easily while letting yaccs error checking catch and complain about invalid input. 4.A newline (\n) character returns an end of input token(number zero ) to tell the parser that there is no more to read. PARSER(Yacc code) The token definition for the number ad identifiers %token NUMBER ID

    Yacc lets you to specify the operator precedences explicitly. %left +- %left */ Each of these declarations defines a level of precedence. That +and - are left associative and have lower precedence level,* and / are left associative and have the higher precedence level. Grammar for an valid Expression is as follows expr:expr '+' expr; |expr '-' expr; |expr '*' expr; |expr '/' expr; |'('expr')' |NUMBER |ID

    yyparse():The entry point to a yacc-generated parser is yyparse ( ).Whenever your programs call yyparse( ) ,the parser attempts to parse an input stream. The parser returns a value of zero if the parse succeeds and non-zero if not. yyerror():Whenever a yacc parser detects a syntax error ,it calls yyerror ( ) to report the error to the user.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    4b. Program to recognize a valid variable, which starts with a letter, followed by any number of letters or digits.

    Lex part %{ #include"" %} %% [0-9] {return DIG;} [a-z] {return LET;} . {return yytext[0];} \n {return 0;} /*Logical EOF*/ %%

    Yacc part %token LET %token DIG %% stmt:id {printf("Valid identifier \n");} ; id: letter next | letter {;} ; next: letter next | digit next | letter | digit {;} ; letter: LET {;} ; digit: DIG {;} ; %% int main() { printf("Enter an identifier:"); yyparse(); } int yyerror() { printf("Not a valid identifier\n"); exit(0); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension Save the yacc code Program with .y extension [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# yacc -d filename.y [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Enter an identifier:ab12 Enter an identifier:12dc Valid identifier Not a valid identifier

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Theoretical Explanation LEXER(lex code)

    1. To match the digit the pattern is [0-9].Action is to return the token DIG value. 2. To match the letter the pattern is [a-z].Action is to return the token DIG value.

    PARSER The grammar to recognize a valid identifier statement: id ; id: letter next | letter {;} ; next: letter next | digit next | letter | digit {;} ; letter: LET {;} ; digit: DIG {;}

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    5a. Program to evaluate an arithmetic expression involving operators +, -, * and /.

    Lex Part %{ #include"" extern int yylval; %} %% [0-9]+ {yylval=atoi(yytext); return(NUM);} [ \t]; /*Ignore the whitespace*/ . {return yytext[0];} \n {return 0;} %%

    Yacc part %token NUM %left '+''-' %left '*''/' %% stmt : expr { printf("Result:%d\n",$1);return 0; } ; expr :expr'+'expr {$$=$1+$3;} | expr'-'expr {$$=$1-$3;} | expr'*'expr {$$=$1*$3;} | expr'/'expr {$$=$1/$3;} | '('expr')' {$$=-$2;} | NUM {$$=$1;} ; %% int main() { printf("Enter the expression\n"); yyparse(); } int yyerror() { printf("Invalid input\n"); exit(0); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension Save the yacc code Program with .y extension

    [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# yacc -d filename.y [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Enter the expression Enter the expression 2+3 2*3+4 Result:5 Result:10

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    Theoretical Explanation Lexer 1.String of digit is number ,whitespace is ignored. Whenever the lexer returns a token to the parser ,if the toke has an associated value, the lexer must store the value in yylval befor returning. We explicitly declare yylval. Parser The grammar is as follows expr :expr'+'expr {$$=$1+$3;} | expr'-'expr {$$=$1-$3;} | expr'*'expr {$$=$1*$3;} | expr'/'expr {$$=$1/$3;} | '('expr')' {$$=-$2;} | NUM {$$=$1;} ;

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    5b. Program to recognize strings aaab, abbb, ab and a using the grammar (anbn, n>= 0).

