Page 1: SUBMITTED BY J.H. PATEL COLLEGE OF ... PDF 2012/795 - UK.pdfperformance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be attributed to differences in the regulatory









BATCH- 2010-12

Page 2: SUBMITTED BY J.H. PATEL COLLEGE OF ... PDF 2012/795 - UK.pdfperformance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be attributed to differences in the regulatory


Retail Sector

“A study of TESCO PLC of UK and it‟s comparison with Gujarat &


The name "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" was introduced in

1927 by the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act to reflect the granting of independence

to the Irish Free State in 1922, which left Northern Ireland as the only part of the island

of Ireland still within the UK Prior to this, the Acts of Union 1800, that led to the uniting

the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801, had known the new state the name of

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain before 1801 is

occasionally referred to as the "United Kingdom of Great Britain‖. However, Section 1 of

both of the 1707 Acts of Union declare that England and Scotland are "United into One

Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain".

Although the United Kingdom, as a sovereign state, is a country, England, Scotland,

Wales and Northern Ireland are also referred to as countries, whether or not they are

ruler states or have devolved or other self-government. The British Prime Minister's

website has used the phrase "countries within a country" to describe the United

Kingdom. With regard to Northern Ireland, the evocative name used "can be

contentious, with the choice often revealing one's political preferences." Other terms

used for Northern Ireland include "region" and "province".

The United Kingdom is often referred to as Britain. British government sources

frequently use the term as a short form for the United Kingdom, whilst media style guide

generally allow its use but point out that the longer term Great Britain refers only to

England, Scotland and Wales. However, some foreign usage, particularly in the United

States, uses Great Britain as a loose synonym for the United Kingdom.

Page 3: SUBMITTED BY J.H. PATEL COLLEGE OF ... PDF 2012/795 - UK.pdfperformance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be attributed to differences in the regulatory

Tesco plc is one of the largest retailers in the world, operating more than 2,300

supermarkets and convenience stores and employing 326,000 people. Tesco was

founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen. Tesco operates in the Czech Republic, Hungary,

Poland, the Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, and Turkey. In Asia, the company operates

in Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea. Tesco Mission is experience and commitment

ensures your success. & Vision is Excellence in Controls and Systems Integration,

because Tesco own it!

Tesco Controls' EMASS program offers an array of low cost, high value support and

professional services. EMASS services are SCADA PM services ,Controls and

Instrumentation PM services ,Electrical components / VFD PM services, Site specific

findings and recommendation, Checks and verifications of all transfer switches,

Verifications on analog and digital I/O (RTU's) ,Manual control sequence tests

,Automatic control sequence tests, Training. Tesco has developed a fresh, innovative

approach to extended service with our EMASS (Extended Maintenance and System

Services) program.

Home plus in South Korea is largest business outside the Brittan, with revenue of

£5 billion, making the business larger than many FTSE 100 companies. Tesco

entered South Korea through a partnership with Samsung and opened first two

hypermarkets in 1999.

Five Community Promises which Tesco have developed by listen closely to what

Tesco‘s customers and staff expect from us. They are:

Buying and selling the products correctly;

Helpful for the environment;

Providing customers with healthy choices;

Actively supporting local communities; and

Creating good jobs and careers.

Page 4: SUBMITTED BY J.H. PATEL COLLEGE OF ... PDF 2012/795 - UK.pdfperformance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be attributed to differences in the regulatory

Tesco plc is a UK multinational grocery and general produce retailer

headquartered in Cheshunt, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest retailer in the world

measured by revenues (after Wal-Mart and Carrefour) and the second-largest

measured by profits (after Wal-Mart). It has stores in 14 countries across Asia, Europe

and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK (where it has a market

share of around 30%), Malaysia, the Republic of Ireland and Thailand.

As one of the world's largest retailers, Tesco have a clear responsibility and a

significant opportunity – to protect the environment. Tesco‘s aim is to create more

sustainable ways of doing business.

Several recent comparative studies have shown a labor productivity gap in respect of

UK retailing when compared with other countries, notably France and the US.UK

retailing is an important sector employing over 3 million people and contributing over

74 billion Euros in value added annually. But culture, history and perhaps sheer

accident mean that each country will exhibit a different set of retail propositions.

Retail employment in the UK is relatively high, particularly of part-timers, and the

number of shops relatively low compared with other EUcountries or the USA. The

largest UK companies are smaller than the largest global competitors.

The lack of a deep discounting sector in UK food retailing or similar discount or price

focused, large format, propositions in other sectors is especially noteworthy. The

existence of these differences does not necessarily mean that UK retailing is

structurally deficient, however. There may be no‘ right‘ structure towards which

retailing in every country inevitably converges.

RETAIL output includes a large service element, with considerable scope for trade-

offs between the different elements that comprise different retail formats, propositions

or brands. Many UK consumers have been seen to express preferences for higher

service formats, over those which emphasis price based on simple efficiencies.

Retailers anywhere must be effective in achieving their chosen consumer satisfaction

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goals whilst seeking to be as efficient as the achievement of such goals will allow.

Industry participants and commentators therefore see retail productivity as essentially

a consumer-mediated phenomenon.

Gujarat retail sector covers of organized retail and unorganized retail sector.

Traditionally the retail market in Gujarat was largely unorganized; however with

changing consumer preferences, organized retail is gradually becoming popular.

General comparison between Gujarat & Tesco on the base of Awareness about

online trading, Consumer Perception, Time, Online payment system, Goods &

services, Training.

Internet retailers managed best, with 10.7% of all sales now made online. Sales

volumes figures bit out the effect of inflation. I suggested that February's figures were

further signal of the continued squeeze on consumers. It‘s not just that the February

numbers are weaker than predicted, but January is also heavily studied down."The

hoped-for recovery in consumer spending certainly doesn't look to be there. An Ernst

and Young economist designated the overall picture as "healthy" and suggested that

the poor showing in February was not surprising. This increase over the year was

described as "very good", with one analyst forecasting that consumer confidence

would recover in 2012.

Although this year's going to be quite tough, the next stage is going to be a modest

improvement. And of course also this year we've got the Anniversary and the

Olympics, which are going to be great for consumer confidence."

UK retail sales volumes fell by 0.8% in February related with the previous month,

figures from the Office for National Figures have shown in 2012. Sales in food stores

were 0.1% lower than January, the ONS said, but 1% higher in February than a year

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earlier. In 2008 education had a gross value added of around £76.4 billion. In 2007/08

higher education institutions in the UK had a total income of £23.4 billion and

employed a total of 169,995 staff which is very good. Tesco have over 290,000

employees across the UK, making us the biggest private-sector employer in this

market, and over 492,000 worldwide.

In 2011 the market share of Tesco is 30.5% all over the world. U.K‘sliteracy rate is

100% which is very good for country as well as economic position of the country. The

decline was bigger than expected, but sales volumes over the past three months were

still 1.7% higher than the same period a year earlier.

The Britain retail sector is providing the best services as compared to other countries

overall world. In the Britain more people prefer to buy online in retail outlets. Britain is

having great no. of retail outlet. Indian people do not prefer to buy from the retail

outlet. The Indian people does not having the awareness about online shopping.

In the United Kingdom, the retail sector companies provide good & fastest delivery

and daily. We found that Indian people does not have trust on online payment. We

found that the Britain people have the trust on online payment system. The population

in UK is not that much but there are so many retail outlets. In the Britain, the labor

productivity is relatively low. It is affect the super market.

The word "contribution" might be correct. However, there is nothing necessarily

fundamental implied. That is, there is no reason to believe that the policy implication (if

it exists) lies in the retail sector. The policy suggestion might lie in the wider labor

market. Simply because retailing uses a lot of labor so that it looks less productive

than other sectors, it by no means follows that retail is making less valuable use of

each element of labor than any other business. In addition, problems with retail

statistics in particular make it unwise to attraction very firm conclusions about

Page 7: SUBMITTED BY J.H. PATEL COLLEGE OF ... PDF 2012/795 - UK.pdfperformance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be attributed to differences in the regulatory

differences between labor productivity in UK retailing and retailing in comparator


The Indian retail outlet is not providing the sufficient services so that they have to

provide the best services to the customers. The Indian governments have to make the

security on the online payment. The Indian people have not to believe on online

payment so government are take action for customer satisfaction on online payment

and reduce fraud on online payment.

UK retailers perform particularly well with regard to sales density, profit density and

cash flow density, which points to a very efficient control of space, regarded as world

class by their peers. Some evidence shows that there is less ability to generally exploit

technological innovation in the UK, as well as to evaluate and implement IT projects.

In part, this is due to a legacy of preoccupation with in-house, home-grown systems.

Although UK supply chains are perceived as very efficient, there are new opportunities

in RFID technology to make gains.

The common perception is that there are significant differences in the efficiency and

performance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be

attributed to differences in the regulatory environment, and that deregulation or

change in regulation of some nature will produce gains in efficiency.

The most profound difference between US and UK retailing, however, is in the

property environment, however, and the efficient servicing of that environment. The

UK is of course physically smaller than the US. The retail property environment, with a

more limited supply of land and floor space and congested and high cost transport, is

different in the UK from other countries and results in higher costs and perhaps less


Retailing is undoubtedly a major sector of the UK economy; yet there is considerable

uncertainty about, for example, the significance of the nonlabour factors'

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contributions to the generation of retail output. In particular, more attention might be

given to, for example, the relevance of differences in supply of land and associated

marked variations in retail occupancy costs between countries, and to the nature and

importance of capital investment in the sector.

The retail stores owner should create awareness about the retail buying in the

customers. Indian people have to pay the tax on time. The Indian retail outlets are give

advertisement of supermarket so people are aware about it.

All super markets are Maintain customer services and give them feedback. The retail

outlet should be opened more in India. We suggest that in Indian retail sector the

procedure should be done easily in Indian retail outlet to enter. The population in India

is too much but the retail outlet is not that much so that the retail outlets have to

provide good services to customer for the grow business.

In the United Kingdom retail sector, many policies are affecting the retail business like

environmental policy, risk and safety, responsible retailing. Environmental policies are

currently working on the following policy issues through the Environment Policy Action

Group that is effective in this polices:

In the united kingdom, government are framework licensing system for the business,

this system are also useful for the retail sector businesses like The launch of a new

machine readable license for re-using information free of charge for non-commercial

purposes. Establishes the UK Government Licensing Frameworks the licensing

framework for UK compliance with the motivate and is endorsed by the UK Location

Council, which oversees the delivery of the UK strategy on motivate.

The Tax Policy Action Group of the UK is made up of tax professionals representing

a wide range of retailers, from the large multiples and department stores through to

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independents, accounting for the vast majority of retail turnover in the UK. Under

include tax policies action group in the UK that is as follow: -

In the India scenario is change and make the business in global market. the main

reasons and trends for growth of Indian retail industry:

India's economy is booming

Increase in disposable income and purchasing power of consumers

Increase in consuming desire

Low share of organized retailing

The UK reacts to globalization is one of the most important issues facing the UK

Government. UK is not as engaged with India‘s markets as it should be. UK

companies are falling behind their major competitors, perhaps because UK companies

tend to see India as a source of low-cost labor rather than an emerging market in its

own right. The UK‘s institutional arrangements to support trade with and investment

both in and from India are characterized by enthusiasm but also by confusion. A great

deal of good work is being done, but by too many overlapping bodies with ill-defined

responsibilities, and often inadequate resources.

The United Kingdom government facing many issued in globalizing business like

Currency Barriers, Contracting Costs and Insecurity, Excessive red tape and

bureaucracy, Wholesale and Retail Margins, Transport Costs, Trade Costs Matter.

UK's first links with India came about through trading cotton and other goods. In the

seventeenth century, the East India Company began bringing cloth from west India,

shawls and silks from Kashmir, spices from the East Indies, and sugar from Bengal. In

return India bought metals, novelties, and ivory. A visitor to India was impressed by

the sophistication and skill of its craftspeople, by the range of products, and by the

way in which manufacturing was organized and controlled by the State. Indian cloths

were so popular that they transformed European fashion.

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There is a large number of UK bodies seeking a role in trade and investment with

India. Too often the result has been duplication and competition. The UK Government

has to take a grip on this situation. Organizations should realize that it is not necessary

for them to be directly represented in India in order to promote trade, or increase

Indian awareness of their regions or sectors.

UK is falling behind its main competitors when it comes to investing in India. There is

evidence to suggest that UK companies‘ investments in India may have been

underestimated due to reporting technicalities. Profits of UK companies which have

invested in India in the past do not appear in the official statistics. There is also

evidence to suggest that UK companies are investing in India through third

countries—mainly Mauritius—because of the tax advantages.

Indian Government is gradually reducing these barriers through legislation (for

example, the recent relaxation in relation to retail and mining) some sectors still

remain completely closed to FDI, such as legal services and the defense sector Many

of our witnesses identified the sectors which were currently being opened up as those

within which the main opportunities for UK companies lay in India, for example

telecommunications and financial services.

General Comparison of Consumer Behavior towards Retail Sector in Indian and

United Kingdom

Awareness about online trading:

In the U.K. the people are good awareness about online shopping because there people

are educated and knowledge about internet.

In Gujarat people are not aware about online shopping due to the uneducated and not

knowledge about internet so they cannot use online purchase.

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Consumer Perception:

In the U.K. consumer perception about Tesco plc are good because that people are

know that the Tesco plc are provide good facilities to customer like daily delivery ,

online payment , delivery good qualitative goods & services at cheapest price and give

fastest home delivery.

In the Gujarat consumer perception about super market are not good the people

are not satisfy the facilities which provide by super market. Most of people in Gujarat

are not believe in online trading because they think that company are saw good

qualitative good s & services in advertisement on internet, that is different of deliver the

goods & services.

In Gujarat & India online purchase most of problem are there like deliver the not

good quality product, not maintain time, default product, online bill payment, not getting

proper information about the product etc. so most of people are not using online


In U.K. not any kind of problem are there like deliver the not good quality product,

not maintain time, default product, online bill payment so they can use online purchase.


In the U.K. most of people are working on job. They have no time for shopping in the

market. So online shopping option are good for them which is providing by Tesco plc.

In Gujarat most of women are housewife so they have time for purchase things in

market so nobody can use the online purchase any things. Most of people are

uneducated as compare the uk so that most of people cannot use the internet in


Online payment system:

In the U.K. Tesco provide online payment system to the customer which is secure and

time consuming.

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In Gujarat super market people or customer are not trust in online payment because

they think that it is not secure.

Goods & services:

In the UK the company Tesco PLC are provide good branded products and services.

Those prices are very less compare to Indian or Gujarat super market. Where as in the

Gujarat the retail companies are provide not good branded products and services. And

those price are high compare to Tesco PLC.

