

Greetings and welcome to Volume 7 of Substandard, the Blacks Organ, for season 2012. Highlights this week

include a recap of Tom Martin’s 200 game Festivus, brilliant match reports across the board and some

celebrations of the London chapter. Thanks as always for your interest in the AUFC, if you have any feedback or

Bob Neil photos to send through please email me at [email protected] or call 0414 488 282.

To our Melbourne members, we are looking at holding a lunch on Sunday the 24th of June before the Crows

game at Etihad, more detail on that next week. And for the Sydneysiders we will once again be putting on some

drinks at the UTS Bats V Sydney Uni game whenever that may be.

LONG ROOM Great to see so many members and sponsors down at the Long Room for last weeks game against Tee Hee Gully,

trust you all enjoyed the great facility that we now have. Just a reminder that EVERY Saturday the Long Room

will be manned by either Tom White or Bob Miles from 12:00 – 6:00 so stop in for a well priced beer ($4 red

cans, $5 Super Dry), a crisp Pinot Grigio (we’ve sorted the white wine out now), a Champers or one of a selection

of terrific Angove’s red wine on a cold day. AFL Footy will be live on the big screen if you’re unimpressed by the

live amateur action, which from time to time would be entirely understandable.

The canteen folk, headed up by new manager Rita Golding, are doing a fantastic job and now have hot chips

added to the menu that already includes one of the best gourmet bbq’s going around. So, if you’re free on any

Saturday afternoon get along.

Next home game for the A grade is on June the 2nd against Port Districts, which should be a great game and a big

crowd given the rivalry we have with the Red Light mob.



Last weeks Hold your Bowlies was not surprisingly one of the best and most raucous in recent times, with

Tommy Martin in near on career best form behind the mic. Action Man was sung in various forms and in a clear

world record there were five new songs written for the evening. I think Bowlies finished up just as the Cumby

lights were coming on at 4:00am. New songs as follows:

"Bad Case of Loving Food" Bad Case of Loving You by Robert Palmer - Tom Kurzel

"Dr Uggs" Dr Worm by They Might be Giants - Jase Cameron

"This Old Club" This Old Love by Lior - Tom Martin

"Callum Rohde Again" On the Road Again by Willie Nelson - Tom Martin

"Stop it, Tom" Rock It by Little Red - N & M Heath

If you are interested in having a look at some brilliant lyrics then let me know. Most of them aren’t too offensive

but probably not entirely appropriate for the vast Substandard subscription list.

This week the big names continue as KING KERNAHAN is Bowlies host for the first time at the Cumby. King’s

bowlies take us back to the halcyon days of F Bloch where offending as many people as possible was the order

of the day….if you were thinking of bringing your parents or girlfriend along for the first time I’d probably just

hold off a week. It will be short so we can watch the footy, it will be sharp and it will be LOOSE.

As always, $8 schnittys, $5.50 pints and 2 4 1 vodkas from 9-12 are on offer and the massive Crows V

Collingwood game will be live on the big screen – what better way to watch it.

FACEBOB Some great stuff on Facebob this week, including a rousing rendition of the club song after the A grade win

courtesy of Astro and a save the date for the Blacks Ball (August 4). With 261 likes we’ve cracked the 250

milestone easily and are now moving along at a solid pace toward 300.


Seeing we are now a third of the way through the minor rounds here is a leaderboard courtesy of Tymo.

Three equal leaders - all with two Stones Man awards are Rhyce Deacon - D6, Sam Hobbs - D6R, Alex Quinn - D2


ROUND 6 REVIEW 6 out of 8 for the AUFC this weekend, 75% = distinction. Well played all. The A grade started slowly but then

controlled most of the game against ladder leader Tee Hee Gully to give Tommy Martin a memorable 200th

game, the Paynter lads, Brad Davis and Macca starring once again. Trimmers has a great match report on the

website and Tommy has his own interesting version of the day later on in this edition...

