

wonderful to be out of

the winter season of

2013/14. The snow

started in January and

continued into Febru-

ary. We have had one

storm after another,

along with way below

average temperatures.

Thank you to our

Maintenance Depart-

ment for keeping our

roads plowed and

passable. We then had

many mountains of

snow that needed

warmer temperatures to


Our children had many

extra snow days this

year which will have to

be made up much to the

unhappiness of the


Now that the weather is

warming up, divers will

be able to get into lake

and check out the Dam

gate. We will also be

able to start the neces-

sary repairs needed for

the Dam.

We are in the process

of erecting a Pole

building at the mainte-

nance area and are

waiting for final

blueprints and needed

permits. This building

will house equipment

and supplies needed by

Maintenance Depart-


By the time you are

reading this, Activities

Committee will have

hosted the children’s

Easter Party with the

Easter Bunny in attend-


Trash along our roads

is still a problem. Our

Maintenance Depart-

ment is constantly pick-

ing up bags of trash and

other debris thrown

onto our roads and

school bus stops.

Please, there is abso-

lutely no reason for this

to happen when our

dumpsters are open

seven (7) days a week.

Be more considerate of

our beautiful Commu-


I am most grateful to

all of my friends and

neighbors for all

flowers, cards, food

and phone calls after

my recent surgery.

Thank you from the

bottom of my heart!

Deadline for next issue

is May 3, 2014.

Update From The President Submitted by: Dolores Cosgrove

Waste Management Hours

Sunday: 7am to 7pm

Monday: 7am to 3pm

Tuesday: 11am to 7pm

Wednesday: 7am to 3pm

Thursday: 11am to 7pm

Friday: 7am to 3pm

Saturday: 7am to 7pm



s T




























We will begin registering boats and

reserving boat racks on Saturday

April 5th. The 2014 General

Meeting will be June 14th at 10am

at Penn 1 Volunteer Fire Company

on Route 903. The Community

Wide Yard sale has been scheduled

for The weekend of July 19th and

20th. While visiting the office you

will be asked to provide an

emergency contact to put on file,

this is optional.

The office will be closed

Wednesday April 2, 2014.

News From The Office

Page 2

Save the Date & Things to Do!!!


Local Area Events

April 12, 2014– Breakfast with Eater Bunny-Chateau at Camelback-570-629-5900

April 19th & 20th– Tough Mudder: Pocono

April 26th– Earth Day Festival– Downtown Jim Thorpe–

May 17th & 18th– Jim Thorpe Birthday Celebration

May 24th– Pocono Exterra– Hickory Run Race–

May 25th– Celtic Festival, Shawnee Mt.–

Mauch Chunk Opera House

April 4th– Start Making Sense

April 5th– The Blues Brothers

April 12th– Willy Porter

April 25th– The Sensational Soul Cruisers

May 3rd– Eaglemania

May 15th– Robben Ford Band

Penn’s Peak

April 12th– Get the Lead Out

April 25th– Queensryche

April 26th– Sha Na Na

May 2nd– Blue Oyster Cult with Foghat

May 9th– Fitz & the Tantrums


Hideaway Hills Golf Club-

Split Rock Golf Club–

Jack Frost Golf Club–

Mountain Laurel Golf Club– www.mountainlaurel


Bushkill Falls–

Hickory Run State Park

Beltzvill State Park

Lehigh Gorge State Park

For More State Parks Visit:

Horse Back Riding

Deer Path Riding Stables–

Segway Tours

Split Rock, Jim Thorpe or Shawnee

White Water Rafting, Paintball and Biking

Jim Thorpe River

Pocono White

Check Websites for Dam Release dates or other

activities that are offered.

TTPOA Meeting Dates

April 5th– ACC Meeting

Lake Preservation Meeting

Kids Easter Party 10am

April 12th– Board Meeting 10am

April 19th– Civil Penalty Meeting

April 25th– Optional Board


April 26th– Advisory Meeting

May 3rd– ACC Meeting and Ac-

tivities Meeting

May 10th– Board Meeting 10am

May 17th– Civil Penalty Meeting

May 27th- Optional Board


May 24th– Advisory Meeting

For The Kids

Claws “N” Paws Wild Animal Park-Opens May 1st.