In Gujarat population are high as compare UK so home delivery are more

challenging in Gujarat because of traffic problem.In U.K. population are low as compare

Gujarat so delivery is very fast as compare Gujarat. And most of people are busy so

they are use online purchase.


In the UK, Tesco PLC provide good training to its labor or worker in the mall. So labor

productivity is increase which is help to grow the business. In the Gujarat, super market

companies are not provided good training to its labor. Productivity of labor is very low

compare to Tesco PLC.

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The Britain retail sector is providing the best services as compared to other

countries overall world.

The people prefer to buy online in Britain.

Britain is having great no of retail outlet.

An Indian person does not prefer to buy from the retail outlet.

The Indian people does not having the awareness about online shopping.

We found that Indian people does not have trust on online payment.

We found that the British people have the trust on online payment system.

The population in UK is not that much but there is so many retail outlets.


The Indian retail outlet is not providing the sufficient services so that they have to

provide the best services to the customers.

The Indian government has to make the security on the online payment.

The Indian people have to believe on online payment.

The retail stores owner should create awareness about the retail buying in the


Indian people have to Pay the tax on time.

To advertise in India by the Indian retail outlet.

Maintain customer services and give them feedback.

The retail outlet should be opened more in India.

The procedure should be done easily in Indian retail outlet to enter.

The population in India is too much but the retail outlet is not that much so that

the retail outlet has to provide good services to customer to grow the business?

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About The British Railway

In United Kingdom mostly two type rail working. First one is a passengers or other

freight rail but after the privatization change the structure and operate the train some

companies that companies list is follow.

Organizational structure created by the Railways Act 1993

Passenger rail

Three Rolling Stock Leasing Companies

Angel Trains

Porterbrook Leasing

Eversholt Leasing, later HSBC Rail

Goods rail

Six Freight Operating Companies

Geographical units for trainload freight

●Mainline Freight in the south-east

●Load-Haul in the north-east

●Trans-Rail in the west

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Other units

●Rail freight Distribution, international and wagonload trains

●Freightliner (UK), container-carrying trains

●Rail Express Systems, parcels and mail trains

Other companies help in development, maintenance controlling and engineering

companies including in the organization structure.

Oyster Cards and Travel cards in London

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London Transport Zones and Ticket Prices

Off-Peak One-day Travel card

Zones 1 and 2 –Rent £7 for adult

Zones 1–4 – Rent £7.70 for adult

Zones 1–6 – Rent £8.50 for adult

Zones 1–9 – Rent £11.60 for adult

Peak One-day Travel card

Zones 1 and 2 – Rent £8.40 for adult

Zones 1–4 – Rent £10.60 for adult

Zones 1–6 – Rent £15.80 for adult

Zones 1–9 – Rent £19.6 for adult

Page 16: SUBMITTED BY J.H. PATEL COLLEGE OF ... PDF 2012/795 - UK.pdfperformance of UK retailing, compared to that in other countries, which may be attributed to differences in the regulatory

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Transportation role in the Economy of U.K.

●Railway is a key part of the UK supply chain, helping improve UK economic

efficiency for manufacturers, retailers and traditional bulk trades.

●Use of trains reduces the environmental impact of the supply chain in the UK each

extra container train can remove 50 Lorries from Britain‘s congested roads.

●Rail can help enable Britain‘s increasing demand for imported containerized

goods to be met efficiently

●Railway use is growing in sectors such as retail and consumer goods

●Rail allows British industry to participate in global supply chains.

Change the structure after privatization

Infrastructure owner

Rail track was located into management on 7 October 2001 and, the subsequent

year, its functions as the track owner were taken over by Network Rail, which is a

company limited by guarantee, nominally in the private sector but with members instead

of shareholders and its borrowing guaranteed by the government.

Effect of Privatization

●Customer service Improvement customer services.

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●Fares and timetable Provide to all passengers time table and true information

●New trains Start new train and given extra facility

●Rolling stock manufacture The rolling stock manufacturers themselves suffered

under privatisation; with the space in new orders for new trains caused by the

reorganisation and reform process, the former BREL mechanism at York had been

severely downsized and finally closed.

● Regularity and Reliability The contracts in place among companies were intended

to incentivise improvements in these areas, but with the big increase in the number of

trains run while using extra or fewer the same amount of rolling stock and track, there

has been less area for exercise when problems occur, with consequent impacts on


●Level of traffic decrease road traffic and that types unfavorable facility and get other


●Effectiveness and Efficiency Increasing effectiveness and customer satisfaction to

give up extra facility and other extra advantage.

●Political power decreases of political control for the reason that railway all control

given to private companies and all right and rules.

Reminder of the structure

• Privatised infrastructure manager (Rail track; Network Rail)

• Independent economic regulator

• Outright sale of rail freight operators

• Franchising of passenger services

• Sale of rolling stock leasing companies (Investigation)

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About the Indian Railway

Indian Railway was 1st introduced to India in 1853, by 1947, the year of India's

independence; there were 42 rail systems. In 1951 the systems were nationalized as

one unit, the Indian Railways, becoming one of the major networks in the universal.

Indian railway operates both long distance and built-up rail systems on a multi-gauge

network of large, metar and narrow gauges. It also owns position and instructor

manufacture facilities.

Indian Railways has 114,500 km of total track over a route of 65,000 km and

Indian railway has 7,500 stations. It has the world's 4th largest railway network after

those of the United States, Russia and China. The railways carry over 30 million

passengers and 2.8 million tons of freight daily.

It is the world's fourth largest commercial or utility employer, by number of

employees, with over 1.4 million employees. As for rolling stock, Indian Railway owns

over 240,000 (freight) wagons, 60,000 coaches and 9,000 locomotives.

Track and gauge

Indian railways uses four gauges, the 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in) broad gauge which is

wider than the 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in) standard gauge; the 1,000 mm (3 ft 3 3⁄8 in) metre

gauge; and two narrow gauges, 762 mm (2 ft 6 in) and 610 mm (2 ft) . Track sections

are rated for speeds ranging from 75 to 160 km/h (47 to 99 mph).

Organizational structure (India)

In India all railway divided in some zones for example central (Mumbai), East

central (Hajipura), North central (Allahabad), West central (Jabalpur), South (Chennai),

North (Delhi), East (Kolkata), ect.

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Type Government-owned Corporation

Industry Railroads

Founded 16 April 1853

Headquarters New Delhi, Delhi, India

Area served India

Key people Mukul Roy (2012) (Minister for Railways) Vinay Mittal (Chairman)

Services Passenger railways

freight services bus transportation travel agency services parking lot operations other related services

Revenue 106,647 crore (US$21.28 billion) (2011–12)

Net income 9,610 crore (US$1.92 billion) (2011–12)

Owner(s) Government of India (100%)

Employees Approx. 1.4 million (2011)

Divisions 17 Railway Zones

Minister of Railway

Mamata Banerjee 1999–2000

Nitish Kumar 2001-2004

Laloo Prasad Yadav 2004-2009

Mamata Banerjee 2009-2011

Classification of Services in Indian Railway

First class AC AC-Two tier First class

AC three tier AC three tier (Economy) AC chair car

Executive class chair car Sleeper class Seated class


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Comparison of Indian and British Railways

Indian Government Announce that budget but in British whole railway control

system operate deferent companies so that budget and finance operating individual or

through public share collect and doing operate railway system.

Top 10 Indian rail popular journeys

(1)Vasco da Gama (Goa) to Londa (Karnataka) (2) New Jalpaiguri (West Bengal),

Tinsukia, Ledo (Assam) (3) Pune (Maharashtra) to New Delhi (4) : Madgaon (Goa) to

Mumbai (5) Mumbai to Delhi (6) Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu) to Trivandrum (Kerala) (7)

Kalka (Haryana) to Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) (8) Jammu to Udhampur (Jammu state)

(9) Bangalore (Karnataka) to Goa (10) New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling (West Bengal)

Top British rail popular journeys

(1) London – Liverpool (2) Manchester – York From quays to shambles (3) Edinburgh –

London England and Scotland (4) London – Paris (5) London – Brussels

Rail accidents

In India at least Approximately 21 Accident in last two year and that compare in British

only Two accidents and only one person die.

A Study of Ahmedabad and London Railway System

Objectives of the Study

1. Appropriate technical solution to carry the projected volume of traffic.

2. We came to know how much traffic demanded in Ahmedabad.

3. It considers latest technology in railway and high technology can make transport

faster and easiest.

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4. Vast different between London & Ahmedabad transportation

5. People spend time on transport of both cities.

6. To judge volume of pollution due transport elements.

7. To know system of ticketing.

8. Territory zone wise divided in transport.

Research Design

The research conducted by we are a explanatory research. This is explanatory in

nature because study is focused on fact finding investigation in a well structured form

and is based secondary data.

Collection of Data: Secondary Data is used for the Study. We have collected the data

through internet, magazine and news paper use and done our work.

Sampling Method: Random Sampling

Analysis to Both the City

1. Transportation


In Ahmedabad only some Railway station and no one over bridge or underground rail

road and other transportation system work in Ahmedabad system for example B.R.T.S

and A.M.T.S etc.

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In London Buses and Trams system for their passenger other than Railway system

underground and over ground train working so in London decreases traffic.

2. Traffic


More than one-lakh vehicles are recorded on Sardar Bridge, Nehru Bridge and

Gandhi Bridge on Sabarmati River. More than one million persons cross the Sabarmati

River every day. About 71,000 persons board and alight daily at Ahmedabad (Kalupur)

station. Out of 6.65 million passengers trips made per day in AUDA and Gandhinagar

Area, 28% trips are made by public transport.


London is a major international air transport hub with the largest city airspace in the

world. Eight airports use the word London in their name, but most traffic passes through

six of these. London Heathrow Airport, in Hillingdon, West London, is the busiest airport

in the world for international traffic, and is the major hub of the nation's flag

carrier, British Airways In March 2008 its fifth terminal was opened.

3. Technology


Improve maintenance of Signaling and telecommunication equipments by monitoring

system status of trackside and train borne equipment and enabling preventive

maintenance. Signaling & Train Control system on the line is planned for design

headway of 2 minutes so as to meet sustained train operation at up to 2.5 minutes

interval during peak hours.


In London and Ahmedabad Signaling and Tele communication systems most of

same but there train and system that speed fast with compare Indian train.

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4. Time Management and spending time of Passengers


In Ahmedabad most of trains are not coming in perfect time schedule. There is

always time difference between two or three train approximately five to ten minutes. So

the authority of railway should to consider perfect time management.


In London, passenger is doing time management by using oyster card and

season pass especially for senior citizen and for students. So by this passengers should

not to stand in a line or queue. So by this passenger can save their time.

5. Ticketing system


In Ahmedabad 60% people are using ticket with (OTC- on the counter) approach.

They are buying ticket manually. 20% people are using reservation system, and 10%

people are using e ticket which is done through agency and individually with the help of

internet & rest of 10% people are using M-ticket. Which is very faster and most popular

in now a days, people do not have to carry paper ticket with them they will only have to

show message with ticket number and their respective train name and number so it is

eco friendly & time saver.


London is one of the very fast and sophisticated city in United Kingdom, so

transportation of London is very fast and accurate, people are very reliable on the

transportation of the London, because most of people are using transportation which is

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running by the 24 private transportation company. Here in fright, rent & ticketing system

are very fast.

6. Zone wise


In Ahmedabad railway system there are mainly three zones are considered. Mainly

that is called phase I, phase II, and phase III. That are describes as follows.

Phase I (0 – 30 km)

Paldi to Akshardham

Phase II (30 - 40 km)

Chandgodar to Indroda Circle

Phase iii (40 – 55 km)

Sanand city to Limbadiya, Koba


In London there are mainly three zones. These are describes as follows

Zone 1

Notting hill gate – Earl‘s court – Vauxhall – Elephant and Castel – Aldgate East –


Zone 2

North Acton- Turnham green – Herene Hill – Lewisham – East india – Clapton –

Archway – Willesden Junction.

Zone 3

Heathrow Airport – Kew Gardens – Wimblendon – Beckton – Leytonstone – Mill hill east

- Wembley

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1. There are more traffic problem incurs at traffic signals, four paths, and main bus

stations. In London because of underground, over ground, tram and rail there is less

traffic incurs.

2. More than one-lakh vehicles are recorded on Sardar Bridge, Nehru Bridge and

Gandhi Bridge on Sabarmati River. More than one million persons cross the Sabarmati

River every day.

3. London‘s technology of train system like Tele communication, signaling and speed

are higher than ahmedabad or India.

3. In Ahmedabad most of trains are not coming in perfect time schedule. And in London

because of the train‘s perfect time scheduling and high speed passengers can reach to

their destination in perfect time. And because of more trains in London people should

not to wait for the train.

4. In Ahmedabad 60% people are using ticket with (OTC- on the counter) approach.

They are buying ticket manually. 20% people are using reservation system, and 10%

people are using e ticket which is done through agency and individually with the help of

internet & rest of 10% people are using M-ticket.

5. London is a very eco friendly city which has good air atmosphere and fresh air but in

Ahmedabad seasonal weather atmosphere can‘t be stable.

6. In London there are three zones. And the rent of London‘s train is easier to divide as

per the zone wise system. And In Ahmedabad there is no zone is divided for the metro


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1. By the use of metro train service we can reduces the traffic problem in Ahmedabad

and in India.

2. By the build the over bridge and under bridge for metro train and for ordinary train we

can reduces the traffic problem.

3. Time scheduling should to improve to rail authority of ahmedabad. And reservation

system make more secure and safe.

4. Implementing the new technology in distributing ticketing, so new sources can make

easy travelling.

5. Minimum uses of liquid fuel engines so air pollution can be reduce. Make more lines

for electronic engines. Maintain and keep tracks clean.

6.In ahmedabad we should to make partition of phases.

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Demographic profile of UK

The United Kingdom, consisting of Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland) and

Northern Ireland. According to the 2001 census, the total population of the United

Kingdom was 58,789,194—the third-largest in the European Union (behind Germany

and metropolitan France) and the 21st-largest in the world. The United Kingdom's

extremely high literacy rate (99%) is attributable to universal introduced for the primary

level in 1870 (Scotland 1872, free 1890) and secondary level in 1900. Parents are

obliged to have their children educated from the ages of 5 to 16 (with legislation passed

to raise this to 18), and can continue education free of charge in the form of A-Levels,

vocational training or apprenticeship to age 18. About 40% of British students go on to

post-secondary education (18+).

The UK's population is predominantly White British. Being located close to continental

Europe, the countries that formed the United Kingdom were subject to many invasions

and migrations, especially from Scandinavia and the continent,

including Roman occupation for several centuries. Historically, British people were

thought to be descended mainly from the different ethnic stocks that settled there before

the 11th century; pre-Celtic, Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman.

