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SUN CITY NEWSThursday 11 September 2014

TRAGEDYThe City of Wanneroo is appealing to Yanchepresidents for information relating to the illegalfelling of three well established eucalyptustrees at Mary Lindsay Homestead.

One of the trees was left lying across therecently built access which leads down to thebeach.

In addition to providing natural shade, thefelled trees are a known species that providehabitat for the endangered Carnaby’s blackcockatoo.

The damage has been reported to theDepartment of Environment Regulation (DER)and if anyone has any information about thisvandalism, call DER on 1300 784 782. Thepenalty for a person unlawfully clearing nativevegetation is a fine up to $250,000 or threeyears imprisonment.

The neglected heritage listed homestead issupposed to be under video surveillance. TheSun City News is unaware of any film footageof this vandalism incident.

Many Yanchep residents believe the MaryLindsay Homestead project is anotherYanchep Two Rocks project that the Mayor,Tracey Roberts, and her council have delayedand forgotten about.

The homestead project, like the OldhamReserve Stage 2 changerooms and new surfclub facilities have been ‘in planning’ for morethan ten years.

As one long time Yanchep resident, who didn’twant to be named, said: “The City of Wannerooand especially our current Mayor playgeopolitical antics with this region. I’m sick andtired of the more affluent suburbs gettingpriority facilities. Since the new developmentat Yanchep has taken off, the council haven’tdone anything.”

Another Yanchep resident said: “We are theforgotten region, the council isn’t interested inwhat we need up here, it’s a disgrace. Weneed councillors that live in Yanchep or TwoRocks and willing to stand up for this region.”

INSIDEn Mayor / local councillors decline offer.

nWin tickets to concert.

n Yanchep Times revamped.

Photos - Top: Boarded up neglected Mary LindsayHomestead. Left: Illegally felled trees at homestead.Above: Remainder of tree stump.

Page 2: Sun City News - 11 September 2014

Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS2

From the council meetings . . .Next Tuesday’s City of Wanneroocouncil meeting consists of 30different reports in a 416 pageagenda - Three of the reportsdirectly affect the North Ward.

The first report relates to the TwoRocks Coastal Management. Thereport states: “Council consideredreports in 2003 and 2004 andapproved the commissioning ofcoastal engineering consultantsto undertake a study of thecoastal erosion at Two Rocksnorth of the Two Rocks Marina.”

Due to unknown reasons, thestudy has been stagnant, untilrecently when the City ofWanneroo received a letter dated14 August 2012, from the Ministerfor Transport advising that a grantof $50,000 has been approved forthis project.

The grant provided partial fundingof the project, the council willneed to find the balance.

The exact cost of the coastalmanagement options isdependent of the adoption of asuitable option and detaileddesign/documentation.

Since the MRA study clearlyindicates that the Two RocksMarina has been the cause of thecoastal erosion to the north of themarina, it is the City of Wanneroo’sadministrations view that thecouncil is not liable to fund anycoastal erosion managementworks; budget provisions for suchworks should be made by the state

government as the owner of TwoRocks marina.

Administration’s recommendationto the council is: receive the M PRogers and Associates draftreport titled ‘Two Rocks CoastalManagement’ dated April 2014;authorise a presentation of therecommendations and coastalmanagement options at a publicmeeting; and undertake ongoingphotographic beach monitoringon a quarterly basis and followingmajor storm events, and six

monthly beach surveys to captureseasonal and long term changes.

ChangeroomsIn another report, the council willconsider the community’s requestto build Stage 2 of the OldhamReserve changerooms.

At last month’s City of Wanneroocouncil meeting the CEO, DanielSimms, was requested to preparea report detailing the council’sfinancial and resource capacitywithin the current works budget.

The report states: “Based on theindicative project schedule the(Oldham Reserve) project wouldnot be completed prior to thecommencement of the 2015winter season.”

A demountable facility has beenoffered as an alternative at a costof $100,000, while the councilseeks partial funding from theDepartment of Sports andRecreation’s facility funding tobuild the permanent $295,000facility at some time in the future.

Behind closed doorsThe council will consider threereports behind closed doors - (i)Offer to purchase 196 GnangaraRoad, Landsdale; (ii) Contractualdispute related to KingswayRegional Sporting Complex; and(iii) CEO’s annual review.

The council does not provide anydetails to the general publicrelated to these importantdecisions. The council’s decisionis published one week after thecouncil meeting.

Civic centreextensionOnly months ago, the councilagreed to extensive extension tothe Wanneroo Civic Centre atDundebar Road.

The building is less than 20 yearsold and considered by some tohave been ‘under-built’ in 1999,and without sufficient foresight tothe future of the City of Wannerooand its residents.

Originally built for about $20million, the extensions have beenestimated to cost at least a further$25 million.

The council is expected to accepta quote submitted by WTPartnership Aust P/L of $212,214to design the new facility, which isscheduled to be completed byJuly 2017.

Tender prices submitted rangedfrom $179,000 to $240,800.

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3Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS

Jailed over quad bike accidentA 22-year-old man has beenjailed for four years over aquad bike crash that killed an18-year-old woman nearLancelin, north of Perth.

Joshua Bonjour was foundguilty of dangerous drivingcausing the death of JodieMaree Worthington.

Ms Worthington was a pillionpassenger on Bonjour's quadbike when it hit a car on a dirttrack in September 2012.

The District Court heard thebike was not designed tocarry passengers, Bonjourwas travelling at speed, andMs Worthington was notwearing a helmet.

Jurors were told that in theminutes before the crashBonjour had been capturedon security footage speedingand doing burnouts.

At the time of the crashBonjour was on a four-yearsuspended jail term for astring of offences includingreckless driving, driving undersuspension and burglary.

District Court Judge PatrickO'Neal imposed another 18months for those offences, inaddition to the four-year termfor the dangerous drivingcausing death offence,bringing Bonjour's totalsentence to five-and-a-halfyears.

Judge O'Neal told Bonjour:"You were intentionally drivingin a reckless way for the thrillof it."

"Had you been travelling atthe proper speed with propercontrol ... there would havebeen no collision at all," hesaid.

Judge O'Neal said Bonjour'syouth was the "single mostimportant" mitigating factorand he had to be "mindful ofthe prospect of hisrehabilitation".

Earlier, Ms Worthington'smother, Paula Purcell, read avictim impact statement to the

court saying "it was importantfor me that the personresponsible understandswhat he's done".

Ms Purcell described herdaughter as ‘perfect’ and her‘best friend’.

She said she cried everydayand was "consumed" aboutwhy she could not see herdaughter and tell her sheloved her.

"It kills me inside everydaythat her future was taken fromher," she said.

"I wish I could change thingsor somehow take her place".

With time already served,Bonjour's earliest releasedate is in 2017, whichangered Ms Worthington'sgrandfather Barry.

Outside the court, he said hecould not believe thesentence.

"He's already had a previousconviction suspendedsentence for four years, howdoes it work? I'd like to know,"he said.

Photo: Jodie Worthingtonwas fatally injured when thequad bike she was apassenger on crashed.

Rescued fishermandies in Perth hospitalA man left in a critical condition after he and hisneighbour were rescued from waters has diedin hospital.

David Navin, 38, and Ivan Hallissey, 36, woundup in the ocean several kilometres west of TwoRocks on the morning of Monday 1 September,after a wave swamped their 5.8m vessel, whichhad been recently purchased.

They were rescued after an emergency beaconon their boat was activated.

Both were wearing life jackets, but Mr Navin wasunconscious and was taken in a critical conditionto Joondalup Health Campus.

Both men suffered vapour burns from fuel fromthe boat that had spilled into the water.

Mr Navin died in hospital last Friday afternoon.

"With his family's permission, organs wereretrieved earlier today and donated fortransplantation," a spokesman for JoondalupHealth Campus said in a statement.

"The family asks for privacy at this time."

