
Table of Contents

Day 1 - A Surrendered Heart 3Day 2 - Engage the Holy Spirit 5Day 3 - Prayer to Prepare Your Heart 7Day 4 - Take a Chance, Invite the Holy Spirit 9Day 5 - 5 Steps to Listen for the Holy Spirit 11Day 6 - Become a Sleuth for Spirit Clues 13Day 7 - Christopher Columbus and the Holy Spirit 15Day 8 - Take a Risk and Just Obey 17Day 9 - A Prayer to Embrace Obedience 19Day 10 - 5 Ways to Embrace Obedience 21Day 11 - Don’t Worry, Just Trust God 23Day 12 - Take a Leap of Faith 25Day 13 - A Prayer to Trust God 27Day 14 - Equipped by the Holy Spirit 29Day 15 - 5 Ways the Holy Spirit Equips 31Day 16 - Be Changed by the Holy Spirit 33Day 17 - The Road Isn’t Easy, But Persevere 35Day 18 - Planting Seeds for the Holy Spirit 37Day 19 - A Prayer for Perseverance 39Day 20 - 5 Reasons to Embrace the Holy Spirit 41Day 21 - Fired Up With The Holy Spirit 43About the Author 45

Surrender Your Heart �2

Day 1 - A Surrendered Heart

Surrender Your Heart �3

So much of my faith walk has been a battle ground. Fighting against God and where He’s leading me. Fighting against myself and my own ideas of what’s right for my life. Fighting against the Enemy and his evil words of doubt. Fighting to regain confidence in myself and the talents God gave me.

So, I surrender. I stand here waving my white flag. I’m tired of fighting, waging wars I can’t win. Instead I surrender my pitiful reign as commander of my life to the Great Commander. I surrender to His lead and agree to follow where He commands.

Waving the white flag of surrender to God is not defeat; rather it’s the only way we can walk behind His white flag of victory.

Surrender to the journey to know God more.

Surrender to the process of growing my faith.

Surrender to allow God to lead me to His better future.

Surrender control to the One who knows all.

Surrender the fight to God and His holy army. Allow Him to wage war against the Enemy for me.

Surrender my heart to to the One who loves me no matter what and who wants to see me flourish in Him.

This story of my initial journey following the Holy Spirit has been one of struggle and fight, of doubt and fear, but also of hope and joy. It’s taken a while to come through this story and come to where I can share from a place of peace. A place where I can now see how the process shaped me and grew me up and is still continuing in my life today.

So, I surrender this story to you. Surrender my doubts, fears and struggles that they might give you hope. Hope to take your own journey with God. Hope that you might take a risk and surrender your own heart and find joy.

In this 21-day devotional, I’ll share this story of surrendering my heart, this story of how I met the Holy Spirit and took the first steps in following Him. We’ll look at ways you can start that journey, too, or deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit. If you aren’t quite sure who is the Holy Spirit, that’s okay; I pray you’ll come to know Him as you walk through these devotions.

How to use this devotional: Each day has a brief reading - part of my story, scripture, quotes or practical applications. Read through the day’s reading, then the next page has a few questions to help you apply the reading to your own life. Take some time to pray over what you read. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight the words He wants you to see most clearly.

DAY 1 - A Surrendered Heart

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DAY 1 - Personal Reflections

What battles are you fighting in your life? In your faith?

What comes to mind when you hear the word “surrender”? Think of one battle you’re fighting. What would it feel like to surrender control of that battle to God? Not to surrender to defeat, but to let someone else be in charge of the fight and the outcome.

What do you hope to get out of these 21 days?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and help me to surrender my heart to You! To allow You to fight for me and lead me.

Day 2 - Engage the Holy Spirit

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DAY 2 - Engage the Holy Spirit

I sat in my car, fingers clenched around the steering wheel, willing myself to let go and walk inside. A battle being waged in my mind. “I can’t do this. I’m not qualified. They’re going to think I’m nuts, a phony.” “Yes, you can do this. Just trust in God. He got you this far and this clearly is something He wants to do. Don’t you think He can equip you?” “But, I don’t feel very equipped. How am I going to lead this meeting, lead the prayer, with these women who are so much better at this than me?” “Just go in and have faith!”

I had begun to hear a call on my life and the first step the Holy Spirit made clear was I should lead a women’s conference at my church. He gave me detailed ideas for the theme, opened doors to give me the opportunity and pulled together a team of amazing women to help. Now the task at hand was to walk into our first planning meeting, explain the vision and get the team started.

This was the beginning of my journey with the Holy Spirit. Actively engaging with the Holy Spirit, listening for His guidance, being obedient and trusting in His direction and allowing Him to work through me.

Eventually, I did get out of the car and go inside. As I sat with trembling knees and shaky voice, I opened our meeting with prayer and then explained the vision. To my great surprise, they loved it and agreed to join the planning team. Every step of planning that conference was an exercise in trust and obedience to the Holy Spirit. I was far outside my comfort zone, yet I had been prepared for this role in many ways.

The Holy Spirit is actively at work in my life, leading me closer to God’s better future for my life. I don’t know exactly what that future is yet, but I know God is calling me to do more with my life. The Holy Spirit is helping me get there by guiding me, prompting me, encouraging me, pushing me forward, equipping me and teaching me.

Learning to listen to and follow the Holy Spirit is an exercise in obedience and trust.

He’s taking me to places outside my comfort zone, to the growing edges of my life. Sometimes places I didn’t want to go, but am glad I went when I look back on what I learned from the experience.

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DAY 2 - Personal Reflections

Take a minute and write about your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Do you already recognize Him and rely on Him in your life? Or, are you not really sure what He is? Maybe you’ve heard about Him, as in “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” at church, but haven’t really connected with Him? Or, maybe somewhere in between?

We’re going to examine topics like listening, obedience, trust, relying on the Holy Spirit to equip us and conquering our fears. Which of these challenge you the most?

What doubts or fears do you have as we enter this study? Write them out here and then pray for the Holy Spirit to come and help you work through them.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and reveal Yourself to me over these 21 days!