Bear Valley Butterfly Sanctuary– Open Memorial Day Weekend

Split Rock Resorts– H2Oooohh! Indoor Waterpark, miniature golf,

a first run movie theature, a bowling center and arcade

Knoebels Amusement Park–

Towamensing Trails Events

April 11th– Trout Stocking

May 8th– Trout Stocking

Office Closed on May 26th

A PRI L/M AY Page 3

2014 Board of Directors Election

The Towamensing Trails Property Owners Association will be holding its annual Election for three (3) seats on the TTPOA Board of Directors. Any member in good standing is permitted to run for a position on the Board. The two candidates with the highest votes will win a seat on the board and will serve a term to expire in July 2017, the candidate with lowest votes will win the seat with the two (2) year term to expire in July 2016.

To be a candidate, you must fulfill the following requirements:

You must be a TTPOA member in good standing

You must be bondable, please fill out form (acquired from Teepee) before April 26, 2014.

You must submit an official petition containing the signatures of 25 different individuals who are members in good standing (Petitions will be mailed to you)

Only one member from a family may serve on the Board at any time

Any officer or representative of a corporation developer, realty firm and/or contractor conducting business with TTPOA shall not be eligible to run for the Board due to the potential conflict of interest (please note that, should you be elected, you will be required to sign a confidentiality statement in order to serve on the Board)

To be a candidate, you must submit your intentions in writing on or before 12p.m. noon on Saturday,

May 10, 2014. Official letter and petition will be mailed to the qualified candidates, by the office no

later than May 12, 2014.

Dear Towamensing Property Owners,

Greetings from your publication committee! The committee would like to bring to your attention some important events occurring over

these next two months which include several holiday celebrations (Easter, Passover, Arbor Day, Memorial Day, Friendship Week etc) as

well as our community board of director election. Please be aware that for the purpose of the election a separate publication will be dis-

tributed to all Towamensing Trails property owners. Please anticipate this mailing to your homes and please seriously consider the value

of your vote when it comes to the selection of our board of directors! This is our process and our community, let’s all partake in this im-

portant endeavor. The election publication will speak in greater detail with regard to the election process as well as provide you with an

introduction to each of the candidates seeking election.

If you are a community minded individual and have keen interest in running for a seat on the board of directors please note the dates out-

lined above are strictly adhered to in this process. Each step is associated with a date that must be strictly adhered to if one is to be con-

sidered for election. Step 1: You must fill out the required form and submit yourself for bonding ASAP and before April 26th, 2014. This

bonding process is at no cost to you and the results are strictly confidential should you not qualify for any reason. *You must be bonded

by our own insurance company even if you are already bonded by another company. Step 2: You must obtain an official petition and

collect the signatures of 25 different individual property owners (1 per household/property) who are in good standing with the community.

Each of the signatories collected will be closely scrutinized for meeting the outlined criteria and those failing to meet requirements will be

eliminated from the overall count of the petition acquired signatures. Candidates falling short of the 25 signatures as a result of signature

elimination will be disqualified. So if you are serious about running for office, it wouldn’t hurt to do a little of your own homework here

and vet those signing your petition upfront and/or even collecting more than the 25 required signatures. Step 3 you must submit your in-

tention to run for the board of directors in writing and by 12pm on May 10, 2014. Do not wait until the last moment with the completion

of this step as the lines can be long at the Teepee on any given day and letters of intent submitted at 12:01 pm on May 10, 2014 will not

be accepted.

The publications committee wishes all candidates the very best of luck in securing election. And once again, be on the lookout for the

Election Publication!

Kind regards,

Colleen Mack

Publication Committee Chair on behalf of the entire publications committee

poetry and/or poster contests. Public con-certs are held and ring of songs about trees or with tree names in the titles. People gather and conduct a tree search seeking out large, unusual or historic trees in their own neigh-borhoods. There are also local tree planting organizations where people can volunteer their time, meet new people and make a posi-tive difference in their community.