Water police and the Department of Transportare investigating exactly what happened, but atthis stage police are unsure exactly where theboat sank and do not know if it will be recovered.

At this stage they said there was no indicationsit was not seaworthy.

Sgt Wear said: "They have done the right thing,they have the safety equipment, they have lifejackets on. It goes to show that no matter whatthe conditions, you always have to be mindful ofthe ocean and have all the right safetyequipment on board. They are lucky to be foundbut it shows the search and rescue system wehave and all the safety equipment they had onboard (works), that's why we were able to findthem."

Page 4: Sun City News - 11 September 2014

Cassilda ParkSince the Sun City Newsasked some questions,Cassilda Park has beeninspected and mowed.

Sadly, once again, the vergeson the north side and the eastside (Hardy Crt.) wereneglected (not mowed). Thisis the second time in a rowthat this has occurred.

The time before that, a verygood job was done – So it’snot ‘too difficult’.

Is this an oversight(contractor short cuts), aconsidered decision or adeliberate vindictive act?

None of our volunteer trees(mainly Tuarts) have beenreplaced at this stage.

I would like to see a big shakeup in the City of Wanneroo’sc o n s e r v a t i o n / p a r k sdepartment.

Community consultationneeds to be increased andlistened to.

As one City of Wanneroo staffmember said: “I don’t get paidenough to think aboutanything special for thecommunity.”

We were making progresswith some tables and benchseats for Cassilda park. I wassent an aerial photo of thepark – Locals could considerwhere we wanted them.

Sadly, Chris Round put anend to this. I hope we seemore community developmentactivity locally – It has beenso hard to make anyprogress, there are so manyhurdles.

Perhaps we will ‘come of age’when we get a servicestation.

I have raised this withYanchep Sun City on severaloccasions – All I hear isexcuses.

Two Rocks has been muchneglected from day one, weseem to be low priority.

Shade and shelter along walkways and cycle ways are arequirement. Not to mentionbus stop shelters along TwoRocks Road.

People walking from one endof Two Rocks to the other,don’t know where to ‘spend apenny’.

Conservation fencing alongwalkways prevents oneducking into the bush andachieves little butexpenditure.

John Clarke, Two Rocks.

Please explainCan anybody explain to me,why was it necessary for thefooty club executivecommittee to present thepetition in person with no helpfrom the North Wardcouncillors?

Is this an example of themountain going toMohammed?

Well done!

Did Linda Aitken (North wardcouncilor) even know what itwas, and why it was needed,when she presented anamendment to approve theextension depending onfunding in 2015/16, perhaps?

Could it be that it was just aruse not to do anything?Does she even know whereOldham Park is and what it isused for?

Where was North Wardcouncilor, Norm Hewer, whenhe was needed?

I am wondering why theMayor, Tracey Roberts,supported this (I believehastily compiled) amendmentso whole heartedly?

Hats off to the South Wardcouncilor, Brett Treby, whotook the time and hisexperience as a councilor tosuggest a better course ofaction to the North Wardcouncilors. Good stuffCouncilor Treby!

As the council could find thegenerous funds to fundthemselves, I believe thatthey can find the funds tofund a 10x10 multi-purposebuilding for Oldham Park.

Martina Thomas, Two Rocks.

Need fuel stationI am seeking the community’sopinion on the lack of a fuelservice station in Two Rocks.

Currently, as you are aware,there is some distance totravel to an operating servo. Ifgoing north or east, the firstavailable ones are in Lancelinor Gingin.

Considering the rapid growthof Two Rocks and the nearbyarea of Breakwater Drive aservo is urgently needed.

There is ample space to fitone into the current shoppingcentre car park.

So my question is, When arewe likely to get one, if at all?

Les Couzens, Two Rocks.

Thank youA sincere thank you to all whoattended the service that washeld on Wednesday 3September, at the MemorialWall located at the YanchepSports Club to pay ourrespects to all who took partin the Battle for Australia andto all merchant seamen whopaid dearly with their livesduring war time.

Tributes were laid by JohnQuigley, Member for Butlerand Cr Norman Hewer tohonour RSL, IndigenousServicemen, and MerchantNavy.

Joyce Harris, RSL Vice President.

Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS4

EditorialNewspaper editors are always looking at betterand different ways to provide their readers withthe best local news possible.

Recently, after the City of Wanneroo councilmade the decision to stop proving theirfortnightly “Wanneroo Link’ in the Sun City News,I offered the Mayor, Tracey Roberts, and bothNorth Ward councillors, Norm Hewer and LindaAitken, the opportunity to publish a regularMayor and/or councillor column, free of charge.

What politician wouldn’t jump at a freeopportunity to highlight what is happening?

To date, neither the Mayor, or the two wardcouncillors, have replied directly to this offer.

The City of Wanneroo’s manager forcommunications and events and customerrelations, Robert ‘Bob’ Figg, forwarded an emailstating: “Thank you for the offer of free space fora column for the Mayor or elected members.

“However, after consultation with the CEO andMayor the City does not feel it is appropriate totake up advertising space that you couldotherwise use to attract revenue.”

What a joke - I wouldn’t have offered theopportunity, if we weren’t prepared to carry thecost of publishing the proposed column.

To me, it just goes to show how little the Mayorand North Ward councillors care about residentsand ratepayers in the outer northern suburbs.

Or am I expecting too much from our highly paidelected representatives?

Do you feel our elected local councillors aredoing the job they got elected for? Would youvote for them again? How have you beentreated by our elected representatives?

I welcome your comments, letters and concerns,I can be contacted on 9561 2500 or at [email protected], and please include yourname, address and contact details.

Your letters

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5Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS

Angelico Exhibition Year 8 Specialist Visual Artstudents from Irene McCormackCatholic College were awardedthird prize overall in the Years7,8,9 and 10 General 2Dcategory at the prestigiousannual Angelico Exhibition,showcasing a range of diverseand highly skilled works fromselected Year 7-12 students inWestern Australia.

The 18 specialist arts students’collaborative piece entitled‘School of Fish’ is a lino-printingproject that utilises a morecontemporary approach toprintmaking.

Each fish has individualcharacteristics that werecreated by the students. Placedtogether, they create a beautifularray of representations ofnature.

The strength of the school offish, however, is stronger thanany individual fish.

A large number of the College’sart students from Years 9 to 12were selected to display theirimaginative creations in thisyear’s exhibition at the ForrestCentre in Perth.

Specialist art teacher, MichaelSpeechley said: “This is afantastic achievement for thestudents.

“Our artworks proved to be verypopular, and impressed not onlythe many staff and studentsfrom the college, but many othervisitors to this highly respectedannual event.”

If your school has any newsarticles and great photos, theSun City News encourages alllocal schools to submit theirarticles for publication.

Email your articles and photosto [email protected] contact 9561 2500 for moredetails.

Seabird Tavernliquidators’ reportThe latest liquidators update reportrelating to the closure andbankruptcy of the Seabird Tavern,owned by Midpoint Investments PtyLtd, as trustee for the SeabirdInvestment Unit Trust, has just beenreleased.

The Melsom Robson CharteredAccountants report states that allunsecured creditors will not receiveany dividends from the liquidation ofthe business.

The Australian Taxation office isowed over $171,000, with a further$19,116.60 for superannuation andjust under $2,000 solicitors account.

The report states the National Bankappointed KPMG as receivers andmanagers to deal with the sale of theproperty.

The property was sold in September2013 with no surplus funds arisingfrom the sale.

Oddly, it appears there was a priorsale of the property , with the depositbeing paid by the way of gemstones.

It has been claimed that thegemstones were worth $600,000,however there is uncertainty as totheir true value.

Purchaser, Freah Pty Ltd, thendecided not proceed with the dealdue to a problem with the sewercapability, claiming inter alia thatMidpoint had misrepresented theposition.