England's population in mid-2008 was estimated to be 51.44 million. It is one of the

most densely populated countries in the world, with 383 people resident per square

kilometer in mid-2003, with a particular concentration in London and the south east. The

mid-2008 estimates put Scotland's population at 5.17 million, Wales at 2.99 million and

Northern Ireland at 1.78 million, with much lower population densities than England.

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The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy, with a

queen and a parliament that has two houses. The House of Lords was stripped of most

of its power in 1911, and now its main function is to revise legislation. In Nov. 1999,

hundreds of hereditary peers were expelled in an effort to make the body more

democratic. The executive power of the Crown is exercised by the cabinet, headed by

the prime minister.

Economic overview

The economy of the United Kingdom is the sixth-largest national economy in the world

measured by nominal GDP and seventh-largest measured by purchasing power parity,

and the third-largest in Europe measured by nominal GDP and second-largest

measured by PPP. The UK's GDP per capita is the 20th highest in the world in nominal

terms and the 17th highest measured by PPP. In the 18th century the UK was the first

country in the world to industrialize, and during the 19th century possessed a dominant

role in the global economy. From the late 19th century the Second Industrial

Revolution in the United States and the German Empire presented an increasing

challenge to Britain's role as leader of the global economy. Despite victory, the costs of

fighting both the First World War and Second World War further weakened the relative

economic position of the UK, and by 1945 Britain had been superseded by the United

States as the world's dominant economic power.

The UK is one of the world's most globalised countries. London is the world's largest

financial centre alongside New York and has the largest city GDP in Europe. As of

December 2010 the UK had the third-largest stock of both inward and outward

foreign . The aerospace industry of the UK is the second- or third-largest national

aerospace industry, depending upon the method of measurement. The pharmaceutical

industry plays an important role in the UK economy and the country has the third-

highest share of global pharmaceutical R&D expenditures. The British economy is

boosted by North Sea oil and gas reserves, valued at an estimated £250 billion in 2007.

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Trade and commerce of UK

The Department of Trade and Industry was a United Kingdom government department

which was replaced with the announcement of the creation of the Department for

Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and the Department for Innovation,

Universities and Skills on 28 June 2007. In 1983 the departments of Trade and Industry

were reunited. The Department of Energy was re-merged back into the DTI in 1992, but

various media-related functions transferred to the Department for National Heritage.

Until it was succeeded in June 2007 the DTI continued to set the energy policy of the

United Kingdom.

After the 2005 general election the DTI was renamed to the Department for Productivity,

Energy and Industry, but the name reverted to Department of Trade and Industry less

than a week later, after widespread derision, including some from the Confederation of

British Industry.

Overview Different Economic Sectors of UK

Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing

Production industries

Electricity, gas and water supply

Manufacturing in the United Kingdom

Service industries

Creative industries

Education, health and social work

Financial and business services


Other social and personal services

Real estate and renting activities

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Overview of business and Trade at International level.

International business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial

transactions. Private and governmental, sales, investment, logistics, and transportation)

that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their

political boundary. Usually, private companies undertake

such transactions for profit; governments undertake them for profit and

for political reasons. It refers to all those business activities which involves cross border

transactions of goods, services, resources between two or more nations. Transaction of

economic resources include capital, skills, people etc. for international production of

physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, construction etc.

A multinational enterprise (MNE) is a company that has a worldwide approach to

markets and production or one with operations in more than a country. An MNE is often

called multinational corporation (MNC) or transnational company (TNC).

INDIA-UK relations

The United Kingdom is committed to developing an enhanced partnership with India.

The UK/India relationship is mutually beneficial and wide ranging; covering-

development, regional stability, trade and investment, climate change, counter terrorism

and reform of the global international systems. UK share the core values of democracy,

pluralism and tolerance. British society is enriched by its strong, dynamic human ties to

India. Over 1 million people travel between the UK and India every year. Between 1.5m

and 2m people of Indian origin live in the UK, the largest ethnic group.

Partners in business

The UK and India are among the top investors in each other‘s economies bringing

significant long term benefits to both.

The UK is the largest European investor in India and the fourth largest internationally.

Likewise, India is the third largest investor in the UK.

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The UK is by far the most popular business destination in Europe for Indian companies.

700 out of the 1200 Indian firms in the EU operate from the UK. Tata is the largest

single manufacturing company in the UK.

Prosperity Fund:

The Prosperity Fund with a corpus of £2.5 million for 2011-2012 builds on the

achievements of the previous Low Carbon High Growth Strategic Programme Fund and

directly supports our implementation of Foreign Policy Priority 2: ―Build Britain‘s

prosperity by increasing exports and investment, opening markets, ensuring access to

resources, and promoting sustainable global growth‖.

Introduction of Telecom sector in UK

The telecommunications industry contributes around 45% of the country‘s Gross

Domestic Product (GDP) and might therefore be considered of relatively minor

importance to the country. The social life of the country is highly dependent on

telecommunications too. Telecommunications has a ‗multiplier‘ effect and its importance

to the overall continuity of life and the democratic tradition of this country is immense.

Historically, telecom players in the UK have been very risk but as the market changes,

so does their attitude to IT. Increasingly, IT is being seen as the enabler of business

development, and a key tool for achieving some ambitious cost-cutting plans.

Meanwhile, heightened consolidation activity is further pushing up the need for IT

services with a greater need for integration and systemization of existing disparate

legacy systems.

Telecoms are certainly an exciting market in the UK and one that is set to continue its

current dynamic growth curve. Since opening up the telecommunications markets to

competition in the 1980s, a wide range of companies have entered the market and

many have chosen to specialise in the kinds of network they have built and services

they offer.

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Introduction of Vodafone

The history of Vodafone company is an interesting one. This wireless giant was created

in 1984 as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics Plc In September of 1991 Vodafone Group

Plc. emerged and became and independent company from Racal Electronics Plc.

Vodafone made the UK's first mobile call at a few minutes past midnight on 1 January

1985. Within fifteen years, the network was the largest company in Europe and the

largest of its kind anywhere in the world. A review of the structure of its marketing team

earlier this year led to Vodafone axing about 10% of marketing staff.

By the turn of the century, almost every second UK citizen had a mobile – and a third of

them were connected to Vodafone.

The Vodafone story is one of investment, innovation and award-winning customer


Above all, it‘s one of growth and the ability to deliver the tremendous benefits of mobile

communications, not just in the UK but worldwide.

We‘ve come a long way since the early 80s.

Vodafone Role In Economy Of United Kingdom

Vodafone has scrapped the role of chief marketing officer and setup a new commercial

business unit to lead on marketing as part of a wider overhaul of its organizational


The ―group commercial‖ unit will include group marketing, business services, and global

enterprise and partner markets.

It will be led by the telecommunications company‘s head of Africa and Central Europe

Morten Lundal, who will take the title of group chief commercial officer.

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A spokeswoman for Vodafone says that the role of chief marketing officer will cease to

exist from 1 October.

She adds that an ―alternative‖ role is currently being sought for current CMO, Wendy

Becker who will stay in the meantime to support the company‘s work on customer

experience and engagement.

The group has also created two new ―operating regions‖ - one for Europe and another

for Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific.

Michel Combes and Nick Read will head the respective divisions.

The group says the changes will help it focus on its ―customer and commercial strength,

leadership in data, brand advocacy, cost efficiency and shareholder returns‖ & ―by

reducing layers and simplifying managerial governance‖.

Comparative position of Vodafone in India

On 28 October 2005, the Company announced the acquisition of a 10 per cent stake in

India's Bharti Televentures, which operates the largest mobile phone network in India

under the brand name AirTel.

On 22 December 2005, the Company announced the completion of the acquisition of

the 10% stake in Bharti Televentures of India.

On 6 February 2007, along with the partnership with Digicel Caribbean. Samoa was

added as a Partner Market. Then on 11 February 2007, the Company agreed to acquire

a controlling interest of 67% in Hutchison Essar Limited for US$11.1 billion.

At the same time, it agreed to sell back 5.6% of its AirTel stake back to the Mittals.

Vodafone would retain a 4.4% stake in AirTel. On 21 September 2007, Hutch was

rebranded to Vodafone in India.

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Present position of Vodafone

The importance of India to Vodafone can be judged by the number of references to this

key market in Market Mettle's Vodafone Watch dated January 2011 in India.

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Policies and Norms of India for Import or export to the UK country In this policies and norms of India for import to the UK country including : -

Agro Exports

Service Exports

Status Holders


Gem & Jewellery division

Export Clusters

Elimination of Quantitative limitations

Particular Economic Zones plan

EOU plan

Proceed Licence

Decrease of Transaction Cost


Duty free import capability for service part having minimum foreign trade

earnings of Rs.10 lakhs. The duty free right shall be 10% of the average foreign

trade earned in the past three licensing years.

The corporate to provide services such as provision of pre/post collect action and

operations, plant safety, handing out, covering, storeroom and related R&D.

100% depreciation to be available over a period of 3 years to computer and

computer peripherals for units in EOU/EHTP/STP/SEZ.

Precious stone & Jewellery units in SEZ and EOUs can receive precious metal

i.e. Gold/silver/platinum past to exports or post exports corresponding to value of

jewellery exported.

High priority being accorded to the EDI accomplishment programme covering all

major groups of people partners in order to reduce transaction cost, time and

judgment. We are now gearing ourselves to provide on line approvals to

exporters where exports have been artificial from 23 EDI port.

Definite user condition for import of second hand capital goods up to 10 years old

dispensed with.

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Decrease in penal interest rate from 24% to 15% for all old cases of non-

payment under Exim Policy.

Rule and standard of UK for Vodafone company for import / export

Vodafone has a position for truthfulness, built through our business main beliefs

which we apply in all of our business actions. Employing our business policies

with every supplier we effort with ensures our business principles are put into

perform. All of Vodafone‘s business policies may be seen here. These standards

are invoked within our commercial structure with loyalty managed through our

Supplier Performance Management program.

Every licence/official document/authorization shall be suitable for the period of

strength particular in the licence/ official document/ permission and shall hold

such terms and situation as may be one by the licensing power which may

include: The number, account and value of the commodities. Real consumer

condition, Export requirement, the value adding to be achieved; and the smallest

amount export value.

No individual may maintain a licence/documentation/ authorization as a right and

the Director General of Foreign deal or the licensing authority shall have the

power to decline to grant or repair a licence/record/permission in agreement with

the necessities of the Act and the Rules made there under.

Trade policy

It has been one year since the Government launched the Trade and Investment White

Paper. Led by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and working closely

with UK Trade and Investment and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the White

Paper advocated a whole of government approach to trade and UK growth.

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The aim of the UK Trade Policy Unit (TPU)

The TPU brings together trade and development policy experts from BIS and the

Department for International Development (DFID), its aim is to help bring about global

prosperity and security through open and fair markets.

Simply preserving current levels of openness is a significant challenge, given increased

pressure to resort to protectionism. Their priorities in the economic crisis, therefore, are

to help keep markets open, to help UK business overcome barriers to trade and prepare

for the upturn, and to ensure trade continues to contribute to sustainable development

and poverty-reduction, consistent with our longer-term trade strategy.

UK business does not operate in a vacuum. In the longer term, the greatest benefits

from trade result from the openness of all which is best achieved if all share in the



A business opportunity is any opportunity that arises for you to make money with. This

can include everything from a franchise to a mail order scheme.

Here are eight different categories of business ideas that can safely bet on for the


1. Environmental. Any business with a positive effect on the Environment, i.e.

solar energy, recycle, alternate power etc.

2. Debt Advice. With the ever growing awareness of people in debt, any sort of

financial counseling, education or debt regulation will do very well over the next

5 years. Just make sure it can still get paid for this, as most of your clients will

be broke.

3. Convenience. Any product or service that adds a form of convenience to the

lives of the hard working and lazy has a huge developing market. Services such

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as readymade home cooked suppers, laundry services, garden services, walk

the dog, pay your bills, wash your car. You get the drift.

4. Services for the Aged. There is a huge sector of the population that is getting

older and not dieing. Any services that are focused at looking after these people

will blossom. Again look at costs and service ability. These could be a simple

bus service to the shops. Outings to places of interest. Entertainment activities.

Sporting packages. Skydiving – only kidding.

5. Cellular Communication. Any add-on product or service that moves with the

times of the huge cellular market will do well. We have seen many new

products come out recently that adds convenience and ease of use. Moneyless

transaction, online chat, booking services, status enquiries etc.

6. Home Entertainment. We are spending more time at home in the evening,

give us things to do. Wii, movies, Pizza, dress up, dress down…

7. Beauty and Body Care. Lipstick, gym, personal training, loose fat, look good,

feel sexy. Any product that does that for me, I‘m buying.

8. Low Life Expectancy. The flip side to #4. We are also seeing a huge death

rate due to HIV, TB and maybe next year N1H4. Any services linked to death

will be booming. Undertakes, coffin makers, funeral policies and related


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The UK is located north-west of the European island among Atlantic Ocean and North

Sea. This one takes a total land area of 244,100 sq. kilometers, of which closely 99% is

land and the rest inside water. Starting northerly to south it is nearby 1,000 kilometers


History of textile and clothing industry consumes remained full by the use of several

bilateral quotas, protective policies, biased prices, etc. via industrialized world beside

the developing countries.

Britain is largest Island in UK. Great Britain is one of the greatest solidly populated

countries of Europe, through the southern parts of the country accomplishment the

highest concentration figures of Europe as a complete.

The Indian textile industry is one of the largest and oldest sectors in the country and

among the most important in the economy in terms of output and investment. Its

importance is underlined by the fact that it accounts for around 4% of Gross Domestic

Product, 14% of industrial production, 9% of excise collections, and 18% of employment

in the industrial sector, and 16% of the country‘s total exports earnings.

President cuts income tax amount for 300,000 richest families, while 4.4 million seniors

remain set to lose out by £84 a year.

Bank of England sometimes organizes interest amount changes by the European

Central Bank, then Britain residues external the European Trade and industry and

Budgetary Union (EMU).

Fabrics sector is an important component of the United Kingdom‘s intercontinental

trading. But a growing ratio of finished clothing goods are imported from foreign, the

United Kingdom‘s export assets untrained areas such as textiles and clothing policy,

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and in the expansion and production of new fabrics including field and technical


The expansion of the European Union delivers marketing and sales prospects too good

to miss – counting unlimited admission to additional than 450 million customers – and

quickly rising then developing marketplaces such as India and China, Brazil and the

Central East characterize amazing global forecasts.

Working together with the Chamber of Commerce, the BCC strives to highlight export

opportunities for the manufacturing and service industries through its Trade and

Enterprise Campaign.

