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pleiotropic effects in progeny. Cleverly designedsensors like these may prove to be useful in stud-ies of cell differentiation and decision-making,where cells are thought to progress through a con-tinuum of poorly understood cellular states.

Controlling multicellular development and gen-etic inheritance. Recent work in Drosophila hasshown that synthetic circuits can fundamentally alterthe development and life cycle of a multicellularorganism in a controlled way. Chen et al. created asynthetic selfish genetic element, named Medea,capable of spreading through a population (38).The syntheticMedea element (Fig. 4A)maternallyexpresses a microRNA (miRNA) that blocks ex-pression of an essential protein normally producedby themother anddeposited in the egg.The elementalso expresses an “antidote” to this toxic miRNA,which consists of a second copy of the gene (withdifferent codons) expressed by the embryo ratherthan themother. Replacing thematernally expressedgene with its zygotically expressed Medea-basedcounterpart maintained normal development inoffspring. Medea-positive mothers always ex-press the toxic maternal miRNA. Thus, progenyof such mothers only survive if they inheritMedeafrom either or both parents—a dramatically non-Mendelian inheritance pattern.

A key consequence is thatMedea is capable ofinvading populations. When Medea-positive fliesare introduced into a wild-type laboratory popu-lation, the Medea element rapidly takes over thewhole population (38). A similar synthetic systemin mosquitos could in principle be engineered tocarry a “cargo” gene that would diminish the abil-ity of malarial parasites to survive in the mosquitoor to be transmitted to human hosts (Fig. 4C).

A striking aspect of theMedea system is thatit works across multiple levels: At the circuit level,it rewires expression of a critical gene to alter thetiming and genetic source of expression (Fig. 4A).At the developmental level, this leads to a selective

killing of embryos that lack the Medea element(Fig. 4B). Finally, at the population level, this givesMedea transgenic organisms the ability to effici-ently spread through a population (Fig. 4C). Al-though many challenges remain, this system andothers [see (39, 40)] demonstrate the power ofintegrating synthetic biology approaches into thecircuitry of a complex organism.

Conclusion: Exploring the BiologyThat Could BeSynthetic biology opens up the possibility of creat-ing circuits that would not survive in the naturalworld and studying their behaviors in living cells,expanding our notion of biology (41). The last dec-ade has shown how even our first steps towardbuilding and analyzing synthetic circuits can iden-tify fundamental biological design principles andcan produce useful new understanding. Future pro-gress will require work across a range of syntheticlevels (Fig. 1), from rewiring to building autonomousand integrated circuits de novo. Going forward,we anticipate that synthetic biology will becomeone of the primary tools we use to understand,control, imagine, and create biological systems.

References and Notes1. W. A. Lim, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 11, 393 (2010).2. S. Mukherji, A. van Oudenaarden, Nat. Rev. Genet. 10,

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(2000).10. J. Hasty, M. Dolnik, V. Rottschäfer, J. J. Collins, Phys. Rev.

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13. M. Tigges, T. T. Marquez-Lago, J. Stelling, M. Fussenegger,Nature 457, 309 (2009).

14. N. A. Cookson, L. S. Tsimring, J. Hasty, FEBS Lett. 583,3931 (2009).

15. P. E. M. Purnick, R. Weiss, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 10,410 (2009).

16. T. Çağatay, M. Turcotte, M. B. Elowitz, J. Garcia-Ojalvo,G. M. Süel, Cell 139, 512 (2009).

17. G. M. Süel, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, L. M. Liberman, M. B. Elowitz,Nature 440, 545 (2006).