Adelaide University 14.13.97 def Tea Tree Gully 11.7.73

Goal Kickers: B. Davis 3, L. McEntee 2, S. Paynter 2, W. Paynter 2, B. Lewis 2, T. Bateman , C. Bankes , G. Hurley-


Best Players: T. Martin, S. Paynter, B. Davis, S. Sharley, A. Quin, C. Bankes

TEAM P W L D B FF For Agst % PTS

Portland 6 5 1 0 0 0 530 568 48.27 10

Tea Tree Gully 6 4 2 0 0 0 655 427 60.54 8

Adelaide University 6 4 2 0 0 0 560 394 58.70 8

Walkerville 6 4 2 0 0 0 509 444 53.41 8

Modbury 6 3 2 1 0 0 473 450 51.25 7

Port District 6 3 3 0 0 0 647 558 53.69 6

Prince Alfred OC 6 3 3 0 0 0 528 544 49.25 6

Old Ignatians 6 2 4 0 0 0 396 620 38.98 4

Flinders Park 6 1 5 0 0 0 444 552 44.58 2

Eastern Park 6 0 5 1 0 0 532 717 42.59 1

The B grade had a really good win against the previously undefeated Gullies with King Kernahan the relief coach

whilst Spud sunned himself in Bali. As mentioned last week King was looking for any excuse to release some

stress and fortunately for him the non-fighting Irish had a few lackadaisical latecomers, which provided the

perfect opportunity for King to unleash a tirade that broke the peaceful Bob Neil air and would have stirred the

late Roy Grandstand from his drunken slumber in days gone by. Something along the lines of “do you blokes

remember when you were at school and you had a relief teacher, you thought it was a great time to play up and

have an easy day taking the pi55 out of the new guy.....well let me tell ya something, ITS NOT HAPPENING ON

MY @#$%^& WATCH”.

The C-Bombs had a much needed win against Central Disunited whilst the Drunken Cowboys had an average loss

in the early game, with an unimpressed Sugar Ray called into action himself due to starting the game a couple

short. At Park 10 the Bastards fought very hard and kicked remarkably straight but went down to a tough

Sinners C-grade (it’s ridiculous they’re playing them in the first place, bloody SAAFL), whilst at Traitor Town both

the Chards and Scum won against Gepps Double X with Bunny Warren calling the scum game the worst game of

footy he has ever seen....and thats a big call because Bunny has seen some truly horrid football.

Ladders for all grades can be found at the link below:

As always, detailed results/reports for all teams are on

(click round by round results) and you can also find the round 7 teams on the site.


TOM NEIL PHOTO(S) OF THE WEEK Club Legends Al Katsaros and Thomas Francis Kurzel sent this photo back live to Hold your Bowlies from Lords,

where the word had spread about the great mans 200th.

After Lords the lads caught up with another club legend Bubba Ferguson for a few more drinks in honour of Tom

Neil, they are pictured here together with Bubba’s father in laws finger


And finally the jet lag understandably caught up with Al-Kat who had a little power nap on some form of public

transport…still with a beer in hand of course

GREYS REPORT FROM WOLVERINE Greetings grey folk. Just a little update from the shenanigans of last Sunday.

We travelled to fitzroy in round 4 to take on the p*o rakers. They put up a good fight but were no match for the

juggernaut that is uni greys. Not to get a ahead of myself but I just got a full chest tattoo with "greys forever"

and ordered 500 "grey is the new black - celebrating 1 year of undefeated football" tees.

Anyway, report to come. Unless someone else wants to write it (eds note: It never came)

Final score: adelaide uni greys 24.14.158 def. p*o rakers 4.0.24

Best: all played well

Injuries: many

Goals: some unaccountable bloke 6, krazy & ben vezis 6*, Fritzl 4, Proud 2, sandy hancock 1, clohey 1, brown

dog 1, wes 1, chevy 1, min chua 1**.

* the score sheet did not discern between krazy or lazy in the third quarter so i have added these together - and

memory fails as to who did kick them

** this is min's first goal in australian rules football which included a baulk, don't argue, somersault and victory

finger point. [the somersault is an embellishment]

Anyway the team is in good stead.