    Lex part %{ #include"" %} %% a {return A;} b {return B;} . {return yytext[0];} \n {return yytext[0];} %%

    Yacc part %token A B %% str : s'\n' {return 0;} s : A s B ; | ; %% int main() { printf("Type the string\n"); yyparse(); printf("Valid string"); } int yyerror() { printf("Invalid string"); exit(0); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex code Program with .l extension Save the yacc code Program with .y extension [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# yacc -d filename.y [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Type the string Type the string aaabbb aaab Valid string Invalid string

    Theoretical Explanation LEXER 1.To match the string a the pattern is a. Action is to return the token A value . 2.To match the string b the pattern is b. Action is to return the token B value . PARSER The grammar is as follow: string : s'\n' s : A s B ;

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    6. Program to recognize the grammar (anb, n>= 10).

    Lex part %{ #include"" %} %% a {return A;} b {return B;} . {return yytext[0];} \n {return yytext[0];} %%

    Yacc Part %token A B %% str: s'\n' {return 0;} s : x B ; x : x A | ; %% int main() { printf("Type the string\n"); yyparse(); printf("Valid string"); } int yyerror() { printf("Invalid string"); exit(0); }

    Procedures for Excecution Save the lex part code with .l extension Save the yacc part code with .y extension [root@localhost ~]# lex filename.l [root@localhost ~]# yacc -d filename.y [root@localhost ~]# cc lex.yy.c -ll [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Type the string Type the string aaaaab aabb Valid string Invalid string

    Theoretical Explanation LEXER 1.To match the string a the pattern is a. Action is to return the token A value . 2.To match the string b the pattern is b. Action is to return the token B value . PARSER The grammar is as follow: string : s \n s : x B ; x : x A | ;

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    INTRODUCTION TO SHELL PROGRAMMING A set of commands that are taken together as a single unit within a file and executed at a stretch is called a shell program or a shell script. A shell script is named just like all other files. However, by convention shell script name uses .sh extension. A shell program runs in the interpretive mode ,that is ,one statement is executed at a time. Example : #!/bin/sh

    echo Todays date is :`date` #to display the date echo My shell :$SHELL The first line is interpreter line. Here, this line specifies the shell we are using i.e Bourne shell A shell script is executed by using the shell command sh as shown below. [root@localhost ~]# sh or else use [root@localhost ~]# . / Todays date is : Sat Jan 27 09:10:18 IST 2004 My Shell :/bin/sh 3.1 Comments In shell scripts comments are written using the hash (#) character as the first character of the comment line. 3.2 The read Command The read command or statement is the shells internal tool for taking the input from the user ,i.e., making scripts interactive. It is used with one or more variables. Input supplied through the standard input is read into the variables. #!/bin/sh echo Enter the value of x read x echo The value of x is : $x When you use a statement like read x the script pauses at that point to take input from the keyboard. Whatever you enter is stored in the variable x. Since this is a form of assignment ,no $ is used before x. To display that value we have to use $ symbol along with variable.

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    3.3 Special parameters Used by Shell.



    $# Number of arguments specified in command line

    $* Complete set of positional parameters as a single string

    $0 Name of the file or executed command

    $1,$2,$3. Positional parameters representing command line arguments

    $? Exit status of last executed command

    $$ PID of current shell

    $! PID of the last background job

    3.4 Using command line #!/bin/sh echo The program Name:$0 echo The number of arguments specified is: $# echo The arguments are :$* echo Value of $1 and $2 [root@localhost ~]# sh Nokia Motorola #command line The program The number of arguments specified is :2 The arguments are :Nokia Motorola Value of Nokia and Motorola The first argument is read by the shell into the parameter $1 ,the second argument into $2.We can use more positional parameters in this way up to $9.(and using the shift command ,you can go beyond) 3.5 The if Conditional This is the simplest of all the branching control structures. It has the following general formats if command is successful if command is successful if command is successful then then then execute commands execute commands execute commands fi else elif command is successful execute commands then fi commands else commands fi Format 1 Format 2 Format 3

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    Every if is close with corresponding fi ,and youll encounter an error of one is not present. If command succeeds ,the sequence of commands following it is executed .If command fails,then the else statement(if present) is executed. 3.6 Using test and [ ] to evaluate expressions. When you use if to evaluate expressions, you need the test statement because the true or false values returned by expressions cant be directly handled by if. test Uses certain operators to evaluate the condition and either a true or false exit status,which is then used by if for making decisions. Numerical comparison operators used by test

