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    Maximum Marks: 90 Time 3 hours

    The question paper is divided into four sections. Section A: Reading 20 marks Section B: Writing 25 marks Section C: Grammar 20 marks Section D: Literature 25 marks


    Q1. Read the following passage carefully: (10 marks)

    School used to be all about writing, whether it was the exercise books we wrote in or the notes we passed around. But not any more. Now its all about typing. Learning your QWERTY is almost as important as learning your ABC. So, when my daughter came home last year with cursive handwriting homework, I was nonplussed. Cursive writing was originally developed to make it easier for children to write with a quill. By joining up the letters, it kept the quill on the parchment and minimized ink blots. But my daughter writes with a laptop. I explained as much to her teacher at the next parents day. But the teacher explained that research suggests that the process of writing information down on paper, by hand, has a more direct effect on the formation of memories in the learning process than typing. Taking notes in class is still the most effective way to learn. Its a better way to store the skills for written language in a childs brain than pressing keys. She went on to say, But that doesnt mean that one should ditch computers. Children should be taught to touch-type early on. She just feels that learning is aided by the physical act of writing. Authors often write their first draft by hand. Whether its to do with the pace of thought, or some kind of stimulation the physical act has, we dont know. But its a fact. The French would doubtless agree. They love their handwriting. Teachers in France believe that fluency with a pen unlocks the mind and they spend more time on writing than reading between the ages of three and eight.

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    We teach children the formation of letters and the appropriate joining strokes. But after a few years we leave them on their own devices, just as the written workload starts to increase. Thats when the bad habits set in. But as proper writing becomes rarer, spending some time improving your handwriting is a good investment. In the future, sending a handwritten letter will be a display of affluence and class, which is why the sale of fountain pens is reviving. I Answer the following questions briefly: (6 marks) 1. Today handwriting is not given much importance as_____________________ . 2. The author was nonplused when his daughter came home with cursive

    handwriting homework as he felt that _______________________________ . 3. The teacher felt differently because ______________________________ . 4. Cursive writing was introduced as it ________________________________ . 5. Although children are taught to write at an early age, they do not have legible

    handwriting when they grow older as _____________________________ . 6. Learning your QWERTY means _________________________ .

    II Fill in the blanks with ONE word only: (2 marks) The point the author is trying to make here is that the importance of the computer cannot be (a) ____________ , but handwriting is (b) ______________ important as, not only does it (c) ____________ the learning, it also displays (d) ____________ .

    III. Find a word in the passage that means the following: (2 marks)

    a) taken aback / surprised b) feather

    Q2. Read the following poem carefully: (5 marks)

    Once upon a time, son They used to laugh with their hearts And laugh with their eyes; But now they laugh only with their teeth, While their ice-block-cold eyes Search behind my shadow.

    There was a time indeed They used to shake hands with their hearts; But thats gone, son. Now they shake hands without their hearts While their left hands search My empty pockets.

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    Feel at home, Come again, They say, and when I come Again and feel at home, once, Twice, there will be no thrice For then I find doors shut on me. So, I have learnt many things, son. I have learnt to wear many faces Like dresses home-face, Office-face, street-face, host-face, Cocktail-face, with all their conforming smiles Like a fixed portrait smile. And I have learnt, too. To laugh with only my teeth And shake hands without my heart. I have also learnt to say Goodbye When I mean Good riddance; To say Glad to meet you Without being glad; and to say Its been Nice talking to you, after being bored. Believe me, son I want to be what I used to be When I was like you. I want

    To unlearn all these muting things. Most of all I want to relearn How to laugh, for my laugh in the mirror Shows only my teeth like a snakes bare fangs! So show me, son How to laugh; show me how I used to laugh and smile Once upon a time when I was like you. Gabriel Okara

    Answer the following questions by choosing an appropriate option from those given below:

    1. The father also wears many faces as he a. wants to imitate others b. wants to hide his feelings

    c. wants to wear a portrait smile d. doesnt like the face he has 2. The father yearns to laugh like a. a child b. his son

    c. other people d. he used to when he was young

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    3. The father appeals to his son as a. he doesnt laugh anymore

    b. his laughter does not reflect his feelings c. he is old and can no longer laugh like a child

    d. he has forgotten how to laugh 4. The poem clearly conveys that a. appearances are deceptive b. people are actors

    c. children teach adults d. when you grow up you have to relearn things

    5. The human behaviour being discussed here is a. dishonesty b. benevolence c. hypocrisy d. friendliness

    Q3. Read the following passage carefully: (5 marks)

    By the time our delayed train reached and I disembarked with my father and baby Lavanya, it was well past midnight. It was cold, dark and foggy. My husband, Manas, who was to receive us, was nowhere in sight, Soon the platform became deserted. Then, a burly man approached us and offered to carry our bags. He wasnt wearing the usual porters red shirt and tag, and though I was wary, my father decided to hire him. Leaving Lavanya and me with the man, my father went to look for Manas. I took a closer look at the man and felt apprehensive. He was big and hairy, his face was pock-marked and his eyes looked bloodshot. Just then Lavanya, who had been sleeping in my arms, awoke, and turned to look at the porter. He gave her a playful smile and held out his arms. I thought shed start crying and held her closer. But she smiled back and twisted herself out of my arms into his. Now I was really scared. What if he ran away with my baby? He must have sensed my fear and, even before I reached out to take Lavanya back, he handed her to me. Turning around, he mumbled that though everyone was scared of him, yet my innocent baby had accepted him. His eyes had tears in them. I didnt know what to say. At that moment my father returned with Manas. The man picked up our bags and walked towards the car park. As we followed him, I asked Manas to pay him a little extra. But, having put our luggage in the car, the man refused to take payment from us. Coming up to me, he placed his hand on my babys head for a moment as if to say, God bless you! and walked away.

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    Answer the following questions by choosing an appropriate option from those given below:

    1. The author was apprehensive when a man approached her as a. he was scary looking b. her father was not with her

    c. he was drunk with bloodshot eyes d. her husband was nowhere in sight

    2. The man refused payment because a. the money offered was less b. he was not a porter

    c. he sensed the womans fears d. the baby had come to him 3. The man handed the baby back to the lady as a. he feared the baby would start crying b. she reached out for the baby c. he realized that she was scared d. his eyes had suddenly filled up with tears

    4. This incident made the author realize that one should a. not be scared of strangers b. only take the services of a regular porter c. not allow strangers to handle their children d. not judge people by their appearances 5. Apprehensive means a. appreciative b. fearful c. happy d. sad


    Q4. You are the president of the Environment Club of your school. The club is

    organizing a three day trip to Jim Corbett Park. In about 50 words write a notice for the students of Std. IX informing them about the trip. Also give other necessary details. (4 marks)

    Q5. A well dressed gentleman came to meet your father but he was not at home. He did not give his name. All he said was that he and your father had studied together in college, and had not met for the last 15 years. He promised to come again tomorrow. In about 100 words, give a description of this gentleman to your father to help him identify his old friend. (6 marks)

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    Q6. You travelled for the first time in a train and that too alone. Write an e-mail to a friend in about 120 words describing your experience. (7 marks)




    My dear Ashu

    Love Sunit Sehgal

    Q7. There was a storm brewing outside and you were all alone at home. Suddenly

    the lights went out.. In about 150 words, write a story. You could use some of the phrases given below. (8 marks)

    jumped in fright disappeared in a flash screamed in horror scared the daylight out of me to my relief touched something eerie

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    SECTION C (GRAMMAR 20 MARKS) Q8. Complete the passage by choosing the correct option from those given in

    brackets: (1/2 x 8 = 4 marks)

    The city police (a) ________ decided to (b) ________ stern action against drivers (c) _________ attempt to overtake (d) _____________ the left (e) _____________ city roads. All drivers who (f) _________ this rule will be punished. The first offence will (g) _________ penalty. The second will incur (h) _________ of the driving license.

    a. (i) had (ii) has (iii) have (iv) is b. (i) take (ii) taking (iii) too (iv) taken c. (i) whose (ii) who (iii) which (iv) those d. (i) in (ii) to (iii) over (iv) from e. (i) in (ii) over (iii) on (iv) by f. (i) vitiate (ii) violate (iii) violent (iv) violence g. (i) inviting (ii) invitation (iii) invite (iv) invited h. (i) cancelling (ii) cancellation (iii) cancel (iv) cancelled

    Q9. Complete the conversation by choosing the correct option from those given below: (4 marks)

    Tourist: Hello. I wish to know the tours your company offers. Travel agent: Hello, Sir. Could you tell me which (a) _____________________? Tourist: Bangalore and Mysore.

    Travel agent: (b) _________________________________ Sir? Tourist: No, I prefer a 3 - 4 day trip. Travel agent: Please go through this brochure and see what you like. Tourist: Thank you. (He goes through the brochure and asks) (c) ________?

    Travel agent: Rupees eight thousand, Sir. Tourist: (d) _________________________________ include travel expenses? Travel agent: No Sir, we provide only accommodation.

    a. (i) places you would like to visit. (ii) places you are liking to visit.

    (iii) places you are likely to visit. (iv) places you are to visit.

    b. (i) For a week (ii) From a week (iii) for how long (iv) For how many days

    c. (i) Tell me the cost of the trip (ii) What should be the cost of the trip

    (iii) What would be the cost of the trip (iv) Cost please

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    d. (i) Should that (ii) Could that (iii) Would that (iv) Can that

    Q10. The following passage has not been edited. There is ONE error in each of the

    first nine lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example against the correct blank number in your answer sheets. Also underline the correct word you have supplied. (1/2 x 4 = 4 marks)

    Error Correction

    eg. Singapore is located in a highest strategic highest highly area in South-East Asia. It lay on an a. .. important trade route. Trade was its life b .

    line. It is a major port. Goods from every c ...

    East Asian countries flow in Singapore d ...

    on their way for ports in Western Asia, e ... ...

    Africa and Europe. From a Singapore docks f ... ..

    ships carry rubber, copper, timber and spices g ... ..

    sail to other countries. Other ships bring out h ... ... manufactured goods and machinery from the industrial countries of the world.

    Q11. Complete the following passage by filling in the blanks with ONE word only. (4 marks)

    The Annual Sports Day function of Agra Public School was (a) ___________ with great enthusiasm. The Director of Sports was the chief guest (b) ______________ the occasion. He was (c) __________ by the principal and staff, as well as the Head boy and Head girl. The prizes were given (d) ________ by the chief guests wife.

    Q12. Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.

    The first one has been done as an example. (4 marks) Eg. feared by / snakes are / in our / worshipped / and / many / country Ans. Snakes are worshipped and feared by many in our country.

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    i. of the / are venomous / only / 300 out / species / 2700 known j. which is / yellow liquid / water / snake venom / 90% / is a k. expelled / poison gland / that is / it is / from the / a substance l. of thick / are / connective / these glands / made / tissue


    Q13.A Read the given extract and answer the following questions by choosing the

    most appropriate option. (3 marks) Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth.

    1. The poet looked down one as far as he could because he i) was trying to see where it ended ii) wanted to take that road iii) was deciding which road to take iv) was unhappy that he could not take that road too 2. The tone of the poet is one of

    i) apology ii) regret iii) despair iv) anxiety 3. The roads represent the i) difficulties one faces in life ii) paths one takes while travelling in a forest iii) choices in life iv) profession one chooses

    B. Read the given extract and answer the following questions. (3 marks)

    By mid-April neighbours saw a daily struggle in front of Marcys house. Out on the side walk they saw the dog pull his leash taut, then stand and wait.

    a. What was the struggle the neighbours witnessed? b. Why did the dog stand and wait? c. What was the final outcome of the struggle?