Day 3 - Prayer to Prepare Your Heart

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DAY 3 - Prayer to Prepare Your Heart

Come, Holy Spirit!  Prepare my heart to hear You. Soften the edges of my heart the world has calloused and let me hear Your voice calling above the rest.  Quiet the static of the world around me and let me hear Your counsel. Help me to listen and obey, to trust in Your prompting, and to allow You to bring me closer to God's better future for my life.  For surely You are the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  Amen


The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. ~Isaiah 11:2 (NIV)

Surrender Your Heart �8

DAY 3 - Personal Reflections

Reread that prayer. Which part speaks most to your heart right now? Write it out here and pray over it. Ask the Holy Spirit to work on it with you.

Read the verse from Isaiah and circle the words that describe the Spirit. Which characteristics do you most need Him to bring to you?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and open my heart to receive You and know You more!

Day 4 - Take a Chance, Invite the Holy Spirit

Surrender Your Heart �9

DAY 4 - Take a Chance, Invite the Holy Spirit

I stood outside the church, pacing the sidewalk, wondering how I got here and how I was possibly going to get through the evening. I could feel my chest tightening and neck becoming flushed. What was I doing here? I wasn’t qualified for this. I wasn’t who they came to hear. My story was so ordinary - not dramatic or emotional like the other women speaking this weekend. Yet, here I was, microphone clipped in place and first up on the evening’s agenda to speak before 75 conference attendees.

As I leaned against the church wall for support, I whispered an invitation: “Come, Holy Spirit! Come and give me the words to say and the boldness to say them!”

How did I get to this place? Well, it started with a similar prayer almost a year earlier. “Come, Holy Spirit! Guide me where you want me to go.”

It was a bold prayer, a crazy plea. I was still learning to believe in prayer, but I wasn’t content where I was in my life. I wanted my life to have more meaning and impact. So, I started to pray for God to show me the way.

As I began to pray for guidance, I began to prepare my heart to hear an answer. I wanted to experience God’s call and what it would be like to just say “yes” to whatever I heard. I wanted to know how Abraham was so able to just say “yes” to God’s call to move his family to an unknown destination; to follow wherever God would lead him. What made him say “yes” so quickly, so readily, without thinking it over and arguing pros and cons? I wanted faith like that!

The best part? When I opened my heart and invited the Holy Spirit in to lead me, He came! Not immediately, but when I was ready; when He was ready.

I knew I was to be the opening speaker at this conference because the Holy Spirit had shown it to me months earlier. I knew there must be something in my story He wanted someone attending to hear. I knew He had orchestrated this whole event, so I needed to keep saying “yes” and complete the mission.

God has filled us all with His Holy Spirit. We don’t have to call or invite the Holy Spirit in order to have Him in us, but I’ve found when I do prepare my heart to hear Him and invite Him into my life, I am more connected and can more easily hear His counsel.

Opening my heart to the Holy Spirit opens the door to a life transformed.

“Come, Holy Spirit!”

Come and quiet my soul to hear You. Come and soften my heart to accept Your words. Come and guide my steps. Come and equip me to do Your work. Come and help me trust where You are taking me. Come and make my life new.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. ~Romans 15:13

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DAY 4 - Personal Reflections

Are there any areas in your life where you’re not satisfied, that need a change, something different?

What do these words mean to you? What hope does this give to the area of your life where you need a change? “Opening my heart to the Holy Spirit opens the door to a life transformed?

Surrendering our hearts to the Holy Spirit often means change, transformation. Change can feel scary, but it’s the way we grow. Ask the Holy Spirit today to begin preparing your heart. Ask Him to help move you to be ready for change, His change.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and open my heart so I can follow You to a life transformed.

Day 5 - 5 Steps to Listen for the Holy Spirit

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DAY 5 - 5 Steps to Listen for the Holy Spirit

As we open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, we also need to quiet our souls to hear His counsel. I challenge you today to find 15 minutes to sit with the Holy Spirit in silence and listen.

1) Find a Quiet Place

Carve out a few minutes of your day when you can be alone and quiet.  Find a quiet place where you can relax and won't be disturbed - a comfy chair, outside in your yard, in a bubble bath.  When my kids were babies, I'd often have my quiet time with God while I rocked them to sleep.

2) Start With A Prayer

Start with a brief prayer for the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart, for this time to connect you to God. Might be as simple as, "Come, Holy Spirit. Come, speak to my heart." Remember this is not a time for prayer, but a time for listening.

3) Clear your mind

A million thoughts are likely to pass through your mind as you begin to sit in silence. Like butterflies flitting through your mind, acknowledge them and then allow them to keep flying by.  Don't stop to converse with those thoughts or focus on your to-do lists.

Another technique is to focus your mind on an image as you settle into the silence. Maybe an image of a candle that grows brightens and dims as you inhale and exhale. Or, just focus on your breaths as you inhale and exhale.

Sometimes I'll use background noise to help drown out my thoughts.  The rhythmic rocking of a rocking chair, the humming of whirlpool jets on my bathtub, or gentle background instrumental music (just not anything you'll be tempted to sing along with).

4) Settle into Silence

As you quiet your inner monologue, settle into the silence. Some of us are more comfortable in silence than others, but try to relax and accept the silence. Just soak in the stillness and quiet and give this time to God.

5) Don't Give Up

Don't get frustrated or give up if you don't hear something from the Holy Spirit each time. Keep trying. Sometimes I think we just need those moments of quiet to be near God. Other times, maybe He'll fill us with an image, speak words to us or lay a thought on our hearts.

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. ~Proverbs 19:20 (ESV)

Surrender Your Heart �12

DAY 5 - Personal Reflections

Take 15 minutes today to practice silent listening. Practice these steps and see if you can settle into the silence.

Write down any observations from your time with the Holy Spirit.

You may not always hear something, but keep trying. Allow the Holy Spirit the space to enter your heart and mind.

Read over the quote below and write down what it means to you. How does this relate to your prayer time / listening time with God?

"In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart." ~John Bunyan

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and quiet the noise of the world around me so I may hear Your voice.

Day 6 - Become a Sleuth for Spirit Clues

Surrender Your Heart �13

DAY 6 - Become a Sleuth for Spirit Clues

Rocking, rocking, rocking. Trying to get my baby boy to go to sleep. Enjoying the quiet darkness of his room, the steady comfort of the rocking, the sweet baby in my arms. I let my mind empty. Let go of all the to-dos and issues from the day. That's when I hear the voice. The still, small voice which sounds so loud in my son’s quiet room.