Wolverine #227


TOM’S (SLIGHTLY EDITED) TAKE ON HIS 200TH Tee Hee Gully kicked the first two (via Eric Kells) on Matty Allan, before the Blacks snapped into gear and kicked

the next five to be 3 up at the first break. For the rest of the game we held the ascendancy without ever

snapping their neck. Our half back line was dominant. A-Mac is clearly a footballing genius but was quiet after a

week of ill-health. Still he held the line. Sharls has come of age this year and breaks the lines at will.

Personally I was just glad to get a touch or two. Nerves were rampant pre-game. The Sunday Mail recorded

T.Martin as BOG last time I checked but we will have to put that down to a combination of charity and deception

as Trimmer likes to lead the comp astray. If I cop a heavy tag nex week I will be furious!

Jase Cameron and I got a lift to the pub with Rulebook. His car was strewn with raffle buckets, lawn clippings and

umpiring whistles.

Above you will see a photo of my good self wearing cargo pants and air guitaring to the recorded version of

Action Man, which I found in a dusty drawer on Saturday morning and tried (unsuccessfully) to play in full

substitution for being exposed to the risk of forgetting the words to the a capella version for the third time. I

also found the 500 bucks we raised when we 'sold' the Action Man single four years ago, which I promptly put

on the bar for the Blacks faithful. Tom Kurzel, wish you could have been there.

The Cumby was heaving. Jack Lewis' teeth were gleaming. Graeme was reaming. Emmo was steaming. I even

made it to Zhivago. Unfortunately I didn't know that it had moved from Light Square so I lost everyone for an

hour or two but all was swell in the end.

Right about now I am suffering Major-General Soreness and am dreading a diabolical case of Suicide Tuesday.

Summary: Blacks 2012 are the real deal. Playing your 200th game sober in a real match beats playing it drunk in

a pretend one. I am mates with Grenville Dietrich!!


ROUND 7 PREVIEW Games this week as follows:

Div 2 (Aussie Bob & The Contract Killers) V Modbury at Modbury

Div 2R (Spud O'Rielly & the non-fighting Irish) V Modbury at Modbury

Div 6 (Cyril & the C-Bombs) V Mawson Lakes at Uni Oval

Div 6R (Sugar Ray & the Cowboys from Hell) V Mawson Lakes at Uni Oval

Div 8 (The Chardonnay Socialists) V Broadview at Park 10

Div 8R (The Scum) V Broadview at Park 10

Div C1 (The B*stards) V Phos Camden at Camden Reserve

Div Over 35s (The Greys) V Bye

This week the Contract Killers travel out to the Mudheap to take on Mudbury, with a typical Mudbury forecast

of 16 and a few showers. Take 10 degrees off that and add an extra ½ inch of rain was my experience playing at

the Mudheap. The killers will be looking to maintain their strong form of late having won 4 in a row and

seemingly getting better week by week. This week could see the return of Jacky Lew with CRT and Esky Alesci

(another wedding) not far away either so selection may be getting a little tough for Aussie Bob. That’s why he

gets paid the big bucks anyway.

The non-fighting irish will be looking forward to a slightly more measured pre-match address as they look to

consolidate after a great win last week against Tee Hee.

The C-Bombs will go into their game against top team Mawson Lakes at Bob Neil # 1 with renewed confidence

after their impressive win against Dis-united last week, whilst the Drunken Cowboys will be hoping that a home

game at Bob Neil # 1 will encourage a full 21 to show up as they battle to stay in touch with the five.

The B*stards take on Phos Williams at Phos’s Farm in another important and tough game, whilst at Bob Neil # 2

the Scum and Chardonnay Socialists have a big double against an always cranky a-broads-view. The Scum will

need to play a little better than last week one suspects and this will be a good test for a young Chards team that

has had a surprisingly good start to the season under the inspirationally eclectic Dirty Darien with assistance

from Hank Scorpio.

Bob be with all Black men taking the field this week.


MATCH REPORT OF THE WEEK – CHARDONNAYS Must say I am absolutely spoilt for choice this week when it comes to match reports. Everyone wrote one and

most were brilliant, including Trimmers great summary of Tom Martin’s big day – be sure to go to the website to

check it out, including some thoughts from others on Tom’s contribution to the club, but unfortunately I’ve

already reached my Tom-limit for this edition.

