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Superficial MongoDB

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Document-Oriented Storage Full Index Support

Replication & High Availability

Auto Sharding Querying Fast In-Place Updates Map/Reduce GridFS

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Document-Oriented Storage Full Index Support

Replication & High Availability

Auto Sharding Querying Fast In-Place Updates Map/Reduce GridFS

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Document-Oriented > db.users.insert( { _id : "alex", name: { first:"Alex", last:"Benisson" }, karma : 1.0 } )

> db.posts.findOne() { _id : ObjectId("4e77bb3b8a3e000000004f7a"), when : Date("2011-09-19T02:10:11.3Z", author : "alex", title : "No Free Lunch", text : "This is the text of the post. It could be very long.", tags : [ "business", "ramblings" ], votes : 5, voters : [ "jane", "joe", "spencer", "phyllis", "li" ], comments : [ { who : "jane", when : Date("2011-09-19T04:00:10.112Z"), comment : "I agree." }, { who : "meghan", when : Date("2011-09-20T14:36:06.958Z"), comment : "You must be joking. etc etc ..." } ] }

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Full-Index Support > db.things.ensureIndex({j:1});

> db.things.ensureIndex({"": 1})

> db.things.ensureIndex({j:1, name:-1});

> db.factories.insert( { name: "xyz", metro: { city: "New York", state: "NY" } } ); > db.factories.ensureIndex( { metro : 1 } ); // this query can use the above index: > > db.factories.find( { metro: { city: "New York", state: "NY" } } ); // this one too, as {city:"New York"} < {city:"New York",state:"NY"} > db.factories.find( { metro: { $gte : { city: "New York" } } } ); // this query does not match the document because the order of fields is significant > db.factories.find( { metro: { state: "NY" , city: "New York" } } );

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Replication Asynchronous Replication

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HA & FailOver Only Write to Primary Can read from Secondary

Op Ordinal: Increasing ordinal to represent each operation

Using Server ID + Op Ordinal

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Picking Primary 1. Get Max LocalOpOrdinal from each Server 2. if a majority of servers are not up (from this server's POV), remain in Secondary mode and stop. 3. if the last op time seems very old, stop and await human intervention. 4. else, using a consensus protocol, pick the server with the highest maxLocalOpOrdinal as the Primary.

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Use 64bit Machine MongoDB Use Memory-Mapped File

In 32bit. DB Size can’t over 2.5GB

MongoDB is needed Big Memory

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Use Replica Set Use Replica Set and Journaling

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Use Lastest Version 2.0.2 is better than 1.8.x

MongoDB has global Lock

1.8.x uses global Write Lock 2.0.x uses write with yield.

Not supports db or collection lock

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Use Big Memory Disk Op is slower than Memory Op

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Shard Architecture

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Replication unit is chunk.

Chunk: 64mb or 100,000 objects

Chunk Count > 9

Data is split up into Chunks

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Replica Set(3 mongod)

Data Store

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Routing to Shard


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Mongod configSvr

Can’t use Replica Set or M/A

1(test) or 3(real)


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Mongod configSvr

Changes are made with 2PC

If any are down, meta data goes read only

System is online as long as 1/3 is up

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Use Scale Up than Sharding

Difficult to find good Shard Key.

Not Support Data Center awareness Add memory and hdd, ssd

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Object Id_

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Object Id_

12 bytes

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Replica Set

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Default: Write/read operation goes to master

Can read from slaves.

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Thank you!

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