    Operator Meaning -eq Equal to -ne Not equal to -gt Greater than -ge Greater that or equal to -lt Less than -le Less than or equal to

    The operators begins with (hyphen) ,followed by a two-letter string. The operators are quite mnemonic; -eq implies equal to ,-lt less than and so on. Example: [root@localhost ~]# a=8 ; b=9 ; to combine the commands [root@localhost ~]# test $a eq $b ; echo $? [root@localhost ~]# 1 False [root@localhost ~]# test $a lt $b [root@localhost ~]# 0 True 3.7 expr :Computation expr can perform basic arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/,%). [root@localhost ~]# a=2 ; b=9 [root@localhost ~]# c= `expr $x + $y ` ; echo $c [root@localhost ~]# 11 The operands must be enclosed on either side by whitespace. For multiplication we have to use \ (Escaping technique) to prevent the shell from interpreting it as metacharacter. 3.8 while Looping while statement repeatedly performs a set of instructions until the control command returns a true exit status. The general syntax of this : while condition is true do # do is a keyword commands done #done is a keyword

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    The commands enclosed by do and done are executed repeatedly as long as condition remains true. 3.9 The case conditional In case statement ,the statement which matches an expression is executed. The general syntax of the case statement is as follows: case expression in pattern1)command1;; pattern2)command2;; pattern3)command2;; . esac case first matches expression with pattern1.If match succeeds, the its executes command1.If matches fails, the pattern2 is matched ,and so forth. Each command list is terminated with a pair of semicolons, and the entire construct is closed with esac (reverse of case). 3.10 eval command The use of eval command makes the shell to scan the command line once more, that is, second time and then actually executes the command line. Example: [root@localhost ~]# b=a [root@localhost ~]# c=b [root@localhost ~]# eval echo \$$c [root@localhost ~]# a The first two statements in this example are assignment statement. When the shell comes cross the third statement, because of eval; it first scans the statements once for any possible pre-evaluation or substitution. Here because of metacharacter \ the first $ is overlooked and the next variable $c gets evaluated resulting b. After this evaluation the third statement will be equivalent to echo $b. Then this statement gets executed as usual by the shell resulting as the answer.

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    PART B

    UNIX Programming 1a.Non-recursive shell script that accepts any number of arguments and prints them in the Reverse order, ( For example, if the script is named rargs then executing rargs A B C should produce C B A on the standard output). #!/bin/sh c=$# echo "The arguments in reverse order are:" while [ $c -ne 0 ] do eval echo \$$c c=`expr $c - 1` done

    Procedures for Execution Save the file with .sh extension.(Not Mandatory) [root@localhost ~]# sh one two three

    OUTPUT The arguments in reverse order are: three two one [root@localhost ~]# sh A B C The arguments in reverse order are: C B

    A Theoretical Explanation: The first line is the interpreter line informing that we are using Bourne shell. We can use any of the shell which is available like Korn shell (ksh), Bash shell (bash), C shell (c). The special shell parameters $# holds the number of arguments passed in the command line .Assume you are passing three arguments X Y Z .So $# value will be 3. The while loop does the operation still control command returns a true exit status. The use of eval command makes the shell to scan the command line once more, that is, second time and then actually executes the command line. Here because of metacharacter \ the first $ is overlooked and the next variable $c is gets evaluated resulting 3. After this evaluation the statement will be equivalent to echo $3.So the positional parameter $3 value is displayed and so on the remaining positional parameter value is displayed. While evaluating the expression the operands must be enclosed on either side by whitespace.