In the U.S., Arbor Day is sometimes called Earth Day and usually celebrated on the last Friday in April, but it does vary by state and is weather dependent. Here in Pennsylvania it is celebrated on the last Friday in April and our state tree is The Eastern Hemlock. If people

would like to enjoy the celebration this year, head down to Jim Thorpe on April 26,2014 for great music, arts and crafts, food, educa-tion and awareness festivities. The Opera house will have a show featuring The Lawn Boys, NYC Phish Tribute and the Wallace Brothers. The rain date is 4/27/14. For more info call Shelli @ 570-325-2079. I hope eve-ryone enjoys this very special day, I know I


The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” (Nelson Henderson)

Arbor Day (also known as Earth Day) comes from the Latin word Arbor which means Tree. It is a day when people and groups plant trees, take care of them and learn about them. Arbor Day was 1st celebrated in Nebraska City, Nebraska, by J. Sterling Morton on April 10, 1872. Approx. 1 million trees were planted that day in celebration. In 1883 a man by the name of Birdsey Northrop from Con-necticut was visiting Japan and brought with him the Arbor Day Message, from there it spread worldwide. There are many ways in which people celebrate this special day. Fami-lies get together and plant a tree on this spe-cial day. Cities organize beautification pro-jects in a public area and plant trees, or hold

Page 4

Arbor Day Submitted by: Publications

Memorial Day Submitted By: Publications


Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a

day of remembrance for those who have died in our na-

tion's service. There are many stories as to its actual

beginnings and there is also evidence of organized

women's groups in the South decorating graves before

the end of the Civil War. Memorial Day was officially

proclaimed on May 5th 1868 by General John Logan,

national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic

and was first observed on May 30th 1868, when flowers

were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate

soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. But Waterloo

N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial

Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May of 1966.

Today Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday

in May, passed by Congress. After World War I the hol-

iday changed from honoring those who died fighting in

the Civil War to honoring all Americans who died

fighting in any war.

Traditional observance of Memorial Day has dimin-

ished over the years. Today many Americans seem to

have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial

Day. At many cemeteries, the graves of the fallen are

ignored and neglected. This Memorial Day, let’s re-

member all those brave Americans who died fighting

for our country and if you see a soldier (young or old)

let’s thank him!

April Fools Day Submitted by: Publications

April Fools' day, sometimes called All Fools' Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. April Fools' Day is a non-religious, non-denominational celebration. It's origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar. It encourages you to feel young and energetic by playing pranks and acting silly. So whether you swap salt for the sugar for morning coffee, put food coloring in the milk for cereal or safety pin your husband’s underwear together, regain your sense of humor and add more laughter to life!!

Humor is the best companion to get

through life!!


Every spring, either late March or somewhere in the month of April, our family celebrates the holiday of Passover like many other Jewish fami-lies. The reason why it is not always the same date is because the Jewish holidays always follow the Jewish calendar. So it is on the same date every year, just not on the secular calendar date.

The holiday this year will begin at sundown on Monday, April 14th. All Jewish holidays begin at sundown. This holiday lasts a whole week long and there are many parts to it. First of all, we are supposed to get rid of all our “chometz” which is anything that has yeast and rises. We do not eat bread, crackers, pretzels, cookies, or cereal and anything else related to those items. We do eat meat, eggs, fruit, and vegetables, and a main staple becomes matzo. That is what takes the place of bread throughout the week. The Jewish people have become very creative over the years and have supplemented food items like macaroons, Passover cakes and cookies, and even made for Passover crackers and cereal. None of it can have yeast that rises. Different families have other traditions that they follow as well.

In our family, we have a semi-traditional Seder (festive dinner) that is sort of like Thanksgiving. However, the first and second night are very special so we have another Seder, the second night. You know how you feel after dinner at Thanksgiving? Like you can hardly walk? Well, imagine that feeling two nights in a row! The food is delicious and it is always great to spend the time with the family.

