  • 7/25/2019 Suggested Essay Topic





    & Topics

    In the name of Allah the benecent, the

    Capstone Education75, Green Road, Hossain Tower(8thFloor) , Farmgate, ha!a"#$%5

    Contact &o' %#7$"$778, ' Capstone Education For *+ dmission Test


    Writing skills cannot be improved by reading & practicing English text books----get thatstraight. I have discussed on this issue for the multiple times in the class. Just reiterating

    those words.

    irst! to harness your writing skill! " need to read & write a lot. What to read# $nything that

    pleases you. I.e. sports! entertainment! business! politics! religion etc. %ead anything you like

    but ust read.

    'econd! what should I write# $gain anything you like. I.e. my three topics were religion!

    sports & politics.

    (hird! how much should I write# )ot less than * lines per day. I used to write +, lines per

    day! sometimes even more. 'o make it +, lines per day. Write on facebook and blogs so that

    you may receive feedback from them. ou need to remember one thing that you will make

    mistakes at the beginning. 'o do not pull yourself back by thinking that I am not a good

    writer or I errs a lot. Ignore peoples criticisms. our dream carries much more importance

    than that. '($%( WI(/ 'I012E 'E)(E)3E'.

    orth! 4uality matters 4uantity does not. ou do not need to write 5, lines per day. $t the

    beginning I used to spend even + hour for writing ust +, lines. (ry to make it better every

    day. "se new vocabs in these writings.

    ifth! after doing this for 5, days! write on a topic which already came previously in I6$.

    Evaluate your improvement. (hen do this in every * days.

    'ixth! you must go through 7aily star8s or 7haka (ribunes business9world9)ational pages in

    order to remain ac4uainted with the current issues which are vital for I6$ writing.

    'eventh! make a target to read at least *, pages per day.

    Eighth! if possible speak for at least :, minutes per day.

    )inth! watch out some common grammatical structures. 0ost of the students usually erred

    in '-; agreement! (ense! 1ronoun references & misplaced modifiers. 'o go through this

    mistakes and fix it from our lecture sheet! class lecture & cliffs tofel.

    - Capstone Education1 | . a g e

  • 7/25/2019 Suggested Essay Topic





    & Topics

    In the name of Allah the benecent, the

    Capstone Education75, Green Road, Hossain Tower(8thFloor) , Farmgate, ha!a"#$%5

    Contact &o' %#7$"$778, ' Capstone Education For *+ dmission Test

    Argumentative Writing

    +. 'ome people think that development of I( will enhance human ingenuity. In some countries! television and radio programs

    are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior. In other countries there is

    little or no censorship. In your view! to what extent should the censor board or any

    other body be able to censor television or radio programs# Explain! giving relevant

    reasons and9or examples to support your position.

    :. $ notable amount of flyovers are under construction across the 7haka city. 7o you

    think that these flyovers will be able to solve the traffic am in the city#

    ?. In the public exams the number of =1$-* has been increasing day by day. 7o you

    think this increase as an indication of the upwardness of our entire education system#

    *. $ survey suggested that the tendency of migration to the other countries among the

    highly educated class has been escalating. 7o you consider this sign as a boon or


    @. 7o you think that micro credit can change the fortune of the people#

    A. 1er capita income has been increased to :-digit figure. 7o agree that we really have

    prospered as a nation or the fortune of the people has improved#

    B. oreign (; channels are becoming very wide-spread in the country in such an extent

    that even a +, year old kid has started to speak /indi. 7o you consider this sign as a

    boon or bane#

    C. 6angladesh has the ability to become a superpower in the world. What do you think #

    7iscuss briefly on the issue.

    +,.Entrepreneurship can be an important aspect to solve the employment crisis and push

    the economic growth of the country. 7o you agree# 7escribe with suitable examples.

    - Capstone Education2 | . a g e

  • 7/25/2019 Suggested Essay Topic


  • 7/25/2019 Suggested Essay Topic


  • 7/25/2019 Suggested Essay Topic





    & Topics

    In the name of Allah the benecent, the

    Capstone Education75, Green Road, Hossain Tower(8thFloor) , Farmgate, ha!a"#$%5

    Contact &o' %#7$"$778, ' Capstone Education For *+ dmission Test

    B. If I were a millionaire

    C. 7escribe yourself in at least +,, words this will come in handy when you face the

    viva boardF


    +. /onesty

    5. T"e vaue o( !is'ipine in i(e

    :. Patriotism

    ?. T"e vaue o( time

    *. %ignity o( a-our

    @. 1hysical Exercise

    A. )ewspaper %eading

    B. 1unctuality

    C. 1erseverance



    +5.T"e use(uness o( Games an! &ports

    +:.%eading /abit



    - Capstone Education5 | . a g e

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