    C. Read the given extract and answer the following questions. (3 marks)

    Jeanne: What on earth have you done? Gaston: I? Made a hundred thousand francs and a Carot!

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    1. How has Gaston made a hundred thousand francs? 2. Mention any two characteristics displayed by Gaston when he made a hundred

    thousand francs. 3. What is the Carot being referred to here?

    Q14. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 30 40 words each.

    (2 x 4 = 8 marks) 1. How do we know that Lord Ullin forgave his daughter for eloping with her lover? 2. What are the guesses the poet makes with regard to the Solitary Reapers song? 3. Why was Sudha Murty surprised when her grandmother touched her feet? 4. Which road does Robert Frost choose and why? 5. How and why does the Brook bicker? Q15. After Dukes death, Marcy was asked to write an article for the local

    newspaper. She decides to write on the topic A dog is a mans best friend. Write it for her in about 150 words.


    You are Juliette. You feel duped and cheated by Gaston. You decide to take legal action against him. Write a letter to your friend in about 150 words, sharing this incident and the action you plan to take against him. (8 marks)

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    Q1. Objective: To comprehend the main points of a text. Marking: 10 marks - 1 mark for each correct answer.

    No penalty for spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes.

    I. 1. children are using the computer from a very early age. 2. handwriting was not important as she used a computer. 3. research had proved that it enhanced the learning process as it led to the

    formation of memories. 4. kept the quill on the paper preventing the formation of ink blots 5. we tend to ignore it as the work load increases. 6. learning to use the computer.

    II. (a) ignored / disputed (b) equally (c) enhance / impact (d) class / affluence

    III. (a) nonplussed (b) quill Q2. Objective: Local and global comprehension of a poem. Marking: 5 marks - 1 mark for each correct answer. No penalty for spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes.

    1. b) wants to hide his feelings 2. d) he used to when he was young 3. b) his laughter does not reflect his feelings 4. a) appearances are deceptive 5. c) hypocrisy

    Q3. Objective: To comprehend the main points of a text. Marking: 5 marks - 1 mark for each correct answer.

    No penalty for spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 1. a) he was scary looking

    2. b) he was not a porter

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    3. c) he realized that she was scared 4. d) not judge people by their appearances 5. b) fearful


    (WRITING 25 MARKS) Q4. Notice (4 marks) Objective: To use a style and format appropriate for a notice.

    Content 2 marks, Expression 2 marks Suitable heading Activity Trip to Jim Corbett Park Organizer Dates and duration Departure time Cost Name and designation of writer

    Q5. Description of a person (6 marks) Content 3, fluency 2, accuracy 1

    To plan, organize and present ideas coherently and concisely. Expand upon the following points - Physical appearance, Clothes Mannerism

    Q6. E-mail (7 marks)

    Content 3, fluency 2, accuracy 2 Objective: To use a style and format appropriate for an e-mail. To plan, organize and present ideas coherently by introducing,

    developing and concluding the topic. To compare and contrast the advantages of travelling by metro as

    compared to travelling by road and arriving at conclusions The points given are suggestive points only

    1. Apprehension of travelling alone 2. Details of the journey from. to. 3. Co-passengers 4. Scenery outside 5. An interesting incident 6. How you enjoyed the journey

    Q7. Story (8 marks) Content 4, fluency 2, accuracy 2 Objective: To use imagination and creativity. To plan, organize and present ideas coherently by introducing,

    developing and concluding the topic. The use of the hints given

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    Q8. Gap filling (1/2 x 4 = 4 marks)

    a) has b) take c) who d) from e) on f) violate g) invite h) cancellation Q9. Dialogue completion (4 marks)

    (a) (i) places you would like to visit. (b)(i) For a week (c) (iii) What would be the cost of the trip (d) (iii) Would that

    Q10. Editing (1/2 x 4 = 4 marks)

    a) lies b) is c) all d) through e) to f) the g) carrying h) industrial

    Q11. Omission (4 marks)

    a) held/ celebrated b) on c) welcomed/greeted/received d) away

    Q12. Sentence reordering (4 marks)

    a) Only 300 out of the 2700 known species are venomous b) Snake venom is a yellow liquid which is 90% water c) It is a substance that is expelled from the poison gland d) These glands are made of thick connective tissue


    Q13. Objective: Local and global comprehension/ knowledge of plot and characters Marking: 1 mark for each correct answer. (3 x 3 = 9 marks) A. 1. iv) was unhappy that he could not take that road too

    2. ii) regret 3. iii) choices one makes in life B. 1. Hoopers efforts to walk, struggling to take one step at a time, after his paralytic attack.

    2. Duke would take one step forward, then wait for Hooper to take that step. Only then would Duke take the next step. This way they would walk forward.

    3. Hooper managed to walk again; he resumed work and was promoted to the post of Assistant National Sales Manager.

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    C. 1. He had sold Juliettes villa for three hundred thousand francs to Mrs. AL

    Smith without actually buying it. Subsequently he bought it from Juliette for two hundred thousand francs.

    2. Opportunist and calculative 3. A painting made by a painter who himself signs as Carot.

    Q14. Any FOUR questions in about 30 40 words. (2 X 4 = 8 marks) Objective: knowledge of plot and characters/ local and global comprehension and inference. Marking: 2 marks for each question 1. Lord Ullins Daughter (Any two) i) He cried when he saw her struggling in the stormy seas

    ii) He asked her to return ii) He cried out his forgiveness to the Highland chief. 2. Solitary Reaper i) Things of the past like wars ii) Some routine day to day matter iii) Natural calamity or disaster iv) Death or illness of a loved one 3. How I Taught my Grandmother to Read

    i) Younger people touch the feet of their elders, but her grandmother was touching hers.

    ii) Her grandmother was touching her feet because she was the teacher and students touch their teachers feet.

    4. The Road not taken

    i) The road that is grassy and untrodden. ii) He wanted to travel unchartered paths and did not want to follow the herd. 5. The Brook

    Bricker means to quarrel. The Brook is flowing down hills and slopes and thus is moving very fast and is very noisy. Hence the sound produces is like children quarrelling playfully.

    Q15. A Dog named Duke (8 marks)

    5 marks for content eight value points to be included half mark for each value point

    3 marks for expression as shown below:

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    3 marks-Very Effective Organisation with very few errors. 2 marks-Reasonably Effective Organisation; some language

    errors 1 mark-Glaring weaknesses in Organisation; many language

    errors 0 mark-Very poor organisation; too many errors making the

    composition unintelligible

    i) Chuck had had an accident which had completely paralysed his left side. ii) He was disinterested in life and had lost the will to live.

    iii) Even his wife was unable to get him out of his depression. iv) Dukes love and determination had got him to walk again. v) Unfortunately Duke died due to a car accident. vi) It was because of his efforts that Chuck was promoted to the position of

    Assistant National Sales Manager.


    i) Gaston and his wife come to buy your villa. ii) Gaston disinterested right from the beginning

    iii) Wife is interested, so she takes her to see the villa iv) Meanwhile Mrs. AL Smith comes to purchase it, and she mistakes Gaston

    to be the owner v) Gaston sells her the villa without actually buying it from her. How can he

    do that vi) He pays her 2000 francs for it, but has taken 3000 francs from Mrs. AL

    Smith. vii) You feel duped and cheated by Gaston viii) You are going to contact your lawyer, and take Gaston to court. ix) Your doubts the date on the cheque is on day previous.

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    FRENCH Summative -I

    From April to September 2011

    Time: 3 hours MM: 90 The Question paper is divided into 4 sections:

    SECTION A (Comprhension- 10 marks)

    1. Lisez le texte et rpondez aux questions : 10 Marianne vit Montral depuis quinze ans. Elle est arrive ici lge de cinq ans. Son pre est mdecin et sa mre est infirmire. Marianne vient de finir ses tudes. Elle travaille dans une agence de voyages. Elle aime son travail parce quelle rencontre beaucoup de gens. Comme la famille de Marianne, il y a beaucoup dautres familles franaises qui vivent au Qubec. Tous ces Franais immigrs veulent retourner en France quand ils auront gagn assez dargent. Les parents de Marianne aussi. Mais Marianne, quest-ce quelle pense ? Elle aime bien la France. Elle est dj alle deux fois dans ce pays. Mais pour elle, la vie cest Montral. Cest ici quelle a tous ses souvenirs denfance avec ses voisins, ses chers amis....Et maintenant elle ne peut pas imaginer sa nouvelle vie en France sans ces chers souvenirs a. Dites vrai ou faux : 2 i) La mre de Marianne ne travaille pas._________ ii) Le travail de Marianne nest pas intressant._______ iii) Elle na jamais visit la France._________ iv) Elle veut vivre Montral._________ b. Compltez avec les mots du texte : 4 i) Cette semaine, il ne fait pas de soleil ____________ trois jours. (depuis / deux fois / maintenant) ii) Jai ______________ de disques. Je nai pas besoin dautres disques. (bien /

    assez / depuis ) iii) Les photos des voyages deviennent de jolis _____________ quand on les

    regarde aprs quelques mois. (enfance / souvenirs / agence) iv) Les tudiants trouvent difficile d____________ les situations donnes par

    leurs profs. ( enfance / immigrs / imaginer) c. Cherchez dans le texte : 4 i) Le synonyme de habitent :__________ (voisin / vivent / veulent ) ii) Le synonyme de rentrer:____________ (retourner / arriver / travailler) iii) La forme nominale du verbe vivre:____________ (vie / vit / veulent ) iv) Le contraire de ancienne:___________ ( cinq ans / nouvelle / deux fois)

    Section A Reading Comprehension 10 marks Section B Writing Skills 25 marks Section C Grammar 35 marks Section D Culture & Civilisation 20 marks

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    SECTION B (Writing skills- 25 marks)

    2 Cest votre anniversaire le dimanche. Vous invitez votre ami(e) Rahul / Rita chez vous. Rdigez linvitation (30-35 mots.)

    3 Rdigez la recette dun plat que vous aimez. (30-35 mots) 5 4 Regardez limage et dcrivez le personnage laide des mots donns ci-dessous :

    ( 30-35 mots) 5 (homme , casquette, nez, cheveux)

    5 Mettez en ordre le dialogue et rcrivez : 5 - Cest quel film ? - A six heures du soir. Au cinma SVR .

    - Daccord ! A six heures ! Au revoir ! - Le film sappelle Cars . Cest un film anim. Il est trs amusant.

    - Au revoir ! - Bonjour Anne ! Tu viens voir un film avec moi ce soir ? - Ah oui ! Jaimerais voir ce film. A quelle heure commence-t-il ?

    6. Regardez la grille donne ci-dessous et rdigez le bulletin mto en 30 mots : 5

    Marseille Grenoble Beau froid Ensoleill possibilit de neige

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    SECTION C (Grammar - 35 marks) 7. Conjuguez les verbes la forme qui convient: 5

    i. (savoir) ____ bien vos leons, si vous voulez avoir de bonnes notes lexamen. ii. Hier, mes cousines (aller) ______ au cinma. iii. Tu (recevoir)________ une lettre de ton ami, il y a cinq minutes. iv. Hier, il (pleuvoir) ____ toute la journe. v. Demain, je (se lever) _____ tt.