If you have ever seen Charlton Heston in the movie The Ten Commandments, or the Disney movie, The Prince of Egypt, then you are familiar with the reason for the holiday. It is all about when the Jews were slaves in Egypt. Moses was found in a basket in the river and brought to live in the palace. The Pharaoh did not know he was Jewish and he was raised as a prince. When he grew up, his sister came to him to let him know that he was Jewish and he needed to help free the Jewish slaves. He went on a long journey and decided to help the Jews. He tried to get Phar-aoh to agree, but of course he did not. He then had God help by showing Pharaoh that he could do things like turn the sea red, or change a stick into a snake. There was still no change. God then brought the ten plagues to Egypt which resulted in the death of the first born son. The Jew-ish people put ram’s blood on their doors so the Angel of Death “passed over” them. Their sons did not die. When Pharaoh’s own son died, he sent the Jews away. They left on foot with only the things they could carry. After a little while, Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his soldiers out after the Jews to bring them back. They were at the Red Sea at that point and God opened the sea so they could safely pass through. When the soldiers tried to follow, the sea closed in on them. The Jews made it safely across and then wandered for the next 40 years.

So that is the basic story of Passover. If you have never seen either movie that I mentioned, you should check out one or the other. It will give

you a better understanding and you will enjoy the movie as well. I do look forward to Passover each year because of the family time and lots of

good food, however since my birthday is at the beginning of April, there have been many times that I could not have a regular birthday cake and

that can be a real bummer!

I don’t know about you, but I have

often wondered what the big bunny

has to do with Easter. I went

through 12 years of Catholic school

which provided me ample oppor-

tunity to learn the ins and outs of the

Bible. I can tell you, the Bible makes

no mention of a long-eared, short-

tailed creature who delivers decorat-

ed eggs and candy to well-behaved

children on Easter Sunday. So I

thought a bit of research was in or-

der. So this is what I have learned:

Rabbits have long been the symbols

of fertility, to be prolific procrea-

tors! (There is a saying that accom-

panies that but I am not putting that

into print) So, that being said rabbits

are an ancient symbol of fertility and

new life. According to most of what

I have read the Easter Bunny came

to America in the 1700’s. The tradi-

tion was brought to us by German

immigrants who settled right here in

our own state of Pennsylvania. The

tradition was an egg-laying rabbit

called "Osterhase" or "Oschter

Haws." On the night before Easter,

children made nests in which the

bunny could lay its colored eggs.

They also left carrots next to the

nest in case the bunny was hungry

after all of that egg laying.

The fun was not just left to the chil-

dren though. Adults spent time bak-

ing cakes shaped like bunnies as well

as decorating eggs to leave for the


Because this tradition was so much

fun it spread further and further to

the wider public!

Page 5

The Holiday of Passover By Ellen Goldberg

Where Did The Easter Bunny Come From Submitted By: Publications


With the winter finally behind us I thought we could focus on Spring recipes.

Try them for you Holiday celebrations.

Pineapple Stuffing

(The perfect match to your Easter ham)

1 loaf white sandwich bread, inside

slices only (To kick it up I use Cinna-

mon Raisin Bread)

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened

3/4 cup white sugar

3 large eggs

1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple

Preheat oven to 350-degrees and place

oven rack in the middle.

Remove crust from bread and cut

bread into 3/4-inch cubes, it will yield

about 10 – 11 cups. Let bread dry out

overnight OR place bread on a baking

sheet and place in to 250-degree oven

for 40 minutes or until bread is dry and

hard through.

In the bowl of a stand mixer cream

together butter and sugar until pale and

fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time until

thoroughly mixed. Scrape down bowl

then add can of crushed pineapple and

mix well — it will look curdled, but

that’s okay. Pineapple juice and butter

don’t mix too well. Fold in cubed

bread making sure every piece is cov-

ered in pineapple custard.

Pour into 9×13 pan (it does not need to

be greased) and bake for 45 – 60

minutes or until the top is browning

and the edges are bubbly.