The international trade for textile marketing targeting supermarket industry and new

technology for advertising the clothes and textile products

Continued rise of developing economies on the world stage will provide substantial

potential opportunities for already developed economies – with, amongst other things,

new markets for their exporters and investors. But the continued rise of these

developing economies will also increase the pressure on energy resources, with

developing economies expected to account for half of world energy demand by 2012.

New inventions in fashion manufacture, industrial and design originated in the

Manufacturing uprising – these new wheels, looms, and spinning procedures

transformed fashion builder continually.

India‘s fabric business subsequently its opening continues to be mostly yarn built with

around 65 percentage of textile ingesting in the county existence accounted aimed at

through cotton. The industry is highly contained in Ahmedabad and Bombay now the

western part of the county still other centers happen with






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International trade, whether in the form of exporting, importing or strategic global

alliances, is only one part of the much bigger picture of international business, which is

more concerned with global trade issues than with the mechanics of selling goods

overseas or purchasing from foreign suppliers.

Export revenues for developing countries are limited by demanding hygiene and

sanitary regulations and high import tariff rates for processed products imposed by

developed countries. Subsidies to developed countries‘ fishing fleets and processing

sectors similarly variety it challenging for emerging countries to play.

The UK India Business Council (UKIBC), formerly Indo-British Partnership Network

(IBPN) is the leading business organization supporting the promotion of bilateral trade,

trade and venture opportunities between the two countries.

There are many factors in macro – environment that will affect choices for the

supervisors of any business. Tax fluctuations, new regulations, profession obstructions,

demographic modification and management policy changes are totally samples of

macro changes. In the direction of support investigate these issues administrators can

categories them consuming the PESTEL model.

A political feature refers to government procedure such as the point of involvement in

the budget.

Economic features contain interest charges, taxation fluctuations, and monetary growth,

increase and exchange charges.

A social factor consumes improved the costs for organizations who remain loyal to

allowance expenditures for their employees because their staff is living longer.

The technology of present creates new products and new processes. Online works,

tablet coding and computer supported design are all progresses to the method we do

professional as a result of better equipment.

Legal factors exist interrelated to the legal atmosphere in which businesses operate.

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Particular fluctuations in the macro environment will make opportunities for a industry.

The development of the European Union has completed it easier to export to

marketplaces such as Bulgarian and Romania. The boom in China has created a most

important new advertise.

New modifications might create threats. The growing of the internet has defenseless

traditional platform holiday companies as consumer‘s book indirectly for themselves;

this is why this manufacturing considerable associated as firm justifies becoming more


The textile sector is unique of the major industries in the world. Individual factories

within the sector can album from large modern and highly automated plants to small

traditional units focusing on hand-made products. The industry also uses a wide range

of process dyes and chemicals some of which may be poisonous and hazardous.

Fabric manufacturing plays a significant role in the budget. The Indian fabric business is

one of the major and most significant sectors in the economy in terms of output, foreign

exchange pays and engagement in India. The sector employments approximately 35

million people and are the 2nd highest company in the country.

A number of features must cause a quick weakening in the market request for finished

textiles in the United Kingdom

Crash of the tough exchange rate - that consumes made imports of textile produces

much cheaper when valued in genuine. As an outcome, the measure of import

perception in United Kingdom international marketplaces takes increased.

Introduction of the Nationwide Minimum Wage - must consumed some negative

penalties for international effectiveness of the sector. The difficulties fashioned by the

extraordinary conversation amount and the recession popular Asian and US markets

must be situated more powerful than the national minimum wage.

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Fresh inventions in fashion production, manufacture and design came during the

Industrial Uprising - these new wheels, looms, and rotating processes transformed

clothing production forever.

The textile industry specially the British textile industry played a very significant position

in the appearance and the succeeding development of the trade uprising. The fabric

business above all constructed everywhere the English counties of Lancashire and

Yorkshire consumed be located an important part of the British budget for 2 or 3 periods

before the commencement of the industrial uprising.

Labor abundant countries have a comparative advantage in garment assembly as they

can compete on lower wages. There are several wrong or incomplete inferences with

that argument.

Key labor standards relate to the terms of employment, remuneration from employment,

and working conditions.

This section discusses how the T&C and garment industry is referred to in the most

recent National Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSP‘s) for the following developing

countries and highly dependent T&C exporters: Bangladesh; Lesotho; Cambodia;

Pakistan; Laos PDR and Madagascar

Indian T&C market is estimated at Rs. 2.55 Trillion (2007-08) by exports secretarial for

35% of total marketplace value. Other important export markets are UAE (6%), China

(5%), Bangladesh (3%) and Japan (1%)

Comparatively large-scale mills that participate spinning, weaving and, occasionally,

fabric final are common in other major textile-producing countries. In India, though,

these categories of mills now account for about only 3% of productivity in the textile

sector. Around 276 compound mills are now working in India, most possessed by the

community sector and several deemed monetarily ―sick.‖


Strong domestic textile presence across the entire value chain

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Abundant availability of raw material, both cotton and man-made.

Increasing modernization of Indian T&C manufacturing sector facilitated by the TUF



High dependence of T&C trade on EU27 and US

Large number of small scale units in the garment industry on account of reservation

under SSI till recently thus, lacking benefits of economies of scale.

Weaving, garmenting and processing sectors of the industry are still not fully


High dependence of Indian T&C industry on Cotton as against the world T&C industry

which is dominated by man-made fiber. This difference is expected to further increase

with the increase in the excise duty of man-made fiber from 4% to 8% announced in

Budget 2009-10.

Lack of trained manpower


Favorable demographics in the domestic market; increasing young population coupled

with rising income levels in the domestic market is likely to act as a key growth factor for

the Indian textile Industry.

Increasing production costs in China resulting in China becoming non-competitive


Removal of US and EU quotas on imports from China from December 31, 2008

Emerging low cost garment manufacturers i.e. Bangladesh, Vietnam and Sri Lanka

Trade defense measures been taken by certain major export markets of India

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The most important sectors of the Indian economy are textile sector. Further, 23% of the

State GDP comes from textiles. The city of Surat alone contributes to 40% of art silk

fabric produced in India and is the largest production base for man-made fabrics.





The Indian textile industry contributes about 14% to industrial production, 4% to the

county‘s overweight national invention and 17% to the county‘s export incomes.

Large availability of raw material like cotton takes significantly contributed to the growth

of textile sector in Gujarat. In current times there has been a shift of the textile hub from

Mumbai to Gujarat, largely due to lower cost of real estate in Gujarat.

Textile business division qualified to reward concessional mortgages for technology

promotion requirements include

Revolving, yarn ginning and pressing

Silk winding and snaking

Material washing and exploring

Artificial thread yarn texturizing, folding and winding

Industrial of viscose thread yarn (VTY) or viscose principal fiber (VPF)

Knitting or interweaving including non-woven and technical cloths

Clothes, made-up industrialized

Treating of fibre, yarn, fabric, dresses and made-ups


Laws will give additional opportunities to the surviving players and encourage new

players to start their venture in the State. Technology is the key near success in the

textile industry. The State should, thus focus on building retail opportunities in textiles &

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garments to chance the growing demand in the country. Thus, the State must leverage

on available resources and should focus on expanding the portfolio of technical textiles.

India is the world‘s second-largest textile producer and is diversified and capable of

manufacturing a wide variety of textiles. The spinning segment is fairly modernized and

competitive, accounting for about 20% of world cotton yarn exports.

Though the mainstream of the goods are easily importable, the Exim Policy (2007) of

India forbids import of certain types of merchandises as well as conditional import of

certain things. In such a condition it develops significant for the importer to must an

import license issued by the delivering establishments of the Government of India.

Some damage in the import license is typically glancing at by custom administrators of

the tradition subdivision. Client examiner and other practice representatives have

specialist to inspect and appraise the goods to be imported. It‘s a portion of their job to

control whether imports imitate to the explanation in the import Certificate or not.

Custom authorized even have correct to custody penalties and consequences if any

damage in the introduction license is found to be complete by the importer.

Trade barriers prevent higher trade on both the intensive and extensive margins, with

barriers to market entry in particular affecting trade on the extensive margin. Crozet &

Koenig (2010) find that, on average, the extensive margin channels 74% of the impact

of trade barriers on total trade.

Variable trade costs, including transport costs, will affect trade on the extensive margin,

in terms of the number of country trading partners, more for homogenous goods than for

differentiated/innovative goods. Since homogenous goods are more easily substitutable

and compete more on price, these goods will tend to be exported from a country that is

geographically close to the recipient market and that has low bilateral trade barriers with

the recipient country.

By consumerism and reusable income on the inclination, the wholesale segment has

witnessed speedy growth in the past period. A number of international retailers are also

concentrating on India due to its development as a potential sourcing destination.

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Fixed costs of market entry have a larger impact on the extensive margin than on the

intensive margin of trade. The effect is larger for differentiated/innovative goods than for

homogenous goods, and the share of exports explained by the extensive margin is

larger in these sectors.

This suggests that the fixed costs of entry arising from distance can dominate the effect

of variable costs on the extensive margin at firm level, and, as argued by Rauch, that

these fixed costs are greater for firms selling differentiated products. Consistent with this

idea, Koenig also finds that the share of exports explained by the extensive margin, in

terms of the number of firms exporting, is larger in sectors with more differentiated


Therefore, when the elasticity of substitution is low, a reduction in barriers to entry for

UK firms in China will result in more UK firms entering the Chinese market (as well as

existing exporters exporting larger volumes), and a large increase in overall UK-China

exports, potentially increasing the UK‘s market share.

Services do not go through customs and cannot be observed crossing a border.

However, there are considerable trade barriers behind the border, related to compliance

with regulation, which require considerable resources on the part of the exporter.

The impact of fixed market entry costs is larger for differentiated goods, as these costs

tend to increase with product complexity, and the share of exports explained by the

extensive margin is larger in these sectors

Central Silk Board has traditional an objective of 26,000 tons of rawsilk manufacture by

2011-12. To accomplish these goals, association with the private sector, especially

main agro-based businesses in both pre-cocoon and post-cocoon sections, is being


By consumerism and reusable income on the inclination, the wholesale segment has

witnessed speedy growth in the past period. A number of international retailers are also

concentrating on India due to its development as a potential sourcing destination.

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The Government of India has planned the formation of some CoEs training the workers

in the textile area.

The prospective size of the Indian textile business is expected to touch US$ 220 billion

by 2020.

From over all analysis about the textile industry of United Kingdom and India we can

conclude that textile industry is one of the largest and oldest sectors in the world and

among the most important in the economy in terms of output and investment.

As per our analysis we can conclude that this business don‘t having end in present

competitive market. This is having best opportunities in different sectors at global level.

In textile industry‘s impact of fixed market entry costs is larger for differentiated goods,

as these costs tend to increase with product complexity, and the share of exports

explained by the extensive margin is larger in these sectors.

As per our opinions in present world every person is using cloths and will be used in

future to protect their body. So we can get the best chances to make good position in

textiles industry with innovative technology and designs which require every people.

We are indebted to some great personalities who always inspire us to do this job.

In the pursuit of management excellence every student owes a great deal to the insights

and suggestions of others and we are no exception. We believe learning is a process

that entails to give and take exchange of ideas and value addition through discussion.

Last, but not the least, we are thankful to Gujarat Technological University for

introducing to take Global Country report in a sector / industry and prepare report as a

significant aspect of our Master of Business Administration practical experience to

actual business environment at global level.

Frankly speaking, any job or the task, have the specific objective i.e. what is need and

what is the requirement of the particular work. In the same way our objective is also to

learn something from the Global Country Report.

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(PART -1)

Global country study report is a part of SEM 3 and 4 as per GTU curriculum. In this part

of study groups are been formed to study particular country. In the study of global

country our group has selected United Kingdom as country for global country report.

Under study of country we are able to get idea about the sectors which we have

to choose for global report. Under the United Kingdom country we have selected the oil

and gas sector for studying the global country for such report.

While doing the report firstly we have analyzed the demographic profile of the

country. The demographic view of the country shows that the UK has played vital role in

parliamentary democracy. We have also found that at first half of 20th century

UK‘sgiftvery depleted in two world wars. The second half witnessed the

dismantling of the Empire and the UK transformation itself into a current and

rich European nation.

Secondly, we have analyzed economic overview of country. In

economic overview of country we have found that UK is third largest trading

power and financial center in Europe after Germany and France. In 2005 UK

become a net importer of energy and UK oil & gas are decline .UK Have also

analysedthat Facinggrowing public shortages and debt levels, in 2010 the

started a five-year austerity program by CAMERON management, which aims

to lesser London's budget shortage from over 10% of GDP in 2010 to nearly

1% by 2015.

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The position due topositionfinancial sectorthe global financial disaster

hit the economy in 2008. The UK is the sixth largest economy in the world, with a

gross domestic product (GDP) of 3.62 %.

The economic growth of UK is 2% due to inflation. The unemployment of country is high

as it is increased at 8%.

Thirdly, we have studied overview of Different industries in UK. In such

study we got an idea about various industries in UK playing vital role in leading their

performance in country. The various industry we have study are Plumbing,

Construction, Oil and gas, IT and computing, Midwifery, Teaching, Finance, Customer

services, Public Relations and Nursing.

Fourthly, we have studied the dominant sector of UK. The various industry

studied by us are Agriculture, Manufacturing and Mining. We have also studied fifthly

the overview of business and trade at international level at which we come to know

that the daily highest volume is counted in trillions and billions in UK, is happen when

New York enters the trade. UK‘s currency is pound sterling and it is represented by the

symbol £.

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India-UK Bilateral Trade Data

Sixthly, we have studied comparison of UK‟s share in India‟s total trade. This can be

easily understable through following table.

Comparison of UK‘s share in India‘s Total Trade

Trade particular 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-

11(upto Dec


UK‘s share in

India‘s total


4.91% 4.45% 4.11% 3.59% 3.48% 2.87%

UK‘s share in

India‘s total


2.63% 2.25 1.97% 1.93% 1.55% 1.47%

UK‘s share in

India‘s total


3.56% 3.14% 2.81% 2.56% 2.29% NA













%change 2010-


Import 5059.28 5622.93 6705.50 6649.53 6221.39 -6.44 4880.28

Export 3930.30 4177.87 4953.68 5872.32 4461.67 -24.02 3628.17

Trade 8989.58 9800.80 11659.18 12521.86 10683.06 -14.68 8508.45

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Seventhly, we have studied the pestle analysis of UK from which we can say

that under political factors the probable in mid-2010 UK resident population was

62,262,000, a raise of 470,000(0.8 per cent) on the previous year, and a raise of 3.1

million compared with mid-2001.Natural change added 243,000 to the population in the

year to mid-2010, 26,000 more than the2009 figure of 217,000. Except for the small

decrease between mid-2008 and mid-2009, population growth as a result of natural

change has increased in each consecutive year since 2002.