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R40 (2011).31. G. Struhl, A. Adachi, Cell 93, 649 (1998).32. D. Sprinzak et al., Nature 465, 86 (2010).33. D. Sprinzak, A. Lakhanpal, L. Lebon, J. Garcia-Ojalvo,

M. B. Elowitz, PLOS Comput. Biol. 7, e1002069 (2011).34. D. Coudreuse, P. Nurse, Nature 468, 1074 (2010).35. H. Kobayashi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 101,

8414 (2004).36. E. Fung et al., Nature 435, 118 (2005).37. D. R. Burrill, P. A. Silver, Genes Dev. 25, 434 (2011).38. C.-H. Chen et al., Science 316, 597 (2007).39. W. C. Ruder, T. Lu, J. J. Collins, Science 333, 1248 (2011).40. N. Windbichler et al., Nature 473, 212 (2011).41. M. Elowitz, W. A. Lim, Nature 468, 889 (2010).Acknowledgments: The authors thank D. Sprinzak, J. Locke,

J. Levine, P. Neveu, J. Young, and other members of theElowitz lab for helpful discussions and critical reading of themanuscript. This work was supported by NIH grants5R01GM086793, 5R01GM079771, and P50GM068763;NSF Career Award 0644463; and a Packard Fellowship.



Synthetic Biology Moving into the ClinicWarren C. Ruder,* Ting Lu,* James J. Collins†

Synthetic biology is an emerging field focused on engineering biomolecular systems and cellularcapabilities for a variety of applications. Substantial progress began a little over a decade agowith the creation of synthetic gene networks inspired by electrical engineering. Since then, the fieldhas designed and built increasingly complex circuits and constructs and begun to use these systems ina variety of settings, including the clinic. These efforts include the development of synthetic biologytherapies for the treatment of infectious diseases and cancer, as well as approaches in vaccinedevelopment, microbiome engineering, cell therapy, and regenerative medicine. Here, we highlightadvances in the biomedical application of synthetic biology and discuss the field’s clinical potential.

Alittle over a decade ago, the development oftwo engineered gene networks—a toggleswitch (1) and an oscillator (2)—set in

motion the rapid emergence of synthetic biology

as a field. In the years following, increasingly so-phisticated synthetic gene circuits have been de-signed and constructed. Inspired by electrical circuitsas well as natural biomolecular networks, these

devices include timers, counters, clocks, logic pro-cessors, pattern detectors, and intercellular com-munication modules (3–9). These DNA-encodedsynthetic circuits are typically uploaded into cells,with their programmable abilities allowing for theprecise control of cellular behavior and phenotype.

Meanwhile, there is a growing need for thedevelopment of new, important medical treat-ments. Bacteria, for example, are becoming re-sistant to antibiotics faster than we can developeffective replacements (10). Additionally, surgeryremains a common cancer treatment, and when

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of BiomedicalEngineering, and Center for BioDynamics, Boston UniversityandWyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, HarvardUniversity, Boston, MA 02115, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

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radiation and chemotherapy do work, patientssuffer off-target effects. Customized therapies thatcan be designed to interact with a patient’s phys-iology in prescribed ways are needed.

The field of synthetic biology is beginning touse its methods and platforms to bring engineer-ing approaches into biomedicine. Effective syn-thetic biology therapies are being rationally designedand implemented as researchers build constructs(e.g., engineered biomolecules, synthetic gene net-works, andprogrammable organisms) to altermech-anisms underlying disease and related biologicalprocesses (Fig. 1). Here, we highlight synthetic bio-logy strategies that have been developed to targetinfectious diseases and cancer, aswell as approachesin vaccine development, microbiome engineering,cell therapy, and regenerative medicine. We con-clude by discussing how future work in syntheticbiology could affect biomedicine and by describ-ing the challenges that need to be overcome forthe field to translate its promise into practice.

Treatment and Prevention of InfectionsIn addressing the need to develop strategies to en-hance our antimicrobial arsenal, synthetic biologyconstructs have been developed to treat bacterialinfections, as well as improve the efficacy of exist-ing antibiotics. For example, bacteriophage—viruses that only infect specific bacteria— havebeen engineered to attack or weaken resistantbacterial strains by disrupting antibiotic defensemechanisms.