“I’ve let you build your skills in your corporate job. Now it’s time to go to work for Me.”

Whoa! What does that even mean?

As I let the words sink in over the next days and weeks, I realized I needed more direction. I don't think He meant for me to quit my job right now - and do what exactly??? So, I began to look for clues and pay closer attention to those guides and nudges.

I’ve always enjoyed a good mystery and love following along as the super sleuth tracks down the clues, putting the puzzle together one piece at a time. When you hear or sense a direction from the Holy Spirit, you can be pretty sure there are other clues around you to corroborate the instruction or provide additional details.

Tuning into the Holy Spirit tunes us in to clues of the bigger picture He's orchestrating around us.

For example, just what were these skills He’s been letting me build? Well, I’m a project manager, so I lead teams and projects. That probably meant He intends for me to lead something. But, how would I get involved in a leadership role anytime soon? Don’t you have to work your way into a group, serve on a few committees first, then maybe be asked to take on a leadership role once you’ve proven yourself?

I had joined a life group a semester earlier. As I looked around the room one day, soon after hearing this mysterious message, I became aware that this group was largely comprised of staff and other leaders within the church. Hmmm…. There’s that leadership clue again. Maybe I’m in this group for a reason? Maybe one of these women will play a role in this story?

We paired up to do a ‘life check’ - to go deeper on what’s going on in our lives and our faith. It’s not something we do every week, but this one must have been orchestrated by the Holy Spirit because I was paired up with a woman who had just taken over as our Women’s Ministry Director. As I shared a little with her about this call, she said “Ooh, I hope it has something to do with Women’s Ministry”. I quickly turned the conversation as that seemed the furthest thing from my comfort zone or qualifications. Or was that another clue, another piece to this puzzle?

The direction and guidance we receive from the Holy Spirit isn’t random. It doesn’t come out of left field. When we begin to pay attention, we begin to see the trail of clues - experiences, people, places - that have led to this point and will take us where He is leading.

While we may only see one clue at a time, the Holy Spirit has been laying the groundwork, preparing the way for this moment.

Let's sleuth together and uncover the richness of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives! Finding those clues and connections is fun!

Surrender Your Heart �14

DAY 6 - Personal Reflections

Do you sense the Holy Spirit guiding or calling you to something? What clues can you observe in your life to corroborate that calling?

If you don’t have one now, look back over your life and see if you can spot anywhere the Holy Spirit was at work. What clues can you see now? Sometimes we see the clues best in hindsight.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and reveal Your guidance to me and show me the clues where You have been at work preparing me for this moment.

Day 7 - Christopher Columbus and the Holy Spirit

Surrender Your Heart �15

DAY 7 - Christopher Columbus and the Holy Spirit

I found this wonderful account of Christopher Columbus' inspiration to sail to America. Probably not a story you'd find in any textbook, but a brilliant testimony of how the Holy Spirit was at work in his life. Below is an excerpt from a book Columbus wrote called Book of Prophecies. I find examples like this encouraging and hope you do, too.

At a very early age I began to sail upon the ocean. For more than forty years, I have sailed everywhere that people go. I prayed to the most merciful Lord about my heart’s great desire, and He gave me the spirit and the intelligence for the task: seafaring, astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, skill in drafting spherical maps and placing correctly the cities, rivers, mountains and ports. I also studied cosmology, history, chronology and philosophy.

It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible to sail from there to the Indies. All who heard of my project rejected it with laughter, ridiculing me. There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit, because he comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from the Holy Scriptures … encouraging me to continually to press forward and without ceasing for a moment they now encourage me make haste.

Our Lord Jesus desired to perform a very obvious miracle in the voyage to the Indies, to comfort me and the whole people of God. I spent seven years in the royal court, discussing the matter with many persons of great reputation and wisdom in all the arts; and in the end they concluded that it was all foolishness, so they gave it up. …

It is possible that those who see this book will accuse me of being unlearned in literature, of being a layman and a sailor. I reply with the words of Matt. 11:25, “Lord, because thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hath revealed them unto babes. …

For the execution of the journey to the to the Indies I did not make use of intelligence, mathematics or maps. It is simply the fulfillment of what Isaiah had prophesied. All this is what I desire to write down for you in this book.

No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior, if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service. The working out of all things has been assigned to each person by our Lord, but it all happens according to His sovereign will even though He gives advice. He lacks nothing that it is in the power of men to give him. Oh what a gracious Lord, who desires that people should perform for Him those things for which He holds Himself responsible! Day and night moment by moment, everyone should express to Him their most devoted gratitude. …

Surrender Your Heart �16

DAY 7 - Personal Reflections

What part of Columbus’ story stood out the most to you?

His idea was ridiculed and rejected for 7 years. How do you think he kept pressing forward? How do you handle roadblocks? What can you learn from Columbus?

The Holy Spirit directed him to sail off the edge of the map. He had no idea where he was going or how to get there. The journey was perilous, but was it worth it? Are you glad he said “yes”?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and guide me in the tasks You want me to complete. Encourage me to press forward despite the roadblocks.

Day 8 - Take a Risk and Just Obey

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DAY 8 - Take a Risk and Just Obey

I quickly typed the email and hit ‘send’ before I lost my nerve. The night before I tossed and turned thinking about it. How would she take it? Was it too crazy of an idea? Could I handle the rejection?

In some crazy act of faith - crazy because I’d never taken this kind of step of faith before - I took a step of obedience toward where I felt the Holy Spirit leading me. The night before I had seen a vision of a women's conference play out before my eyes, complete with me leading the planning team and even speaking during the opening session. This call toward a leadership role had just taken a turn and I'd been given a very specific direction.

It was September already and we did our conferences in the spring. I figured they would have formed a committee for the next year’s conference shortly after the prior one ended, so must already have a theme chosen and be well into the planning stages. Why did God give me such a clear vision of a conference? Maybe I could at least join the planning team and see how it worked, prove myself to them so I could have more of a leadership role next year?

All summer, I had been reading scripture about people who demonstrated outrageous obedience to God. People like Abraham, who immediately packed up his whole family and took off on a journey to a new land, not knowing anything about the destination. He didn’t even ask to think it over or question why or where. Abraham just said “yes”.

