  • 7/31/2019 Suggestion for Malaysian government: 5 Effective Ways of Sustaining Energy Resources







    SULAIM B AB QAIS 2008289426

    ADIB MUSTAFA B OTHMAN 2008298358

    AMIR AFIQ B ABD HALIM 2008298388




  • 7/31/2019 Suggestion for Malaysian government: 5 Effective Ways of Sustaining Energy Resources


    Reseach the major


    Reseach on new technology

    test applicablity in Malaysia

    and compare effectiveness


    5 practical and most effective ways in sustaining energy resources in

    Malaysia regarding ethical and new technology usage

    Abstract-This paper proposed the most effective ways for Malaysian to overcome thescarcity of energy resources through behavior and technology usage. The solution

    consist of (1) generating energy at power plant, (2) using low power equipments, (3)using sophisticated system, (4) motor vehicle fuel and (5) behavior and regulations.


    Inadequate energy resources are now almost universally accepted as a seriousproblemcaused by human activity, mainly burning fossil fuels that demands strongremedial action as soon as possible. Scarcityof energy resources is related to (1) thetype of resources been used, (2) users consumption toward energy and (3) efficiency ofdevices. Solution for saving these resources had been proposed yet it is impractical and

    lack of effectiveness.

    When people are faced with a laundry list of advice, they may feel confused andoverwhelmed, and consequently take no action, or they may carry out one or twoactions probably the easiest to remember and perform. However, the behaviors that areeasiest to remember and perform, for example, turning out lights when leaving rooms,tend to have minimal impact on climate change. Thus, long and unranked lists ofbehaviors are likely to be ineffective at best and may even be counterproductive, if theylead people to feel satisfied that they have done their part after accomplishing very little.


    The methodology of this research is based on recenttechnology on energyconsumptionand behavior toward how much energy can be saved. Then the solution isstudyon how practical in Malaysia.

  • 7/31/2019 Suggestion for Malaysian government: 5 Effective Ways of Sustaining Energy Resources



    World primary energy demand is projected in the reference scenario to expand byalmost 60% from 2002 to 2030, an average annual increase of 1.7% per year. Demandwill reach 16.5 billion tons of oil equivalents(toe) compared to 10.3 billion toes in 2002.

    The projectedrateof growth is, nevertheless, slower thanover the past three decades,when demand grew by 2%per year. On the other hand, fossil fuels will continuetodominate global energy use. They will account foraround 85% of the increase in worldprimary demandover 20022030. And their share in total demand willincrease slightly,from 80% in 2002 to 82% in 2030.In Malaysia, during the period from 20002008energy consumption per capita increased. Electricity consumption per capita now isabout 3,412 kWh per year, significantly higher than mostdeveloping countries, but stillbelow the average in developed countries. This is projected to more than double toreach 7,571 kWh/person in 2030 at an average rate of 3.14 % p.a.Solar power is a typeof energy with great futurepotential-even though at presents it covers merely aminor

    portion of global energy demands (0.05% of thetotal primary energy supply); at themoment PV powergenerates less than 1% of total electricity supply. Thisis due tosolarpower still being considered the mostexpensive type of renewable energies. However,in remote regions of the earth it may very well constitutetodays best solution for adecentralized energy supply(EREC, 2005; ECTIF, 2006).From the data that we gain theproposed ways in sustaining energy resource does not implement yet.For example, thesolar generative energy for Malaysia only taken less than 1% of the total power supply.Thus, major changes should be made to encounter the scarcity of energy resources.

  • 7/31/2019 Suggestion for Malaysian government: 5 Effective Ways of Sustaining Energy Resources



    1. Energy technology generation : Power Generation using CIGS Nano Solar Panel:

    The conventional solar panel that are implement today are less practical because

    having high cost for the energy generated. Moreover need larger space forproducing enough power to the whole country. Nano solar engineered to reducetotal-system cost; the product is electrically and mechanically optimized for utility-scale solar power systems: Electrically capable of supporting more than 6 Amps (A)of current, the Nanosolar Utility Panel is one of the industrys highest-current thin-film panels. It is also the industrys first photovoltaic panel certified by TV for asystem voltage of 1,500V. High current and system voltage enable longer panelarrays, resulting in a host of cost savings during installation. Mechanically, the dual-tempered glass/glass package used for the Nanosolar Utility Panel is stronger thanconventional thin-film-on-glass panels, delivering almost twice the mounting span,

    and requiring less mounting hardware. The Nanosolar Utility Panel meets andexceeds all tests required by applicable IEC and UL standards, including separatecertification of the Nanosolar Edge Connector. State-of-the-art robotic automation isused to assemble the Nanosolar Utility Panel in a factory near Berlin, Germany,delivering the highest degree of quality. The panels unique features and benefits

    include the following:

    a) High-Power Panel for Faster Deployment

    At power ratings ranging from 160W to 220W, the Nanosolar Utility Panel has

    up to three times more power per panel than conventional thin-film panels.More power per panel simplifies industrial-scale deployment.