David Hicks, director for liquidatedMidpoint has argued that Freah PtyLtd conducted acts of ‘deceit’ and‘dishonesty’ which lead to thecancellation of the contract andsubsequent liquidation.

Whitepartners, business brokers andreal estate agents who are inpossession of the gemstones havestated that unless there is agreementbetween Freah Pty Ltd and DavidHicks, director of Midpoint, to refundthe gemstones; Whitepartners willretain possession in the absence of acourt order to do so.

The National Bank have advised thatthey don’t have any interest in thegemstones or any other assets.

The issue is currently in the hands ofFreah Pty Ltd to commence courtaction.

The liquidator is bereft of funds andis not in a position to participate inthe action. The liquidator, however,invites any other party who have aninterest in the matter to makesubmissions to the court.

The liquidator is waiting for theownership of the gemstones to beresolved before they are able toconvene the final meeting ofcreditors.

The finalisation timeframe isunknown until the ownership of thegemstones is resolved.

Photos: (top, left to right: Chloe Rippon, Laura Carter Alyssa Tang,Gwyneth Roman, Robynne Brown, Front row: Esther Longstaff, TiaBerard. Bottom: School of fish display.

Air patrols startAerial patrols of metro beachesstarted last weekend. The Westpaclifesaver rescue helicopter will patrolbetween Yanchep and Mandurahand out to Rottnest, every weekend,this month.

It will commence seven day a weekpatrols from October to April, forabout two hours each day.

The Fremantle based helicopter ison standby every day of the year torespond to emergencies on water orland.

During the 425 hours of air patrolslast year, the helicopter was involvedin 37 preventive actions and spotted126 sharks in the metro area.

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Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS6

Mens’ group receives funding for new shed

Late last month, GinginCommunity Bank directors, TomCabassi, Mal Harrington, along

with branch manager, StephenFidge, and community officerLinda Balcombe, presented a

cheque for $10,500 to the MooreMen’s Shed group.

The funding will assist the groupbuild a brand new shed inGuilderton - The GinginCommunity Bank funding hasassisted the group to obtain afurther $40,000 from Lotterywestand $6,473 from Shire of Ginginmaking the whole projectpossible.

Until now, the group have beenlucky enough to utilise a largeshed on Kirk Dewar’s propertywhilst they plan their new shed.

The group is very appreciative ofKirk’s hospitality, but are lookingforward to the commencement ofbuilding a new shed in Guildertonwhich will become their newhome.

Men’s Shed projects throughoutAustralia have become animportant program which assistmen of all ages to get together toform friendships and a place forthem to work on projects togetherin a safe and friendlyenvironment. A major objective isto advance the well-being andhealth of their male members.

Gingin Bendigo Bank manager,Stephen Fidge, explained theimportance of banking with yourlocal community bank as theprofits generated from customer’sbanking business is directedstraight back into our localcommunities.

Over $1.5m has been given byGingin and Lancelin BendigoBanks to local communities sincethe bank opened it’s doors in2001. Continued support of thebank will allow more money to bepoured into worthwhile localprojects.

Golden guitar winners perform locallyThe Gingin Golf Club andGingin’s Mens Shed aredelighted to present GoldenGuitar winners, Carter &Carter in a one night onlyshow at the Gingin Golf Clubon Saturday 11 October.

Since their introduction intoCountry Music in 2000, awardwinning country duo, Carter &Carter have continued tomake Australian CountryMusic history and win thehearts of fans all around theworld with their fresh andinspiring songs.

They were one of theyoungest acts to be inductedinto the Tamworth ‘ Hands ofFame’ alongside artist likeSlim Dusty and LeeKernaghan.

Carter and Carter’s songsand stories continue to gainthem a legion of loyal fansacross Australia. Thereperformances are describedas honest, energetic,unforgettable and guaranteedto leave you smiling.

David was born in Melbourne,Victoria, and Merelyn in MtBarker, South Australia.

Both had established musicalcareers- David into hard rockand Merelyn into fluffy gospelpop when they met. Theystarted writing contemporarycountry music together andten years into their careersthey formed Carter & Carter.

Tickets to the Carter & Cartershow cost $25 pp and $15child. They can be purchasedfrom Jim on 0409 720 620 orMax on 9575 2306. Full barwill be operating.

Win tickets toCarter & Carter

Courtesy of Gingin Golf Club and Gingin’s Mens Shed, theSun City News has one double pass to the Carter & Cartershow at the Gingin Golf Club on Saturday 11 October. Foryour chance to win this great prize, cut out this entry formand post it to Sun City News’ Carter & Carter Competition.PO Box 1, Two Rocks 6037. Entries close at 5.00pm, Friday3 October 2014. Winner will be notified within 48 hours.

Name: ..................................................................................................................................

Address: ................................................................................................................................


Phone: .................................................................................

Free Eskimo Joe show at WannerooThe City of Wanneroo’sEskimo Joe concert will be heldat Wanneroo Showgroundson Saturday 8 November,from 4.00pm.

The event is free, but youmust secure tickets from theCity of Wanneroo web site,with a limit of four tickets perhousehold - City of Wannerooresidents can obtain tickets

online from 1 October 2014,with tickets being available tothe general public, onlinefrom 13 October.

Eskimo Joe has won eightARIAs with six albums includingthe 2013 ‘Wastelands’.

Eskimo Joe is a WestAustralian alternative rockband that was formed in 1997by Stuart MacLeod, onguitars, Joel Quartermain, on

drums and guitar, and KavyenTemperley, on bass guitarand vocals.

Eskimo Joe foundersMacLeod and Temperleywere school mates at JohnCurtin Senior High School.

Temperley left school atsixteen to concentrate onwriting music, moving into ashare house with SimonLeach, who played bass

guitar in a funk band calledCarpet. The other memberswere his brother, Stuart ondrums and guitarist JoelQuartermain; all three wereformer students at HollywoodSenior High School.

When Temperley joinedCarpet they changed thename to Freud's Pillow.Theband performed around Perthand Fremantle from 1995 to1998.

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7Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS


Council to the Community

Further Council information is available on or at Shire of Gingin, 7 Brockman Street, Gingin WA 6503Telephone: 08 9575 2211 Facsimile: 08 9575 2121 Email: [email protected]


A reminder to our community that ratepayers who pay their rates in full by 17September will be in the running to win a host of fantastic prizes. There are

10 prize packages to be won which include combinations of cash, holidays, fuel

and restaurant vouchers, WASO tickets and more, all generously donated by

local and regional businesses with a total value of over $15,000.

Winners will be randomly selected from the rates database at the end of

September and presented with their prizes at the Early Rates Incentive Awards

function to be held at the Gingin Shire Office on Tuesday 21 October 2014.

If you would like to know more about the prize packages contact either André Lake-

Gow or Jane Windnagel at [email protected] or 9575 2211 (Option 2).


The Shire of Gingin would like to remind prospective learner drivers that if you need

to cancel your booking for a Practical Driving Assessment at our premises then we

need two working days’ notice, otherwise you will forfeit your $68.70

entitlement. Details of this policy can be found on your Learner’s Permit, however

if you have any queries please contact our Licensing staff on 9575 2211 (Option 1).

Just letting our Guilderton community know that Silver Chain nurse practitioner,

Ange Patras, will be conducting her weekly clinic at the Guilderton Country Club

on Mondays only. The Wednesday clinic has been temporarily cancelled for the

month of September and will resume again in October.

To contact Ange Patras phone 0418 804 643 or you can call the Silver Chain

Customer Centre on 1300 650 803.


The Guilderton Community Association is pleased to be hosting the WA Youth JazzOrchestra Quintet on Saturday 25th October 2014. This concert will feature the

extraordinary talent of five young musicians from the Western Australian Academy

of Performing Arts.

BYO chairs, rugs and refreshments for an evening of class and smooth sounds.

n Time: 4pm – 6pm

nVenue: Gabbadah Park, Guilderton

(in the event of inclement weather

the concert will be held in the

Guilderton Community Hall)

n Cost: Admission is free!