The Scum match report is also very entertaining, starting with Bunny’s detailed explanation of why last weeks

game was perhaps the worst game of football ever played and ending with spiritual leader Evo winning the

Stones Man award for his involvement in a bank holdup last Friday.

But, Matt “Hank Scorpio” Heath’s report on his coaching debut for the Chardonnays take the cake for this week:

Sponsorship day is a great day for the Adelaide Uni Footy Club. It’s a celebration of the folks who help keep our

football teams on the ground, ensures a big crowd for our top sides and never fails to bring Bob Neil out of the

wilderness. The only drawback is that it is one of the rare days of the year you won’t catch Rulebook giving our

sides any free kicks.

With white maggots as rare as Blacks temperance union members, coach Dirty Darien filled the void at the 11th

hour, leaving Hank Scorpio to take the reins of the Chards for the first time.

It didn't take long for him to realise that his plans to take the Chardonnays to world domination would have to be

put on hold. With six late withdrawals, the first challenge for the afternoon would be to put a side on the dog

shit-littered Gepps Cross Dressers’ park.

With 30 minutes until game time, the phones copped a bashing. Legends, larrikins and even some lesser knowns

of the recent and not so recent Blacks past were called upon. After a string of hangups, rude knockbacks and

worthwhile excuses (particularly the three downing the team nom de plume at the Clare Gourmet Weekend), two

brave men heeded the SOS for what would be memorable comebacks: Benny Toys R Us, whose Saturdays sitting

by the phone finally paid off after a three-year layoff, and one-time Arsehole ball of muscle, Porgsy Gray.

Along with the legendary Sugar Ray of Cowboys from Hell (who dropped in to Dunc Gray Reserve after

playing/coaching a full game at Central United – now there’s a holiday itinerary to salivate over) and Scum

troupers Green Machine, Franknfurter Currie, Don’t be so Karas and, albeit briefly, Frank Spencer we were able

to field a side.

Already with a piercing headache to match his fucked knee, coach Scorpio’s pre-match address was simple: kick

more goals than the opposition and we might in with a shot. The Chards did just that with a champagne quarter

of footy. The decision to pull on the boots paid instant dividends for Toys R Us when he kicked the first goal (his

last was so long ago, the Bowlies crowd celebrated it as his first). Big Benoit, Redback Jean (fresh from baring his

red rug on the cover of The Advertiser’s Saturday magazine) and Carey Schiller were winning the hard ball in the

middle and Clamps Hyphen Lane and Kale Getouttamyfuckingway Grundy gobbled up anything kicked within

cooee of the forward 50.

Aside from the coach’s guilt at Spence doing a hammy in the first minute, it was so far, so good. But we knew

from experience that these bums can come home with a rush*. What our opponents lacked in brain matter and

fashion sense, they make up for in doggedness and bad hygiene.


We dominated possession in the second quarter but were unable to convert where it matters most. To make

matters worse, we were then caught napping a few times on the rebound allowing the Cross Dressers back in the

game. When their gun Darwin recruit channelled Cyril Rioli for a ``speshalll’’ goal off one step about 40m out on

the half-time siren, there was nothing in it.

The third quarter was another tight affair as the combination of zero preparation (Russy), limited preparation

(Pen Hall or Nothing) and too much preparation (Frankenfurter Currie was battling to stay upright at the three

quarter time break after a brilliant cameo across halfback) began to take their toll. But our new-look backline of

Crockashit, Calley-fornication and Sauce Bateman stood tall alongside ever-reliable old hand, Iron Fist Tieu.

The sides traded goals in a to-and-fro last quarter and when Greeny (with a couple of between game stubbies

under his belt) wobbled one through with a couple of minutes left the clock, the Chardonnays held a slender five-

point lead. Enter Dirty, who after a disgustingly balanced, totally un-Rulebook-like umpiring performance, saved

his finest work for last.

The bloke resembling the bastard child of Danny Southern and Na’Vi from Avatar had been hurling the verbal

diarrohea at Dirty all afternoon and after numerous warnings, the great one decided enough was enough. As

precious seconds ticked down, Dirty marched the lowlife off the park, much to the chagrin of the Gepps Cross

faithful who surprised even the most experienced of the assembled Blacks with their variations of the term

``cheating %$#*’’.