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    1b. C program that creates a child process to read commands from the standard input and execute them (a minimal implementation of a shell like program). You can assume that no arguments will be passed to the commands to be executed. #include #include #include main() { int x,i; char cmd[10]; x=fork (); /*To create a child process*/ if(x==0) do { printf("Child process has been created\n"); printf("Enter the command to be executed\n"); scanf("%s",cmd); system(cmd); printf("Enter 1 to continue and 0 to exit\n"); scanf("%d",&i); } while(i!=0); wait(); }

    Procedures for Execution Save the file with .c extension [root@localhost ~]# cc filename.c [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT Child process has been created Enter the command to be executed date Tue Jan 20 16:17:01 IST 2009 Enter 1 to continue and 0 to exit 1 Child process has been created Enter the command to be executed cal January 2009 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter 1 to continue and 0 to exit

    0 Theoretical Explanation: All processes in a UNIX system ,expect the very first process (Process 0) which is created by the system boot code and remaining are created via the fork system call. The fork system call is used to create a child process .The function prototype of fork is :

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    # include pid_t fork(void);

    Returns: 0 in child, process ID of child in parent, 1 on error

    The new process created by fork is called the child process. This function is called once but returns twice. The only difference in the returns is that the return value in the child is 0, whereas the return value in the parent is the process ID of the new child. The reason the child's process ID is returned to the parent is that a process can have more than one child, and there is no function that allows a process to obtain the process IDs of its children. The reason fork returns 0 to the child is that a process can have only a single parent, and the child can always call getppid to obtain the process ID of its parent. (Process ID 0 is reserved for use by the kernel, so it's not possible for 0 to be the process ID of a child.)

    System function

    The system function allows the users to access the standard output or standard input of the executed command. The function prototype of system function

    #include int system(const char *cmdstring);

    Returns: (see below)

    If cmdstring is a null pointer, system returns nonzero only if a command processor is available. Because system is implemented by calling fork, exec, and waitpid, there are three types of return values.

    1. If either the fork fails or waitpid returns an error other than EINTR, system returns 1 with errno set to indicate the error.

    2. If the exec fails, implying that the shell can't be executed, the return value is as if the shell had executed exit(127).

    3. Otherwise, all three functions fork, exec, and waitpidsucceed, and the return value from system is the termination status of the shell, in the format specified for waitpid.

    Wait function

    When a process terminates, either normally or abnormally, the kernel notifies the parent by sending the SIGCHLD signal to the parent. Because the termination of a child is an asynchronous event it can happen at any time while the parent is running this signal is the asynchronous notification from the kernel to the parent. The parent can choose to ignore this signal, or it can provide a function that is called when the signal occurs: a signal handler. The default action for this signal is to be ignored. So we need to be aware that a process that calls wait .The function prototype of wait function

    #include pid_t wait(int *statloc);

    Return: process ID , or 1 on error

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2a. Shell script that accepts two file names as arguments, checks if the permissions for these files are identical and if the permissions are identical, outputs the common permissions, otherwise outputs each file name followed by its permissions.

    #!/bin/sh perm1=`ls -l $1|cut -c 1-10` perm2=`ls -l $2|cut -c 1-10` if [ $perm1 = $perm2 ] then echo "Files have same permissions" echo "The Files permission is $perm1" else echo "The Files have different permission " echo "$1 has permission $perm1" echo "$2 has permission $perm2" fi

    Procedures for Execution Save the file with .sh extension.(Not Mandatory) Create two files using the editor command [root@localhost ~]# vi data1.txt [root@localhost ~]# vi data2.txt The default permission of files will be -rw-r--r--(644) To Change the permission use the chmod command [root@localhost ~]# sh data1.txt data2.txt OUTPUT Files have same permissions The Files permission is -rw-r--r-- [root@localhost root]# chmod 777 data1.txt [root@localhost root]# sh data1.txt data2.txt The Files have different permission data1.txt has permission -rwxrwxrwx data2.txt has permission -rw-r--r-- Theoretical Explanation: Listing the file attributes is done with ls l (long) option. This option displays all the 7 attributes of a file like its permission,links,owner ,group owner ,size ,last modification time and filename. [root@localhost ~]# ls l total 45 -rw-rr-- 1 chan sjbit 1765 Jan 27 10:89 data.txt

    To extract the specific field we need to use simple filter cut follows with c option with a list of column numbers. Ranges can be specified using the hyphen. To extract the permission field we have use cut c 1-10. Here we are using pipeline mechanism to redirect the output of ls l to the simple filter cut. A pipe is general mechanism by using which ,the output of one program is redirected as the input to another program directly without using any temporary files in between. In pipeline ,the command on the left of the | must use standard output and the one on the right must use standard input.