    b) Mechanically Strong Package for Wide-Span Mounting

    Conventional thin-film-on-glass panel manufacturers deposit the solar-cellstack of thin films directly onto a glass pane, which also offers protection fromthe outside environment. Nanosolar produces individual foil cells, sorts theminto electrically matched circuits, and assembles these circuits into a panel.By utilizing sorted-cell assembly, Nanosolargains a panel assembly yield

    advantage and broad flexibility in terms of panel size, form factor andpackage style. The Nanosolar Utility Panel uses tempered glass on both thefront and back of its glass/glass package. Note that the use of two temperedglass panes is not possible for producers of thin-film-on-glass panels,because high-temperature cell production process steps lead to de-tempering. The use of dually tempered glass panes with foil cells in betweencreates a package of significant mechanical strength. Tempered glass has

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    strength of 120MPa, three times stronger than regular glass. The resultingsystem benefit is that it enables wide-span mounting, which reduces the costof mounting materials and labor.

    c) High-Current, High-System-Voltage Design for Utility-Scale Panel Arrays

    With capacity to generate currents of 6-7 Amps, the Nanosolar Utility Panel isone of the highest-current thin-film panels in the industry, and the firstphotovoltaic panel certified by TV for a system voltage of 1500V. Once astring of panels reaches the system voltage, a DC cable home run is

    required to carry the power to an inverter. If the panels current is low, as isthe case with many thin-film-on-glass products, the system voltage is reachedwith fewer panels, requiring more DC cabling home runs for the same amountof installed power. The electrical characteristics of a panel combined with itsphysical length determine the panel string length, the maximum length per

    row of panels that can be wired in series before a home run is required. TheNanosolar Utility Panel supports a panel string length of 64m, several timeslonger than leading thin-film panels currently in use for large-scale groundinstallations. In utility-scale systems, where distances are vast, a longer panelstring substantially reduces cabling requirements.

    Table 1: Comparison between nano solar and conventional thin film solar panel.

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    2. Equipment's technology : Using LED bulb

    Incandescent bulbs are the least efficient than others modern types of light bulbs,with only 10% of the energy they use to produce visible light and other 90% areconverted into heat. The electricity used over the lifetime of a single incandescent

    bulb costs 5 to 10 times the original purchase price of the bulb itself [8].LED light bulbs use only 2-17 watts of electricity (1/3rd to 1/30th of Incandescent orCFL). LED bulbs used in fixtures inside the home save electricity, and themaintenance cost are cheap since LED bulbs last so long. Small LED flashlightbulbs will extend battery life 10 to 15 times longer than with incandescent bulbs [7].Initially LEDs are expensive; the cost is recouped over time and in battery savings.When the first time LEDs are commercialized, the maintenance and replacementcosts are expensive. But the cost of new LED bulbs has gone down considerably inthe last few years and continuing to go down. Today, there are many new LED lightbulbs for use in the home, and the cost is not an issue anymore.

    The low power requirement of LEDs makes solar panels becomes more practicaland less expensive than running an electric line or using a generator for lighting inremote or off-grid areas. LED light bulbs are also ideal for use with small portablegenerators which homeowners use for backup power in emergencies.

    LED CFL Incandescent

    Light bulb projected lifespan 50,000 hours 10,000 hours 1,200 hours

    Watts per bulb (equiv. 60 watts) 10 14 60

    Cost per bulb $35.95 $3.95 $1.25

    KWh of electricity used over50,000 hours

    300 500 700 3000

    Cost of electricity (@ 0.10per KWh) $50 $70 $300

    Bulbs needed for 50k hours of use 1 5 42

    Equivalent 50k hours bulb expense $35.95 $19.75 $52.50

    Total cost for 50k hours $85.75 $89.75 $352.50

    Energy Savings over 50,000 hours, assuming 25 bulbs per household:

    Total cost for 25 bulbs $2143.75 $2243.75 $8812.50

    Savings to household by switchingfromincandescent

    $6668.75 $6568.75 0

    Table 2: Shows the cost comparison between LED, CFL and incandescent light [6].