When play resumed we composedly booted the ball deep into attack and the siren sounded, the Chardonnays

defying all odds to grab a valuable four points. Never had we seen Dirty move so quickly as he nervously

retreated from the field. Hank, meanwhile, turned his thoughts to how good the Chards could be if they managed

to regularly get a full side on the field (let alone the training track). World domination was back on the agenda.

Now where is that doomsday device…

*"We don't have bums in our town, Marge. And if we did, they wouldn't rush; they'd be allowed to go at their

own pace." – Hank Scorpio

UPCOMING EVENTS We are in early planning for a big homecoming reunion day on the 21st of July, which will also include a large

Greys and Life Members Function in the evening. Stay tuned for more info on that in the coming weeks. Quiz

night has been taken out of the schedule, had an issue with the venue and schedule was looking a little too busy

with the show on the 21st of July as well.

Date Event Venue

02-Jun-12 70's Reunion Day Uni Oval Long Room @ 1:00

30-Jun-12 90’s Reunion Day Uni Oval Long Room @ 1:00

07-Jul-12 Ladies Day Uni Oval Long Room @ 1:00

21-Jul-12 Reunion/Homecoming Day Uni Oval Long Room @ 1:00

04-Aug-12 Blacks Ball Dom Polski Centre, 8:00pm

04-Aug-12 1962 Premiership Reunion Lunch Uni Oval Long Room @ 1:00

16-Sep-12 Super Sunday The Cumby

28-Sep-12 Annual Dinner Adelaide Uni



The Blacks room upstairs at the Cumby is a terrific venue for functions, capacity of 135 for cocktail and 100 for

sit down dinner. Special offers available to friends of the AUFC, contact Rose at the Cumby for further detail

[email protected] or 8231 3577.


Sponsors Contact Sponsors Business Website

John Waltham The Cumby

Darren Thomas T & R Pastoral

Alex Worthington Angove Family Winemakers

Grant Miles Hayes Knight

Matt Hobby McCarthur Recruitment

Andrew Cosh Minter Ellison Lawyers

Player Sponsors Player

Adelaide University Boat Club (Patrick Maddern) Bankes Craig

Andrew Wright Allan, Matt

Anthony Dimarzo (168) Bateman, Tom

Balthazar Barossa Quin, Alex

Bill Whiting Jack Whiting

Brian Austin Hamer, Jon

Dadds Jandy (Michael Dadds) Evans Will

David Proud Heath, Nick

Dr Jim Katsaros Roberts-Thompson, C

Dr Martin Altmann Green, Kalon

Dr Peter Sharley Sharley, Simon

Emmett Property (Nick Emmett) Martin Tom

Ferrier Hodgson (Bruce Carter) Swift Ned

Garry Davis Davis, Brad

Gary Dart Dart, Ned

Gloria Gilmour Swincer Philip

GN Projects (Paul Nardinocchi) Lewis Jack

Hambour Luxoflex (Nick Hambour) Zac Hambour

Hyde Park Dental (Danny Mulvihill) Mulvihill Pat

Jeremy Clapp Lewis Ben

Knight Frank Walker Tom

KPMG (Peter De Cure) Kellett Graeme

KPMG (Tom Davies) Scopacasa Paul

Leading Edge - James Trotter McEntee, Luke

Macquarie (Sam Bridgwood) Rhyce Deacon

Matthew Hutchens (291) Pilgrim Stephen

Michael Reid (148) Monty Swift

Parade Books (Ross Dillon) Paynter, Seb

Paul Case (128) McCullough, Will

Peter Abrey Parsons, Charlie

Phil De Messurier (111) Crouch, Dan

Rick Sarre Hurley-Wellington G

Ross & Kath Rohde Rohde Callum

Sam Nickless Paynter, Will

Scott Bache Weekley Dan

Shaun Fowler Willis Joshua

Sportsbureau (Tony Roach) Roach Lachie

St Andrews Hospital (Stephen Walker) McIntyre Andrew

Stephen Parker Max Parker

Taylor Collison (Mark Pittman) Pittman Sam

Tim Horry Alesci, Andrew

Tom Burke Bateman, Darcy



Vice Presidents

Steve Parker

Egils Olekalns

Cam Bryson

Dave Gordon

John Homburg

Peter Maddern

Mick Kenny

Peter Sharley

Rick Sarre

Tom Katsaros

Chocka Members

Bob Penhall

Craig Ball

Egils Olekalns

Grant Miles

Ian Dinnison (Vic)