2014/15 FIREBREAK ORDERLast month the Shire of Gingin sent landowners and occupiers its 2014/15 Firebreak

Order in preparation for the summer bushfire season. If you have not received a copy,

please contact us and we will arrange to have one mailed to you. We strongly urge

our community to read this document carefully to determine what action you might

need to take to make your property fire safe. The Firebreak Order is also available

on our website. If you have any queries regarding the Firebreak Order please contact

Paul Postma, Chief Bush Fire Control Officer on 9575 2211 (Option 3).

Nominations are now open for the Premier’s Australia Day Active Citizenship Awards which focus on

outstanding community contribution and participation. Nominate an inspiring community member or

group within the Shire of Gingin for an award to be presented at a ceremony on Australia Day, Monday 26

January 2015.

For full details of the award categories and to download a nomination form please visit Nominations should then be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer at the Shire

of Gingin by Friday 27 November 2014.




Shire personnel are continuing routine verge spraying as part of our verge

maintenance programme. If you do not want your verge sprayed please contact

Danica Todd on 9575 2211 (Option 6) or email [email protected].

Amazing photo from GDCProfessional photographer, David Savage,recently snapped this amazing photo at theGingin Gravity Discovery Centre.

The photo consists on a well-plannedtimelapse set up - The start trail shot is madeup of 100 individual 30 second long exposuresthat are then blended using dedicated trailsoftware to create the trail.

It would have been possible to achieve thesame image in just one 50 minute longexposure, however by using the compositingtechnique it gives the option to make a shottimelapse movie, or use an individual imageshowing the in blurred stars.

To take this kind of image you shoot at a highISO. ISO is the sensitivity of the sensor to light,the higher the number, the more sensitive thecamera is to light. In the case of the star trailshot the ISO was set to 3200. The aperture onof the lens was set to f2.8; this allows the mostlight into the camera during the exposure, andthe shutter speed was set to 30 seconds.

The 30 second exposure time was selectedbecause this allows enough time for the camerato record the light, without the stars starting toshow the effects of the earths rotation.

The camera was mounted on a tripod, set tocontinuous drive mode and the cable releasewas locked on for the camera to shoot away.

Due to the fact that it was a cold nightcondensation forming on the lens was anissue. To prevent this, a disposable chemicalhand warmer was secured onto the lens usinga rubber band. The warmth from the handwarmer helps to prevent the lens from becometoo cold.

David has many photos

Facts about the GinginLeaning Tower

n The LeaningTower of Ginginwas constructedto enable thereplication ofg r a v i t yexperiments byGalileo on theLeaning Tower ofPisa.

n The height ofthe Tower fromthe ground to theroof is 45metres.

n The inclinationof the Tower is

15 degrees, this makes the most Leaning Towerin the World.

n The concrete foundations weigh in excess of750 tonnes.

n The Tower weighs approximately 100 tonnes.The Tower is triangular shaped.

n The Tower can be lowered to the ground, formaintenance, if required.

n Ten levels of stairs allows access to thesummit of the Tower.

n The Tower has 222 steps to the topobservation platform.

n Construction of the Tower commenced in May2007.

n The Tower was completed on 4th April 2008.n The Tower is equivalent to the height of a 13story building.

n The Tower is located at the Gravity DiscoveryCentre off Military Road in Gingin.

n The Tower is open to the public Tuesday -Sunday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. (ClosedMondays) except for public holidays.

Photos: Courtesy of the Gravity DiscoveryCentre and David Savage.

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Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS8

Market gardener serious flight riskCarabooda market gardener,Michael Le, at the centre of analleged illegal worker racketwas described in the PerthMagistrate’s Court, last week,as a ‘significant flight risk’,after he asked for permissionto travel to Vietnam.

Michael Le was seekingchanges to his bail conditionsso he could fly overseas forbusiness.

The Director of PublicProsecutions opposed thechange, despite Mr Le vowingto return to Perth.

Mr Le and his brother, Canh,have been charged withmoney laundering, andharbouring unlawful non-citizens after a multi-agencyraid on their Caraboodaproperty in May.

Police allege the pair ran acriminal empire through theirbusiness interests in primaryproduce, construction and theentertainment industry.

Mr Le’s lawyer, Laurie Levy,revealed the brothers had losta $7.2 million Woolworthscontract and a $3 million IGAcontract after they werearrested and charged.

He told the court Mr Leneeded to travel to Vietnam toaddress problems with theconstruction and export armof their business empire.

Mr Levy said his client had‘enormous incentive’ to returnto Perth because hiscompany was building a $12million medical centre inKarrinyup and ownedfarmland valued at $32million.

Mr Le was born in Vietnamand became an Australianafter migrating to Perth in theearly 1980s.

The court was told his Koreanborn wife was currently livingoverseas with their twochildren.

Prosecutor, Sarah Oliver, saidMr Le had strong ties outsideAustralia and could easily liveoverseas for an extendedperiod.

She said Mr Le was facing along term of imprisonment if hewas convicted of the charges.

Magistrate Colin Roberts saidMr Le would be required toproduce a $2 million suretyand adjourned the hearing until11 September, to give him timeto find the surety bond.

During this time, Mr Le’sdefence will also be seekingthe return of mobile phonesand other property seizedduring the raid in May.

Chittering wildflower festivalThe Chittering community isgearing up to celebrate its21st Wildflower Festival.

The four day festival starts onThursday 11 September,through to Sunday 14September, with several newactivities this year.

Chittering Landcare will havea display of about 300different species, along withwildlife carers, market,photographic display, quiltingdisplay World War I centenarydisplay, plus much, muchmore.

Restoration of the Town Hall,built in 1939, will becompleted in time to housethe wildflower specimens anddisplay of massed flowers.

The town of Bindoon will alsohave some of its new gardensout in colour and the newly

established Tale Trail will beopen for those wishing to takea stroll through some historyof Chittering.

Most Festival activities arewithin walking distance of theTown Hall.

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9Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS

Beach clean up - Can you help?

Tangaroa Blue Foundation is anAustralian registered charityfocused on the health of ourmarine environment, andcoordinates the AustralianMarine Debris Initiative, an on-

ground network of volunteers,communities, organisations andagencies around the countrymonitoring the impacts ofmarine debris along their stretchof coastline.

Terry George is organising a‘Beach Clean Up’ at Yanchep onSunday 12 October, starting at10.00am at the CapricornEsplanade beach access.

Plastic forms the majority, about80 per cent, of the rubbishdumped into the oceans. Of thisten per cent consists of plasticbags.

The plastic does break intosmaller and smaller pieces, viainteraction with sunlight and saltwater, however in some areasof the ocean there is denseparticulate pollution of plasticforming what is classed as aplastic island.

This breaking down processtakes a long time and in thattime causes havoc with wildlife.

The plastic poisons, entangles,causes painful intestinalobstructions and death of a varietyof marine animals, such as turtles,sea birds, whale and seals.

The plastics can be passed onfrom one generation to anotherwhen parents regurgitatestomach contents to feed young.

If you would like to participate inthe Yanchep Beach Clean Up,call Terry on 0458 482 930.

Recycle your old mobile phonesRecycling your old mobilephone has been made easier -The Sun City News has joinedwith ‘MobileMuster’ to help keepold mobiles and accessories outof landfill by recycling them.

Over 93 per cent of thematerials used in mobiles arerecyclable. These materials canbe used to make everythingfrom plastic fence posts tostainless steel products.

Australians love to hang ontotheir old mobiles with 57 percent keeping them even if theydon’t work.

Mobiles should never be thrownout. They’re not biodegradable,and may contain somepotentially environmentallyhazardous material.

Recycling 50,000 handsets canreplace the need to mine 110tonnes of gold ore, 123 tonnesof silver bearing ore or 11tonnes of copper sulphide ore.