In an initial study, enzymatic bacteriophagewere engineered to degrade bacterial biofilms andkill off bacterial cells in the biofilm (11). Biofilms,which play a critical role in the pathogenesis ofmany persistent infections, are surface-associatedbacterial communities encapsulated in an extra-cellular polymeric matrix that shields bacteria fromattack by host immune defenses and antibiotics.Lytic T7 phage were engineered to express thebiofilm-matrix–degrading enzyme dispersin B(DspB) as well as rapidly replicate during in-fection. In a two-pronged attack, bacterial lysisinduced by the engineered phage killed the in-fected bacterial cells in the biofilm and dis-persed DspB along with the newly producedphage. The released DspB degraded the biofilmmatrix, which exposed newly unprotected bacte-ria to the released phage, resulting in a cyclicprocess that eventually removed 99.997% ofbacterial cells in treated biofilms.

In a second study, synthetic adjuvants weredesigned by engineering bacteriophage to en-hance the killing efficacy of existing antibiotics(12). This approach focused on disrupting bac-terial networks that regulate antibiotic defensemechanisms. All bactericidal antibiotics induceDNA damage, resulting in the activation of theSOS response network (13). NonlyticM13 phage,chosen to minimize activation of bacterial adap-tation mechanisms, were engineered to inhibitthe damage response by overexpressing lexA3,

a repressor of the SOS network (Fig. 2A). Phagetreatment resulted in significantly enhanced kill-ing of bacterial strains by three major classes ofantibiotics, that is, quinolones, b-lactams, andaminoglycosides. For example, in vitro treat-ment with engineered phage and the quinoloneofloxacin resulted in a 5000-fold increase in thekilling of resistant bacteria compared to treatmentwith the antibiotic alone. In an animal study, treat-ment with engineered phage and ofloxacin resultedin an 80% survival rate in Escherichia coli–infected mice, compared to 20%with antibiotictreatment alone.

Synthetic constructs can also be designed tolimit the spread of infection by targeting diseasevectors. Along these lines, Crisanti and colleaguesrecently attempted to reducemalaria transmissionby rationally modifying the disease’s mosquitovector using a synthetic biology approach. Spe-cifically, they built a synthetic construct thatcould, in principle, enable a laboratory mosquitopopulation to rapidly disseminate a genetic modi-fication (e.g., disruption of genes encodingmalariavector capability) to a field population (14).

This transgenically introduced construct—asynthetic, homing endonuclease-based gene (HEG)drive—consisted of mosquito regulatory regionsand a homing endonuclease gene, I-SceI (fig. S1).The gene drive first used endonuclease to inducedouble-strand DNA breaks that activated the re-combinational DNA repair system in mosquitocells. The homologous chromosome, carrying theHEG (and potentially any other synthetic or en-dogenous gene), was then used as a template forrepair, resulting in both chromosomes carryingthe synthetic drive. TheHEG drive rapidly spreadin transgenic cage populations that carried corre-sponding endonuclease recognition sites, match-ing analytical model predictions, and molecularanalyses showed high rates of chromosomal cleav-age and conversion. For the eventual deploymentof this system in the wild, the synthetic HEG drive

will require, among other things, identifying orengineering a homing endonuclease with recog-nition sites in the native vector genome. Of note,homing endonucleases have been designed to tar-get specific DNA sequences for potential genomeengineering and gene therapy (15, 16). Alternative-ly, in addition to targeted disruptions, new genescould be distributed to suppress malaria vectorcapacity. In a review,Nandagopal and Elowitz (17)describe a synthetic Medea system inspired bynatural gene drives (18), which quickly distributedgenetic cargo to wild Drosophila populations.

Cancer TreatmentDespite the success of modern cancer therapies,the three major therapeutic interventions—surgery,radiation, and chemotherapy—still typically resultin considerable damage to healthy tissue.We neednew cancer treatments that precisely distinguishbetween diseased and healthy cells. To this end,synthetic biologists have engineered bacteria totarget and invade cancer cells. In one study, theinvasion was designed to occur only in specifictumor-related environments, whereas in another,the bacterial invaders were engineered to knockdown a specific, endogenous cancer-related genenetwork.

