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Supporting InformationKanjee et al. 10.1073/pnas.1711310114SI Materials and MethodsParasite Cell Line Generation.The tdTomato sequence was amplifiedfrom a plasmid containing the tdTomato coding sequence (96) usingthe following primers: pCG110-F 5′–AGTACCTAGGATGGT-GAGCAAGGGCGAG and pCG111-RC 5′–AGTACTCGAGT-TACTTGTACAGCTCGTCCATGC. The PCR product wasdigested with AvrII and XhoI (New England Biolabs) and clonedinto pEcDamHI (97). For transfection, 100 μg of tdTomato-containing plasmid were cotransfected with the plasmid pINTinto 3D7attB and Dd2attB parasites as described previously (98).Cultures were selected with G418 (125 μg/mL for Dd2 and 250 μg/mLfor 3D7), 2.5 μg/mL blasticidin, and 2.5 nM WR99210 for 7 d aftertransfection followed by continuous selection with blasticidin andWR99210 alone.

Generation of JK-1 shRNA Knockdowns. Lentivirus of the pLKOplasmid containing the shRNA against GYPA (TRCN0000116455)was obtained from the Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA. Lentiviraltransduction into JK-1 cells was performed based on existingprotocols used for CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (14, 26).

Quantitative Surface Proteomics. The quantitative surface proteo-mics is based on previously described methods (56, 87). Briefly,2 × 107 cells of each cell type were washed with PBS. Surfacesialic acid residues were oxidized with sodium metaperiodate(Thermo Fisher Scientific) and then were biotinylated withaminooxy-biotin (Biotium). The reaction was quenched, and thebiotinylated cells were incubated in a 1% Triton X-100 lysis buffer.Biotinylated glycoproteins were enriched with high-affinity strep-tavidin agarose beads (Pierce) and washed extensively. Capturedprotein was denatured with dithiotreitol (Sigma-Aldrich), alkylatedwith iodoacetamide (IAA; Sigma), and digested on-bead withtrypsin (Promega) in 200 mM Hepes (pH 8.5) for 3 h. Trypticpeptides were collected and labeled using TMT reagents (56). Thereaction was quenched with hydroxylamine, and TMT-labeledsamples were combined in a 1:1:1:1:1:1:1 ratio. Labeled peptideswere enriched and desalted; then 75% of the total sample wasseparated into six fractions using tip-based strong cation exchangeas previously described (56), and 10% of the total sample wassubjected to mass spectrometry unfractionated.Mass spectrometry data were acquired using an Orbitrap Fusion

coupled with an UltiMate 3000 Nano LC (Thermo Fisher Scien-tific). Peptides were separated on a 75-cm PepMap C18 column(Thermo Fisher Scientific). Peptides were separated using a 90-mingradient of 3–33% acetonitrile in 0.1% formic acid at a flow rate of

200 nL/min (fractionated samples) or a 180-min gradient withotherwise identical parameters (unfractionated sample). Eachanalysis used a MultiNotch MS3-based TMT method. The scansequence began with an MS1 spectrum [Orbitrap analysis, resolu-tion 120,000, 400–1,400 Thompsons (Th), automatic gain control(AGC) target 2 × 105, maximum injection time 50 ms].MS2 analysis consisted of collision-induced dissociation [quadru-pole ion trap analysis, AGC 15,000, normalized collision energy(NCE) 35, maximum injection time 120 ms]. The top 10 precursorswere selected for MS3 analysis, in which precursors were frag-mented by high-energy collision dissociation before Orbitrapanalysis (NCE 55, maximum AGC 2 × 105, maximum injectiontime 150 ms, isolation specificity 0.5 Th, resolution 60,000). Massspectra were processed using a SEQUEST-based in-house softwarepipeline as previously described (56). Data were searched using thehuman UniProt database (April 2014) concatenated with commoncontaminants (56) and were filtered to a final protein-level false-discovery rate of 1%. Proteins were quantified by summing TMTreporter ion counts across all peptide-spectral matches using in-house software as previously described (56), excluding peptide-spectral matches with poor-quality MS3 spectra [a combined sig-nal:noise (S/N) ratio of less than 250 across all TMT reporter ions].For protein quantitation, reverse and contaminant proteins wereremoved, and then each reporter ion channel was summed acrossall quantified proteins and normalized assuming equal proteinloading across all samples. Fold change for each protein was cal-culated according to (average S/N ratio of BSG knockouts/averageS/N ratio of JK-1 controls) or (S/N ratio of cRBC sample/averageS/N ratio of JK-1 controls). Protein quantitation values wereexported for further analysis in Excel (Microsoft). Gene OntologyCellular Compartment terms were downloaded from, and P values (significance A) were calculated and adjusted withthe Benjamini–Hochberg method using Perseus version (95).