Marcus Kampff (Vic)

Mark Wellington

Mick Kenny

Nick Lewis

Peter Franklyn

Rabs Douglas

Sue Biggs

Tim Kelly

Wayne Abrey


Bob Neil Members Bob Neil Members Bob Neil Members

Adam Kimber Gary Krievs Michael Aplin

Adrian Brewer Gavin Cragg Michael Hughes (Qld)

Alan McCarthy Gavin Watson Michael Kerr-Grant

Alasdair Abbott (NSW) George Kokar Michael Taylor

Alex Katsaros Gerald Heath Neil Page

Alister Lee Gerald Ward Nic McNicol

Andrew Culley Greg Flavel (NSW) Nic Simmons

Andrew Deer Iain Miller-Smith Nick Hobbs

Andrew Ettridge Ian Grundy (Vic) Nick Raschella

Andrew Lamb Ian Kuchel Nigel Rudge

Andrew Leunig James King Paul Hochman (Tas)

Andrew Stenhouse James Llewellyn Paul Smith

Andrew Whittam Jamie Darams (NSW) Peter Coleman

Anthony Burke (Vic) Jeff De Boer Peter Milte

Anthony Fulwood Jeff Milton Peter O'Donnell (Vic)

Anthony Lehmann Jeff Voight Peter Tunbridge (WA)

Ben Jackson (NSW) Jim Naylor Peter Watherston (NSW)

Ben Russ Jim Woolcock Phil Britten-Jones

Bob Neil John Goodwin Phil Ransome

Brian Daniels John Kite (NSW) Prof Michael Sage

Bruce Bishop John Kleinschmidt Richard Foster

Bruce Keynes John Parker Richard Hutchinson

Cam Bryson John Penhall Rob Rorrison

Cam Mudge John Read Robert Floreani

Chris Haskett John Sangster Ryan Arbon (WA)

Chris Withnall John Shopov Ryan Eagle (NSW)

Dale Adams Jono Marin (Vic) Sam Duluk

Damian Newberry Justin Stewart-Rattray Sam Mitchell

Danny Wardleworth Kevin Griffiths Scott Henchliffe

Daryl West Kym Murchison (Vic) Scott Kimber

David Backler Lou Keipert Shane Rigden

David Gambling Luke Hochman Simon Emms

David Johnson Malcolm Ashwood Steve Mcarthur

David Moore Marco Draca Steve Stranks

David O'Byrne (Tas) Mark Dawson Stuart Price

David Prescott NSW) Mark Fanning (ACT) Tim Ford (Vic)

Denis Harrison Mark Headland Tom Birchall

Don Haslam (Vic) Mark Perks Tom Colebatch (WA)

Dr Harry Butler Martin Bruening Tom Katsaros

Dr Hugh Harley Matthew Hochman (Tas) Trevor Wadham

Evan Arnold Matthew Walsh Tristan Hockley


Greys Members Greys Members Greys Members

Alastair Haldane (WA) David Semple Michael Killicoat (NSW)

Alex Katsaros Derek Bonner Michael Lewington

Alex Shopov Derrick Quinton Mike Ellery

Alistair Walsh Doug Mcfarlane (WA) Monty Neate (WA)

Allan Broadbent Dougall Whyte (Qld) Neil Beagley

Andrew Iwaniw (WA) Eric Passaris (Vic) Neil Foster

Andrew Magarey Frank Kleinig Nick Haslam (NSW)

Andrew Muir Graham Smith Nick Lewis

Andrew Puddy Gunar Krievs Nick Paltridge

Andrew Watson (NSW) Guy Badman (WA) Nick Piazza

Angus Smibert Hamish Bills Pat Moriarty (Vic)

