
Suggestions For Creating A Brighter And Happier Smile

Your smile is something everyone notices, so stained teeth are something you don't want to

have to worry about. It can be very confusing to know which whitening products work best to

help remove those stubborn stains. In the following paragraphs, you'll find advice that will

help you get the white teeth you desire.

When using home whitening products, follow the directions, if they say to start with clean

teeth, than do it. Unlike a hair dye that works slightly better on dirty hair, teeth whiteners work

more effectively on clean teeth. When you whiten dirty teeth, you may create an uneven

shade, so prior to whitening try brushing and flossing away obstacles.

One of the things that you can do in order to get whiter teeth is to drink through a straw. If

you use a straw, the liquid is less likely to come in contact with the surface of your teeth. The

liquid is forced to go straight down your throat so it bypasses your teeth.

If you eat fruits and vegetables containing a crunch, they are great for teeth whitening. They

are considered abrasive so they help remove the surface stains that are on your teeth.

Celery, apples, and carrots are some crunchy foods that help keep your teeth white.

Mouthwash freshens your breath and kills the germs that can cause gingivitis; however,

some forms of mouthwash can discolor your teeth. To keep your teeth-whitening progress on

track if you continue using mouthwash, pick a brand that is gentle and does not have bright


Using a teeth whitening mouthwash daily can help you achieve the results you need. It might

take some months to see whiter teeth with mouthwashes, but they are indeed helpful.

Hydrogen peroxide, which helps to whiten teeth is the active ingredient in the mouthwashes

Use mouthwash twice a day for thirty seconds or so.

To help maintain a beautiful, sparkly smile, you need to make certain your teeth are brushed

regularly. Your teeth can be stained by food and beverages, causing lingering discolorations.

Brushing your teeth daily, if not more often, is the top thing you can do to reduce


Choosing a good shade of lipstick can make your teeth appear whiter. Red lipsticks will make

discolored teeth look even darker. Teeth with an off-white or yellow tinge may benefit from

pink or nude shades of lipstick.

Give up smoking for good. Smoking will stain to your teeth, besides being unhealthy. Yellow

teeth is an easily noticeable sign that a person smokes. Having a white smile while you are

smoking can be very hard. Try cutting back as much as possible and stopping completely.

Tooth whitening will not have any effect on your crowns. Your teeth will be whitened by

whitening products, but the crowns will remain the same color. Keep this in mind to save

yourself from having two-toned teeth and crowns.

You may want to have your dentist perform your teeth whitening if you have bad staining.

Though the price tag will be higher for whitening at a dentist office, you may find that you are

more satisfied with the results and the decreased time it takes to get them.

If you are a smoker then the first thing you should do is stop smoking. cease by whiten teeth

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