In the first study, Voigt and colleagues en-gineered bacteria to invade cancer cells only inthe hypoxic environment often indicative of tu-mor tissue (19). Cell-invasion ability was enabledin E. coli by engineering them to express theinvasin (inv) adhesion protein from Yersiniapseudotuberculosis, which tightly binds mam-malian b1 integrin receptors, inducing uptake.Invasin expression was placed under the con-trol of an anaerobically induced formate de-hydrogenase promoter, resulting in bacteria thatonly invaded mammalian cell cultures in hy-poxic environments. Tissue is typically hypoxic,however, when it has no access to blood, whichcould limit the efficacy of intravenously delivered,

Disease state

A synthetic biology therapeutic approach

Circuit uploaded intoorganismal therapeutic


Malfunction in native network

Synthetic circuit Healthy state

Network rewiringrestores normal function

Vector introduced to circuit into therapeutic


Fig. 1. Synthetic circuit development for the treatment of disease. Synthetic gene networks are uploadedinto cells to therapeutically target the body’s endogenous networks, causing a transition from disease tohealthy state. Here, the uploaded network is a bistable toggle switch, which enables cellular memory witha network of two mutually repressible modules. SCIENCE VOL 333 2 SEPTEMBER 2011 1249






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cancer-targeting bacteria. Also, given the dy-namics of blood flow, the bacteria would needto be engineered to quickly express invasin andenter cells.

In the second study, Li and colleagues wereable to intravenously deliver engineered, cancer-invading bacteria to target a specific tumorigenicpathway in vivo (20). Using RNA interference(RNAi), bacterial invaders were designed toknock down expression of CTNNB1 (encodingb-1 catenin), a gene that initiates many coloncancers upon its overexpression or oncogenic mu-tation (Fig. 2B). The engineered bacteria ac-complished gene knockdown by generating shorthairpin RNA (shRNA) segments that bound toCTNNB1mRNA transcripts and induced mRNAcleavage. Along with the shRNA and invasin, thesynthetic system produced lysteriolysin O (en-coded by the hlyA gene), which enables molec-ular transport out of vesicles in a process believedto involve entry vesicle disruption.

Bacteria cells uploaded with the synthetic cir-cuitry robustly invaded colon cancer cells in vitroand knocked downCTNNB1 expression. Intrave-nous administration of the engineered E. coli intoimmune-deficient mice with subcutaneouslyxenografted human colon cancer cells resultedin significant knockdown of the gene in tumorcells, showing that bacterial invaders could bedirected to distal cancer targets. In the future, thetwo synthetic constructs described above couldbe coupled, potentially producing programmable

bacteria that invade cancer cells under specific invivo conditions and, once inside, target specificcancer-related pathways.

Vaccine DevelopmentThe development of new vaccines is limited byseveral drawbacks, including risks associated withthe use of attenuated pathogens, along with dif-ficulties altering vaccine target specificity. To ad-dress these issues, Mastrobattista and co-workersused liposomes—synthetic vesicles consisting of alipid bilayer—to encapsulate a combination of areconstituted bacterial transcription-and-translationnetwork and DNA encoding a model antigen (b-galactosidase) (21). The system (fig. S2) pro-duced functional antigen protein in vitro. In livemice, antigen-expressing liposomes generated ahigher humoral immune response compared withcontrol vaccines (liposomes encapsulating onlythe antigen, the transcription-and-control network,or the DNA template, respectively). This systemcan be easily altered for other antigens by simplychanging the DNA template and carries no risk ofinfection by attenuated pathogens.

Additional progress in the field may comefrom combining synthetic circuits with recentgenomic engineering advances in vaccine devel-opment. For example, Wimmer and colleagues at-tenuated poliovirus by exploiting species-specificbias for codon pairs (22). Although DNA codonsare synonymous (several different codons canencode a single amino acid), every species has a

bias for the adjacent codon pairs it can translateefficiently into protein.

To exploit this bias, hundreds of synonymouscodon pairs were switched in the gene sequenceencoding the poliovirus capsid protein, resultingin decreased translational efficiency. The result-ing inefficient, attenuated virus was sufficient toprovide protective immunity after challenge. How-ever, in this case, the DNA encoding the capsidprotein was altered through de novo synthesisand reinserted into living cells. If a synthetic cir-cuit could be designed to automatically swapsynonymous codons in the genome of infectedcells, a completely cell-based system for virusattenuation would be possible.