    8. Compltez avec : un / une / des / du / de la / de l / de / le / la / les / l /au/ aux) : 5 i. Voil ____ cahier. Cest ____ cahier ___ garon. Je donne ___ cahier ____

    professeur. ii. Jaime beaucoup ____ gteaux. Jachte ____ gteaux _____ ptisserie.

    Je donne ____ argent _____ ptissier.

    9. Compltez avec : mon, mes, sa, notre, nos : 5 a. Ce sont les images de _________ parents. b. Cest la voiture de ________ tante. c. Aujourdhui , je nai pas port ________ lunettes. d. Jai oubli de faire ________ devoir. e. Sylvie est ________ camarade de classe. 10. Trouvez la question : 5 a. Si, jaime les gteaux ! b. Non, merci. c. Je ne suis pas all lcole parce que jtais malade. d. Volontiers ! e. Je vais chez mon oncle. 11. Rpondez au ngatif : 5

    i. Lis-tu les romans? ii. Buvez-vous du champagne ? iii. Vas-tu chez tes amis ? iv. As-tu mang au restaurant hier? v. Est-ce que les Legrand sont rentrs Paris ?

    12. Compltez avec ce/ cet/ cette/ ces : 5 i. ____ catalogue est intressant. ii. Veux-tu ____ dossier? iii. Donne-moi _____ itinraire. iv. Envoyez-lui _____ enveloppe.

    vi. Il habite dans ___ appartement.

    13. Trouvez la phrase et rcrivez : 5

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    i. march / nous/ allons/ soir/ ensemble/ au/ ce. ii. trs/ les/ de/ ce/ belles/ gros/ images/ livre/ sont.

    iii. Ne/ quand/ portes-tu/ pourquoi/ pas/ ton/ sors/ chapeau/ tu ? iv. Nouveau/ sympathique/ professeur/ notre/ de/ est/ franais/ trs. v. Oncle/ mon/ en /Inde/ cet/ fils/ hiver/ avec/ viendra/ son.

    SECTION D (Culture and civilization - 20 marks)

    14. Rpondez aux questions suivantes: 10

    i. Que savez-vous de la Basilique de Fourvire ? ii. Quelle saison aimez-vous ? Pourquoi ? iii. Quest-ce que cest le rap ? iv. Que doit-on faire pour viter un coup de soleil ? v. Pourquoi appelle-t-on la France lHexagone ?

    15. Compltez : 4 i. Deux pays francophones sont : ________ et ________ ii. Deux villes franaises sont : _____ et ______. iii. Paris on peut voir ________ et _________. iv. Naomi Campbell est un ________ clbre. v. On voit des bouquinistes sur les quais de la ________.

    16. Chassez lintrus : 2

    i. manteau / dictionnaire/ feutre / agenda ii. Nice / Paris/ New York / Grenoble iii. avocat/ journaliste / camarade / pianiste. iv. le train / la bicyclette / lavion / le mtro 17. Ecrivez vrai ou faux : 4 i. On met du riz dans la salade nioise.________ ii. Le dner est un repas familial par excellence. ________ iii. On doit se lever et marcher pendant le vol. ________ iv. Le Monde est un journal indien. ________ v. M.C.Solar est un chanteur. ________ vi. Lamartine a crit des fables. ________ vii. Les petits magasins se trouvent la place Vendme. ________ viii. Le drapeau franais est tricolore. ________

    * * * * * * * * * *

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    Summative -I

    Time: 3 hours MM: 90

    SECTION A (Comprhension- 10 marks) 1. Lisez le texte et rpondez aux questions : 10 a. Dites vrai ou faux : 2 i) La mre de Marianne ne travaille pas. FAUX ii) Le travail de Marianne nest pas intressant. FAUX iii) Elle na jamais visit la France. FAUX iv) Elle veut vivre Montral. VRAI

    Half mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    b. Compltez avec les mots du texte : 4 i) Cette semaine, il ne fait pas de soleil depuis trois jours. ii) Jai assez de disques. Je nai pas besoin dautres disques. iii) Les photos des voyages deviennent de jolis souvenirs quand on les regarde

    aprs quelques mois. iv) Les tudiants trouvent difficile dimaginer les situations donnes par leurs

    profs. One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer. c. Cherchez dans le texte : 4 i) Le synonyme de habitent : vivent ii) Le synonyme de rentrer : retourner iii) La forme nominale du verbe vivre : vie iv) Le contraire de ancienne : nouvelle

    One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    SECTION B (Writing skills- 25 marks)

    2 Cest votre anniversaire le dimanche. Vous invitez votre ami(e) Rahul / Rita chez vous. Rdigez linvitation (30-35 mots.) Marks to be awarded for correct format, word limit, marks to be deducted for not drawing a box, mixing usage of tu/ vous. 5

    3 Rdigez la recette dun plat que vous aimez. (30-35 mots) 5 Marks are to be awarded for the correct list of ingredients, adhering to the word

    limit, use of the imperative or infinitive, mentioning the name of the dish. 4 Regardez limage et dcrivez le personnage laide des mots donns ci-dessous :

    (30-35 mots) 5 (homme , casquette, nez, cheveux)

  • 6

    Marks are to be awarded for sticking to the word limit, for using the helping words provided and for correct sentence construction. The sentences should correspond to the picture provided.

    5 Mettez en ordre le dialogue et rcrivez : 5

    - Bonjour Anne ! Tu viens voir un film avec moi ce soir ? - Cest quel film ? - Le film sappelle Cars . Cest un film anim. Il est trs amusant. - Ah oui ! Jaimerais voir ce film. A quelle heure commence-t-il ? - A six heures du soir. Au cinma SVR . - Daccord ! A six heures ! Au revoir !

    - Au revoir ! Marks are to be awarded for re-writing the dialogue in the correct order. One mark may be deducted for every sentence that is not in the right order. 6. Regardez la grille donne ci-dessous et rdigez le bulletin mto en 30 mots : 5 Marks are to be awarded for using all information given, sticking to the word limit

    and use of correct tense (futur simple and expressions related to the waether).

    SECTION C (Grammar - 35 marks)

    7. Conjuguez les verbes la forme qui convient: 5

    vi. Sachez bien vos leons, si vous voulez avoir de bonnes notes lexamen. vii. Hier, mes cousines sont alles au cinma. viii. Tu viens de recevoir une lettre de ton ami, il y a cinq minutes. ix. Hier, il a plu toute la journe. x. Demain, je me lverai tt. One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    8. Compltez avec : un / une / des / du / de la / de l / de / le / la / les / l /au/ aux) : 5 vi. Voil un cahier. Cest le cahier du garon. Je donne le cahier au professeur. vii. Jaime beaucoup les gteaux. Jachte des gteaux la ptisserie.

    Je donne de largent au ptissier. Half a mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    9. Compltez avec : mon, mes, sa, notre, nos : 5 a. Ce sont les images de nos parents. b. Cest la voiture de sa/notre tante. c. Aujourdhui, je nai pas port mes lunettes. d. Jai oubli de faire mon devoir. e. Sylvie est notre/sa camarade de classe.

    One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

  • 7

    10. Trouvez la question : 5 a. Naimes-tu pas les gteaux ?/ Est-ce que vous naimez pas les gteaux ? b. Voulez vous du caf ? c. Pourquoi ntes-vous pas all lcole ? d. Viens-tu au cinma ce soir ? e. O vas-tu ? / Chez qui allez-vous ? One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer. 11. Rpondez au ngatif : 5

    vii. Non, je ne lis pas les romans. viii. Non, je ne bois pas de champagne. ix. Non, je ne vais pas chez mes amis. x. Non, je nai pas mang au restaurant hier. xi. Non, les Legrand ne sont pas rentrs Paris. One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    12. Compltez avec ce/ cet/ cette/ ces : 5 i. Ce catalogue est intressant. ii. Veux-tu ce dossier? iii. Donne-moi cet itinraire. iv. Envoyez-lui cette enveloppe.

    xii. Il habite dans cet appartement. One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    13. Trouvez la phrase et rcrivez : 5 i. Nous allons ensemble au march ce soir. ii. Les images de ce gros livre sont trs belles.

    viii. Pourquoi ne portes-tu pas ton chapeau quand tu sors? ix. Notre nouveau professeur de franais est trs sympathique. x. Mon oncle viendra en Inde cet hiver avec son fils. One mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    SECTION D (Culture and civilization - 20 marks)

    14. Rpondez aux questions suivantes: 10 vi. La Basilique de Fourvire tait construite entre 1872 et 1896. Elle est austre

    lextrieur et trs richement dcore lintrieur. Les touristes la visitent pour dcouvrir ses vitraux, ses mosaques et ses marbres.

    vii. Jaime le printemps parce quau printemps, il fait beau. (or any other correct answer)

    viii. Le rap, cest un style de chanson parle dont les paroles sont dites trs rapidement sur un air rythm.

    ix. Pour viter un coup de soleil il faut porter un chapeau, il faut boire beaucoup deau et il ne faut pas rester au soleil entre midi et 14h.

    x. On appelle la France lHexagone parce quelle a plus ou moins la forme de cette figure gomtrique.

  • 8

    Two marks are to be awarded for each correct answer.

    15. Compltez : 4 vi. Le Sngal / la France / le Canada/ la Belgique vii. Paris / Lyon / Nice / Marseille viii. La tour Eiffel / Notre Dame / larc de triomphe ix. mannequin x. Seine Half mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    16. Chassez lintrus : 2

    i. manteau ii. New York iii. camarade iv. la bicyclette

    Half mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    17. Ecrivez vrai ou faux : 4 i. On met du riz dans la salade nioise. - VRAI ii. Le dner est un repas familial par excellence. - VRAI iii. On doit se lever et marcher pendant le vol.- VRAI iv. Le Monde est un journal indien. - FAUX v. M.C.Solar est un chanteur.- VRAI vi. Lamartine a crit des fables. - FAUX vii. Les petits magasins se trouvent la place Vendme. - VRAI viii. Le drapeau franais est tricolore. - VRAI

    Half mark is to be awarded for each correct answer.

    * * * * * * * * * * (Note: Pl. refer to the marking scheme provided in the Class 9 French work book as well.)