Under economic factors a distressed market is showing that the UK‘s concerned

sales market is showing ideal property looking to buy up residential for investors and

reduced pricesgreatly atcommercial properties. Again under such economic

factors"Unpolluted investment" strategies are feasible options in many areas of the UK,

in UK buying off-plan assetsallowing you to at the lowest possible prices. Investors

buying as a lowest "money-down" payment with early as possible and then afterselling

both residential and commercial properties in the UK prior to completion are gaining

significant profits .

Suddenly the UK economy has of progression slowed down but government

figures still indicate that annual growth is expected to reach a predicted average of 2.5%

in 2009. The economic stability under such economic factors shows that the third most

populated state in the European is Unionthe United Kingdom and, despite an economic

slowdown, there is high demand for commercial and residential real estate, particularly

in rental market.

An easy investment option for many buyers of UK 3000 loan products make

whoch satisfy the currently severe lending criteria. In spite of a decrease in the number

of loans being approved, on October 2007 lending figures totalled £18.9 billion, which is

up to the 6% on the previous month. This year, the figure remains healthy because of

partly due to a large expanse of re-mortgaging services now being approved. The

demand under economic factors shows that the number of households expected to

increase by 223,000 p.a in England alone, without taking settlement figures into


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Under technological factors we come to know that Competitive market conditions

or incentives to invest in modern technologies can spur innovation in firms. At the same

time, a shortage of skilled workers or access to finance can be barriers to innovation.

While the environmental factors shows that the biggest danger to health, and the most

likely to occur, is a major heat wave. The report predicts a heat wave will occur by 2012,

causing between 3,000 and 10,000 deaths. The report also forecastsfood poisoning

casesannearly 15% increase, out of about 14,000employed extra food poisoning cases

every year.

The legal factors of pestle analysis results that the most current court ruling in

this area was in the case of Vakante v Addey and Stanhope School [2005] ICR 231.The

result of these rulings is that a non- or semi-compliant migrant worker is unable to

enforce any employment rights that are dependent on the making of an individual claim.


Under the report we have also studied the sectors in detail. We have taken Oil

and Gas sector for detail study under which we firstly studied the introduction of the

sector and role of such sector in economy.

Firstly, we studied the introduction of the sector and role of such sector in

economy. In 1975, the government introduced ring fence provisions in respect of

corporation tax profits from UK oil production. From 1984 capital gains arising on the

disposal of field interests or field assets were brought within the ring fence. We also

come to know that there is a ring fence corporation tax levied at a rate of 30% on

upstream oil & gas activities.Marine technology, skills and expertise pioneered in oil and

gas are important in the design, installation and maintenance of offshore wind

turbines.39 billion barrels (6.2×109 m3) of oil and gas have been produced on the UKCS

and up to 25 billion barrels (4.0×109 m3) are left.

Asset integrity is the ability of an oil and gas asset to perform its required function effectively

and efficiently whilst protecting health, safety and the environment. Asset integrity management

is the means of ensuring that the people, systems, processes and resources that deliver

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integrity are in place, in use and will perform when required over the whole lifecycle of the asset.

It is expected that tax revenues from production will fall to £6.9 billion in 2009-10 based on an oil

price of $47 per barrel, providing 20% of total corporation taxes. In addition to production taxes,

the supply chain contributes another £5-6 billion per year in corporation and payroll taxes.

Secondly, we study that the structure, function and business activities of industry.

We also come to know that the location is 99% of production of oil and gas occurs

under sea from the ocean floor known as UK continental shelf (UKCS). For employment

we studied that a thriving exports business is estimated to support a further 100,000

jobs. 21% of the workforce is from South East England, 15% from the North of England,

and 12% from the East of England. First Point Assessment Limited (FPAL) is the key

tool used by oil and gas companies to identify and select current and potential suppliers

which shows that the needs of over 70 purchasing organizations with the capabilities of

over 2,400 suppliers. Under tax contributions 2008 salaries averaged circa £50,000 a

year across a broad sample of supply chain companies, with the Exchequer benefiting

by £19,500 per head in payroll taxes.

Under the technology and innovation we come to know that the operating

environment in the waters around the UK is harsh and demanding. UK exports of oil-

related goods and services have been estimated at more than £5 billion a year in value.

The Industry‘s Technology Facilitator (ITF) identifies needs and facilitates the

development of new technology to meet those needs through joint industry projects with

up to 100% funding available for promising solutions.

Thirdly, the Present position and trend of India with UK shows that the India

export to U.K., textiles, readymade garment, jewellery and germs, leather goods,

footwear, goods relating with engineering, good of metal manufactures, equipment of

power engineering, services of software, pharmaceutical, products of marine,

chemicals, rice, tea and the products of agriculture like nuts, vegetables and fruits.

India imports from U.K which includes certain goods such as gold, metal, rough

demands, power generating and equipment of telecom, non ferrous metals, equipment

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of transport, machinery of industries and chemicals. From UK‘s point of view, India was

UK‘s 15th very large market of export & UK‘s largest exporting market in the developing

world. India is the 25th largest exporter country to U.K.

Statistics of Oil industry gives information that the Oil and gas industry

performed as confront before the scenario of the global economy. In non Asian

countries, there is speedy growing oil consumption.

The OECD Asia including India and China accounts for around 40% of the total

increase in the use of oil in the world. With the help of prediction this is found that for

meeting the project which will increase in the word, the total petroleum supply in year

2030 is required to reach at 118 million barrels per day from 80 million barrels per day

as in 2005.

Among the different sectors, transportation sector has led to high pressure on

the oil and gas industry, because there are only few alternatives for the petroleum. The

report has shown that world oil reserves at 1293 billion barrels as of 1st January 2008.

Relationships between India and UK conclude that bilateral relations have

progressively wired in the last two years and now at their strong for a very long time.

This is affected in many areas, including close on current international issues; two sided

trade (£13.8 billion in 2010); increased educations, and increasing of UK development

assistance over the next two years (to £300 million).

Fourthly, we studied the policies and norms of oil and gas in UK says that the

European Union (EU) is customs union, you can buy the goods from other members of

the countries without restrictions, although, VAT & excise duties are also apply. If you

import the goods from outside of the europium union, you have to obey with the

requirement of import licensing and tariffs that apply across the Surtaxes paid during

year are shown in following table.

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Restrictions and antidumping duties also apply to certain specific commodities. Use

Tariff for differentiating the goods or products for finding out which rules and regulations

is applied. On 27 October 2010, restrictive measures apply in the European Union on

exports to Iran's oil and gas industry. These measures were issued in Council

Regulation (EU) 961/2010.The current main rate of tax on ring fence profits, which is set

separately from the rate of mainstream corporation tax, is 30%.

The current rate of PRT is 50%; PRT is deductible as an expense in calculating

profits chargeable to ring fence corporation tax and supplementary charge. The

marginal tax rate is 81% on income from fields paying PRT, 30% on production income

from qualifying new fields if that income is wholly covered by field allowance and 62%


Fifthly, we studied present trade barriers of oil and gas industries which implied that

under domestic environment factors are broadly related to the domestic, economic and

political conditions, which are including existing and potential resources, level and trend

of economic growth, industrial base and structure, and the existence of facilitating and

supporting agencies for foreign trade.

Rs. Billion 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

Crude oil royalty NA 71.55 65.44 58.57 50.67

Royalty on gas NA 16.24 14.87 10.75 8.637

Oil Development cess 65.59 68.86 71.56 71.77 51.96

Excise &customs duties 717.67 705.57 783.73 718.93 631.43

Sales taxes 649.99 633.49 564.45 539.49 459.34

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The United Kingdom has historically played a leading role in developing

parliamentary democracy and in advancing literature and science. At its

zenith in the 19th century, the British Empire stretched over one-fourth of the

earth's surface. The first half of the 20th century saw the UK's strength

seriously depleted in two world wars and the Irish republic withdraw from the

union. The second half witnessed the dismantling of the Empire and the UK

rebuilding itself into a modern and prosperous European nation. As one of

five permanent members of the UN Security Council, a founding member of

NATO, and of the Commonwealth, the UK pursues a global approach to

foreign policy. The UK is also an active member of the EU, althou gh it chose

to remain outside the Economic and Monetary Union. The Scottish

Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, and the Northern Ireland

Assembly were established in 1999. The latter was suspended until May 2007

due to wrangling over the peace process, but devolution was fully completed

in March 2010.


Western Europe, islands - including the northern one-sixth of the island of


Area: total: 243,610 sq km

Natural resources:

coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin, limestone, salt,

clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, arable land

Environment - current issues:

continues to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (has met Kyoto Protocol

target of a 12.5% reduction from 1990 levels and intends to meet the

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legally binding target and move toward a domestic goal of a 20% cut in

emissions by 2010); by 2005 the government reduced the amount of

industrial and commercial waste disposed of in landfill sites to 85% of

1998 levels and recycled or composted at least 25% of household

waste, increasing to 33% by 2015

Geography - note:

lies near vital North Atlantic sea lanes; only 35 km from France and

linked by tunnel under the English Channel; because of heavily

indented coastline, no location is more than 125 km from tidal wate

Languages: English


Christian (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist) 71.6%,

Muslim 2.7%, Hindu 1%, other 1.6%, unspecified or none 23.1% (2001


Population: 62,698,362 (July 2011 est.)

Population growth rate:

0.557% (2011 est.)

Country comparison to the world

Net migration rate:

2.6 migrant(s)/1,000 populations (2011 est.)

Country comparison to the world: 32

Major cities - population:

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LONDON (capital) 8.615 million; Birmingham 2.296 million; Manchester

2.247 million; West Yorkshire 1.541 mi llion; Glasgow 1.166 milon

Education expenditures: 5.5% of GDP (2007)

country comparison to the world:


12 April 1927

National symbol(s):

lion (Britain in general); lion (England); lion, unicorn (Scotland); dragon

(Wales); harp (Northern Irelan

Economy - overview:

The UK, a leading trading power and financial center, is the third largest

economy in Europe after Germany and France. Over the past two decades,

the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the

growth of social welfare programs After emerging from recession in 1992,

Britain's economy enjoyed the longest period of expansion on record during

which time growth outpaced most of Western Europe. In 2008, however, the

global financial crisis hit the economy particularly hard, due to the importance

of its financial sector.

Country name:

conventional long form: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland; note - Great Britain includes England, Scotland, and Wales

conventional short form: United Kingdom

Capital: name: London

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GDP (purchasing power parity):

note: data are in 2010 US doler

Labor force:

country comparison to the world:

Unemployment rate:

Population below poverty line: 14% (2006 est.)

expenditures: $1.14 trillion

Inflation rate (consumer prices):

Agriculture - products:

cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables; cattle, sheep, poultry; fish

$2.173 trillion (2010 est.)

country comparison to the world: 8

$2.146 trillion (2009 est.)

$2.256 trillion (2008 est.)

31.52 million (2010 est.)

7.8% (2010 est.)

country comparison to the world: 86

Budget: revenues: $908 billion

3.3% (2010 est.)

country comparison to the world: 112

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machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment,

railroad equipment, shipbuilding, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts,

electronics and communications equipment, metals, chemicals, coal,

petroleum, paper and paper products, food processing, textiles, clothing :

Electricity - production:

Oil - production:

Natural gas - production:

Exchange rates:

Military branches:

Army, Royal Navy (includes Royal Marines), Royal Air Force:

1. Plumbing

There are over 30,000 unfilled plumbing vacancies in the UK, thanks in part to the

expansion of the higher education system that drew people away from skilled trades

and apprenticeships

2. Construction

With the Olympics in 2012 and Commonwealth Games in 2014 being held in London

and Glasgow respectively, in addition to a series of ambitious construction projects

346 billion kWh (2009 est.)

1.393 million bbl/day (2010 est.)

56.3 billion cu m (2010 est.)

British pounds (GBP) per US dollar -

0.6388 (2010)

0.6175 (2009)

0.5302 (2008)


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throughout the UK over the next six years, demand for construction workers is at an all-

time high

3. Oil and Gas

The recent rise in fuel prices and claims that the world's existing oil reserves are drying

up haven't stopped oil production

4. IT & Computing

The UK's IT industry is growing at five to eight times the national growth average and

needs around 150,000 new entrants every year to meet current levels of demand.

However, with 58% of employers struggling to fill positions, this has pushed salaries up

to an average of £40,300 per annum. And in the next three years

5. Midwifery

In the next ten years, the UK population is forecast to exceed 70 million – a combination

of immigration into the country and the fact that birth rates have continued to rise by

12.5% every year.

6. Teaching

With 32,000 vacancies to fill every year and a 10% fall in applicants enrolling on teacher

training courses in 2008, there is a huge demand for teachers. Maths, English, History,

Chemistry and French teachers are among the most sought after, according to the

Policy Exchange.

7. Finance

The banking and financial sector currently employs around 350,000 people

throughout the UK. And despite fears of mass job losses and the closure of some high-

profile financial institutions such as Northern Rock, demand remains relatively robust.

The Skills Review suggests that there are around 6,000 vacancies at present, with

product analysts, risk managers and credit analysts being the most in demand.

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UK Industries, GDP Composition by Sector:

UK Services Sector – 76.2 per cent of GDP

UK Industry & Manufacturing – 22.8 per cent of GDP

UK Agriculture – 0.9 per cent of GDP

Dominant industries in UK:

1. Agriculture industry in the United Kingdom

Agriculture in the United Kingdom uses around 71% of the country's land area

and contributes about 0.6% of its gross value added. The total area on agricultural

holdings is about 17.1 million hectares (43 million acres), or 18.3 million including

rough grazing land, of which 6.2 million hectares (15.3 million acres) are


2. Manufacturing industry in the United Kingdom

In June 2010 British Manufacturing accounted for 8.2% of the workforce and 12%

of the national output in June 2010 The East Midlands and West Midlands (at

12.6 and 11.8% respectively) were the regions with the highest proportion of


3. Automotive industry in UK

The automotive unit uses its unique knowledge of the sector, materials,

companies, technologies and the regulatory framework to ensure the UK is best placed

to benefit from the challenges of globalisation and help the UK Automotive Industry


Present trade relations and business volume of different products

with India:

There has been a gradual decrease in UK‘s share in India‘s bilateral trade, both in

exports and imports during the last five years. India‘s main exports to the UK were

cotton ready-made garments and textiles (17.64%), transport equipments (7.63%),

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spices (5.79%), ores and minerals(4.98%), manufactures of metals (4.83%), machinery

and instruments (4.63%), drugs &

pharmaceuticals (3.90%) and marine products (3.89%). The main imports from the UK

to India were metalifers, ores and metal scraps (7.70%), pearls & semi precious stones

(4.89%), professional instruments other than electronics (3.61%), non-ferrous metals

(3.37%), chemicals (3.18%), and machinery (3.03%).

