Page 1: Sustainability? - University of intro 210.pdf · sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy,


Stevan Harrell Environmental Anthropology

20 October 2011

Page 2: Sustainability? - University of intro 210.pdf · sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy,

Sustainability is Like God

• We can’t really know what it is

•  If it didn’t exist, we would have to invent it

•  People worship it

Page 3: Sustainability? - University of intro 210.pdf · sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy,

Sustainability is Like God

•  We can’t really know what it is—Apophatic theology. Sustainability is not:

• Using resources at a rate faster than we can replenish

• Rendering things unusable by poisoning and polluting

• Extinguishing species

•  But what sustainability is is hard to say.

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Sustainability is Like God

•  To paraphrase Voltaire:

•  Si la durabilité n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer

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Sustainability is Like God

•  People worship it • School of

Sustainability, Arizona State

• Program on Sustainable Development, Columbia

• UW Sustainability Day, Next Wednesday!

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Sustainability is like a Water Weenie

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•  Robert Solow: “It is very hard to be against sustainability. In fact, the less you know about it, the better it sounds. The questions that come to be connected with sustainable development or sustainable growth or just sustainability are genuine and deeply felt and very complex. The combination of deep feeling and complexity breeds buzzwords.”

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A New Word • 1611: “Sustainable” meaning “bearable, endurable” • 1845: “Sustainable” meaning “able to be upheld as

a point of law,” as when the defense attorney shouts “objection” and the judge says “sustained”

• 1972: First use of “sustainability” • 1972: First use of “sustainable development” but

seems to be used in the sense of sustaining the development, rather than conserving the natural resources as one develops.

Oxford English Dictionary Question: Why Now?

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Some Current Definitions •  OED: “Of, relating to, or designating forms of human economic

activity and culture that do not lead to environmental degradation, esp. avoiding the long-term depletion of natural resources.” Notice: “environmental degradation,” “long-term depletion of natural resources.” What sustainable is not, apophatic theology.

•  Brundtland Report, Sustainable development; “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

•  Solow: sustainability is “An obligation to conduct ourselves so that we leave to the future the option or the capacity to be as well off as we are.”

•  Ismail Serageldin: Sustainabilitiy is the maintenance of stocks of capital: natural, human, social, and human-made. Strong sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy, or “sensible sustainability” allows the possibility of human-made (technological) capital for natural capital. Another list gives natural, economic, human, physical, and social capital.

Page 10: Sustainability? - University of intro 210.pdf · sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy,

Some Current Definitions •  OED: “Of, relating to, or designating forms of human economic

activity and culture that do not lead to environmental degradation, esp. avoiding the long-term depletion of natural resources.” Notice: “environmental degradation,” “long-term depletion of natural resources.” What sustainable is not, apophatic theology.

•  Brundtland Report, Sustainable development; “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

•  Solow: sustainability is “An obligation to conduct ourselves so that we leave to the future the option or the capacity to be as well off as we are.”

•  Ismail Serageldin: Sustainabilitiy is the maintenance of stocks of capital: natural, human, social, and human-made. Strong sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy, or “sensible sustainability” allows the possibility of human-made (technological) capital for natural capital. Another list gives natural, economic, human, physical, and social capital.

Page 11: Sustainability? - University of intro 210.pdf · sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy,

Some Current Definitions •  OED: “Of, relating to, or designating forms of human economic

activity and culture that do not lead to environmental degradation, esp. avoiding the long-term depletion of natural resources.” Notice: “environmental degradation,” “long-term depletion of natural resources.” What sustainable is not, apophatic theology.

•  Brundtland Report, Sustainable development; “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

•  Solow: sustainability is “An obligation to conduct ourselves so that we leave to the future the option or the capacity to be as well off as we are.”

•  Ismail Serageldin: Sustainabilitiy is the maintenance of stocks of capital: natural, human, social, and human-made. Strong sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy, or “sensible sustainability” allows the possibility of human-made (technological) capital for natural capital. Another list gives natural, economic, human, physical, and social capital.

