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(1) Accept; Do not accept drugs from anyone.

Except.. All except Ali were present there.

(2) Alter.. Alter your ways.

Altar.. A lamb was taken to the altar.

(3) Adopt.. He adopted Ali.

Adept.. He is an adept in cooking.

(4) Accede; I accede to all your demands.

Exceed; Do not exceed the limits.

(5) Access; I have no access to the headmaster.

Excess; Excess of everything is bad.

(6) Angle; Change lies in angles.

Angel; Angels are very powerful.

(7) Addition; Sometimes addition becomes impossible.

Edition; First edition is always the best.

(8) Advise; I advise you to work hard.

Advice; My advice fell flat upon him.

(9) Affect; Cold affects the crops.

Effect; Fine weather has a good effect on his health.

(10) Amiable; The truth is always amiable.

Amicable; Every relation cannot be amicable.

(11) Accident; It was a terrible accident.

Incident; Incidents point out fate.

(12) Ascend; I can ascend the camel.

Descend; When mind descends soul ascends.

(13) Bail; Truth needs no bail.

Bail; I bought two bails of cotton.

(14) Ballot; Ballot is the need of honesty.

Bullet; Where bullet fails, ballot inhales.

(15) Beach; We visited Clifton Beach.

Beech; Beech is a beautiful tree.

(16) Bear; He can bear his loss.

Beer; Do not drink beer.

(17) Berth; He was lying on the berth.

Birth; What is your date of birth?

(18) Beside; He is sitting beside me.

Besides; This sum is besides your pay.

(19) Between; There is enmity between Ali and Ahmad.

Among; He was sitting among the beggars.

(20) Block; It is a very heavy block.

Bloc; Bloc of truth is always little.

(21) Born; He was born in a town.

Borne; Truth is always borne by the poor.

(22) Bow; Always bow before God.

Bough; A bough was broken in the storm.

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(23) Brake; Progress knows no brake.

Break; Do not break if you cannot make.

(24) Bridal; She was wearing her bridal dress.

Bridle; Bridle is to drive a horse.

(25) Calendar; We follow the Hijri calendar.

Calender; A calendar is to press the cloth.

(26) Canon; Power knows no canon.

Cannon; Cannon is no more useful now.

(27) Canvas; My shoes are of canvas.

Canvass; Please canvass for me.

(28) Cast; I do not want to cast my vote.

Caste; He is a jot by caste.

(29) Casual; Nothing is casual in these days.

Causal; He is causal to all this wrong.

(30) Cease; Truth can never cease.

Seize; He will seize the lost values.

(31) Cell; The prisoner was put into a dark cell.

Sell; I do not want to sell my car.

(32) Check; Please check my account.

Cheque; He got his fees in cheque.

(33) Childish; I praise your childish thoughts.

Childlike; We like her childlike ways.

(34) Cite; He cited some verses from the Holy Quran.

Sight; It was a very beautiful sight.

(35) Clock; He sold his wall clock.

Cloak; He was wearing a cloak.

(36) Cloth; His brother runs a cloth shop.

Clothe; I wear simple clothes.

(37) Coarse; This cloth is coarse.

Course; New English course is easy.

(38) Cold; It was very cold yesterday.

Cool; A cool breeze is blowing.

(39) Coma; He is in the state of coma.

Comma; There is no comma in this sentence.

(40) Command; He commanded our army in 1965.

Commend; I commend my teacher.

(41) Corpse; They took the corpse for postmortem.

Corps; I work in army medical corps.

(42) Counsil; He is a member of local counsil.

Counsel; We prefer his counsel to all others.

(43) Dairy; I work in a dairy farm.

Diary; Diary is but a written thinking.

(44) Dear; Pakistan is dear to us.

Deer; A deer is a beautiful animal.

(45) Diseased; He looks diseased.

Deceased; The deceased was buried at noon.

(46) Deflate; The tyre was deflated.

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Inflate; Every hope inflates our morale.