Ham and Cabbage Soup

Ingredients: 5 cups chicken broth 1 lb cooked ham, cubed 6 cups roughly chopped cabbage 4 medium baking potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch cubes (about 4 cups) 1 large onion, chopped 3 carrots, peeled and chopped 1 bay leaf 2 teaspoons dried parsley 1 (16 ounce) package frozen corn 1 1/2 cups light or heavy cream salt & freshly ground black pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper Directions: Add broth, ham, cabbage, potatoes, onion, carrot, bay leaf and parsley to a soup pot, cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add corn and cream, simmer uncovered until corn is tender. Season with salt and pepper. Enjoy!

Income $115,833.58


Administrative $13,895.15

Community Wide $14,566.02

Security $20,522.83

Maintenance $36,298.96

Recreation $1,321.13

Trash Removal $4,712.86

Restricted Funds $10,862.31

Total Expenses $102,179.26

Cash Assets

Mauch Chunk Activities $1,521.27

Lake Preservation $1,547.03

Mauch Chunk Operating $138,228.09

Mauch Mauch Money Market $201,795.99

1st Northern Money Market $215,758.40

Union Operating $401,936.83

Union Membership $54,934.72

ESSA CD $103,409.58

1st Northern $29,526.31

CDARS Reserve $1,094,558.74

CDARS Operating $1,181,313.85

CDARS Roads $500,043.84

Total $3,924,574.65

February Treasurer's Report

Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described

in the New Testament. Easter is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and

penance. It is the central event of the Christian faith. It is the oldest Christian holiday and the most important day of the liturgical year

(church year).

The date that Easter is celebrated on is quite complex, and has been a matter of controversy for a number of

years. The Western churches (Catholic and Protestant) celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following the

first full moon after the spring equinox. Sounds easy enough to calculate right? It is, of course, a bit more

complicated than that. These complex calculations yield an Easter date of anywhere between March 22 and

April 25. The Eastern churches (Greek, Russian, and other forms of Orthodoxy) use the same calculation,

but based on the Julian calendar and a 19-year paschal cycle. Confused yet? I am, so in case you are

interested here are the dates Easter will be celebrated for the next four years!

What is Easter? Submitted By: Publication

Year Easter

2014 April 20

2015 April 5

2016 March 27

2017 April 16


And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of Children." And he said: Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

back to a righteous path. Yes, parenting is not for cowards or the weak at heart. It’s about love, consistency, patience and sometimes some pretty dam hard work! And then just when you think they have grown into a stranger or their totally crazy; a little light shines through. This past Christmas I saw that light. Not just a twinkle but a bright shiny light that said “I think you finally made it”. You are now on course to the man you were meant to be!” Hallelujah” And Whew!! Tough one Lord, SERIOUSLY!

I was so moved this year when my son with

Parenting is a never an easy job. Oh sure, you get that pretty pink or blue package (minis a set of instructions) and for the first go round with children and may think you know it all, but remember God has humor and things are not always as easy as they seem. Those little people grow into bigger people who one day exceeds your height. Then the time comes when they think you’re silly and naïve and they know everything! We watch and hold our breathe while they venture off and stumble a little as they try to find their path, as we try to guide them with a gentle hand (or a baseball bat)

two small children and all his bills soon due was so moved to stand in line for an hour to pay a strangers lay away off in full. Always trying to fix what is not broken I said “Mommy is so proud of you, I will chip in and give you half that money back”. “No Mom! I am just looking at my own two kids and trying to buy some of my own bad karma back!”

Ahh….the light, the beautiful and warm little light. If I haven’t told you lately; I love you and PS: I have wished you one “Just Like You”.

Page 7

The Children BY: Kahlil Gibran

A Mother’s Day Baseball Miracle By: Carole Geckle

Buying Back Some Bad Karma Submitted By: Publications

I love Mother’s Day because it usually in-

volves restaurants, flowers, chocolate, and

funny homemade “I love you, Mom” cards.

But my favorite Mother’s Day didn’t in-

volve any of the traditional treats. It was all

about baseball. Our youngest son was 12

that year, and his dad and I were grinning

and bearing it through his third season in

Little League. Jon wasn’t a natural athlete

and, like me, tended to be a little chubby.