  • 1

    d{kk9 fgUnh (ikB~;ozQe&c) dksM la[;k (085) ladfyr ijh{kk 1 (,l 1) gsrq Hkkj foHkktu (vizSy&flrEcj)

    fo"k;oLrq vad

    oqQy Hkkj

    vifBr cks/ 20

    O;kdj.k 20

    ikB~;iqLrd o iwjdikB~;iqLrd 40

    ys[ku 10


    iQkWjeSfVo ijh{kk(,iQ1 o ,iQ 2) 20

    oqQy Hkkj 50

    1- ladfyr ijh{kk ,d (,l&1) 90 vadks a dh gksxhA 90 vadksa dks ewY;kadu osQ i'pkr 30 vadksa esa ls ifjofrZr

    dj fy;k tk,xk rnqijakr xzsM dk fu/kZj.k fd;k tk,xk

    d{kk ukSoha fgUnh ^c*& ladfyr ijh{kkvks a gsrq ijh{kk fofunsZ'ku 2010&2011

  • 2

    [k.M&d % vifBr cks/

    iz'u la[;k 1&4 (20 vad) nks vifBr xn~;ka'k 100 ls 150 'kCn nks vifBr dkO;ka'k 100 ls 150 'kCn

    mi;ZqDr x|ka'k o i|ka'k ij 'kh"kZd dk pquko] fo"k;&oLrq dk cks/] Hkkf"kd fcanq@lajpuk vkfn ij pkj iz'u iwNs tk,xs

    izR;sd iz'u osQ ikp cgqoSdfYid Hkkx gksaxs rFkk izR;sd Hkkx dk ,d vad gksxk A

    [k.M&[k % O;kogkfjd O;kdj.k

    iz'u la[;k 5&9 (20

    vad) fu/kZfjr fo"k;ksa ij fo"k;&oLrq dk cks/] Hkkf"kd fcanq@lajpuk vkfn ij ikp iz'u iwNs tk,xsA izR;sd iz'u 4 vad dk gksxkA

    [k.M&x % ikB~;iqLrd Li'kZ Hkkx1 o iwjd ikB~;iqLrd lap;u Hkkx1

    iz'u la[;k 10&16 (40


    iz'u la[;k 10 ikB~;iqLrd ^Li'kZ* osQ fu/kZfjr ikBksa esa ls dksbZ nks i|ka'k fn, tk,xs rFkk bu ij fo"k;&oLrq dk cks/] Hkkf"kd fcanq@lajpuk vkfn ij cgqoSdfYid ikp iz'u iwNs tk,xs rFkk bl izR;sd iz'u osQ pkj fodYi gksaxs rFkk izR;sd Hkkx dk ,d vad gksxk A Nk=kksa dks

    dksbZ ,d i|ka'k djuk gksxkA(5 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 11 ikB~;iqLrd ^Li'kZ* osQ x| ikBksa osQ vk/kj ij rhu y?kqmkjh; iz'u iwNs tk,xs A bu iz'uksa dk oqQy Hkkj ukS vad gksxk (3$3)A

    Nk=kksa dks dksbZ nks iz'u djus gksaxs A ;s iz'u Nk=kksa dh lkfgR; dks i ikuss dh {kerk osQ vkdyu ij vk/kfjr gkasxsA

    (6 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 12 ikB~;iqLrd ^Li'kZ* osQ fu/kZfjr ikBksa (x|) ij ikp vad dk ,d fuca/kRed iz'u iwNk tk,xk (fodYi lfgr) A ;g iz'u

    Nk=kksa dh fganh ds ek;e ls vius vuqHko dks fy[kdj lgt vfHkO;fDr dj ikus dh {kerk dk vkdyu djus ij vk/kfjr gksxkA

    (5 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 13 ikB~;iqLrd ^Li'kZ* osQ fu/kZfjr ikBksa (x|) esa ls nks x|ka'k fn, tk,xs rFkk bl esa ls Nk=kksa dks dksbZ ,d djuk gksxk A bl ij rhu ;k pkj y?kqmkjh; iz'u iwNs tk,xs A bu iz'uksa dk oqQy Hkkj ikp vad gksxk A ;g iz'u fganh xn~; osQ lanHkZ esa fo"k; rFkk

    vFkZcks/ dh {kerk dk vkdyu djus ij osQafnzr gksaxsA (5 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 14 ikB~;iqLrd ^Li'kZ* osQ i| ikBksa osQ vk/kj ij pkj y?kqmkjh; iz'u iwNs tk,xs A bu iz'uksa dk oqQy Hkkj ukS vad gksxk

    (3$3$3)A Nk=kksa dks dksbZ rhu iz'u djus gksaxs A ;s iz'u dforkvksa ds fo"k; ] dkO; cks/] vFkZ cks/ o ljkguk dks ljy

    'kCnksa esa vfHkO;Dr djus dh {kerk ij vk/kfjr gksaxsA (9 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 15 iwjd iqLrd ^lap;u* osQ fu/kZfjr ikBksa esa ls rhu iz'u nsdj fdUgha nks ds mRrj IkwNs tk,sxs A bu iz'uksa dk oqQy Hkkj N% (3$3)

    vad gksxk A ;s iz'u ikB dh le> o mudh lgt vfHkO;fDr dh {kerk ij vk/kfjr gkssaxsA (6 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 16 iwjd iqLrd ^lap;u* osQ fu/kZfjr ikBksa esa ls nks iz'u nsdj fdlh ,d dk mRrj IkwNk tk,xk A bl iz'u dk oqQy Hkkj pkj

    vad gksxk ;s Nk=kksa ds vius vuqHkoksa o mudh laosnu'khyrk dks ij[kus ds fy, gksxkA (4 vad)

  • 3

    [k.M&?k % ys[ku

    iz'u la[;k 17&18 (10


    iz'u la[;k 17 bl iz'u esa ladsr fcUnqvksa ij vk/kfjr lelkef;d ,oa O;kogkfjd thou ls tqM+s gq, fo"k;ksa ij 80 ls 100 'kCnksa esa rhu esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij vuqPNsn fy[kus osQ fy, dgk tk,xk A ;g vuqPNsn fofHkUu fo"k;ks a vkSj lanHkksZ ij Nk=kksa osQ

    roZQlaxr fopkj izdV djus dh {kerk dks ij[kus osQ fy, gkasxs A (5 vad)

    iz'u la[;k 18 bl iz'u esa fdUgha nks vukSipkfjd fo"k;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij i=k fy[kus osQ fy, dgk tk,xk A ;g iz'u vfHkO;fDr dh {kerk ij osQfUnzr gksxk A (5 vad)

  • 4

    d{kk ukSoha

    ikB~;ozQe c & ladfyr ijh{kk &1

    [k.M ^d*

    le;% 3 ?kaVs

    vad 90

    iz'u 1- fuEufyf[kr x|ka'k dks iqdk gS] lks >qdk gh gqvk

    gS] ijarq vc os 'ks"k thou vkidh lsok esa yxkdj izk;f'pr djsaxsA vkt losjs dh ckr gS fd

    ,d eklwe HksM+ ds cPps ds iko esa dkVk yx x;k rks HksfM+;k lar us mls nkrksa ls fudkyk_ ij

    tc og cspkjk d"V esa py clk rks HksfM+;k lar us lEekuiwoZd mldh vR;sf"V f;k dhA

    muds ?kj ds ikl gM~fM;ksa dk tks

  • 5

    (?k) xjhcksa ls dqN u dgk tk,

    3- izLrqr dgkuh esa fdl ij O;aX; fd;k x;k gS\ 1

    (d) vehjksa Ikj

    ([k) yksdra=k ij

    (x) pquko izf;k ij

    (?k) HksfM+;s ij

    4- ^izk;f'pr* 'kCn dk vFkZ gS& 1

    (d) vafre laLdkj

    ([k) diVh

    (x) i'pkrki

    (?k) mik;

    5- izLrqr x|ka'k dk mfpr 'kh"kZd D;k gks ldrk gS\ 1

    (d) xjhc&vehj

    ([k) esjk i'pkrki

    (x) Hk; dh lekfIr

    (?k) HksfM;s o HksM+

    iz'u 2- fuEufyf[kr x|ka'k dks i

  • 6

    (d) mn~;ksxifr

    ([k) lkjk fo'o

    (x) phu

    (?k) usiky

    2- egxkbZ ls ns'k dk dkSu&lk

  • 7

    lkxj dk :i fy;k

    es?kksa us pydj gh

    /jrh dks xHkZ fn;k

    :dus dk ej.k uke] ihNs lc izlkj gSA

    vkxs gS jaxegy] ;qx ds gh lax&lax pyrs pyksA

    ekuo ftl vksj x;k

    uxj cus] rhFkZ cus

    rqe ls gS dkSu cM+k\

    xxu&fla/q fe=k cus]

    Hkwfe dk Hkksxksa lq[k] ufn;ksa dk lkse fi;ks

    R;kxs lc th.kZ olu] uwru ds lax&lax pyrs pyksA

    1- bl dfork esa dfo us D;k lans'k fn;k gS\ 1

    (d) fujrjark dk

    ([k) cknyksa dh rjg xtZuk

    (x) lkxj dh rjg vFkkg gksus dk

    (?k) rqvksa dh rjg ifjofrZr gksus dk

    2- ^;qx ds lax&lax pyrs pyks* dk D;k vk'k; gS\ 1

    (d) le; ds lkFk pyuk

    ([k) ufn;ksa dh rjg cguk

    (x) jax egyksa ds lkFk pyuk

    (?k) vkdk'k o lkxj ds lkFk pyuk

    3- R;kxks lo th.kZ olu& dk rkRi;Z gS_ 1

    (d) lc iqjkus oL=k R;kx nks

    ([k) lnk u, oL=k /kj.k djks

    (x) iqjkuh lM+h xyh #f

  • 8

    (x) rduhdh fodkl dh vksj ladsr

    (?k) u, o"kZ dh vksj ladsr

    5- ^rqels gS dkSu cM+k* dfo us euq"; dks lcls cM+k D;ks a dgk gS\ 1

    (d) fujraj la?k"kZ ds dkj.k

    ([k) l`f"V dh futhZo rRoksa dks tkuus ds dkj.k

    (x) l`f"V dh ltho rRoksa dk jgL; tkuus ds dkj.k

    (?k) l`f"V ds ltho o futhZo rRoksa ij fot; ikus ds dkj.k

    iz'u 4- fuEufyf[kr i|ka'k dks i

  • 9

    (d) lM+d ij [kwu dks

    ([k) vkradokn dh leL;k dks

    (x) O;fDr dh igpku dks

    (?k) laLfr dks

    2- bl dfork dh Hkk"kk gS& 1

    (d) ctz

    ([k) vo/h

    (x) eSfFkyh

    (?k) [kM+h cksyh

    3- buesa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn ^iRFkj* dk i;kZ; ugha gS& 1

    (d) izLrj

    ([k) ik"kk.k

    (x) f'kyk [kaM

    (?k) i=kd

    4- bl dfork esa D;k igpkuus dks dgk gS\ 1

    (d) jax dks

    ([k) :i dks

    (x) [kwu ls O;fDr ds /eZ] tkfr o fyax dh igpku djus dks

    (?k) psgjk igpkuus dks

    5- buesa ls dkSu&lk 'kCn vaxzst+h Hkk"kk dk ugha gS& 1

    (d) fVfiQu

    ([k) lkbfdy

    (x) iQ+kby

    (?k) lM+d

    [k.M ^[k*

    iz'u 5- (d) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa dk o.kZ foPNsn dhft,A 2

    laca/] lkehI;

    ([k) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa esa mfpr j dk mfpr LFkku ij iz;ksx dhft,A 1