I wanted to try some of that radical obedience, at least in a small way, and see what it was all about. So, I decided to take action on this latest prompt from the Holy Spirit immediately. Not ask a thousand questions or procrastinate until the moment passed. After all, I wasn't being asked to move my family halfway across the world. No, I was asked only to share the ideas I'd seen the night before. Surely I could do that!

That morning, I dashed off an email asking our new women’s ministry director where could she use some help, where was her biggest need right now. I didn't tell her about the conference idea yet. Thought I'd see if the Holy Spirit had any other corroborating clues for this vision before I shared too much...

Do you know what I heard back in response later that morning? “I have mostly been praying about a conference or retreat for the past few weeks. I want to make sure it's what God wants us to do.”

All we have to do is obey the Holy Spirit and let Him take care of the rest.

All my worries about timing and my abilities (or rather inabilities) were just my fears talking. God’s ways are bigger and wider than our ways. If He wants to put a plan in motion, don’t you think He can orchestrate all the pieces?

I began learning that lesson that day. Let God handle the big picture plan. Let God handle the worries. If He has given me a task to do, I just need to obey the Holy Spirit and let Him handle the rest.

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DAY 8 - Personal Reflections

Is there anything you sense the Holy Spirit asking you to do? What’s holding you back?

Is there a part of that call - even a small step - that you can take a chance and just say “yes” to today?

List out the worries you have which are keeping you from saying “yes”. Pray for the Holy Spirit to take those worries. Pray to let go of the worry so you can take that step forward.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and take my worries. Help me to be bold and take a risk to just say “yes” to You!

Day 9 - A Prayer to Embrace Obedience

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DAY 9 - A Prayer to Embrace Obedience

Come, O Holy Spirit, come!  Give us open hearts to hear Your counsel.  Give us boldness to obey.  Use us to do Your work and spread Your love.  Help us trust that we only need to OBEY and You will show us the way.  Our job isn't to worry or fret over outcomes, but simply to follow and obey You.  Help us to embrace obedience and trust in Your leadership!  Amen!

"The church for too long has followed Caspar, the friendly ghost instead of seeking the fire of the Holy Spirit. We have turned limp at the thought of our own cross; we faint when we think of suffering or sacrifice. Beloved, it is time to embrace the fire of God's Presence. It is the fire that purifies our sacrifice." ~Francis Frangipane

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)

Surrender Your Heart �20

DAY 9 - Personal Reflections

What is your view of the Holy Spirit and His unique role? How you react to this statement: “The church for too long has followed Caspar, the friendly ghost instead of seeking the fire of the Holy Spirit”?

Obedience is a difficult act in most areas of our lives. Being obedient to our parents, obedient to teachers, obedient to our spouse, obedient to our jobs, obedient to all the rules and guidelines and expectations in our lives. How often do we want to go our own way and be independent? What challenges you most about being obedient to God?

Reread Isaiah 55:8-9. What hope do you take from that verse to help you be obedient to God’s will?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and fill me with the Your fire! Help me be obedient to Your will and trust that Your ways are beyond our human imaginations so can do far more than I can even dream.

Day 10 - 5 Ways to Embrace Obedience

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DAY 10 - 5 Ways to Embrace Obedience

Obedience is hard! I don't know about you, but I like to be in control. I like to decide what's next in my life, what I'm going to do. However, when we decide to follow the Holy Spirit, we don't always get to do exactly what we want...

One lesson I've been learning is that the Holy Spirit will sometimes ask me to do things are uncomfortable, inconvenient, or outside my comfort zone.

So, how do we get better at saying "yes"? Let me offer 5 tips to help us embrace obedience.

1) Pray for strength to obey

When I'm struggling to obey a particular prompt from the Holy Spirit, I've started praying for the strength to obey instead of asking for additional confirmation. Of course, you do want to make sure you've confirmed what you've heard by making sure it's consistent with scripture, but then start praying about whatever fear or concern is holding you back. Ask for the power to overcome your barriers.

2) Give your fear a name

Sometimes our reluctance to say "yes" is driven by our fears. I've found it helpful to identify the particular fear and call it out. Fear begins to lose some of its power when we call it by name. Get tough with your fear - yell at it, tell it to GET OUT!

3) Imagine the outcomes

What's the worst thing that could happen if you obey? What's the best? I've found it helpful to think about possible positive outcomes to help me get more excited about being obedient.

4) Share with someone who can hold you accountable

When I'm really wavering or procrastinating, I find it helpful to share what I've been asked to do with a friend, someone who can hold me accountable. Recently, I was struggling with one particular prompt.  I prayed and considered it for a while, but now I was just procrastinating. So, I shared it with some friends and committed to a timeline. It wasn't that they were going to fuss at me if I missed the deadline, but I knew they'd ask how it turned out because they care. That was just enough motivation to help me to finally say "yes".

5) Just do it!

Lastly, just do it! Just take that leap of faith and try. You'll never know the full power of the Holy Spirit until you say "yes" and give Him a chance to work through you.

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DAY 10 - Personal Reflections

Think about an area of your life where you are struggling to be obedient to God. Where is He calling you to make a change, try something new, give something up? Will you try these 5 steps toward obedience today?

1) Pray for the strength to obey.

2) Identify what is holding you back from being obedient in this area. What are your concerns or fears? Give them a name and write them down here.

3) Imagine the potential outcomes. What’s the worst that can happen if you’re obedient? What’s the best you can imagine? Write them down.

4) Share your struggle with someone else. Share what you feel called to do and maybe why you’re struggling to say ‘yes’. Ask this friend to help hold you accountable to take a step.

5) Just do it! Take one step forward today, even if it’s just a small step. Just do something toward obedience. You’ll feel like you’ve made progress and accomplished something and hopefully that one step will give you the confidence to take another and another.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and give me the strength to obey Your commands. Help me fight back my fears and take a step forward!

Day 11 - Don’t Worry, Just Trust God

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DAY 11 - Don’t Worry, Just Trust God

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith?

So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV)

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DAY 11 - Personal Reflections

What are your biggest worries today? What weighs the heaviest on your heart?