All data left on a mobile will bedestroyed by MobileMuster

during the recycling process sothere are no data concerns.

Please make sure to removeany data that you or your staffwant to keep before recycling.

Since the telecommunicationsindustry introduced its recyclingservice in 1999, MobileMusterhas collected 1014 tonnes ofmobile waste including over7.79 million mobile phones and

batteries which have been keptout of landfill.

MobileMuster is the Australianmobile phone industry’s officialproduct stewardship programfunded voluntarily by mosthandset manufacturers and allnetwork carriers.

This free recycling serviceenables everyone to play theirpart in keeping old mobiles outof landfill ensuring they arerecycled in a safe, secure andethical way. None of the itemscollected are re-sold for re-use.

If you have an old mobile phoneyou would like to dispose of,drop it into the ‘Recycle’ box atthe Sun City News office atShop 14, Two Rocks ShoppingCentre, Enterprise Ave, TwoRocks, behind IGA, during officehours - Monday to Friday9.00am to 4.30pm.

It is estimated there are over23.5 million unwanted mobilesin homes around Australia.

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Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS10

Pirates v Tiger Sharks Grand Final, againThis year’s CMCFL leaguefootball grand final will be arepeat of last year with theLancelin Ledge Point Piratestaking on the Cervantes TigerSharks in Moora on Saturday.

The Pirates finished on top of theleague ladder this year and wonthrough to the grand final bydefeating Cervantes in thesecond semi final played inLancelin on 30 August.

This left Cervantes to take onMoora last Saturday in thepreliminary final in Cervantes,where they chalked up an easy

victory over a listless Mavericksteam.

The two clubs have been theclear stand-outs in 2014, with thePirates holding the edge winningthree of the four encounters.

It’s interesting to note thatCervantes’ Brent LeCras andPirates’ Warren Benjamin, wereseparated by just one vote in theCMCFL Best and Fairest Awardswhich LeCras won and betweenthem, the pair polled nearly 50per cent of the total votes.

The Pirates will be keen towelcome back Fox 8’s The

Recruit star, Ryan Smith, after athree week lay off due to injury.

Cervantes will be without theircoach, Ken Pense, who wassuspended for abusive andobscene language during thesecond semi final.

Cervantes will be hoping torepeat their 2013 grand final winwhile their opponents, relativenewcomers to the league, will besetting their sights on theirinaugural premiership.

The game commences at 2.15pmin Moora, Saturday 13 September.

Netball club celebrates 40th anniversary Late last month, about 50 current,inaugural and past members of theYanchep Netball Club celebrated their40th anniversary with an afternoon tea atYanchep Inn.

Many great memories and yarns wereexchanged and remembered over thegenerations at the club.

Yanchep Netball Club has beensuccessful with many premierships andfinals appearance - In their inauguralyear they won the 1974 C grade seniorspremiership, then followed up with theSeniors BII premiership in 1975.

This year, Yanchep has five teamscompeting in various grade finals.

Photo: Group of inaugural membershaving a laugh.

Photo (Courtesy Kym Illman): Pirate Warren Benjamin flies from the back inthe second semi final, two weeks ago.

Redhawks and Eagles in finals

Over the past few weeks, both YanchepRedhawks and Gingin Eagles have beencompeting in their football finals.

In the Mortlock League, Gingin Reserveswon their second semi-final 14.13 (97) todefeat Dowerin-Wylie 4.6 (30).

This weekend’s grand final will seeGingin take on Dowerin-Wylie, after theydefeated Toodyay by 11 points.

Gingin seniors were knocked out of thefinals with a 33 point loss to Toodyay.

Yanchep Redhawks have struggled inthis year’s final series. After finishingleague leaders at the end of the homeand away season, the Redhawks lost toWarwick-Greenwood in the second semi-final by 9 points.

Last weekend the Redhawks fronted upto Queens Park in the do-or-diepreliminary final.

Yanchep ran out 46 point winners. Thefinal score was Yanchep 15.10 (100) toQueens Park 8.6 (54).

This Sunday (14 September), Yanchepfront up to a rematch with Warwick-Greenwood, at Robinson Reserve, TuartHill. The game starts at 2.30pm and allsupporters are urged to get down thereand ‘scream for your team’.

Got any sports news?

If your club or organisation has any newsarticles, photos or scores that you wouldlike published, contact the Sun City Newson 9561 2500 or email your informationto [email protected].

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2014 Telethon Home at Eden Beach

The 2014 Eden Beach Telethon Home byIn-Vogue is situated in the heart of one ofWA’s newest beach side communities inJindalee.

With direct beach access and parks, it’sclose to shops, cafes, schools, restaurantsand transport. A beachside haven that’sclose to everything. This beautiful estateoffers the ultimate relaxed coastal lifestyle.

The proximity to the shore inspired the In-Vogue designers to create a modernquintessentially Australian beach house.

An eye-catching facade with a combinationof facebrick, render, cladding and shingleroof tile. The home has four bedroom andtwo bathroom home with open plan living,home theatre and study.

Satterley’s chief executive, Nigel Satterley,said the 2014 Eden Beach Telethon Homeby In-Vogue is designed for modern livingwhich is why Eden Beach continues to beone of the best selling residential estates inPerth’s north.

“Every time the lucky residents of EdenBeach turn off the main street for home,they will be met by a beautiful ocean view,”Mr Satterley said. “It is the perfect choicefor those looking for a relaxed lifestyle, andthat’s exactly what the owner of 2014Telethon Home can look forward too.

“Eden Beach has already proven itself asa strong contender in the booming north-corridor with more than 250 home sitessold since first releasing land to the publiclast October.”

13Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS

The Telethon Home is located at 7 FabaLane, Jindalee, Marmion Avenue into EdenBeach Estate.

The home is open for viewing on Saturdaysand Sundays from 1:00pm to 5:00pm, andMondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm to5:00pm.

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This well presented and tastefullydecorated home has four bedrooms, twobathrooms, 2012 built home is on amassive 543 square metre block.

A lovely design and quirkiness makes thishome light and spacious with a largekitchen, dining, living area opening to underroof outdoor living area which adjoinsanother huge area to the side allprofessionally landscaped with plenty ofspace for a possible future pool or a manshed.

The master bedroom is a little different indesign with walk-around and reversedensuite, separate WC, plus three moredouble bedrooms all with robe recesses,sunken second living area or activity/study,good size laundry and ducted air-conditioning throughout including in garageand gas hot water.

The home has a double garage, reticulatedgardens and a park straight across the roadfor the kids.

Lovely designed home

This superb two storey residencepositioned just two streets from thebeachfront takes advantage of breathtaking ocean views to the rear of theproperty.

This home has four bedrooms, all withBIR's, two bathrooms, large kitchen withisland bench and dishwasher, plus a goodsized living areas.

Upstairs has ducted evaporative air-conditioning, a large master bedroom withensuite, plus your own living area whichopens out to a timber deck offering gloriousocean views.

There is wood heating, nice fixtures andfittings, fantastic huge gabled patio ideal foroutdoor entertaining, established gardenswith bore and auto retic.

Double remote garage, hardstand areaperfect for a boat/caravan, also has accessto rear.

This sensational home is located in theupmarket Two Rocks Yachting Village, youare super handy to the marina, beach,shops and cafes.

Sensational home

Call Tracy Ewins from Harcourt Beachsideon 0449 074 270 to arrange an inspectionof this property.

Address: 11 Firewood Vista, Yanchep.

Asking price: $445,000.

Agent: Harcourt BeachsideBrazier Road,Yanchep.

Phone: 9561 1750

Call Craig Hoskins from L J Hooker TwoRocks on 0414 473 360 to arrange aninspection of this property.

Address: 8 Atlanta Drive, Two Rocks.

Asking price: $569,000+.

Agent: L J Hooker Real Estate.Shop 13, Two Rocks Shopping Centre,Two Rocks..