Anthony Davies Hamish Dillon (Vic) Paul Clohesy

Anthony Gildea Haydb Baillie Paul Favilla

Anthony Roediger (NSW) Howie Thomas Paul Hammond

Anthony Schaeffer Ian Hockridge Paul Rossiter

Ashley Georgeson Ian Milne Peter Cooper

Ben Cox (Vic) Ian Monger Peter Crowhurst (Qld)

Ben Doyle James Edwards (NSW) Peter Ford

Ben Moore (NSW) James Lewis (Qld) Peter Jolly

Ben Prisk (Vic) James Loechel Peter Kidd (Vic)

Bob Bradley Jed Gunn Peter Kube (VIC)

Brad Collings Jeremy Clapp Peter Slattery

Brendan O'Callaghan JJ Mallon Peter Wildy

Brendon Roberts John Mitchell (ACT) Quenten Schwarz

Brenton Eckert (Qld) Jon Corney (NSW) Red Emmell

Brenton Rigden Jonathon White Richard Brown

Brian Hyde Joseph Argent Richard Hearn

Bryan Haines Josh O'Connell Rob Hoile

Cam Maher Josh van Derloo (VIC) Robert Bradshaw (VIC)

Cameron Watson Julian Menz Robert Lynch

Chris James Justin Schultz Roger Martin

Chris Pascoe Kurt Roberts-Thomson Roger Moten (NSW)

Chris Pick Kym Beilby Ron Carey

Craig Smith Kym Mayes Rory Lane

Dale Roberts Kym Tregenza Ross Haslam

Damian McGrath Lachlan Boddington Ryan Quinton (WA)

Dan Sargeant (Vic) Liam Gallagher Sam Moore

Daniel Francis Liam Grainger Sam Tymons

Daniel Gannon Lloyd Morris Sandeep Agarwal

Darren Graetz Luke Kewell (Vic) Scott Galpin

Dave Bassanese (NSW) Mark O'Donnell (Vic) Scott Robertson (NSW)

Dave Cardone Mark Puddy (Vic) Scott Tolhurst

Dave Gordon Mark Schwerdt (Vic) Sean Tasker

David Barnes Marshall Hanna Seb Wende

David Bradshaw Martin Gallagher (NSW) Shane Mcgahan (NSW)

David Chapman Matt Mayes Simon Bishop (ACT)

David Nelson (NSW) Michael Chittleborough Simon Clode (WA)

David Noonan (Vic) Michael James Simon Cowham


Greys Members

Simon Hanson (Vic)

Simon Kewell

Simon Kokar

Simon Newman

Simon Tamke (NSW)

Steve Borgas

Steve Marinoff

Steve McKee

Terry Hutton

Tim Davidson (Vic)

Tim Dixon

Tim Lange

Tim Shierlaw

Tom Charlton

Tom Hawker

Tom Rosewarne

Tony Circelli

Tony Lock

Tony Mitchell

Tony Stewart (NSW)

Tony Weisback (NSW)

Will Grant (WA)

Will Honner (NSW)



Round Date Opposition Venue

1 14/04/12 (Sat) Flinders Park University Oval

2 21/04/12 (Sat) Old Ignatians Hunter Park

3 28/04/12 (Sat) Prince Alfred OC Park 9

4 05/05/12 (Sat) Portland University Oval

5 12/05/12 (Sat) Walkerville Walkerville

6 19/05/12 (Sat) Tea Tree Gully University Oval

7 26/05/12 (Sat) Modbury Modbury Reserve

8 02/06/12 (Sat) Port District University Oval

9 16/06/12 (Sat) Eastern Park Dwight Reserve

10 23/06/12 (Sat) Flinders Park Flinders Park

11 30/06/12 (Sat) Old Ignatians University Oval

12 07/07/12 (Sat) Prince Alfred OC University Oval

13 14/07/12 (Sat) Portland Port Reserve

14 21/07/12 (Sat) Walkerville University Oval

15 28/07/12 (Sat) Tea Tree Gully Petaringa Oval

16 04/08/12 (Sat) Modbury University Oval

17 11/08/12 (Sat) Port District Largs Reserve

18 18/08/12 (Sat) Eastern Park University Oval

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