    Ikk.kZ] o`.k

  • 10

    (x) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa esa mfpr LFkku ij vuqLokj dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ekud :i fyf[k,A

    lU/;k] ?k.Vk 1

    iz'u 6 (d) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa esa mi;qDr LFkkuksa ij vuqukfld fpg~uksa dk iz;ksx dhft,A 1

    xaokj] dqavk

    ([k) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa esa mfpr LFkkuksa ij uqDrk dk iz;ksx djds 'kCn iqu% fyf[k,A 1

    jkt] [kqnk

    (x) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa esa ls ewy 'kCnksa o iz;qDr milxksaZ dks vyx&vyx djds fyf[k,A

    laHkzk ar] liQy] 2

    iz'u 7 (d) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa esa ls ewy 'kCnksa o iz;qDr izR;;ksa dks vyx&vyx djds fyf[k,A

    fpg~fur] vkfFkZd 2 ([k) fuEufyf[kr okD;ksa esa js[kkafdr 'kCnksa ds vU; i;kZ;okph :i ls fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ

    dhft,A 2

    (i) tc Jh".k f'k'kq ;s rc og vU; --------------------- xksikyksa ds lkFk [ksyk djrs FksA (ii) rqylhnkl us ukjh ds fy, ---------------------------- 'kCn dk Hkh iz;ksx fd;k gSA (iii) jkg fdruh Hkh dfBu D;ksa u gks] ohj vius fy, ----------------------------- cuk gh ysrs gSaA (iv) liZ dks fo"kSyk gksus ds dkj.k ----------------------------- ds uke ls tkuk tkrk gSA Ikz'u 8 (d) fuEufyf[kr okD;ksa esa js[kkafdr 'kCnksa ds foykse :i ls fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ dhft,A1 2

    (i) deZ/kj; lekl esa ,d in mieku o nwljk in --------------------------- gksrk gSA (ii) euqy dks dYiuk dh nqfu;k ls fudy dj ---------------------------- esa thuk pkfg,A (iii) iwf.kZek dh jkr pknuh ls Hkjiwj gksrh gS ijarq -------------------------- dh jkr v/sjh gksrh gSA (iv) fLFkfr;k nq[kn gks ;k -------------------------------- euq"; dks viuk larqyu ugha [kksuk pkfg,A ([k) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa ls ,sls nks vyx&vyx okD;ksa dh jpuk dhft, fd muds nks

    vyx&vyx vFkZ Li"V gks tk,A 2

    irax] xfr iz'u 9- (d) fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d mi;qDr 'kCn dk iz;ksx dhft,A 2 (d) vPNs dqy ls lacaf/r

  • 11

    ([k) la;k vkSj jkf=k ds chp dk le; (x) deZ ds izfr fu"Bk (?k) vfrfFk dk lRdkj

    ([k ) fuEufyf[kr okD;ksa esa fjDr LFkkuksa dh iwfrZ mfpr eqgkojksa }kjk dhft,A 2 (d) chekj vk'kk dks tc eSa ns[kus xbZ rks mldk 'kjhj ------------------------- jgk FkkA ([k) tc ls vk'kk dh ukSdjh NwVh gS rc ls og ------------------------- jgh gSA (x) vkWfiQl esa dke djrs&djrs vpkud vPNs& Hkys Jh pOgk.k dh ------------------ - ---vkSj mudh e`R;q gks xbZA

    (?k) dHkh&dHkh fdlh dh NksVh lh ckr Hkh --------------------------- NksM+ tkrh gSA

    [k.M ^x*

    iz'u 10- fuEufyf[kr dkO;ka'k dks i

  • 12

    (?k) eSfFkyh

    (iii) dfork esa ^^xjhc fuoktq** 'kCn dk vFkZ Li"V dhft,A 1 (d) vehjksa ij ik djus okyk

    ([k) nhu nqf[k;ksa ij ik djus okyk

    (x) vaxghu ij ik djus okyk

    (?k) O;kikfj;ksa ij ik djus okyk

    (iv) dfo us bl dkO;ka'k esa fdu larks a ds uke fy, gS& 1 (d) l/uk lSuq

    ([k) ukenso dchj

    (x) f=kykspu

    (?k) mijksDr lHkh

    (v) jSnkl Lo;a dks ;gk D;k ekurs gSa\ 1 (d) xjhc

    ([k) Lokeh

    (x) y?kq o rqPN

    (?k) egku


    fp=kdqV esa jfe jgs] jfgeu vo/ ujs'k

    tk ij foink&iM+r gS lks vkor ;g nslA

    /fu jghe ty&iad dks y?kq ft; fi;r vgk;A

    mnf/ cM+kbZ dkSu gS txr fivklks tk;kAA

    (i) ^jfe jgs* dk vFkZ gS\ 1

    (d) ?kwers jgs

    ([k) izlUurkiwoZd jgs

    (x) nq[k ls jgs

    (?k) fpafrr jgs

    (ii) fp=kdqV dh D;k efgek crkbZ xbZ gS\ 1 (d) fp=kdqV dks nq[k fuokjd rFkk 'kkafrnk;d izns'k dgk x;k gSA

  • 13

    ([k) fp=kdqV dks igkM+ksa dk izns'k dgk x;k gSA

    (x) fp=kdqV dks lqfo/ktud izns'k dgk x;k gSA

    (?k) fp=kdqV dks [krjksa dk izns'k dgk x;k gSA

    (iii) nksgs esa ^iad* 'kCn dk vFkZ gS& 1

    (d) ckny

    ([k) o`{k

    (x) dhpM+

    (?k) xank ikuh

    (iv) leq D;ks a egku ugha gSa& 1 (d) leq fouk'k dj ldrk gSA

    ([k) leq fdlh dh I;kl cq>kus esa leFkZ ugha gSA

    (x) leq I;kl cq>kus esa leFkZ gSA

    (?k) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ughaA

    (v) iad ty vPNk D;ks a gS\ 1 (d) mlesa ty de gSA

    ([k) og NksVs&NksVs izkf.k;ksa dh Hkh I;kl cq>krk gSA

    (x) og dey dks mRiUu djrk gSA

    (?k) mlesa /ku mRiUu gksrk gSA

    iz'u 11- ifBr ikBksa ds vk/kj ij fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa ls fdUgh nks ds mkj fyf[k,A 33 6

    (d) cqf

  • 14

    iz'u 13- fuEufyf[kr x|ka'k dks ;kuiwoZd i

  • 15

    ([k) f=kiqjk cgq/kfeZd lekt dk mnkgj.k dSls cuk\

    (x) ysf[kdk dk ;ku viuh vkSj vk"V djus ds fy, fxYyw D;k&D;k djrk Fkk\

    iz'u 16- egknsoh oekZ dks fxYyw fdl voLFkk esa feyk o ysf[kdk us mldk mipkj fdl izdkj fd;k\

    vFkok 4

    esjh jhqj>qjh lh nkSM+ xbZ& ys[kd ds bl dFku ds ihNs dkSu&lh ?kVuk

    tqM+h gS\

    [k.M ^?k*

    iz'u 17 fuEufyf[kr fo"k;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij fn, x, ladsr fcanqvksa ds vk/kj ij 80&100

    'kCnksa esa vuqPNsn fyf[k,A 5

    (d) Hkz"Vkpkj ,d leL;k&

    vFkZ dkj.k fofHkUu :i lekt dks [kks[kyk jkdsus ds mik; esjh izfrKk

    ([k) lkaiznkf;drk&

    vFkZ cqjkb;k jktuSfrd dkj.k /kfeZd dkj.k nwj djus ds mik;

    (x) egxkbZ&

    dkj.k lekt ij izHkko fodkl esa ck/d nwj djus ds mik;

    iz'u 18 fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d fo"k; ij i=k fyf[k,A 5

  • 16

    vkids ,d fe=k us vkils ,d ekl iwoZ ,d iqLrd i

  • 17

    (ii) ?k (iii) ?k (iv) x (v) ?k

    iz'u 10- (i) (?k) 1 (ii) (d) 1

    (iii) ([k) 1 (iv) (?k) 1 (v) (x) 1


    (i) (d) 1 (ii) (d) 1

    (iii) (x) 1 (iv) ([k) 1 (v) ([k) 1

    iz'u 11- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 6

    iz'u 12- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 5

    iz'u 13- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 5

    iz'u 14- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 9

    iz'u 15- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 6

    iz'u 16- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 4

    iz'u 17- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 5

    iz'u 18- bldk mkj fo|kFkhZ vius erkuqlkj nsaxs A 5

  • Central Board of Secondary Education Foundation of Information Technology

    Subject Code: 0165 Design of Sample Question Paper 2012 Examinations

    Class IX (Term I) Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 90 Weightage of marks over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follows:

    A. Weightage to different topics/content units S.No Topics Marks

    1 Basics of Information Technology 17 2 Information Processing Tools 45 3 IT Applications 28 Total 90

    B. Weightage to different forms of questions

    S.No Forms of Questions Marks for each question

    No. of Questions

    Total Marks

    1 Very Short answer questions (VSA) 01 26 26 2 Short answer questions Type I (SA I) 02 08 16 3 Short answer questions Type II(SA II) 05 04 20 4 Long answer questions (LA I) 10 01 10 5 Multiple Choice Questions 01 18 18

    Total 57 90

  • Foundation of Information Technology

    Subject Code: 0165 Sample Question Paper 2012 Examinations

    Class IX (Term I) Time: 3 hours M.M.: 90


    1. Yogyata has made documentation manual for her new 3D game. The content is ready but she wants to add attractive borders on each page. Name the feature of the Word Processor, which will help her to achieve the same without devoting much time to designing.


    2. Ramanuj Saman is interested in storing data in an organized manner of his monthly expenditure for a period of one year in his annual budget document. He does not wish to perform any calculations and analysis. Which feature of a word processor will you suggest Ramanuj to use for this purpose?


    3. Taruni Dhar, a chemistry teacher is typing her Chemistry Assignment and she needs to type in chemical representation of Sulfuric Acid as H2SO4. But, when she is typing, it is appearing as H2SO4. Which formatting feature will help her to see the numbers 2 and 4 in the desired format.


    4. Kanan Ajawani is a computer professional and has started writing a book titled Experiences on Computer. He does not have a good command over English Language and cannot afford to hire an editor for the book. Which two features of Word Processor he should use for basic language corrections?


    5. Name the toolbar, which has all the options of changing the font properties. (1) 6. Name the word processor tool that helps in copying formats and applying it to selected

    text. (1)

    7. Name the word processor feature that help the user to add Graphical Images in the documents.


    8. Rohit has to rename his folder from class viii to class ix. Write the steps that he should follow to do so.


    9. Kalpana wants to check the file size of her document. With which click of mouse she can go to properties option of file?


    10. Name the software that is used to manage all the programs and resources of a computer. (1) 11. Where does all the files that are deleted from our computer go? (1) 12. When we boot our computer, what is the first screen that we see called? (1) 13. Charu is working on her project. She has collected all the information and has typed it in

    a word document. Now she wants to add some image in her project. Using which menu of word processor she can do so?


    14. Kunal has typed a letter to his principal to take one day leave from school. He wants to underline the subject of the letter but his mouse has stopped working. Which shortcut he can use from his keyboard for underlining.


    15. Smita has purchased new laptop. While working with it she realized that the time that is being displayed on task bar is not correct. Suggest one way to set the correct time to her.


    16. Ms Ashu is a mathematics teacher. She is typing a maths paper. She is referring to a window where some formulas for sum, relations and functions are already given. What is the name of this window.


    17. Radhika has created a text document using word processor. Now she wants to see how the document will look like when it will be printed. Which option of word processor she can use to do so.


    18. Name the input device used to sense and read thick and thin black stripes present on the items as shown below.


  • 19. Ms. Menon has bought a new Inkjet printer. She has connected it to her computer with the

    help of a USB cable and has switched the printer on. Now, when she is giving the Print command, the printer is not printing. What type of software is required to make the printer work?


    20. Phantom is a computer programmer, who is developing a small software for a retail chain. Unfortunately, the shop owner is not able to provide him an internet connection; Phantom carries different modules of this software, installs in the computers connected in various shops and carries sample data back with him for testing. Which storage device will you suggest to him to use for this purpose? This device should have high storage capacity and should be re-writeable.