Phone: 9561 1207

Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS14

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15Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS

Atlantis Beach at Two Rocks gets underwayEarlier the week, staff fromAcumen Development Solutions,a development consultancybusiness with expertise in projectmanagement, held a communitymeeting at the Phil Renkin Centreto inform locals about theCapricorn Village Joint Venturegroup’s newest development -Atlantis Beach.

The development is over 400hectares in size, consisting of5,000 new home lots, four publicschools, high school, privatecollege, 41 hectares of parks andopen space which will bedeveloped over the next 20 to 30years depending on the realestate market.

The project’s vision is to create anactive community that blends withthe existing town and benefitsfrom its unique coastal location.

Stage 1 of the development willstart soon with access to the newdevelopment from BlaxlandAvenue and through The Reefdevelopment.

Earthworks are expected to startin September 2014 with the firstof new homes being built fromJune 2015 and new residentsmoving in by February 2016.

With the Atlantis Beachdevelopment, the joint venture ispartnering with seven majorresidential building companies tobe able to offer ‘home and land’packages to new residents on an

average 450 square metre block.

Acumen director, Jarrod Rendell,told the meeting they wereplanning to set up a sales andinformation office in Two Rocks,at the closed Salicia’s cafe shopsite, by about October 2014.

Originally, under the Dr RusselPerry regime, the first stage ofthis development was expectedto start on the northern side ofBreakwater Road, not far from thenewly constructed Two RocksPrimary School.

About 12 months ago, AcumenDevelopment Solutions wereappointed as the new specialistdevelopment consultancy firmwith expertise in project

management and the acquisitionand sale of englobo land.

Jarrod Rendell told thecommunity meeting the plans tothe redevelopment of the TwoRocks town centre will see itbecome the commercial, culturaland community heart of TwoRocks. The contemporary coastalcommunity with boutique retailoutlets, a mix of residential types,a ‘town square’, cafe precinct andmore. Some of the changes arealready happening, including thesoon to open Pickled Herringrestaurant.

Mr Rendell then went on to saythey were investigating options toimprove King Neptune byreopening the access pathways,

remove the graffiti and clean upthe site, install lighting, addinterpretive signage of the historyand significance, and create amural art wall.

He then stated that CapricornVillage Joint Venture didn’t ownany of the town centre site or theAtlantis Marine Park site were theKing sits, but they would workwith the owners and the City ofWanneroo to develop thesecommunity initiatives.

The two key people behindAcumen are Nick Perrignon andJarrod Rendell.

Mr Perrignon has held seniorpositions with some of Australia’slargest companies in the property

sector including Cedar Woods,Australand, Stockland andSatterley Property Group.

Jarrod Rendell has worked as alicensed Valuer with both ColliersJardine FPDSavills. Jarrod hasworked with both Australand andStockland in Acquisition andBusiness Development roles.

In September 2012, Jarrod andNick established AcumenDevelopment Solutions.

The Sun City News understandsa revised Two Rocks District Planis currently being considered bythe City of Wanneroo planningdepartment before they agree it issuitable to release to thecommunity for comment.

A public meeting is expected tobe held to give the communityopportunity to discuss the plan indetail.

Mr Rendell told the attendees atlast Monday’s Atlantis Beachcommunity information meeting,that if anyone had any questions,concerns or required additionalinformation, they could contacttheir office - Level 1, 14 LyallStreet, South Perth or phone (08)6361 1731, or email:[email protected]

Capricorn Village Joint Ventureare the developers who startedCapricorn Yanchep about nineyears ago.

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Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS16

Passion for local artThe SunCity Artists ‘Living inHarmony’ art exhibition is provingvery popular with over 70 artworkon display in four differentcategories.

This weekend is your last chanceto drop into the DownstairsGallery, on the lower level at theTwo Rocks Shopping Centre toview some wonderful local art,craft and photography.

Many of the artworks are for saleand don’t forget to vote in the‘People’s Choice’ award.

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17Thursday 28 August 2014


Be part of the showPlanning for this year’s Wanneroo Show is wellunderway, with the recent release of theschedule of competitions and prizes beingreleased to the general public.

The schedule book is over 90 pages ofcompetitions ranging from vegetables, fruit &nuts, jams, hobbies, poultry, budgerigars,rabbits, horses and horse events.

This year’s Wanneroo Show Idol offerschildren from eights years old the opportunityto highlight their talent. All competitions offer agreat opportunity of everyone to be involved inthe show.

The Wanneroo Show is Western Australia’slargest regional show attracting over 20,000people each year.

The first Wanneroo Agricultural Show wasofficially opened by Sir John Forrest on 21August 1909, following a resolution of theWanneroo Road Board in 1908 declaring “…that Members of the Board form themselvesinto a committee for the purpose of forming anAgricultural Society to promote a Show in thedistrict.”

Since then, each year the WannerooAgricultural Show has showcased agricultural,horticultural and other associated industrieswithin the Wanneroo region and has grown tobecome both the state’s largest RegionalAgricultural Show and the premier communityevent within the Wanneroo region.

In 2014 the Wanneroo Agricultural Show willbe held over two days, Friday 28 November,and Saturday 29 November.

Copies of the Wanneroo Agricultural Show’s‘Schedule of Prizes’ are available from the SunCity News’ office at Shop 14, Two RocksShopping Centre, during office hours.

New committeeThe Two Rocks Volunteer Marine Rescue Groupheld their annual general meeting at Sun CityYacht Club on Sunday 31 August.

Jeff Howe was elected unanimously as the newcommander, with out going commander DavidHaines, being elected as deputy commander.

Wayne Wyatt was elected as operations officer,Pam Annesley as secretary, Kay Westphal astreasurer, Laurie Reyne, Rob Ross and ThomasKim as committee members.

Audrey Rowland, Jim Smith and Andy Butcherwere awarded ‘Hardest working non-committeemembers for 2013-14’.

The Two Rocks Volunteer Marine Rescue Groupis a not-for-profit organisation providing boatingassistance and radio coverage seven days aweek with over 40 active volunteers.

If you would like to get involved with the SeaRescue group, call 9561 5777 or drop into theSea Rescue building near the recreation boatramp at Two Rocks marina.

The Two Rocks Volunteer Marine Rescue Grouphas been assisting the Western Australianboating public since 1991.

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Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS18

Give way to ducklings

Spring has sprung in the Perthmetro area with ducklings startingto emerge from their nests insearch of the nearest wetland,prompting a reminder from theDepartment of Parks and Wildlifefor people to exercise caution onroads near water bodies.

Wildlife officer, Emma Lipianin,said ducks often nested in treehollows a considerable distanceaway from the water and oncetheir young hatched, mothers hada long journey ahead of them tobring their ducklings to thenearest wetland.

“This often results in the ducklingsattempting to cross roads andcycle paths as they try to get totheir destination,” she said.

“Ducks on the move have beenknown to bring major highwaysand even the Mitchell Freeway toa halt, so we ask motorists andcyclists to try and avoid themwithout endangering themselvesor other road users,” she said.

“While the sight of fluffy ducklingswaddling along after their motheris one of nature’s great displays, itcan also be a major hazard.

“It is best that they are not disturbedwhile in such a vulnerable state, sowe encourage people not toapproach them, feed them orinterfere with them in any way.”

Ms Lipianin said it also was not

uncommon to see ducks and theirhatchlings in backyard swimmingpools.

“If this occurs, we recommendthat people leave gates open ifpool access can be supervisedand encourage them to leave,without chasing them, so they canfind suitable nearby wetlands,”she said.

To report sick or injured wildlife,call the department’s WildcareHelpline on 9474 9055.

YANCHEP TIMESRead the new Yanchep Timesonline at: / a g e s / Y a n c h e p -T i m e s / 5 6 6 6 7 11 3 3 3 7 6 0 3 1


The Perth Mint has release a newcoin series – Australian Age ofDinosaurs.

