Page 1: SUNDAY, JUNE 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY & COMMUNION … · 2017-06-04  · SPECIAL MUSIC Come, Holy Spirit, Fill With

Welcome to

Trinity United Methodist Church

June 4, 2017

SUNDAY JULY 6 9:00am/11am Worship Services 9:00 am Sunday school for Children, Rm 209

9:00 am Adult Sunday School, Chapel

10:30 am Coffee Hour – Aud.

11:00 am Adult Sunday School, Chapel

MONDAY JULY 7 9:00 am Body & Soul Exercise, Aud.

6:30 pm Trinity Softball Game, Field 2

7:00 pm Boy Scouts, Aud.


TUESDAY JULY 8 8:00 am Prayer for Troops, Chapel0 am

Prayer for Trinity, Sanctuary

7:00 pm Trustees Meeting

8:30 pm AA Meeting, Aud.

7:00 pm Trustees Meeting

8:30 pm AA Meeting, Aud.

WEDNESDAY JULY 9 9:00 am Body & Soul Exercise, Aud.

6:30 pm Trinity Softball Game, Field 4

7:30 pm NA, Aud.


9:00 am No Body & Soul Class

7:00 pm Sons of the Severn, Reh.




SUNDAY JULY 13 9:00am/11am Worship Services

9:00 am Sunday School for Children, Rm 209

9:00 am Adult Sunday School, Chapel

10:30 am Coffee Hour – Aud.

11:00 am Adult Sunday School, Chapel



9:30 am Children’s Sunday School (Chapel, Room 210, Room 216) 9:30 am Youth Sunday School (Youth Room) 9:30 am Adult Sunday School (Room 209) 10:30 am Coffee Hour (Auditorium) 11:00 am Combined Worship Service (Sanctuary) 12:00 pm Church Picnic (Church Lawn & Parking Lot) 6:00 pm Live & Learn – NA Meeting (Auditorium)


9:00 am Body & Soul Exercise (Auditorium) 10:00 am Stained Glass (Youth Room) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (Auditorium & Youth Room)


9:30 am Prayer Time for Trinity (Sanctuary)


9:00 am Body & Soul Exercise (Auditorium) 10:00 am SOZO (Chapel) 1:00 pm Crafts for Christ (Room 209) 5:00 pm CrossFire Rehearsal (Room 121) 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) 7:30 pm NA Meeting (Auditorium)


9:00 am Body & Soul Exercise (Auditorium) 7:00 pm SPRC Meeting (Room 209) 7:00 pm The Sons of the Severn Rehearsal (Auditorium)



8:00 am United Methodist Men’s Breakfast (Lighthouse Bistro) 11:30 am Pregnancy Clinic Ministry of Annapolis Ride for Life Maryland

(Parking Lot) 7:00 pm Dominoes (Room 209)


9:30 am Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 am Children’s Sunday School (Chapel, Room 210, Room 216) 9:30 am Youth Sunday School (Youth Room) 9:30 am Adult Sunday School (Room 209) 10:30 am Coffee Hour (Auditorium) 11:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary) 5:30 pm Dinner & Chancel Choir Program (Auditorium & Kitchen) 6:00 pm Live & Learn – NA Meeting (Room 209)

The deadline to submit information for next Sunday’s bulletin is Thursday at noon.

Page 2: SUNDAY, JUNE 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY & COMMUNION … · 2017-06-04  · SPECIAL MUSIC Come, Holy Spirit, Fill With


Liturgist Kitty Cawood



Liturgist: And in the last days it shall come to pass, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,

All: And your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old shall dream dreams, and your young shall see visions.

Liturgist: When the Day of Pentecost had come, they were all gathered together in one place.

All: And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

Liturgist: And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each of them.

All: And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. *HYMN O Spirit of the Living God No. 539 UMH *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH No. 880 UMH

The Nicene Creed

*GLORIA PATRI No. 70 UMH SPECIAL MUSIC Come, Holy Spirit, Fill With Power Smith

Chancel Choir

*HYMN Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing No. 400 UMH SCRIPTURE READING John 7:37-39 Acts 2:1-21

Liturgist: This is the Word of God for the people of God. All: Thanks be to God!