    21. Define the term encryption. (1) 22. Which of the following is essentially required for recording and playing back audio in a

    computer system: a) Bar Code Reader b) MICR c) Microphone d) Printer e) Digital Camera f) Speaker g) Joystick h) Light Pen


    23. Arrange the following memory units in ascending order of their storage capacities. Kilo Byte, Byte, Tera Byte, Mega Byte


    24. Name one specific software/tool for each of the following category: a) Operating System b) Disk Utility Software


    25. Name the primary memory with the following features: a) It is volatile in nature b) Before a program can be run, the program is loaded into this memory, which allows

    the CPU direct access to the program.


    26. Which of the following device is the most suitable for regularly transferring files between home and school, possibly with graphics:

    a) CD ROM b) Memory Stick c) Floppy Disk


  • 27. Jolly Picson is a steno in a company. She has drafted a letter for her boss as follows:

    Dear Sir, With reference to your letter KTNR/PQ/2011-12/124 dated 15-April-2011. I am here to submit the response. Our gadget RT-2134 is made for electric supply of 110 volts and will not work at 220 volts. Special switch fitted inside the gadget trips when it gets a supply of 220 volts. Kindly use appropriate converter to use our gadget. If you need our engineer to come to rectify the problem, the additional charges will be 4500. We assure you for further assistance if so required. Thanks for using our gadget. Sincerely Your Ramtan Jhangaan


    Dear Sir,

    With reference to your letter KTNR/PQ/2011-12/124 dated 15-April-2011. I am here to

    submit the response. Our gadget RT-2134 is made for electric supply of 110 volts and

    will not work at 220 volts. Special switch fitted inside the gadget trips when it gets a

    supply of 220 volts. Kindly use appropriate converter to use our gadget. If you need our

    engineer to come to rectify the problem, the additional charges will be 4500. We

    assure you for further assistance if so required.

    Thanks for using our gadget.

    Sincerely Your

    Ramtan Jhangaan



    28. Write one point of difference between a text editor and a word processor and give the name of any text editor or word processor.


  • 29. Suraj has created a banner for his school Sports Day as shown. Write the name of the feature

    that he has used for marked features.


    30. Manavi wants to create table as shown:



    31. Which two documents are essential for mail merge? (2) 32. In a document all the occurrences of word is have to be changed to are. Which option is

    suitable for this and what is the shortcut key for the same option? (2)

    33. Identify which of the following can be categorized as Secondary Memory devices: a) CD ROM b) Keyboard c) Printer d) Hard Disk e) Pen Drive f) Mouse g) Plotter h) DVD


    34. Identify the correct application software (out of Accounting Management, Reservation System, HR Management, Attendance System, Payroll System, School Inventory Control System, Billing System) for performing the following tasks/places:

    a) Restaurant food order counter b) Computation of salary of workers c) Managing records of Purchase and Issue of items in school d) Booking for air tickets


  • 35. AdocumentwiththenameFITisstoredinthefolderD:\FIT\IX.Howwillyou:a) Openthisdocumentinawordprocessor? (1)b) MakechangesinitandsavethechangeddocumentwiththenameNewFITsothatthe


    c) Changetheworddevicewiththeworddevicesatalltheplacesinthedocument? (1)d) PutthewordModifiedatthetopofeachpage? (1)e) Drawatriangleataspecificlocationinthedocument? (1)


    36. Ansh was writing a story about Akbar and Birbal in Hindi. He created three different documents with different alignments. These documents are shown below:

    a) Identify all the three alignments. (1) b) Tell him the steps to be followed for inserting an image in the document. (2) c) Name any 4 features that can be used to improve the presentation of the

    story. (2)


    - - ?

    - -


    - - ?

  • 37. DineshRaghunathwantstodesigntheposterasshownbelow:



    38. Withreferencetothefollowingletter,writteninawordprocessor,answerthequestionsthatfollow:







  • 1) Whatchangeswillyoumaketothesubjectlinesothatitlooksasfollows:


    2) Howwillyousetthealignmentofletterbodytojustify? (1)3) Howwillyouchangethelinespacingofletterbodytodoublelinespacing(or2.0) (1)4) Whichtoolofthewordprocessorwillyouusetocorrectthespellingsofallthe


    39) AjayandAkshay,studentsofclassIX,preparedtheirtimetableusingawordprocessorasshown

    below: (10)


    Mon Hindi Maths Maths Eng. S.Sc. Science SUPW SUPWTue Science Science S.Sc. Eng. Maths Maths Hindi S.Sc.Wed S.Sc. Maths Science Eng. Sc.

    (Pr.)Sc.(Pr.) Hindi Games

    Thu FIT FIT Maths Eng. Hindi Sc. S.Sc. GamesFri Maths Maths Science Eng. S.Sc. Hindi Maths(lab.) CTP





    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Mon Hindi Maths Eng. B S.Sc. Science SUPWTue Science S.Sc. Eng. R Maths Hindi S.Sc.Wed S.Sc. Maths Science Eng. Sc.(Pr.) Hindi GamesThu FIT Maths Eng. E Hindi Sc. S.Sc. GamesFri Maths Science Eng. A S.Sc. Hindi Maths(lab.) CTPSat Meditation CTP Activity K HouseMeeting BalSabhaSubjectTeachers:

    HindiMrs.S.Parashar EnglishMrs.G.Gupta ScienceMr.V.Bahl

  • S.Sc.Mrs.K.Walia MathsMrs.J.Khanna FITMr.Y.Rastogi SUPWMr.G.Praksah


    a) Theheadlineshouldbecentrealigned (1)b) TheClassTeachersnameshouldspanalongallthecolumnsinthefirstrow. (1)c) Addanotherrowafterthefirstrowtoindicateperiodnumber. (1)d) ThedaynamesshouldbeinItalics. (1)e) Atalltheplacesinthetablewhereasubjectoccurstwiceforconsecutivecolumns,it


    f) Thereshouldbeacolumnafter4thperiodtoaccommodateBREAK. (1)g) ThereshouldbearowforSaturday (1)h) TheSubjectTeacherlistshouldbeabulletedlist. (1)i) PeriodnumbersandBREAKshouldbeinBold. (1)j) Thetableshouldbecentrealigned. (1)

    SECTION B40. This port is generally found in modern PCs and Laptopts. What is the name

    of this port: a. Serial b. Parallel c. USB d. Linear

    41. Afterassemblingacomputersystem,theveryfirstsoftwaretobeinstalledis:a. Anti Virus Software b. Operating System c. Application Software d. Utility Software

    42. AstudentwantstocreateadigitalstoryonthefamousstorylineTheMonkeyandtheWedgefromPanchtantra.Hehasdownloadedalltherequiredimages.Wewantstocreatethestoryusingwatermarks,stylishtext,andnavigationkeyssothatthestorycanbeshowntoabiggroup.Whichofthefollowingtoolsshouldsheuse:a. Word Processor b. Presentation Software c. Spreadsheet Software d. Database Management Software

    43. Whichofthefollowingisnotastoragedevice:a. Memory Card b. Random Access Memory c. Pen Drive d. CD-ROM

    44. Saving an existing document with some other name using Save As option: a. Replaces the current document b. Leaves the current document intact. c. Is not possible d. Closes the document.

  • 45. Keyboard shortcut to italicise the select text is: a. Ctrl + U b. Shift + U c. Ctrl + I d. Shift + I

    46. Suresh wants to right align a picture in a word processing document. Which icon should he click on:





    47. Aashish is an executive in a bank. He was typing the daily transaction report and wanted to copy the selected text. He suddenly realised that the mouse was not working. Suggest how could he select the text without using the mouse a. It is impossible to perform the operation without the mouse b. Use the F5 key c. Use the arrow key while holding down a Ctrl key d. Use the arrow keys while holding down a Shift key.

    48. Anuradha wants to print a document in such a way that the height of the page is less than its width. Help her to select the correct page orientationa. Landscape b. Portrait c. Indent d. Tab setting

    49. In a document we want to change the word Books and want to place the word Copies instead. For this purpose the option to be used is: a. Find b. Find and Replace c. Spell check d. Spelling and grammar check

    50. If we dont select any part of the document and click on the icon to change line spacing, then a. It wont have any effect b. Current sentences line spacing will be changed c. Current paragraphs line spacing will be changed d. Whole documents line spacing will be changed

    51. At one place in a document Siddharth wants to type H2O, but he is not able to get 2 at its proper place. Which option should he use for this purpose: a. Bold b. Superscript c. Underline d. Subscript

    52. Keyboard shortcut for right alignment is: a. Ctrl+R b. Ctrl+A c. Ctrl+E d. Ctrl+T

  • 53. A bulleted list: a. Can be converted to a numbered list b. Cannot be converted to a numbered list c. Is better than a numbered list d. Cannot be printed

    54. Harshul has created a document and now in some parts of the documents text he wants to apply the same type of formatting: Bold, Underline, Font size 14 and color red. He can do it by: a. Using format painter b. Using paint brush c. Using cut copy paste d. Using Windows

    55. Arunita told Arnav that Bold, Italic and Underline buttons are toggles. Arnav was unable to understand its meaning. Can you help Arnav to understand the meaning of toggle by telling him the meaning of toggle.a. One click carries out the operation while the other click undoes it. b. After the first click every click follows the effect of the previous click. c. Every click follows the operation carried out by the first click. d. None of the above.

    56. Kadambari has placed four objects in a document and she wants to ensure that these objects move together when she makes any changes in the document .Which feature will help her to achieve the desired effect. a. Tab stops b. Grouping c. Page Margin d. All of the above.

    57. At one place in a document Renu wants to type x3+8x-2, but she is not able to get 3 at its proper place. Which option should she use for this purpose: a. Bold b. Superscript c. Underline d. Subscript

  • Marking Scheme for class IX (Term I)


    1. Page Border (1 mark for correct answer)


    2. Tables are more suitable for storing and organizing any kind of numerical data. (1 mark for correct answer)


    3. Subscript feature (1 mark for correct answer)


    4. Spelling and Grammar and Thesaurus features (1/2 mark for naming the two features correctly)


    5. formatting Toolbar (1 mark for correct answer)


    6. Format painter/Paintbrush (1 mark for correct answer)


    7. Inserting pictures (1 mark for correct answer)


    8. Right click the mouse on file icon----->Select Rename (1 mark for correct answer)


    9. Right Click (1 mark for correct answer)


    10. Operating system (1 mark for correct answer)


    11. To recycle bin (1 mark for correct answer)


    12. Desktop (1 mark for correct answer)


    13. Insert menu (1 mark for correct answer)


    14. ctrl+U (1 mark for correct answer)


    15. double click on time on task bar---->change the time or

    Open control panel----->Select date and time-->Change the time (1 mark for correct answer)


    16. Selection window (1 mark for correct answer)


    17. Print Preview (1 mark for correct answer)


    18. Barcode Reader (1 mark for the correct answer)


    19. Ms. Menon needs to install the driver software for the new printer. (1 mark for the correct answer)


    20. Flash drive (1 mark for the correct answer)


    21. Encryption is a method of scrambling data in such a way that only the people who have the key to unlock the message can read it.