Pestel Analysis of UK:

There are many factors in the macro-environment that will effect the

decisions of the managers of any organisation. Tax changes, new laws, trade barriers,

demographic change and government policy changes are all examples of macro

change. To help analyse these factors managers can categorise them using the

PESTEL model. This classification distinguishes between:

Typical PESTEL factors to consider include:

Factor Could include:

Political e.g. EU enlargement, the euro, international trade, taxation policy

Economic e.g. interest rates, exchange rates, national income, inflation,

unemployment, Stock Market

Social e.g. ageing population, attitudes to work, income distribution

Technological e.g. innovation, new product development, rate of technological


Environmental e.g. global warming, environmental issues

Legal e.g. competition law, health and safety, employment law

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Automotive industry in the United Kingdom

The automotive industry in the United Kingdom is now best known for premium and

sports car marques including Aston Martin, Bentley, Daimler, Jaguar, Lagonda, Land

Rover, Lotus, McLaren, MG, Mini, Morgan and Rolls-Royce. Volume car manufacturers

with a major presence in the UK include Ford, Honda, Nissan, Toyota and Vauxhall

Motors (owned by General Motors). Commercial vehicle manufacturers active in the UK

include Alexander Dennis, Ford, GMM Luton (owned by General Motors), Leyland

Trucks (owned by Paccar) and London Taxis International

Contribution of the automotive industry to the national economy

There are many ways in which to assess the economic contribution of an industry sector

to the wider economy, such as employment or contribution to GDP

Inputs and outputs

Data exists to analyse where the auto sector buys its inputs, and where the products

are sold. Latest available data comes from the 2006 Input & Output publication, which

has data up to 2004xxii. The input data shows that the single largest source of supply is

other companies within the sector

Growth performance of the automotive industry

When assessing the relative performance of a national industry, growth is a key

measure. The assumption is that any growth at a rate above the growth of the overall

national economy is a sign of success of a given industry. Secondly, one can compare

the growth rates of national industry sectors across countries

Employment in the automotive industry

One of the main contribution mechanisms of any industry to a national economy is

through employment, and the compensation that is paid to the workers the industry

employs. When one considers the number of persons directly employed in the UK

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automotive industry has shrunk by more than 90,000, with a CAGR of ‐3.89% between

1996 and 2006.

Present position of Automobile import and export of India:

The data available from UK‟ s Office for National Statistics (ONS) bilateral goods trade

in 2011 was estimated to have been increased by about 20% to £11.796 billion

(US$18.87bn). According to the ONS, India‘s imports from the UK rise to 40%, whereas

the increase in India‘s exports to the UK was around 5.5% only. The Balance of

Payment position which in 2010 was £1.71 billion in India‘s favor has been decreased to

£400 million in 2011.

The automotive unit uses its unique knowledge of the sector, materials,

companies, technologies and the regulatory framework to ensure the UK is best placed

to benefit from the challenges of globalization and help the UK Automotive Industry

succeed The sector has two distinct parts: the manufacture of vehicles and

components; and the motor trade (including retail, distribution and aftermarket services

Trade policy

It has been one year since the Government launched the Trade and Investment White

Paper. Led by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and working closely

with UK Trade and Investment and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the White

Paper advocated a whole of government approach to trade and UK growth.

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Free trade

Why is free trade important?

As an open economy the UK benefits from a liberalized world trade system. It creates

new opportunities to increase trade with other developed and developing countries. It

encourages the development of a strong system for intellectual property rights, including

copyright, trademarks and patents. It is vital to protect innovative products and

technology from counterfeiting.

Indian Export & Import:

Leading Indian Automobiles firms

Firm Products Foreign partner Market value Stock listing

Tata Motors Passenger &



Fiat 11.6 Mumbai, New


Bajaj Auto Two & Three


Renault –

Nissan for

planned small


9.2 Mumbai,


Maruti Suzuki Passenger


Suzuki Motors 8.8 Mumbai

Mahindra &


Passenger and



Navistar for




8.7 Mumbai,


Hero Honda Equipment,

Two wheelers

Honda Motors 7.9 Mumbai

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Government Policy

India‘s progress in the fields of automobiles industries have been extraordinary

and mainly due to the hard work of both the Government and the industry by way

of inducting and adopting modern technology best suited for the purpose

Business opportunities in future

The market for automobiles in Europe is likely to reach 23.9 million units in

2006for cars and 2.1 million units in 2006 for light trucks. India‘s exports of

complete range of vehicles were negligible. A few cars arrived in France during



The question that has often been asked is "Does the Indian Industry has the power to

compete internationally? There is no simple answer to this. Rather one would have to

make a detailed analysis often strengths weaknesses of the Indian industry with a

specific focus on what Indian Industry is and should be doing to cope with the ride of

global competition. Although it would be very difficult to analyze all aspects of exports

an attempt has been made of high lights the issue relevant to in Indian automobile

industry exports.

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Demogramphic Profile of UK

Including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace,

economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.

According to the 2001 census, the total population of the United Kingdom was

58,789,194—the third-largest in the European Union (behind Germany and metropolitan

France) and the 21st-largest in the world. Its overall population density is one of the

highest in the world, due to the particularly high population density in England. Almost

one-third of the population lives in England's southeast and is predominantly urban and

suburban, with about 8.2 million in the capital city of London. The United Kingdom's

extremely high literacy rate (99%) is attributable to universal public education introduced

for the primary level in 1870 (Scotland 1872, free 1890[1]) and secondary level in 1900.

Parents are obliged to have their children educated from the ages of 5 to 16 (with

legislation passed to raise this to 18), and can continue education free of charge in the

form of A-Levels, vocational training or apprenticeship to age 18. About 40% of British

students go on to post-secondary education (18+). The Church of England and

the Church of Scotland function as the national churches in their respective countries,

but all the major religions found in the world are represented in the United Kingdom.

The Economic Overview of UK

The economy of the United Kingdom is the sixth-largest national

economy in the world measured by nominal GDP and seventh-largest measured

by purchasing power parity (PPP), and the third-largest in Europe measured by nominal

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GDP (after Germany andFrance) and second-largest measured by PPP (after

Germany). The UK's GDP per capita is the 20th highest in the world in nominal

terms and the 17th highest measured by PPP. The British economy comprises the

economies of the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK

is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the European Union,

In the 18th century the UK was the first country in the world

to industrialize, and during the 19th century possessed a dominant role in the global

economy. From the late 19th century the Second Industrial Revolution in the United

States and the German Empire presented an increasing challenge to Britain's role as

leader of the global economy. Despite victory, the costs of fighting both the First World

War and Second World War further weakened the relative economic position of the UK,

and by 1945 Britain had been superseded by the United States as the world's dominant

economic power. However, the UK still maintains a significant role in the world


Pestel Analysis of UK

The external environment of any organisation / university / faculty / department

etc. can be analyzed by conducting a PEST analysis. The acronym PEST (sometimes

rearranged as STEP) is used to describe a framework for the analysis a range of macro

environmental factors including the Political, Economical Social and Technological

environment. A PEST analysis should relate to:

1. The external environment outside of the unit but within UCC, and

2. The external environment outside of UCC, given the national and international

profILE of the office The PEST analysis provides the following simple framework:

Political Factors

Political factors can have a direct impact on the way business operates. Decisions

made by government affect the operations of units within the university to a varying

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degree. Political refers to the big and small ‗p‘ political forces and influences that may

affect the performance of, or the options open to the unit concerned. The political arena

has a huge influence upon the regulation of public and private sector businesses, and

the spending power of consumers and other businesses, both within UCC and outside

of UCC. Political factors include government regulations and legal issues and define

both formal and informal rules under which UCC and units must operate.

How stable is the internal/external political environment?

Will government policy influence laws that regulate third level education?

What is the government's policy on the education?

Is the government involved in trading agreements such as the Bologna


The impact of employment laws


All businesses are affected by economical factors nationally and globally. Whether an

economy is in a boom, recession or recovery will also affect consumer confidence and

behaviour. The dramatic impact of reduced funds upon UCC is already very apparent.

This will impact upon the nature of the competition faced by the university and particular

units within the university, upon service provision, and upon the financial resources

available within UCC. Economic factors affect the purchasing power of potential

customers, and the state of the internal/external economy in the short and long-term.

The unit may need to consider.




Budget allocation

The level of inflation

Employment level per capita

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Social/Sociological Factors

Social factors will include the demographic changes, trends in the way people live, work

and think and cultural aspects of the macro environment. These factors affect customer

needs and the size of potential markets (inside and outside of UCC).

• Population growth rate

• Age distribution

• Career attitudes

• Internal/external emphasis on safety

• Internal/external attitudes to change

Technological Factors

New approaches to doing new and old things, and tackling new and old problems do not

necessarily involve technical factors, however, technological factors are vital for

competitive advantage, and are a major driver of change and efficiency. Technological;

factors can for example lower barriers to entry, reduce minimum efficient production

levels, and influence outsourcing decisions. New technology is changing the way

business operates. What are the implications for the unit? Do we exploit the available

technology to the advantage of the unit and UCC?

• Automation

• Technology incentives

• Rate of technological change

• Perception of technological change within the unit

• Stakeholder expectation

It is also needed to take into consideration „Micro Environmental Factors‟, those

internal factors close to the unit that have a direct impact on the unit and UCC strategic

planning. These will include:

• Customers: Organisations survive on the basis of meeting the needs, wants and

providing benefits for their customers. Failure to do so will result in a failed business

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• Employees: Employing the correct staff and keeping these staff motivated is an

essential part of the strategic planning process of an organisation. Training and

development plays an essential role particular in service sector marketing in-order to

gain a competitive edge. This is clearly apparent in the airline industry.



The ambition of kingfisher company is to be the world‘s leading local home

improvement retailer.

By accelerating our international buying scale and geographic reach we offer our

customers the best products, services and stores in their local market.

Moreover we are harnessing our international group strengths to create competitive

advantage in local markets, drive higher cash returns and deliver more value for our


Kingfisher is an international retail business with nearly more than 900 stores in 8

countries. We employ 80,000 people and nearly six million people visit our stores during


Along the way we are minimizing our environmental impact whilst also helping our

customers do the same.

Company Overview

Sales in the year ended January 2012 were over 10.4 billion pound, more than half of

which was generated outside the UK, with adjusted pre-tax profit up 22.5% to 670

million pound.

Kingfisher is Europe‘s leading home improvement retail group and the 3rd largest in the

world, with nearly 900 stores in 8 countries in Europe and Asia. Its main retail brands

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are B & Q, Castorama, Brico Depot, Screwfix. Kingfisher also has a 50% joint venture

business in Turkey with Koc Group, and a 21% interest in, and strategic alliance

with Hornbach, Germany‘s leading large format retailer.


The company started operating three retail divisions Electricals ,General

Merchandise, Home Improvement and.


A new management team set out their vision to operate the various home improvement

businesses much more as a single, unified retail group. The ‗Delivering Value‘ plan was

launched to drive greater value and interest for our shareholders.


The company provided more detail about the Creating the Leader plan, including

announcing the 8 specific steps that make up the new medium term plan, along with the

associated key success measures and short term milestones.

Sales in the year ended 28 January 2012 were over 10.8 billion pounds, over half

of which was generated outside the UK, with adjusted pre-tax profit up 20.4% to

807 million pounds


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Corporate Responsibility Network:

The company support the Corporate Responsibility and taking care of all the

stakeholders like employees, suppliers, customers, society and many more. It is called

the Social Responsibility.

The Kingfisher Customer Relationship Network meets two times in a year, brings

together the representatives from each operating company to discuss the performance

of the company and future plans.

Structure of Kingfisher Company:

B & Q Castorama BricoDepot

Screwfix Koctas

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330 stores of

B&Q in UK & Ireland

40 stores of

B&Q in China

Ranked No. 1

In UK & China


102 stores of

Castorama France

53 stores of

Castorama in Poland

16 stores of

Castorama in Russia

Ranked No. 1

In France & Poland

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Brico Depot

102 stores of

Brico Depot in France

17 stores

Brico Depot in Spain

6 stores of

Brico Depot in Poland

Operating countries: France, Spain & Poland


Total 3,087 Employees in Screwfix.

More than 18,000

Products in Screwfix

Total 175

Stores in UK & other countries

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Total 3,250 Employees in Koctas Stotres all over the world.

More than 25,000Products in store

Total 32 Stores in UK & other countries.

Ranked No. 1 In Turkey.

Policies and norms of selected company for import – export including

Licensing, permission,Taxation etc.:

1. Terms and Conditions of a License / Permission:

Every license/permission shall be valid for the specific period of validity specified in the

license/ permission and shall consist such terms and conditions as may be specified by

the licensing authority which may include:

The quantity, description of the goods;

The value addition to be achieved;

The minimum export price.

Export obligation

User condition;

2. License / Permission not a Right :

No one can claim a license as a right and the Director General of Foreign Trade or the

licensing authority have the power to refuse to grant or renew a license according to

the provisions of the Act and the Rules made there under.

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In 2009, UK retail sales were over 285billion pounds and are growing instead of global

crisis during 2008. The industry created 12750 new jobs which are 2.1% more than

previous year

In 2010, there were total 286,000 retail units in UK and more than 3rd of retail spending

is done through shop.

It is becoming quite popular for UK customers to buy their products online and this area

of the industry has seen continued growth since before the 2007 recession. The UK

now has 150,000 online retail business and more than 600,000 British jobs are either

directly in or support e-retail .There are lots of opportunities for the graduates across

the sector and many of the leading companies have graduate schemes .


Recommendation is nothing but guidelines which make better performance and

business policy.

1. Provide better goods and services into the hands of customers.

2. Provide customers scheme e.g. discounts, exchange offer and cash benefits.

3. Maintain healthy relation with customer, supplier and outsider.

4. Believe in customer relationship management.

5. To aware about customers needs and requirement with taking feedback regularly.

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Kingfisher is one of the leading FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) retail store in

U.K. The company is determine to provide better service to customers and earn

continues to supply good quality products to the customers at reasonable price.

The company should maintain transparency, create value and wealth for its customers

and also enhance corporate accountability.

Thus, they can continue to work in a similar manner. It is bound to achieve success in

each and every aspect. The company would continue to receive greater priority and

trust in the years to come.

So the company, Kingfisher give a big contribution into the economy of United

Kingdom. And also helpful in the economy of UK by paying taxes and good export of

the goods. They having their different branches in more than 8 countries, so in this

way then can fetch handsome earning from different countries into home country. It is

also beneficial for the consumers that they can get the different types of products under

one roof at a very competitive prices.