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    LEDs CFLs Incandescent

    Frequent On/Off Cycling no effect shortens lifespan some effect

    Turns on instantly yes slight delay yes

    Durability durable fragile fragile

    Heat Emitted low (3 btu's/hr) medium (30 btu's/hr) high (85 btu's/hr)

    Sensitivity to temperature no yes some

    Sensitivity to humidity no yes some

    Hazardous Materials none 5 mg mercury/bulb none

    Replacement frequency(over 50k hours)

    1 5 40+

    Table 3: Shows the features comparison between LED, CFL and Incandescent [6].

    Base on the evidence, if existing bulb in Malaysia which is in millions unit are replacedby LED bulb will save a lot of energy.

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    3. Sophisticated systems : using street lighting system saves up to 80% on

    energy usage.

    The system which consists of LED lighting, motion sensors and wirelesscommunication dims its lights when there are no cars, cyclists or pedestrians in

    the vicinity. Researchers in the Netherlands are testing an intelligent street-lighting system that they say could cut electricity use by up to 80 per cent andreduce the operation and maintenance costs by up to 50% [5].

    Delft Management of Technology alumnus Chintan Shah designed the system,which can be added to any dimmable streetlight. The illumination comes fromLED bulbs, which are triggered by motion sensors. As a person or carapproaches, their movement is detected by the closest streetlight, and its outputgoes up to 100 percent. Because the lights are all wirelessly linked to oneanother, the surrounding lights also come on, and only go back down to 20

    percent once the commuter has passed through.



    Fig 1: Intelligent Street Lighting: (a) light dims at 20% when no ones in the vicinity. (b)

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    Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is now in use after winning a competition in2010 to improve energy efficiency on the university campus. The lights automaticallycommunicate any failures to a control room, making maintenance cheaper and moreefficient. The Netherlands spends more than 300m (265m) a year on electricity for

    street lighting, emitting in excess of 1.6 million tons of CO2 in the process.

    This system seems similar other than the fact it doesn't fully turn off the lamps. Actually,a member of Tvilight Team from TU Delft believe with the lighting dimmed, there is still ahigh degree of visibility and they will actually feel completely safe

    The aim of the pilot on the TU Delft campus is to thoroughly test and fine-tune thesystem, for example to prevent swaying branches or passing cats from switching thelights to full power. Shah is working with his TU Delft spin-off company Tvilight on themarket introduction of the system, which he expects to be profitable within 3 to 5 years.

    Everyday within street lights running all night was a major waste of resources andhopefully to see something like this implemented.Street-lighting system couldsignificantly cut electricity use. Hence, sustain the existence energy.
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    4. Motor vehicle fuel: Proposed that all cars in Malaysia using hybrid engine

    Hybrid car is kind of car that usestwo energy sources for its

    movement. Hybrid cars have twoengines for it efficiently save petrolusage. It has the conventional fuelengine and it has an electric motorand batteries. The two engineswork jointly to cut fuel usage. Withthis technology, you can cut petrolusage by more than half, thus savegasoline resource forhalf. With thistype of reductions, hybrid cars are

    absolutely the car of the future. [9]More just like regular ones, hybrid cars also run on gasoline, the difference is thatwhen the car is in idles,the gasoline engine will shut down and uses a batterypowered electric motor for acceleration. Idling and acceleration are two of theleast fuel-efficient activities performed by an engine, so delegating those tasks tothe electric motor raises the fuel efficiency of the car. That electricity then getsstored in the batteries for future use. When the car requires more power, thestored energy provides it from the battery.Hybrid car technology is used forvarious reasons, such as to make the vehicle more powerful, to improve fuel

    economy and usage of the car, and to add an extra power source. [10]

    Advantages of hybrid car:

    1. The benefit of the hybrid car is that it can set right the criticisms in the bothsystems and balances the use of electrical energy and fuel engine, in theirbest position.

    2. Help decrease the levels of carbon and sulfur emissions, since there isless fuel burned because of the cars electric component .

    3. Uses less fuel. Less spent on fuel costs.4. Hybrid cars emit half the amount of greenhouse pollution and up to 97%

    less toxic emissions than regular cars.5. Advantages over fully electric cars. For example, they do not have to be

    recharged, because hybrids can do that on their own.6. Prevent A Future Energy Crisis. Switching to hybrid vehicles and

    alternative energy sources now can prevent a crisis later on because offuel and energy shortages.

    7. Better energy security andstability.

  • 7/31/2019 Suggestion for Malaysian government: 5 Effective Ways of Sustaining Energy Resources


    5. Regulations and human action:

    a) Government should educate householders and industries through

    campaign on using more power efficient equipment especially for motor

    vehicles and home cooling system. The campaign should be held in school

    and public.