But also like me, he can be incredibly stub-

born when he wants something—and he

wanted to play baseball. So week in and

week out we went to practices and games,

rarely having the excitement of seeing him

hit a ball, run the bases, or even make a

catch in the outfield. But he tried hard, and

we were with him at every game, rooting

our team on.

That season was particularly challenging.

His team was coached by one of those dads

who cared much more about winning than

about the egos of athletically disinclined 12

-year-olds. The coach only played his win-

ners, particularly his own son. Needless to

say, Jon rarely left the bench. In fact, I

hardly had to wash his uniform. We were

all disappointed that year, but none of us

more than Jon.

On Mother’s Day Sunday we had a game.

It was pretty much business as usual until

the end of the ninth inning. Our team was

down by one run with two players on base

… and our son was up at bat. You could

tell by the coach’s face that Jon was the last

person on earth he wanted to bat. But

somehow there Jon was, poised at home

plate with more concentration in every

muscle of his body than I had ever seen

before. Jon swung at the first two pitches

and missed. Coach was about ready to have

a stroke. His eyes were bulging and his

face was as red as our team’s uniforms.

And then it happened … my Mother’s Day

miracle. My son connected bat to ball and

sent it soaring into the outfield. Players

started to run, parents started to cheer …

and I started to cry. Jon’s hit brought

home the two runners on base and got him

to third. We won the game! I think my

husband and I had the biggest smiles of all

as the players—and the coach—lifted Jon

up on a sea of “high fives.” When my son

was awarded the game ball, he gave it to

me. That was my very best Mother’s Day

present ever.

our disagreements. Perhaps we misspoke and in doing so stepped on a dearly loved friends “toe”. But an occasional conflict is part of friendship. Even the most well-

meaning of us all may have perhaps (if only by accident and with good intentions) have chipped at the heart of another. Few of us would care what an acquaintance says or does but a “friend” is someone who is

“valued” and is “special”. So the words of a friend are much more powerful. Let’s cele-brate this month by showing a friend that you love them and that you’re glad they are in your life. And if by chance, “I’m sorry” in is in order, let’s do that too! Real friends endure because “love” resides there and because we are motivated to work through an occasional bump in the road. And re-member what you learned in kindergarten- “Say you’re sorry when you hurt someone” and “When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together.” To all my treasured friends- a big Group Hug!

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Eleanor Roosevelt

Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of May. I must confess I never heard of the celebration until recently but it does bring that mountain house to mind. Over the years we have devel-oped new friends into “old” ones and thankfully we acquire new ones all the time! There was kindergarten when our friendship circle was easily increased, simply by asking “Do you want to be my friend?” and now there is the “Trails”. A good friend of mine is al-ways teasing he has a “friend quota” he must not exceed. In order to let a new one in, we’re going to have to throw one out! It’s a joke, a chuckle and nod if you will at how large the friendship circle has grown. Yes, we are quite blessed by the good friends we have met in our Pocono Haven. Sure, from time to time we have

Page 8

Pearls of the Community


TLTC Kitchen and Bar Staff

A big thank you to the kitchen and bar

staff is in order. For the third year in a

row both areas in the clubhouse re-

ceived 100% from the board of health

inspector, the last of which was a sur-

prise inspection on December 23rd. The

inspector even mentioned it is the clean-

est place he has encountered.

The board and members of the TLTC

appreciate their hard and diligent work!

Joe Trafka

As this shuffleboard season comes to an end, we would like to thank Joe Trafka for his dedication to the Shuffle-board Season. The season generally runs from November to April every Saturday afternoon beginning at 3:45 pm. Joe makes sure the table is ready, takes care of the participant list, keeps us all on track during the game and tracks the winners. The 2004-2005 season was the first shuffleboard tournament with only 6 participants and in this 9th season, the numbers have grown by leaps and bounds often reaching as many as 40 participants! It is wonderful to get together with lots of great people on those cold winter afternoons, play shuffleboard and have a lot of laughs! Joe also organizes the Holiday and End of Season Shuffleboard parties, another source of great joy for all of us. With that said, we all would like to say THANK YOU JOE for a job well done! You are the thread that weaves all our lives together.