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About United Kingdom:

The population of the United Kingdom in the 2001 opinion poll was 58,789,194.

Current estimates put the country's population at closer to 63 million. There are 11 cities

which go beyond 300,000 residents, these being London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds,

Sheffield, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Bristol, Cardiff and Coventry. Cities with

urban areas in excess of 300,000 inhabitants include Nottingham, Leicester, Brighton,

Belfast, Southampton, Portsmouth and Newcastle.

Age configuration of United Kingdom is the most abundant 5 age groups (at the

2001 census) were the 5-year group born in the years 1946–51 (the Post-World War 2

baby boom)the baby boom born a age group later in 1966–71 (the largest group of all)

and a more modest boom a generation after that, born in 1986–91.The 1946–51 group

reaches retirement age from 2006 (women from 2006 and men from 2011), and the

rapidly increase in the number of people claiming the state pension has led politicians

and political commentators to fear a "pensions crisis".

The traditional religion in the United Kingdom is Christianity. Universal state

education in England and Wales was introduced for primary level in 1870 and

secondary level in 1900. Education is necessary from ages five to sixteen the majority

of children are educated in state-sector schools, only a small proportion of which select

on the grounds of academic ability.

The United Kingdom is a huge place to invest, grow and succeed. The UK

Inward Investment Report for 2010/11shows that the UK has attracted investment from

a record 54 countries, with total foreign direct investment in the UK now worth £720

billion. .K. has a population of 62.25 million. U.K. is a leading global trading nation,

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being the second largest exporter and third largest importer of commercial services, and

the eighth largest exporter and fifth largest importer of stock.

It is a member of the European Union, the world‘s largest trading creature, with

practically 500 million consumers and a GDP of over US$18,000 billion. It has low

unemployment. It has the best European city – London – in which to do business.

The UK economy is rising slowly from recession, but growth is moderate and

unemployment is high. The United Kingdom is facing inflation above the government‘s

mark of 2%. Interest rates are the official Bank Rate in the UK, set independently by the

Bank of England, are 0.5%. Currently in U.K. inflation is 5%.

The UK is one of the leading trading nations in the world. It is the second largest

exporter and third largest importer of commercial services, and the eighth largest

exporter and fifth largest importer of merchandise. Trade Exports of goods and

services--$664.3 billion. Major export markets--U.S. European Union. Imports of goods

and services $740.8 billion. Major goods imports—manufactured goods, machinery,

fuels, foodstuffs. A Key Import supplier of United Kingdom is U.S. and European.

The UK has a relatively lightly taxed economy, with the overall tax weight well

below the average for the European Union. The Unemployment of United Kingdom is at

an all-time high, of around 2.5 million, or 8%. Youth unemployment (those aged

between 16 and 24) is more than double that number at 20%, almost a million young

age group. It will be one in five is unemployed.

The United Kingdom is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the European

Union, the G7, the G8, the G20, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for

Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Bank, the World Trade

Organization and the United Nations. The pharmaceutical industry plays an important

role in the UK economy and the country has the third-highest share of global

pharmaceutical R&D expenditures.

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The United Kingdom marine industry utilize almost 90,000 and contributes £3.5

billion Gross Value Added to the Nation‘s Gross Domestic Product. The marine

manufacturing and service sector in the United Kingdom has approximately 5000

companies in the areas of commercial, spare time, nautical and offshore renewable.

The fashion business profits by setting trends in clothing, and then prompting

purchasers to follow those trends. Trend-driven consumption is good for the fashion

business, as it sells more clothing.

UK Government targets to make sure that by 2012, 10% of new cars sold in the UK

will be low carbon vehicles and that 600 or more new buses coming into process each

year will be low carbon In the United Kingdom. Around 1 in 3 of all UK homes has digital

receivers and the UK government is dedicated to working closely with both consumer

and industry representatives to ensure that the full benefits of digital broadcasting are


In 2006 3G was available in most major cities and population centers right through

the United Kingdom. Line with global trends, Internet admission services are also on the

increase with many of the world's largest communication companies create stamina IP

infrastructure in the United Kingdom. The European Union accounts for around 60% of

the UK's chemical exports. This has helped formulate this sector one of the UK's top

industries, generating a buy and sell remaining in the region of £4550m.

United Kingdom is home to over 200 international chemical companies many of

whom are involved in a wide range of mutual research and development projects with

some of the UK's top universities.

European standards, producing about 60% of food needs, with less than 1.6% of the

labor force, Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient It contributes

around 0.6% of British national value added.

The United Kingdom manufacturing sector generated roughly £140 billion in gross

value added and employed around 2.6 million people in 2009. Of the about £16 billion

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invested in R&D by UK businesses in 2008, approximately £12 billion was by

manufacturing businesses. The manufacturing industry employs around 113,000 people

directly and around 276,000 indirectly and has an annual turnover of around £20 billion.

The United Kingdom was the 13th largest producer of natural gas in the world in

2009 and the largest producer in the European Union. In 2009 the UK produced

19.7 million tons of coal and consumed 60.2 million tons. UK‘s currency is pound

sterling and it is represented by the symbol £ The Bank of England is the central bank,

which is issuing currency. Banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland retain the right to

issue their own notes.

Import and Export done By UK in Other Country worth Rs 428.6billion in 2010.

UK export such as Manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals, food stuff, beverages,

tobacco, clothes, Cars, military equipment, entertainment, steel, computer

programming, finance, Banking, electrical goods, machinery, pharmaceutical products.

UK‘s main Export Partner constitute such as United States 14.3%, Germany

10.5%, Netherlands 8.0%, France 7.2 %, Ireland 7.2% Belgium and Luxembourg 5.1%,

Spain 3.7%, Italy 3.3%, china 3.2%.

UK Import goods of Rs 477.9 billion in 2010, UK particularly Import Goods such

as Manufactured goods, machinery, fuels, foodstuffs. The main export partner of UK is

Germany 12.5%, China 8.4%, United States 7.6%, Netherlands 7.3%, and France


Talking about the International trade of UK, we searched imports –exports of

goods done by U.K. the presence of Indian companies in U.K. and also UK‘s direct

investment in INDIA. Industrialization, superior transportation, globalization,

multinational corporations, and outsourcing are all having a key impact on the

international trade system. International trade is increasing crucially to the continuance

in globalization.

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The Present pharmaceutical industry relation to delivers a contribution to the UK

economy and the population as a whole. The pharmaceutical sector‘s contribution to

the balance of trade was the greatest of 9 major industrial sectors In 2008, up from 5th

in 1975 and 3rd in 1990. An analyzed to the people and capital employed in the

pharmaceutical industry earn more income for the UK than if they were in any other

sector of the economy.

Top 3 companies of U.K. such as Pfizer, Glaxo Smithkline and AstraZeneca

Pfizer UK operates one of Pfizer's four global research and development hubs

in Sandwich, Kent, which is home to over 2,000 scientists and is the largest research

and development site of any foreign-owned pharmaceutical company in the UK.

GlaxoSmithKline is a British multinational pharmaceutical, biologics, vaccines, and

consumer healthcare company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is

the world's third-largest pharmaceutical company measured by revenues. AstraZeneca

has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE

100 Index. It had a market capitalization of approximately £39.5 billion as of 23

December 2011, the 10th-largest of any company with a primary listing on the London

Stock Exchange.

Policy Development the Creating and implementing policy is a key element of the

Agency‘s work. Both in its medicines and devices responsibilities, the Agency seeks to

build up and successfully deliver new policies and look seriously at existing regulation

and procedures to progress them wherever possible. All the course of action proposal

are undertaken with the honesty of superior parameter in mind, so that the regulatory

framework is in proportion, targeted, and focused on activities that can make a real

distinction to defense health and for the advantage of patients.

Teams in the Policy Division coordinate the Agency‘s input, on behalf of United

Kingdom Government, to all discussions in Brussels on medicine and medical devices

legislation. The role in Europe as wider than just formal discussions on new legislation;

for example we work closely with fellow regulators from other European Union countries

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All these actions enable us to become deeper our links and authority crossways

Europe, so we can shape the regulatory program line with the welfare of United

Kingdom stakeholders and government.

Engagement Beyond Europe is the organization has links with other result

controller such as the FDA in the United States and acting a most vital function in

international normal setting for such as the International Conference on Harmonization

and the Global Harmonization commission Force on medicines and devices


The Hampton Principles are of UK such as,

All-inclusive danger evaluation should be used to focus resources on the areas

that necessitate them a large amount

Businesses should not have to give avoidable or photocopy in sequence

Businesses that determinedly smash convention should be recognized speedily

Regulators should make available dependable and accessible suggestion easily

and economically

Regulators should know that a answer component of their role is to allow

economic progress and only intervene when there is a obvious case for doing so.

The first comprehensive licensing system for medicines in the United Kingdom was

the Medicines take action of 1968. The present related legislation is given in European

instruction relating to medicinal goods for human use. European legislation takes

precedence, there are regulations in the Medicines Act specific to the UK.

European Legislation

This legislation regulates the licensing, produce of and wholesale production in

medicinal products within the European Community.

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Laying down the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing practice in

respect of medicinal products for human use and investigational medicinal


This Directive lays down the principles and guidelines of good manufacturing

practice in respect of medicinal products for human use whose manufacture

requires the permission.

UK‟s primary and secondary legislation:

Primary Legislation

This Act regulates, in part, the produce, allocation and opening of medicinal


Secondary Legislation

Replaces, as compliments medicinal products to which the relevant EU

legislation applies the existing regulations which implement the Directive

2001/83/EC, as amended. Sets out the obligations with which holders of

manufacturer‘s and wholesale dealer‘s licenses must comply in respect of those


These Regulations relate to applications for the grant of Manufacturer‘s and

Wholesale Dealer‘s Licenses other than licenses of right. They prescribe the form

and manner in which such applications are to be made, and specify the

information that shall accompany each application.

Pharmaceutical Industry‘s policies and norms includes policy development

delivery, policy development, appointment outside different countries and their

regulations in primary and secondary legislation. Policy for Drug Application Procedures

and import/export market with government regulatory frameworks.

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The imports of UK pharmaceuticals are estimated at 10 to 12% of the total

market. The major suppliers are Switzerland, China, USA, Germany, Italy, Denmark,

France, and UK. Imports include raw materials and finished products. The imports from

Switzerland, US and Germany primarily consist of finished medicament in dosage forms

for retail sales.

Exports make up almost 40% of the production, with formulations contributing

55% and mass drugs 45%. India also exports pharmaceuticals to numerous countries

around the world, including to the U.S., Germany, France, Russia and UK. The

pharmaceutical exports in 2007-08 stand at US$ 6.68 billion against US$ 5.73billion in

2006-07, recording a growth rate of 16 per cent. The industry has been clocking export

growth rate, recording 18 per cent, 23 per cent and 17 per cent growth rates during

2006-07, 2005-06, and 2004-05, respectively.

The Budget 2012-13 on Pharma sector has proposed- to tax all companies at the

minimum alternate tax of 18.5%. The budget also improved the excise duty on drug

formulation and Active Pharma Ingredients from 5% to 6% and 10% to 12%

respectively. The budget has further announced to continue the assumption of 200% for

in-house R&D for another 5 years. Additional there were certain announcements for

capital expenditure on large hospitals and it is expected to benefit the players who are

into managing hospitals.

The Present barriers for import/export in Pharmaceutical Industry of UK are like

differentiae‘s, shortage of medicines, currency exchange rate in market, Department of

Health strongly Discoursing involvement in export.

The British Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers prepared a list of 26 drugs

that seemed difficult to obtain. The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer at the Department of

Health issued a letter to secondary care trusts strongly discouraging involvement in

exporting in September 2010. Such initiative would be comparable to running an import

and export business somewhat funded by taxpayers.

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Almost 40% of pharmacists experienced difficulties sourcing the anti-obesity

drug. The go down in value of the pound sandwiched between 2005 and 2009 accounts

for much of the change in the position of the UK relative to other countries over this


The United Kingdom ranked 11 out of 12, behind the United States and all of its

counterparts in Europe. The UK Commission observations that countries can prohibit

parallel pharmaceutical imports that "constitute a risk to the protection of human health

and life and to the protection of industrial and commercial property".

It has been also studied Pharmaceutical Industry‘s opportunity in U.K. including

the changing business Model, Growth of Counterfeit medicines, shifting Healthcare

landscape, emerging markets, education and tomorrow‘s world etc.

An Investing in generic products in order to stem eroding profits from patent expiries

and to gain Access, and a foothold, in up-and-coming markets. Seeking increased and

enhanced diversity in the product pipeline to encourage flexibility and to spread product

threat and uncertainty.

Improving understanding of the move towards personalized medicines as based on

patient genomes and the increasing strategic & clinical importance of biotechnology.

The pharmaceutical industry desires to put into practice further measures, such

initiatives like the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, to improve global and systemic


The UK government, make sure legislation is correctly constrict and suitable

deterrents and penalties are put into place to deal with counterfeiting. National

governments – with the help of international organizations – to work cooperatively and

collaboratively to improve coordinate international action against counterfeiting.

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As the forces of globalization continue to push and pull, emerging markets in

countries such as India, China and Brazil grow in importance and significance, the UK

pharmaceutical industry increasingly requires the following action:

The UK government to engage in cross comparison and evaluation with other

countries and Markets to assess vibrant competitiveness and associated


Te UK government to formulate a cohesive and creative industrial policy to reverse

the Current trend of decline and international displacement in pharmaceutical

manufacturing and R&D.

The UK governments to raise investment in science at every academic level and

establish a Strategy group with responsibility for monitoring progress.

Join up government policy across various departments to deal more effectively with

this Imperative.

Promote positive campaigns to incentivize science and scientific careers.

For future prospective the UK pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement:

The needs to better and further clearly demonstrate product value, and the require to

carefully tailor economic and clinical arguments to justify optimal reimbursement.

The importance of improving clinical trial design and early product selection to

support economic arguments when going to market.

The increased use and application of risk-sharing schemes and thus the need for

cogent and Evidence-based economic strategizing.

The increased emphasis being placed on patient and product compliance, and the

associated need to demonstrate product capabilities in this regard.

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Given that the issue of animal rights activism continues to represent a problem to

the UK Pharmaceutical industry, the following action is suggested:

The UK government continues to recognize the risk posed by extremist activity and

utilizes Amending legislation as required.

International governments, particularly at the European level, increase cooperative

and Collaborative hard work to deal with this persistent problem.

The UK government clearly asserts and emphasizes the critical importance of British

based Pharmaceutical and scientific research into life-saving treatments.

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Demographic Profile of UK

The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern

Ireland. It has a long history as a major player in international affairs and fulfils an

important role in the EU, UN and Nato.