Learn about more of The PerthMint’s collector coins or followThe Perth Mint on Twitter@perthmint

Guilderton hostsTidy Town awards

The first of this year’s Keep Australia Beautiful WAMidwest-Gascoyne Tidy Towns SustainableCommunities awards were held in the coastal townof Guilderton, last week.

Guilderton, who won the regional title last year,played host to representatives from a number ofMidwest and Gascoyne towns where the overallregional title for 2014 was won by Three Springs.

Several other regional award categories werepresented during the ceremony and were won by:

n Dongara Port Denison – Natural EnvironmentConservation.

nGuilderton – Community Action and Partnerships.n Kalbarri – General Appearance.n Kalbarri – Water Conservation.n Meekatharra – Waste Management and Litter


n Moora – Energy Innovation.n Murchison Settlement – Young Legends.n Northampton – Heritage and Culture.

Three Springs will now compete with other regionalwinners for the overall WA Tidy Towns SustainableCommunities title in November.

Nominations open WAYouth awards

Nominations are now open for young WestAustralians who are inspiring others or making apositive contribution to the community to behonoured at the 16th annual WA Youth Awards.

Minister for Youth, Tony Simpson, said this year’soverall winner would travel throughout the State asWA’s youth ambassador, inspiring other youngpeople and expanding their own horizons.

The awards, which recognise the outstandingachievements of young people aged 12 to 25,include:

n Minister for Youth’s Outstanding Youth WorkerAward.

n Under-18 Future Leader Award.n Community Leadership Award.n Organisational Achievement Award.n Cultural Endeavours Award.n Active Participation Award.One individual category winner will be chosen asthe overall WA Young Person of the Year.

Nominations are open until Friday 3 October, 2014.Winners will be announced at a ceremony inNovember. More information is available

Photo: Courtesy of Rick Dawson.

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19Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS

Nominations open forRural Women’s Award

Women involved in agriculture areencouraged to nominate for the 2015 RuralIndustries Research and DevelopmentCorporation’s (RIRDC) Rural Women’sAward.

Minister for Agriculture and Food, KenBaston, said the award was open to allwomen in primary industries and ruralWestern Australia.

“The award supports and recognises theleadership role of women within theircommunity and the outstandingcontribution they make to agriculture andrural WA,” Mr Baston said.

“The award recipient will receive a $10,000bursary towards a project or initiative that

will benefit primary industries and ruralAustralia.

“This bursary can be used for a number ofpurposes including formal training inleadership and business management,overseas study tours, the development ofbusiness plans and pilot programs,conferences and industry forums oreducational and promotional programs.”

The WA winner will also have theopportunity to attend the Australian Instituteof Company Directors Course in Canberrawith other State and Territory winners andrepresent WA at the national awards.

Applications close on 31 October 2014. Fornomination forms and further information,visit's-awardor contact Christine Thompson on 98810222.

Jackie Jarvis from Margaret River was theWA winner, last tear. Jackie is a primaryproducer who jointly owns a commercialvineyard and wine production companyand is also the West Australian Manager forMADEC, a not for profit business operatingin the training and employment sector.

The Neergabby Community Association is very excited about the fireworksnight this year. Saturday 28 September. If you have not been before the venueis the Neergabby Community Grounds on the corner of Gingin Brook Roadand Telephone Road in Neergabby (Gingin). Gates open at 5.00pm

The organising committee have set themselves t objective to make this yearbigger and better than last year, and as you know last year was awesome.

So what's new? The band this year is New Trix. A cover band that plays allstyles of music, bring your dancing shoes.

The Gravity Discovery Centre is on board hosting 'The Rocket Man' amongother things, to entertain everyone before the show starts. The SerendipityGallery will have a display of mosaics.

There will be the usual raffles and BBQ dinner for sale; ice cream and coffeevan; and of course, the fireworks themselves and as usual the bonfire. The'guy' competition is on again so start making those guys now.

Bring your chair, insect repellent, food and drink, if you prefer your own picnicto the awesome burgers the committee and volunteers make each year, andget ready for a wonderful family night of entertainment.

Fireworks night inNeergabby

Merriment, mirth and mayhemamong comical confusionComedy chaos comes to Wanneroo'sLimelight Theatre this October in a show forlovers of old-fashioned farce.

Written by veteran playwright Ray Cooneyand his son Michael, Tom, Dick and Harryis the story of Tom Kerwood and his wifetrying to adopt a baby, but their attempts toimpress a busybody social worker arejeopardised by Tom’s useless brothers Dickand Harry.

Their antics involve illegal immigrants, theRussian mafia and local police, as well asa dead body they plan on selling to amedical school.

“Throw a few Croatian stowaways into themix and you have the makings of ahilarious evening,” director Bob Mainwaringsays.

“It’s a bit of a change to have a farce whichis not a ‘trouser-dropping comedy’, so tospeak.

“I was attracted to the integrity of the writersand their commitment to giving a balancedmix of visual and verbal humour ineveryday situations.”

Involved in professional and communitytheatre for 65 years, Mainwaring has

directed and performed in a veritableplethora of productions across a range ofstyles.

Over the past 18 years, he has scoredthree award hat-tricks at Limelight Theatre,picking up best actor in a major role, bestdirector and best set three times each.

With Tom, Dick and Harry, which hasappeared in London’s West End,Mainwaring believes his main challenge isthe timing.

“The key is orchestrating it effectivelyduring fast-moving action, matched with thesmooth use of special effects and a fairlylarge cast on stage at any one time. Farceis a challenge in many ways because paceand timing are vital to carry the plot beforethe audience catches on to just how daft itmay be,” he said.

Tom, Dick and Harry plays at 8pm October2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17 and 18. Tickets canbe booked by calling 9571 8591 between9am and midday, Monday to Friday, or

Limelight Theatre is located on Civic Drive,Wanneroo.

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DEADLINE for NEXT ISSUEAll Community Diary, Sports

Results, News articles and Photosare required by 12noon, Saturday 20 September.

Email to: [email protected]

Thursday 11 SeptemberYanchep and Districts Country Women’s Associationmonthly meeting will be held at the Phil RenkinCentre in Two Rocks, starting at 9.30am. Allwelcome. Please ring Helen on 9561 2221 for moreinformation.

Saturday 13 SeptemberYanchep Little Athletics Registration Day at YanchepCentral Shopping Centre between 10.00am and 1.00pm.

Saturday 13 SeptemberNippers Registration Day at Yanchep Surf Life SavingClub. 9.00am to 12noon, at Yanchep CommunityCentre, 7 Lagoon Drive, Yanchep.

Tuesday 16 SeptemberShire of Gingin council meeting, starting at 3.00pm.All members of the general public welcome to attend.

Tuesday 16 SeptemberCity of Wanneroo council meeting, starting at 7.00pm.All member of the community are welcome to attend.At this meeting the council will consider the OldhamReserve changeroom plans, after a 15 year delay.

Tuesday 16 SeptemberCasino bus leave Phil Renkin Centre at 5.15pm andYanchep Sports Club at 5.25pm. Bookings 95615321 or 0407 992 384. $15pp.

Sunday 21 SeptemberYanchep United Football Club’s trophy presentation.Starts at 9am sharp, fun begins 11am afterpresentation, at St Andrews Park, Moorpark Drive,Yanchep.

Sunday 5 OctoberWanneroo Civic Choir performing at Phil RenkinCentre. 3.00pm start. $10pp, school age children free.

Saturday 11 OctoberCarter & Carter Show at Gingin Golf Club - Tickets0409 720 620 or 9575 2306.

Monday 13 OctoberYanchep Two Rocks Bus Group 25th anniversarymorning tea. Call Julie 9561 1538.

Tuesday 21 OctoberCasino bus leave Phil Renkin Centre at 5.15pm andYanchep Sports Club at 5.25pm. Bookings 95615321 or 0407 992 384. $15pp.