How do these worries impact you and your life? How would your life look different if you didn’t have these worries?

What encouragement does this verse give you: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Pray for the Holy Spirit to help carry the worries for you and show you how to keep your focus on today and not the worries for tomorrow.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and fill my heart with trust and peace. Help me let go of my worry and just trust You!

Day 12 - Take a Leap of Faith

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DAY 12 - Take a Leap of Faith

One of my favorite movie scenes is from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. As Harrison Ford is progressing through the set of challenges and tests of faith to reach the Holy Grail, he comes to the Leap of Faith. He stands at the opening in a mountainside, looking at a deep chasm between where he stands and where he needs to go. His guidebook suggests it will take a Leap of Faith to cross to the other side, so he musters up every ounce of courage he has and steps out into the abyss, into the unknown. He doesn't know if his feet will magically find ground beneath them or if he'll plummet to his death.

Of course, his feet find a hidden bridge leading him to the other side. The bridge was there all along, he just couldn't see it until he took that leap of faith.

Following the Holy Spirit requires us to take some leaps of faith, too. As we begin to listen and obey the prompts of the Holy Spirit, we discover that obedience often requires trust. Trust that the Holy Spirit will support and equip us in what He's asked us to do. Trust that our feet will find solid ground as we take those steps in obedience.

Trust God with your impossible and let Him make it possible.

As I prepared to speak at the conference that night, I knew I had to TRUST in the Holy Spirit to carry me through.

Trust that I would remember my words - or that the Holy Spirit would provide the right ones.

Trust that I had a message worth sharing.

Trust that we'd been faithful in producing a conference that would bring women closer to Him.

Trust had brought me to this place. How many times had I leaned on TRUST to get through the next step in bringing this conference to life? How many times over the past months had I felt completely inadequate? Felt like quitting and going back to more comfortable pursuits? But, TRUST is what kept me going.

Trust that if the Holy Spirit really was behind this, then He had the power to use even my inadequacies to accomplish His goals.

So, what happened that night? I stepped out into the abyss, stepped out praying there would be solid ground under my feet instead of a bottomless chasm. I took that leap of faith and found the courage to step up to the front and speak. I shared my story with confidence.

The best part, though, was the feeling I had after I spoke. I can only describe it as pure, unbridled joy! All the tensions and fears were released and I was able to freely worship Him with a grateful heart in a way I hadn't experienced before. The joy of being faithful in obedience and trusting the outcomes to the One who can do far more than I can comprehend.

So, if you feel the Holy Spirit prompting you to step out in faith, just TRUST! Take that leap of faith and see what He can do!

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DAY 12 - Personal Reflections

“Trust God with your impossible and let Him make it possible”

What is your impossible?

What holds you back from taking that leap of faith? From trusting God to make your impossible possible?

Have you experienced a time where God did come through for you? Where you trusted Him and He enabled or equipped you in a way you didn’t think possible? Remind yourself of that moment here.

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and help me trust You. Help me take that leap of faith and TRUST!

Day 13 - A Prayer to Trust God

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DAY 13 - A Prayer to Trust God

Come, Holy Spirit, come! Help us learn to trust. To trust in Your ways, even when Your ways don't line up with our limited understanding. Trust that You will guide our feet, if only we follow You. Trust that you will support us when we fall and help us to succeed. Trust that even though we may not know why You've prompted us to do something, You have a plan and a purpose for us. Trust that even when we feel inadequate, You can equip and enable us. Come, Holy Spirit and use us!  Amen!

"Never trust anyone completely but God. Love people, but put your full trust only in God." ~Lawrence Welk

"I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about." ~Henry Ford

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DAY 13 - Personal Reflections

Which quote speaks to your heart the most today? Write down the words that caught your attention.

Let’s look at the verse from Proverbs.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”

What does this mean to you? What does it tell you about God?

“in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

How does this speak to you? Where in your life do you need to submit to God? What hope does this verse give you?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and help me submit to Your guidance, so You can use me. Help me trust in You, even when I don’t understand or can’t see where You’re leading me.

Day 14 - Equipped by the Holy Spirit

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DAY 14 - Equipped by the Holy Spirit

It was a basic logistical detail we overlooked. Something we should have - could have - caught weeks earlier. Instead, here we were an hour before the closing session, scrambling to change our plans and venue. The plan was to hold the final session in the multi-purpose room instead of the sanctuary, where we'd had the other main sessions. However, as we started to prepare the room for the closing session, we realized we didn’t have enough chairs. Not just short by a few, but by a lot! Enough that we should have realized days ago this site wouldn’t work.

We quickly formulated a plan B while the small groups were still having their final session. One of our earlier ideas for this session had been to gather around the altar in prayer, but that idea had been dropped somewhere along the way. Instead, we planned to light candles as we sang a closing song.

We should have known the day before God had other plans for this session when we couldn’t find candles to use. Now this chair fiasco. The conference had been so carefully planned, scripted almost to the minute. Yet here was God telling us to put down the script and trust Him for this final session. So, we did.

We moved the closing session to the sanctuary and our speaker let the Holy Spirit lead.

Unscripted. Unplanned. Unhurried.

It was beautiful and moving and I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room with us that afternoon.

And, we did gather the women around the altar rail. Kneeling together in worship and we sang "It Only Takes A Spark" a cappella. One of the most powerful moments I experienced that weekend.

It only takes a spark, to get a fire going.And soon all those around, can warm up it it's glowing That's how it is with God's love, once you've experienced it, it's fresh like spring, you want to sing, you want to pass it on.

That afternoon, I learned a lesson in how we are equipped by the Holy Spirit. How He can use even our mistakes to bring His plans to life. How even when we think we know it all and have everything under control, He can still break through and bring us under His control.

When we tune into the Holy Spirit, we can expect Him to equip us at the exact right time.

The Holy Spirit didn't step in to guide us days earlier; He stepped in just when we needed Him - an hour before the session started. While we thought it was cutting things a bit close, we did have plenty of time to make necessary adjustments, but not so much time we over-thought the plans.

As we step out in obedience, we can trust in the Holy Spirit to guide us, prepare us and equip us.

So, take that leap of faith, even if you don't feel fully equipped; even if you haven't worked out all the details. Lean into His guidance and see where He will take you. It just might be even better than what you imagined.