FRIENDSHIP WEEK Submitted By: Publications

Brian Keefer

My husband and I would like to say a huge "Thank You" To Brian Keefer. Brian is

employed by the Towamensing Trails Maintenance Department and is someone that is

known to most of us as the kind of person who always goes above and beyond the call

of duty. And March 3, 2014 was no exception, when Brian once again went above

and beyond his duties! When my husband and I came up on Friday it was bitterly cold

outside. We kept hearing a crying cat, but could not figure out where it was coming

from. For days we searched but to no avail, finally on Monday, March 3, 2014 we

realized that the cat was stuck high upon a tree! We made several calls to which we

received the same response “That is not our problem!" Then along came Brian to the

rescue! He brought his ladder, climbed up this Jack in the Beanstalk sized tree and

freed the cat! Even though the temperature was 13 degrees and bitterly cold outside

Brain found the warmth in his heart to help! We are certain that the cat would not have

survived due to the bitter cold temperatures. Thanks so much Brian for saving this cats

life and restoring our faith in our Towamensing neighbors!

A PRI L/M AY Page 9

April/ May 2014

TLTC Board of Directors

President: Bob Steiger

Vice President: George Jakubisin

Secretary: Jeanne Pfaff

Treasurer: Joan Elliott

Director: Bill McKenna

Director: Larry Peabody

Director: Richie Gericke



04.05.14... DJ Tiny...8pm-12am

04.26.14...DJ Tony...8pm-12am


05.03.14...DJ Cindy...8pm-12am

05.17.14...DJ Tony...8pm-12am

Memorial Day Celebration

05.24.14...DJ Lenny Longo on deck-4pm-8pm

05.24.14...DJ Tiny Inside-8pm-12am

05.25.14...DJ Cindy on Deck-4pm-8pm

05.31.14...DJ John Martell-8pm-12am

**Special Announcement**

*Exercise Hour Continues on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 10am.

*Tuesday night cards, Texas Holdem’ no sign up necessary, just come and play.

Please have your membership cards available to show the bar tenders.

***Coming Soon Bar Bingo***

Updated News 24 hours at

TLTC Winter Hours

Monday: 4pm-10pm

Tuesday: 4pm-10pm

Wednesday: 4pm-10pm

Thursday: 4pm-10pm

Friday: 3pm-2am

Saturday: 12pm-2am

Sunday: 12pm-9pm


Saturday Bar Menu 12-4:45

Sunday Bar Menu 12-6

Monday Sausage or Hot Dog

Tuesday Flat Bread

Wednesday Roast Beef

Thursday Bar Menu 5-8

Friday Dinner Menu 5-10pm

Saturday Dinner Menu 5pm-9pm

Special Events

April 05, 2014: Medieval Night: Special Medieval dinner (Eating utensils optional) will be a lot of fun. DJ from 8-12

May 3, 2014: Kentucky Derby Party: Start Planning to wow us with your fancy hat. Prizes for best hats for Men and Women. DJ Cindy 8pm-12am

Memorial Day Celebration:

May 24, 2014: Saturday, entertainment on the deck with DJ Lenny Longo 4pm-8pm. Music will continue inside with DJ Tiny from 8pm-12am.

May 25, 2014: Sunday, entertainment on the deck with DJ Cindy 4pm-8pm.

The T.L.T.C. will be having their 7th.Annual golf outing on Friday June 6, 2014. Applications will be available at the clubhouse after April 1, 2014. It will be held at Edgewood in the Pines Golf Course. The price is $ 80.00

per golfer and includes, Golf carts, prizes, lunch and a dinner at the clubhouse.

Please make sure you have your 2014 Membership: The TLTC Membership Meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Saturday of every Month at 10am.


