Page 1: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

McLuhan and 5 P’s of Video

Jen Grogono, uStudio Inc.@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

Page 2: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

Marshall McLuhan urged

▪ Think ahead. This does not mean identifying with existing trends!

▪ Awareness and responsibility are critical to understanding our future.

▪ Anticipation allows us to find “control over change…moving not with [change] but ahead of it.”

▪ Give up resistance and allow your mind to travel ahead of changes ...

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

Page 3: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

Resisting change…

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

▪ Messer Hubbard and Bell want to install one of their “telephone devices” in every city.

▪ The idea is idiotic on the face of it. Furthermore, why would any person want to use this ungainly and impractical device when he can send a messenger to the telegraph office …

▪ We see no reason why a group of outsiders, with extravagant and impractical ideas, should be entertained, when they have not the slightest idea of the true problems involved.

▪ …wild-eyed imagination and … a posture of ignoring the obvious limitations of his device, which is hardly more than a toy …

▪ This device is inherently of no use to us.▪ We do not recommend its purchase.

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Thinking ahead…Video

▪ “The power of video is the power of the mind itself. A huge chunk of the brain power we have sitting on our shoulders is devoted to processing visual images. It's how we communicate. It's how we share information. It defines who we are.”

▪ Enterprise video industry is growing at 25% CAGR and is expected to reach $35B by 2019

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

Source:Michio Kaku, American theoretical physicistResearch & Markets

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© uStudio, Inc. 2013-2014@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

Page 6: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

Production & Video


Sell more, sell faster

Just-in-time resolution,

reduce time on calls

Integrate with enterprise systems &


Educate, inform and train

Brand, engage customers, and

drive leads






@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

What’s your Video goal?

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Budget Considerations

▪ $ User-Created▪ $$ Internal teams▪ $$$ Production firms▪ $$$$ Agency▪ $$-$$$$ Live

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

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© uStudio, Inc. 2013@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

© uStudio, Inc. 2013-2014

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What is your viewing experience?

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

▪ Metadata: title, description, thumbnail▪ Player▪ Branding▪ Calls to action▪ Pre-rolls, overlays▪ Sharing▪ Tags, annotations▪ Captions, translations▪ Playlist or single video▪ Support for all formats

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@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw© uStudio, Inc. 2013-2014

Page 11: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

Where’s my audience?

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw


Support Portals






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© uStudio, Inc. 2013-2014@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

Page 13: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

How do they know a video is there?

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

Put video in their line of sight:▪Social network integration▪Announcements/PR▪Contests▪Email Marketing▪Video Ad Networks▪In-app links and icons▪Business system integration

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@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw© uStudio, Inc. 2013-2014

Page 15: SXSW 2014: McLuhan and the 5 Ps of Video. Huh?

How well is it working?

@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

▪ How much time has your audience spent with your video?– With your brand, your product, your message

▪ How much have you learned about them and your message?

– Data entry – subscriptions, information– Pass along to others

▪ How much money have you directly or indirectly earned? Spent?

– Product or service purchase– Reduced churn– TCVO [Total Cost of Video Ownership] understood

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@jengrogono @ustudio #sxsw

▪ Want to Continue the conversation?– @jengrogono– @ustudio– [email protected]–

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