(47) Defy; Do not defy religious practices.

Deify; The Greeks deify their heroes.

(48) Dew; Dew drops shine in the morning sun.

Due; He could not come due to fever.

(49) Die; He may die for his country.

Dye; She will dye her dress red.

(50) Doze; Do not doze in the class.

Dose; Take this dose of medicine.

(51) Drought; The drought caused a great loss.

Draught; Just few draughts of water made me fresh.

(52) Dual; He is a person of dual nature.

Duel ; They will fight a duel.

(53) Elder ; Is he your elder brother?

Older; He is five year older than I.

(54) Eminent; Iqbal was an eminent poet.

Imminent; An atomic war seems imminent.

(55) Empire; Hazrat Umar (RA) ruled over a vast empire.

Umpire; He is a famous cricket umpire.

(56) Essay; I wrote an essay on drugs.

Assay; We will assay to find a new shelter.

(57) Fair; She has a fair colour.

Fare; I can pay your fare to Lahore.

(58) Farm; He works on his farm.

Form; Form nouns from these verbs.

(59) Farther; We traveled farther to his house.

Further; Can you want to say anything further?

(60) Feet; I have two feet.

Feat; I saw many feats in the circus.

(61) Fiction; I like Urdu fiction.

Faction; A faction was against the reforms.

(62) Find; The thirsty crow did not find water.

Fined; He was fined for 4 rupees for coming late.

(63) Flour; Flour is cheaper than bread.

Floor; This floor is broken.

(64) Former; Ali and Adil are friends. The former is a doctor.

Farmer; His father is a farmer.

(65) Forward; He did not look forward and ran into a bus.

Foreword; This foreword is based on lies.

(66) Foul; Do not play foul in your game.

Fowl; I aimed at a fowl and fired.

(67) Funeral; I attended the funeral of his father.

Funereal; She was wearing funereal dress.

(68) Gamble; He gambles on matches.

Gambol; Children gambol in streets.

(69) Gate; Our school has a main gate.

Gait; Her gait is graceful.

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(70) Glass; We have glass cups.

Gloss; The gloss in the surface of water was disturbing.

(71) Great; Iqbal was a great poet.

Grate; He was sitting near the grate.

(72) Guilt; He accepted his guilt.

Gilt; The furniture of the room was gilted.

(73) Hail; It does not hail in summer.

Hale; He is quite hale and hearty.

(74) Hair; My hair is grey.

Heir; We are heir to ignorance.

(75) Heard; I heard a rumour this morning.

Herd; He has a herd of sheep.

(76) Heel; His heel was wounded.

Heal; His wound will heal soon.

(77) Hew; I shall hew this tree in an hour.

Hue; She was wearing clothes of red hue.

(78) Hoard; Do not hoard any crop.

Horde; They are a horde of thieves.

(79) Hole; Rats live in holes.

Whole; I have read the whole story.

(80) Human; Human brain is vaster than computer.

Humane; Her manners are quite humane.

(81) Idol; The Hindus worship idols.

Idle; Ahmad is an idle boy.

(82) Illegible; His handwriting is illegible.

Eligible; He is eligible for this post.

(83) Impossible; It is never impossible to excuse.

Impassable; This road is impassable.

(84) Industrial; Faisalabad is an industrial city.

Industrious; He is an industrious student.

(85) Later; He went to a party and later to the playground.

Latter; Ali and Adnan are friends. The latter is a teacher.

(86) Lesson; I shall teach you a lesson.

Lessen; Try to lessen your weight.

(87) Liar; Go to hell with all the liars.

Lawyer; He is a lawyer by profession.

(88) Lose; Do not lose courage.

Loose; Loose dress suits him.

(89) Mail; This letter came by the evening mail.

Male; The male members earn for their family.

(90) Minor; It is a minor mistake.

Miner; He is a miner by profession.

(91) Marry; He will marry Nazia.

Merry; Let us make merry.