Microbiome EngineeringThe human microbiome—the microorganismsassociated with the human body—is a complexecosystem increasingly implicated as a regulatorof host physiology. It numbers over 1000 speciesand outnumbers human cells by a factor of 10 to100 (23). Asmicrobiome constituents are typical-ly well-tolerated, naturally commensal microor-ganisms, they are potentially excellent vectors fordeploying synthetic gene circuits to fight diseaseand correct aberrant conditions. Social interac-tions within and between species also play a crit-ical role inmicrobiome communities (24, 25) andcould be harnessed.

Along these lines, Duan and March recentlyused E. coli to prevent cholera infection byengineering a synthetic interaction between gutmicrobes (26). During cholera infection, Vibriocholerae secrete virulence factors, such as choleratoxin (CT), only at low population density. Toassess its own density, V. cholerae uses quorumsensing, a process in which autoinducer signalingmolecules are both secreted and detected by mem-bers of a population. V. cholerae detects levels ofcholera autoinducer 1 (CAI-1) and autoinducer 2(AI-2), and when both are high, ceases expressionof virulence factors. Duan and March took advan-tage of this mechanism and engineered E. colithat produce AI-2 to also secrete CAI-1 (Fig. 3).When infant mice ingested the engineered E. coli8 hours before V. cholerae ingestion, their survivalrate increased dramatically and cholera toxin in-testinal binding was reduced by 80%.

Alternatively, a patient’s microbiome could beengineered to deliver therapeutic molecules di-rectly to the body. For example, commensal bac-teria strains have been engineered to secrete keymolecules for potential disease treatment, includ-ing insulinotropic proteins for diabetes (27), anHIV fusion inhibitor peptide for prevention ofHIV infection (28), and interleukin-2 for immu-notherapy (29). Although these studies showedeffective expression of therapeutically relevantmolecules, each would benefit from the develop-ment and use of synthetic circuits. By placing, forexample, the expression of therapeutic moleculesunder the control of cell-based sensors that detect


B Engineered bacteria fortreatment of cancer

Engineered bacteriophage totreat infectious diseases 1












Phage infection

Synthetic construct delivery

LexA3 production from the delivered construct

Increased DNA damageand cell death through SOS inhibition by LexA3





Invasin production

Bacterial invasion of a cancer cell

Release of shRNA

Colon cancer inhibitionby gene silencing


Engineered M13 phage

SOS response

DNA damage

Cell death


β-1 cateninmRNA

Colon cancer inhibition

HlyA shRNA

Engineered E. coli

Fig. 2. Synthetic biology approaches for treatment of bacterial infection and cancer. (A) Engineeredbacteriophage boosted antibiotic killing efficacy by disrupting repair of antibiotic-induced damage. (B)Engineered bacteria invaded cancer cells and knocked down a cancer gene using RNAi.

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aberrant, pathological conditions, gene expres-sion could be turned on and tuned accordinglyonly when the prescribedmolecular interventionsare needed, reducingmetabolic load on the bacte-ria and increasing their ability to assimilate intothe microbiome.

Cell Therapy and Regenerative MedicineCell therapy—the introduction of prescribed cellsinto the body to treat disease—is promising, yetchallenges remain due to an inability to controlpost-implantation cell behavior and phenotype.One solution could involve uploading syntheticcircuits into cells before implantation, thus en-dowing them with sophisticated control systems.Unfortunately, the great majority of synthetic genecircuits designed thus far have been limited tomicrobes. The recent extension of synthetic cir-cuits to mammalian cells, however, has openedthe door to new and enhanced cell therapies.

Tight control of specific genes is critical foreffective cell therapies. To address this problem,we recently developed a tunable, modular mam-malian genetic switch (30). This entailed creatinga synthetic gene network that couples repressorproteins with an RNAi design involving shRNA.Gene expression is turned on by adding an in-ducer, which controls the repressor elements atthe transcriptional level, while simultaneouslyturning off the RNAi component to allow thetranscript to be retained and translated (fig. S3).The switch offers >99% repression, as well as theability to tune the expression of the gene ofinterest. Modular capabilities of the system allowfor the regulation of any gene, as well as the po-tential for tissue-specific use (its genetic elementscan be controlled by tissue-specific promoters). Theswitch was validated in mouse and human cells.This tight, tunable, and reversible control of mam-malian gene expression could be used in cell ther-apy applications, as well as to determine whether adisease phenotype is the result of a threshold re-sponse to changes in gene expression.