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DAY 14 - Personal Reflections

Where in your life do you struggle trusting the Holy Spirit to equip you? Where might you feel Him prompting you, but you’re hesitant to take that step because you don’t feel capable or “enough”?

What’s an area in your life where you can give more control over to the Holy Spirit? Where do you need to stop trying to be so in control, stop trying to make all the plans, stop waiting until you have all the pieces in place, stop holding back because you don’t feel ready?

Sometimes we need to take a step before the Holy Spirit will intervene and equip us. Is there something you can do today to take a step?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and equip me! Help me take the first step and trust You’ll be there to fill in the gaps where my abilities seem limited, where I don’t feel “enough”.

Day 15 - 5 Ways the Holy Spirit Equips

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DAY 15 - 5 Ways the Holy Spirit Equips

I've experienced different ways the Holy Spirit equips us to make His plans possible. Below are 5 examples of ways He equips us. How He takes our IMPOSSIBLE and makes it POSSIBLE!

1) He ignites our passion

The more we walk with the Holy Spirit, the more of Him we want. When we begin to align our hearts with His, we find He will ignite a passion within us for the things He's asking us to do.

I never imagined being a writer, but over the past couple of years He's lit a fire in me and I can't stop writing. I don't know where He's leading me, but I know this passion is something He wants me to follow.

2) He opens doors

Where we may think there are too many roadblocks to do what He's asked, He may surprise us by opening doors.  He may be at work guiding others to open opportunities for us.

I’ve shared how He opened the door for me to work on the women's conference. It seemed impossible when He first laid the idea on my heart, but He opened the doors to make it possible. He put the right people in my life and laid similar ideas on their hearts.

3) He helps us conquer our fears

When we're afraid of change or afraid to step beyond our comfort zone, He can help us conquer those fears.

The process of planning the conference was a daily battle with fear for me. Fear that I hadn't planned a conference before. Fear that I didn't have enough knowledge of my faith; that I would say something wrong. Fear that no one would show up. Fear that it wouldn't have a positive impact. Through each battle with fear, the Holy Spirit was there to help me fight down those fears.

4) He provides the skills we need

"I don't know how to pray aloud..." Yet, when I opened my mouth, a prayer came out.

"I don't know enough about the Bible or religion to write a workbook for the conference..." Yet, as I sat at my computer, words poured out through my fingers.

"I can't share my faith story; I haven't shared this story with anyone, much less a room of 75 women..." Yet, I was able to stand in front of the group and share.

The Holy Spirit can provide the skills we need. He only asks that we trust and take a step.

5) He brings us together with people who can help

When I stepped up to lead the planning team for the conference, I didn't know anyone to ask to join the team. I wasn't very connected with other women in the congregation. Yet, the Holy Spirit was! As we prayed about it, He laid names on the heart of our women's ministry director. An amazing team of talented, brilliant women. Women who said "yes" to joining me on the journey. Women who brought the conference to life. Women I'm now proud to call my friends.

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DAY 15 - Personal Reflections

Today, spend some time with these five ways the Holy Spirit equips us. Where have you seen the Holy Spirit provide in this way in your life? Where do you need Him the most today? Write these out below and then pray for Him to provide or pray to say “thank you” where He has already equipped you.

1) He ignites our passion

2) He opens doors

3) He helps us conquer our fears

4) He provides the skills we need

5) He brings us together with people who can help

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and equip me where I’m in need today. Guide me on Your path for my life and make my impossible possible!

Day 16 - Be Changed by the Holy Spirit

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DAY 16 - Be Changed by the Holy Spirit

Sometimes silence is maddening, isolating, debilitating. Especially when you find yourself suddenly in a season of silence and you’re not hearing those confirmations from God or from those around you. When you have to just keep pushing forward, not knowing exactly how you’re doing and if you’re on the right path. Have you ever found yourself there?

I experienced such a season of silence immediately after the conference. After all the hustle and bustle of the weeks preparing for the conference, I found myself suddenly out of touch. Back to my job, back to the everyday routine, back to life as it was before this conference ever entered my life.

I knew we’d done well and been faithful to the mission God laid before us, so why did doubt flood my mind? Why was I so consumed with questions? Did the conference do good? Did it have a positive impact on the women who attended? Was I faithful in obedience to what I was asked to do?

This season of silence and doubt lasted much of the next year. Although I kept asking God, “What’s next?” I didn’t hear anything. I was too busy battling the inner demons of doubt and self-confidence.

Planning the conference had been a difficult journey for me, as I wrestled with my own faith and stretched outside my comfort zone. Now this silence was another battle ground. I had to take everything I'd learned about the Holy Spirit and put it into action, but now with the training wheels off.

On my own, without His explicit guidance, I practiced relying on the Holy Spirit. Listening, praying, trusting, continuing to take steps forward in the dark in obedience even when I had no idea where the path was leading.

Finally, I realized I had the wrong question. Instead of “Did the conference have an impact on those who attended?” the more important question was “Did the conference impact me?” The answer to that was immediately clear: This journey with the Holy Spirit changed my life.

Saying "Yes" to God and learning to trust and follow the Holy Spirit transformed me.

As much as we think following the Holy Spirit is about impacting others, it’s just as much about the impact it will have on us. The Holy Spirit is about growing us and moving us.

As we grow in our reliance on the Holy Spirit and move closer to Him in obedience, we are able to fulfill our role in impacting others.

Learning to be obedient to the Holy Spirit is a life-changing experience! Through this first journey of following the Holy Spirit, I learned…

- To pray aloud and pray often- To trust God with all my heart - That God calls each of us - That God will equip us to do what He calls us to do - To find my words and the courage to say them- To be more open about my faith and share my stories of faith with others - To worship God with unbounded joy - To fall flat on my face in prayer and lean into God with all my being - To live purposefully, seeking to live into God’s better future for my life - To listen to him in prayer and be obedient to God’s call- To hunger for more!

I hope to add to that list as I continue in more journeys of obedience, following the lead of the Holy Spirit!

Though the journey may have been difficult at times, I see now how those trials were growing and shaping me. How they were building my faith and teaching me how to RELY on the power of the Holy Spirit, rather than rely on my own limited power. The journey was worth it - and gave me hope to take on the next one and the one after that, even though I know each will bring its own set of challenges and learning opportunities.

