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  • Nicholas Lenz Genocide Symposium

    Nicholas Lenz!12/6/13!Dr. R.T. Good !Symposium Paper !!! !

    ! Going into this common event I really wasn't sure how I was going to feel

    about it. The last few common events I attended really didn't speak to me in the

    way I wanted or wished they would have, this one was different. I attended a

    private Catholic high school in which I was required to take religion classes. While

    in a specific class with a very outspoken, loud, and very VERY wise religion

    teacher we watched the movie Hotel Rwanda a truly inspiring story about the

    Rwandan Revolution between the Tutsi and Hutu people to which Mr. Deange

    spoke. While I sat in that classroom as a senior waiting to get out for summer and

    to move onto bigger and better things the movie was just that to me, a movie with

    actors and cameras and lights and great effects. Listening to Mr. Deange speak of

    the truths of this revolution I had a revelation, these genecidal acts happened to

    real people. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends were killed because of

    a prejudice that lasted hundreds of years. It got me to thinking as Mr. Deange said

    it, can something as simple as bullying or calling someone a name start a

  • Nicholas Lenz Genocide Symposium

    snowball effect that ends in genecidal thoughts or acts? It seems quite blown out

    of proportion but think about it, one mean word said about a certain group of

    people is engrained in a childs mind making them think differently of that group

    also known as prejudice. This symposium opened my eyes to the world outside

    of my nice, contained, safe bubble I try to constantly live within. !

    ! !

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