Comparison of RBC Proteomes. The complete list of 667 proteinsidentified in the quantitative surface proteomics was comparedwith published proteomes from the following publications:PubMed ID (PMID) 16861337 (99), PMID 18346024 (100),PMID 24555563 (101), PMID 22954596 (102), PMID 19778645(103), PMID 18494517 (104), PMID 18614565 (105), PMID27006477 (106), and PMID 27452463 (57). Datasets were ranked byhierarchical clustering using Gene Cluster 3.0 (82) with a Euclidiandistance similarity metric and visualized using TreeView version1.1.6r4 (83).

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Fig. S1. (A) Images of 10 different erythroleukemia cell lines during typical in vitro culture: B4D6 (33), C2F8 (33), Ery-1 (31), HEL92.1.7 (36), K562 (32), LAMA-84(34), OCIM (37), OCIM-2 (37), TF-1A (35), and JK-1 (22). (Scale bars, 20 μm.) (B) Sorting of cells based on cell-size parameters leads to the enrichment of dif-ferentiated cells in the small cell gate. The relative proportions of the different cell populations are shown in the bars beneath the microscopy images, colorcoded according to the key in Fig. 1A. (Scale bars, 10 μm.) All cells were stained with May–Grünwald Giemsa.

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Fig. S2. (A) GypA levels increase as JK-1 cells differentiate. An undifferentiated population of JK-1 cells was stained with α-GypA-FITC antibody and sorted intoGypA+ and GypA− fractions. GypA− cells correspond to undifferentiated proerythroblasts, while the GypA fraction corresponds to differentiated polychromaticand orthochromatic cells. Relative proportions of the different cell populations are shown in the bars beneath the microscopy images, color coded according tothe key in Fig. 1A. (Scale bars: 10 μm.) (B) Schematic of the epigenetic library screen. Undifferentiated JK-1 cells were obtained by sorting for the α-GypA−

population at day 0. Cells were screened for 5 d (screen 1) or 7 and 14 d (screen 2), and differentiation of JK-1 cells was assessed by measuring the ratio ofα-GypA+ to α-GypA− cells. (C and D) Plots of fold-expansion (C) and microscopy images (D) for induction with DMSO control, 2 μM PFI-1, 1 μM (+)-JQ1, or acombination of 2 μM PFI-1 plus 1 μM (+)-JQ1. The fold-expansion of the cells is higher in the 2-μM PFI-1 conditions. The addition of (+)-JQ1 alone or incombination with PFI-1 leads to reduced cell expansion and a more distended cell morphology. Data in C are the average and SD from two replicates.(E) Tranylcypromine maintains JK-1 cells in an undifferentiated state. Growth curve of JK-1 cells treated with DMSO or with 10 μM tranylcypromine. Data arethe average and SD of three or four biological replicates. (F) Treatment of JK-1 cells with 10 μM tranylcypromine maintains the cells in an undifferentiated state(compared to a DMSO-control) as shown by representative flow cytometry plots of cells stained with GypA, CD71, and CD34 over a course of 8 d.

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Fig. S3. Comparison of jkRBC cells to cRBCs and RBCs. (A) The longest (D1) and shortest (D2) diameters of day 16 cRBC cells at different stages of erythropoiesisand peripheral RBCs were measured in 50–100 cells using May–Grünwald Giemsa–stained images. The average (the numerically indicated value and the tallvertical line) and SDs (indicated by whiskers) for each range are shown. (B) The relative proportion of erythroid cells from three independent cRBC cultures at16/17 d post thaw were measured in 500–800 cells. (C) The 677 jkRBC proteins identified by quantitative proteomics were compared with published RBC whole-proteome datasets as shown in the heatmap. The presence of a jkRBC protein in a published dataset is indicated by a blue box. The heatmap is split into two;the right heatmap is a continuation of the bottom of the left heatmap. The following datasets were compared: PMID 16861337 (99), PMID 18346024 (100),PMID 24555563 (101), PMID 22954596 (102), PMID 19778645 (103), PMID 18494517 (104), PMID 18614565 (105), PMID 27006477 (106), and PMID 27452463 (57).(D) Comparison of fold-change between cRBCs and jkRBCs for blood group proteins identified by surface proteomics. The majority of cRBC proteins have arelative abundance close to that found in jkRBCs, with a few exceptions (e.g., BCAM, SLC14A1, and CD99). Proteins that are known to be associated withP. falciparum invasion are indicated in bold. (E) The propensity for multiple invasion events was determined via a selectivity index (61): A higher selectivityindex indicates a greater number of multiple invasions into a single host cell. The selectivity index of jkRBCs was comparable to that of cRBCs but was higherthan that of RBCs. Data shown are the average and SD are from four biological replicates.