So, be brave, take a chance and journey on! See what the Holy Spirit can change in YOU!

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DAY 16 - Personal Reflections

Have you ever experienced such a season of silence? A time when you couldn’t hear the Holy Spirit in your life? What did that feel like for you?

Can you think of any reasons the Holy Spirit may have seemed quiet? From my story, I was too busy fighting my own inner doubts to hear Him. I was focused on the wrong questions. I also think He wanted me to practice stepping out in faith on my own, so was holding back while I worked to take those first steps on my own. What about you?

The Holy Spirit is all about change. What are some ways you want Him to change you?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and mold me. I am the clay, You are the potter. Change me, transform me, make me new!

Day 17 - The Road Isn’t Easy, But Persevere

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DAY 17 - The Road Isn’t Easy, But Persevere

The journey to follow the Holy Spirit won't be easy. Think about the trials the first recipients of the Holy Spirit had to endure. The apostles were transformed from ordinary men to evangelists, founding a new religion, a new way of life. They faced persecution, imprisonment and death for what they were preaching. Yet, they persevered.

We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5

I love these words from Paul. We should not despair when we face trials and suffering, because as we persevere through those trials, we are building character and developing hope. The hope that comes from the love of God poured out on us in the Holy Spirit.

So, I encourage you even when the road ahead seems dark and difficult, press on! Persevere! Lean into the Holy Spirit, even if you don't feel His presence. He is there and will bring you through. And, you will come through having learned new lessons, developed some character and found new hope in God.

Battles are fought in our minds every day. When we begin to feel the battle is just too difficult and want to give up, we must choose to resist negative thoughts and be determined to rise above our problems. We must decide that we’re not going to quit. When we’re bombarded with doubts and fears, we must take a stand and say: “I’ll never give up! God’s on my side. He loves me, and He’s helping me! I’m going to make it!- Joyce Meyer

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DAY 17 - Personal Reflections

Take a minute to reflect on Paul’s words from Romans. We should not despair when we face trials and suffering, because as we persevere through those trials we are building character and developing hope. How does this speak to you?

Sometimes our best encouragement comes from hindsight. Think about a time you have faced trials and suffering, yet persevered through it. How did that journey build your character and give you hope?

Reread the quote from Joyce Meyer. What key words stood out to you? What are some ways you can encourage yourself to persevere and not give up?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and strengthen me for the road ahead. Bring me through the trials and grow me through perseverance. Give me hope and keep me from despair.

Day 18 - Planting Seeds for the Holy Spirit

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DAY 18 - Planting Seeds for the Holy Spirit

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

I knew in my heart I shouldn’t be concerned about whether the conference had an impact on anyone else. That was for God to know. My job had been to be faithful to the call to help organize the conference. God’s job was to use the conference for whatever impact He intended.

Still, my human heart wanted to know; wanted some affirmation. Two years after the start of this journey, I finally got my answer.

We were in a small group, sharing the stories and timelines of our faith journey. She was describing a key turning point in her journey, the point where her faith took a significant turn and she began to renew and deepen her faith. This new friend explained how she’d been at that women’s conference and heard one of the speakers talking about her faith journey. She didn’t remember who the speaker was, but went on to describe key points from the speaker’s story. How all of a sudden, it was like those words were spoken just for her.

Have you ever had that experience - where suddenly you feel as if you’re the only one in the room and the words being spoken or the words on the page are directed at you alone? Those moments where God is making a point and wants to make sure you don’t miss it? She had that moment the night of the conference — and I was having it now!

As she described the part of the conference that spoke to her the most, I realized it was my part, my story. I did have an impact, my story did resonate with someone! Wow! My heart did cartwheels the rest of the night.

I’m not sure I heard anything else that night in our small group, but I walked away grateful to God for giving me that peek into His results.

I was just the laborer who planted the seed, someone else watered it and God made it grow.

My job, your job, is to keep laboring as the Holy Spirit directs - planting seeds, watering and tending those seeds. Let God worry about the end results, the size and timing of the harvest.

I can assure you the impact wasn't due to the way I wrote my story or how I delivered it  - only that I stepped forward and spoke. God was able to use even my amateur speaking, simply because I said "yes" to try.

When we follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, we will make an impact. An impact on our own lives. An impact on someone else’s life. An impact in the world.

Doesn't that make you want to jump in? Take a chance and let the Holy Spirit work through you? See how He can transform you and transform others through your actions?

“Humanity is like an enormous spider web, so that if you touch it anywhere, you set the whole thing trembling… As we move around this world and as we act with kindness, perhaps, or with indifference, or with hostility, toward the people we meet, we too are setting the great spider web a-tremble. The life that I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place and time my touch will be felt. Our lives are linked together. No one is an island.” ~Frederick Buechner

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DAY 18 - Personal Reflections

In what ways do you labor for God? Planting seeds, watering or tending the seeds? What frustrations do you feel when you don’t get to see the results?

What hope does this verse from 1 Corinthians give you? “I was just the laborer who planted the seed, someone else watered it and God made it grow.”

Reread the quote from Frederick Buechner. Think about the imagery of all the people in the world being connected by a giant spiderweb. As we make one small ripple of impact on our side, the whole web starts to tremble and any number of other people may feel the impact.

How can you set your part of the spiderweb a-tremble in a good way today?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and lead me to make an impact in the world. Use me, even with my limitations, and let me be Your laborer, planting seeds for You!

Day 19 - A Prayer for Perseverance

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DAY 19 - A Prayer for Perseverance

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, give us the strength and endurance to run the race you set before us. Help us take hope from those who came before us and let us look to their examples of faith. Show us the role models in scripture, history and our own lives who can encourage us.

"There will be days when I don't know if I can run a marathon. There will be a lifetime knowing that I have. " ~Anonymous

Help us as train for this marathon of faith, just as a runner trains to run. Show us the small steps, the training runs. Guide us in the daily practices to know You better, helping us learn to listen for You and see You at work in our lives.

Let us practice taking tiny steps of obedience and learn how You guide, support and equip us. Build our confidence so we'll be ready for the bigger leaps of faith.