SERMON The Birth of a Spirit-Filled People



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


God of wind, word, and fire, we bless your name this day for sending the light and strength of your Holy Spirit. We give you thanks for all the gifts, great and small, that you have poured out upon your children. Accept us with our gifts to be living praise and witness to your love throughout all the earth; through Jesus Christ, who lives with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever. Amen.


*HYMN Spirit Song No. 347 UMH



(* Please rise as your are able.)

The Altar rail is always open for prayer.

The Flowers on the Altar this morning are

in celebration of Art & George Lewis’ 33rd Wedding Anniversary.

Page 3: SUNDAY, JUNE 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY & COMMUNION … · 2017-06-04  · SPECIAL MUSIC Come, Holy Spirit, Fill With

Trinity United Methodist Church

1300 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 Phone: 410-268-1620; FAX: 410-216-9197

E-mail: [email protected]


Staff Pastor: Rev. Chris Owens

Music Director: Janie Daugherty Organist/Pianist: Karen Jung-Yeon Yim

Office Manager: Blairlee Owens Custodian: Wanda Lee

Assisting with Worship

Chancel Choir


GREETER Pat Wagner

*Children are welcome in worship, or you may take them at any time to our STAFFED NURSERY located behind the Sanctuary (infant through 3 years). A parent/infant room with sound is available if needed. Nursery attendants will be happy to escort you to this child centered space. Thank you.

*Hearing Devices are available in the Narthex AND in the hallway outside of the entrance to the Sanctuary for use during the worship services. Please see an usher if you need assistance.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Worship Attendance: 9:30 am: 51 11:00 am: 59 Total: 110

Sunday School Attendance: Students: 15 Teachers: 7 Total: 22

Offering received for budget: $4,867 Teacher

Announcements, Activities & Events

*If you need to schedule a meeting or event here at church or you are changing your group’s event/meeting time or date, please contact the office as soon as possible so we can make sure the meeting and/or change is reflected on the church calendar. Thank you. End of Year Choir Concert & Potluck: Join the choir for a Sentimental Journey next Sunday evening, June 11 when the choir will present an evening of music from the 40s—Sentimental Journey, Chattanooga Choo Choo, Over the Rainbow, and other well-known toe tapping songs from that great musical decade, 1940s. There will be other fun surprises too and of course plenty of good, delicious food. Mark your calendars now and bring your favorite dish for a great evening of fun, fellowship and song. Dinner is at 5:30 pm and the performance is at 6:30 pm. See you there. Worship Committee: The next Worship Committee Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 17 at 10:00 am in Room 209. Ushers Needed: We are in need of more ushers at both services. Please contact Dick Brown, at (410) 757-4966, if you feel led to serve Trinity as an usher or would like more information. Graduate Recognition Sunday: If you have a 2017 graduate who we can recognize on Sunday, June 11, please provide the church office with their name, the school they are graduating from, as well as future plans, no later than tomorrow, June 5th. Office Help Needed: Blairlee will be out of the office July 3 and July 5-7 serving on staff of the Interdenominational Young People’s Conference (IYPC). On those days, she would love to have someone sit at the desk in the office, on those days, to greet people and answer the phones from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. If you are able to lend a hand, please contact Blairlee in the office at (410) 268-1620 or [email protected]. Light House Dinner: This past Tuesday, Trinity provided our Sloppy Joe dinner for the Light House residents. As usual, it was very well received, due to a large part to Linda Beall’s special recipe. A special thanks to her, as well