Be Prepared to Show your New 2014 Membership by January 31, 2014

tificate for the Club House. For infor-mation contact Richard Galley 570-722-1011. There will be two drop offs the Marina and the Lagoon. The fish are obtained by Big Brown Fish Hatchery and transported in a stock truck with oxygenated water. The official Open-ing Date of Trout Season is April 12th at 8am. Remember a fishing license is required with a special trout stamp for persons age 16 and over. Save the dates.

Are you ready to lure your catch? Well get those Rods and Reels ready Towamensing is getting the lake ready for all you anglers. The trails will be stocking the lake on April 11th and on May 8th at 10am. The lake will be stocked with 225 brown, brook and rainbow trout, 287 blue gill and 290 large mouth bass. There will also be 8 tagged Brown trout. For $5.00 a ticket anyone who catches a trout that has been tagged will win a $25.00 gift cer-

This will be the 3rd year for the tagged Trout Contest ! The first year the tagged trout were Rainbow, the second year they were Golden, and this year they are BROWN Trout! There will be a total of 8 TAGGED BROWN TROUT, 20 inches or larger, included in the trout stocking of the lake on Fri-day, April 11 at 10 am. This contest will run from Saturday, April 12

(opening day) UNTIL September 1, 2014. Last year there were 31 people entered in this contest, let's get that number even higher!! The entry fee is $5.00 and you must have a PA fishing license, trout sticker, and a badge from Towamensing Trails. Each tagged brown trout caught, could win you a $25.00 gift certificate to the clubhouse,

YOU MUST ENTER TO WIN! So, if you like to fish in our lake, you should sign up for this contest, and participate in this community event!! For more information or to enter, please call Richard Galley @ 570-722-1011

"Everyone should believe in something; I believe I'll go FISH-ING"--Henry David Thoreau

Page 10

Come One, Come All Fishermen and Women!! Submitted By: Publications

Anglers Wanted Submitted By: Publications


Daily Specials

Monday-Wing Night


Wednesday-Pizza Night

Sunday-Champagne Breakfast Buffet $10.00

Boulder View


April Entertainment

4...Crimson Tears...7-11pm

5...Mike Pilgermayer...7-11pm

11...Strawberry jam...7-11pm


18...Windfall Duo...7-11pm

19...Mother Natures Sons...7-11pm

25...Third Nut...7-11pm

26...Strawberry Jam...7-11pm


Committee Opening

The Emergency Management had opening and is looking for new

members. This Committee consists both of C.E.R.T. and Fire-

wise. You can join either one or both. The Committee is here to

inform and help keep your home and community safe. We are

also trained to render assistance in case of an emergency. We

would love to have anyone with emergency management, EMS,

Fire or Medical experience to join us. Information will be at the

Annual Meeting and “Teach a kid to fish” day. Both events are in

June. Our next meeting is in August or stop by the Teepee for

more information and a Committee application.

A PRI L/M AY Page 11


PO BOX 100


PA, 18210


For All Emergencies Call 911 Local Emergency Departments

Phone: 570-722-0302

Fax: 570-722-2061

E-mail: [email protected]

Property Owners Association

Towamensing Trails Security: 570-722-9563


1-800-916-7501(when connected hit 0)

TTPOA Office: 570-722-0302

Monday thru Friday 9am to 5pm Saturday 9am to 3pm

Closed Sunday

TTPOA Website:

TTPOA Email: [email protected]

Trails Lake and Tennis Club (TLTC): 570-722-8582

Police Department (non-emergency):

Carbon County Sheriff: 570-325-2821

Fern Ridge State Police: 570-646-2271

Postal Service:

Albrightsville Pine Point Plaza: 570-722-9493

Fire Department’s Penn Forest Township:

Fire Company #1 (Route 903) 570-325-4203

Fire Company #2 (Route 534) 570-722-0555

Albrightsville (Route 534) 570-722-8325

Borough and Township Offices:

Carbon County Office: 570-325-3611

Penn Forest Township office: 570-325-2768


Gnaden Huetten Memorial Hospital: 610-377-1300

Palmerton Hospital: 610-826-3141

Pocono Medical Center: 570-421-4000

Geisinger Wyoming Valley: 570-808-7300

US Veterans Hospital: 570-824-3521

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