Help us battle our fears and put them in their place. Show us how to rely on You and conquer those voices telling us we can't do it.

"Fear is a very explosive emotion, but it has a short lifespan. It's the sprint. The marathon is hope." ~Mike Huckabee

Show us that good can come from pain; positive can come from trials. The road You lead us on may be difficult and treacherous, may take us into valleys we'd rather not cross, but help us remember You have a plan for our lives. A plan to prosper us and not to harm us, a plan to give us hope and a future.

"It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow." ~Anonymous

So, taking encouragement from those who have run the race before us, let us be bold and let go of excuses and fears and run with perseverance the race You lay out before us!  Amen!

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DAY 19 - Personal Reflections

How do you relate to the analogy of life as a sprint or a marathon? What are some ways you find yourself getting focused on the sprints, caught up in the explosive emotions that often accompany a sprint?

What are some ways you can train yourself for the marathon? How can you pace yourself to view your life as a marathon and not get worn out from the sprints? Commit to one next step.

Reread Hebrews 12:1. What encouragement and hope does this verse give you?

I love to visualize this verse. Imagine myself at the starting blocks of a race, surrounded by a crowd of people who came before me and who are role models. My mom, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, men and women from the Bible. I imagine them cheering me on and laying hands of encouragement on me. Then, I throw off the heavy yoke around my neck, the burdens and worries of this world, so I can run a better race. Then I’m able to take off, running the course God’s set out just for me, pacing myself with endurance, and feeling the encouragement of my cheering section as I hit those moments in the race where I feel I can’t go any further.

What does this verse look like to you? Put yourself into it and make it personal. Then commit this one to memory!

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and give me the endurance to run the race You’ve set out for me! Help me keep fear at bay and remember life is the marathon, not just the sprint.

Day 20 - 5 Reasons to Embrace the Holy Spirit

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DAY 20 - 5 Reasons to Embrace the Holy Spirit

My journey following the Holy Spirit has been a swirl of emotions. Exhilaration mixed with fear; doubt mixed with hope; darkness mixed with peace. The road has been difficult at times, but hope and peace keep winning out over doubt and fear. Even though I know the next leg of my journey will be filled with its own challenges, I realize I'm more excited than ever to continue.

So, why should you call out to the Holy Spirit and embrace Him in your own life?

I offer 5 reasons why you should embrace the Holy Spirit - or at least take a chance to get to know Him.

1) You will grow your faith

No matter where you are in your faith journey - still skeptical, just starting out, adventuring already or a journeyman - you will continue to grow your faith and know God more as you follow the Holy Spirit.

2) You will find more purpose in your life

Do you want more for your life? Want your life to have more meaning and purpose? Let the Holy Spirit help you find it! Lean into the guide of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you into God's better purpose for your life.

3) You won't have to face life on your own

Do you want to face the trials of life on your own limited power - or be able to lean upon the abundant power of God? Embracing the Holy Spirit gives me hope, peace, and strength, even through the tough times. We all know how it feels to face trials on our own, so why not try something different and see how the Holy Spirit can help?

4) You will be changed!

Want to find the best of who you are? Become stronger, more confident, more loving, more compassionate, more of who God made you to be? Change can be scary, but just imagine what your life transformed could look like.

5) You can change the world!

Make an impact in the world - within your marriage, your family, your friends, your community. The Holy Spirit is about impact, so take a chance and see what a difference you can make! How can the Holy Spirit work through you to change the life of someone else?

Ready to get started? Just ask! Pray for the Holy Spirit to come and work within you.

Don't be discouraged if you don't hear a response right away. Keep asking and preparing your heart. Sometimes it takes some time to get our heart tuned into the right station on the dial to hear Him, so be patient.

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DAY 20 - Personal Reflections

Read back through these five reasons and write down how they speak to you. Which one(s) are calling out to you? Which do you want more of in your life? Do any of these give you fear or trepidation? Write that out, too, and pray about it.

1) Grow my faith

2) Find more purpose in my life

3) Be able to lean on God’s abundant power, instead of only my own strength

4) Have my life changed

5) Change someone else’s life

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and change my life, change me! Give me the courage to call out to You and to follow where You lead. Let me hear Your voice in my life!

Day 21 - Fired Up With The Holy Spirit

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DAY 21 - Fired Up With The Holy Spirit

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4

I've always wondered what this scene must have looked like. Tongues of fire, speaking in languages they didn't know, house filled with the blowing a wind from heaven. Images of a power and spirit beyond our human comprehension.

As we wrap up this Holy Spirit devotional, I want to offer a prayer for the Holy Spirit to fill each of us with the same power He filled the apostles with on Pentecost. Just think what you could do with His power enabling you!

Will you join me in this prayer asking the Holy Spirit to fill you with boldness to believe and follow?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, fill us with Your power! Come, fill us with the same boldness You gave the apostles. Boldness to believe in You. Boldness to tune into Your voice and hear You in our lives. Boldness to say "yes" in obedience. Boldness to take steps even when we're unsure where You're leading us, trusting that You are good and will not lead us astray. Boldness to act, even when we don't feel capable, believing in Your power to equip us. Boldness to be the clay in the potter's hands and allow You to change us. Boldness to believe we can be Your agent to help change others and change the world! Come, Holy Spirit, come! Amen.

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DAY 21 - Personal Reflections

As you read the prayer, what line stands out to you the most? Write it here and take it to heart. Continue to pray this and see how the Holy Spirit can move in you.

What are your key take-aways from this devotional? What have you learned or what key points do you want to remember? Write them here.

How will you take steps to be bold and embrace the Holy Spirit? How will you surrender your heart to Him and allow Him to lead you?

Come, Holy Spirit! Come, and fill me with Your power! Give me the boldness to follow where You lead! Surrender my heart to Your will!

About the Author

Kathryn Shirey is a wife, a mom, a woman learning to say “yes” to God. Kathryn writes about prayer, growing closer to God, and God’s vision for our lives on her blog, Finding Hope ( She is also the author of the Pray Deep series of devotional prayer journals.

Kathryn lives in Texas with her husband and two children.


Connect with Kathryn online:Blog: www.kathrynshirey.comFacebook: @KathrynPShireyPinterest:

You are welcome to share this devotional with anyone, I only ask that you do not sell it or change it.

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