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    2b.C program to create a file with 16 bytes of arbitrary data from the beginning and another 16 bytes of arbitrary data from an offset of 48. Display the file contents to demonstrate how the hole in file is handled. #include #include int main() { char buf1[]="abcdefghijklmnop"; char buf2[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; int fd=creat("data.txt","w"); /*creating a file*/ write(fd,buf1,16); /*writing the data*/ lseek(fd,48,SEEK_SET); /*To set the offset*/ write(fd,buf2,16); system("vi data.txt"); return 0; }

    Procedures for Execution Save the file with .c extension [root@localhost ~]# cc filename.c [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out

    OUTPUT abcdefghijklmnop^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ ^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP

    Theoretical Explanation:

    creat Function A new file can be created by calling the creat function. The function prototype of creat function

    #include int creat(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);

    Returns: file descriptor opened for write-only if OK, 1 on error

    write Function Data is written to an open file with the write function.

    #include ssize_t write(int filedes, const void *buf, size_t nbytes);

    Returns: number of bytes written if OK, 1 on error

    lseek Function

    Every open file has an associated "current file offset," normally a non-negative integer that measures the number of bytes from the beginning of the file .Read and write operations normally start at the current file offset and cause the offset to be incremented by the number of bytes read or written. By default, this offset is initialized to 0 when a file is opened, unless the O_APPEND option is specified.

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    An open file's offset can be set explicitly by calling lseek. The function prototype of lseek function :

    #include off_t lseek(int filedes, off_t offset, int whence);

    Returns: new file offset if OK, 1 on error

    The interpretation of the offset depends on the value of the whence argument.

    If whence is SEEK_SET, the file's offset is set to offset bytes from the beginning of the file.

    If whence is SEEK_CUR, the file's offset is set to its current value plus the offset. The offset can be positive or negative.

    If whence is SEEK_END, the file's offset is set to the size of the file plus the offset. The offset can be positive or negative.

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    3a.Shell function that takes a valid directory names as an argument and recursively descends all the subdirectories, finds the maximum length of any file in that hierarchy and writes this maximum value to the standard output. #!/bin/sh echo "Enter the directory name" read dirname ls -lR $dirname|tee file1|cut -c 38-43,57-64 > file2 #column numbers are cat file1 dependent on system sort -n file2 > file3 echo "Maximum size file is" tail -1 file3

    Procedures for Execution [root@localhost root]# sh Enter the directory name run

    OUTPUT run: total 224 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17 Jan 20 07:36 1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28 Jan 24 07:28 100 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 618 Jan 24 19:03 1a.l -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 614 Jan 24 19:02 1a.l~ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 477 Jan 24 07:26 1b.l -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 476 Jan 24 07:26 1b.l~ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 22195 Jan 24 19:55 a.out drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 25 11:45 d -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35781 Jan 24 19:55 lex.yy.c drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 25 11:45 o -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9610 Jan 24 19:55 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 76 Jan 24 19:55 run/d: total 0 run/o: total 0 Maximum size file is 35781 lex.yy.c

    Theoretical Explanation: To take the input from the user we have to use read statement with a variable. Recursively to descend all the files in list we need to use ls command with R option.Also l is used for long listing. The output of ls command is piped to a terminal using tee command ,as well as to a file. Then further it is piped to the simple filter cut . To extract specific column we need use c option with a list of column numbers, delimited by a comma. To extract the filesize field we need to use the range 38-43 and to extract the file name we are use 57-64.Then at last the output is redirected to an another file. To display the content of a file we can use cat command. Then the file content is sorted with respect to numerals using sort n option. Then the sorted output is redirected to an another file. So the last line while have the maximum value ,we can extract that using the filter tail with -1 option from the file.

