
Supporting epidemic intelligence, personalised and public health with advanced computational methods

Joao Pita Costa, Daniela Paolotti, Flavio Fuart, Primož Škraba,

Evgenia Belayeva, Inna Novalija

[email protected]

Delavnica EM-Zdravje, 12. Oktober 2015

Uporaba naprednih računskih metod za podporo

osebnega in javnega zdravstvenega varstva ter

nadzora izbruhov nalezljivih bolezni

‣ basic and applied research ‣ 30+ years of history ‣ Torino & New York ‣ ~40 researchers

‣ mainly supported by: • bank foundations • EU research grants • industrial partnerships

‣ focus on: • complex systems science • network & data science • computational social science • epidemiology & public health

ISI Foundation

www. i s i . i t

‣ basic and applied research ‣ 17+ years of history ‣ ~40 researchers

‣ mainly supported by: • national grants • EU research grants • industrial partnerships

‣ focus on: • data analysis on text, • web and cross-modal data, • scalable real-time data analysis, • visualization of complex data, • semantic technologies, • language technologies and • sensor networks.

Artificial Intelligence Lab

ai l ab. i j s . s i

Artificial Intelligence Lab

14 FP6 projects

28 FP7 projects

4 H2020 projects in 2015

14 on-going EU-funded projects

Top 10 commercial partners

Accenture Labs: enterprise search, visualization

Bloomberg: Web analytics, activity prediction

British Telecom: alarm root cause analysis, failure prediction, anomaly detection

Telefonica: real-time monitoring of brands and competition

Google Labs: opinion detection in Google News

Microsoft Research: product expert detection, complex data visualization, text mining consultancy

New York Times: real time web analytics, trend detection

Siemens: “Enterprise 2.0” consultancy

UN FAO: information integration

Wikipedia: controversial topics opinion detection

Artificial Intelligence Lab

Quintelligence: large scale analytics -> New York Times, Bloomberg, British Telecom

Cycorp Europe: semantic technologies -> US government, hospitals, …

LiveNetLife: social computing (web presence) -> Accenture, British Telecom

Modro Oko: complex data visualization -> Accenture, UN FAO

Envigence: environmental intelligence -> Several municipalities in Slovenia and Italy



Collaboration: Accenture , Bloomberg, British Telecom, Microsoft Research, New York Times,

Siemens, UN FAO, Google, Yahoo, Oracle, BT, Telefonica, France Telecom, Wikipedia, Stanford

University, University College London, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School,

Quintelligence, Cycorp Europe, LifeNetLive, Modro Oko and Envigence.

Inclusion os National companies in EU projects: Amebis, Hermes Softlab, eParticipacija,

TECOS, Kogast Grosuplje, EMO Celje, Avtomobilski grozd, Orodjarski grozd, Quintelligence,

Valji Štore

Patents: J. Leskovec (MSR), M. Grobelnik & B. Fortuna (BT, in process), D. Mladenic & M.

Jermol & M. Grobelnik (Cycorp, in process), M. Jermol & M. Grobelnik & D. Mladenic & B.

Fortuna (Envigence, in process)


40K participants

More than 150K symptoms

reports every year

‣ 2003: 2 countries

‣ 2015: 10 countries

Online Influenza Surveillance

Influenzanet providing weekly information on Influenza related topics, the

real-time information on the evolution of the disease at the local level, and

some statistics on the available data.

Real-time Data Analytics

Fluoutlook: activity data and forecasts are updated weekly, based on the

reports of the official influenza surveillance systems in each country. The

data sources also include Influenzanet and Twitter.

Computational Epi. Models

GLEAM produces realistic simulations of the global spread of infectious

diseases. It integrates three layers: real-world data on the global

population; real-world data on the mobility of this population; an individual

based stochastic mathematical model of the infection dynamics.

Health Media Monitoring

3XL News provides instantaneous global news monitoring and analysis

across several languages on-the-go, showing how semantic technologies

are used in a real-world scenario.

Social Media Nowcasting

The portal to extract information from Social Media

(Twitter). In this case the query was influenza.

Cross-lingual Technology

While XLing is a Wikipedia based cross-lingual similarity computation

across 100 languages, NewsFeed is a real-time aggregated stream of

semantically enriched news articles, and EventRegistry is a system for real-

time collection and analysis of news published globally.

Early Disease

23 March 2014

11,312 people reported infected

6 countries: Liberia, Guinea, Sierra

Leone, Nigeria, USA and Mali.

The portal exhibiting the clustered keywords of a query, after

searching for the keyword influenza. The portal exhibiting the

graph of academic collaboration related with the query influenza.

Visualization of Complex Data

Topological Data Analysis applies the qualitative methods of topology to

problems of machine learning, data mining and computer vision.

Persistent homology identifies a global structure by inferring high-

dimensional structure from low-dimensional representations and studying

properties of a (often) continuous space by the analysis of a discrete

sample of it, assembling discrete points into global structure. It has

important applications in Medicine including Cancer research.

Topological Data Analysis

Tumor Detection


Hospital admissions

Clinical reports

Online volunteers

Extension to other acute

respiratory infections [ARI]

A/C Respiratory

Number of self-reported illness from a survey in Portugal 2011-2013


prevalence of asthma in adults and

children is between 1 and 18% [WHO]

61+ million Europeans affected by allergic rhinitis

susceptibility of immigrants and

refugees to pulmonary diseases

The nr. of people aged 60+ (COPD target gr.)

is now increasing by about 2 million per year

The Portuguese Influenzanet

Big Health Data

cross-modal big data fusion

microbione profiling of sputum samples

swabbing of inline volunteers

micro-environmental exposure sensor signals

small RNA profiling peripheral blood samples

Influenza net real time data

feature extraction

semantic representation, correlation, and alignment

indexing and retrieval

nowcasting of social media

topological data analysis

Laplacian eigenmaps

canonical correlation analysis

Bayesian networks for large scale prediction

Monte Carlo simulation on gene expression data

Auto regression and Gaussian models

correlation preserving mappings

generalised multi-view analysis

multidimensional scaling

report on real-time data

reliance on self-reported data

Internet of Health Things


Wrap-up time!!





Computational Topology Data Visualization Gripenet

Social Media Mining Medical Data Analysis Persistent Homology

Python Influenza Like Diseases AI Lab Big Data Analytics

TDA Epidemic Intelligence Digital Disease Detection

ISI Foundation Artificial Intelligence Data visualization

AI Lab Respiratory Diseases Computational Algebra


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012











Europe-wide participatory surveillance

influenzanet.euD. Paolotti et al.,

Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 20(1), 17 (2014)


GLEaMviz - Global Epidemic and Mobility Model

gl eamvi z. or g

Artificial Intelligence Lab

SensorLabCross-departmental lab for

wireless sensor networks


Department of



Centre for Knowledge

Transfer in Information


Goal: combine technologies for sensor data acquisition, communication between sensor devices,

statistical real-time data analysis, semantic technologies, and to enable a wide range of research and

development in different application areas (energy, ecology, health, transport, security, logistics).

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