The twentieth century saw Britain having to redefine its place in the world. At the

beginning of the century it commanded a world-wide empire as the foremost global

power. Two world wars and the end of empire diminished its role, but the UK remains a

major economic and military power, with considerable political and cultural influence

around the world.

Britain was the world's first industrialized country. Its economy remains one of the

largest, but it has for many years been based on service industries rather than on

manufacturing. UK population is on decline, for the reason that people live longer, and

smaller numbers of children are born. This is a crisis for some enterprises not all.

Second, the age formation of the population will influence the types of products


Economic Overview of the UK

During the 16th and 17th centuries, Great Britain became one of the world's

foremost trading nations. The kingdom established colonies in India, Asia, the

Caribbean, and North America. These colonies supplied raw materials to Great Britain,

which then turned those resources into manufactured goods. These goods were then

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exported to markets in the colonies and around the world. The British economy has

experienced a period of prolonged growth since the early 1990s. For instance, from

1995 to 1999 the economy of the United Kingdom grew by a total of 10.6 percent.

Growth rates have averaged more than 2 .7 percent per year. GDP per capita increased

during this period from US$18,714 to US$21,800. In 2000, the economy grew by 2.8

percent, although the economic slowdown in the United States has produced a slower

rate of growth than economic analysts predicted.

Trade and Commerce


Extract from Supply management magazine.

Globalization rules the modern procurement world.

4 in 5 businesses source globally.

Benefits of global sourcing are moving beyond pure cost cutting 60% cite ethical

and environmental concerns as having significant impact on global sourcing.

International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international

boundaries or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of

GDP. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational

corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact. Increasing

international trade is the primary meaning of "globalization".

Free trade is usually most strongly supported by the most economically powerful

entities with nations that stand to benefit from exploitation of cheap labor, though

they often engage in selective protectionism for those industries which are

strategically important such as the protective tariffs applied to agriculture by the

United States and Europe.

Economically the relationship between UK and India is strong. India is the

second largest investor in UK after the US. UK is also one of the largest investors

in India.

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Overview of Business and Trade at International Level

International trade is the exchange of goods and services across international

boundaries or territories. In most countries, it represents a significant share of

GDP. Industrialization, advanced transportation, globalization, multinational

corporations, and outsourcing are all having a major impact. Increasing

international trade is the primary meaning of "globalization".

The regulation of international trade is done through the World Trade

Organization at the global level, and through several other regional arrangements

such as MERCOSUR in South America, NAFTA between the United States,

Canada and Mexico, and the European Union between 27 independent states.

UK main sectors - manufacturing, services, & construction

• All the main sectors of the UK economy – manufacturing, services, and

construction have recorded average positive growth in 2010, after recording big

annual declines in 2009.

• Construction output expanded most strongly in 2010 as a whole, with 6% growth;

but the sector is small and very erratic. There are often large revisions to the

published figures.

• The manufacturing sector has been a main driver of the UK recovery in the past



Present Trade Relations and Business in India

The United Kingdom is committed to developing an enhanced partnership

with India. The UK/India relationship is mutually beneficial and wide ranging;

covering-development, regional stability, trade and investment, climate change,

counter terrorism and reform of the global international systems.

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• Economically the relationship between Britain and India is also strong.

India is the second largest investor in Britain after the US. Britain is also one of

the largest investors in India. The Queen's visits to India have been enormously

successful along with those by other members of the Royal Family.

• Britain has also supported India's rise to prominence on the international

stage, including advocating a permanent seat on the Security Council. The UK

recently gave India a £825 million aid package to help India develop its health

and education systems.

• There has been a significant improvement in economic relations between

the UK and India since the 2006 report from the Trade and Industry Committee,

which urged greater engagement with India. Both Government and private sector

bodies have worked to achieve this. The sizeable investments and deals made

both by Indian companies in the UK and British companies in India are

encouraging signs of a deepening relationship which should benefit both


Introduction of the Cement Sector and

Its Role in the Economy of UK

Cement is the essential component in real, which is the world's second most

enthusiastic material after water. Cement contrived in Portland is a local product made

in Britain and even imaginary here. No school, house, road, hospital or bridge could be

build without it.

The UK cement industry at present produces about 10 million tonnes yearly, on

behalf of about 90% of cement market. The industry uses both natural and waste-

derived materials to produce the well-known grey powder we are familiar with as

cement. The UK at present produce around 12 million tonnes of Portland cement every

year and an extra 1.5 million is imported (British Cement Association, 2007)

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The growth of cement manufacture in the UK pertains to the accessibility of

appropriate unprocessed materials and long permanent reserves, such as good

superiority limestone and chalk, which can cover up the demand of great cement plants

(estimated production capability 750,000 tonnes per annum per plant).

The cement manufacturing contribute almost a billion pounds yearly to the UK

economy. It operate 12 developed and two grind and combination plants and produce

approximately ten million tonnes of Portland cement a year, on behalf of regarding 90%

of the cement sold in the UK.MPA Cement is the deal involvement on behalf of the four

major UK manufacturer, specifically:

CEMEX UK Operations



Tarmac Buxton Lime & Cement

Cement has been second-hand as the required agent for real building materials

because the early Egyptian and Roman civilization. From the time when the

technological get through of Portland cement in Britain early on in the 19th century.

Business of Cement Sector

CEMEX is the world's main structure materials dealer and third major cement

manufacturer. Founded in Mexico in 1906, the company is base in Monterrey, Mexico.

CEMEX has operation extend approximately the world, with production services in 50

countries in North America, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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Lafarge Cement UK

World head in structure materials, Lafarge extract resources from the mind of the

earth to make materials to take to the heart of life. Nearby in 78 countries, the Group

responds to the world‘s command for housing and transportation. Lafarge is determined

by the needs of its customers, shareholders, local communities and architect. The

Group creates expert solution which gives confidence originality at the same time as

leaving a lighter outline on the world.

The global Lafarge Group took over Blue Circle Industries in 2002, to make

Lafarge Cement UK, even though Blue Circle branded cement continue to be produced

today. The company's extractions are in Kent where, in 1900, 27 small cement

manufacturers compound to form the Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers Ltd.

Tarmac Buxton Lime and Cement

Tarmac Buxton Lime and Cement is division of Tarmac Ltd which is an additional

of the Anglo American PLC, a worldwide player in the taking out and natural resource


Tarmac Buxton Lime & Cement has three installations in Derbyshire, two bases

in Buxton and the third at Ballidon.

At Hindlow, lime is affected in highly competent Maerz kilns; whilst lime, cement

and limestone for chemical and structure use are all produced at Tunstead, to the north

of Buxton. Here the business has newly replaced two old incompetent Rotary lime kilns

with a single state of the art Maerz kiln. Ballidon is the centre of operation for the

Limestone powder business, where in 2009 Tarmac Buxton Lime and Cement finished

their commissioning of their new production talent at an investment cost of £9m.

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Structure, Functions and Business Activities Of Cement Industries


The cement industry operates in regarding 150 countries of the world. China is

the major cement manufacturer with a share of 40% of the world manufacture, second

major manufacturer is India, third is USA, fourth is Japan, fifth is South Korea and

Indonesia is by the side of the 10th place in world cement manufacture. Italy, China,

Germany and Spain correspondingly are the peak 5 exporters of cement and USA,

Germany France and Japan correspondingly are the peak 5 importers of cement in the


Cement is fundamentally a local product and cement moving using land is

usually limited to 200-300 km of some plant location. The cement industry operates in

concerning 150 countries of the world. The industry is consolidating internationally, but

the ten major international firms only financial records for regarding one-third of the

international market.

FUNCTION The majority ordinary make use of for cement is in the manufacture of tangible.

Concrete is a complex material consisting of aggregate, cement, and water. As a

structure material, existing can be direct in approximately any figure preferred, and just

the once rough, can become a structural element.

User may be concerned in the factory manufacture of pre-cast units, such as

panels, beams, road furniture, or may construct cast-in-situ existing such as structure

superstructures, roads, dams. These may be complete with existing assorted on

location, or could be provided with "ready-mixed" actual made at lasting integration

sites. Cement is also used in mortars for plasters and screeds, and in grouts.

Comparative Position of UK Cement Sector With India

India is the world's second largest manufacturer of cement according to the

Cement Manufacturers‘ Association.

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Moreover, the government's constant force on transportation will help the key

building material to continue a yearly growth of 9-10% in 2010, according to India's

major cement company, ACC. In January 2010, mark agency Fitch predict that the

country will insert about 50 million tonnes cement ability in 2010, attractive the total to

around 300 million tonnes.

Further, communication at the Green Cementech 2010, a seminar together

organized by the amalgamation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Cement Manufacturer's

Association in Hyderabad in May 2010, G Jayaraman, Executive President, Birla

Corporation Ltd, said that in 2009, 40 MT of ability was additional and he expect a

similar tendency to follow this year. In the overall competitiveness ranking, Ambuja

Cements Ltd. comes first with 68.77 score.

The third position is taken by ACC Ltd. with 60.72 score. This effect is mainly on

account of its better performance in technological and ecological indicators as well as in

growth variables and possible. In both the pointer index, it has got first rankings.

Technological advantage comes from maximum investigate and development spending

and broad manufacture base with good number of plants, whereas it shows great

growth possible with firms‘ growth plans and good preservation expenditure.

Comparative Position of UK‟s Cement Industry for Export Import

with India

The country had been opposite acute scarcity of cement till a few years back and

it had to import cement till the center of 1980‘s for meeting the gap in demand and

supply. However, after a number of liberalization measures taken by Government, the

position was totally inverted and the country started exporting cement. The export of

cement and residue are mainly to Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius,

Africa, Scychelles, Burma, UAE, Singapore etc.

Although India is the second largest manufacturer, its share in the world deal was

only about 4% in 1994-95. Cement import of the Middle East and South East Asia

accounts for about 25-30% of the worldwide cement trade. Because of its nearness to

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these countries and the reputation of Indian cement in this region, India is competent of

exploit a major share of this import.

Present Position and Trend of Business With India

The Cement Industry in Europe and the Middle East: A Market/ Technology

Report is an in-depth study of the present position and view prospects (to 2012) for the

cement industry in both region, providing inclusive data on manufacture, expenditure,

imports & exports, and increase rates for the cement industry and its end user markets.

The cement industry is personally related to the existing industry, as so in

investigative the expenditure of cement, the report also covers the supply and demand,

and forecast, for the ready mixed and precast existing sectors, as well as looking at

trend within the building market usually.

Import - Export Policy with India

The Government of India, department of Commerce and Industry announce

Export Import rule after every five years. EXIM policy, in general, aim at rising export

possible, civilizing export performance, hopeful foreign trade and create positive

balance of payments position.

The Export Import Policy is efficient every year on the 31st of March and the

modification, improvement and new scheme become efficient from 1st April of every


Policies and Norms of UK

Company configuration in the UK that is creating a new private limited company

in the UK is an easy and easy procedure. There are more than a few online agencies

that can help you in form a company in the UK,

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A company is free to decide its financial yearend. Companies compensate

corporation tax at the rate of 21% where the net profit before tax does not go beyond


Tax rates on earnings over £1,500,000 is at 28%. The major rate of Corporation

Tax applies when profits are at a rate more than £1,500,000, or where there is no

declare to another rate, or where another rate does not apply.

Policies and Norms of India for Import or Export in UK

The force of government policy on cement demand has been progressively

decreasing with the sector being slowly but surely deregulated. At present, 100%

foreign direct investment (FDI) is allowable in the cement industry. Lafarge was the first

foreign company to enter the Indian market in 1999.

Potential for Export and Import in India

India has an installed capacity of 157 million tonnes per year, making it the

second largest cement producer in the world. As is the case in the United

States, several multinational cement producers have built up a larger share of

India‘s cement production industry. For example, Holcim has acquired a 14.8%

share in Gujarat Ambuja Cements, the second largest producer in India, while

the company was already very active in India previously.


The volume of cement traded internationally has traditionally been low relative

to domestic consumption. This is due to the nature of cement, which is heavy

and takes up large volumes, making it an expensive commodity to transport.


Table shows the ten largest cement importing countries in the world. The UK

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imports by far the most cement; both when measured by value and by net

weight. Its import value was over $2.5billion in 2010. Spain is the only

European country that has significant imports of cement, importing over 12

million tonnes.

The UK imports significantly more in relation to its domestic production than

the world average.


Looking at the export figures, it is unsurprising that China leads this chart, as shown in

Table. China exported over 36 million tonnes of cement in 2010, with a total value of more

than $1.1 billion.

Business Opportunities In Future

Location the prospect: The Cement Plant in 2030

Cement manufacture now and in 2030. Technology innovations are opportunities needs

present technology developments.

US perspective on type of weather change

Views beginning Australia, Stuart Ritchie, Cement Australia

Views starting the APP, Toshio Hosoya (JCA) / Yoshito Izumi (Taiheiyo


Business Opportunities in India

There are numerous factors which generate positive business opportunities in India.

India has a vast center class, with better purchasing authority, owed to the

elevated increase in the market. Increasingly Indians have developed into

more brands aware, resultant in enlarged increase for the retail sector.

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Company of exciting trade relations with South Asian involvement For

Regional Cooperation (SAARC) nations like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives,

Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Better infrastructure accessible for business ventures. India's aggressive

benefit in order Technology can be used to improve output in Industries.

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Macro economy is a rising one and is upward very fast in market competition

level among all service/industrialized goods providers. New players are

coming who will essentially make stronger the competition. New products and

new schemes are being offered by product providers.

Companies are providing services and good to the customer at a very

cheaper rate with better quality product. Companies are putting their best

offer to tie in major market share.

Traditionally, the mining of raw materials and the production of cement

occur in close proximity to each other and to the end use of cement.

Global demand is growing significantly, mostly spurred by emerging

economies such as India and China, as well as the building boom in the


The major players in the sector seem to consolidate their global positions,

both through mergers and acquisitions as well as through vertical



As cement sector of UK is being tend to be increased day by day. The quality if

cement of the companies of UK is better than the other companies of the world

and the leading companies in cement sector are also from UK. So that the

leading companies should think for expansion in India.

Because, in India, people are investing more in real estate day by day. As the

population of India and the standard of living of Indian people are increasing day

by day, people required more amenities with appropriate space and housing. So

that the people of India can also get the benefits for their housing and they can

also get employed by the companies of UK.

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Kazmi Azhar, ―Business Policy & Strategic Management‖, 2nd Edition, Tata

McGraw Hill Publishing Corporation Limited, Latest Delhi, 2000.


Business Today Published By India Today Cluster

Business World.

Train Transportation


Times Of India

Economics Times

Business Normal



www.Indian Train.Govt

www.Transportation of

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2 oil & gas industry and gas industry in the United Kingdom marketing/chapter2.html





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