Page 1: Success story of Shyam Bahadur

Shyam - The Brave

So what was he doing in that NGO? Where are his parents? How come he had the guts to say no to that first placement? Shyam was 7 years old when he learnt that no support is forever, as he recalls in a hollow voice, “I thought she was joking, she said my father will never change, that he will keep getting drunk and battering her. She asked me to join her but I thought she won’t be going…. next morning my mother was gone!” The shock hadn’t yet settled when he realized that his father had now substituted him for the punching bag. Only 7 days later Shyam ran away. From his home in Simla, he worked his way to New Delhi. It took him 3 years to cover the distance, “I have done everything - worked at dhabas [road side eateries], factories, Jharoo pocha [domestic help], bheek tak manga hai [I have even done begging]. I have been beaten up, abused, I got addicted to sniffing solutions when I got into company of other kids who did drugs….”. And then he realized that he was talking to a girl, “I haven’t talked to any other girl this much Mam”. Shyam has recently located his mother in Nepal; he wants to do something for her even though he admits that he feels no connect with her. Indeed a boy who had learnt to survive alone on streets at the age of 7, will not worry about an NGO not supporting him, he has already seen the jungle.

So we kept asking him to give up those Capri Pants and Cargos but he took his time understanding grooming. We couldn’t keep him at just any job. He stayed at Syrex because there he raises funds for kids like himself. “My parents have not done their duty, so I don’t feel much about them, but that NGO kept me for 8 years, I feel a duty towards it. I learnt a lot at NIIT Yuva Star, I feel comfortable in talking and the course has helped me with my work. If NIIT Yuva Star had not come to me when it did, I would have gone back to being a factory or Dhaba worker. I definitely would not have been where I am today”, says Shyam as he explains how important it is to bring oneself in a position where we can help others. He hopes to donate when he becomes self sufficient one day.

Syrex now gives preference to our students for placement ever since they saw Shyam’s work. He is a happy chap who surfs Face book and will be quick to add you as a friend…and one more thing…he sings really well and would like to join a rock band…he called back and asked us to mention that.

Shyam Bahadur received ‘Performer of the Month’ and got promoted to Team Leader’s position within first four months of his job with Syrex. Great news! But one won’t realize how great this news really is, till one knows who Shyam Bahadur is and what he has been through.

Shyam is a student of NIIT Yuva Star (Paharganj). His placement month was a crucial one as the NGO that supported him had withdrawn support. Homeless, Rs. 3000 in hand and a whole month to survive on a new job, looked like Shyam would be dropping out from the job! He had done that at the previous placement, at least then he had a place to live. But he kept at it, skipped meals, walked long distances and made it through the month… and you know what… this is something Shyam had done a lot before!

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