    (1 mark for the correct definition)


    22. Microphone and Speaker ( mark each for naming the two correct components)


  • 23. Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Tera Byte (1 mark for the correct unit order)


    24. a) Linux b) Disk Defragmentor

    ( mark for naming each correct software/tool)


    25. RAM (1 mark for the correct answer)


    26. Memory Stick (1 mark for the correct answer)


    27. She should use line spacing to increase the distance between lines and should use insert----symbol for pound symbol.

    ( 1 mark each for correct options)


    28. Using s text editor a text document can be created, edited and saved. But with a word processor a text document can be formatted, we can insert charts, tables, pictures and much more.

    ( 1 mark for correct one point of difference)( 1 mark for correct software name)


    29. Word Art and border ( 1 mark each)


    30. Insert Table and merge cells ( 1 mark each)


    31. Main document and data source ( 1 mark each)


    32. Replace (CTRL+H) ( 1 mark each)


    33. Hard Disk, CD ROM, DVD and Pen Drive are Secondary Memory devices. ( mark for naming each device correctly)

    34. a) Billing System

    b) Payroll System (1 mark for identifying each correct software type)

    35. a) UsetheOpenoptionfromoftheFilemenuoruseF3functionkeyandselectthethedocumentnamedFITfromD:\FIT\IX.


    b) UseSaveAsoptionandsavethechangeddocumentwiththenameNewFIT. (1)c) UseFindandReplace(orjustReplace)option. (1)d) InserttheHeaderinthedocumentandputthewordModifiedintheHeader. (1)e) UsetheInsertShapesoption. (1)


    36. a) Left, Centre, and Justify (1) b) Use Insert option. In the Insert menu choose the Clipart or Picture from File (2) c) option as per the requirement.

    (i) Underline the heading. (ii) Backgound color (iii) Insert image (iv) Border (colorful)



    37. a) Insert Picture (1) b) Font Color (1) c) Word Art (1) d) Insert Shape (1) e) Text Box (1)


    38. Withreferencetothefollowingletter,writteninawordprocessor,answerthequestionsthatfollow:


  • ThePrincipal,TheABCSchool,NewDelhi11001.Sub:ConductofclassesforMathOlympiadRespectedSir/Madam,Weareagroupofprofesionalteacherspreparingstudantsforvariouscompetitiveclasses.Ourtrackrecordhasbeenexcellent.WecondctclassesinvariousschoolsinandaroundDelhi.Weshalleelobligedifwegetachancetoconducttheseclassesinyourschoolalso.Thiswillhelpyourstudentsimprovebasicmathematicalskilsalso.Inthisregardweshallliketohaveameetingwithyoutodoscussthedetailedplan.Pleasecontacttheundersignedtofixthemeetingdateandtime.Regards,RajKumarPal,MarketingManager,ExcellentEducationalGroup.Phone:5936365988

    a) (i)SelectthewordSubandmakeitBoldbyclickingtheBoldicon.



    b) Selectthebodyandclickatthejustifyicon. (1)c) Selecttheletterbodyandclickatthelinespacingicon.Fromthelistofoptionschoose


    d) SpellingandGrammar (1)

    39. a) CenterAlign(ORCenterORCenterText). (1)b) MergeCells(ORMerge). (1)c) InsertRowBelow(ORInsertRowORInsertRowAbove). (1)d) Italics (1)e) MergeCells(ORMerge). (1)f) InsertColumnRight(ORInsertColumnORInsertColumnLeft). (1)g) InsertRowBelow(ORInsertRow). (1)h) Bullets. (1)i) Bold. (1)j) CenterAlign(ORCenterORCenterTable). (1)


    40. c 41. b 42. c 43. b 44. b 45. c 46. c 47. d

  • 48. a 49. b 50. c 51. d 52. a 53. a 54. a 55. a 56. b 57. b

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    laLre~ (lEizs"k.kkRede~) 122

    d{kk & uoeh

    (l~dyukReda ewY;k~due~)


    le; % gksjk=k;e~ iw.kkZ~dk% 90


    (i) iz'ui=ks pRokj% [k.Mk% lfUrA [k.M% (d) vifBr&vocks/ue~ & 10 v~dk%

    [k.M% ([k) jpukReda dk;Ze~ & 15 v~dk%

    [k.M% (x) vuqiz;qDrO; & 30 v~dk%

    [k.M% (?k) ifBr&vocks/ue~ & 35 v~dk%

    (ii) losZ iz'uk% vfuok;kZ%A (iii) iz'ukuke~ mkjkf.k [k.Mkuqlkja es.kSo ys[kuh;kfuA (iv) iz'ula[;k vo';a ys[kuh;kA (v) mkjkf.k laLrsu ,o ys[kuh;kfuA

    [k.M%& (d) vifBr&vocks/ue~ 10 v~dk%

    1- v/ksfyf[kre~ vuqPNsna ifBRok iz'ukuke~ mkjkf.k laLrsu fy[kr& 10

    lqdjkr% ;wukuns'kL; izfl% nk'kZfud% vklhr~A ,dnk rL; lehis ,d% HkDr% vkxPNr~

    vi`PNr~ p ^^egkReu~! nhidL; v/% vU/dkj% fdeFkZe~ Hkofr pUnzefl p dya% fdeFk

    Hkofr\** bfrA lqdjkr% izR;onr~ ^^oRl! fda Hkork nhids izdk'k% pUnzefl p 'khryrk u

    n`"Vk\ dsoya r=k vU/dkj% dyad% ,o n`"V%A ,"k% eukso`fknks"k% ,oA ;kn`'kh ;L; Hkkouk Hkofr

    l% r}Lrq rn~Hkkosu ,o i';frA vr% vLekfHk% ln~xq.kk% ,o nz"VO;k% u rq voxq.kk% bfrA**

    vr,o mP;rs ;fn uj% ldkjkRed&n`"V~;k thoue~ ;ki;fr rnk rL; losZ fodkjk% nwjhHkofUrA

    ekuoL; thous lq[knq%[k;ks% rL; ldkjkRed% udkjkRed% p n`f"Vdks.k% ,oA

    izz'uk% &

    I. ,dinsu mkjr %& 4=2

  • Page2of17

    (i) ekuoL; thous lq[knq%[k;ks% fde~\ (ii) vLekfHk% pUnzefl dk nz"VO;k\ (iii) HkDr% dL; lehis vkxPNr~\ (iv) lqdjkr% dL; ns'kL; nk'kZfud% vklhr~\

    II. iw.kZokD;su mkjr %& 12=2

    (i) HkDr% lqdjkre~ fde~ vi`PNr~\ (ii) euq";L; losZ fodkjk% dFka nwjhHkofUr\

    III. vL; vuqPNsnL; rs mfpre~ 'kh"kZde~ fy[krA 2

    IV. iznkfodYisH;% 'kqe~ mkje~ fpRok fy[kr& 14=4

    (i) ^vi`PNr~* bfr f;kinL; dr`Zine~ fde~\ (v) lqdjkr% (c) HkDr%

    (l) nk'kZfud% (n) ,d%

    (ii) ^mifj* bR;L; fda foykseine~ vuqPNsns iz;qDre~\ (v) v/% (c) v|

    (l) uhpS% (n) lehis

    (iii) ^^fdeFkZe~ Hkork nhidL; izdk'k----------** bfr okD;s ^Hkork* bfr loZukeina dLeS iz;qDre~\

    (v) lqdjkrk; (c) nhidk;

    (l) pUnzk; (n) HkDrk;

    (iv) ;kn`'kh bfr inL; fde~ fo'ks";ine~ vuqPNsns iz;qDre~\ (v) eukso`fk% (c) Hkkouk

    (l) oLrq (n) Hkkouk%

    [k.M% ^[k* (jpukReda dk;Ze~) 15 v~dk%

    2- Hkoku~ vfuy%A Hkorka fo|ky;s laLrfHkfkif=kdkizfr;ksfxrk;k% iznf'kZuh vk;ksftrkA

    rf}"k;s Lofe=ka lkSjHka izfr lwp;rk Hkork fyf[krs v/ksfyf[krs i=ks etw"kkr

    fjDrLFkkukfu iwjf;Rok i=ka iqu% mkjiqfLrdk;ka fy[krA 10=5


    (i) -------------------------

    frfFk% -------------------------

  • Page3of17

    fiz; fe=k (ii) -------------------------!

    v=k loZxra dq'kye~ vfLrA Hkor% fo|ky;s vk;ksftrk;k% (iii) ------------------------- fo"k;s ifBRok ee eufl egku~ vkuUn% tkr%A vfLeu~ l=ks v=k jpukReddk;ZL; vUrxZrs (iv) ------------

    ------------- iznf'kZuh vk;kstf;";rsA lokZfHk% d{kkfHk% LoLod{ks"kq laLrfHkfkif=kdk.kka (v) ----------

    --------------- Hkfo";frA rL;k% rs if=kdk;k% (vi) ------------------------- vfi vko';de~

    vklhr~A Nk=kk% ,o r=k lEikndk% Hkfo";fUrA vLekda (vii) ------------------------- uke laLrih;w"ke~ bfr vfLrA vgeso vL;k% lEiknd% fu;qDr%A laLrfnolL; voljs vL;k% mn~?kkVua Hkfo";frA

    Hkoku~ vfi (viii) ------------------------- vLekda dk;Z p i';rqA

    'ks"ka iqu% fuosnf;";kfeA

    Lofi=kks% lsok;ke~ ee (ix) ------------------------- fuosn;rqA

    Hkorke~ vfHkUua fe=ke~

    (x) -------------------------

    etw"kk 3- etw"kk;ka iznk'kCnkuka lgk;r;k fp=ka n`"V~ok ipokD;kfu laLrsu fy[krA 25=10


    laLrfHkfkif=kdk;k%] fp=ko.kZuizfr;ksfxrk;k%] gfj}kjr%] izn'kZua] ukEu%

    lkSjHk] vfuy%] if=kdk;k%] vkxPNrq] vfHkoknue~

    cl;kue~] dkj;kukfu] LdwVj;kusu] esVks;kue~] LrEHkk%] tuk%] okgukfu] o`{kk% mifj]

    v/% i`"Bs] lfUr] pyfr] xPNfUr] ekxZ% lsrks% rhozxR;k] 'kh?kze~] fo|qRLrEHkk%

  • Page4of17


    ^^etw"kk;ka iznk'kCnkuke~ lgk;r;k ^^tyiznw"** bfr fo"k;e~ vf/R; ipokD;kfu laLrsu

    fy[krA 25=10


    [k.M% ^x* (vuqiz;qDrO; 30 v~dk% 4- (i) v;a o.kZ% roxsZ ukfLr& 14=4

    (v) Fk~ (c) n~

    (l) / (n) ?k

    (ii) vL; mPpkj.kLFkkue~ rkyq ukfLr& (v) b (c) ;~ (l) p~ (n) r~

    (iii) mfpre~ o.kZe~ fpRok o.kZfo;kstus fjDrLFkkuiwfr dq#r& o`{kLFk%& o~ d~ --------------------- v l~ Fk~ v%

    (v) 'k~ (c) "k~

    (l) {k~ (n) l~

    (iv) mfpre~ o.kZla;kstue~ fpuqr& o~ b n~ ;~ vk y~ v ;~ v%

    (v) fo/ky;% (c) fo|ky;%

    (l) fo|ky; (n) fo;ky;