    Figure 1 shows commercial energy demand by sector.[4] The highest percentage ofenergy usage is transportation which most of them owned by householder, thencome the industrial works.

    Study shows that the most effective way to reduce the household powerconsumption is by using more efficient equipments.

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    Table 2: Shows the percentage of energy saved comparing between actions made by

    mans (curtailment) and using more efficient equipments

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    Table 3: Shows the percentage of energy saved comparing between actions made bymans (curtailment) and using more efficient equipment's

    Moreover, the majority of energy is consumed for only two purposes: to runprivate motor vehicle and to heat and cool appliances. [1]

    Available evidence indicates that although many householders are motivated,they lack the necessary knowledge to act. Moreover, they belief about whichactions are most beneficial are often mistaken, and the most readily availablesources of behavior advices are not much helpful such as turning out light whenleaving rooms. Efficiency-increasing actions all together can potentially save upto about one third of household total energy consumption and carbonemission.[1]

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    b) Government should tightening standards for household equipment and

    considering financial incentives to reduce initial costs of upgrading to

    energy-efficient product.

    By referring to the table 2 and 3, the most efficient way to reduce energy is by

    using more efficient equipment. However, financial incentives to reduce the initialcosts of upgrading to energy-efficient products are also important, and manycreative possibilities exist in this sector, including incentives targeted tointermediaries; loan subsidies, deferred-payment loans, and rebates for homeretrofits; and alterations in policies for mortgage and auto loans that take intoaccount the energy cost of ownership. Convenience and credibilityenhancements, such as providing free and trustworthy energy audits and lists ofapproved contractors and help in securing low-cost financing and inspection ofcompleted work, can be very important for overcoming the nonmonetary barriersto cost-effective investments in energy efficiency. Programs that offered this sort

    of one-stop shopping during the energy crisis of the late 1970s were attractive tohouseholds because of these assurances, but these campaigns might have beenmore successful if they aggressively marketed themselves and if strongerfinancial incentives were available.[3]

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    Regarding to improve the ethical and new technology usage in Malaysia,5 practical andmost effective ways in sustaining energy resources was proposed. The research isbased on based on recent technology on energy consumption and behavior toward how

    much energy can be saved. For the result this has to be studyon how practical inMalaysia. Power Generation using CIGS Nano Solar PanelNano solar it can reducetotal-system cost. Three times more power per panel than conventional thin-film panels.Besides that, Nanosolar Utility Panel is one of the highest-current thin-film panels in theindustry. Moreover, by replacing recent lighting to LED bulb can save more than 80%compare to incandescent light and 5% for CFL. On the other hand, using street lightingsystem saves up to 80% on energy and lessens pollution. It cut electricity use by up to80%and reduces the operation and maintenance costs by up to 50%. Using hybridengine into Malaysia's carefficiently save petrol usage. It can cut petrol usage by morethan half, thus save gasoline resource forhalf. Hybrid cars emit half the amount of

    greenhouse pollution and up to 97% less toxic emissions than regular cars. Last but notleast, educate householders and industries through campaign on using more powerefficient equipment especially for motor vehicles and home cooling system. The mosteffective way to reduce the household power consumption is by using more efficientequipment. Consistence actions all together can potentially save up to about one thirdof household total energy consumption and carbon emission.

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    [1] G. T. Gacher, P. C. Stern, The short List : The most Effectives Actions U.S. Household cantake to curb climate change, Environment science and policy for sustainable development, 15December 2009,

    October%202008/gardner-stern-full.html(accessed 2 June 2012)

    [2] Global Carbon Emissions, By Country,BBC News, 7 December 2007, (accessed 5 May 2008).

    [3] P. C. Stern, J. S. Black, and J. T. Elworth, Home Energy Conservation: Programs andStrategies for the 1980s(Mount Vernon, NY: Institute for Consumer Policy Research,Consumers Union Foundation, 1981); NRC, note 24, chapter 3; and Stern et al., note 24.


    [5] "Street-lighting system could significantly cut electricityuse",[Accessed 5 May 2012]

    [6][ Accessed31May 2012]

    [7] "Energy Efficient Lighting",[ Accessed 31May 2012]

    [8] "Compact fluorescent lamp",[ Accessed31 May 2012]

    [9] Melissa, "Advantages of hybrid car", February 6,2011,, [accessed 10 June 2012]

    [10] Michael Stern, "Benefits of Hybrid Cars", March 2006[Accessed 22 July 2012]

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