
Summer 2015 Men’s Shirt Guide

The summer is full of fun and so are the summer shirts! It’s time to buy men’s latest clothes online, especially the shirts because one can never have enough of summer shirts!

Fill your wardrobe with those amazing linen, cotton and chambray shirts. Here is an article on men’s summer shirt guide. Now you can easily choose your latest men’s clothes with the help of this guide! So enjoy the article.

Choosing the correct Fabric and Color

Summer clothing is all about natural fabrics or naturally processed fabrics. You must dump all your polyester material shirts from your summer wardrobe, summers is all about wearing naturals! Once that’s out of the way, vacuum pack anything flannel and wool, along with the heavier cottons that served you well throughout the colder months. Instead, turn your attention towards lightweight shirts crafted from natural, breathable fabrics. Seersucker, cotton, linen and cotton-linen blends are the best options here.

So now coming to choosing colors. Choosing the right color can help you beat the heat. Your summer shirt color priority should be the lighter tones, which can reflect the heat and save you from the harsh summer sunlight. Some of the best colors for the season 2015 are lilac, sky blue, mint, sherbet yellow and obviously white.

The Linen Shirt

Linen is a praise worthy fabric for summers, it’s a boon! This highly breathable. The fact that makes this fabric highly breathable is because of its weaving structure. Linen is loosely woven and has a low thread count hence making it one of the best materials for summer shirts. But these qualities do come with a downside: linen lacks the crisp structure of cotton – hence its propensity to wrinkle – making it less suitable to buttoned-up formal events. Styling the linen shirt is best done by taking your cues from the Riviera; dress like you’re spending the day on the shores of the South of France or Tuscany and you can’t go too far wrong.

The Short-Sleeved Shirt

Go and purchase some short-sleeved shirts. Now one should keep in mind the sleeve length of these shirts. If they’re ‘triangling’ out, look to bring them under control with a roll up or two. This will frame your arms well, as opposed to dwarfing them with ballooning fabric. Try them with denim shorts, trainers, distressed jeans and the like and they tend to lose their luster, so stick to the rakish Riviera as your primary source of inspiration. You must have a white and a sky blue short - sleeved shirt as they will never go out of fashion. But don’t restrictgo ahead and try for some really cool neutral colors. Also look for patterns on shirts because they inject a shot of interest to your summer look.

The Collarless Shirt

Okay, now collarless shirts are a bit less conventional, but look really cool in summers! Want a style that’s less conventional, but still keeps you cool! These collarless shirts go really well with casual and smart settings. They give you the extra edge. So next time you buy latest men’s shirts online do look for collarless shirts to give you that extra edge!

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