    5- v/ksfyf[krokD;s"kq js[kkf~drinkuka leqfpra lfU/a foPNsna ok iznkfodYisH;% fpRok

    fy[kr& 10=5

    (i) f'k";% v;;u + vFkZe~ xq#e~ izfr xPNfrA (v) v;;uFkZe~ (c) v;;uFkZe

    (l) v;;ukFkZe~ (n) v;;ujFke~

    (ii) uj% ip + bfUnz;kf.k o'ka dq;kZr~A (v) ipsfUnz;kf.k (c) ipsUnzh;kf.k

    (l) ipSfUnz;kf.k (n) ipkfUnz;kf.k

    vodja] unh"kq] tuk%] dk;Z'kkykH;% nwf"kre~] eye~] f{kifUr] LoPNe~] {kky;fUr]

    oL=kkf.k] iwtk&lkexzh] iq"ikf.k] ukfydkekxsZ.k] tk;Urs] jksxk%] HkofUr] #X.kk%] ihRok]

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    (iii) iq=ke~ n`"V~ok ekrk mr~ + yflrk tkrkA (v) mRyflrk (c) mUyflrk

    (l) mYyflrk (n) mn~yflrk

    (iv) laxhrjfgre~ thoue~ uhjle~ izrh;rsA (v) uh + jle~ (c) fu + jle~ (l) fuj + jle~ (n) fuj~ + jle~ (v) izR;ssde~ dk;Ze~ fopk;Z ,o dkZO;e~A (v) izfr + ,sde~ (c) izfr + ,de~ (l) izrh + ,de~ (n) izfr% + ,de~ (vi) gkL;a thous egkS"kf/% bo HkofrA (v) egk + vks"kf/% (c) eg + vkS"kf/% (l) eg~ + vkS"kf/ (n) egr + vks"kf/% (vii) okd~ + bZ'k% ifjJes.k dk;Ze~ djksfrA (v) okdh'k% (c) oknh'k%

    (l) okxh'k% (n) okfx'k%

    (viii) ,rfPp=ke~ d{ks 'kksHkrsA (v) ,rr~ + fp=ke~ (c) ,rp~+ fp=ke~ (l) ,rr + fp=ke~ (n) ,re~ + fp=ke~ (ix) rkon~ Hkfo";kfe vu;ks% + fo/s;%A (v) vu;ksfoZ/s;% (c) vu;ksohZ/s;%

    (l) vu;ksZfo/s;% (n) vu;ksfo/s;%

    (x) Hkjr% vonr~ ^^vuqx`ghrksfLe**A (v) vuqx`ghr + vfLe (c) vuqx`ghr% + vfLe (l) vuqx`ghrks + fLe (n) vuqx`ghrk + vfLeA

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    6- mfpr'kCn:ikf.k fpRok fjDrLFkkukfu iwj;r& 10=5

    (i) ,"k% ------------------------------- ofl"BL; vkJe% vfLrA (v) eqfu% (c) equ;%

    (l) equs (n) equs%

    (ii) vkJes --------------------------------- fgalk fuf"kkA (v) i'kwuke% (c) i'kquke~

    (l) i'kwuke~ (n) i'kwuke

    (iii) 'khyk --------------------------------- ys[ke~ fy[kfrA (v) if=kdka (c) if=kd;k (l) if=kdk;ke~ (n) if=kdk

    (iv) m|kus lqUnjkf.k -------------------------------- lfUrA (v) iq"ikfu (c) iq" (l) iq"iS% (n) iq"ikf.k

    (v) --------------------------- ckfydk;k% ekrk f'kf{kdk vfLrA (v) vL; (c) vL;k% (l) vL;% (n) vL;k

    (vi) jkek;.kL; -------------------------------- uke egf"kZ% okYehfd%A (v) jpf;rk (c) jpf;=kk (l) jpf;rq% (n) jpf;rq

    (vii) foosd% uofr% ------------------------------------ izkI; mkh.kZ% tkr%A (v) vku~ (c) vku (l) vS% (n) vkfu

    (viii) fo}kal% ------------------------------------- oUnuke~ dqoZfUrA (v) ljLorh (c) ljLorhe~ (l) ljLoR;k% (n) ljLoR;k

    (ix) ro x`gs cgwfu --------------------------------- lfUrA (v) oLrquh (c) oLrqfu (l) oLrq (n) oLrwfu

    (x) egksn;! -------------------------------- izkFkZuki=ke~ LohdjksrqA (v) vge~ (c) ee~ (l) ee (n) eke~

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    7- mfpr/krq:ikf.k fpRok fjDr&LFkkukfu iwj;r& 10=5 (i) vLekde~ d{kk;ke~ f=ka'kr~ Nk=kk% ------------------------A

    (v) vfLr (c) lfUr

    (l) lfUr% (n) lUrh

    (ii) g~;% o;e~ ^vfHkKku'kkdqUrye~* bfr ukVde~ ---------------------------A (v) viBe~ (c) viBke

    (l) viBke~ (n) iBke%

    (iii) xzh"ekodk'ks ee firk vLeku~ fgekpy&izns'ks -----------------------A (v) us";kfe (c) us";fUr

    (l) us";fr (n) us";fl

    (iv) ;s tuk% o`ku~ lsfo";Urs] rs ,o Hkfo";s ;'k% -------------------------A (v) yHkrs (c) yHkUrs

    (l) vyHkUr (n) yIL;Urs

    (v) gs fHk{kqd! Roe~ fdeFkZe~ --------------------------\ fdefi dk; dq#A (v) ;kprs (c) ;kps

    (l) ;kpls (n) ;kpS

    (vi) ;% pyfp=ke~ n`"V~ok ckyk% ---------------------------A (v) veksnr (c) veksnUr

    (l) veksnoe~ (n) veksnkegs

    (vii) vge~ Loekrje~ ----------------------------------A (v) lsfo";s (c) lsfo";rs

    (l) lsfo";ls (n) lsfo";kegs

    (viii) xrlIrkgs Roe~ Lok;k;a u -------------------------A (v) vdjksr~ (c) dfj";fl

    (l) vdjks% (n) djksf"k

    (ix) losZ Nk=kk% izkr% fo|ky;e~ xRok Loxq#e~ ---------------------------A (v) uaL;fr (c) uaL;Fk

    (l) uaL;ke% (n) uaL;fUr

    (x) Hkks ckfydk%! ;w;e~ ikd'kkyk;ke~ vksnue~ -------------------------------A (v) ipfUr (c) ipFk

    (l) ipFk% (n) ipke%

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    8- etw"kkr% mfprkfu inkfu fpRok v/ksfyf[krs vuqPNsns fjDrLFkkukfu iwjf;Rok vuqPNsna

    iqu% fy[kr& 15=5

    ,d% ckyd% m|kus (i) v/% hMfr LeA lglk izp.M% ok;q% vpyr~A (ii) ifjr% ok;qe.Mya /wfy/wlfjre~ vHkor~A nh?kkZ% 'kk[kk% (iii)

    mifj viru~A ckyd% mPpS% O;yir~A (iv) dq'ky%

    ,d% Lo;alsod% r=k vkxR; ckyde~ vj{kr~A ,rLeS ijksidkfj.ks Lo;alsodk; (v)



    9- (d) v/ksfyf[krokD;s"kq dks"Bds iznkkS izfrizR;;kS la;ksT; fjDrLFkkuiwfr Rok okD;kfu

    iqu% fy[kr& 13=3

    (i) okuj% o`{ke~ ---------------------------- dwnZrsA (vk + #g~ + Y;i~) (ii) Hkkstue~ ---------------------------- tuk% HkzefUrA ([kkn~ + DRok) (iii) lka;dkys ckyk% ---------------------------- m|kus xPNfUrA (hM~ + rqequ~)

    ([k) v/ksfyf[krokD;s"kq js[kkfrinkuka izfrizR;;kS i`FkD~R; fy[krA 13=3

    (i) jes'k% izfrfnue~ vEcke~ iz.kE; fo|ky;e~ xPNfrA (iz -----------------------) (ii) ckyd% nqX/e~ ihRok LofifrA (----------------------- DRok) (iii) HkDrk% jkedFkke~ Jksrqe~ nsoky;e~ xPNfUrA (----------------------- rqequ~)

    [k.M%& ^?k* (ifBr&vocks/ue~) 35 v~dk%

    10- v/ksfyf[kra x|ka'ka i|ka'ka ukV~;ka'ka p ifBRok iznkiz'ukuke~ mkjkf.k laLrsu fy[krA

    (v) x|ka'k%

    eg"ksZ% vk#.ks% iq=k% 'osrdsrq% vklhr~A }kn'ko"khZ;a ra iq=ka firk vk#f.k% mokp gs

    'osrdsrks! xq#a izfr xPN v;;ukFk ;r% lkSE;! vLeRdqyhu% vu/hR; u Hkofr bfrA l% iq=k%

    vkpk;Ze~ misR; ;kor~ prqfo'kfro"kZ% vHkor~ rkor~ l% lokZu~ osnku~ lkFkkZu~ v/hR; firq%

    ldk'ke~ vkxPNr~A l% p ^loZJs"B% vge~* bfr eU;eku% mrLoHkko% vHkor~A


    I. ,dinsu mkjrA 2=1

    m|kue~] ue%] o`{kk.kke~] j{kkdk;sZ] ckydL;

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    (i) 'osrdsrq% vkpk;Ze~ misR; fde~ v/hroku~\ (ii) v;;ua Rok d% mrLoHkko% vHkor~\

    II. iw.kZokD;su mkjr 21=2

    (i) 'osrdsrq% dfro"khZ;% HkwRok firq% ldk'ke~ vkxPNr~\

    III. mfpre~ mkje~ fpRok fy[kr& 2 (i) ^v/hR;* bfr inL; fde~ foykseine~ x|ka'ks iz;qDre~\

    (v) lkFkkZu~ (c) vu/hR;

    (l) misR; (n) mn~/r%

    (ii) lkFkkZu~ bfr inL; vuqPNsns fo'ks";ine~ fde~\

    (v) xzUFkku~ (c) vkpk;kZu~

    (l) lokZu~ (n) osnku~

    (vk) i|ka'k%&

    dk"BknfXutkZ;rs eF;ekukn~

    HkwfeLrks;a [kU;ekuk nnkfrA

    lksRlkgkuka ukLR;lk;a ujk.kka

    ekxkZjC/k% loZ;Ruk% iQyfUrAA


    I. ,dinsu mkjrA 2=1 (i) dhn`'kka ujk.kka rs fdefi vlk;a ukfLr\ (ii) dhn`'kk% ;Ruk% IkQyfUrA

    II. iw.kZokD;su mkjrA 21=2

    vfXu% dhn`'kkr~ dk"Bkr~ tk;rs\

    III. mfpre~ mkje~ fpRok fy[kr& 12=2

    (i) ^iQyfUr* bfr f;kinL; dr`Zine~ fde~\ (v) vfXu% (c) Hkwfe%

    (l) ekxkZjC/k% (n) loZ;Ruk%

    (ii) ^tye~* bfr inL; i;kZ;ine~ i|ka'ks fde~ vfLr\ (v) rks;e~ (c) okfj

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    (l) vEcqne~ (n) lfyye~

    (b) ukV~;ka'k%&

    jke% es 'kkfirks u ifjj{kfl psr~ LojkT;e~A

    Hkjr% gUr! vuqkje~ vfHkfgre~A Hkorq] le;r% rs jkT;a ifjiky;kfeA

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