Fussenegger and colleagues recently designeda synthetic mammalian gene circuit to regulateuric acid homeostasis in vivo, the disturbance ofwhich is associated with tumor lysis syndromeand gout (31). This synthetic device sensed uricacid using an engineered repressor that could beinduced (i.e., derepressed) by uric acid. Upon de-repression, the network expressed an engineeredurate oxidase that eliminated uric acid (Fig. 4A).Circuit-expressing cells implanted in urate oxidase–deficient, transgenic mice decreased urate concen-trations to subpathological levels and reduced uricacid crystal deposits in the kidneys.

Shifting from transcriptional control to trans-lational control, Smolke and colleagues constructeda synthetic device using a drug-responsive-RNAmodule for gene regulation in mammalian cells(32). In mice, the RNA device controlled T cellproliferation by linking a drug-responsive ribo-zyme to growth cytokine expression. Program-

ming cells to execute sophisticated processes uponimplantation could eventually allow synthetic genecircuits to be customized for individual patients.

The tailoring of engineered cells to a patient’sphysiology will also be critical in the field of re-generative medicine, where the eventual goldstandard therapy likely will involve tissues createdfrom a patient’s own stem cells. Although theadult body maintains clinically accessible nichesfor some stem cell lineages (e.g., hematopoeticand adipogenic), many others are difficult to ac-cess.With the development of induced pluripotentstem cells (iPSCs), adult-derived stem cells that,in principle, could be differentiated into any celltype are now available. iPSCs can be created froman adult patient’s cells upon the insertion and ex-pression of only four genes [e.g., KLF4, c-MYC,OCT4, and SOX2 (KMOS)] (33), a breakthroughmethodology that nonetheless comes with con-cerns and drawbacks (34). For example, virallyintroduced extra copies of all four genes mustbe inserted permanently into the cellular ge-nome, which can make such cells prone to form-ing tumors.

Rossi and colleagues recently addressed thisproblem by adopting a synthetic biology ap-proach and chemically transfecting cells withsynthetic, modified RNAmolecules that functionas mRNA transcripts for the four key genes (35).Once inside cells, the transcripts are translatedinto proteins that induce pluripotency withoutthe integration of extra genes into the genomes.Using this method, investigators were able tocreate iPSCs faster and with a greater yield thanviral delivery (Fig. 4B). The team also used thismethod to create RNA-iPSCs (RiPSCs) frommultiple human cell types and further showedthat the same technology can efficiently directRiPSCs to terminally differentiate into myogeniccells. In the future, it will be exciting to seewhethersynthetic biology approaches can create constructs

that enable targeting and reprogramming of injured,diseased, or aged tissue in vivo.

OutlookAlthough synthetic biology is in its infancy as afield, its practitioners are taking initial steps to-ward developing new biomedical therapies. Thefield initially arose from the combined efforts andinsights of a small band of engineers, physicists,and computer scientists whose backgroundsdictated the early directions of synthetic biology.For the field to reach its full clinical potential, itmust become better integrated with clinicians.

Clinical applications will surely necessitate in-creasingly complex circuits and constructs. Up tothis point, the field has developed circuits using,more or less, the same collection of basic regula-tory components. However, in order to build morecomplicated, clinically applicable circuits, it willbe necessary to identify entirely new modulesand components from endogenous networks aswell as to synthesize and characterize diversecomponent libraries. Additionally, although mostsynthetic systems have been transcriptional, post-transcriptional systems, particularly protein-basedsystems, will be needed to enable faster responses.Along these lines, Voigt and colleagues haveengineered protein-based light sensors and usedthem to activate mammalian cell signaling (36).We also will need more effective computationaltools to fast-track synthetic biology, both foridentifying new components and predicting thebehavior of complicated synthetic systems.