(92) Mean; His friend is a mean fellow.

Mien; She posses a pleasant mien.

(93) Meat; I like meat.

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Meet; He wants to meet her alone.

(94) Message; Iqbal,s poetry is a message of hope.

Massage; He is used to massage his body.

(95) Metal; Gold is a precious metal.

Mettle; He is a man of mettle.

(96) Medal; He won a gold medal in the race.

Meddle; Do not meddle my affairs.

(97) Moral; We must follow moral values.

Morale; Our army keeps a high morale.

(98) Naughty; Ali is a naughty boy.

Knotty; It is very knotty problem.

(99) Oar; He has a single oar boat.

Ore; I purchased a lot of iron ore.

(100) Pale; He turned pale with fear.

Pail; Please bring a pail of water.

(101) Pain; I am feeling pain in my arm.

Pane; She was sitting beside a window pane.

(102) Petrol; Petrol is very costly these days.

Patrol; The police patrols the area at night.

(103) Plain; This field lokks like a plain.

Plane; This surface is plane.

(104) Popular; He is a popular poet.

Populous; Lahore is a populous city.

(105) Pour; Pour some water in the glass.

Pore; Every pore is a little nose.

(106) Pray; Let us pray to God for the rain.

Prey; Eagle is a bird of prey.

(107) Principal; Our principal is a kind man.

Principle; He is very strict to his principles.

(108) Profit; The profit in writing books is nill.

Prophet; Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet of Allah.

(109) Quiet; Keep quiet please.

Quite; He is quite foolish.

(110) Rain; I enjoy the rain at night.

Reign; The reign of Akbar was not so good.

(111) Right; We must fight for our rights.

Rite; Some rites are quite useless.

(112) Ring; The peon rings the bell.

Wring; Can you wring these clothes?

(113) Roll; The teacher called our roll.

Role; He played the role of a king.

(114) Root; The plants get water through roots.

Route; The buses run on their respective routes.

(115) Sale; This car is for sale.

Sail; The sail of the ship was torn.

(116) Seem; She seems happy today.

Seam; The seam of the ball has come off.

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(117) Seen; I had seen him earlier.

Scene; It was a beautiful scene.

(118) Sheer; It was his sheer carelessness.

Shear; He can shear the wool.

(119) Soar; A kite can soar in the sky.

Sore; I have a sore throat.

(120) Sole; The sole of my shoe is damaged.

Soul; Nobody has seen a soul.

(121) Soot; There is a lot of soot in the chimney.

Suit; Blue colour suits you.

(122) Stair; He was sitting in the stairs.

Stare; Do not stare at others.

(123) Stationary; The sun is stationary.

Stationery; He runs a stationery shop.

(124) Story; It is an interesting story.

Storey; I live in the top storey of this house.

(125) Tail; The cow has a long tail.

Tale; He told me a fairy tale.

(126) Team; Our team won the match easily.

Teem; This pond is teem of ducks.

(127) Tire; He got tired of walking.

Tyre; The tyre of the bus got punctured.

(128) Urban; We live in an urban area.

Urbane; His manners are urbane.

(129) Vacation; Our school is closing for summer vacation.

Vocation; He could not adjust himself in any vocation.

(130) Vain; He tried very hard but in vain.

Vein; The veins in her hands are quite clear.

(131) Vale; Hunza is a beautiful vale.

Veil; She wears a black veil.

(132) Waist; Her waist is quite slender.

Waste; Do not waste your time.

(133) Wait; Please wait for me.

Weight; Try to lose your weight.

(134) Way; O Allah show me the straight way.

Weigh; Weigh this flour sack.

(135) Weak; I am weak in English.

Week; A week has seven days.

(136) Whether; Whether you like or not I must go there.

Weather; The weather is very fine today.

(137) Wine; I strongly dislike to drink wine.

Vine; The vine was hanging down with grapes.

(138) Yoke; The yoke was quite heavy.

Yolk; I like the yolk of an egg.

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