Page 12: Sustainability? - University of intro 210.pdf · sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy,

Some Current Definitions •  OED: “Of, relating to, or designating forms of human economic

activity and culture that do not lead to environmental degradation, esp. avoiding the long-term depletion of natural resources.” Notice: “environmental degradation,” “long-term depletion of natural resources.” What sustainable is not, apophatic theology.

•  Brundtland Report, Sustainable development; “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

•  Solow: sustainability is “An obligation to conduct ourselves so that we leave to the future the option or the capacity to be as well off as we are.”

•  Ismail Serageldin: Sustainabilitiy is the maintenance of stocks of capital: natural, human, social, and human-made. Strong sustainability is the maintenance of stocks of natural capital; weak sustainabilitiy, or “sensible sustainability” allows the possibility of human-made (technological) capital for natural capital. Another list gives natural, economic, human, physical, and social capital.

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Loss of Resources: Soil [In earlier days] Attica yielded far more abundant produce. In comparison of what then was, there are remaining only the bones

of the wasted body; all the richer and softer parts of the soil having fallen away, and the mere skeleton of the land being left. 

But in the primitive state of the country, the mountains were high hills covered with soil, and plains were full of rich earth, and there was abundance of wood in the mountains. Of this last traces still remain, for although some of the mountains now only afford sustenance to bees, not so very long ago there were still to be seen roofs of timber cut from trees growing there, which were of such a size sufficient to cover the largest houses; and there were many other high trees, cultivated by man and bearing abundance of food for cattle. 

Moreover, the land reaped the benefit of the annual rainfall, not as now losing the water which flows off the bare earth into the sea, but, having an abundant supply in all places, and receiving it into herself and treasuring it up in the close clay soil, it let off into the hollows the streams which it absorbed from the heights, providing everywhere abundant fountains and rivers, of which there may still be observed sacred memorials in places where fountains once existed; and this proves the truth of what I am saying.

Plato,Critias, c. 360 B.C.E

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Loss of Resources: Forests








The official guardians’ axes have spread through a thousand hills,

At the Works Department’s order hacking beams and billets.

Of ten trunks cut in the woodlands’ depths, only one gets hauled away.

Ox-teams strain at their traces—till the paired yoke-shafts break.

Great-girthed trees of towering height lie blocking the forest tracks,

A tumbled confusion of lumber, as flames on the hillside crackle.

Not even the last remaining shrumbs are safeguarded form destruction;

Where once mountain torrents leapt—nothing but rutted gullies.

Timbers, not yet seasoned or used, left immature to rot;

Proud summits and deep gorges now—hummocks of naked rock.

Disasters destroy the cedar bridges; there is fire in the armory;

Artisans regard each other with looks of anxious enmity.

Do you not see that it would be better to have fewer bridges in the southern mountains?

Who will speak again of the loving cultivation of forests?

柳宗元,行南路,Translated by Mark Elvin and Stevan Harrell

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Loss of Resources: Species

Rangifer tarandus Caribou

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Loss of Resources: Groundwater

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Loss of Resources: Knowledge

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Greater Pressure on Resources: Population

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Living standard


Steam Steam locomotive

Power stations

Internal combustion engine

Air travel

Population growth

Global markets

1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000




Environmental issues Micro-processor





Hydrocarbons Nuc


Living Standards

Greater Pressure on Resources: Energy Use

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Forgetting the problem for awhile: Capitalism

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Forgetting the Problem for Awhile: Fossil Fuel

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Forgetting the Problem for Awhile: Science

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Foregetting the Problem for Awhile: Socialism

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Waking up—Population

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Waking up—Environment

•  Drought in the Sahel •  Ozone hole •  Rapid loss of farmland

in China •  Drying up of the Aral

Sea •  Deforestation in the

Amazon •  Acid rain in Europe, NE

China, NAmerica

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Are We Ready for Climate Change?

•  Land • Water •  Species •  Forests •  Knowledge

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