Moreover, there exists a critical need to movesynthetic biology increasingly toward mamma-lian systems. Most synthetic constructs havebeen deployed in microbes; however, many clin-ical problems will require mammalian circuits,components, and constructs. An expanded mam-malian toolbox would enable synthetic biologyto address a broader range of applications in


Preventing cholera infection using engineered gut flora

Prevention of infectionInfection of gut epithelium

Introduction of engineered

commensal strainIntercellular signaling

blocks virulence



Fig. 3. Synthetic biology approach for microbiome engineering. Native commensal bacteria were engineeredto secrete the molecular signal cholera autoinducer (CAI-1), which leads to inhibition of V. cholerae virulence. SCIENCE VOL 333 2 SEPTEMBER 2011 1251






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translational medicine. These and related thrustswill benefit from emerging efforts to integratesynthetic biology with systems biology (37, 38).

These developments will aid inthe understanding of potentialimmune responses to syntheticconstructs in the body and helpidentify approaches to amelio-rate such responses. These effortswill be critical for developing safeand effective synthetic biologytherapies.

Ultimately, we envision syn-thetic constructs that can senseand seek out aberrant conditions,remediate clinical insult, and re-store function. Clearly, there ismuch to do before synthetic bio-logy can realize its full clinical po-tential, but the examples discussedhere provide insight into the field’sexciting potential for helping toprevent and treat disease.

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figures. This work was supported by funding fromthe National Institutes of Health and the HowardHughes Medical Institute.

Supporting Online S1 to S3



Bottom-Up Synthetic Biology:Engineering in a Tinkerer’s WorldPetra Schwille*

How synthetic can “synthetic biology” be? A literal interpretation of the name of this new life sciencediscipline invokes expectations of the systematic construction of biological systems with cells being builtmodule by module—from the bottom up. But can this possibly be achieved, taking into account theenormous complexity and redundancy of living systems, which distinguish them quite remarkably fromdesign features that characterize human inventions? There are several recent developments inbiology, in tight conjunction with quantitative disciplines, that may bring this literal perspectiveinto the realm of the possible. However, such bottom-up engineering requires tools that wereoriginally designed by nature’s greatest tinkerer: evolution.

An important feature of “synthetic biology”is that it draws on expertise from diversedisciplines; however, these disciplines

have not converged on what the new field en-compasses. Biotechnologists view it mainly as anew way to organize and structure the art of ge-

netic engineering. To them, synthetic biology en-forces the traditional engineering concepts ofmodularity and standardization and adapts logicaloperator structures from information processing(1). Nevertheless, the assembly of new biologicalsystems for a variety of applications is still carriedout in an existing organism; for clinical examples,see the review by Ruder et al. [see (2)]. Perhapsa more daring view comes from chemists andphysicists who take the words literally and focuson the construction of biological systems fromthe bottom up. They suggest that synthetic biologycould follow the tracks of synthetic organic chem-istry and open up a new understanding of biology(3). This is not to suggest that something as com-plex as a eukaryotic or even a prokaryotic cell—end



Mammalian cells engineeredfor uric acid homeostasis

Injected cells

Uric acidUrate oxidase




Synthetic modified mRNAs for cellularreprogramming

Fibroblasts Fibroblasts with synthetic





Fig. 4. Diseases can be targeted with new synthetic biology methodsfor cell therapy and regenerative medicine. (A) Urate homeostasis wasrestored in vivo by the delivery of cells with a synthetic circuit. Uric acidinduced the derepression of an engineered urate oxidase, which thenlowered uric acid levels in mice. (B) Synthetic modified RNAs encodingthe KMOS transcription factors were delivered to mammalian fibro-blasts to induce pluripotency upon translation. The RNA-induced pluri-potent stem cells could be driven down numerous cell lineages.

Biophysics/BIOTEC, Technische Universität (TU) Dresden,Tatzberg 47-51, D-01307 Dresden, Germany.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

2 SEPTEMBER 2011 VOL 333 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1252





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