Page 1: Summary for rough edit two idiots and a lady

Becky Doyle

I have put together a rough edit for my short film Two Idiots and a Lady, and posted it on my channel on YouTube. At the moment it is not finished because we still have one more scene to film, which will take hopefully one more day of filming. Watching the rough edit back it’s clear to see that our group needs to do some reshoots of a few shots because of the lighting, exposure or irrelevant things in shots such as bags and coats. In the opening scene, we see Jenny and George walking down the path, but it is out of focus and therefore needs a reshoot.

You can see where the trees begin at the back and they are really blurred, so when we go to reshoot this, myself as the person who is operating the camera, needs to check the controls and settings on the camera to ensure this doesn’t happen again. I also need to add length to the edit as right now it is relatively short for a short film, and would be miles better if it was longer.

I think based on our genre; it’s hard for us not to have a very short film, because although we have used a hell of a lot of shots, we have to edit them so they are quick and not too long winded. So we are at a disadvantage in that respect. I also noticed the lack of continuity that takes place and in the final edit ill correct this as best as I can. To see how they would look, I have already added some video transitions to smooth out the end of some shots so it can smoothly open the next. It looks really good and it is very likely that I am going to keep these transitions in there when creating my final edit of the film. On these print screens, you can see how the transition smoothly changes to the next shot by covering the jump there was. It fades to black, then fades out in the shot and it also create the look that time has passed or as if they are ‘Well meanwhile…’, and I think it works really well.

Page 2: Summary for rough edit two idiots and a lady

Becky Doyle

Page 3: Summary for rough edit two idiots and a lady

Becky Doyle

On the timeline where all my shots are, this is what the transition looks like when placed at the end of a shot. As well as needing to edit the rest of the film together once it is filmed, the final edit will be a transformed piece of work. I am going to be adding aging effects to it and also making it black and white to really represent the 1920’s and 1930’s sort of look. Aging effects will include contrast, a grainy effect and flickering film would also work great. If you think it doesn’t look that good now it’s because it doesn’t have the finishing touches of the effects.

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