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    3b. C program that accepts valid file names as command line arguments and for each of the arguments, prints the type of the file ( Regular file, Directory file, Character special file, Block special file, Symbolic link etc.) #include #include #include #include int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i; struct stat buf; for(i=1;i

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    Theoretical Explanation:

    lstat Functions

    #include int lstat(const char *restrict pathname, structstat *restrict buf);

    Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error

    Given a pathname, the stat function returns a structure of information about the named file. The fstat function obtains information about the file that is already open on the descriptor filedes. The lstat function is similar to stat, but when the named file is a symbolic link, lstat returns information about the symbolic link, not the file referenced by the symbolic link.

    The second argument is a pointer to a structure that we must supply. The function fills in the structure pointed to by buf. The definition of the structure can differ among implementations, but it could look like

    struct stat { mode_t st_mode; /* file type & mode (permissions) */ ino_t st_ino; /* i-node number (serial number) */ dev_t st_dev; /* device number (file system) */ dev_t st_rdev; /* device number for special files */ nlink_t st_nlink; /* number of links */ uid_t st_uid; /* user ID of owner */ gid_t st_gid; /* group ID of owner */ off_t st_size; /* size in bytes, for regular files */ time_t st_atime; /* time of last access */ time_t st_mtime; /* time of last modification */ time_t st_ctime; /* time of last file status change */ blksize_t st_blksize; /* best I/O block size */ blkcnt_t st_blocks; /* number of disk blocks allocated */ };

    File Types

    Most files on a UNIX system are either regular files or directories, but there are additional types of files. The types are:

    1. Regular file. The most common type of file, which contains data of some form. There is no distinction to the UNIX kernel whether this data is text or binary. Any interpretation of the contents of a regular file is left to the application processing the file.

    2. Directory file. A file that contains the names of other files and pointers to information on these files. Any process that has read permission for a directory file can read the contents of the directory, but only the kernel can write directly to a directory file

    3. Block special file. A type of file providing buffered I/O access in fixed-size units to devices such as disk drives.

    4. Character special file. A type of file providing unbuffered I/O access in variable-sized units to devices. All devices on a system are either block special files or character special files.

    5. FIFO. A type of file used for communication between processes. It's sometimes called a named pipe.

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    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    6. Socket. A type of file used for network communication between processes. A socket can also be used for non-network communication between processes on a single host.

    7. Symbolic link. A type of file that points to another file.

    The type of a file is encoded in the st_mode member of the stat structure. We can determine the file type with the macros shown in below .The argument to each of these macros is the st_mode member from the stat structure.

    File type macros in

    Macro Type of file

    S_ISREG() regular file

    S_ISDIR() directory file

    S_ISCHR() character special file

    S_ISBLK() block special file

    S_ISFIFO() pipe or FIFO

    S_ISLNK() symbolic link

    S_ISSOCK() socket

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    4a. Shell script that accepts file names specified as arguments and creates a shell script that contains this file as well as the code to recreate these files. Thus if the script generated by your script is executed, it would recreate the original files. #! /bin/bash echo "#to unbundled ,bash this file" for i do echo "echo $i 1>&2" echo "cat >$i

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E

    4b.C program to do the following: Using fork ( ) create a child process. The child process prints its own process-id and id of its parent and then exits. The parent process waits for its child to finish (by executing the wait ( )) and prints its own process-id and the id of its child process and then exits. #include #include #include int main() { int status; int pid,ppid,mpid; pid=fork(); if(pid

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    #include pid_t getpid(void);

    Returns: process ID of calling pid_t getppid(void);

    Returns: parent process ID of calling process

  • System Programming & Compiler Design Manual

    Compiled by: Darshan.K.R S.J.B.I.T Dept. of C.S.E


    1.Lex & yacc , 2nd Edition by John R.Levine ,Tony Mason & Doug Brown. 2.Unix Concepts and applications ,Fifth Edition by Sumitabha Das. 3.Unix System programming by Terrence Chan. 4. The UNIX Programming Environment by Brain W. Kernighan and Rob Pike. 5. Compiler Design by Alfred V Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman: Compilers- Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison-Wesley,

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