Page 4: SUNDAY, JUNE 4 PENTECOST SUNDAY & COMMUNION … · 2017-06-04  · SPECIAL MUSIC Come, Holy Spirit, Fill With

as Art Lewis, Bill and Nancy Busch, and Marilyn Harrison, who helped with food purchasing, preparation, and serving. United Methodist Men: Our men’s breakfast next Saturday, June 10th will be at the new Lighthouse Bistro, 202 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401. (410-424-0922). The menu is available at As usual, we plan to meet at 8:00 am. Please let Tom Myers know as soon as possible if you are able to attend so reservations can be made ahead of time. UMW Faith Circle Trip: The ladies of Faith Circle are planning a trip to the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA, Wednesday, September 27, 2017. "Jonah" is the production which is running during this time. We plan to carpool, have lunch at a nearby restaurant, see the matinee show in the afternoon and head back to Annapolis late afternoon. All men and women of Trinity are welcome. Anyone interested in joining our group or in obtaining additional information should call or speak with Susan Sienkiewich (410-224-4171) or Nancy Busch (410-757-7030). Light House Bag Lunches: As in the past, the Light House needs additional sources of Bag Lunches because there are fewer organizations, such as schools, providing lunches in the summer months. We are restarting our efforts to help, and plan to provide 50 lunches on Sunday, June 25, for distribution the following Monday. Susan Sienkiewich and Ron Burdge will be coordinating the effort. The lunches will consist of a sandwich, raisins, bottled water, and an apple. As in the past, we are asking the congregations help. There will be a sign-up sheet at coffee hour to supply the following: Raisins (1 oz. individual packs), Bottled Water (medium size,16.9 oz.) and Apples. The items are to be brought in on Sunday, June 25. Need Assistance: Our church is able, on a case by case basis, to provide financial assistance those in need of help with rent, utility bills, and medical bills. Those in need may stop into the church office Monday-Thursday between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm to speak with Pastor Chris to receive one-time help as well as referrals. Please do not let anyone into the building after hours unless they are here for a previously scheduled meeting. Operation Christmas Child: The children's Sunday School classes are collecting shoe box items on a monthly basis this year, with an emphasis on specific items each month. Then in October they will have a Packing Party! If you would like to contribute to their efforts, the collection boxes are located in both Sunday School rooms. The item for the month for June is Boys Toys (5-9) – small cars, balls and action figures. ***No wat toys, Army figures, toy guns, etc.*** Also, we are going to need $9 per box for shipping and handling. If any members of the congregation would be prepared to sponsor a box, please contact Carol Dakin at (443) 758-6235 or [email protected].

Vacation Bible School: Youngsters ages 3 years (potty-trained only) to rising 6th graders are invited to join us August 14-18 from 9:00 am—12:00 pm each day to participate in a program that promises to be full of fun and lots of learning. At Maker Fun Factory VBS, children don’t just hear about God’s love; they see it, touch it, sing it, taste it, and put it into action through God Sightings. For the best possible experience, we need lots of support from our church family. We need 5 station leaders as well as crew leaders to accompany small groups of children from one station to another. If you love to share your creative streak, come help us decorate. Everyone has gifts from our Lord, so share them and let’s make this a true tribute to Him. Registration forms are available in the racks in the Narthex, by Room 209 and as you leave the building by the elevator. Forms can also be found on our website. Please return paper registrations to the office once they are completed. Online registration to attend VBS as well as volunteer can be found at The donation list is available outside the church office door. Donations can be dropped off in the church office. Hope to see you there.

(5/14/17) Dave Hanna, Family of Betty Ruddle, Betsy (Pete &

Barbara Salvatore’s sister-in-law), Bill (Pete & Barbara

Salvatore’s friend), Hjalmar (Martha Defibaugh’s step-dad)

(5/21/17) Family of Joshua Gravitt (Doug Fowler’s cousin), Ed

(Roger & Marilyn Harrison’s friend), Linda Beall

(5/28/17) Laura Tick (Judy Duer’s friend), Family of Tracy (Pat

Wagner’s friend), Family of Robert Skidmore (Norma

Gilland-Morris’ step-daughter’s brother-in-law)

(6/4/17) Rick (Bob Gilbert’s son), Carla Kauffman, Chris Brown

(Margy Wolfe’s neighbor), Susan (Margy Wolfe’s friend)

*Note: Prayer requests received in the office will remain in the bulletin for one

month. If you would like someone on the prayer chain, please contact the

church office (410-268-1620 or [email protected]) or Cindy Sawyer

(410-757-0378 or [email protected]). If you would like the prayer

request to remain on the prayer list for longer, please let the office know.

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