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Fig. S4. Growth of parasites in jkRBCs is impeded. (A) P. falciparum strain 3D7 parasites were purified using a Percoll gradient to enrich for late-stageschizonts, and parasites were allowed to invade jkRBCs and RBCs for 4 h; then heparin was added to block further invasion (76, 107). Parasites were followedover one complete cycle, and the proportion of rings, trophozoites, and schizonts was evaluated by slide microscopy. Formation of trophozoites and schizontswas delayed in jkRBCs compared with RBCs. Data shown represent the average and SD of two biological replicates. (B) Representative images of parasitesduring the experiment with the ring-, trophozoite-, and schizont-stage parasites. (Scale bars: 10 μm.)

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Fig. S5. Genetic manipulation of JK-1 cells. (A) An undifferentiated population of JK-1 cells was transduced with lentivirus targeting either GYPA or luciferase(shLuc) as a control (14, 26). Flow cytometry analysis with α-GypA–FITC staining revealed an ∼20-fold knockdown (based on comparison of mean fluorescenceintensity). (B) Generation of CRISPR/Cas9 knockouts and validation of BSG knockout by TIDE (86) analysis. The schematic shows the steps in generating geneknockouts using JK-1 cells. Cells were transduced with a lentivirus containing the LentiCas9-Blast vector and then were selected with blasticidin. The single-guide RNA was cloned into LentiGuide-Puro, this vector was transduced into the Cas9-expressing cells, and cells were coselected with blasticidin and puro-mycin. After 2 wk of selection, cells were plated to obtain clones by limiting dilution. Deletions were validated by Sanger sequencing and TIDE analysis. (C) TheΔBSG-1 clone has two prominent deletions of −3 bp and −22 bp. (D) The ΔBSG-2 clone has two prominent deletions of −2 bp and −8 bp. (E) The location of thedeletions was mapped based on the Sanger sequencing data and TIDE analysis.

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Fig. S6. Generation of the ΔCD44-knockout line. (A) Domain structure of the full-length CD44 protein indicating the N-terminal hyaluronan-binding domain in the extracellular region, the single-pass transmembrane helix,and the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. Numbers below the figure represent amino acid positions. (B) Exon structure of CD44 and location of the CD44-1 sgRNA-binding site. In the ΔCD44-1 and ΔCD44-2 clones we observesingle-base insertions (indicated in red bold type) that result in a premature stop codon (*) and a truncated protein. Importantly, the truncated protein does not have a transmembrane domain, which is located in theC terminus of the gene. (C) Representative microscopy images of wild-type jkRBCs and ΔCD44-knockout cells are shown. Flow cytometry comparison of levels of CD44, BSG, GypA, GypC, and CR1 in WT and ΔCD44-knockoutjkRBC cells demonstrating specific loss of CD44 signal while levels of other surface markers remain unaffected. (Scale bars: 10 μm.) (D) Measurement of the relative flow cytometry signals for BSG and GypA in JK-1 WT andΔCD44-1knockout lines. Data shown are the average and SD from four independent experiments.

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Dataset S1. Epigenetic modifiers tested for the ability to induce differentiation of JK-1 cells

Dataset S1

This dataset shows the epigenetic modifiers ranked by cluster analysis. The Cayman Chemicals ( catalog number foreach compound is listed. Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers were obtained from Cayman Chemicals or from the SciFinder software ( Functional annotation of the targets of each compound was compiled from available literature, and the compounds were grouped into the followingtarget categories: histone acetyltransferases, histone deacetylases, histone methyltransferases, histone demethylases, DNA methyltransferases, sirtuins, bro-modomains, and others.

Dataset S2. Cell-surface proteomic analysis of JK-1 WT, ΔBSG, ΔCD44, and cRBC lines

Dataset S2

The full list of the 677 proteins identified from the surface proteomics analysis is shown in the No_Filter worksheet. All proteins were identified from theUniProt database with the exception of PNP, which was identified in the Trembl database. Classification of the identified proteins is given: UniProt ID, genesymbol, description, and Gene Ontology Cellular Compartment (GOCC) term classification: CS, cell surface; IPM, integral to plasma membrane; M, membrane;Nuc, nuclear; PM, plasma membrane; ShG, short GO; XC, extracellular. “Short GO’’ refers to a subset of proteins annotated by GO as “integral component ofmembrane” but with no subcellular assignment (108). The number of peptides quantified for each protein is shown followed by the fold-change (FC)comparing the average S/N ratio from the two JK-1 WT samples to the average S/N ratio from the two ΔBSG-knockout clones or the average S/N ratio fromthe two ΔCD44-knockout clones or the S/N ratio from the cRBC sample. The normalized S/N ratio for each protein in JK-1 cells (WT, ΔBSG, or ΔCD44) or cRBCs isshown. The PM_CS_XC_ShG_2 peptides worksheet shows all 237 identified plasma membrane proteins annotated as CS, PM, ShG, or XC. The Mapping_Ex-isting_Proteomes worksheet shows the presence or absence of the 677 proteins identified via surface proteomics with existing published RBC proteomes(indicated by PMID numbers).

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