Saturday 25 OctoberWA Youth Jazz Orchestra Quintet perform atGabbadah Park, Guilderton. 4.00pm to 6.00pm.Admission is free, BYO chairs, rug and refreshment.

SPORTS RESULTSGOLF Guilderton Sat 23 Aug - Club C/shipsWeek 1 Ladies: M Wetherly83, B Hardeman 92, CMeharry 100. Mens: P Rouse85, A Wetherly 85, P Flavell86. NTP: L Johnson 4/13, PRouse 8/17. Lady's best 2ndshot: M Wetherly. Men's best2nd shot: A Wetherly. Longestputt: J Bresland.

Wed 27 Aug - Scroungers: BHicks ocb B Johnson 21, DRoxburgh 18. NTP: B Hicks12. Long putt: B Wegner & JBresland. Best 2nd shot &longest drive: P Flavell.Sat 30 Aug - Club C/shipsWeek 2 Ladies: M Wetherly168, B Hardeman 188, CMeharry 201. Mens: AWetherly 165 (winner 1stplayoff hole) P Rouse 165.Wed 4 Sept - Scroungers: BHicks 22, P Flavell 20, NTP:

B Hicks 3, P Flavell 4, BWegner 8, Longest putt: MSchmiedt.

SCCCFri 5 Sept - Ladies S/ford: AMann 38, D McNeary 32, LFinlay, M Glover 31. MensS/ford: T Killgallon 37, E Morris36, B Finlay, B Perryman, ALamb, S Donovan, J Parr 35,D Ryan 34.

Yanchep Golf ClubSat 23 Aug - Club C/ship

Men: Club champion: P Leigh329, J McIntyre 343. A GradeChampion: B Cherry 276 nett,K Attwood 279. B GradeChampion: R Dixon 275, AFaulks 279. Women, ClubChampion: R Warrilow 374, GReyne 378. Nett Champion: SRapinese 278, S Pawlenko294.Sun 30 Aug - S/ford Men: MNunn 39, J McIntyre ocb BCherry 35. Women: RWarrilow 35, S Pawlenko 31.

Got a local newsarticle and/or great

photos you wouldlike published in the Sun City


Email yourarticle/photos to

[email protected]

YOUR SUPPORT WANTEDSupport the Yanchep Redhawks juniors and seniors,Yanchep Little Athletics and Yanchep Cricket Club byattending next Tuesday’s City of Wanneroo’s council

meeting and help get the overdue changerooms finished.

The meeting starts at 7.00pm, on Tuesday 16 September, at Wanneroo Administration Building, Dundebar Rd,



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Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS22






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Page 23: Sun City News - 11 September 2014

DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUEThe next issue of the Sun City News

will be published on Thursday 25 September, 2014.

All ad material, classifieds, Community Notices and articles are required by

12noon, Saturday 20 September.

23Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS












Yanchep Surf Life Saving ClubNominations for Nippers

2014 – 2015 season

Saturday 13th September 2014Yanchep Community Centre

7 Lagoon Drive Yanchep9am – 12noon

Children need to be 5 years of age by 30 September,2014. Nippers who are 7 years up will be required to

undertake a Proficiency Swim Test. This will take placeon Saturday 20th September at Joondalup Area.

Nippers will need to meet the swim test requirements to be eligible for full registration. These requirements will be displayed and further explanation will be given

at nomination day.


9 - 1 @ ST ANDREWS OVAL YANCHEPBouncy castle, Face Painting, Balloon Animals, Pony

Rides - Lots of games splat the rat, soak a coach, shoot outs and tug o-war

There will be Martial Arts demo and the Fire Engines will be there too. Coffee Van and cake stall, food and

drinks available on the day.

There will also be 3 senior games in the arvo so bringa blanket and come for the day.

If anyone is interested in having a stall on this dayplease contact Vanessa 0400738078

A Big Thank You to the Gingin Community

The 2014 Gingin DHS Gala, held on Saturday 23rdAugust, was a marvelous success in bringing all of theGingin community together and raised over $30,000.

The Gala was attended by more than 170 people fromacross the school and broader community. The

atmosphere and catering were fantastic with a delicioustwo course meal prepared from local donated produce,

whilst the Recereation Centre hall and front roomdecorations set a great vibe for the night. A popular

finish to the dinner was a dessert dash, which includedlocal cooks donating a dessert and tables bidding for the right to choose their dessert first. The lemon tart took first prize cooked by Nicole Hendry Butler, who

also happened to be the co-ordinating cook anddecorator of the evening meal and surrounds.

Emma Mitchell, the P&C co-ordinator of the eveningthanked all those who had supported the evening either

through donations or attendance and explained the main purpose of the evening was for fundraising for a playground for the older primary school students. The Gingin P&C had over 120 items donated from local business, local families, Gingin DHS students and teachers which were well received by all those

that attended. Items included private dance lessons,face painting, star gazing, local beef and pork producermeat vouchers, mosaic lessons, mountains of manure,

man cave hampers, WWII memorabilia, fantastic artcreated by Gingin DHS students and Moore River

holidays. The most popular item was the Garden ArtHand Sculpture created by the Year 7 Art Class.

The P and C were exceptionally happy with the night and thanked all those that attended and donated.


Major Raffe Results1st prize (Fiji Accommodation and flight voucher)

S Woodard -Ticket 05465.2nd prize (BMX Bike)

L Harding - Ticket 02970.3rd prize (Andrea Bocelli tickets)

V Carter - Ticket 00961.

Sharon's Family Day CareYanchep

Vacancies Tuesdays & Thursdays

I am a qualified educator with 12 years experience, CCB & CCR available.

EYLF in place, affiliated with Community Vision

For enquiries, call Sharon 0407 263 994.

EXPOOn the 4 October, from 10am to 4pm at the Two Rocks Tavern Function Room, I have

organised a Home Based Small Business Expoto get local business's to step out the woodwork

and shine.

The event will be a fundraiser for TRYACT,there will be no entrance fee.

There will be a face painter, raffles, psychics,massage, crafts, food, over 30 stalls.

Signed: Clare Sharp.


70 litre bags only $12eaPre-book to beat the rush.

Delivery avail $1 p/bag.Contact Gerry

9561 2952 or 0438 861 000

House CleaningRequired

Great Job - GoodRates. Over 15 yearsexp. Police clearance.

Call Sharon0400 237 689.


LETTERBOX DELIVERERS The Sun City Newshas a vacancy for

a Letterbox Distributorin Two Rocks andAmberton Estate.

For moreinformation call

9561 2500


Single bed - Ensemble. Asnew. Free of stains, pets,smokers. $47.9561 6980.

n Contract Positionsn Prompt reliable


n Flexible hours, close to home

n Stay fit, get out and earn money

WANTED TO RENTLong term local

resident needs torelocate - Responsible,

single father of twochildren at Yanchepschool, needs 3/4

bedroom house withshed. Secure fence forfamily pets. Long lease

at current address.

Call0457 056 678

YANCHEP REDHAWKS CRICKET Yanchep Redhawks Cricket Club is now taking

registrations for the upcoming 2014/2015 cricket season.

Last cricket season the club fielded 3 senior teams with the Top Grade team reaching the Grand Final.

The Club provides good social opportunities andwelcomes new members.

With the rapid growth of our region we look forward to the continuing expansion of the Club and the

development of new and existing players.

For more information about joining the YanchepRedhawks Cricket Club, please call our Registrar,

Kane Roper, on 0417 150 533


25TH ANNIVERSARY MORNING TEA Monday 13 October 2014

Phil Renkin Centre, Lisford Ave, Two Rocks

10.00am - 11.30am

Bus available for normal Monday run.

Bus passengers wanting to get a lift, please contact Julie on 9561 1538 for a seat.

Come along and help celebrate 25 years of service in our community.



Page 24: Sun City News - 11 September 2014

Thursday 11 September 2014SUN CITY NEWS24

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